When first starting Newton development I fiddled around with some basic principles, like lists. ProtoTextLists seemed pretty interesting, but I the sample was a little too simple. So I extended this code a little, cleaned it up and discovered/learned a lot during this work. I must say though that I wrote this a month ago, did some major Newton development after that, relooked at the code again yesterday, and cut at least one third of the code and slots ! I hereby give this code away for free, not because it's a great wonderful tool (far from), but because it might give other novices some help. If more people would share their code, the whole developer community could benefit from it. Don't worry if you doubt your code isn't clean (I'm sure mine isn't), just put it on CIS or AppleLink. Some standard legal issues : Beware: this code is not thoroughly tested. It very probably contains serious bugs. Use it at your own risk. This sample code is free. Please play with this code, use ideas from it, and incorporate it into your own projects without any restrictions. Vers a Versa is a small startup company in Belgium, getting pretty interested in Newton development. We have already 2 Newton projects assigned to us, and getting along quite well, thanks to the great support for the whole Pie team. Please send me remarks, bug reports, suggestions, expressions of praise, and lucrative job offers to Theo Heselmans Vers a Versa Tolstraat 13 B-2000 Antwerp Belgium Tel : + 32 3 238 35 70 Fax : + 32 3 248 59 35 AppleLink : Vers.a.Versa Compuserve : 100276,3325