FindRecent 1.0 ) 1994 by Thomas J. Volgger With FindRecent installed the last ten terms one was searching for are listed in the pop-up menu of the Find slip. This is useful for example if you just looked up the phone number of someone and as you try to call him or her the line is busy. Then you look for another number other whatsoever. After a few minutes you want to give the call another try, but you still can't remember the phone number. Now you just pick up the name from the list instead of rewriting it. It just takes about 4K of the precious Newton memory and it doesn't even show up in the Extras drawer. (But it can be deleted via the Remove Software pop-up, just like every other software package.) Disclaimer: 'FindRecent' is FreeWare. It is provided "as is" and free of charge. It may be freely distributed. It may not be sold. All commercial distribution is prohibited. Only nominal download costs may be collected in connection with online distribution. I hope someone will find it useful. Please let me know what you think. Suggestions are wellcome, too. (AppleLink: JACK.BOX, InterNet: Thomas J. Volgger Vienna / Austria J PS: I could not have done FindRecent in such an elegant manner (as I think of it) without this great article "Parts is (not Necessarily) Parts" by Michael Engber in the May issue of PIE Developers, which by the way is an excellent magazine.