2>+G;z~~~~~GraffitiPatch 1.6 (C)1995 Innovative Computer Solutions, All Rights Reserved Written by Dan Rowley, Documentation by Tom Collins < Overview > GraffitiPatch is a small (approximately 8k of storage and 1k of heap) patch for the Newton family of products that implements a number of enhancements related to Graffiti by Palm Computing. It allows quick access to Graffiti from the standard Newton keyboard and enhances Graffiti, allowing you to shrink the Graffiti window and/or drag it partially off-screen, giving you much more flexibility in placement. Shareware, $10. < Disclaimer > ICS has no connection whatsoever with the Palm Computing, publisher of Graffiti. This package was not commissioned by, nor is it endorsed by said publisher. It has been tested with the latest available version (1.01), and is not guaranteed to work with future versions. If you should encounter problems using this patch, please do not contact Palm for technical support. Palm Computing does not approve or disapprove of this enhancement. < Installation Notes > There are two packages in the GraffitiPatch 1.6 distribution. GP16-Top.pkg displays the ZCN buttons across the top of the zoomed Graffiti view, GP16-Rgt.pkg displays them on the right. Install GraffitiPatch as you would any other package (with the Connection Kit or some other utility). It will not appear in your extras drawer. In order for it to be able to patch Graffiti, it must be installed AFTER Graffiti. If Graffiti is installed on the card, then GraffitiPatch must be installed on the card If you install GraffitiPatch on a card, do not attempt to remove the card while the Newton keyboard or Graffiti is open (visible). The Newton will inform you that it still needs the card and you will have to reinsert it. GraffitiPatch does not permanently modify Graffiti. To stop using the patch, simply remove GraffitiPatch as you would any other Newton Package. < How does it work? > Unpatched Graffiti: d} 2; 0(ohhPBrush 0 0 162 87BMf>("W(DD` *******************UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?********************?}?/z?<}?/}:?? }~??.`M}~?qM}~?.qM}~|?qM}~T?.qM}~l?aM}~T?.M}~|?qM}~?.qM}~?? }~?/}~?=}~?/}}~?}}~?/=}~??}=?.?D }z?dM}}?.wd}M}z?gd|M}}?.A$M}:?A$M}~??.gd|M}~`?wd}M}~@?.dM}~_|??D }~T?/}~]\?=}~T?/}}~_|?}}~@?/}}~_|?}}~_|?/}}~_|?}}~_|?/}}~_|?}}~@?/}}~??}}=?/}}z?}}}?/}}z?}}}?/}}z? }}?. }z?M}}?.oa$M}z?nI$M}}?.lI$M}z?hI$M}}?.aIM}z?cM}}?.gM}z?M}}?. }z? }}?/}}`z?}}@=?. }? }?.~M}IDp?pBM}Id?.gNM}cp?OBHM}I<?.OrIM}I1?OFM}?.gM}?pM}?.M}? }@=?. `z?}?********************?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU? *******************?` Patched: d5hs7; 0(/hhPBrush 0 0 362 101@BM.>(jepDDwG}w_~{_oJ<40nl2{^0o7v}:Jnoo2?Uo~k.kl{]Wo?uWuv}:2moo:?Vo>k.knw]Ww_uWuw{6:mwo:?7`^k.h.w]WwouWt{:mwa:>w.^k&k.w]SwouS5W{6:mwo:=t1oipw^4ww4N8{:Bwo~=w~{_o{};~}o`~>~{o}~o}_~_``|pUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT *********#r******************************?UUUUUUUUUQeUUUUUUUUUU?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?**********)b**********?/z?Qe}?}?/ibz?/<:?Qe ?}?/x)b?.? }~<?ye?e?`M}~|?/y9)b'"?.qM}~|?ye"%?qM}~|A?/y)b0b?.qM}~|c?yGe8e?qM}~|A?/y)b0b?.aM}~|?ye"%?M}~|?/y9)b'"?.qM}~|?ye?e?qM}~|?/x)b?.? }~~:?|Qe ?}~?/ibB?/=}~?Qe?e?}}~?/ib b?/}}~?Qe'e?=}~??/ib#b?/}:?Qe1e??D }}?/ib8b?.dM}z?QegfFQe}?gM}?/ggfibz?.pM}?ggfQe}?M}?/gFsf6ibz?. }@:?fxfvQe}? `}?(~g~)b?/z?pQe}?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?**********)b**********?********************?UUUUUUUUUQeUUUUUUUUUU?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT *********#r**********p``| GraffitiPatch adds a small button to the standard Newton keyboard that, when tapped, will immediately launch Graffiti. The button appears as a small "G" next to the close box of the keyboard window. Now, there is no need to keep the Graffiti floater open if it obstructs your view, since you can access Graffiti from anywhere you can access the keyboard. GraffitiPatch remembers which keyboard you used last (alpha or Graffiti) and will display that whenever you double-tap the screen or tap on the keyboard button. Also, GraffitiPatch will close the current keyboard (if open) when you double-tap the screen or tap on the keyboard button with. GraffitiPatch modifies Graffiti itself to provide for more convenient positioning of the Graffiti window. Without GraffitiPatch, you are strictly limited to the dimensions of the screen when dragging the window. With GraffitiPatch installed, you can drag the window almost completely off the screen, allowing you to place it out of the way without closing it, or place it with only a portion of the input window showing. (Power Tip: Dan likes to drag it so it covers the "Find" and "Assist" buttons. Not only does free up more of the screen, but