Thank you for trying the ViewFrame Demo. You may give away copies, upload to online services, or otherwise freely distribute the Demo provided that all such copies are complete and unaltered. The Demo consists of special versions of five of the most commonly used components of the full ViewFrame package. They are: % ViewFrameDemo.pkg, the object examination tool itself. This is the only component that has to be installed: the rest can be omitted if not needed or if there is no room for them, and can be installed on a different store than the main package if desired. % ProgKbdDemo.pkg, the Programmer's Keyboard. This is an onscreen keyboard optimized for NewtonScript entry: it has many commonly used punctuation marks and keywords available with single keystrokes. The keyboard button in ViewFrameDemo will open this if installed, otherwise it will open the standard onscreen keyboard. % VFD+General.pkg. This is a ViewFrame Addition package, adding object viewers, object manipulation commands, and other features to ViewFrame. This particular Addition package adds some general-purpose object commands and some soup examination tools. % VFD+Function.pkg. This Addition package adds the ability to examine compiled NewtonScript functions, showing you a reconstruction of the original source code that generated them. % VFD+Dante.pkg. This Addition package adds support for some of the new object types and other new capabilities in Newton 2.0. DO NOT INSTALL THIS PACKAGE ON A 1.x NEWTON! The Demo components contain ALL of the features of the corresponding components from the full package. However, there are a few limitations on their use: % Portions of most object displays will be randomly replaced with the word "DEMO". % In any hexadecimal display, all 'D's and 'E's will be replaced with question marks. % The 'd' key in the Programmer's Keyboard will actually type the word "DEMO". You can hit the delete key three times to end up with just a 'D'. % Other ViewFrame Addition packages will be ignored. (LIkewise, the commercial version of ViewFrame will ignore the demo Additions: the commercial and demo versions can coexist on a Newton without any conflict.) Some components of the full ViewFrame package were omitted, to keep the size of the Demo reasonable. These include: % Three more Addition packages, adding a variety of features to ViewFrame. % NTK source code for a sample Addition package, which can be used as a base for writing your own Additions. % ViewFrame Editor, a tool for writing and running simple NewtonScript programs directly on a Newton. If you would like to purchase the full ViewFrame package, please contact Creative Digital Systems. ~~ insert contact info here~~ If you have any technical questions about the capabilities or use of ViewFrame, contact the author, Jason Harper. CompuServe: 76703,4222 Internet: