Clipper v1.3 ____________________________________________________ copyright 1994 Ben Gottlieb and Stand Alone Software Clipper will place a floating button on your newton screen with a small scissors icon in it. This button may be dragged anywhere on the screen, or even partly offscreen. You can select text and drag it onto the button. After letting go you will hear a small click or a small squeal, letting you know that the text has been clipped. To access clippings, simple tap on the button, and a popup list will appear. Selecting an item from the list will paste it after the current insertion point. There are several other choices available from the menu: "Paste One Time" When this option is checked, all clippings will only be pasted once, and then removed from the list. A clipping will be marked as Paste Once if this option is checked when the clipping is made. It's setting when the clipping is pasted is irrelevant. All clippings marked as Paste Once will have a small infinity symbol next to them in the menu. "Remove An Item" Tapping this will pop up a second menu. Choosing an item from this list will remove it from the list. This can be undone using the Undo button. "Remove All Items" Selecting this option will clear the entire list. This can also be undone using the Undo button. "Name an Item" This will bring up a window with three parts: a menu to select the current clipping, a text line to write in a new name for it, and a button to let you view the entire clip. This is useful for large chunks of text in which the first line (the one that will appear in the menu) is not particularly helpful in identifying the clipping. The new name will appear in the menu, but will not be pasted. "Move to Status Bar" Selecting this will move the button to the status bar of the notepad, and will make it non-floating (so that it will not obscure applications.) This is not available if the button is already on the status bar. "Float Button" Selecting this will make the button float above all other applications, and will restore it to it's previous location. This is only available when the button is on the status bar. "About Clipper" This will bring up a small window telling you the current version number and how to contact me. ___________ Legal Stuff: I am in no way responsible for any loss of data that may occur as a direct or indirect result of using this software package, so you can't sue me! _______________________________________________________________ If you have any comments, suggestions, bug reports, or requests, I can be reached at the following addresses: Internet: eWorld: gottlb AOL: gottlb Snail Mail: Ben Gottlieb 708 Forest Ave. Evanston, IL 60202 _______________________________________________________________________________ This application is shareware. If you find it useful, please send $15 US to the above address. Please include an email address so that I can mail you a registered version. [make all checks out to Ben Gottlieb] This copy will expire in 30 days. Thanks! Ben Gottlieb Stand Alone Software ______________ One last thing: Some of you may have noticed that several of my applications have gone up in price. There are many reasons for this, but one of the major ones is that some people feel that it isn't worth it to send in a $5 registration fee. In the interests of fairness, all current users will still receive free upgrades. In addition, if you register $50 worth of software, the registration fee will be only $40. (This does not include the special offer of half off Scroll Menus with any other registration.) _________________ Other Stuff by me: User Picker: Allows you to store multiple configurations (handwriting recognition, name, address, etc.,) in the same newton, and switch between them. (shareware: $15) Clipper: Clipper places a button in the status bar of the notepad, or a floating, draggable button anywhere on the newton screen. You can select text and drag it onto the button to 'clip' it. Tapping on the button will bring up a list of all such clippings. Selecting one will paste it after the current insertion point. (shareware: $15) Mail Edit: Offers a new way to read and reply to email on the Newton. It allows you to read messages in a variety of fonts and sizes, and allows easy access to the keyboard and, if it's installed, Graffiti* (<-- a trademark of Palm Computing, used without permission.) It also makes use of more of the screen, allowing you to edit more of a message at once. (shareware: $15) Constants: Places a new entry in your formulas app that allows access to a variety of physical constants. (freeware, for now) Periodic Table: Adds a new entry to the formulas app with a periodic table. Clicking on an element brings up the data (such as atomic weight and volume) of it. Also, molecular weights of compounds can be found. (shareware, $10) NotePopper: places a button in your statusBar that will pop up a list of notes to which selected text can be appended. (shareware: $10) Score Pad: lets you keep score in two player games. (freeware) Icon Editor: A (very) simple icon editor for the Newton (look for an improved version, coming soon to an archive near you! currently freeware) What Error: Gives more information when an error message pops up. (shareware: $10) Names To All Overview: Sets the name file to open to all names in the overview mode at startup, so that names app opens faster. (freeware) In Box Expander: Allows mail and beamed items to be received on the card or internal store. Also makes in and out boxes, connection, and card slips draggable. (freeware) Librarian: Saves your place in books and bookmarks you make through hard restarts. Also allows you to use the power switch as a 'next page' button (on the MP100 only :-( shareware: $10) NameSelector: Pops up a window in which a single character can be entered. After writing that letter, it opens the name file and moves to the name which starts with the letter written. (shareware, $10) Wake Up Week: Puts a window up at wakeup time and shows you your coming week of the calendar (shareware, $15) Store Keeper: Changes the default store whenever you're in Names or Dates so that information entered there always ends up on the internal store. (shareware: $10) Capitalizor: Allows you to change the case of an entire note to all upper or lower case, or capitalize all words in a note. (freeware) Graph Paper: Places a button in the notepad that will make the notepad look like a sheet of graphpaper (note: does *not* show up on printing or faxing.) (freeware) Hourly Chime: Allows you to make the newton chime periodically, on the hour or at some other interval. (freeware) Scroll Menus: Makes all pop-up menus on the newton scroll if there are more items than will fit on screen. (shareware: $10, $5 with any other registration) _______________ Version History: 1.32 24 Dec 1994 Fixed Grip of Death problem when in the Status Bar 1.3 19 Dec 1994 Fixed it so that no leading space checking is needed, added a naming feature, an about box, and condensed the two versions into one. Reduced heap requirements. 1.21 5 Dec 1994 Added "Add Leading Space" option, allowing clips to be pasted with or without a leading space. 1.2 3 Dec 1994 Added "Paste One Time" features, brought the two versions more in line with each other 1.1 2 Dec 1994 Added floating version, reduced heap requirements 1.01 1 Dec 1994 Fixed a possible problem if no other status bar buttons were installed 1.0 30 Nov 1994 First public release