Name = APPGEN3D Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:APPGEN3D Size: 98K Date: 4/26/97 Description: AppGen 3 Demo - is an application generator, enabling users to easily generate their own custom tailored data-collection applications for Apple's Newton PDA. Data can be saved to internal memory or external PCMCIA memory cards; searched using Newton's standard Find facility, and sent to other computers for further processing via the Newton Connection Kit. AppGen allows users to generate scrollable data entry screens populated with any number & combination of the following field types: Popup, Numeric, FreeForm, Date, Phone, Currency, Time, Fraction, Stopwatch, External Lookup, Hierarchical-Popups, Sketches, a NotePad interface to allow printing, faxing, beaming, and External... Name = ARRAYEDI Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:ARRAYEDI Size: 28K Date: 4/18/94 Description: ArrayEditor - These user prototypes (protoArrayEditorVtHick, protoLabelEditPickerVtHick and protoLabelEditInputLine) are Shareware. protoArrayEditorVtHick - interface between program and user for modifying of arrays. protoLabelEditInputLine - a protoInputLabelLine with the added feature of the user being able to edit the labelCommands. This proto requires protoArrayEditorVtHick to work. protoArrayEditorVtHick must be declared as arrayEditorVtHick in the a parent view. protoLabelEditPickerVtHick - a protoLabelPicker with the added feature of the user being able to edit the labelCommands. This proto requires protoArrayEditorVtHick to work. Shareware, see the docs for... Name = BARCODE1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:BARCODE1 Size: 25K Date: 2/12/98 Description: Barcode-1.0 - You can use this application as a sample for incorporating barcode scanning into your own programs. Name = BUGTRAP1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:BUGTRAP1 Size: 46K Date: 2/11/98 Description: BugTrap 1.5 - provides users a way of giving developers an accurate log of a crash occurring on their Newton. Rather than sending the developer a backup of their Newton, BugTrap should be a initial substitute for the developer hooking the users Newton up to NTK for debugging. Our hope is that 90% of the problems out there can be fixed with the information this can provide the developer. Requires Newton OS 2.x. Name = BYDATE.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:BYDATE.TXT Size: 26K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Programmers file section of the Newton CD by Date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = BYNAME.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:BYNAME.TXT Size: 26K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Programmers file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = CHART Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:CHART Size: 10K Date:10/10/94 Description: Chart - This application contains a prototype for a line chart view. You may use this prototype in your application free of charge. I would be interested if you build anything cool. Chart is copyright 1994 by Chris Christensen ( Takes up 5k once installed. Name = DATETIME Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:DATETIME Size: 32K Date:10/25/94 Description: Date & Time Editors - These protos are for use with date and time data entry. There are two floating view protos. One is for date only entry and the other is for date and time entry. Both of these protos are based on a third proto which is used to control the calendar. The other protos included I pulled from on of my programs so that you can see how to interface with the date/time picker proto. Actually, I changed the date and time protos to use my protos so that I could have floating date editors and the buttons are sized correctly. Name = DBPANEL0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:DBPANEL0 Size: 9K Date: 6/27/94 Description: DbPanel 0.91 - DBPanel allows the user to set the trace, breakOnThrows, and printDepth debug globals without having to type into the inspector window. The simplest thing to do is to run DBPanel and then run the app under test. As long as that app isn't based on a floating view, the floater should remain accessible. The floater can be moved by dragging so as to avoid obscuring the interesting parts of the app underneath. I wrote DBPanel after seeing a similar app that saved one from having to find a pause in the inspector output. I took the idea a little farther, adding the breakOnThrows and printDepth globals and a viewIdleScript that keeps the checkboxes in sync if you do change the values by typing in the... Name = ERRORINF Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:ERRORINF Size: 24K Date:10/24/96 Description: Error Info .11 - This is a simple program to diplay Error infomation for Newton OS 2.0. If your newton has latest error infomation, program use that at executing. So you dont not need input at that. Install both ErrorInfo.pkg and ErrorCode.pkg, and Tap to use them. Name = HOWTODOI.