LlamaDos 1.12 : The first Post-Newton Command Line Interpreter: --------------------------------------------------------------- What's new in 1.12: ----------------- If you're new to LlamaDOS, skip to the next heading. 1. Improved screen management 2. "cd\" now supported 3. Font now part of package. (Important: remove old Monaco font before downloading!) 4. Spell checker no longer butts in 5. Works properly on MessagePad 110 6. Can be used with Figgles Typomatica (try this: it works great!) 7. Proper disk init sound is now made on startup Release Notes: ------------- While the Newton is a tremendous design, it lacks a feature found on most computers: a command line interface for system management. Rather than invent a new interface for the Newton, LlamaDOS implements the worldUs most widely used interface, with well over 40 million users: DOS. The developers at RegSoft have done their best to make sure that the quality and user friendliness of the DOS interface survived intact on the Newton in their new product, LlamaDOS 1.12. With LlamaDOS, a user can traverse directories, look at files and the status of their system using the same commands they have used for years on PCUs. Of course, not all commands are implemented: just a subset that will be used regularly. Any application can also be run directly from the command line. The normal cost of the software is $195.00 US. However, a special limited time competitive upgrade of just $19.95 is being offered. To qualify, please specify the Newton OS you are upgrading from. Revenues will be used to produce enhanced versions of LlamaDOS. Look for the shareware copy on the networks, or order directly form: Don Vollum, RegSoft PO Box 1894 Portland, OR 97207 If you're on Compuserve, GO SWREG to register. If you have a Visa or Mastercard handy, call 1 800 655-6398. Commands Supported: ------------------- A: The A drive is the card C: The C drive is the internal store chdir chkdsk cls cd dir No args supported yet: use cd to go to directory first. date exit help mem time type AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS only ver vol None of these will in any way interfere with the normal operation your Newton. You can also run any application from the command line by typing its name in. If a command you need is not on the list, send in the name of the command with your registration fee. Installation: -------------------- Simple download LlamaDos to your Newton using the connection kit or other download utility. If you previously ran LlamaDOS 1.06, you must delete the old Monaco package, by opening the Extras drawer, selecting Card, then Remove Software. Not doing this could result in your Newton hanging in the download and requiring a reset. Implementation Notes: -------------------- 1. Directories: Packages on the Newton are normally suffixed with the name of the company that create the application. Files are suffixed with the company name and optionally the package name. These names are used to implement the hierarchical file system that LlamaDOS uses. 2. Dictionary: LlamaDOS loads the names of commonly used DOS commands into your Newton's user dictionary. These names will remain until you do a reset. Certain words you may use in your commands may not be recognised at first by LlamaDOS: if you add them to your dictionary, they won't bother you again. Why is LlamaDOS? ------------------- LlamaDOS was originally developed as a showcase for the developers. After we got it done, we found ourselves actually using it, because it provides a number of functions not otherwise available on the Newton. Try it out, you may find it similarly useful. If you would like to contact us about your own development needs, you can reach us as follows: George Henne fax (416) 264-5888 Compuserve 74431,412 or gh@hookup.net Charles Vollum moana@teleport.com Don Vollum donv@teleport.com LlamaDOS is named after the cuddly, doe-eyed mascot of the Newton Development team. The use of RegSoft as a company name does not imply that RegSoft or its employees or agents in any way endorse either party in the ongoing Ned verses Reg dispute.