J EleganceLite* By Nicolas Cianca Version 1.2.1 Copyright ) 1993-1995 Lightbulb Factory, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Elegance*, EleganceLite* and its Logos are Trademarks of Lightbulb Factory, Inc. Elegance is a floating, customizable toolbar that gives you easy access to many of the features available on the Newton, as well as access to many more that are not otherwise available. Elegance provides the Newton with the functions you wish it had! EleganceLite is a slimmed down version of Elegance and doesn't support any customization of the menus. It also doesn't offer as many text options as regular Elegance. J EleganceLite Palette EleganceLite installs a small moveable palette at the bottom of the Newton screen providing instant access to frequently used Newton functions through a series of pop-up menus. The EleganceLite palette may be moved anywhere on the Newton's screen and will be available in all applications. J The Arrows Icon To move the EleganceLite palette simply tap the arrows icon and drag it to a new position. Double tapping the arrows icon will shrink or expand the palette. This is the only icon that doesn't show any menu. J Font List Menu EleganceLite allows the user instant access to all Fonts. Any selected text in any Newton application supporting fonts, such as the built-in Note Pad application, may be changed with a simple "tap." Fonts may be mixed within a selection of text. EleganceLite supports Geneva and New York, known as "Simple" and "Fancy" in the Newton's built-in Styles application; as well as "Espy", an internal font available only through the use of EleganceLite. If no text is selected, the Font List menu changes to Default Font. Selecting a font at this time sets the Newton's default font. J Font Size Menu EleganceLite offers font sizes in 9, 10, 12, 16, and 18 points. Font sizes may be mixed within a selection of text. If no text is selected, the Font Sizes menu changes to Default Size. Selecting a size at this time sets the Newton's default font size. J Font Styles Menu EleganceLite provides the following font styles: Plain, Bold, Italic, Underline, Outline, Shadow, Condensed, Extended Superscript and Subscript, expanding from the Plain, Bold and Underline available from the Newton's built-in Styles application. Font styles may also be mixed within a selection of text. Example Bold and Italic may be used together. This is not possible using the built-in Styles application. If no text is selected, the Font Styles menu changes to Default Style. Selecting a style at this time sets the Newton's default font style. J Pen Sizes Menu EleganceLite provides instant access to all standard 4 pen sizes, allowing the user to change pen sizes quickly while drawing or writing. EleganceLite also includes 2 additional pen sizes. J Sleep Time Menu EleganceLite allows the user to change the Newton's sleep time with very little effort. The Sleep Time Menu includes the following options: 30 Seconds, 1 Minute, 5 Minutes, 10 Minutes, 30 Minutes, Never and Sleep Now. A Reset menu item is also provided. This reset provides the same function as opening the back panel of the Newton's and pressing the reset button without the inconvenience of doing so. J Tools Menu The Tools Menu is pre-configured in EleganceLite and allows instant access to: Calculator Prefs In Box Out Box Standard Keyboard Numeric Keyboard Phone Keyboard Date Keyboard J EleganceLite Menu The EleganceLite menu provides access to the About screen, Help screen, Set Home Position, Reset Home Position, Automatically Open and Close Elegance. Set Home Position If you prefer a different home position. Simply move the EleganceLite palette to the desired position and select this menu item. EleganceLite will now return to this position when Elegance is closed (see Close EleganceLite below) or the Newton is reset. Reset Home Position This menu item allows you to reset the home position to the factory default position next to the keyboard icon. This item will only appear if you have changed the home position. Close EleganceLite You may "close" EleganceLite in two ways. The first option is to tap the Elegance "e" icon in the extras drawer. This first option only hides EleganceLite and does not clear up any memory EleganceLite was using. The second option is to use this menu item, which does clear up any memory EleganceLite was using. About Elegance The regular version of Elegance contains more features then EleganceLite and is fully customizable. You can add your favorite tools and applications to the menus, add extensions to the toolbar and more. Complete information on Elegance is also available by sending e-mail to: EleganceInfo@lightbulb.com or visiting our web server at http://www.lightbulb.com/elegance Elegance is available from the same place you got EleganceLite or from our ftp server (ftp://ftp.lightbulb.com/elegance/elegance-1.2.hqx) or by sending e-mail to GetElegance@lightbulb.com (you must have a service that is capable of handling a message that is around 95K.) Compatibility Elegance as been tested and is compatible with the all