it relocates the stroke area to a part of the screen less affected by scratches.) GraffitiPatch also adds three additional buttons to the Graffiti window. First, it adds a "K" button that will switch back to the alpha keyboard. Second, it adds a proper close box in the lower right hand corner. Click on the close box, and Graffiti will close (completely). Click on the original Graffiti minimize button (which still shows behind the close box) and Graffiti will minimize. Third, it adds a zoom button (labeled "z") which shrinks the Graffiti window so it is exactly as large as the writing box. Click the zoom button again to bring the window back to full size. While zoomed, you still have access to the Caps and Num Lock buttons. NOTE: If you use a heap cleaner like Quickies, make sure you exclude both Graffiti and the alphaKeyboard. If you do not, GraffitiPatch will forget which 'state' it is in, and parts of the patch will be clobbered. < Registration Information > This application is SHAREWARE. If you decide to keep it, please register by sending US$10.00 to Innovative Computer Solutions; ATTN: Tom Collins; 1075 North Miller Road, #142; Scottsdale, Arizona USA 85257-4612. Please include your name, the name of this utility (GraffitiPatch 1.6), type(s) of MessagePad(s) owned, address (postal) and preferred e-mail address so we can contact you about updates and our other products. Credit card registrations are processed by Kagi Shareware, and require the use of a special registration program. You can download the Mac or Windows version of this program from . You can also register GraffitiPatch on CompuServe. GO SWREG and search for apps with the keyword "ICS" to see all of our programs. GraffitiPatch is program #3932. If you have registered any previous version of GraffitiPatch, you are automatically registered for this version. PLEASE BE HONEST and register this software if you use it -- we can't continue to write cool Newton apps if we don't get any support. We deliberately priced GraffitiPatch where anybody can afford it. Ten dollars really isn't that much, but it means a lot to us - please don't violate our trust by failing to register your shareware. < Bugs, Questions, Comments, Suggestions... > Send e-mail to the author, Dan Rowley, at dan@newts.com. For business and registration related messages, please write tom@newts.com. You can also get general information by e-mailing info@newts.com, or find out what we're up to by mailing news@newts.com. We want to develop Newton applications to fit YOUR needs. Give us feedback, let us know if we're doing it right. We're here for you. < Our Other Newton Applications > Check out our popular Newton utilities, NewtCase and SleepAid. They were voted numbers three and five (respectively) in the GNUT Top 10 Shareware List of September 1994. We're also responsible for HeapIt, NewtInfo, Newt21, ICS Fixer, Soup Kitchen, GestureLaunch, inLine and PrefsPatch. You can find our software on CompuServe (GO NEWTON), AOL (PDA and NEWTON), AppleLink, eWorld, and the Internet (newton.uiowa.edu, ftp.amug.org, etc.). Internet users should check out our World Wide Web page at http://www.newts.com/ and FTP files (always the latest versions) at ftp://ftp.newts.com/pub/. < Legal Mumbo Jumbo > Newton, MessagePad, Connection Kit and Apple are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Graffiti is a trademark of Palm Computing. You can't sell GraffitiPatch, but you can charge a nominal fee for connect time or media (not to exceed $5). Contact the authors if you plan to include it in some sort of shareware/freeware collection or bundle it with a commercial product. In using this software, you understand and agree that this software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The authors do not make any warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software. In no event shall the authors be liable for any consequential, incidental, or special damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of critical data, loss of profits, interruption of business and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use this software. Have a nice day. ;-) Innovative Computer Solutions / (602) 970-1032 1075 N. Miller Rd. #142 / Scottsdale, Arizona USA 85257 Dan Rowley/dan@newts.com/CIS: 73563,2343/eWorld: DRowley Tom Collins/tom@newts.com/CIS: 75460,2121/eWorld: Innovative both Graffiti and the alphaKeyboard. If you do not, GrafwspGlWie.b(^?[[-Wy-Tv2Pzh$4 < v2%2x54tX4q76mN6jG;f.b(^?[[-Wy-Tv2Pzh$4 xOxxEGW.m/&(?vAV<<V0i2<W$WY$C&k'i),,Y-[-y-&0&<p<p&0(01 1t2v2%23454X4}555676N6^7`7W8Y8"9$9$9G:I:d:f:;xO;x ;xG;xI;x}555676N6^7`7W8Y8"9$9< Times New Roman Arialtch on CompuServe. GO SWREG and search for apps with the keyword "ICS" to see all of our progra