17NEWTON PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:17NEWTON 17NEWTON 17 0 601K 9/12/97 Sounds - 17 sounds from yischon liaw and deep focus designs. Sound Icons are sounds for the Newton OS. Add sounds to your Newton device. Use sounds in System Prefs and other applications. Allow tapping on icon to play the sound. Present a popup menu if the sound icon contains multiple sounds. Automatically file away into the Sounds folder in the Extras Drawer. May be filed, frozen, and deleted like other icons. Requires Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. 2ENTER32 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:2ENTER32 2ENTER32 232 0 15K 10/02/97 2 Enter 3 v2.1 - a RPN Calculator for the MP2000 - is an RPN scientific calculator. It was developed and tested on the Newton 2000 under OS 2.1. The program is freeware. RPN users should be familiar with almost all of the functions provided. This is a description of the less obvious. Handwriting is used to insert numbers. The '.', 'e' and '<-' buttons insert a decimal point, an e (exponent notation) and delete of the last character on the line, respectively. All standard HWR guestures can be used to edit the value. A small bulb to the left of the input line indicates a non-numeric content; such a value is not transferred to the X register. 2X2 PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:ALL:2X2 2X2 22 0 11K 6/16/96 2x2 - by Donald W. Miller, Jr., M.D. This is a simple, no frills application that will calculate predictive values and likelihood ratios from patient data, sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests. It is also helpful in demonstrating the interaction between prevalence and sensitivity, specificity. 2x2 works with Newton OS 1.x and 2.0. 3STUD PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:3STUD 3STUD 3 0 25K 11/29/94 The Three Students - The Adventure of the Three Students (3STUDNTS.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. 61MEMORY PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:61MEMORY 61MEMORY 61 0 5K 5/11/98 61 Memory Fix 1.0 - is a backdrop button to work around the -10061 memory problem 4 Meg Newton devices face. The Fix is already built into Avi's Backdrop, so if you've got Avi's Backdrop, you don't need this. ABDUCE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:ABDUCE ABDUCE 0 8K 11/20/94 Abduce - Abduce is an addicting Newton dice game. First, Tap Roll. Then choose what to work with (ones, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, three odd, three even, FullHouse or Break). If you choose twos, five twos will pop up, and the score will be 10. If you rolled any twos, click on the twos in the row, and your score will decrease. I think you're going for the lowest score possible. With each roll, you get to pick twice. You should pick whatever you have rolled the highest number of! ACALC PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:ACALC ACALC 0 6K 8/04/94 ACalc - Acalc is another attempt at a usable Newton calculator. Enter expressions by writing numbers and tapping the buttons for the operators (or using a keyboard if you must). Expressions are evaluated by tapping the = button. For the Newton. ACCESSOR PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:ACCESSOR ACCESSOR 0 15K 9/12/94 Accessor 1.0 - There are a lot of utilities for getting around the inadequacies of the Extras Drawer. Accessor is my contribution. Accessor provides access to the builtin applications (Calculator, Inbox, Time Zones, etc), installed applications (the windows scrolls so memory is now your only limit), and books. Accessor also provides a quick and easy way to toggle between the card and internal store. Lastly, against Apple's directives, Accessor provides a quick and easy way to toggle between user hand writing recognition settings and guest hand writing recognition settings. ACCORDIA PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ACCORDIA ACCORDIA 0 765K 2/19/98 Accordian 1.0 - gives you a real time connection between your Newton PDA and FileMaker Pro databases. You must use FileMaker Pro 3.0 and it must be launched (in the background) with the desired database running. We have included 2 sample databases to link your Newton Notes and Names. Accordian supports all of the built-in Newton applications plus other third party Newton applications like MoreInfo, Pocket Money, FormIt, etc. Accordian for the Macintosh connects to the RCU2.3.pkg for the Newton. Users of the Revelar Connection Utility (RCU) need not download the package again into their Newton. ACCOUNT1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ACCOUNT1 ACCOUNT1 1 0 9K 2/03/98 AccountInfo erweitert die Kartei des Newtons (NOS 2.x) um die Funktion, Konto Informationen einer Person oder einer Firma anzufgen (Bank, Konto, BLZ). NEU: Ueberprfen von Postcheck Konto Nummern. http://www.stud.ee.ethz.ch/~mstrittm/dinoware ACCOUNTE PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:2:ACCOUNTE ACCOUNTE 0 7K 9/16/97 AccountExtension - This is a simple enhancement for the Names application for Newton OS 2.0. You can add a bank account for a person or for a company including a bank name and an account number. This package was tested on a MP 120. This program is free. Dinoware, Marcel Strittmatter. email: tilt@dataway.ch homepage: http://myweb.vector.ch/dinoware (soon) ACCOUNTI PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ACCOUNTI ACCOUNTI 0 7K 11/05/97 Account Info 0.9 - is an extension which extends the built-in Names application (NOS 2.x). With this extension you can add to person and to company cards some account information, such as a bank name, an account number and a PIN. You can add multiple entries to each card. dinoware@kagi.com Homepage: http://www.stud.ee.ethz.ch/~mstrittm/dinoware ACCT2PM1 PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:ACCT2PM1 ACCT2PM1 21 0 7K 4/10/95 Acct2PM 14 - This program will convert your Accountable 2.0 data to PocketMoney 1.41 data. Occasionally, I get requests for this convertor. It is not destructive to your Accountable data, so give PocketMoney a try. PocketMoney is a shareware program, Accountable Ltd is a limited version of the full commercial Newton accounting program. You must install and run PocketMoney before installing and running this converter. Backing up your Newton beforehand is a suggestion! ACES1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:ACES1 ACES1 1 0 20K 10/04/95 Aces 1.1 - Aces is probably the simplest solitaire game I know of, which is why I chose it to learn Newton programming, using my husband as a teacher. Obviously, my husband being the creator of Solo Deluxe, it was easier for me to use a card game as my first application. The goal in Aces is quite simple. You deal 4 cards and remove all the lowest cards of the same suite by tapping on them. Aces have the highest value and are the only cards which may be played in an empty column. You must end up with only aces on top, and all cards must be played. Its even better, but quite difficult, to end up with only the four aces and no other cards underneath. ACTIONNA PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:ACTIONNA ACTIONNA 0 179K 4/29/96 Action Names 4.03 Demo - Here's the perfect contact manager and scheduler for Newton. With Action Names, you'll get more from Newton PDA's organizer functions. That's right, Action Names goes beyond the limits of the built-in address book and calendar with a series of advanced add-in modules designed to make managing your schedule both easier and better than everright out of the box. Now, schedule meetings, events, phone calls, to-do's, and repeating items quickly and effortlessly without handwriting. Action Names takes the Newton PIM a step further by linking activities with contacts. And it keeps a complete log of activities on each contact for future reference. Because Action Names is designed... ACTIONNA PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:ACTIONNA ACTIONNA 0 90K 5/16/95 Action Names 1.1D Demo - Limited demo version of iambic Action Names & Agenda - The Essential Name, Telephone, and Calendar Add-on for Every Newton User. This version is provided for illustration purposes only. It's not half as useful as the real thing. AN&A allows you to set up 18 extra fields for each entry in your card file. You can define the label of the field, the type of field, and the popup list of frequently used values. In the demo version, whenever you reset your Newton all these values are returned to factory defaults. AN&A allows you to keep a list of frequently called telephone numbers which you can access quickly from the Newton call slip. In the demo version, you are limited to only 2 frequently... ADA PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:ADA ADA 0 23K 12/23/96 Ada Terms Glossary - a glossary of terms related to the Ada programming lan guage. ADDCITY1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ADDCITY1 ADDCITY1 1 0 20K 10/29/94 Addcity 1.6 - Do you live in a city which does not show up on the map in the Time Zones app? AddCity was originally written to allow me to add Calgary, my home town, which wasn't in the original Newton (now it is). Version 1.5 of AddCity adds support for adding multiple cities, using a soup. Simple click AddCity, Enter the City name, latitude, longitude, hours from gmt, country adn area code, then click I'm Here and you're set! Version 1.5.1 of AddCity added support for multiple cities, using a soup. This latest version, 1.6, adds full support for routing. You are able to fax, print, mail, and beam a city to your friends around the world. ADDRESS2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ADDRESS2 ADDRESS2 2 0 122K 4/27/98 AddressAccess 2.01 - supplies an easy and efficient interface to the contacts stored in your Newton - no more using the slow overview function to find a person's address or phone number. AddressAccess V2.0 has been partially redesigned for improved OS2.x support. If you still use Newton OS1.x then please install AddressAccess 1.62. ADDRESS2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:ADDRESS2 ADDRESS2 2 0 207K 8/07/96 AddressAccess 1.61e - supplies an easy and efficient interface to the cards stored in your Newton - no more using the slow overview function to find a person's address. Features - Sort your cards by first name, last name or company, comfortable editor for easily changing or adding cards with optional non-floating keyboard - quick searching: only enter the first few characters of name you are looking for - supports NOS2.0 systems - use a lot of 2.0-names-fields even with 1.x systems. Address is formatted according to the country. - Direct dialing of phone numbers without any further dialogs, Direct beaming of cards. - Direct beaming of your card - together with i++ V1.10 or higher on 2.0-systems: - create a new... ADDRESSA PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ADDRESSA ADDRESSA 0 125K 4/27/98 AddressAccess 2.01 - supplies an easy and efficient interface to the contacts stored in your Newton - no more using the slow overview function to find a person's address or phone number. AddressAccess V2.0 has been partially redesigned for improved OS2.x support. If you still use Newton OS1.x then please install AddressAccess 1.62.This is the German version. ADDRESSA PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:ADDRESSA ADDRESSA 0 197K 8/07/96 AddressAccess 1.61d - kann als Ergnzung oder als Ersatz des im Newton integrierten Karteiprogramms verwendet werden. Die Oberflche bietet einen effizienten Zugriff auf die gespeicherten Karteikarten. Auerdem bietet das Programm: Komfortabler Editor der auch auf Newton1.x Systemen viele Felder von NOS2.0 bereitstellt. Sortieren nach Vorname, Nachname oder Firma. Adressen werden abhngig vom jeweiligem Land formatiert. Exportieren von Karteikarten in den Notizblock. Newton2.0 wird untersttzt. Wechsel in die eingebaute Kartei. es werden dieselben Daten genutzt, wie bei der integrierten Kartei, direktes Whlen einer Telefonnummer ohne weitere Dialogboxen, direktes Beamen einer Karte - ebenfalls ohne... ADDTODIC PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ADDTODIC ADDTODIC 0 19K 2/01/95 AddtoDict 2.13 - The Newton has a lot of potential, but the recognition dictionary in the first versions is appalling. Having to use the soft-keyboard to type stuff in all the time is a drag. And then it asks you if you want to add the word to the User Dictionary as well! This really gets in the way. AddToDict is a small Newton application that allows multiple additions to your User Dictionary in one sitting. It also has a couple of other goodies. 2.11 has some System management features and automatic addition from your Notes and Names. Take a look at the Pro features. They give you a look at the potential of a future Professional version. ADEPTDIV PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:ADEPTDIV ADEPTDIV 0 27K 1/02/95 Adept Dive Planner 1.0 Demo - This is a demo version of a Newton application for the technical diver to calculate decompression tables for dives on air, nitrox and trimix. The demo version is limited to a maximum depth of 132 feet / 40 metres. Features include - custom decompression tables, ZH-L16B algorithm, multi-level dives, multiple dives, gas mixing, gas consumption, and explicit user-definable safety factors. Requires - Newton MessagePad, MP100, MP110, and 75k free memory (internal store or card). The full working version is available from ADP Software. Takes up 61k installed. ADV1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:ADV1 ADV1 1 0 17K 10/14/95 ADV 1 - A simple Text adventure, built using a framework that only requires the modification of a text file to produce another adventure. Basically a sample/demo app. Enjoy. ADVOFBLA PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:ADVOFBLA ADVOFBLA 0 30K 11/29/94 Adv of Black Peter - The Adventure of Black Peter (B-PETER.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... ADVOFTHE PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:ADVOFTHE ADVOFTHE 0 29K 11/29/94 Adv of the Blue Carbuncle - The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle (BCARBNCL.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. ADVOFTHR PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:ADVOFTHR ADVOFTHR 0 26K 11/29/94 Adv of Three Students - The Adventure of the Three Students (3STUDNTS.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... AFFILIAT PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:AFFILIAT AFFILIAT 0 18K 9/09/97 AffiliatePlus - AffiliatePlus is an extension which replaces the built-in Affiliate feature within the Name File. You are most likely accustom to being able to add an affiliate for a person or company from within the Name File. Unfortunately, it limits you to the a person's name and affiliation. AffiliatePlus allows you to add a person's name, affiliation, two phone numbers, an e-mail address and even their birthday. This information is all displayed when you display the All Info view from within the Name File. This is a 30 day demo. Requires Newtob OS 2.x. AHORCADO PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:AHORCADO AHORCADO 0 9K 12/22/93 Ahorcados - Ahorcados is a hangman game for the Newton. The comments are quite funny when you guess a wrong letter. Play is as any hangman game, but don't blame the author if Newton can't read your writing. If you have trouble with Newton thinking you wrote a different letter than you did, simply tap twice in the area where you enter letters, and type the darn thing! Graphics are line drawings (suitable for kids...). Make sure you read the comments as you guess wrong or right! Keeps track of your wins and losses. Once installed, takes up 14k on the Newton. ALARMCLO PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:ALARMCLO ALARMCLO 0 23K 3/09/98 AlarmClock 1.4 - is the ultimate alarm clock for the Newton(tm). This is for all those who forget to bring their travel clocks on business trips and during vacation, have bad experiences with absent-minded hotels, or just do not like the current alarm clock implementation. AlarmClock is loud, annoying, and configurable, exactly what you are looking for in an travel clock! Plus, AlarmClock is free for use by the entire Newton community! Requirements - Any Newton running Newt OS 1.x. Users with OS 2.0 should use to AlarmClock 2.0 immediately. ALARMCLO PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:ALARMCLO ALARMCLO 0 19K 3/09/98 AlarmClock 2.7 - is the ultimate alarm clock for the Newton(tm). This is for all those who forget to bring their travel clocks on business trips and during vacation, have bad experiences with absent-minded hotels, or just do not like the current alarm clock implementation. AlarmClock is loud, annoying, and configurable, exactly what you are looking for in an travel clock! Plus, AlarmClock is free for use by the entire Newton community! ALARMEDA PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:ALARMEDA ALARMEDA 0 56K 3/13/98 Alarmed and Dangerous 1.22 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Alarmed and Dangerous is a set of enhancements to the Alarm features of the Newton, desgined to make them more usable and noticable. It lets you iconify messages, set the duration and frequency of the alarm sounds, and automatically ignore or iconify certain alarms and notifications. It also improves the snooze function and adds several new alarm sounds. ALARMIST PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:ALARMIST ALARMIST 0 132K 10/23/94 Alarmist 2.0 - Alarmist allows the user to schedule an arbitrary number of alarms for arbitrary times in the future. The alarms will wake a sleeping Newt and can play various sounds and display various messages. The alarms may have one of four degrees of annoyingness and each may have a message associated with it. When the alarm goes off, a floater is displayed and a sound may be played. The user can acknowledge the alarm by tapping a button or defer (snooze) the alarm. If the alarm is ignored (neither acknowledged nor snoozed) and the annoyingness level is high enough, the alarm will automatically be rescheduled. A list of alarms (if any) that have been ignored is displayed at power-on. ALARMPAK PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:ALARMPAK ALARMPAK 0 250K 12/28/96 AlarmPak 2.01 - is a great utility that enhances the built-in alarm function of the Newton. A must have! $15 shareware. Free update for registered users. For Newton OS, 2.0 only. Ever notice how ineffectual the Newton's alarm function is? Ever miss an appointment because your Newton beeped when you were in the hallway, you didn't hear it, and then your Newton fell asleep? If this is a problem, AlarmPak may be the answer. AlarmPak captures the Reminder messages from the Dates application and handles these message much better than the Newton does. AlarmPak lets you set the volume, beep, and frequency of alarms. AlarmPak also remembers an unlimited number of reminder messages, so you don't have to. ALARMPAK PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:ALL:ALARMPAK ALARMPAK 0 42K 3/31/96 AlarmPak 1.4.2 - Ever notice how ineffectual the Newton's alarm function is? Ever miss an appointment because your Newton beeped when you were in the hallway, you didn't hear it, and then your Newton fell asleep? If this is a problem, AlarmPak may be the answer. AlarmPak captures the Reminder messages from the Dates application and handles these message much better than the Newton does. AlarmPak lets you set the volume, beep, and frequency of alarms. AlarmPak also remembers an unlimited number of reminder messages, so you don't have to. ALERTMAK PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ALERTMAK ALERTMAK 0 27K 9/03/97 Alert Maker - Create your own alert sounds. Have you ever wanted to make your own alerts? Alert Maker is a tool that allows you to create your own alert sounds. Alert Maker converts sound recordings from the Notes application to alert sounds. Create your own alert and alarm sounds. Convert Notes sound recordings to alerts. Sounds can be used with other applications. NewtonID aware but not required. Easy to use. Alert Maker is available Newton devices with sound recording capability. