Schedule-2-Go Version 1.0, January 30 1996 Tropical Solutions Copyright 1996, Tropical Solutions, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. SUMMARY ~~~~~~~ Schedule-2-Go is a Windows utility designed to transfer Appointments and To Do's from Microsoft Schedule+ 1.0 and Schedule+ 7.0 to the Apple Newton. It may also work with other PIM's if you export the data in a format similar to the format used by Schedule+ (the format is described in the readme file). Schedule-2-Go is shareware (US$10). Registered users receive notices of new versions and help in testing other PIMâs. DESCRIPTION ~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a Visual Basic application that will allow you to transfer Schedule+ 1.0 and 7.0 Appointments and To Do's to the Newton MP. This is a standalone application that runs under Windows 3.x or Windows95 (it should also work on NT). You will also need to install Steve Weyer's Shareware Slurpee on your Newton (see where you can get it at the end of this document). The application was tested on an MP100 running OS 1.3 and using Slurpee 1.6. I can't think of a reason of why it would not work on other Newtons or other OS's (not sure about 2.0, but I'm sure someone will tell me if it works or not). In a nutshell, Schedule-2-Go will read an exported Schedule+ text file, parse it, build a Slurpee file to send to the Newton and finally transfer the data to the Newton. Basically this is what you will have to do: 1. Export Appointments or To Do's to a text file (SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOLLOWING THESE STEPS) 2. Start Schedule-2-Go on your PC (Double click it) 3. Setup the communications port 4. Connect your Newton to the PC and startup Slurpee 5. Select the type of file you are exporting 6. Select the delimiter (note: Schedule+ 1.0 only allows you to export the data in a set format so this option will not apply) 7. Click on 'Transfer' 8. Select the file to transfer 9. Make sure that Slurpee is running and your Newton is connected to your PC by this time. Transfer will start as soon as you click 'OK' Note: HERE IS A SAMPLE SCHEDULE+ 1.0 EXPORT FILE: ---Wednesday, January 10, 1996 1:00PM-1:30PM Meeting 1 ---Thursday, January 11, 1996 9:00AM-10:30AM Meeting 2.a 2:00PM-3:30PM Meeting 2.b ---Monday, January 15, 1996 9:30AM-11:30AM Meeting 3 For Schedule+ 1.0 Appointments: 1. Select File->Export Appointments... 2. Select 'Text' for 'File Format' 3. Select the date range 4. Do not select daily notes 5. Click OK 6. Enter file name and save the file For Schedule+ 7.0 Appointments: 1. Select File->Export->Text... 2. Select Appointments, click Next 3. Select date range, click Next 4. Select delimiter (ONLY COMMA OR TAB) 5. Select "None" for character to use to surround text, fields, click Next 6. Select 'Yes' for the first option (to export text containing carriage return but truncate it) 7. Select 'No' for the second option (do not export field names), click Next 8. Select ALL data fields (see note below), click Next 9. Enter the file name and save the file by clicking Finish. Note: MAKE SURE THE FIELDS ARE EXPORTED IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER: 1. *Alarm Date, 2. *Alarm Time, 3. Creator, 4. *Description, 5. *End Date, 6. *End Time, 7. Notes, 8. Private, 9. Recurring, 10.*Start Date, 11.*Start Time, 12. Tentative, 13. Where * These are the only fields transferred to Newton For Schedule+ 7.0 To Do's (no To Do's for Schedule+ 1.0): 1. Select File->Export->Text... 2. Select To Do, click Next 3. Select date range, click Next 4. Select delimiter (ONLY COMMA OR TAB) 5. Select "None" for character to use to surround text, fields, click Next 6. Select 'Yes' for the first option (to export text containing carriage return but truncate it) 7. Select 'No' for the second option (do not export field names), click Next 8. Select ALL data fields (see note below), click Next 9. Enter the file name and save the file by clicking Finish. Note: MAKE SURE THE FIELDS ARE EXPORTED IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER: 1. Actual Effort Amount, 2. Actual Effort Units, 3. Alarm Date, 4. Alarm Time, 5. Auto-done, 6. Billing, 7. *Completion Date, 8. Contact, 9. Creator, 10.*Description, 11. End Date, 12. Estimated Effort Amount, 13. Estimated Effort Units, 14. Mileage, 15. Notes, 16. Percent Complete, 17.*Priority, 18. Private, 19.*Project, 20. Recurring, 21. Role, 22.*Start Date, 23. Start Work Amount, 24. Start Work Units * These are the only fields transferred to Newton NOTE: ~~~~~ You can still use this utility even if you have a different PIM other than Schedule+, just take a look at the expected format and either export the necessary data in that format or edit the file manually (yuck!) SLURPEE: ~~~~~~~~ This is a shareware tool written by Steve Weyer. It is used to transfer paragraphs or tab-delimited text between a text file and Newton soup entries. You can get it from any Newton FTP site or download it from Steve's web site: LIMITATIONS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This program does not handle repeat meetings yet. WHAT's NEXT? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would like to add the following options to the program: - Handle repeat meetings - Add Contact list transfer option (Schedule+ -> Newton) - Allow you to transfer data the other way (Newton -> Schedule+) - Expand the PIM options to support other PIM's - Port it to the Mac (any one interested?). I will only add some or all of these features based on demand and I will also evaluate any other good idea, feel free to send them. THANKS: ~~~~~~~ To my wife and to Steve for creating slurpee. REGISTRATION: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I did not put a time limit on the program or anything like that but please evaluate it for 30 days and then register if you would like to continue to use it. Send US$ 10 (along with a postcard from your hometown if you do not mind) to: Tropical Solutions c/o Sam Tawfik 11828 Glenhope Road San Diego, CA 92128 LEGAL STUFF: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newton is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Visual Basic is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Schedule+ is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. Sam Tawfik