NEWK - Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 1995 by Richard K. Mason All rights reserved NEWK is a small DOS utility I wrote to help with packages that do not install properly from the PC to the Newton. A number of PC users have found it difficult to install packages obtained from AMUG and UIOWA. One of the frequent causes, other than corrupt files, is the presence of additional bytes appearing both before and after the actual Newton package file. This utility checks for the presence of a Mac header, strips it if it can be found, and rewrites the package file, using the encoded file length in the Newton package header, thereby restoring the package file to its original size. As an added feature, since I had already used another utility available from John Mullan (, which stripped only the header, I included the capability to resize the file if the file length does not match the encoded length of the file - in other words - if you already used John Mullan's "CONVERT", or manually stripped the first 128 bytes from the file, but don't like the error message at the end of installation, you can still use this utility to strip the trailing garbage that causes 26018 error messages when installing CONVERT-ed packages. The original ".pkg" file is saved with the extension ".old" - just in case something terrible happens. As always - back up your package files to be safe. INSTRUCTIONS NEWK can be run in one of two ways. The easiest is to copy NEWK.exe to a directory somewhere on your hard drive and create an associaion between NEWK and files with the "PKG" extension. To do this, go into File Manager and highlight a ".pkg" file. Click on "File" and then "Associate". A dialog box will show PKG highlighted. Click on Browse and locate the directory which you copied NEWK to. Double click on NEWK.exe. Click on OK to exit the dialog box. Now, any time you double click on a package file, NEWK will attempt to repair the package. You can also run from the command line in DOS or Windows. WINDOWS File Manager: Make sure NEWK is either in the directory that contains the Newton package file to be converted, or in your path. Highlight the file to be converted. Pull down the "Files" menu, and select "Run". Place the cursor bar in front of the file name in the dialog box, and type "NEWK" followed by a space, and then press the "Enter" key. The file will be converted if appropriate. Install the package using NPI or NCK. Delete the ".old" file. That's all there is to it. DOS comand line: Make sure NEWK is either in the directory that contains the Newton package file to be converted, or in your path. Type the following on the comand line: NEWK filename.pkg where "filename.pkg" is the Newton package file (".pkg" extension is required). A few notes: 1) Back up your .pkg file before you run NEWK - just in case! 2) This is a free utility - what I call "e-mailWare". Don't expect support. 3) If you like NEWK - let me know via e-mail. If it damages your package file (which it shouldn't) read #1. 4) Please feel free to distribute this utility, provided no charge is made and this text file is included with the archive. DISCLAIMER Use at your own risk. User assumes all responsibility for loss or damages. Batteries not included. Your mileage may vary. This utility may contain small parts of code not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Void where prohibited by law. Richard K. Mason