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000. No testing on an eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. ALLEX PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:ALLEX ALLEX 0 5K 7/01/94 AllEx - Creates a new button on the notepad statusbar which produces a scrolling list of all items in the Extras drawer (whether or not visible). Selecting one opens it. Do not use to open Card. Install only in internal memory. ALLTHUMB PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ALLTHUMB ALLTHUMB 0 16K 2/28/95 All Thumbs 0.5 - Tired of hitting that darned overview button (*) when you turn the pages on your digital books? All Thumbs to the rescue! This little hack adds three buttons to the display when a book is opened. A left, right and drag button. Their functions are pretty obvious. Tap, hold and then drag the grey area and you can move All Thumbs anywhere on the screen. All Thumbs will close automatically when you close the book. Please note that this is a demo version of this package and it will expire 30 days after you install it. This version will totally expire on 12/31/95 and will not let you install or use it after that date. Shareware. ALOHA11 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:ALOHA11 ALOHA11 11 0 115K 12/12/96 Aloha 1.1.1 - Aloha is a Newton email client to access America Online (AOL). Newton users now have a way to retrieve email from AOL when at home, in the office, or wherever their travels might take them. Requirements - Newton 1.x, most modems should work when properly configured. SprintNet access point : other networks will be supported as the market demands. America Online account : you must have an existing AOL account for Aloha to access. Features - Send mail to AOL. Receive mail from AOL. Works with any Newton package that supports text mail messages. Gives AOL users an easy way to pay for Newton shareware. Does not interfere with your NewtonMail account. Works with multiple AOL... ALOHA245 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:ALOHA245 ALOHA245 245 0 84K 2/19/98 Aloha 2.45 - Aloha is an email client for Newton PDAs that uploads and downloads email from America Online. New - added AOLGlobalNet Support, fixed incoming email truncation problem, close iobox if less than 20k of heap is free. For OS 2.0 only. AMAZEING PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:AMAZEING AMAZEING 0 24K 3/14/97 aMAZEing 1.0 - is a maze game with a twist. It generates your basic 2d mazes but in addition, adds an additional half dimension by allowing mazes with bridges, crossing over the normal paths of the maze. It makes for a much more challenging game! It's a great game for kids as well as adults. Requires 2.0. AMIGO1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:AMIGO1 AMIGO1 1 0 59K 9/05/95 AMIGO 1.5 Demo - This is the AMIGO Demo by ACCSYS Corporation. AMIGO is an English/Spanish & Spanish/English dictionary reference and translation program. The demo version is a limited version allowing access to only a words and with no dictionary customization. You will need about 150K of free space to install both packages. AMINALS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:AMINALS AMINALS 0 114K 12/12/95 Aminals - Another ill conceived product from Inconceivable Software. Aminals is intended to amuse small children by allowing them to reveal pictures of animals by erasing with the pen. In order to keep kids from accidentally quitting, Aminals has no close box. To quit you will have to tap 3 times - just follow the intructions shown in the text box at the bottom. Aminals also disables the system buttons to keep the kids from accidentally opening other apps. When you quit, they will be re-enabled. Aminals is freeware. AN2NCK1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:AN2NCK1 AN2NCK1 21 0 14K 5/08/95 AN2NCK 1.0b - This small utility will allow you to access the additonal 18 fields which Action Names adds to each name card in the Newton Connection Kit 2.0 for either Macintosh or Windows. You should install AN2NCK.PKG on your Newton and run it once. After that you can remove the package. Notes - If you encounter any error messages when running AN2NCK on your Newton, try to de-install or archive as many packages as you are not using. AN2NCK requires a fair amount of memory to run in. You can reinstall them after you run AN2NCK successfully. Reset your Newton and try again. If you encounter any problems using the Newton Connection Kit (NCK) after installing the AN2NCK patch, try to re-synchronize with the NCK... ANIMALSO PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:ANIMALSO ANIMALSO 0 69K 2/11/97 Animal Sounds - this 100k package contains a variety of short animal noises. All of these packages will register new sounds for your Newton. Various programs like our upcoming 'ChatBuddy', our programmers tool 'PackageBeeper', and the built in Newton Alarms let users select from the registered sounds for different notices. Adding one of these packages will extend the number of sounds you can choose. ANSWERIN PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:ANSWERIN ANSWERIN 0 23K 11/03/93 AnsweringMachine - This is a program for the Newton, which must be installed with the Newton Connectivity Kit. This is a small program to use with your answering machine. Just enter your individual codes and call back the messages, store a new message.. Its uses about 41KByte on your Newton. ANYMESSA PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:ANYMESSA ANYMESSA 0 15K 12/02/94 Any Messages? 2.0 - AnyMessages? 2.0 fixes a long-standing bug with Newton alarms - Now if you miss one and your Newton goes to sleep, the alarm will not be hidden. Alarms will now play longer, and at maximum volume, even if youve turned sound off elsewhere. Version 2.0 can also be operated manually, like version 1.0; click on its icon in the Extras Drawer to see the last four messages your Newton displayed. ClockFix should diminish the Newton clocks gradual loss of time. Usually when your Newton restarts, it remembers the time in minutes, but forgets the number of seconds, so your clock will generally be slow. ClockFix tries to set your clock ahead by its estimate of how much time your clock loses. APPGEN3D PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:APPGEN3D APPGEN3D 3 0 98K 4/26/97 AppGen 3 Demo - is an application generator, enabling users to easily generate their own custom tailored data-collection applications for Apple's Newton PDA. Data can be saved to internal memory or external PCMCIA memory cards; searched using Newton's standard Find facility, and sent to other computers for further processing via the Newton Connection Kit. AppGen allows users to generate scrollable data entry screens populated with any number & combination of the following field types: Popup, Numeric, FreeForm, Date, Phone, Currency, Time, Fraction, Stopwatch, External Lookup, Hierarchical-Popups, Sketches, a NotePad interface to allow printing, faxing, beaming, and External... APPLECOM PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:APPLECOM.TXT APPLECOM.TXT 0 8K 11/02/94 Apple Computer, Inc. Software License Agreement - Copyright 1994, Apple Computer, Inc. PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE CAREFULLY BEFORE DOWNLOADING THE SOFTWARE. BY DOWNLOADING AND/OR USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE, YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO DOWNLOAD THIS SOFTWARE. APPLELIN PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:APPLELIN APPLELIN 0 25K 8/21/95 AppleLink US - AppleLink Phone Numbers. A guide to all of the phone numbers for AppleLink in the US. Includes high speed numbers. In NewtonBook format . APPMAN1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:APPMAN1 APPMAN1 1 0 27K 3/13/98 AppMan 1.11 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. AppMan is similar to the Application menu on a Macintosh. It places a small button in the corner of your Newton which, when tapped, pops up a list of all running applications, as well as three frequently access apps (Notes, Styles, and Connection). APPMEM2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:APPMEM2 APPMEM2 2 0 18K 10/09/94 App Mem 2.1 - App Memory is a shareware program for disposing of unused memory that applications leave behind and thus eating up memory. If you ever get the There is not enough memory - Cancel or Reboot message (who has not !), then this program is for you. Why does this happen? Because programs don't free up all the memory they use when they quit. Even the built in apps don't. So, every time you run a different program, some memory gets left behind. Soon, not enough memory is available for program data. Then that message pops up and, if you reboot, you have to reset the Names, Notes and other apps to show what you want. Some applications may malfunction or ask for a registration number again. If one does,... APPRAISA PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:APPRAISA APPRAISA 0 17K 10/08/95 Appraisal - A data gathering application. This application enables the user to quickly gather opinions or observed data and record it as a series of observations. The Data is stored as a soup and should be resistant to Resets and other small problems. This version has the titles and comments set in the application, the real version will have the ability to edit and save changes to most of the text that appears on the screen, ie the questions etc. This application can be used to monitor childrens progress, small opinion polls, job progress, etc. Data can be either modified and / or added to. The modification Time and Date is saved and displayed. The Exported Data file will be a TAB delimited text file. This is a... AR32E30 PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:ALL:AR32E30.EXE AR32E30.EXE 3230 0 3829K 12/04/96 Acrobat 3.0 - For Win95. Adobe is pleased to introduce Acrobat 3.0, the fastest way to publish any document on your corporate Intranet, on the Web, or on CD-ROM. The free Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 enables you to view, navigate, and browse PDF files seamlessly within leading Web browsers such as Netscape Navigator. For more details, visit Adobe's Web site at http://www.adobe.com/. Requires Macintosh computer with 68020 (Macintosh II series) or greater processor (including any Power Macintosh computer). MacOS 7.0 or later, 2 MB application RAM, 4 MB for Power Macintosh, 4.6 MB hard-disk space, plus 3.7 MB temporary space available during installation, For Web integration, Netscape Navigator 2.0 or... ARCADEGA PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:ARCADEGA ARCADEGA 0 117K 10/10/96 Arcade Game Pack Vol.1 1.0 - Frogs vs. Cars is a game in which you take on the role of a frog trying to cross a busy street, and then navigate across a swiftly flowing river. You have to avoid being smooshed by speeding cars and trucks, and then leap from log to log and finally to safety in one of the niches at the top of the screen. You'll have 4 lives in which to do this, and the Newton will save your 10 high scores. Rocks in Space is based off of a classic arcade game. Destroy rocks with your spaceship or get destroyed. Birds with Lances is a gae where you take on the role of the pilot of a bird with a lance, and you must fight enemies in a tournament. AREACODE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:AREACODE AREACODE 0 8K 6/10/97 Area Code Change 1.1 - Certain parts of the country are switching their area codes; rather than going through each entry individually, users can now use Area Code Change to automatically update their Name soup entries to the new area codes! System Requirements - Any Newton from the original MessagePad to the MessagePad 2000 and between 6K to 11K of free storage space. AREAS1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:AREAS1 AREAS1 1 0 35K 5/07/95 Areas 1.00 - Areas is a Newton app that allows the user to look up US and Canadian area codes. The state or province that the are code is in and the time zone or time zones that the state or province is in are listed. Areas is free. Since I dont promise to update it as area codes are added, the source code is free too. ARRAYEDI PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:ARRAYEDI ARRAYEDI 0 28K 4/18/94 ArrayEditor - These user prototypes (protoArrayEditorVtHick, protoLabelEditPickerVtHick and protoLabelEditInputLine) are Shareware. protoArrayEditorVtHick - interface between program and user for modifying of arrays. protoLabelEditInputLine - a protoInputLabelLine with the added feature of the user being able to edit the labelCommands. This proto requires protoArrayEditorVtHick to work. protoArrayEditorVtHick must be declared as arrayEditorVtHick in the a parent view. protoLabelEditPickerVtHick - a protoLabelPicker with the added feature of the user being able to edit the labelCommands. This proto requires protoArrayEditorVtHick to work. Shareware, see the docs for... ASSETMAN PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ASSETMAN ASSETMAN 0 103K 9/18/97 Asset Manager 1.0 demo - is the easiest and most comprehensive tool for identifying and tracking assets, the contents of a residence or light commercial facility. This tool will generate contents damage and repair reports that can be integrated for use with Claims Cost Analyzer reports for submission to an insurer (see our website http://www.n-abled.com). Asset Manager can be used out of the box or Asset Manager can be configured to work with Cost Analyzer (in such areas as Facilities Management) or it can be fitted to meet your business requirements. Use this tool to create an Census of Assets report to accompany scheduled insurance before a loss or damage, use it for tax purposes. sset... ASSISTAN PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:ASSISTAN ASSISTAN 0 12K 2/28/95 Assistance 0.9 - This shareware utility adds a pop up menu to your Assist button. Now, instead of tapping Assist, please, a choice and THEN tapping please, you just tap Assistance!, tap from the pop-up list and it executes! If you have written or selected text selected before tapping Assistance!, that text will be added to the chosen command. So the next time you see a phone number or name somewhere, select it and tap Assistance!-Call. It will set it up for you. Assistance! only uses the top portion of your Assist button. New function allows you to tap the Assist button when a Reminder notify is visible. If you add an entry to your date book like Call Bill, when the reminder appears, just tap the... ASSISTCA PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:ASSISTCA ASSISTCA 0 29K 5/08/98 AssistCalc 3.5.1 - was written to add many mathematical functions to the Newton. For example, what if you want to calculate the following - ((57*6)+89) / log 5. This could be a pain on Newton's calculator. AssistCalc allows the user to write out (not tap, tap, tap) your equation and AssistCalc will try it's best to figure out an answer for you. You can then copy the answer to where you need it. You can either use the AssistCalc program, or use it with Assist. You will then be taken into the AssistCalc program, and the answer will be given. AssistCalc can deal with math functions such as - acos(x) asin(x) atan(x) atan2(x,y) cos(x) cosh(x) exp(x) log(x) log10(x) and more! Now it's programmable! ASSISTTO PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:ASSISTTO ASSISTTO 0 21K 11/29/96 Assist Todos 1.0 - Using the Assist feature of the Newton is a great time saver except when Assist takes longer to figure out what to do with the phrase than it would take for you to enter it yourself. Assist Todos makes using Assist with todo fun again. No more waiting for Assist to process a phrase, to tell you it can't interpret the phrase, or that the phrase is too long. Features faster way to enter todos with Assist Unlimited length of phrase can be used with Assist. Todos are saved right to your To Do List so you don't have to go thru the process of opening Dates and create a new To Do slip. IGOR aware. Price $10.00 ASSTCALC PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:ASSTCALC ASSTCALC 0 29K 3/27/97 AssistCalc 3.5.1 - I wrote the first version AssistCalc because many people expect the functionality of AssistCalc to be built into the Newton. AssistCalc allows the user to write out (not tap, tap, tap) your expression into the Notepad, tap Assist and AssistCalc will calculate an answer for you. ATILLA PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:ATILLA ATILLA 0 22K 1/20/97 Attila the Hun - This is a classic Newton book for your entertainment. No one represents the unbridled fury and savagery of barbarism as much as Attila the Hun. Even in the twentieth century one of the worst names that could be found for the Germans was to call them Huns. In his own day he and his Huns were known as the Scourge of God, and the devastation they caused in Gaul before the great Battle of Chalons in 451 AD became a part of medieval folklore and tradition. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks (pdcbob@aol.com) of America Online's PDA Forum. ATTAXX1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:ATTAXX1 ATTAXX1 1 0 20K 9/24/97 Attaxx 1.0 - game for Newton OS 2.x. Attaxx is a simple strategy board game. One or two players. Three different board sizes (6x6, 7x7, or 8x8). Randomly selected playing fields varies game play. Small size (19k installed with sound effects). Freeware! AUSSIELO PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:AUSSIELO AUSSIELO 0 12K 6/10/95 AussieLocale 3.0 - Well for us fussy Aussies, here is a little correction for the Newton. Australia hasn't used miles to measure distance since about the time I was born, yet the Newton's Locales settings thinks we do. (Set to Australia and look at TimeZones) AussieLocale sets things right. If you are set to Australia it will set you to a new Locale setting, Aussie. On the way out it will go back to Australia. If there is anything else you want let me know. You can have 1st, 2nd, xth etc. for short dates; British or US keyboards and more. Let me know how you want it. Freeware. AUTODICT PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:AUTODICT AUTODICT 0 10K 11/03/93 AutoDict 1.1 - Have you ever added people to your Newton Names list using Newton Connection on the Macintosh? Or have you managed to transfer your contacts from your company database into your Newton Connection Software? And then you wanted to call or fax somone and Newton didn't recognize the name correctly? So you had to add it to your word list (i.e. user dictionary) manually?!?! Never again! AutoDict automagically scans your Names soup for new entries and adds the corresponding names (Company, First, Last,..) to your word list. So the next time after you download new addresses from your Mac just go to the Extras drawer, tap AutoDict and tap the Add Names to Dictionary button. Then Newton will recognize... AUTOROTA PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:AUTOROTA AUTOROTA 0 20K 8/04/97 Auto Rotate 1.1 - is a small freeware utility that will detect (at power-on) if a keyboard is connected and will rotate your screen to a preset orientation based on it. A new entry 'Auto Rotate' is added to the system preference and here you can set the desired screen orientation for with and for without keyboard. If you want you can also automatically turn on the backlight at power on. (not on a MP120). It seems to take a while after power-on before the Newton 'knows' a keyboard is connected, and the time it takes depends on other programs that are activated at power-on. (Like start-up sounds). Because of all the different configurations I added an adjustable delay. You can set the delay from 0.5 to 5... AVAILWOR PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:AVAILWOR AVAILWOR 0 182K 10/24/95 AvailWorks 2.02 Demo - AvailWorks gives you four easy-to-use applications integrated into one package. It includes powerful page layout tools that enable you to quickly create full page documents on your Newton for faxing, printing, beaming or mailing. AvailWorks includes tools for creating and editing text, drawings, tables and graphs. AvailWorks allows for the development of a full size page (8 1/2 by 11 inch, A4, etc.) containing drawn objects, text, spreadsheets and graphs. No matter what the size of your Newton screen is, you can layout, print, beam, mail and fax a full size page. Demo version - Pages can be created but not saved. Import/Export to and from a desktop computer is not supported. AVISBACK PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:AVISBACK AVISBACK 0 23K 6/02/98 Avi's Backdrop 1.17 - For those unfamiliar with the concept of a backdrop, there is a program running at all times on your Newton. By default, this is the Note Pad. Since most people don't take notes all the time and the Note Pad is a fairly big resource hog, many people like to make a different program their backdrop. A whole category of Newton programs has sprung up, in fact--programs designed to be nothing but the backdrop. Avi's Backdrop is one of them. Requirements - A Newton device with Newton OS 2.1 or greater. (That means a MessagePad 2000, 2100, or eMate. It's been tested on a MessagePad 2000 only. There shouldn't be any problems with any others, though.) AZDEMO PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:AZDEMO AZDEMO 0 18K 1/14/97 AZ Demo - The fate of Earth Colony Alpha-312 lies in your hands! Depleted of mineral stores necessary for the function of planetary life support systems, you have been sent to Quantor, its mineral-rich satellite. Your mission is to harvest the moon's fertile crust, collecting minerals essential for the continuation of ECa312. Your task is complicated by the presence of exotic indigenous life forms - grotesquely flopping, crawling, infinitely varied, and convulsively undulating. While harvesting, you struggle to avoid the gnashing teeth and clenching pinchers of these innumerable hostile species, relying upon other naturally found elements to defend yourself. A-Zoo Evasion, an original game for the... BABBLE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:BABBLE BABBLE 0 215K 6/04/96 PALMEDIA Babble Version 1.0 - PALMEDIA Babble is a freeware demonstration application for Newton MessagePads running Newton OS 2.0. Babble is a demonstration of video and sound playback with a decidedly offbeat twist. At the press of a button, Babble will randomly select phrases from its (rather limited) vocabulary of video/audio clips. These phrases will be combined to form one sentence which will then be displayed as one video segment (with sound). Of course, the video/sentences generated by Babble tend to be rather whimsical... BABYTIME PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:BABYTIME BABYTIME 0 5K 10/22/96 BabyTimer 1.02 - is a small freeWare app I wrote for someone whose wife was having a baby. Since the newton lacked a useful stopwatch, I wrote an application that will time and record the start/stop times for contractions, and will calculate the duration and frequency of the contractions. Requires Newtons with OS2.0. By Nico teWinkel, Ranch Computing. BACKDROP PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BACKDROP BACKDROP 0 114K 3/13/98 Backdrop Plus 1.892 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Backdrop Plus is an alternative to the