MultiPick Proto Readme This is a proto I put together to deal with the problem of picklists that are longer than 25 items. It's all fully documented within the proto, but in case you're interested, here's how to use it: Add it to the project file, and, where you want the list to appear, select user proto from the palette and drag it out (normal like.) Set it's listItems slot to what ever you want popped up (this can be done at run time...if there's no listItems slot, than nothing will happen.) Set it's text. It will automatically place a pick diamond in front of whatever you set (unless you override it's viewSetupFormScript) set it's pickScript (**NOTE: DO NOT USE A pickActionScript. This is used internally by the proto. It process the pick and passes the index of the listItems array to what ever pickScript you have. It should take one argument, the index of the chosen item. If you want something other then "--Prev--" and "--Next--" shown at the top and bottom of long lists, set the PrevText and NextText slots (respectively) to what ever text you want displayed. If you change the listItems after setting up and opening the view, send it the :SetUpList() message to reset it's pick lists. If you want a shorter than screenlength picker, change the numLines slot to the number or lines per list _after_ the view has been set up (it will adjust to the height of the current newton's screen, otherwise.) Thats about it. This proto is freeware for free- and shareware apps, with one caveat: If you use it in a piece of software, send me a copy :-) If you wish to use it in a piece of commercial software, contact me for licensing info. Thanks, Ben Ben Gottlieb 708 Forest Ave. Evanston, IL ----------------- 60202 (708) 864-9463