GrafMod ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is GrafMod? GrafMod is an application for replacing the built-in alpha keyboard with Graffiti. Double-tapping in the notepad or a text field will bring up Graffiti. GrafMod also sends the floating Graffiti button off the screen so it doesn't obscure other objects (it doesn't matter where I put the button it is always in the way). GrafMod has no options, it prevents access to the normal alpha keyboard, and you can't access Graffiti when you double-tap in a date, time, number or phone field (the floating button is gone). I like it this way so this is how it works. If you like it this way too then I think you'll find it useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to use GrafMod 1. Start the application by tapping on GrafMod in the Extras drawer. 2. The app appears (yes, it is small - this way it will fit the screen of all MessagePads, even the WristPad) displaying the word "Modified". This indicates that GrafMod has modified Graffiti's normal operation. 3. Tap on the app to dismiss the window. GrafMod's modifications remain in effect until you reset or run GrafMod again. How to unuse GrafMod (or... I don't like it, put it back the way it was!) 1. To return your Newton to normal operations without resetting it simply tap on GrafMod's icon in the Extras drawer. 2. The app appears displaying the word "Normal". This indicates that GrafMod has returned Graffiti to it's normal operation. 3. Tap on the app to dismiss the window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now the typical legal disclaimers. This software is provided with NO warranties expressed or implied. The author DOES NOT warranty this software to be free from errors. You use it at your own risk. GrafMod )1995 Greg Schumacher. This software has been released as "Shareware" and all rights to it are being reserved by the author. GrafMod may be freely distributed provided this file accompanies the package. Users groups and on-line services may distribute this software for a reasonable service fee. It may not be distributed commercially. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The ever-present shareware plea. If you find this program useful please send $5.00 to: Greg Schumacher 14710 - 32nd Ave NE Seattle, WA 98155 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ So, you have a better idea? Your comments and suggested are welcome and encouraged. Please send them to: Greg Schumacher Macintosh Minutemen Internet: AppleLink: MacMen AOL: MacMen CIS: 75530,1715 NewtonMail: Izikware