NotePad as the backdrop, or background, application for the Newton. With the NotePad closed, you save as much as 10k in heap. This means that you can have more extensions and applications loaded at once, and you will get fewer memory-related problems and restarts. Each loaded application or extension takes up a small amount of heap. Since the NotePad is not used all the time, closing it when not used means there's more heap available the rest of the time. You should usually try to keep your heap above 35-40k after a restart (it will drop lower as you use your Newton. This is normal.) BACKDROP PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BACKDROP BACKDROP 0 77K 3/31/96 Backdrop Plus 1.2 - is an alternative to the NotePad as the backdrop, or background, application for the Newton. With the NotePad closed, you save as much as 10k in heap (similar to RAM on a desktop machine.) This means that you can have more extensions and applications loaded at once, and you will get fewer memory-related problems and restarts. Each loaded application or extension takes up a small amount of heap. Since the NotePad is not used all the time, closing it when not used means there's more heap available the rest of the time. You should usually try to keep your heap above 35-40k after a restart (it will drop lower as you use your Newton. This is normal.). BACKGAMM PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:BACKGAMM BACKGAMM 0 83K 11/18/97 Backgammon 2.11 - for the Newton plays exactly as the board game. Backgammon can be played against a friend or against the Newton, or you can watch the Newton play itself. Requires Newton Running 2.x OS. Backgammon is shareware, with a built in 30 day demo period. BACKGAMM PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:BACKGAMM BACKGAMM 0 68K 10/15/95 Backgammon 1.1 - Backgammon for the Newton plays exactly as the board game. Backgammon can be played agains a friend or against the Newton, or you can even watch the Newton play itself. Backgammon is a race between two armies of 15 men, each moving around a U shaped track consisting of 24 'points'. To play the game hold the Newton sideways. The line down the center of the board is known as the 'bar'. On this version, the bar also tells the player or players whose turn it is. Your pieces start from the upperleft and move clockwise. The object of the game is to move all your pieces onto your opponent's home board and then remove them from the board. Backgammon needs Newton Operating system 1.3 or later, It also needs about 75k... BACKLIG1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:BACKLIG1 BACKLIG1 1 0 16K 8/17/97 Backlight Control Button 1.6 - Version for MessagePad 130. If you have a MessagePad 2000, please use Backlight Control Button 2. This Newton Extension places an invisible button behind the area of the silkscreened keys. The preferences are located in Extras, Prefs (may you have to change the folder to Setup) followed by Backlight Control Button 1.6. Once in the preferences you could drag around the grey square to set the invisible button position. Backlight Control Button works in portrait and landscape mode! The position of the invisible button will stay at the same place in both orientations. Backlight Control Button it's faster and hopefully better than allways messing around with the power switch! BACKLIG2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:BACKLIG2 BACKLIG2 2 0 7K 8/24/97 Backlight Control Button 2.0.3 - 08/24/1997. Version for the MessagePad 2000! This Newton Extension places a button on top of the overview button. Backlight Control Button works in all rotation modes! Backlight Control Button it's faster and hopefully better than allways messing around with the power switch! BACKLIGH PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:BACKLIGH BACKLIGH 0 9K 3/11/98 Backlight Plus 1.7 - provides additional controls for your backlight. Backlight Plus is now free. Easy access: Have a backlight button in one of the four corners of your Newton's screen. Time interval: Have the backlight turn on at a specified time. Backlight Plus requires Newton OS 2.x and 7K of storage space. BACKONTO PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BACKONTO BACKONTO 0 5K 8/26/97 BackOnTop - An applet that brings your backdrop application up on top of all other running applications. It will also send the backdrop application back behind all other applications again when it's on top. Perfect to be installed in the button bar on an MP2000. Freeware. NOS 2.0 and 2.1 compatible. BACKPAK1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:BACKPAK1 BACKPAK1 1 0 11K 7/17/96 BackPak 1.1 - is a simple application launching utiltiy. The idea is to make BackPak the Backdrop application and use it, not the Extras drawer, to open applications. BackPak use much less memory than the Extras drawer (or the NotePad) when used as the Backdrop application. Open the Extras drawer and hold the pen down on top of BackPak until it is hilited. Open the action button (the one inthe lower right) and select Make Backdrop. BackPak will be made your Backdrop appliaction. When you close all other applications, BackPak will be there, not the Notes application (the Notepad). Once you open BackPak, you will notice a virtually blank screen. All you have to do is Show the applications you want. Simply tap the... BACKYARD PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:BACKYARD BACKYARD 0 84K 4/13/98 Backyard 1.0 - is designed for quick access to applications (one tap buttons and pop-ups for programs located in one Extras folder), special actions (like rotating the screen) and informations (displays current settings, offers quick notes stored in Backyard and links to important notes, calls or contacts). So it is perfectly suited to be the central point to start your work. Thats why I would recommend using it as backdrop (the application that is always open) but you can also use it as any other package and open it only when needed. Shareware. Requires NOS 2.x. BANDWIDT PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:BANDWIDT BANDWIDT 0 17K 2/08/98 Bandwidth Calculator 1.1 - The Bandwidth Calculator is just that a Bandwidth Calculator. It tells estimated time for downloading something via modem. Newton Developers are welcome to the source code as long as they give credit if they use a large chunk of it. Elwin Loomis elwin@dhc.com BANZAIRE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BANZAIRE BANZAIRE 0 25K 1/08/98 Banzai Reader - newton freeware package, demonstrating continuous sliding or slider zooming of images from newton press. Install the two enclosed packages. You simply select DemoNp from left diamond (BookPicker) popup menu and 0 or 1 from right diamond (PicturePicker) popup, then drag the image around or use slider in lower-right-hand corner to zoom about last penned point. I've included crosshairs to show you the last pen position where the zoom is about. This helps the eye keep track of where you are in the image of a map or a book page. By Paul M. Sheldon psheldon@utdallas.edu BARASSN PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:BARASSN BARASSN 0 7K 12/13/96 Bar Association Directory - A directory listing the address and phone numbers of the bar associations in every state. BARCODE1 PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:BARCODE1 BARCODE1 1 0 25K 2/12/98 Barcode-1.0 - You can use this application as a sample for incorporating barcode scanning into your own programs. BARFLY1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BARFLY1 BARFLY1 1 0 18K 10/23/94 BarFly 1.0 - Barfly provides a floating button for use with TPS barcode wands and the Apple Newton series of products. After installing on your Newton, Connect a TPS Barcode wand to the Newton. Tap the barcode icon which will appear in your extras drawer. You will be rewarded with a floating box sporting a barcode and an infodot. You may drag this button to a convenient corner or center of you screen. To begin scanning, tap the infodot and then select Begin Scanning from the popup picker. Tap in any text field to bring up a text insertion cursor, then swipe a barcode. If the barcode was scanned successfully, the barcode will be inserted at the cursor location. Tapping the barcode on the floating box re-enters... BARKEEP1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BARKEEP1 BARKEEP1 1 0 29K 2/15/98 BarKeep 1.03 - is an extension for the Newton MessagePad 2000 which allows you to customize the location and appearance of the soft button bar. Key features include the ability to: Store more icons by adjusting the space between icons. Store more icons by turning off text labels. Customize the button bar with different settings for each screen orientation: Button bar location (all four sides allowed), Button bar width, Location of scroll/overview controls, orientation of scroll/overview controls. BASICCAL PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:BASICCAL BASICCAL 0 14K 9/11/96 Basic Calc - This is a shareware Newton book of the basic rules of integration and differentiation. You will like this if you are taking calc or teaching calc, or perhaps you use it in your daily work. BATTERYB PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BATTERYB BATTERYB 0 11K 4/03/96 BatteryBuddy 1.0 - Quite simply, BatteryBuddy provides you a window into the status of your batteries your 2.0 Newton. It's a simple freeware application we've provided to the Newton Community. We've not tested it with 1.x. By Eric Welch, Copyright 1996 Tactile Systems, Inc. BATTERYC PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:BATTERYC BATTERYC 0 9K 10/23/96 Battery Change 2.0 - When was the last time I changed the battery in the smoke detector? When was the last time I changed the batteries in ye olde couch potato remote? How about in my trusty Newt? If you can't remember (or would like to), then Battery Change is for you! What is it you ask? Just my latest Stationery creation for Newton's running version 2.x of the OS! Install the package with your favorite utility (Newton Backup Utility will work as will others...), restart your Newt (give the belly-button a poke), and you'll notice a new package in the Extras:Extensions Folder. This gem will add another choice to your list of Notepad choices -- specifically you'll see a Battery Change Choice. Give it a tap. BBCNA057 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:BBCNA057 BBCNA057 057 0 92K 10/27/97 BBCNA 057 - (BasketBall Coaches Newton Assistant) is a Newton application (beta test stage) for the purpose of collecting and analyzing statistical data on a basketball game while it is in progress. Players, teams and games are all saved. Player stats include; shooting percentages, fouls, rebounds, assists, blocks, steals, turnovers and playing time. Comparison screens show team and game stats. Data can be gathered by quarter or half using an efficiently designed user interface. This is the first part of a complete system which will integrate a desktop Mac (PC to follow) to do more complete analysis/prediction as well as tournament seedings and statistics. Requires a MP2000 (should also work on an e-mate) with... BEAMBUSC PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BEAMBUSC BEAMBUSC 0 7K 7/28/95 BeamBusCard 1.0 - Beam Your Business Card! is a simple application that installs a button on your Notepad's statusbar. When you click on it, Beam Your Business Card! finds your business card and selects it for beaming automatically. WHY - It's annoying the current process one has to go through to select one's business card for beaming. Hold on a second, let me get my business card up ... man, Overview is so slow! Okay ... I'm scrolling through ... here it is. And so on ... from this need arose Beam Your Business Card! FEATURES - Notepad button. For easy access. BEAMER1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BEAMER1 BEAMER1 1 0 11K 10/21/94 Beamer 1.0 - The Beamer application is a useful utility for those using Newton Beaming or NewtonMail. Beamer will allow you to fill up the inbox of a friend with items from your notepad, names, calendar or todo. Beamer brings up a list of all the entries in one of these soups and you can beam or mail any set of them to one user by checking off the appropriate items. You can switch soups with the list picker at the lower left corner of the screen. The name was changed to Beamer from BeamMeUp in this version to avoid conflicting with two other applications named BeamMeUp. When beaming, this works best when the person who wants to receive sets their Newton in receive beams automatically. BEAMOMAT PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BEAMOMAT BEAMOMAT 0 15K 9/26/94 Beam-o-matica - Beam-o-matica is simple. It sends and receives text as straight ASCII via the Newton MessagePad's infrared port. Using this utility a person can send and receive ASCII from the Newton to any machine capable of connecting to a Sharp CE-IR2 serial modem at 9600,8,1,N. SENDING TEXT - Hilight the text to be sent and click the Tx button. RECEIVING TEXT- Click the Rx button. The newton will place any text received via the IR port to where the cursor is currently pointing. To stop receiving click on the Stop button. It's that simple. This application is shareware. By Vernon Huang. Takes up 28k once installed. BEAMPKG1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BEAMPKG1 BEAMPKG1 1 0 12K 10/19/94 BeamPkg 1.0 - By popular demand, from the makers of MagicApp (trade mark), a Newton program that allows you to beam packages between Newton MessagePads. Packages large and small can now be sent with the tap of a pen. This program only works with the MP110 and MP100. BeamPkg brings the convenience of beaming to the sending and receiving of Newton packages. BeamPkg slices a Newton program up into little pieces and transmits those to a receiving Newton where it is reassembled. When you are sending large packages, make sure you have enough battery power and enough storage space on the receiving Newton. You should allow for 2.5 times the size of the package in free space on the receiving Newton. If you botch a... BEEPBEEP PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BEEPBEEP BEEPBEEP 0 9K 11/17/93 Beep Beep - This is a Newton demo of using sounds and picture resources directly found in the ROM. It is FiggleWare so if you think its cool, drop the author a line at erica@cc.gatech.edu and let her know how it went. BEEPME1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BEEPME1 BEEPME1 1 0 31K 7/03/94 BeepMe 1.00 - BeepMe implements TAP (Telelocator Alphanumeric input Protocol) on a Newt. It allows the user to send alphanumeric pages from a Newt to alpanumeric pagers served by a system that will accept pages in TAP's manaual format. TAP specifies two ways in which pages can be sent, a manual procedure and an automatic procedure. BeepMe implements TAP's manual mode since it's much simpler than the automatic prodecure. BeepMe works with my paging service's implementation of TAP's manual mode. I have no idea about how consistent paging systems' implementations of TAP's manual mode are. BERYL PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:BERYL BERYL 0 33K 11/29/94 Adv of The Beryl Coronet - The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet (BCORONET.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. BETMASTE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:BETMASTE BETMASTE 0 14K 5/08/94 BetMaster 1.0 - Bet Master is a tool for the horse and dog racing enthusiast that helps select the most profitable betting strategy. It performs a statistical analysis on the handicapping odds provided by you, and the WIN odds posted at the track to select the bets that are most likely to generate the largest payoffs. Bet Master is SHAREWARE! So, if you use it (and especially if you win some $$$) please send $10 to the author. BETTERFI PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BETTERFI BETTERFI 0 5K 5/29/94 BetterFind 1.0 - Better Find is a Newton package which improves Find a little bit by making it behave more like Assist - if you select some text, then open Find, the text will be placed in the Find window. This makes it easier to search for text that is already entered in your Newton. Freeware. Takes up 5k once installed. BETTERLE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:BETTERLE BETTERLE 0 22K 11/28/95 BetterLearn - As a student I always have to learn a lot. Tons of useless stuff and most of it by hand. So I started to work with a cardfile system. On the front side of a card I write down the topic of what I want to learn and on the back the contents, descriptions, definitions, vocabulary, etc. If I create a new card I put it in the first of five boxes. These means that I have to repeat it tomorrow. If I get it right tomorrow I put it in the next box, if not it's back in the first box. All cards in the first box are repeated daily, the second box every two days, the third one every five days, the forth one every twelve days and the last one every four weeks. If I forget something it's always back in the first box. Now on... BGGL01E PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:BGGL01E BGGL01E 01 0 11K 3/30/96 BGGL01E - to find words. Using BGGL sharpens your word skills. BGGL supports Newton 1.x and 2.0. BGGL is free. Please register on-line or by sending e-mail to powerPen@eecs.wsu.edu. BIGNOTES PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BIGNOTES BIGNOTES 0 14K 10/07/96 BigNotes 2.0 - Lets you have notes in the note pad up to 32k in size (the standard limit is 4k.) Completely transparent, just keep writing. Shareware, $10. This demo will expire after 30 days. Requires Newton 2.0 OS. BIGNOTES PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BIGNOTES BIGNOTES 0 15K 4/18/95 BigNotes 1.01 - Big Notes is a hack for the built in Note Pad application. It will allow notes up to 8 times bigger than the built in software (up to 32k.) You will not see any change in the behavior of the note pad, other than you will not be bugged by those annoying The current note is too large. To start a new note, draw a line across the note pad. messages. If a note gets too big (near the current free heap of the Newton) it will start to slow down. The best policy is to always keep your note to at most 1/2 of the current free heap, and probably 1/3. To find your current note size, tap the 'i' button at it's top. To get the current heap, try using something like ICS's SleepAid (a very cool app, I gotta say.). BILLABLE PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:BILLABLE BILLABLE 0 52K 6/04/94 BillableHours 1.3 demo - BillableHours is a personal time tracking application from Mondo Info, by Matthew Dixon Cowles for the Apple Newton MessagePad. It allows the user to enter the number of hours worked on a given day for a particular client (or project or whatever), the number of miles (or kilometers) driven, the amount of any expenses, and so forth. These entries can be viewed individually or in a scrolling list. A totals display shows totals of hours worked and expenses incurred by month broken down by client and distance driven by month broken down by vehicle. BillableHours allows users to display and edit its data in the Newton Connection Kit. Totals feature is crippled in the demo version. BILLSTO1 PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:2:BILLSTO1 BILLSTO1 1 0 368K 3/24/97 Bills to Pay Pro 3.56 Electronic Manual - Includes a fully illustrated manual in Adobe Acrobat format and a quick start card. BILLSTOP PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:2:BILLSTOP BILLSTOP 0 122K 3/28/97 Bills to Pay Pro 3.5.6 - designed specifically for the Newton 2.0 operating system. This new version supports Pocket Money and Pocket Quicken, and was rated 4.5 by GECKO Magazine! Bills to Pay is a bill management system that helps you track and pay your bills on time, so you can avoid those pesky, money-hungry sharks! Everyone has bills to pay, although no one likes to pay them. And sometimes our lives get so hectic we forget to pay them altogether. And if we forget, we pay a late fee. And if we pay a late fee, we have less money in the bank. And, of course, our credit record gets tainted. Sound familiar? Bills to Pay can help you pay your bills on time. Best of all, it's painless-10 minutes a month ensures that you will... BILLSTOP PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:BILLSTOP BILLSTOP 0 127K 1/19/96 Bills to Pay 2.5.1 - Welcome to Bills to Pay from MAR Software. Bills to Pay is a bill management system that allows you to track bills you customarily pay, expenses you incur such as credit card charges, ATM withdrawals, grocery lists, expenses associated with business trips, or just about any type of expense or budgeting projection you can think of. Bills to Pay can be customized to your needs and offers an alarm feature to alert you of bill due dates. For those of you who use Pocket Money by Hardy Macia, Bills to Pay can send items from your Bills Lists to any Pocket Money account you designate, and can also look up and use balances from any of your Pocket Money accounts. BILLYDRA PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:BILLYDRA BILLYDRA 0 9K 11/03/93 BillyDraw - This simple Newton application allows you to draw whatever you wish on a picture of President Clinton. If you voted for him, you can draw halo's, etc. If you didn't you can draw horns etc. You can also see how he looks with a mustache. This has been especially good at relieving political frustrations. Use the Newton Connectivity Kit to transfer to the Newton. BIORHYTH PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:BIORHYTH BIORHYTH 0 17K 9/25/94 Biorhythms 1.1 - The biorhythm theory is based on the assumption that the human body has inner clock