J J J J SeeFrames is a utility for Newton* developpers. It allows to watch most of the objects and navigate into the memory of your Newton*. J When you start SeeFrames from the extrasDrawer, it closes it and then shows you the slots list of the 'viewfrontmost frame called "Front view" in the top left labelPicker (it may be useful when debugging an application, especially if you have an ExtraButton of ScrollEx) attached to SeeFrames). To see the content of a frame or an array (ex: _proto, CodeBlock or viewChildren), tap on it and the slots list of it will be shown. You may repeat this until there no more frame or array on the list. The top right labelPicker show you the tree of access to the displayed frame or array starting from the root of the top left label picker. The Status button "Up" let you go back one level of the tree. The differents roots are: - Front View = getView('viewfrontmost) - Globals = getGlobals() - Root = getRoot() - Packages = getPackages() - Stores = getStores() - Soups = getUnionSoup() - Rom = from @0 to @369 - Locale = getLocale() You may add others in BaseFrame.LabelCommands of the protoLabelPicker:BaseFrame of the main layout with the associated code in BaseFrame.textChanged. A special action is done for soups: the protoTable:SoupsList is opened to list soups by name and let you choose one to see its entries. J Distribution is allowed under the following conditions: - You may distribute copies of this software to others developpers as long as this text is included with. - Distribution with or as part of any commercial product is prohibited, unless I give the permission to do so. J This software is provided with No warranties expressed or implied. I do not warrant this software to be free from errors, and you use it at your own risk. J There is no problem using NTK 1.0b6 but I know there is one using the version 1.0b7 to build the package: the SeeSlost view does not appear on the screen of the messagePad. If anybody have time to find why? J As this program is a freeware you have nothing to do to keep it except to download it into your dear Newton. I give the full source code you may examine, but be careful if you want take part of it as sample, it's one of my firsts programs with NTK and Object-Oriented Programming. If you have comment or request, you may send them to: J Here is my E-Mail: DURAND.TEXTE@AppleLink.Apple.com Have funI Ludovic.