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:HOWTODOI.TXT Size: 8K Date:12/23/94 Description: How To Do IR.txt - NS BASIC Tech Note , Nov 30, 1994 - How to control your TV, CD player, etc from NS BASIC on your Newton. Contains - Introduction, Listing, Notes on Listing, IR Remote Control, Pioneer CD player codes and Finding codes for your own player. It's pretty easy to write a program to control infrared remote controlled devices from NS BASIC. In this tech note, we'll show you how to do the basic commands to control the remote - it will be up to you to set up the proper codes for your own devices and make your own controlling program. Name = ICONEDIT Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:ICONEDIT Size: 17K Date: 1/19/98 Description: Icon Editor - This is a little tool, written to demonstrate the ability to change icons with SBM Utilities. On top of the screen is a list with icons you save till now. In the lower part of the screen will be shown the name of the selected icon and you can see the icon zoomed by 5 and in original size. To the right of the big icon you can select the drawing color (the column with the pen at the top) and the filling color by tapping the little squares. The selected color is marked by a dotted frame. Right under the big icon (where you will do all the drawing) you can choose the drawing tool. There are buttons in the status bar to create a new icon, to save modifications or to delete an existing icon. Icon Editor... Name = ICONEDIT Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:ICONEDIT Size: 11K Date: 5/23/94 Description: Icon Editor 1.1 - First off I'd like as many programmers as possible to use it if they're doing icon editing of any sort, since this will reduce overhead on a newt if multiple programs want to do this. If your a developer, you can include this app in package form with your app at no charge (just send me a copy). Pretty much useless to non-developers at this point, except to play with. Icon Editor now complies with the 'accepted' methods for routing and such (I cheated with version 1.0.) The most important change is that icons are now saved as bitmaps (binary objects, thanks Mike.) Name = ICONTOOL Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:ICONTOOL Size: 10K Date: 7/04/95 Description: IconTool 1.0 - IconTool is a Newt 3.0+ plug-in (autopart) that contains a function to extract icon information from Ben Gottlieb's Icon Editor to be used by Newt's package frame. To use - Install IconTool on your Newton. Create an icon using Icon Editor. Include the line - IconEditor:GetEditorIcon(); in the package frame of the source code you are creating where is the name of the icon you created in the Icon Editor. Alternatively you can tap on Newt's overview button and select IconTool from the list. Drag the window around so you can see where you want to insert the GetEditorIcon statement. Make sure you can see the insertion point and then tap the Paste button. Edit the... Name = INTERNAL Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:INTERNAL Size: 11K Date:11/15/93 Description: Internals pkg and source code - When first starting Newton development I fiddled around with some basic principles, like lists. ProtoTextLists seemed pretty interesting, but the sample was a little too simple. So I extended this code a little, cleaned it up and discovered/learned a lot during this work. I must say though that I wrote this a month ago, did some major Newton development after that, relooked at the code again yesterday, and cut at least one third of the code and slots! I hereby give this code away for free, not because it's a great wonderful tool (far from), but because it might give other novices some help. Name = LISP0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:LISP0 Size: 11K Date:10/24/94 Description: LISP 0.5 - LISP 0.5 for the Newton is an interpreter for a subset of the LISP language. LISP is a functional list-processing language that supports recursion. It is the language of choice for artificial intelligence applications, and later dialects such as Common LISP and Scheme are currently in active use. The version of LISP implemented by this package is approximately a subset of any modern LISP. We assume that the user is familiar with some dialect of LISP or has found a textbook to explain the rudiments. Includes 22 built-in functions, including integer arithmetic and the ability to load definitions from Notes folders. Freeware. Name = LLAMADOS Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:LLAMADOS Size: 30K Date: 5/07/94 Description: Llama Dos 1.12 - While the Newton is a tremendous design, it lacks a feature found on most computers - a command line interface for system management. Rather than invent a new interface for the Newton, LlamaDOS implements the worlds most widely used interface, with well over 40 million users - DOS. The developers at RegSoft have done their best to make sure that the quality and user friendliness of the DOS interface survived intact on the Newton in their new product, LlamaDOS 1.12. With LlamaDOS, a user can traverse directories, look at files and the status of their system using the same commands they have used for years on PCs. Name = MACTOWIN Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:MACTOWIN Size:337K Date: 8/03/96 Description: Mac-to-Win Converter - The Mac to Windows Project converter is a Macintosh application that converts Newton applications developed of the Mac to Windows format. Name = MOREROUT Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:MOREROUT Size: 17K Date: 3/29/97 Description: More Routing - This auto part adds items