or metabolic rythms with constant cycles of time. Currently, three cycles starting at birth in a positive direction are postulated. The 23-day or physical cycle relates with physical vitality, endurance and energy. The 28-day or sensitivity cycle relates with sensitivity, intuition and cheerfulness. The 33-day or cognitive cycle relates with mental alertness and judgement. For each cycle, a day is considered either high, low or critical. Now your Newton can display a two week biorhythm after you input your name, birthdate and date to calculate. Biorhythms also takes advantage of Newton's Assist... BIRTHDAY PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY 0 10K 2/19/95 Birthdays 1.2 - Birthday updater is a simple App. It looks though all of the names in the Names soup and adds an entry in the Repeat Names soup for each birthday. As you add names with birthdays, simply re-run this app and it will update the birthdays. The added feature of 1.1 is that there is now a checkbox to allow for the last name to be included in the birthday annotation. Changes from 1.1 to 1.2 - Added Reminder pop-up. BLACKLAB PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:BLACKLAB BLACKLAB 0 6K 9/26/95 Black Labs Email Clients FAQ - This is a text file which includes FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and answers about FirstClass Retriever+ and CIS Retriever. Rev 0.7, 9/25/95. BLOCKS1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:BLOCKS1 BLOCKS1 1 0 23K 9/28/95 Blocks 1.1 - Here's a game puzzle where you try to fix the shapes into a box. There are over 700 possible combinations for fitting the pieces in the box. To move a piece, simply drag it into place. To rotate or flip a piece, drag it over one of the icons at the top, it will be updated as you are dragging it. If you need to do the same operation twice, you need to drag the piece over the icon, move away from it and drag it over the icon again. You can do this very quickly and move back to the game board right away. BOMBSAWA PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:BOMBSAWA BOMBSAWA 0 21K 5/12/94 Bombs Away 1.1 - Defend those cities, by tap-tap-tapping! You begin with 5 cities to protect. Each round consists of some number of bombs, and you have a limited number of missles to work with. Fun for the Newton! BOOKCAS1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BOOKCAS1 BOOKCAS1 1 0 5K 6/20/94 Bookcase - This is another hack from Bill Kearney. It just lists all the books currently installed in your Newton and lets you open them by clicking on their name from it's list. The Find Only in Books box does just that. It limits the find function to looking only in ALL books and nowhere else. It's only while you're in Bookcase or in one of the books you've opened. Shareware, $5. BOOKCASE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BOOKCASE BOOKCASE 0 7K 8/15/94 Bookcase 1.2 - This is a helpful program if you have alot of books on your Newton. When you tap on BookCase, it'll show you a list of all of your books, in case you feel like reading, but don't want to look all over the Extras drawer. Also, a handy feature is that you can choose to hide the books from the Extras Drawer - freeing up precious real estate! Also, make sure all of your books are showing in the Extras drawer before backing up with the Connectivity kit. By Michael Tibbott. Compatible with NewtCase. BOOKSOFF PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BOOKSOFF BOOKSOFF 0 7K 5/12/94 Books Off 2.0 - The Find button in the palette is very useful, especially the Find All command. It will look at all data in the Newton. But if there is a digital book, the speed of the command execution will be very slow. With BooksOff, Find All skips all digital books, so the execution time becomes very short. Of course, if there is a time that the data in the digital book is required, BooksOff can be easily turned on or off. BOPPIN PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:BOPPIN BOPPIN 0 11K 11/03/93 Boppin - Boppin' is just a simple app that I threw together over the course of the past week (less than 20 hrs all together). BEWARE - If you get to caught up in the game, you can ruin your screen by tapping too hard. So, be careful. The program when being played uses the idle script. This will cause extra use of your batteries. Once your game is over the idle scripts are cleared so that it stops sucking your battery dry. It does not go extremely fast, but it is noticable. BOSCOMBE PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:BOSCOMBE BOSCOMBE 0 33K 11/29/94 Boscombe Valley Mystery - The Boscombe Valley Mystery (BVMYSTRY.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... BOWSER PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:BOWSER BOWSER 0 85K 9/11/95 Bowser - Bowser(TM) is an entirely new genre of software for the Apple Newton MessagePad(TM). Bowser places at the fingertips of its enlightened users, a portable expert system. MessagePad users from a host of different occupations or fields can call up Bowser and receive step-by-step expert advice, scripted instructions, guideline recommendations, or trouble-shooting help. Bowser accomplishes this with an easy-to-use metaphor that is literally learned in seconds. Using a flipbook metaphor, Bowser is, in essence, a sophisticated decision-tree browser. Any non-cyclic, directed graph (computerese) or similar flow chart (for everybody else) can be easily converted within Bowser's... BOXER1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:BOXER1 BOXER1 1 0 84K 5/25/96 Boxer 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Boxer is an arcade game for the Newton. You control the action. You will need to play around with Boxer to get the hang of it, but in given time you will be fighting with the best of 'em! Boxer is simple to play, once you get the hang of it... You must use the action box to control the boxer. It will appear in the upper right or upper left side of the screen. There are three punches: the jab, the uppercut, and the punch. The jab is the quickest but least powerful punch. The jab is used to weaken the opponent. To jab you tap on the action box where you want to jab. The punch and the uppercut are much more slow and powerful. You generally want to... BRAIN2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BRAIN2 BRAIN2 2 0 11K 2/09/94 Brain 2.0 - Battery Brain for Newtons monitors your battery level and can alert you if the battery level drops below a user-defined threshold. If you've used your Newton a lot, you already know how quickly it can eat through batteries. But, you will probably be surprised at how fast your battery life decreases once your batteries drop below a certain level. Battery Brain monitors that decrease and will warn you as your batteries become weaker and weaker. Battery Brain will also automatically turn off sounds and the Receive beams automatically setting at user defined levels to help conserve battery power. This version is a complete rewrite from the ground up, with many changes! BREVITYR PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:BREVITYR BREVITYR 0 4K 3/24/96 Brevity Rotate - KrisN1@aol.com, Primordial Software. Requires Newton 2.0. Brevity Rotate is an extension that puts a rotate button in the status bar of the Notepad. BRICKSDE PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:BRICKSDE BRICKSDE 0 67K 10/09/97 bricks-demo - You can order Bricks for only $24.95 + S&H by calling our ordering number: 1-800-248-1045, ext. 5064. Download a free demo of Bricks now! This demo lets you play one sample level - it's just a fraction of the fun you can have! support@hexdump.com BRUCEPAR PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:BRUCEPAR BRUCEPAR 0 37K 11/29/94 Bruce Part Plans - The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans (BP-PLANS.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book... BSAVER1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BSAVER1 BSAVER1 1 0 10K 2/03/94 BSaver 1.0 - This package checks the battery level every 60 seconds and adjusts the sound volume to match your preferences. (High sound settings drain the battery). Bsaver Sets your sound volume according to battery status - charged battery - high volume, 25 percent of battery - low volume. This package works in background until you tap again on it's icon in the extra drawer. Features - Actual battery level is now a real time indicator, percent added on each slider, no more error or reset when removing - reinstall, now enable and disable receive beam automatically if needed and shows state in the extraDrawer. BUGOMATI PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:BUGOMATI BUGOMATI 0 19K 7/10/96 Bug-O-Matic 1.0 - This is a game program for the Newton. In this game, you have a Bug (i.e., insect) to take care of. It goes running around looking for foods. Object of the game is to let the Bug eat all the foods. The Bug runs straight. When it hits a wall or obstacle, it makes a 90 degree turn. You guide the Bug to foods by putting obstacles in right places. The Bug gets hungry very quickly, however. When it becomes too hungry to run, the game is over. So watch out its energy level. BUGTRAP1 PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:BUGTRAP1 BUGTRAP1 1 0 46K 2/11/98 BugTrap 1.5 - provides users a way of giving developers an accurate log of a crash occurring on their Newton. Rather than sending the developer a backup of their Newton, BugTrap should be a initial substitute for the developer hooking the users Newton up to NTK for debugging. Our hope is that 90% of the problems out there can be fixed with the information this can provide the developer. Requires Newton OS 2.x. BUILTINS PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:BUILTINS BUILTINS 0 2K 2/11/97 BuiltIn Sounds - this 2k package adds sounds, built in to the Newton, to the list of sounds you can use. Like the Extras opening, an item getting trashed, the hilite sound and more. All of these packages will register new sounds for your Newton. Various programs like our upcoming 'ChatBuddy', our programmers tool 'PackageBeeper', and the built in Newton Alarms let users select from the registered sounds for different notices. Adding one of these packages will extend the number of sounds you can choose. BULLETPR PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BULLETPR BULLETPR 0 8K 9/14/95 BulletProof - Includes two Newton applications - Newton Rebooter and Newton Sleeper. Rebooter will allow you to reboot your Newton without having to pull off your battery cover. Rebooter also has two additional buttons. One is labeled GC and will do a garbage collecton on your Frame Heap memory recovering any unused memory. The Sleep button will cause your Newton to sleep or power off. Newton Sleeper - Sleeper is a button on the Notepad satus bar that will allow the Newton to sleep immediately when the button is tapped. BURRITOB PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:BURRITOB BURRITOB 0 15K 4/04/94 Burrito Beamer - This is an interesting Newton app, where you just select the items you want on your burrito, and send you order! Now if your local custom taqueria has a Sharp RY5AR021 Enhanced-Range Infrared Data Receiver and is within range, you can save time by beaming your burrito order ahead of you. If it's still a low-tech operation, you can instead email your order, or if it's particularly quaint, fax it. No support yet for ethernet, since La Costena in Mountain View doesn't support it. User configuration, client-to-client beaming, and client-to-client email with enclosures is not supported in the current version. If both clients have Burrito Beamer installed, beaming and email with enclosures will... BUTTON0 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:BUTTON0 BUTTON0 0 0 8K 2/24/94 Button - The Button is a program that gives you complete life-or-death control over your newton's little world. Ok, so all it does is reboot the newton, but it accomplishes this in a new and unique way. Not only do you get a nice little icon of a failsafe cover, but clicking on the icon reveals a big friendly-looking button that nukes the screen and reboots when pressed. Oh yea, just in case you carelessly leave the failsafe cover open don't worry; it will close by itself about 6 seconds after it was opened. This program falls into the category of cute, but not extremely useful, by-products of my learning process. Feel free to send comments or offers to improve on my artwork. BUTTONB2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:BUTTONB2 BUTTONB2 2 0 114K 11/12/97 Button Bar Plus 2.0 - increases the functionality of the MessagePad ButtonBar, letting you add multiple sets, shrink icons, and position the button bar on any edge of the Newton Screen. Button Bar Plus adds to the functionality of the built-in Button Bar of the Newton MessagePad 2000/2100, letting you shrink icons, control system functions, and have multiple icon sets. Button Bar Plus also allows you to define multiple icon sets, and to quickly change what apears in your Button bar. BUTTONP2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:BUTTONP2 BUTTONP2 2 0 17K 9/26/96 ButtonPkg 1.2 - is a collection of 9 buttons with different purposes. The buttons can be installed separately by downloading only the desired packages to your Newton. After installation the buttons show up on the Newton where they are ment to act. The buttons are picture buttons, which look nicer and take up less space than text buttons. Several of the buttons will appear in your backdrop application, but only if it supports Auxiliary Buttons. Notepad and Names for instance do. *SignatureButton* adds a button to the status bar in Notepad. Pressing the button inserts your signature from the Owner Info application. If your Newton has more than one owner a popup menu is displayed first, allowing you to select... BUZZ1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:BUZZ1 BUZZ1 1 0 8K 5/23/94 Buzz 1.0 - This is a buzz phrase generator. It's for fun and for free! Let your Newton help you make phrases for Engineering (example - robust multi-processor project), Research (parallel algorithm report), Marketing (broad-based North American channel), Management/HR (significant local solution) and Political (politically incorrect judicial white-paper). Have fun with it! Takes up 18k once installed on the Newton. BUZZWORD PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:BUZZWORD BUZZWORD 0 21K 6/03/94 Buzzword Bingo - Buzzword Bingo is based on an idea presented in the Dilbert comic by Scott Adams. In the comic strip the manager was very pleased that people were paying better attention in meetings, until someone shouted Bingo! Make a custom list of buzzwords in the notepad and import it into the program to match your manager or maybe the nightly news or Leno or Letterman. Have fun! 32k once installed. Dilbert is syndicated by United Features Sydicate, Inc., copyright 1989 by Scott Adams. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 10K 12/21/96 This is a text file listing of the PC Tools file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 43K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Calculator & Science file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 135K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Utilities file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 91K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Shortcuts file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 26K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Programmers file section of the Newton CD by Date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:INFO:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 33K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Info file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 16K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Healthcare file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 96K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Games & Education file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 23K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Finance file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 76K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Database file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 65K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Communications file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 52K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Commercial Demo file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 44K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Calendar & Clock file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYDATE PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:BYDATE.TXT BYDATE.TXT 0 124K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Newton Books file section of the BBS in a Box CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 10K 12/21/96 This is a text file listing of the PC Tools file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 43K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Calculator & Science file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 135K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Utilities file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 91K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Shortcuts file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 26K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Programmers file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:INFO:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 33K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Info file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 16K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Healthcare file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 96K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Games & Education file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 23K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Finance file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 76K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Database file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 65K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Communications file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 52K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Commercial Demo file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 44K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Calendar & Clock file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. BYNAME PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:BYNAME.TXT BYNAME.TXT 0 124K 10/03/95 This is a text file listing of the Newton Books file section of the BBS in a Box CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. CALAMITY PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CALAMITY CALAMITY 0 17K 8/12/97 Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane - by Marthy Cannary Burk. Calamity Jane was a wandering American frontierswoman. Originally named Martha Jane Canary, in the late 1870s she was a familiar sight in Deadwood, Dakota Territory, where she became the companion of Wild Bill Hickok. She toured in Wild West shows and claimed to have been a pony express rider and a scout with General Custer's forces. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks (pdcbob@aol.com) of America Online's PDA Forum. CALC4 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:CALC4 CALC4 4 0 121K 4/12/96 Calc++ and MiniCalc++ Version 4.8 - Two fast scientific calculators for Newton platform devices. Shareware $15 US dollars. Newton OS 2 Compatibility. Enhanced compatibility with German Newtons. Added a date calculator, Date++. 