* Introduction Welcome to WinNewt 1.11, the graphical design environment for the Apple Newton MessagePad and Microsoft Windows. With WinNewt you can select which Views (buttons, input lines, etc.) you want in your application from the Palette, and draw them with your mouse on a Newton-sized window called the Layout. You can then write the code for these Views in the Browser window. Your code can be printed, exported to a text file for further editing, or directly downloaded to your Newton (if you have Steve Weyer's Slurpee 1.6). You then load the code into Steve Weyer's Newt development environment and create your application as you normally would. The main development environment for the Newton is the Apple Newton Toolkit (NTK). This is the "Cadillac" environment that allows you to create, edit and compile standalone packges for the MessagePad. The main drawback for many users is that the NTK only runs on an Apple Macintosh computer. Years after the introduction of the Newton and after several upgrades to the NTK, there is still no version for those of us with Microsoft Windows-based PCs. I have written WinNewt to begin to address that problem. * What WinNewt IS: 1. WinNewt is a Microsoft Windows-based software development environment for the Apple Newton MessagePad. 2. WinNewt is designed to help you create and edit the appearance and code of your Newton application, and then transfer that application to the Newt environment, which is written by Steve Weyer. 3. WinNewt is the only (to my knowledge) Newton application development environment for Microsoft Windows. 4. WinNewt is more fun with Steve Weyer's Slurpee 1.6 (or later). 5. This version of WinNewt is a time-limited demo only, and will eventually expire if you decide not to register it. * What WinNewt is NOT: 1. WinNewt is not a replacement for the Apple Newton Toolkit (NTK). You cannot create standalone packages with WinNewt by itself. (At least, not yet...) 2. WinNewt is not very useful without Steve Weyer's Newt environment 3.1 (or later). 3. WinNewt is not fully supportive of the Newton 2.0 OS. It only supports the protos and clViews in Newton OS 1.x. If there is enough interest, I will extend WinNewt to support Newton OS 2.0. 4. WinNewt is not comprehensive. It does not have all of the slot editors available in the NTK. However, you CAN write some extra code in the Extra Frames section or export your work to a text file for "polishing". 5. WinNewt is not free. I'd like some support so I can buy more Newton stuff without asking my wife. * What was installed on your disk: \WINNEWT (default) directory: winnewt.exe WinNewt executable winnewt.hlp WinNewt help file items.dat Newton views, scripts ** DO NOT EDIT ** readme.txt This file startup.txt Suggestions for getting starting regnum.exe Program to enter your registration number \WINDOWS directory: winnewt.ini WinNewt INI file \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: vbrun100.dll Visual Basic 1.0 runtime file vbio.vbx Visual Basic extension setupkit.dll required for setup ver.dll required for setup * Registering WinNewt WinNewt costs $35.00 (US), and I have tried to set it up to make registration easy. You select Register WinNewt from the Help menu, fill in the blanks, print the information, and send in the fee by check, money order, cashier's check, or cash. I hope to eventually establish an account with an online service like Kagi to accept credit cards as well as other payment forms. When I receive your registration fee, I will send your your registration code. If you include your e-mail address, I will send your code as well as any upgrade notices or bug fixes by that route. * Technical Support WinNewt has a home page on the Internet! Point your WWW browser to: http://members.aol.com/WinNewt/WinNewt.html Here you will always find the latest version of WinNewt, and you can read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list. Try this list to see if the answer to your problem is there. If not, you can ask for technical support by sending e-mail to: WinNewt@aol.com I try to answer all questions, but I give priority to registered users. Thank you for trying WinNewt! * Sysop information You have permission to distribute the demonstration version of WinNewt in its original form with its supporting files as long as you: 1. Identify it as demoware, and 2. Leave all intellectual property (copyright) notices in place There are no scanned photos or images in this work. All artwork (icons, bitmaps etc.) is my own work. * Legal Statements DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS PROGRAM IS SOLD WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. BECAUSE OF THE DIVERSITY OF CONDITIONS AND HARDWARE UNDER WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE USED, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. THE USER IS ADVISED TO TEST THE PROGRAM THOROUGHLY BEFORE RELYING ON IT. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM. ANY LIABILITY OF SELLER OR MANUFACTURER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE. WARNING THIS SOFTWARE IS PROTECTED BY U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW (TITLE 17 UNITED STATES CODE). UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION AND/OR SALE MAY RESULT IN IMPRISONMENT OF UP TO ONE YEAR AND FINES OF UP TO $100,000 (17 USC 506). COPYRIGHT INFRINGERS MAY ALSO BE SUBJECT TO CIVIL LIABILITY. Copyright ©1995 Timothy C. Hodges All Rights Reserved Worldwide WinNewt is a trademark of Timothy C. Hodges. NOTICES Newton is a registered trademark, and NewtonScript, Newton Toolkit, and NTK are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft and the Microsoft logo are registered trademarks and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Version History Version 1.11 Fixed buttonClickScript text/print bug Added support for COM3 and COM4 Added option to receive registration by e-mail or U.S. Postal Demo release includes SETUP.EXE files to reduce confusion Version 1.1a First public release (demo and registered versions) Added regnum.exe to simplify registration SETUP1.EXE asks which COM port to use Better View counter logic Cosmetic changes to Selected View, Prefs, Browser Version 1.1 Second beta release Fixed a few bugs Support for user protos added Version 1.0 Initial beta release