to all routing menus. It overrides a method in root that may cease to exist someday, thus possibly killing this hack. Don't blame me! Playing with undocumented features isn't for the light-hearted. Extra items can be added, or those I provide may be yanked. Read on to find out how to do it yourself. Name = MRUPICK Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:MRUPICK Size: 10K Date: 6/30/94 Description: MRUPick - This is a demonstration of Pickers with items based on the most recent usage. It is like an interactive tutorial. The demo can be stopped at any time. So, check it out and learn more! Name = MULTIPIC Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:MULTIPIC Size: 6K Date: 8/09/94 Description: Multipickproto 1.0 - This is a proto I put together to deal with the problem of picklists that are longer than 25 items. (For use with the Newton Toolkit, a commercial program from Apple). It's all fully documented within the proto, but in case you're interested, there is also info in the read me. This proto is freeware for free- and shareware apps, with one caveat - If you use it in a piece of software, send the author a copy. Name = NEWTATUT Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:NEWTATUT Size: 45K Date: 2/16/98 Description: NewtATut 1.6 - (Newt Application Tutorial) is a Newton book version based on an article Building Native Newton Applications with Newt that appeared in PDA (formerly PIE) Developers, Vol. 2.4, July 1994; pp.14-18. This interactive tutorial will show how you can develop a simple application in NewtonScript and save a package directly on your Newton using Newt. 1.x compatible. Name = NEWTDEV1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:NEWTDEV1 Size:267K Date: 1/26/98 Description: Newt 3.4 (26 Jan 98) - an environment for developing applications using NewtonScript and saving as packages directly on your Newton. Keywords: object-oriented programming, application development environment, NewtonScript, NTK. Summary of changes in Newt 3.4: support for context-sensitive source code editing via MetaDot plugin, improved compatiblity with other utilities: MoreFolders, SuperNotepad, HyperNewt - new method of specifying child order. localization support for user apps many bug fixes, new preferences, font and menu improvements. Compatible with all (1.x, 2.x) Newtons. Newt is shareware - registered users can download (or receive floppies with) additional versions, 200+... Name = NEWTONI1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:NEWTONI1 Size: 76K Date: 1/05/98 Description: NewtonID 2.0 - NewtonID is a FREE application that simplifies and standardizes software registration and identification by creating a universal owner card. Developers and users are working hard on creating something that will make software registration easier on the Newton. For that reason, we are in the constant process of updating NewtonID. Once a consensus is reached on the final version of NewtonID, development will slow to crawl ... and that's a good thing! Name = NEWTONI1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:NEWTONI1 Size:357K Date: 8/02/95 Description: Newton Icon! Builder Appl - This is a time saving utility for the Newton programmer. Just paste the icon you want to show up in Extras and then paste the icon you want the user to see when they tap it. Newton Icon! Builder creates the icon mask. No more doing it by hand. The enclosed utility is a stand alone application, it is also available as a HyperCard stack. Both come with complete on-line assistance to step you through the process. Requires a Mac. Name = NEWTONIC Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:NEWTONIC Size: 25K Date: 8/02/95 Description: Newton Icon! Builder Stack - This is a time saving utility for the Newton programmer. Just paste the icon you want to show up in Extras and then paste the icon you want the user to see when they tap it. Newton Icon! Builder creates the icon mask. No more doing it by hand. The enclosed utility is requires HyperCard, it is also available as a stand alone application. Both come with complete on-line assistance to step you through the process. Requires a Mac. Name = NEWTONID Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:NEWTONID Size: 92K Date: 2/09/98 Description: NewtonID Development Kit 2.0 - contains the complete source and release for NewtonID 2.0 and the official release of NewtonID 2.0. It also contains sample code for a prototypical NewtonID-Aware application. Name = NGP11E Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:NGP11E Size:112K Date: 3/30/96 Description: Newton Graphics Package 1.1 - (NGP) is a new effort aimed at building an object-based (or vector) drawing program for Newton. With NGP you can quickly sketch images using a plug-in architecture and export your pictures to the desktop for printing or further editing. NGP will be fully compatible with the older Newton operating system 1.3 and will be Newton 2.0 savvy. Name = NSBASHLM Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:NSBASHLM Size: 4K Date:10/18/97 Description: NSBasicHLM - A HyperNewt hyperlink manager for use with NS Basic. It creates hyperlinks that load and run NS Basic source files. NS Basic is a product of NS Basic Corporation. For more information, see: From within NS Basic, select the HyperLink entry in