XPkg v1.0 - Chris Capon (c)1996 Introduction: This program extracts Newton Packages (*.pkg) files from the backups made by the Newton Connection Kit (*.nwt,*.nb,*.nb1) for DOS/Windows computers. Copyright: This software and accompanying text is copyright material and belongs to Chris Capon. I grant individuals the right to use it on their personal systems and also the right to distribute it in it's whole, complete, and un-modified form to others, providing only that no fee is charged. No guarantee accompanies this software and, while this text describes it's intended function, the results of it's use are the sole responsiblity of whoever runs it. Description: The Apple Newton is a marvelous tool for keeping track of all those things one is constantly forgetting. One of the required "options" is the Newton Connection Kit (for Apple Mac's or PC's) and it is used to archive all the Newton internal information off to a desktop machine. It can also be used to install new software from the PC to the Newton in the form of "package" files (*.pkg). While the Connection Kit does archive installed packages with the rest of the Newton's internal data, it does not provide a facility to reproduce the original package files should you need to. One of the reasons I need to is because I use the Steve Weyer "Newt" development environment to develop my own software for the Newton. Since it builds Newton packages right on the Newton, a tool is required to extract them back to the PC. This software is intended to do just that. To use this software you will need a Newton, the Apple Connection Kit and a PC to run everything on. Before you start, back up your Newton using the Connection Kit. In your backup directory you will find files that end with these extensions: *.nwt = Current backup data for your Newton and it's Memory Cards. *.nar = I believe these are indexes for the *.nwt files. *.nb = Most recent backup copy of your *.nwt files. *.nb1 = Older backup copies of *.nwt files. This software will extract packages from the *.nwt, *.nb and *.nb1 files. XPkg is a DOS command line application and really only needs the name of the backup file to proceed. For example: xpkg chris_ca.nwt When running, the file "chris_ca.nwt" will be scanned for packages. Each one found is identified by a brief header summary and a command line prompt lets you, the user, enter a file name to save the package under. If you don't want to save the file simply press ENTER and skip to the next one. Optionally, you can also include on the command line the file names to use for the extracted packages. Each name will be used in order, and when no more names have been supplied the program switches back to interactive mode automatically. For example: xpkg chris_ca.nwt file01.pkg file02.pkg file03.pkg In the above example, XPkg will begin extracting packages from the backup file "chris_ca.nwt" using the 3 file names supplied. If more packages exist then XPkg will start asking you for file names at that point. As far as my testing shows, the extracted packages are identical to the original installed ones with the exception of 4 bytes in the header which I believe represent an installation date. Please let me know if you have information to the contrary. Known Problems: Connection Kit backup files that have seen repeated synchronizations seem to become fragmented over time and this software will report errors during the extraction process. Unfortunately, this Author does not actually know what the Connection Kit file format is and rely on the package files being stored contiguously. If you experience this error you can bypass it by archiving your Newton to a separate (empty) directory which will produce a clean unfragmented backup file from which the packages can (hopefully) be extracted. I appologize to you the user for this and if any of you can provide me with information on the Connection Kit file format I will incorporate it into subsequent releases of this software (please see Contacting Author below). Other Information: Find out about Steve Weyer's development package (Newt, NewtDev) on the AMUG archive (http://www.amug.org/amug/sigs/newton/amug_newton.html) or go directly to his home page (http://WWW.netaxs.com/~weyer/). There is another application out there called extrap2l.zip which does the same thing as this program but I couldn't get it working on my system. You might want to give it a try if mine isn't doing what you need. Contacting the Author: I can be reached through the Internet (would you have guessed it?) and I occasionally browse the Newton News groups. If you want to report bugs or have suggestions for improvements then please send me E-Mail at: Chris Capon cccapon@interlog.com Latest releases of this software should be downloadable at: http://www.interlog.com/~cccapon Revision History: 1.0 - Initial release, mediocre testing, seems to work though. End of File.