existing Newton devices, including the Apple MessagePad, MessagePad 100, MessagePad 110 and MessagePad 120, the Sharp ExpertPad and the Motorola Marco. Questions & Support Elegance has been extensively tested and has been in use on many Newtons since late 1993. If you have any questions or problems, please send e-mail or access our web server. If you are reporting a problem, please include a description of the problem you are having, along with information about the Newton make and model, amount of memory you have installed and other packages. If you are using our web server, you can fill out a form to report your problem or ask your questions and you can also access our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database. e-mail: support@lightbulb.com web: http://www.lightbulb.com Registering & Upgrading EleganceLite is shareware. If you use it you must pay to register it. Only registered users are entitled to receive technical support and automatic updates. EleganceLite US$10.00 (available only via Electronic Distribution) Regular Elegance is available in two ways, an Electronically distributed version and a Physical version, which is mailed to you and includes a printed manual and a disk for the platform of your choice (Mac or Windows). Please see the enclosed Order Form that is included with the Elegance distribution. Elegance (Electronic Distribution) US$25.00 Elegance (Physical Distribution) US$35.00 These registration fee's are for a single Newton device. If you are interested in obtaining a registration for more then one device, please contact us at: sales@lightbulb.com. We offer flexible registration and site licensing programs. If you wish to upgrade your copy of EleganceLite to Elegance please send US$15 for the "Electronic" version or US$25 for the "Physical" version. You must be a registered user in our database in order to upgrade. If you are not, we will require proof of purchase for your version of EleganceLite (e.g. APS Newton Case Bundle). To Register your copy of Elegance, you can either send cash, check or money order in US funds or Purchase Order (major companies and institutions only) to: Lightbulb Factory, Inc. 69 Wooster Street 6th Floor MS-3B New York, NY 10012 PO's may be faxed to: 212-966-4130 Note about Credit Card purchases. At this time we are not setup to accept credit cards, but we expect to be able to accept them by the end of April, 1995. Please drop us a note if you wish to register using your credit card. There will be a surcharge for credit card orders. If you are not using the enclosed ORDER FORM, please make sure that you include your name, telephone numbers, e-mail and regular mail address. Also indicate if you would like to be notified via e-mail when new versions become available. Please support shareware authors so that we may continue to bring you useful software. Legal Stuff Elegance and EleganceLite are copyright ) 1993-1995 Lightbulb Factory, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Elegance, EleganceLite* and its Logos are Trademarks of Lightbulb Factory, Inc. This software is NOT in the public domain. You may freely copy and distribute this software, provided that you do not charge for it. This software may be included in any disk or CD-ROM library for public domain and shareware software sold by a non-profit organization. This software may not be included in any commercial software collection sold for profit, nor may it be bundled with any commercial software, hardware, books or other media without a software license from Lightbulb Factory, Inc. Permission is granted for the distribution of this software via commercial on-line providers (such as CompuServe, America Online, eWorld, AppleLink, etc.), internet service providers and BBS systems that charge a nominal fee for connection time or membership, not who do not charge for the software itself. However it is distributed, the Elegance package must include all the original, unmodified, files of the Elegance distribution, including the software and this documentation. The most recent version is always available from our ftp server in the Elegance directory (ftp://ftp.lightbulb.com/pub/elegance). Disclaimer of warranty: In using this software, you understand and agree that this software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and performance of using this software lies entirely with you, the user. The author (Lightbulb Factory, Inc.) does not make any warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software. In no event shall the author be liable for any consequential, incidental, or special damages whatsoever (including without limitation damages for loss of critical data, loss of profits, interruption of business, and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use this software. Although the author would appreciate any feedback and bug reports, the author shall not be responsible for correcting any problems which you discover or otherwise help you maintain and use this software. Furthermore, the author may at any time replace, modify, alter, improve, enhance or change this software.