18 scientific constants. Includes speed of light, Plancks, Boltzmann, etc. Tape - Recording tape available for copying old equations and results to the clipboard. (Tape is not yet available in Minicalc++. Sorry. Email me if this a real big problem). Round (RND) Round numbers to the nearest whole number and more! CALCULAT PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:CALCULAT CALCULAT 0 8K 8/28/95 Calculator 1.0 - Yet another calculator. Enter a calculation (e.g. 3 + 2) and tap the lightening bolt. The answer will appear. This text scrolls using the printed arrows at the bottom of the Newton screen. You can retrieve the calculation formula by tapping the down arrow above the text. CALENDA1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:CALENDA1 CALENDA1 1 0 73K 4/11/98 Calendar Folders 1.02 - an enhancement that lets you file calendar information in folders. Any information that you file using calendar folders is compatible with any application that uses information from the Dates soup. System Requirements Calendar Folders requires Newton OS 2.0 or 2.1, and a Message Pad 120, Message Pad 130, Message Pad 2000, Message Pad 2100, or eMate. CALENDAR PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:CALENDAR CALENDAR 0 12K 4/05/96 Calendar Marker 3.0 - Do you ever wish you could tell when you have meetings and anniversaries (day notes), just by glancing at the small calendar displayed in the upper right corner of the Dates display? You know, just like those $50 pocket organizers that put boxes around anniversary dates, and little marks at the top or bottom of a day with a meeting in the morning or afternoon? Calendar Marker does just that! Every time you open the Dates application, it swiftly checks for any and all day notes and meetings in the current month. It updates the display when you change (move, delete) or make a new appointment. It then draws a box around (or a line under any day with a day note, and places a small... CALENDAR PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:CALENDAR CALENDAR 0 29K 10/10/95 Calendar Marker 2.0 - Do you ever wish you could tell when you have meetings and anniversaries (day notes), just by glancing at the small calendar displayed in the upper right corner of the Dates display? Calendar Marker does just that! Every time you open the Dates application, it swiftly checks for any and all day notes and meetings in the current month. It also does this check when you change or make a new appointment, or select a new day to view. It then draws a box around any day with a day note, and places a small line to the left of any day with a meeting. A line is drawn near the top of a day for a morning meeting, while a line drawn near the bottom means an afternoon meeting. Shareware, $10.... CALLLOGG PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:CALLLOGG CALLLOGG 0 12K 2/28/95 CallLogger 0.6 - This app will create Notes on the Notepad any time you use the Newton's Intelligent Assistance Call function. Simply use the Call function as usual and CallLogger will automagically create a new Note for you on the Notepad. CallLogger does not appear in the Extras drawer or anywhere else. You'll only see the results of it's actions. All CallLogger Notes are filed in the same folder as the item currently visible on your NotePad. So if the current item there is filed in Shareware Fees to Bill then the next CallLogger Note will use that Folder, too. CallLogger will also look for a folder named Calls. If you create a folder with this name, CallLogger will place the notes in that folder instead. Expires 30... CANVAS1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:CANVAS1 CANVAS1 1 0 63K 4/21/98 Canvas 1.0.0 - expand the Notepad virtually. It is no longer a simple Notepad, it is the Canvas now. Want to see the whole information in the notepad without scrolling ? Do you have enough space to write down your information to. With Canvas, the Notepad is big enough! And you can see the Bird-view of the information in the notepad. Scrolling the notepad either vertically and horizontally, any width at a time, you can enlarge the note. For example, you can use the notepad as a SketchPad. Works on Newton OS2.0 and 2.1. Scroll in Three ways: You can use the note Virtually-Wide with these scrollers below. Scroll horizontally. Scroll vertically ... Just like standard scroller. But you can change the... CAPITALI PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:CAPITALI CAPITALI 0 6K 12/08/94 Capitalizor 1.0 - Simple hack, as per request. Capitalizor changes the case of every word in the current note, either capitalizing only the first letter, the entire word, or converting the entire note to lower case. It places a button with an a in the status bar of the notepad. Tapping the button will bring up a list of the three options, as described above. CAPPUNIS PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:CAPPUNIS CAPPUNIS 0 5K 12/27/94 Capitalization Punishment 1.2 - CapitalizationPunishment is a handy utility that adds functionality to the Newton's built-in keyboard. When prompted to add a word, you will now have options to add the word as is, as all lower case, with an initial cap, or all uppercase. This can be handy if you, like me, tend to capitalize words in lists that you don't want added to the dictionary as a capitalized word. This is important because when a word is added as capitalized, any time the recognizer chooses that word, it will recognize it as capitalized even if you didn't intend on doing so. Version 1.1 now optionally strips 's from the word if it was tapped out this way. The Newton takes care of a single apostrophe by itself. Version 1.2... CARDCLOS PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:CARDCLOS CARDCLOS 0 10K 2/28/95 CardCloser 0.1 - This is a really simple one. This app is meant for card installation only. It's useless to install it anywhere BUT on a card. If you don't have a memory card for your Newton, DON'T install this app. This app closes the Backup Slip when a card is inserted. The backup slip is that dialog that appears when you insert a card. I never really want to see this dialog when I'm swapping a card and the extra tap on the close box just gets in my way. So I wrote this app. It's Install/Remove is polite and will not leave anything behind in your Newton. It does not create any soups. You can put it on your card, eject and reinsert it into a friend's Newton and CardCloser will work! It won't alter the... CARDCREA PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:CARDCREA CARDCREA 0 76K 4/21/97 Card Creator 1.0 - lets you design and build your own business card types for the built-in Names File of the Newton. Card creator actually 'builds' new packages onto your Newton. These packages can be beamed, and Card Creator does not need to be installed for these cards to work. Requires NOS 2.x. CARDFILE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:CARDFILE CARDFILE 0 19K 10/13/94 CardFile++ 1.0 - This application is a recreation of the built-in Names application which takes advantage of two types of learning. It supports only the detailed Show All view. It is compatible with the built-in Names application. The application was written for research purposes and therefore does not contain all the features of a full-blown application, such as overviews, routing, filing, and intelligent assistance. However, since cardFile++ is completely compatible with the original Names app, all of these unimplemented functions can be accomplished through it. The advantage of cardFile++ over the original Names application is in the entering of the name data. This process is much more efficient and... CARDMEDI PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:CARDMEDI CARDMEDI 0 61K 5/11/98 CardMedia 1.8 Demo - your Newton is remarkably portable, which makes it the perfect choice for collecting and organizing information at home, at the office, or even at the library. You just need some good software to do it. That's where CardMEDIA comes in. From the books on your desk, to that perpetually growing personal CD collection, CardMEDIA provides you with easy-to-use softwareintegratedwith Newton Names so you can organizequickly, easily, and painlessly. This is a 30 day demo from Sine the Times. software@sineware.com. Requires Newton OS 2.x. CARDSTYL PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:CARDSTYL CARDSTYL 0 6K 12/27/95 CardStyler 1.0 - CardStyler is a small program for Newton OS 2.0 that globally sets the style of your name cards. You can choose one style for all people cards, another style for company cards, or the same style for both. Freeware. CARDSTYL PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:CARDSTYL CARDSTYL 0 11K 7/31/95 CardStyle 2.0 - CardStyle lets you assign the new default card style to the name cards. CardStyle remembers the last time you changed the CardStyle and uses what you changed it to for the new default card style the next time you tap new. CardStyle also defaults the country field to your default country when new name cards are created. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. CARETPRO PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:CARETPRO CARETPRO 0 21K 1/12/97 CaretPro 1.2.1 - This is a set of utility applets for the Newton. CaretPro replaces the current caret popup keypad. In addition to the conventional keypad, CaretPro maintains configurable word lists, where you can store words or phareses you frequently use. CPeditor is an applet for editing the word lists that CaretPro uses. CPremover permanently removes word list soup. If you currently use the version 1.2, you need to update only the CPeditor. Other applets are identical in this version. These programs were tested on the MP-130 with Newton OS 2.0J (Japanese version). Reportedly, they work on German and English OSes as well. They will not run, however, on OS 1.3 or earlier. CaretPro takes up about 5KB of memory and... CARRIER1 PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CARRIER1 CARRIER1 1 0 15K 9/11/96 Carrier 10xxx Codes - a listing of Carrier 10xxx Codes corresponding to a number of long distance carriers (these are the codes you enter to select a certain long distance carrier, other than the one you already have. This can be especially helpful whren making calls from a pay phone. By David S. Greenberg. CASEOFID PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:CASEOFID CASEOFID 0 27K 11/29/94 Case of Identity - A Case of Identity (CASEOFID.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... CDARCHI1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:CDARCHI1 CDARCHI1 1 0 64K 7/10/95 CDArchiv D1.1 - CDArchiv ist ein Newtonprogramm, mit dem Sie Ihre CDs verwalten knnen. Sie haben Die Mglichkeit am Newton handschriftlich CDs einzugeben und zu bearbeiten. Mit dem Newton Connection Kit 2.0 knnen Sie grer Datenmengen auch an Ihrem PC bearbeiten. Das Programm CDA-Hilfen ermglicht Ihnen die fr das NCK notwendigen Meta-Data im Newton zu installieren. Nach der Installation und dem Abgleich des Newtons mit dem NCK knnen Sie neben den Standardfunktionen des NCK auch die Schablonenfunktion nutzen. Mit ihr haben Sie die Mglichkeit, grer Datenbestnde aus anderen Anwendungen zu bernehmen. Lesen sie dazu auch die Beschreibung des NCK und des Programmes aus dem Sie die Daten... CDARCHIV PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:CDARCHIV CDARCHIV 0 63K 7/10/95 CDArchiv E1.1 - CDArchiv is a Newton-program to handle your CDs. You can enter your CDs in handwriting and with the help of the NCK 2.0 you can handle bigger data-amounts on your PC. The program CDUtilities enables you to install the Meta-data required by NCK into the Newton. After the installation and synchronization of the Newton with the NCK you can use the template-functions beside the standard-functions of the NCK. By this you are able to transfer large amounts of data from other programs. Please read the manual of the NCK and that of the program from which you want to transfer the data. CDCHANGE PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:CDCHANGE CDCHANGE 0 21K 2/05/98 CD Changer 1.1 - Sony MegaCD Changer Remote! Select from a list of your CDs and tell your Sony Changer to play it. CD Lists can be easily imported in Newton Book format. Also - automatically name your CDs from your Newton. CD Changer 1.0 will type in the names of your CDs for you. (Only if you CD Changer supports it). NOTE: When naming your CDs, there is a considerable DELAY between it going to that CD, and it naming it. Please be patient. It's also possible that the delay is not long enough, as the Disc Changer must completely change and start playing the Disc before the Naming will work. So far, this has only been tested on the Sony CX255 and CX250. It will likely work with the 100 disc changer (CX205, I think). Also -... CEP2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:CEP2 CEP2 2 0 71K 12/14/95 Catamount Enhancement Pack 2.01 - Contains 7 applications from Hardy Macia/Catamount, for the Newton 1.x and 2.0 PDA. Contains - Expansion, Igor, NameDropper, NoteHopper, NoteScroller, PlainJane and Writer's Calc. See the Readme files that are included with each program for additional details. CHAMPION PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:CHAMPION CHAMPION 0 7K 2/11/97 Champions 1.0 - is a small utility for the Newton that assists in the onerous process of creating characters for the Hero System Champions role-playing game system. It only runs on NOS 2.0 Newtons, and requires approximately 11K of storage. CHARLESM PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:CHARLESM CHARLESM 0 27K 11/29/94 Charles Milverton - The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton (CAMLVRTN.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book... CHARS PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:CHARS CHARS 0 7K 11/10/94 Chars - Pops up a table of many ascii characters. Selecting one inserts it at the current selection point. bs means backspace, cr means carriage return, tb means tap. The diamond and checkmark characters only appear correctly in certain Newton fonts. Chars is freeware, copyright S. Milllman 1994 (StephenM35@aol.com). CHART PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:CHART CHART 0 10K 10/10/94 Chart - This application contains a prototype for a line chart view. You may use this prototype in your application free of charge. I would be interested if you build anything cool. Chart is copyright 1994 by Chris Christensen (chris2x@eworld.com). Takes up 5k once installed. CHATBUDD PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:CHATBUDD CHATBUDD 0 124K 1/18/98 ChatBuddy 1.6 - is an IRC client for Newton 2.x systems only. 120 and better. Resizable Windows. Multiple channel and multiple server connections. Operates on MessagePad 130, 2000 and eMate 300. DCC Support. Parental controls. Connection list. Emoticon and acronym popups. Full Keyboard support. ChatBuddy costs $30 US. It will run for 14 days and then expire, unless it's paid for. You can register your copy by calling Tactile Systems at 303-841-1114 or ordering online http://rainbow.rmi.net/~rbruce/tactile/chatBuddy.html or faxing your order information to 303 804 5968 (fax). CHATSOUN PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:CHATSOUN CHATSOUN 0 16K 2/11/97 Chat Sounds - this 22k package contains Chat sounds used in our ChatBuddy IRC client. All of these packages will register new sounds for your Newton. Various programs like our upcoming 'ChatBuddy', our programmers tool 'PackageBeeper', and the built in Newton Alarms let users select from the registered sounds for different notices. Adding one of these packages will extend the number of sounds you can choose. CHECKALL PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:CHECKALL CHECKALL 0 18K 1/20/97 SelectAll 1.0 - extension for Notes, Names & Calls overview. The extensions included (2) allow for selection of all entries of the active folder, in the overview mode of Notes, Names & Calls (SelectAll). you can also limit the number of selections to a specified number through a panel in the Preferences application (SelectAllPrefs). for NOS2 only. CHECKERS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:CHECKERS CHECKERS 0 12K 11/23/93 Checkers 1.1 - This checkers program is being written to help me learn to program the Newton. This version is a two person game, i.e., you need two humans to play it (unless you're schizophrenic.) The next version will allow one person to play checkers against the Newton. It doesn't play too well yet (it cheats terribly), so it's turned off until I can get it working properly. What other games would you like to see? Eventually the author would like this to be a package of games, something you can take on a trip and toss in the back seat to quiet the kids, for example. Ideas are welcome at any of the addresses in the documentation. CHECKLIS PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:CHECKLIS CHECKLIS 0 17K 4/28/94 CheckList 1.0 - This application allows you to manage a set of check lists. These might be grocery lists, lists of what to pack for a trip, project milestones, etc. CheckList supports such features as printing, faxing, mailing and beaming lists. It allows you to add, sort, check off items. You can create a list of this that you sometimes buy at the grocery store and then check off the items that you want to buy this week. You can then take the checked items and create a new list from them to produce this weeks shopping list. CheckList also supports folders and filing to aid in keeping a variety of lists. CHECKPLE PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:ALL:CHECKPLE CHECKPLE 0 11K 11/12/96 CheckPlease 3.0 - calculates the simple parts of a restaurant bill. Based on the tax and tip rates CheckPlease will calculate the subtotal, tax, and tip. You can split the bill evenly amongst any number of people. Version 2.0 offers support for posting the amount to PocketMoney and other PM-FPS compatiable programs. The tip and tax rate is also saved across resets. Version 3.0 lets you rotate the screen. Freeware - version 1.0 by Allan Hoeltje, version 2.0 &3.0 by Hardy Macia. CHEMWRIT PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:CHEMWRIT CHEMWRIT 0 4K 3/04/97 Chem Write Format 0.95 - WriteHere Write Format: Chemical Formulae, version 0.95 - This auto-part installs a WriteHere Write Format that transforms any text containing mixed alphabetic and numeric characters into correct chemical formulae. CHESSCLO PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:CHESSCLO CHESSCLO 0 8K 3/17/94 ChessClock 2.0 - A digital chess clock for the Newton. 2.0 will work with many differently sized Newton screens. Fixed how the clocks were running (no longer in idle loop if neither clock is running) the buttons toggle back and forth. Buttons - [Moves] button - hide or show the move counters. [Reset] button - set the timers back to the value of Set Clocks. [Alert]/[No Alert] - will toggle displaying the times up dialog. <>Set Clock popup - set the time for the clock - you can only set the time in seconds. The big buttons will toggle back and forth between black and white. [big black] button - hit to stop your clock and to start your opponents clock. Read the docs for the rest. CHESSPA1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:CHESSPA1 CHESSPA1 1 0 61K 5/15/97 ChessPad LT - is freeware and is a light version of ChessPad 2.0. The only differences between ChessPad LT and ChessPad 2.0 is that the latter can import games in Portable Game Notation (PGN) and comes with a wider selection of games and problems. ChessPad LT has many more features than the commercial application ChessPad 1.0. As a digital chess book, ChessPad LT lets you play over famous chess games and solve chess problems. The chess games are annotated in detail, with comments on moves appearing just below the chessboard. Reading a chess book normally involves setting up a chessboard and playing over games. When variations of possible move sequences given in the book are too hard to visualize in your head,... CHESSPAD PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:CHESSPAD CHESSPAD 0 13K 5/16/97 Chesspad-GKvsDB - An installer for the three decisive (not drawn) games of the May 1997 Kasparov-Deep Blue chess match. Once the games are installed they can be viewed using ChessPad LT. CHESSPDA PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:CHESSPDA CHESSPDA 0 77K 4/19/95 ChessPDA 1.04 - ChessPDA is a full-featured chess database. ChessPDA allows you to enter games or chess problems (arbitrary positions) and replay them automatically or one move at a time. You may also take back moves, temporarily mark positions for analysis, revert to previously marked positions, and much more! ChessPDA does legal move verification (legal verification can be turned off) and thus can be used by two players as an electronic chessboard. You may also replay library games or chess problems. Several games and problems are included in the online version and are automatically loaded. Send in the shareware fee to obtain a registered copy with the SAVE game feature enabled and including... CHESSPRO PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:CHESSPRO CHESSPRO 0 103K 7/20/95 ChessPro 1.0 Demo - ChessPro is a full fledged chess playing program complete with an opening moves library and unlimited levels of play. You can play against the computerized ChessPro opponent or it can be used by two players as an electronic chessboard. ChessPro can even play against itself. If you would like you can play just a few moves and then close the program, then the next time you launch ChessPro it will remember where you left off and you may continue the game. It is perfect for the mobile Newton user. Initially the program will be locked and function in the demo mode. In demo mode the program will play only the first ten moves for each game (20 half-moves), but otherwise it is fully functional. CHICAGOT PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CHICAGOT CHICAGOT 0 7K 9/11/96 Chicago Theaters - Enclosed is a shareware Newton book which lists theaters throughout Chicago and the Chicago suburbs. CHIRAL0 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:CHIRAL0 CHIRAL0 0 0 69K 10/06/97 Chiral 0.921 - is a game based on the formation of molecules. It is fast paced and can be quite nerve-wracking. The goal of the game is to take atoms that can bond with 1, 2, 3, or 4 other atoms and place them in such a way that they form a molecule where all bonds are satisfied. Original game concept by Ambrosia. Chiral requires a Newton Messagepad running NOS 2.0. For better speed response and playability, NOS 2.1 is recommended. WARNING: Chiral may be highly habit-forming and we will not be responsible for missed deadlines, angry spouses, or dents in your screen due to overzealous enjoyment. CHIRALD1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:CHIRALD1 CHIRALD1 1 0 101K 10/20/97 Chiral Deluxe 0.96b - is a gem of a game based on the formation of molecules, kind of like a cross between Tetris and that 10th grade chemistry class you tried to forget. It is fast paced and can be quite nerve-wracking. The goal of the game is to take atoms that can bond with 1, 2, 3, or 4 other atoms and place them in such a way that they form a molecule where all bonds are satisfied. Chiral Deluxe v0.96b: Chiral Deluxe requires a Newton Messagepad running NOS 2.1, since it takes advantage of the advanced greyscale capabilities of these newer machines. In addition, Chiral Deluxe is written to take full advantage of colour capabilities of future Newtons when they become available! CIGARBOX PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:CIGARBOX CIGARBOX 0 61K 11/20/97 CigarBox 1.1.1 - satisfies the true cigar