0pen is a combination of an application launcher for user-selected applications and a means of accessing all applications when your extras drawer has too many items to be displayed. (Its an update, in effect, of three programs: Ope+, Ope+Prefs, and AllExtras.) Basically, 0pen has three parts: When installed, 0pen puts a persistent button on the Notepad's status bar (labelled with a W). The button will survive restarts. Tap the button to get a floating window with another W button in it. The floating window button pops down a menu. Selecting an application from the menu will open the application. The first two menu items are special: "Rebuild" will reconstruct the menu. This is needed if you change the content of your Extras drawer. "Settings" opens a new view with two scrolling lists: "All Apps" and "Excluded". Selecting an item in All Apps puts it into the Excluded List. Selecting an item in the excluded list removes it. When you have the list the way you want it, press the "set Preferences" button. If you do not press this button, no changes have any effect. Pressing the "Open Selected Application" button will open the last application selected in the All Applications list (and closes the settings view). Thats it. 0pen is copyrighted 1994 S. Millman. It is freely distributable, however. Comments are encouraged, however (StephenM35@aol.com).