Inker 1.0 Read me. 10/28/93 This Newton App replaces Inker 0.9b which I had released previously. Standard ReadMe. Inker is a Newton App which lets you change the size of the drawing ink quickly. When Inker is running a small floating window pops up and you can position it anywhere you like it. To change the ink size just click on size button and select 1-4. 1 is the smallest size and 4 the largest (duh!). I find it very useful when drawing, you may too. Inker 1.0 differs from 0.9b in that the floating palette is smaller and more graphical. My main goal is to take up as little user space as possible. Suggestions, comments e-mail to: internet: Flames, fan mail, donations, cat food, or anything you wish to send: Steven Nygard 646 Pierce St NE Mpls, MN 55413 Standard Disclaimer: Inker 1.0 is Copyright ) 1993 by Steven Nygard. It may be distributed freely for non-commercial purposes with this ReadMe. Rights are reserved by the author. The author assumes no risk in the use of this software. By the way, my mother's nick name is Inky so this is a modest dedication to her.