coniseurs. Track what cigars you currently have, all of the characteristics about them, when you smoked them, who you gave cigars to, or what cigars you wish to try. CISMAIL2 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:CISMAIL2 CISMAIL2 2 0 253K 1/14/97 CompuServe Mail for Newton 1.0.2 - January 6, 1997. This package adds CompuServe mail functionality on Newton MessagePads running Newton OS 2.0. Requires Newton OS 2.0 or later. German Newton OS customers should install the German version of this software. This software will decompress into a package or .PKG file. Use any package installer (for example Newton Backup Utility) to load the software on your MessagePad. The software appears a new menu option in your In Box and Out Box. Version 1.02 of CompuServe Mail for Newton 2.0 fixes the following problems: 1. The login process hangs when using access numbers in Australia and Hong Kong. 2. If your mail font is large, you are unable to view the last part of large... CISRETR1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:CISRETR1 CISRETR1 1 0 90K 6/01/95 CIS Retriever Demo 1.12 - CIS Retriever is a Newton Client for Compuserve, by Black Labs, Inc. With CIS Retriever, you can access CompuServe mail, forums, news and stock quotes right from your Newton. Being a demo version, a few functions have been disabled such as the ability to keep and send messages. You are able to log on to CompuServe, browse the CIS Retriever areas, keep the first message of a forum section, and create new messages. Documentation is in text format. CISRETRI PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:CISRETRI CISRETRI 0 223K 2/19/95 CIS Retriever Manual - Cis Retriever is a Newton Client for Compuserve, by Black Labs, Inc. With CIS Retriever, you can access CompuServe mail, forums, news and stock quotes right from your Newton. Being a demo version, a few functions have been disabled such as the ability to keep and send messages. You are able to log on to CompuServe, browse the CIS Retriever areas, keep the first message of a forum section, and create new messages. There are two manuals accompanying this demo. They built into Common Ground viewers; one for Mac and one for Windows. You can view the manual on your computer and print them out. This file contains the manual only, in Common Ground format. CLEANNOT PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:CLEANNOT CLEANNOT 0 4K 9/19/96 Clean Notes 1.0 - Notepad stationary without lines. This stationary took 20 minutes of one afternoon, and it is my gift to the Newton 2.0 community, which seems to be clammering for a Notepad without lines. Clean Notes do not support printing. Clean Notes appears as another stationary type in the Notepad's New button, so you can still have lined paper if you want it. Clean Notes is freeware. CLEX PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:CLEX CLEX 0 26K 2/26/98 CLex - is a multilingual dictionary engine. Notably it supports Chinese/Japanese and other script systems. There is a built-in memo so that you can put a new word in the memo for your later peruse. You can also look up a word online by selecting the word or simply place the cursor under the word you want to look up. A TapBar button is also included so that you can have access to CLex almost everywhere at any time. CLex is shareware. CLIP1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:CLIP1 CLIP1 1 0 17K 7/12/95 Clip 1.1 - Clip v1.1 is a US$20 ShareWare program. It allows you to copy selected text (from any application) into Clip's database or copy it to any Folder in the NotePad. Text in Clip's database can be Pasted . If there is hilited text, you can Paste the entry BEFORE the selection, BEHIND the selection, or you can REPLACE the selection. If no text is hilited but there is a insertion point, the text will be inserted. Clip is a floating application. It has 2 fixed sizes. CLIPASSI PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:CLIPASSI CLIPASSI 0 48K 2/27/98 ClipAssist 2.0 - styled text & glossary utility. Multiple pages, styles, autoscrolling, HWR & more! ClipAssist makes moving text around your Newton much easier by providing a floating, scrollable text area into and out of which you can drag any text selections. Accumulate many items then paste into one place; Copy blocks of text then distribute into fields of a slip or use as a glossary. Paste/Type & Select All functions. Saves to a soup, online and Newton Book help. Newton 2.x - 30 day unrestricted trial - Shareware US$16. CLIPHOAR PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:CLIPHOAR CLIPHOAR 0 15K 3/26/97 Cliphoard - is a preferences panel which allows you to set the number of clipboards which are available on for use on the MessagePad 2000 and the eMate 300. Multiple clipboards were added into these products but were not turned on by default. This panel gives you the ability to set the clipboard depth to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, or 20 through the use of a simple picker. When multiple clipboards are invoked, the main or active clipboard will be black. All other clipboards will be a shade of gray. This gives you a visual clue as to what Cmd-V will paste when using the keyboard. The newest items placed on the clipboard replace the oldest items on the clipboard. The bitmap for only the active clipboard is... CLIPPER1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:CLIPPER1 CLIPPER1 1 0 12K 1/02/95 Clipper 1.32 - Clipper will place a floating button on your newton screen with a small scissors icon in it. This button may be dragged anywhere on the screen, or even partly offscreen. You can select text and drag it onto the button. After letting go you will hear a small click or a small squeal, letting you know that the text has been clipped. To access clippings, simple tap on the button, and a popup list will appear. Selecting an item from the list will paste it after the current insertion point. There are several other choices available from the menu, and you can move Clipper to the NotePad's menubar. CLIPPER2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:CLIPPER2 CLIPPER2 2 0 36K 3/13/98 Clipper 2.2 - lets you drag and drop text clippings, share clipboards with KeyMan and Scrapbook, and edit clippings in the Clipper Clip Editor. CLOCKWIS PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:CLOCKWIS CLOCKWIS 0 38K 4/27/94 Clockwise 2.3 Alarm - Clockwise is an alarm clock for the Newton. It is sleep aware which means that your Newton will wake up automatically and start Clockwise if the time has come. Use the clock or the entryline under Alarm to specify the wake up time. To turn the alarm on or off, press the alarm button. If the alarm goes off and you don't feel like getting up, press the snooze button for another 9 minutes of sleep. Choose from a variety of sounds. Never again will you miss an appointment, or sleep in too late!! Takes up 62k once installed. CLOUD9 PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CLOUD9 CLOUD9 9 0 34K 3/31/96 Cloud 9 - Books of poetry are not supposed to be read in order. So, go ahead, tap the page button, close your eyes and scribble something. Let's see where it is going to take you! Are you back? Ok than! Here is some information about me; I graduated from NYU, and about to start my medical education in Downstate Medical School. I love New York, hence many of the things I write feed off the feelings one may experience in this great city. This should do for now. Oh yes, my first language is Russian, so forgive my mistakes! COINFLIP PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:COINFLIP COINFLIP 0 44K 9/08/96 Coinflip 1.0 - A simulated coin for deciding simple things. Two versions are included: one with all the options, one with the bare minimum. Why use a Newton to do that? Well, as a Newton owner myself, I know that we almost always have a Newton around-- but we may not often have coins. COMFORTI PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:COMFORTI COMFORTI 0 32K 6/30/94 Comfort Index 1.0 - This program calculates both the wind chill index and the heat index. Wind chill is the relative temperature at a given temperature/wind speed combination. Heat Index is the relative temperature at a given temperature/humidity combination. Touching the Compute button will bring up a graphic, relative temperature, and a hint button (like stay inside in an air conditioned room). COMMISHC PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:COMMISHC COMMISHC 0 10K 3/14/95 CommishCalc 1.0 - CommishCalc calculates commissions on the purchase or sale of stocks or options made through the Charles Schwab brokerage firm. The commissions calculated are based upon a chart published by Charles Schwab Co. on May 21, 1991 and was still current as of December 20, 1993. Much effort has been made to make the calculations accurate but neither the author of this application nor Charles Schwab Co. will be held responsible for miscalculations of commissions. COMP PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:COMP COMP 0 16K 11/07/95 Compass SF 1.0 Demo - Compass est un petite utility pour noter des dscriptions de chemin. COMPASS1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:COMPASS1 COMPASS1 1 0 16K 11/07/95 Compass Z 1.0 Demo - Compass is a little utility to enter description of a route in your Newton. Provides a keyboard to make writing directions much e asier! COMPASSS PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:COMPASSS COMPASSS 0 16K 11/07/95 Compass SD 1.0 Demo - Compass ist ein kleines Hilfsprogramm um sehr einfach Wegbeschreibungen einzugeben. CONGRESS PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CONGRESS CONGRESS 0 10K 9/11/96 Congress Email - The enclosed shareware Newton book is a listing of Congressional (US Senators and Representatives) email addresses. See the book for more info. CONNECTA PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:CONNECTA CONNECTA 0 3K 7/28/95 ConnecTalk - This utility pops up a menu of names of local talk connections (the same list as if you choose Connection, Localtalk, and Choose Macintosh). Tapping an item opens the connection. Tapping off the menu opens the Connection app at the view that lets you tap More Choices. CONNECTI PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:CONNECTI CONNECTI 0 4K 12/18/96 Connection - (2k) is a button for use in your background application (as long as the background app supports Auxiliary Buttons). Tapping the button opens the Connection application. Requires Newton OS 2.0. CONSTANT PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:CONSTANT CONSTANT 0 11K 11/10/94 Constants 1.0b3 - This applet will place a new entry in your formulas roll, with two pickers and two sets of texts fields. The first picker will pop up a list of physical constants (eg mass of the electron) and their symbols (mutilated to fit in a pop-up menu.) The second picker will list several astronomical constants (mean distance of the moon from the Earth). Clicking on constant from either menu will put the numerical value of that constant into the text field below. Once there, it can be selected and copied to the notepad, or just gazed at in awe of the beauty of the universe. This is just a beta, with only a few constants that I needed for a class stuck in. CONSTITU PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CONSTITU CONSTITU 0 28K 4/28/96 US Constitution and the Bill of Rights - I made this Newton book so I could study up for my citizenship test due later this year. Everything should be linked, so if you read something like altered by 14th Amendment, just click those words to see the 14th Amendment. Tony Martin, the HyperPUNK. CONTROLP PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:CONTROLP CONTROLP 0 31K 10/10/96 Control Panel lets you set five features of your Newton according to the time of day and power source. Alarms - You can set as many alarms as you need. Alarms will open any application you want when they go off. Sleep Delay - Set the Newton to go to sleep after a certain amount of time based on whether it is plugged in or not and what time of day it is. Open Applications - Automatically open application depending on the time and worksite. Backlighting - Backlighting can be turned on at night, when you are plugged in, when you are on the road, or always. Worksites - Depending on the time of day and power source Control Panel can automatically choose your worksite. Requires Newton OS 2.0. CONVERT2 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:CONVERT2 CONVERT2 2 0 58K 10/16/94 Convert 2.6 - Convert! is a replacement for the limited conversion tables which come with the Newton. General Features - Convert! allows the user to enter and quickly convert between 133 common (and not so common) metric and imperial units. Once the value has been written into a field Convert! automatically calculates the corresponding units in the table. The areas of conversion - area, length, volume, mass, pressure, temperature, energy, time, power, velocity, computing. Example of the extent of this program - In the Pressure area - calculate atmospheres, pascals, Newtons/sq metre, Kilopascals, bar, dynes/sq metre, mm Hg, torr, inches water, pounds/ sq inch. So many conversions, so little time... COPPERBE PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:COPPERBE COPPERBE 0 34K 11/29/94 Copper Beeches - The Adventure of the Copper Beeches (CPRBEECH.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... COPYCAT1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:COPYCAT1 COPYCAT1 1 0 56K 7/13/97 CopyCat 1.04 - Fast and fun music memory game for the Newton. CopyCat is a fast and fun music memory game. The goal of the game is to incrementally and accurately play back a tune. CopyCat is available for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000 and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 or eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. COPYMACH PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:COPYMACH COPYMACH 0 10K 6/15/94 CopyMachine 1.01 - Before you have a RAM card (PCMCIA card), all of your notes, to do's, addresses and calendar things are stored on the Newton's internal memory. Once you obtain a PCMCIA card, there is no easy way to transfer your personal data to the card (to free internal memory or what have you). CopyMachine lets you do just that. After you launch it, it shows how many notes, addresses...you have, and where they are stored. You can then transfer all or some of the items to the PCMCIA card. Or from the card to the internal storage. This was originally written to help those who were using a US Newton, and then obtained a local (German or..) Newton, and wanted to transfer their personal items without backing... CORRECTO PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:CORRECTO CORRECTO 0 146K 5/04/98 Corrector+ 2.6 - The Newtons handwriting recognition (HWR) engine is nothing short of amazing. Still, many people have to adjust their handwriting styles for maximum accuracy with the printed recognizer. Words that are appear to be written correctly are not recognized by the Newton because some characters were connected. COUNTRIE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:COUNTRIE COUNTRIE 0 23K 5/27/98 Countries 1.01 - is an extension to the preferences roll. After installing you can change the countries existing in the Newton OS. And of course you can add new countries too. Countries costs only $10. CRAZYDIC PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:CRAZYDIC CRAZYDIC 0 37K 3/01/97 CrazyDice 1.2 - is a Newton based luck & strategy game for multiple players. The game is fun for the entire family & the game concepts are relatively simple. Crazy Dice requires 108k of free Newton memory to install & should run on any Newton model (tested on a 120 with Newt OS 2.0). Version 1.2 includes the ability for users to maintain their own list of frequent players. Please direct your questions or comments to timconstan@kagi.com. CrazyDice is Freeware. CRICKETS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:CRICKETS CRICKETS 0 33K 4/15/96 CricketScorer 1.88 - An 80k package for OMP, MP 110 and MP 120 and for both OS 1.xx and OS 2.0 systems. For keeping score at limited-over cricket matches. For following ball-by-ball cricket commentaries on the radio. For helping understand the complexities of scoring. It automatically generates bowling statistics and a scorecard which can be stored in the unfiled Notepad soup for editing, printing, etc. CRICKETS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:CRICKETS CRICKETS 0 16K 9/21/95 Cricket Scorepad 1.0 - Cricket Scorepad was written in response to some requests from the readers of the comp.sys.newton newsgroup on the internet. Being a dart player and Newton owner myself I decided to take a shot at writing a good score keeping program for Cricket - Cricket Scorepad is the result. Operation of the program is fairly straightforward. The top of each column has an input line for the player or team names. These are displayed only and not used for saving games (yet) so feel free to leave them as Player A and Player B if you like. Each point 20 - 15 and Bull are represented by a row on the scorepad just as if you were scoring on a chalkboard. To register a hit click on the... CRITICAL PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:CRITICAL CRITICAL 0 407K 3/23/95 Critical Care - Current Clinical Strategies, Critical Care Medicine - ERLI Electronic Reference Libraries are complete, unedited electronic versions of the printed paper books. Every effort has been taken to make using ERLI's Electronic Reference Libraries both fast and simple. The Critical Care reference is a fully functional commercial product from the line of Current Clinical Strategies Series. It is neither Freeware nor Shareware. ERLI retains all rights to the application. It is placed as a demonstration of our line of references. It cannot be sold or made available for download without our consent, but is included here with permission. Contact them 1-800-575-ERLI. This NewtonBook will be... CRYPTO PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:CRYPTO CRYPTO 0 26K 12/23/96 Cryptology Glossary - a glossary of terms related to cryptology. CRYPTO11 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:CRYPTO11 CRYPTO11 11 0 127K 2/16/98 Crypto 1.1 - supports solving cryptogram, code, cipher (single character substitution) puzzles, like those in newspapers. Create puzzles in Crypto, Notes, or Newtworks, or copy from web pages. Crypto substitutes and displays letters used. Examples included. Shareware. NOS 2.x-only. CRYPTOGR PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:CRYPTOGR CRYPTOGR 0 18K 7/11/95 Cryptograms 1.0 - Cryptograms is a word puzzle game for the Newton from Alpine Software. Each puzzle contains a quote and its author. Decipher the puzzle by replacing each letter with another. When the game begins, the display shows the game's instructions. To remove the panel and start the game, tap the X in the lower right hand corner. You can bring the instructions up at any time by tapping the ? button. The display contains three areas. The top is the puzzle - empty slots with a letter below each one. The middle is an A-Z picker. The bottom has some buttons on it. The object of the game is to decipher the quote. CURRENCY PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:CURRENCY CURRENCY 0 11K 1/13/95 Currency 1.0 - A number of people have asked me if I could distribute the Currency conversion portion of my Convert! app as a stand alone product. Currency! represents that product. Currency! replaces the Newton's built-in Currency exchange formula panel with a more facile one. Currency! supports the conversion between five user defined currencies. Any figure entered into the first five fields will be converted to the other currencies using the exchange rates in the lower half of the panel. Exchange rates can be altered by overwriting the old value with the latest exchange figure. Currency! will automatically save the new rate along with a date stamp of when it was altered. Currency labels can be altered... DALEKS1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:DALEKS1 DALEKS1 1 0 64K 7/22/94 Daleks 1.0 - Daleks for the Newton! The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible. Each turn the Daleks mindlessly converge on you. Colliding Daleks are destroyed forming a trash pile which destroys other Daleks that run into it. Your Options - Move to any adjacent square or stand still. Do this by tapping on the screen in the direction you wish to move. Use a sonic screwdriver to kill all the Daleks adjacent to you. Teleport to a random spot on the board. You may teleport as often as you want, but it is risky. If you teleport next to a Dalek you die. Undo is implemented so you can back out of stupid mistakes. A Micro Daleks version is included, which is much smaller, and does not include the... DANGLIN0 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:DANGLIN0 DANGLIN0 0 0 14K 12/11/93 Danglin 0.9 - Dangling Participle - Here's a great Hangman game for the Newton. The best feature is that you after you write a letter to guess, the newton shows you what letter it thinks you wrote (so you don't get hung just because your Newton can't read your writing!!). Great feature! You can also choose the level of difficulty, and can choose to receive hints. DANIELBO PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:DANIELBO DANIELBO 0 25K 7/01/97 Daniel Boone - From The Discovery and Settlement of Kentucke by Daniel Boon and John Filson. The ADVENTURES of Col. DANIEL BOON; containing a NARRATIVE of the WARS of Kentucke. