Clip v1.1 READ ME FILE INTRODUCTION ********************************* Clip v1.1 is a US$20 ShareWare program. It allows you to copy selected text (from any application) into Clip's database or copy it to any Folder in the NotePad. Text in Clip's database can be Pasted . If there is hilited text, you can Paste the entry BEFORE the selection, BEHIND the selection, or you can REPLACE the selection. If no text is hilited but there is a insertion point, the text will be inserted. EXPLAINED ************************************ Clip v1.1 is a floating application. It has 2 fixed sizes. % Small window. The small window has 4 buttons. 1. the "ADD" button adds the selected text to Clip's database. 2. the "NOTE..." button shows a popup menu with a list of all folders on your Newton. Tap on the desired Folder Name to copy the selected text to the NotePad in that Folder. Remark: if no text is selected, both ADD and NOTE will tell you so. 3. SIZE button: will resize the application to the Big window size. 4. CLOSE button to close the application. The application name CLIP* is an area you can use to drag the window around with. % Big window The Big window has got the buttons ADD, NOTE... and CLOSE as in the small window. The big window allows you to see the database entries and browse through them. Additionally there are the following buttons: 1. SIZE button: to resize the application to the small window. 2. DELETE: to delete the selected entry in the database. If you delete the last entry, Clip will make a new one with the Clip Welcome message. 3. NEW: to create an empty database entry. 4. PASTE: Text in Clip's database can be Pasted . If there is hilited text, you can Paste the entry BEFORE the selection, BEHIND the selection, or you can REPLACE the selection. If no text is hilited but there is a insertion point, the text will be inserted. If there is no insertion point and no hilited text Clip will tell you so. 5. "I" - button: the "I" or info button will open a window telling you how to register for Clip. It also has got the Registration Number. Clicking on the text field of the Registration Number will open a keyboard to let you fill in the number. (See also the Register.txt file) 6. SELECT ALL: to HILITE the text in the database entry. example: you have an entry with the text "call bob". You tap SELECT ALL to hilite the text. You tap assist to execute the text. % Browsing through the database If the database has got more then one entry, a slider is shown. Left and right from the slider there are UP and DOWN arrows to go back and forwards through the database entries. You can also use the diamond of the slider. % Change the text in a database entry Tap on the text field of the database entry. this will toggle the alpha-numerical keyboard, putting the insertion point in the database entry. You can enter text with the keyboard or with an utilitiy like Graffiti. TIP: Tap SELECT ALL; tap on the text field of the database entries; tap Delete (on the keyboard) to delete the entry contents. % Finding entries Clip support the FIND ALL function off the Newton. To find an entry, tap Find on the Newton Bar; type in the name of the text to find; Clip will resize to (if necessary) to the Big Window size to show the Found entry. % Exporting database entries to NotePad To copy a database entry to a new Note do: Tap SELECT ALL; tap on NOTE... to copy the entry to the desired NotePad Folder. SOUPS AND APPLICATION **************** Clip v1.1 has the following soups: - ClipSoup:JADG on internal: holds the database - ClipSoup:JADG on card : holds the database - ClipPrefs:JADG on internal: holds the preferences Clip v1.1 (Clipboard:JADG) takes 1 30K of space on your card or internal memory. HISTORY ************************************** % v1.1 Put on CompuServe on 12 juli 1995 Put on Internet ftp-site directory on 12 juli 1995 Added function: - improved Paste. If there is hilited text, you can Paste the entry BEFORE the selection, BEHIND the selection, or you can REPLACE the selection. If no text is hilited but there is a insertion point, the text will be inserted. - Create new (empty) entries - Changing entries with keyboard - Select All - Find entries with Newton Find function % v1.0 Put on CompuServe on 7 juli 1995 Put on Internet ftp-site directory on 7 juli 1995 Put on Internet on 7 juli 1995 - first release CONTACT ************************************** Geert Jadoul Reuzenpoort 1A 2140 Borgerhout Belgium - EUROPE CIS: 76271, DISCLAIMER *********************************** Clip along with this ReadMe file and the Register file may be put on other bulletin boards as long as they stay together. It is copyrighted! This program may not be sold or included with any other software collection (CD ROMs, etc) without my written permission. Do not alter the copyright notices or any other portion of this program. I claim no responsibility to damage induced by this package to your system. The user will be using it AT THEIR OWN RISK.