PackXTract 1.0 Copyright (C) 1995 by Bernd Flachsbart *** What is PackXTract *** PackXTract is a program that enables you to extract Newton packages out of a NCK backup file. This is especially useful if you got your Newton with preinstalled software, but you don't have the install disks for the software. If you develop software or create Newton books directly on the Newton, e.g. with Newt or Newt's Cape, then you'll be able to extract your programs and books from your NCK backup file. This will result in a stand-alone package which could be distributed to others or kept as a backup. PackXTract lets you: - Extract packages from NCK backup files. - Get a list of packages contained in your NCK backup files. - Get additional information about a package (useful for developers). (Newton is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.) *** Requirements *** PackXTract requires Windows 95, Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups. *** List Of Files *** PackXTract consists of the following files: README.TXT introductory information (this file) PXTRACT.EXE required executable program file PXTRACT.HLP complete documentation in windows help format *** Installation *** 1. Create a new subdirectory C:\PackXTract (you may however use any other drive and/or subdirectory name) 2. Copy the following files to this new subdirectory: - PXTRACT.EXE - PXTRACT.HLP - README.TXT 3. See your Windows manual for information about adding PackXTract to a Program Group (Win 3.1) or adding PackXTract to the Taskbar (WIN 95) *** Documentation *** The use of PackXTract is documented in it's help file. To get online help, press the F1 key while running PackXTract or choose Contents from the help menu. Make sure you read the online documentation before using PackXTract. *** License Agreement *** PackXTract is distributed as Shareware. You are free to use it for a trial period of up to 10 days. If you want to use PackXTract after this time, you need to register it. Registered users will get free support and updates. See the online documentation for details. *** Ordering Information *** You can access ordering information from the startup screen or from the Help Contents chapter of the online help. *** Contacting the Author *** If you have any questions or suggestions regarding PackXTract, send e-mail to the author, Bernd Flachsbart, at 100576,2645 on CompuServe. See the online documentation for other ways of contacting me. *** Version History *** 1.0 - 11/28/95 - first public release. ---------------------------------- END ---------------------------------------