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks (pdcbob@aol.com) of America Online's PDA Forum. DARTS12 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:DARTS12 DARTS12 12 0 10K 2/21/96 Darts Scorepad 1.2 - is the successor to an earlier effort Cricket Scorepad. Cricket Scorepad was originally written in response to some requests from the readers of the comp.sys.newton newsgroup on the internet. Being a dart player and Newton owner myself I decided to take a shot at writing a good score keeping program for Cricket - Cricket Scorepad was the result. After using Cricket Scorepad for a while I found it was lacking some obvious features and set to upgrading it properly. Darts Scorepad 1.2 is the result. For those who used Cricket Scorepad I'll start by listing the enhancements in this version. DATARESC PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:DATARESC DATARESC 0 6K 11/19/96 DataRescue - Experience tragically shows that the most vulnerable part of your beloved Newton MessagePad is its display. In the case of a damaged display it is not possible to write anything on it anymore. You cannot even get your data back! This little package does nothing but automatically open the Connection slip and wait for your desktop machine to get into contact. You will then be able to back up your data from the desktop using the Newton Backup Utilities or similar software. Data Rescue does so when it is installed, e.g. when a card is inserted or the MessagePad is reset. Of course, you will not want to have this active all the time, but in an emergency case it can be installed via a... DATEMAN1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:DATEMAN1 DATEMAN1 1 0 162K 10/28/96 DateMan for 1.x - is a fully integrated Date Management system. It offers complete control over all aspects of your schedule, from calls to meetings to your To Do list. The main goal of DateMan is to present your schedule to you in a clean, uncluttered fashion, giving you the most amount of information in the least amount of time. It does this using the Main Agenda view, which lists every item on your schedule, over any length of time. This lets you plan your upcoming events with precision, always knowing what's around the corner. Another focus of DateMan is customizability. We want DateMan to work around you, rather than your having to adjust to it. To this end, we've made just about every aspect... DATEMAN3 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:DATEMAN3 DATEMAN3 3 0 507K 4/11/98 DateMan 3.18 - is the complete Contact manager for Newton, which lets you arrange your schedule around the way you work. It offers drag-and-drop creation of new items from almost anywhere on the Newton, full integration with all built in Newton applications, and a customizable agenda display. DateMan 3.1 also includes new agenda items such as web pages, faxes, emails, and goals. Requires Newton running 2.x OS. DateMan is shareware, with a built in 30 day demo period. DATEREM1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:DATEREM1 DATEREM1 1 0 39K 11/22/95 DateReminder 2.3e - English Version. I wrote DateReminder because I wanted a way to keep track of birthdays without needing to enter a name card for each birthday (I only need one address card for a family, but may want to remember 4 birthdays and an anniversary). I also did not want to enter repeating meetings to remember the dates from year to year. Dates can be entered and viewed a month at a time, or for a full year. DateReminder supports the Newton Connection Kit. This release adds an alarm indicator in the main view. DATEREMI PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:DATEREMI DATEREMI 0 39K 11/22/95 DateReminder 2.3e - English Version. I wrote DateReminder because I wanted a way to keep track of birthdays without needing to enter a name card for each birthday (I only need one address card for a family, but may want to remember 4 birthdays and an anniversary). I also did not want to enter repeating meetings to remember the dates from year to year. Dates can be entered and viewed a month at a time, or for a full year. DateReminder supports the Newton Connection Kit. This release adds an alarm indicator in the main view. DATETIME PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:DATETIME DATETIME 0 32K 10/25/94 Date & Time Editors - These protos are for use with date and time data entry. There are two floating view protos. One is for date only entry and the other is for date and time entry. Both of these protos are based on a third proto which is used to control the calendar. The other protos included I pulled from on of my programs so that you can see how to interface with the date/time picker proto. Actually, I changed the date and time protos to use my protos so that I could have floating date editors and the buttons are sized correctly. DATEUTIL PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:DATEUTIL DATEUTIL 0 12K 1/26/94 DateUtil 0.92 - DateUtil lets you quickly and easily view all of your Dates, Meetings, To do items, etc. The items are grouped by the Newton's internal categories, use the Category menu to switch between them. Use the Store menu to switch between items stored internally and those stored on the card. The routing slip will let you move or delete individual items (even those pesky hard to delete repeating items). If you move or delete an item and have second thoughts, press Undo. New - All item added to the available settings for the Store menu. Ascending/Descending sorting for the list. Displays weekday info for repeating events. Fixed bad word wrapping of items in the list and much much more! DATEVIEW PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:DATEVIEW DATEVIEW 0 11K 8/28/97 Date View 1.0 - is an application that quickly gives a summary of meetings, dates, aniversaries and todos for a selected period. DateView also has the option of installing an auxiliary button on your backdrop program for quick access. The view can also be beamed, emailed, faxed and printed. DateView is FREEWARE and can be distributed freely but must not be modified unless approval has been granted by the author. DATEVIEW PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:DATEVIEW DATEVIEW 0 15K 4/19/95 DateView 0.2 - When you tap on the DateView icon, a window with the current month appears. You can enter a new date into the input line below the calendar. Use your local short date format. For US users this is mm/dd/yyyy or 4/12/1995 for example. Some international users switch the order of the month and day. Once you've entered a date, tap the little magnifying glass (search) icon to the right of the entered date. This will display that month. If you'd like to jump to a date on the month view, tap it. This will open the built-in Dates application and turn to that date. You can keep DateView open while Dates is open. DAYLIGHT PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:DAYLIGHT DAYLIGHT 0 7K 10/19/97 Daylight Savings - is a little application (approx. 7 KB). After installing you change the various daylight saving times in the Newton. This becomes necessary since in some countries the daylight saving time was changed after finishing the Newton ROM. After installing you can find Daylight Savings in the extras folder Setup by tapping Preferences. Copyright 1995 - 1997 Holger Mller. muellerho@t-online.de. See the web site for more info at: http://members.aol.com/muellerho. DBPANEL0 PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:DBPANEL0 DBPANEL0 0 0 9K 6/27/94 DbPanel 0.91 - DBPanel allows the user to set the trace, breakOnThrows, and printDepth debug globals without having to type into the inspector window. The simplest thing to do is to run DBPanel and then run the app under test. As long as that app isn't based on a floating view, the floater should remain accessible. The floater can be moved by dragging so as to avoid obscuring the interesting parts of the app underneath. I wrote DBPanel after seeing a similar app that saved one from having to find a pause in the inspector output. I took the idea a little farther, adding the breakOnThrows and printDepth globals and a viewIdleScript that keeps the checkboxes in sync if you do change the values by typing in the... DDDICE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:DDDICE DDDICE 0 9K 6/13/97 DD Dice - is a Newton 2.x package that visually allows the rolling of six different dice. The package is aimed at people who play roll playing games. DD Dice is FREEWARE and can be distributed freely but must not be modified unless approval has been granted by the author. DECINAME PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:DECINAME DECINAME 0 83K 7/28/95 DeciNames - On the 10th of October, the dutch PTT Telecom is changing most of the phone and fax numbers in the Netherlands into 10 digits, to allow more numbers. DeciNames will automatically convert your phonenumbers. Watch it, it's a one way street! Het gebruik van DeciNames wijst zich vanzelf. De demoversie zal geen enkele verandering doorvoeren in uw Newton bestanden. U kunt dus naar hartelust uit proberen! DEEPNEWT PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:DEEPNEWT DEEPNEWT 0 17K 1/20/97 DeepNewt 1.0b5 - a chess game for the Newton. I found the lack of Chess on my Newton appalling. I built this app so that I could have a portable chess board. There's a basic brain interface, and brains are intended to be used as plug-ins to the main app. I need to finish some pieces of the user inferface (like setting up random board layouts). If I ever finish it, my intentions are to make it freeware with a basic (easy to beat) brain. I'll also freely release the specification for brain plug-ins, and anyone that's interested enough to write one can. DELAYCAL PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:DELAYCAL DELAYCAL 0 73K 6/17/97 DelayCalc - Enter the desired tempo using the numberPicker; click the top half of the number to raise it, the lower half to lower it. Tempos can be between 40 and 300. DelayCalc shows the digital delay settings for that tempo. If you dont know what digital delay is, then youre probably not a musician and have no use for this utility. Click the TAP TEMPO button to enter a tempo by tapping it in. Once you think youve accurately entered the right tempo, which is displayed by the numberPicker at the top of the window, click the COMPUTE button to see the appropriate delay settings for that tempo. By Bob Patin freeware. DEMOBHI PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:DEMOBHI DEMOBHI 0 95K 9/23/97 Borealis Home Inspector Demo 1.1.6 - This demo is for evaluation purposes only. The first home inspection software that completely runs on the Newton. No desktop computer is needed. (MP2000 is required). This is a FULL version of Home Inspector, limited only by it's ability to print the Buyer's inspection. The inspection report will be filled with a gray background. The non DEMO version will not contain the gray background and will print MUCH faster. DESKTOP PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:DESKTOP DESKTOP 0 17K 4/05/96 Desktop - Desktop is designed to get information from a 2.0 Newton to a desktop Mac or PC easily. It appears as a transport (like email) and lets you mail items to your PC. Like email this can be either immediate or delayed. Desktop is copyright S. Millman 1996 StephenM35@aol.com all rights reserved. It is freeware. DEUTSCHE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:DEUTSCHE DEUTSCHE 0 10K 9/09/97 Deutsche Wortliste 1.0 - add 501 comon word to the personal word list. It is very usefull for german speaking/writing users of US MessagePad 2000 or eMates. With Deutsche Wortliste 1.0 the users will get better accuracy with the handwriting recognition. DIABETIC PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:2:DIABETIC DIABETIC 0 63K 1/16/98 Pocket DiabetiCare 2.0b - Pocket DiabetiCare is a application for the Newton PDA. It was developed as a means to capture blood sugar readings and analyze this infomation as it occurs. It is only meant as a tool to aid in analyzing data, not a replacement for the advice of your doctor. DICSTAR1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:DICSTAR1 DICSTAR1 1 0 1073K 9/28/95 DicStar 1.0 Translation - DicStar 1.0 is a specialized translation dictionary, with commercial and general language. This international version covers Spanish-English and English-Spanish, including business words. The standard system includes about 27.000 words (about 13.000 entries with multiple definitions for each language), fast searching and browsing, Intelligent Assistant support, application launch from the NotePad with the possibility to translate automatically the hilighted word, fast language switching and automatic reverse of search. While unregistered the program works only with words that begins with the letter A. Enjoy!! DINER2 PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:DINER2 DINER2 2 0 42K 11/28/94 Diner 2.01s - The application Diner (Garys Guides - Restaurants) is a tool for reviewing and selecting restaurants. This is the shareware version. There are two parts to the program. The first, called Guide contains popup menus for specifying cities, cuisines, the day, and the meal you want to eat. Sliders communicate to the program your level of interest in the quality of food, service, ambience, convenience and speed. Press Here for Recommendation button and the program will evaluate each restaurant in its data base against your criteria, listing the top four restaurants in the box below the button. The second part of the program is the Restaurant view. Its here that you enter information about your favorite... DINOCRY1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:DINOCRY1 DINOCRY1 1 0 56K 5/04/98 DinoCrypt 1.0 - erlaubt Ihnen, Texte auf Ihrem Newton zu verschlsseln. So haben Sie die Mglichkeit geheime Daten zu verstecken. Der verschlsselte Text kann nicht einfach mit einem Soup Tool gelesen werden, wie bei hnlichen Programmen. Der verschlsselte Text bleibt am gleichen Ort gespeichert, wie das Original. eMail: dinoware@gmx.net / HomePage: http://www.stud.ee.ethz.ch/~mstrittm/dinoware DINOCRYP PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:DINOCRYP DINOCRYP 0 29K 5/04/98 DinoCrypt 1.0 - allows you to en- and decrypt any text stored on your Newton. For example it allows you to hide important numbers. Encrypted text can't be read with a Soup tool. The encrypted text is stored at the same place as your original text. eMail: dinoware@gmx.net / HomePage: http://www.stud.ee.ethz.ch/~mstrittm/dinoware DIRECTOR PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:DIRECTOR DIRECTOR 0 98K 10/14/97 Director 2.1 - an MP2K utility for entering and displaying directions to specific destinations. For example, if you are traveling to a site across town, you enter the steps in the journey into Director using the popup menu, then click the Direct Me button. Each step appears in 36-point type on your Newton's screen, one at a time. When you're ready for the next step, you can click one of the extra-large buttons with your finger or stylus (but the buttons are large enough for finger-clicking), and the next step in the directions will be displayed. There is also a Previous button to see the previous step in the directions. Tap the Notes button to save your directions to a Notes entry. For people like me who travel... DISABLER PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:DISABLER DISABLER 0 16K 11/28/94 Disabler 0.5b1 - Heuristically adjusts the clock on startup, reclaims up to 10K of system memory, and allows the user to disable all InstallScripts, or just InstallScripts on a card. Disabling InstallScripts may help avoid (temporarily) conflicts and Out of Memory errors. Some features require or prefer that Disabler be installed internally; i.e., not on a memory card. Disabling InstallScripts requires that Disabler be installed internally. Disabling internal InstallScripts requires that it be the first package installed internally. The clock adjustment heuristic may not work well unless the package is installed internally, but should still be better than nothing. Reclaiming memory should work fine anywhere. DISCOUNT PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:DISCOUNT DISCOUNT 0 7K 4/21/94 Discount 1.01 - This is a very simple discount calculator. It allows you to enter a price and two discount percentages. It will then show you values of the price less the calculated percents. All you need to do is enter your price in the upper right field. Use the pen or the keyboard, both will work. Then you can enter one or both percentages. Bear in mind that these are whole numbers that will be used as percentages. It's rather difficult to get the Newton to recognize a leading period, so I decided against using them. The calculations are fully dynamic. As you type, the sums will recalc. If you scrub out a value, it will blank the sum. When you load this package, tap on Formulas in the Extras drawer to access. DISOFLAD PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:DISOFLAD DISOFLAD 0 29K 11/29/94 Dis of Lady Frances Carfax - The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax (LDYCARFX.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book... DOCKDEMO PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:DOCKDEMO DOCKDEMO 0 63K 7/20/94 Dock Demo - In this game, you play a dockworker whose job it is to move packages into loading bays. The goal of the game is to fill each loading bay and advance to the next level. The dockworker can move along the floor in straight lines only. Just tap where you want him to go and he'll move there. You can move a single space at a time or several all at once. If there is a package in front of him, the dockworker will push the package with him. The dockworker can only push one package at a time. He can move a package which has lots of space to move into but he can't move one which is blocked by another package or wall. Demo version, registered ($15) version contains 50 levels. GREAT fun!! DONTASK1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:DONTASK1 DONTASK1 1 0 9K 11/19/96 Don't Ask 1.1 - (Don't Tell) is a simple, tiny app (autopart) that adds a button (at lower left) in the standard keyboard so that you can turn off/on the Do you want to add... prompt, which you may find annoying or sometimes desirable. When dot is hollow (default), words pass through to the dictionary prompt. When dot is solid, the dictionary prompt does not appear (it's blocked/overridden). This Newt source file (dontask.nwt) and the associated Newt-generated package (DontAsk.pkg) are shareware $5. DONTASK1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:DONTASK1 DONTASK1 1 0 8K 6/08/95 Don't Ask 1.0 - Don't Ask (Don't Tell) is a simple, tiny app (autopart) that adds a button (at lower left) in the standard keyboard so that you can turn off/on the Do you want to add... prompt, which you may find annoying or sometimes desirable... When dot is hollow (default), words pass through to the dictionary prompt. When dot is solid, the dictionary prompt does not appear (it's blocked/overridden). This Newt source file (dontask.nwt) and the associated Newt-generated package (DontAsk.pkg) are shareware ($5). DOSTERM PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:DOSTERM DOSTERM 0 25K 9/24/95 DOSterm - A CTTY device for DOS machines, using a MessagePad. MS-DOS comes with a program called CTTY, which allows you to control a PC via the serial port. This Newton application is a terminal application that uses this feature. Plug the Newton into the serial port via a Null modem cable and enter the following commands into DOS, MODE COM1:1200,N,8,1; CTTY COM1: this will set up the serial port for 1200 baud and switch input and output throught it. The Newton can then issue commands and display the results. Pure Novelty value. It does actually work and it is amazing to see a DOS directory listing in the Newton screen. DRACULAS PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:DRACULAS DRACULAS 0 22K 12/17/96 Dracula's Guest - by Brahm Stoker. Dracula's Guest by Bram Stoker. Note: Dracula's Guest was excised from the original Dracula mss by his publisher because of the length of the original book mss. It was published as a short story in 1914, two years after Stoker's death. In spite of the warnings of his guide, Johann, Dracula's Guest continues his journey on Walpurgis Night, an evening of terror when the Devil himself is feared to be out and searching for victims. He soon finds himself, lost, amidst a snow storm in a graveyard...This was the place where I was alone unmanned, shivering with cold in a shroud of snow with a wild storm gathering again upon me! It took all my philosophy, all the religion I had been taught, all my... DRAG3 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:DRAG3 DRAG3 3 0 13K 7/31/95 Drag 3.0 - Drag makes windows draggable. The Find and Assist windows can now be moved along with many other windows (Connection, InBox, OutBox, Card, CallSlip, DateSlip and it even works with some non-builtin programs such as QuickMoney). Big deal? Well, have you ever tried Find in the Names just to discover you can't see the data you wish to look at because the Name card is in All Info view instead of Card and Notes view. So, you have to close the Find window switch the Show setting and then Find again. If you have 500+ names you probably wish you could just drag the Find window instead of re-finding the data again. DRAGNDRO PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:DRAGNDRO DRAGNDRO 0 6K 9/02/97 DragNDrop Names 1.2 - is an enhancement to the Names application that makes adding new names easier. Just drag text onto the Names window to instantly add new names to your Names soup! If you prefix the first line with Co:, DragNDrop Names will create a company card instead of the usual person card. System