the routing button. Select the folder into which you want to store the hyperlink, and apply the form. A hyperlink for the currently loaded NS Basic program will be created. When this hyperlink is selected from HyperNewt, NS Basic is started and the program will be loaded and run automatically. Name = OBJECTVI Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:OBJECTVI Size: 26K Date:10/17/94 Description: Object Viewer 0.92 - The Object Viewer is a Newton application intended mainly for programmers. It displays the contents of objects in Newton's memory, and provides several ways to jump from one object to another. It is a floating window which is half the height of the screen, and can therefore be used to examine the activities of other Newton programs while they are running. Basic instructions are included. Name = PALMEDIA Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:PALMEDIA Size:539K Date: 2/03/97 Description: Palmedia Player 2.0 - The PALMEDIA Media Transfer HyperCard stack allows you to send images and sound to your Newton MessagePad. Images can then be viewed as a slideshow or a movie using PALMEDIA Player on the Newton. PALMEDIA Media Transfer has been tested on a Power Book 520c (OS 7.5.1) and a Power Mac 6100/66 (OS 7.5.1) using both HyperCard 2.3 and HyperCard Player 2.2. This version of PALMEDIA Media Transfer is a freeware application. Name = PALMEDIA Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:PALMEDIA Size: 18K Date: 5/15/96 Description: PALMEDIA Image Transfer 1.3 - HyperCard stack allows you to send Slurpee formatted images to your Newton MessagePad. This stack can be used instead of a communications program for transferring Slurpee files from the Mac to the Newton. PALMEDIA Image Transfer has been tested on a Power Book 520c (OS 7.5.1) and a Power Mac 6100/66 (OS 7.5.1) using both HyperCard 2.3 and HyperCard Player 2.2. - Easy configuration of the serial port settings. - Replaces the usual communications program needed for Slurpee files. - Choose between the modem or printer ports (useful on a Power Book). - Displays status information of the serial port, connection activity. - Displays real-time counter of transmitted characters. - Works... Name = PRINTDEP Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:PRINTDEP Size: 6K Date: 9/14/95 Description: Print Depth 0 v1.0 - PD0 is a quick little hack that makes the toolkit always set the print depth to 0 when connecting the inspector. I got tired of having to reset the print depth whenever my newt crashed, so this solves it. It's only useful with NTK v1.5.1 or later, and is completely free. Comments or questions? Please email us at Name = PROTORES Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:PROTORES Size: 22K Date: 2/23/98 Description: protoResizeBox - is a NewtonScript proto that allows programmers an easy way to create views that can be intuitively resized by the user. I have included a sample package which uses several resize boxes in different ways. In this way, you can easily see how the protoResizeBox feels & reacts with different settings, and the different design issues to be considered. The demo program is a simple little thing that allows you to add polygons to a main view & then move them around. Requirements: Any 2.0 Newton system should be capable of running the demo package, and protoResizeBox may be capable of running on older systems with some modification. I want to move on to other projects. Name = RULER1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:RULER1 Size: 36K Date: 8/09/94 Description: Ruler 1.35 - This utility is intended primarily for developers using NTK or BookMaker. If you're not a developer, you probably won't find it of much use. If you've used the Newton ToolKit for any amount of time, you'll quickly find that the layout display in the current version has a number of bugs. Ruler is a little utility that displays two crosshairs on the Newton screen. Their position, and the distance between them, is displayed on a floating palette. You can position the crosshairs by dragging them with the pen. That's pretty much all it does, but it does it well. Name = SBMUTILS Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:SBMUTILS Size:317K Date: 4/14/98 Description: SBM Utilities 1.21 - for Newton is a collection of tools comparable with the several Utilities for PC or Mac. The palette goes from tools for displaying informations over tools for backing up your data to tools for modifying the internal data of the Newton. With the SBM Utilities you can modify system internal data. Doing this can cause you Newton device to hang or crash. At the worst, you must do a cold boot with the result of a total data loss. If you are not completely sure you're doing the right thing, DON'T do it! The author of this program will not be responsible for any data loss or other bad things. Name = SCROLLBA Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:SCROLLBA Size: 12K Date: 7/20/94 Description: ScrollBarList 1.0 - Purpose - This is a proto template for a scroll bar text list with the following features - up/down via single key click, continuous up/down via key press. Full view height scroll when scroll area tapped (below or above marker). Propotional sliding marker, with dragable placement. Scalable width by mouse; height set by viewLines slot. Automatic