CLIP* v1.1 REGISTER FORM If you like the program and wish to own a license to use it, please send me this Clip Registration form and your payment of US$20 (cheque or cash) to: Geert Jadoul Reuzenpoort 1A 2140 Borgerhout Belgium - EUROPE I'll send you a letter with your Registration code (based on your name) as soon as I receive this letter from you. If you have an e-mail address I'll send you the information by e-mail as well. You will NOT receive a floppy with a copy of Clip on it. Clip only needs the right registration code to allow you to use it longer then the one week trial periode. Your Name _______________________________ (your name as in the Preference-Personal area of your Newton, be sure to make a difference between Caps and non-Caps, and include all spaces) Company Name ____________________________ Address _________________________________ ________________________________________ City ____________________________________ State ____ Zip _____________ Country __________ Your computer type: [ ] Mac [ ] Windows e-mail Address ____________________________ Phone Number _____________________________ Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________