================================================================== NameSlalom Version 1.1 June 12, 1995 Demo Release ================================================================== INTRODUCING NameSlalom: NameSlalom is a shareware utility program designed to augment the built-in Newton Cardfile. The idea behind it is to make the entries in your Cardfile no more than a few taps away. It uses the Cardfile's index as a means to give you rapid access any card. The index for a card is usually the last name, but it can be company too. You set it with the "List By" diamond menu in the "All Info" screen for a card. As you tap in the first few letters of the index NameSlalom zooms in on the entry you're looking for. From there you'll either be able to read the number you want right from the scrolling list, or tap it to go to that entry in the Cardfile. You'll find NameSlalom handy in the car, on the yatch, or in those situations when handwriting on the Newton isn't practical. HOW TO USE NameSlalom: You can either write directly in the name input area, or start tapping letters in. As you tap each new letter NameSlalom gets closer and closer to the name you were looking for. When you see it on the scrolling list just hit it to go to the card. The delete button will back-up one letter at time. Alternately, you can write directly in the name input area. All of the normal gestures work in the name input area (lie rub-out). One in the card file, all of the normal functions also still work just as before too. THE REFRESH button: I put in the code that should automatically refresh NameSlalom whenever something in the Card File changes, but I think there's a bug in the Card File that never posts the message that things have changed. This basically means that if you go into a card from NameSlalom then change something, there's a chance you won't see the change in NameSlalom's scrolling list. If this happens you can use REFRESH button to bring things up to date. I hope to eventually chase this anomaly down so that I can get rid of the REFRESH button. OTHER NOTES: You'll notice that when NameSlalom takes you to a card it sets the folder tab in the Cardfile "All Names". This is so NameSlalom can use the index in the Cardfile regardless of what folders you use. The built-in "find" pretty much does the same thing. This is normal behavior. NameSlalom works nicely with application launching utilities like "ShortCuts" so you don't have to go to the extras drawer over and over. That's how I use it. Note: I personally find that filing names in folders is not worth the trouble because it's really slow to switch folders. I like to just keep everything unfiled myself. I'm thinking about changing NameSlalom in a future version with a special flag for those of us who use unfiled only that tells NameSlalom not to bother setting the folder tab to "All Names" because everything is unfiled anyway. PAYING FOR NameSlalom: Please distribute NameSlalom freely, but this ReadMe file must always be included. In order to make NameSlalom as small as possible, there is no help or 'aboutI' screen in the program, but there is a REGISTER button... Please use it. This software has been released as "Shareware", you may make use of the software, and distribute it to any other user. However, it can't be used or distributed as part of a commercial program. I reserve all rights to the "NameSlalom" program. This is the DEMO version of NameSlalom. It's yours to use for 30 days free. If you're not hooked by then just trash it. If you want to keep it then register it with me and I'll send you your "key code" ASAP. NameSlalom is cheap shareware. It's only $5. There are no annoying automatic messages in NameSlalom about the fact that it is shareware, and reminding you to pay up. The objective was to make NameSlalom seem like an integral part of the Newton system. If you like NameSlalom please send $5.00 to: Joe Scarpa Nine Dot Box Solutions 588 Calle Hidalgo San Clemente, CA 92673 Please include the name of the program you're registering (NameSlalom), your name and address, where you got NameSlalom and an e-mail address so I can send you your key code and keep you up-to-date on the latest versions. This software is provided with NO warranties expressed or implied. I DO NOT warranty this software to be free from errors, and you use it at your own risk. If you have any bugs/problems/comments, please e-mail me at: America On Line: NDBS Internet: ndbs@aol.com ================================================================== NameSlalom Copyright )1995 Joseph Scarpa. All rights reserved. ==================================================================