IconTool a Newt 3.0+ plug-in (autopart) that contains a function to extract icon information from Ben Gottlieb's Icon Editor to be used by Newt's package frame. To use: Install IconTool on your Newton. Create an icon using Icon Editor Include the line: IconEditor:GetEditorIcon(""); in the package frame of the source code you are creating where is the name of the icon you created in the Icon Editor. Alternatively you can tap on Newt's overview button and select "IconTool" from the list. Drag the window around so you can see where you want to insert the GetEditorIcon statement. Make sure you can see the insertion point and then tap the Paste button. Edit the statement to include the name of your icon. NOTE: You can drag the information window of IconTool by the bottom edge. ------------------------ IconTool is freeware. Serg Koren archimag@netaxs.com SergK@eworld.com Ver 1.0 07/04/95 ------------------------ Check out my Newton reviews on http:www.netaxs.com/~archimag/revw.html ------------------------ Files Included: IconEditor.nwt - Newt 3+ source code IconEditor.pkg - Newton package IconEditor.lib - Newt 3+ library autopart Readme - this file ----