fade of scroll bar if length(listItems)(viewLines). This proto is based on textList and pictButton. Check with Physix Inc for single/multi user licenses. Name = SEEFRAME Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:SEEFRAME Size: 21K Date: 3/01/94 Description: SeeFrames 1.1 - SeeFrames is a utility for Newton developers. It allows you to watch most of the objects and navigate into the memory of your Newton. When you start SeeFrames from the extrasDrawer, it closes it and then shows you the slots list of the 'viewfrontmost frame called Front view in the top left labelPicker (it may be useful when debugging an application, especially if you have an ExtraButton of ScrollEx attached to SeeFrames). To see the content of a frame or an array (ex _proto, CodeBlock or viewChildren), tap on it and the slots list of it will be shown. You may repeat this until there no more frame or array on the list. More details are given in the documentation. Name = SOUNDTOS Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:SOUNDTOS Size: 5K Date: 4/24/97 Description: Sound-to-slurp - Apple didn't release its speech synthesis in the mp2000, but did release voice recording. My program and recommended hardware will get you some of the features of the new mp2000 in case you are waiting for the 2010 with more speech recognition like I am. I made a little program to make all the newton message pads be able to talk just a little (I may work out a crude phonetics newtonscript plugin later). Paul M. Sheldon Name = TAPBARSD Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:TAPBARSD Size:104K Date:10/24/96 Description: TapBar SDK 1.0 release - TapBar is a multi-purpose, FreeWare button management utility. With it, you can set up button bars made up of your favorite selection in your own order and layout. It also allows you to add buttons into NotePad's (backdrop application's) status bar. Also, for programmers, TapBar has an open API that allows you to write your own buttons and even create your own commercial button suite! TapBar requires Newton OS 2.0. It must be installed into internal store to avoid grip of death probrem. TapBar itself requires 46K of store space and about 4K of heap space. This is the full set of files you need to develop TapBar buttons, including TapBar applet (English Version), Sample Buttons and... Name = UNICODE1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:UNICODE1 Size: 15K Date: 2/28/95 Description: UniCode 1.01 - This is a simple app that show a list of characters and their uniCode equivalent integers. The list is numbered along its left side. This number is the uniCode decimal equivalent of the first character shown on its line. The app defaults to displaying 20 characters across. You can change this by selecting from the Per line pop-up near the bottom of the apps window. There are choices for 10, 15 and 20 characters per line. Just above the Per line pop-up is a font pop-up. Select Espy, Geneva or New York and the list of characters will be displayed in that font. To use uniCode info, refer to your NTK manuals and look up the Chr() and Ord() functions. Demo expires after 30 days. This version will... Name = UNISTROK Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:UNISTROK Size: 14K Date: 8/21/95 Description: Unistrokes 1.1 - This program was written to test the feasibility of Unistroke recognition on the current generation of Newton PDAs and to collect data on the perfomance of the Newton in stroke collection and recognition. It has no other intended utility. Read the Caveats section. Unistrokes is a writing system developed at Xerox PARC specifically for stylus based computers. For Postscript versions of the paper and lists of strokes ftp to, look in /pub/unistrokes. The program contains a large rectangle, in which to test writing. It will show you how it interprets your stroke. Name = VIDEOUT1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:VIDEOUT1 Size: 7K Date: 7/20/94 Description: VideOut 1.0 - Purpose - To feed screen dumps to NTK/MAC for pseudo-simulated video output. Use - 1) Connect inspector, open and size clipboard on MAC screen, set timer to appropriate interval on VideOut. 2) To hide VidOut screen, press hide. To terminate screen dumps, re-select VideOut from extras drawer. Comment - Using an interval less than 5 sec is pointless, as the MAC and Newton will not respond to external input. Needs turbo-charging, contact above for source if interested. Requires use of Newton ToolKit, a commercial product from Apple. Name = VIEWFRAM Path = PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:VIEWFRAM Size: 82K Date: 4/21/96 Description: ViewFrame 1.2 Demo consists of special versions of five of the most commonly used components of the full ViewFrame package. They are ViewFrameDemo.pkg, the object examination tool itself. This is the only component that has to be installed. ProgKbdDemo.pkg, the Programmer's Keyboard. This is an onscreen keyboard optimized for NewtonScript entry. VFD+General.pkg. This is a ViewFrame Addition package, adding object viewers, object manipulation commands, and other features to ViewFrame. VFD+Function.pkg. This Addition package adds the ability to examine compiled NewtonScript functions, showing you a reconstruction of the original source code that generated them. VFD+Dante.pkg. This...