Requirements - Any Newton running Newt OS 2.x and 3K of storage space. DREAMSOF PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:DREAMSOF DREAMSOF 0 69K 12/19/94 DreamSoft Games Collection - DreamSoft was formed by managing director Steven Sims in October 1993 specifically to develop software to exploit the Apple Newton. Over the past year in our free time we have written some Newton games to amuse ourselves, and as a convenient demonstration of our programming abilities. Full descriptions and instructions are contained within all the games. Includes - Bomb Game - A 2-6 player critical mass game. Players take turns placing bombs on a grid, whose squares will explode when too many bombs are placed. The winner is the last player left alive. Hangman - Our own version of the classic game. This is for one or two players. Pairs - Another classic. Match the pairs of cards to... DRIPCALC PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:2:DRIPCALC DRIPCALC 0 11K 2/08/98 DripCalc - is a small (11k installed) calculator for figuring IV medication doses for 16 common ICU drugs. Useful for anyone who spends a lot of time with ICU patients. For example, if your patient is on dobutamine at 4 cc/hr mixed as 1gm/250 cc and weighs 80 kg, DripCalc can tell you that represents 3.33 mcg/kg/min. It knows which drugs are measured in 'per kilo', and gives ranges and loading doses. DripCalc has been tested for accuracy but is still in beta form -- read the accompanying file for more information. Comments and bug reports are appreciated. Freeware by Alan Simon (ads5@columbia.edu). DROPTODO PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:DROPTODO DROPTODO 0 95K 3/13/98 Drop To Do 2.2 - Drop To Do places a button in the notepad to allow quick drag and drop of to-do items as well as easy access to an overview of all to-do items. Shareware, $20. This demo will expire after 30 days. Requires Newton OS 2.0. DROPTODO PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:DROPTODO DROPTODO 0 31K 1/07/95 DropToDo 1.0 - Drop To Do is an enhancement for the built in To Do list on the Newton. It originally started life as a simple button on the note pad that let you write out to do items and drop them onto it, adding them to the To Do list, but has evolved considerably since then. There are three major parts to Drop To Do - The Note Pad button - You can write your To Do in the note pad and drag it into the button and let go. The To Do Editor - This window allows you to create, edit, delete, and duplicate To Do items. Preferences - Here there are several settings to let you make Drop To Do work the way you want it to. Try it! DRUGFIND PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:1:DRUGFIND DRUGFIND 0 56K 7/20/94 Drug Finder 1.12 - Upon starting the program you are faced with a list of drugs (if you properly installed the drugSoup). To display a particular drug information, just tap on the drug, or navigate up and down the list by tapping on the appropriate arrow on the lower portion of the Newton. You can also enter new drug information by tapping on the New button on the lower left portion of the screen. This will bring you into the Rx Editor where you can enter drug information which you desire. You also have the option of tapping on the About box which will display information about the program, its author, and the current version number. One soup (database) is provided for evaluation. This is not a complete... DSNEWT1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:DSNEWT1 DSNEWT1 1 0 122K 4/29/98 DSNewt 1.01 - To play, simply tap the New Game button, enter your ship's name, select your difficulty settings, and tap Play. You'll be in your ship, ready to go. Tap the weapons buttons just below the playing field to fire, the impulse or warp buttons to move, and the shield button to raise or lower your shield. Tap in the playing field itself to change heading. To dock with a star base, tap on it then tap the Auto button. Blow up all your enemies and get a high score. DSR120 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:DSR120 DSR120 120 0 35K 8/28/97 DSR-1 1.20 - by DMP Systems. DSR-1 is a program that will enable you to record notes on the MP2000 without opening the lid. DSR-1 uses the Power Switch to start and stop recording. Recording may be done with Newton on, off or by using buttons in DSR-1. V1.20 adds lots of options, has more internal error checking and other code changes from previous versions. DSR-1 has three modes of use. When you use the power switch to activate a recording, DSR-1 is shown on the screen and you can also use the buttons for control. Using the buttons will leave DSR-1 on screen. You may close DSR-1 as it will open as needed. DTMF2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:DTMF2 DTMF2 2 0 20K 5/10/98 DTMF Settings 2.0 - is an extension to the preferences roll. After installing you can change the volume and the speed of the touch tone dialing using the speaker of your Newton. DTMF Settings costs only $10. Before registering the DTMF Settings application will not save changes. DUMBKBD PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:DUMBKBD DUMBKBD 0 5K 11/10/94 DumbKbd - The Newton has a smart keyboard - if it doesn't recognize a word you tap out with it, it asks if you want to add the word to the dictionary. Sometimes this is great. Sometimes it's a pain. DumbKbd opens the normal Newton alphanumeric keyboard with a temporary lobatomy to prevent it asking about each unrecognized word. Closing the keyboard restores it to normal. Dumbkbd will work from the extras drawer but a more direct access method makes it more useful. Roll Your Own II, a freeware application by the same author, is one way to create a status bar button or a part of a preprinted button to run DumbKbd. I personally use RYO to attach DumbKbd to the word Undo, which seems to make sense to me somehow. Dumbkbd is freeware,... DVORAK2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:DVORAK2 DVORAK2 2 0 6K 8/12/97 Dvorak 2.0 - is a free extension that adds 2 Dvorak keyboard layouts to your Newton. Now your virtual and external keyboards can be used in the Dvorak layout for faster and more comfortable data entry! Added a popular variant of the Dvorak keyboard layout that repositions keys such as '[',']', and '+'. Dvorak requires Newton OS 2.x and 5K of storage space. EARTH1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:EARTH1 EARTH1 1 0 54K 5/03/97 Earth 1.02 - Display of a rotating Earth for the Newton MessagePad. Earth is an application that displays a rotating Earth. An info area is at the left upper corner. A close area is at the right lower corner. On the lower edge of the application is an invisible speed bar. Tapping the left side of the bar will speed up the rotation of the earth. Tapping the right side will slow down the rotation. You may drag the application anywhere on the screen. The earth will appear in grayscale on models running Newton OS 2.1 (currently the MessagePad 2000 and the eMate 300), and in black and white on older models. I wrote this application as a cool demonstration of graphics on the Newton. I also hoped that it would be a way of... EASTEREG PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:EASTEREG EASTEREG 0 5K 4/01/97 Easter Eggs - there are two easter-egg games available in the ROM of the MP2K: Poker and Patience. All that you needed to access them is to load the package available in this archive. Requires Newton OS 2.1. EASYCONN PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:EASYCONN EASYCONN 0 232K 2/25/97 Easy Connect 2.0 - is a basic terminal emulator that enables you to communicate your Newton Message Pad with remote or local devices, and interchange information. It emulates a simple teletype (TTY) and the basic features of an ANSI terminal (VT100, VT102, etc.) through a Modem or Serial connection. As an only terminal, EasyConnect does not establish SLIP, PPP, or another type of TCP connection in your Newton. EASYCONN PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:EASYCONN EASYCONN 0 43K 10/09/96 EZCD100 - NEWTON MESSAGEPAD VT100 EMULATOR. I have finished the first release of the EasyConnect 1.5 that you have been waiting for. There are three versions: the MP100 version, the MP110 version, and the OS 2.0 version (But only the MP100 version is fully tested), in spanish or english. Improvements like Translation, Smaller font called Minico to get an smaller screen. The floating keyboard sends characters directly to the Host. The floating control keyboard has an editable Unicode character to send those weird ones. And one funky Info button. With this Demo version you can send up to 10 times, words or characters to the host. Then you can connect, loggin and reach reasonable information from your Host. If... ECDICT PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ECDICT ECDICT 0 118K 2/26/98 ECDict - is a English-Chinese dictionary module for CLex. Requires a Newton with NOS2.0 or later. At least a set of Chinese font in unicode format. CLex dictionary engine. CLex is a shareware multilingual dictionary engine. Notably it supports Chinese/Japanese and other script systems. There is a built-in memo so that you can put a new word in the memo for your later peruse. You can also look up a word online by selecting the word or simply place the caret under the word you want to look up. A TapBar button is also included so that you can have access to CLex almost everywhere at any time. ECLIPSE PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:ECLIPSE ECLIPSE 0 5K 2/07/96 Eclipse - Believe it or not, every time you turn on the Newton 2.0 it checks whether a solar eclipse is scheduled to happen on that day and, if it is, it runs a neat graphic of the correct type of eclipse. Frankly, I'm really impressed with this level of frivolity. Eclipse is also frivolous. If you are like me and don't know when the next solar eclipse is, and anyway don't want to wait, Eclipse will let you run the four built-in Eclipse graphics any time you want.. ECOUNT1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:ECOUNT1 ECOUNT1 1 0 14K 3/12/98 Ellie's Count Down 1.0 - for a selected date (holiday, your birthday, End of World or enter one), Ellie's Count Down (ECountDn) displays the remaining time from now in weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds. Freeware. NOS 2.x-only. (Application created with NewtDevEnv, help book with Newt's Cape). EDICT PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:EDICT EDICT 0 2052K 2/26/98 JEDict - is a Japanese-English dictionary (EDICT) module for CLex. The dictionary is a Romaji indexed Japanese-English dictionary. You should follow the usual Hepburn transcription to look up Japanese words. The only exception is that the long vowel is retained with corresponding 'a','u', and 'o'. Requires Newton with NOS2.0 or later. At least a set of Japanese font in unicode format. EDITCITI PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:EDITCITI EDITCITI 0 14K 10/03/95 EditCities - This auto part adds functionality to the 'Time Zones' app, allowing users to edit the locations (Apple are you listening?). Changes persist across resets. It also fixes the UK international code from 010 to 00. Install like any other package. No icon will appear in the Extras drawer. Tap 'Time Zones'. Tap the new button marked 'x' to the left of I'm Here. From here you're on your own - plug & play. If you mess everything up, use a suitable soup editor (e.g. StewPot) to remove the EditCities entry from the System soup. You don't need to remove EditCities itself - it will revert to using the built-in locations again. This package supercedes my ExtraCities, recently reviewed in _protoReality. EDSELECT PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:EDSELECT EDSELECT 0 4K 5/10/98 EDSelect 2.0 - this little extension will add a 'All' button to the Extras Drawer. So you can select all displayed items with one tap. The most other builtin Newton applications have such a function, for the Extras Drawer it was probably forgotten. EDSelect is freeware. EETRANSF PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:EETRANSF EETRANSF 0 487K 6/30/97 EETransfer 1.0 - EETransfer is a fully featured, fully scriptable, Newton 2.xx program from Easter-eggs. It allows you to perform and automate various kinds of connections and data exchanges with any other computer. EETransfer is really a two in one package, aimed at two different kinds of people: power users and VARs / System Integrators. Can connect using a serial cable, a modem, IrDA or AppleTalk. Very well suited for wireless communications. Support the XMODEM, YMODEM and ZMODEM protocols. Can also send and receive data using no protocol. Can connect to any other computer including (but not limited to) DOS, Windows, MacOS, Unix and Newton systems. VT100 Terminal emulation. Screen shots. Can send and... ELBARQS1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:ELBARQS1 ELBARQS1 1 0 83K 8/04/95 Elbarqs 1.0 - El'barqs is a crossword letter game for the newton. It allows you to place various letter tiles on the board to create words. You can play against up to three other human or Newton players. The basic goal in El'barqs is to use the letters given you to create words on the board. These words must have at least one letter in common with currently existing words. Any word is allowed except for proper names. The Newton will check to make sure a word is in it's dictionary, but because it has a limited capacity, it cannot know every possible word. If you place a word that it does not know, it will ask you if the word is a legal word. ELECTROH PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:ELECTROH ELECTROH 0 23K 8/03/95 ElectroHelp - This is an expanding application to aid those in the Electronics electrical areas with calculations etc. It currently includes a Resistor Colour Code Demystifier, Resistance, Current, Voltage, and Power calculations, Wavelength and Frequency calculations, plus a modified RPN calculater. And as there is space for more, any reasonable calculation or table can be added to this application and a new version sent on to the contributer. ELEGANCE PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:ELEGANCE ELEGANCE 0 298K 8/06/95 Elegance 1.2.4c Demo - At its heart, Elegance provides a series of shortcuts and several new features designed to enhance the Newton and make it easier and more pleasant to use. Elegance installs a small, movable toolbar at the bottom of the Newton's screen. Always available, the toolbar provides instant access to a set of basic features that deal with the look of the text. The toolbar also allows the user to custom build additional menus that bypass the time consuming steps required to use many of the Newton's own tools. Elegance provides instant access to every item in the Extras Drawer, along with several new tools of its own. Fully functioning Demo will expire after 1 month. ELEGANCE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:ELEGANCE ELEGANCE 0 35K 4/11/95 Elegance Lite 1.21 - The regular version of Elegance contains more features then EleganceLite and is fully customizable. You can add your favorite tools and applications to the menus, add extensions to the toolbar and more. At its heart, Elegance provides a series of shortcuts and several new features designed to enhance the Newton and make it easier and more pleasant to use. Elegance installs a small, movable toolbar at the bottom of the Newton's screen. Always available, the toolbar provides instant access to a set of basic features that deal with the look of the text. The toolbar also allows the user to custom build additional menus that bypass the time consuming steps required to use many of the Newton's own... EMAILSER PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:EMAILSER EMAILSER 0 23K 2/11/97 Email Services 1.2 - saves you time entering email addresses and memory by letting you expand the email services the Newton OS knows about. So you can add your site to the popup list. For example, add a new Catamount service that will append @catamount.com to every outgoing email address. ENDBACK1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:ENDBACK1 ENDBACK1 1 0 5K 4/04/94 EndBack 1.0 - End n' Back is a small Newton utility that installs itself in the NotePad application. Its purpose is provide a fast way to go to the last note in the Notepad's paper roll. It also provides a way to go back to the note you were at prior to going to the end. After installing the app, Two new buttons will appear in the button bar of the Notepad application. Pressing the End button (down arrow) positions you at the end of the paper roll. Pressing the Back button (curving up arrow) positions you at the note you were at prior to pressing the End button. That's it. ENHANCEM PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ENHANCEM ENHANCEM 0 77K 11/29/96 Catamount Enhancement Pack 2.2 - includes the latest versions of the included packages. The bundle includes Writers Calc 1.02, NoteScroller 4.02, NameDropper 5.01, Expansion, Igor, NoteHopper 2.0, and Plain Jane 2.01. Each program is available separately, but this bundle lets you register all of the programs as a much lower price. ENOTES1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:ALL:ENOTES1 ENOTES1 1 0 100K 5/20/96 ENotes 1.6b1 - The latest version of the fully featured Internet email client for Apple Newton personal digital assistants. eNotes is a program for your Newton MessagePad that can connect to a UNIX host via modem or serial line and send or receive Internet mail. It also provides a nice interface for reading, sending and organsing your mail. FEATURES - Simple login scripting for connecting to your internet service provider Clear and easy to use interface, Smart text wrapping to overcome the Newton's small screen width Full threading of email items with the same subjects, Runs at up to 57,600 bps with MNP error correction, Works with GSM mobile phones with the appropriate hardware connectors. In short it's the most ENOTES2D PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:ENOTES2D ENOTES2D 2 0 59K 10/04/96 eNotes 2.0 - Development Release 1 is available for interested Newton users. eNotes is a family of email solutions for the Apple Newton devices and the first member of the eNotes 2.0 family is an email client for SMTP/POP3 internet email systems using the Apple Newton Internet Enabler software. This software is a development release of eNotes, and as such, is not yet complete nor ready for serious testing. It is being made freely available to give a preview of what is to become the smallest memory footprint, simplest and most powerful email system for Newton OS2. We strongly discourage you from using it as your main email software. We recommend you continue to use eNotes 1.6. eNotes 2.0 is... ENYE1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:ENYE1 ENYE1 1 0 77K 8/05/96 Enye 1.01 - is a Newton-compatible package designed for rapid look up of translations from English to Spanish or Spanish to English. Additionally, it allows for rapid entry of new translations with its built-in keyboard of accented characters. Eye works with the MessagePad's built-in Find feature in order to find translations while Eye is open, or when it isn't. In the future, Eye will allow translation of complete sentences via the MessagePad's Intelligent Assistance function. Eye is US$ 10 shareware and can be registered via Kagi Shareware. Both 1.x and 2.0 compatible. EPFPS2 PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:2:EPFPS2 EPFPS2 2 0 5K 10/04/96 EP-FPS - (ExpensePlus-Financial Posting Standard enhancement). EP-FPS enchances WalletWare's ExpensePlus program so you can save the expense transactions to PocketMoney at the same time you are saving the expense to ExpensePlus. This becomes a real time saver. You can use ExpensePlus to create the expense reports that your company requires and you can use PocketMoney to keep your finances in order with a minimal amount of work. EP-FPS.pkg patches ExpensePlus to allow it to update PocketMoney or any other PM-FPS compliant program by posting the finance transactions to your finance package. EQUATEDE PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:EQUATEDE EQUATEDE 0 105K 2/01/95 Equate Demo 1.0 - This is a version of Equate that has saving, printing, import/export and several other features disabled. Equate is a powerful, intuitive spreadsheet for Newton that imports/exports to Excel file format and support up to 16384 rows and 255 columns. From Holosoft. ERRORINF PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:ERRORINF ERRORINF 0 24K 10/24/96 Error Info .11 - This is a simple program to diplay Error infomation for Newton OS 2.0. If your newton has latest error infomation, program use that at executing. So you dont not need input at that. Install both ErrorInfo.pkg and ErrorCode.pkg, and Tap to use them. EUDORAPR PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:EUDORAPR EUDORAPR 0 822K 4/29/97 Eudora Pro 1.0 demo - for Newton provides the ability to send and receive electronic mail with your Newton MessagePad. It is fully integrated with the Newton operating system, allowing you to use virtually any application to send electronic mail. In addition, it allows you to use the built in Names application to quickly and easily address your messages. Eudora Pro for Newton is the premier e-mail companion to your Newton MessagePad, providing you with e-mail access anywhere you can make a connection to your Internet service provider. System Requirements Newton MessagePad 2000, 130 with at least 150K free storage, PPP or SLIP connection Modem that works with MessagePad, Newton Internet Enabler 1.0 or... EURODSTP PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:EURODSTP EURODSTP 0 6K 10/28/96 EuroDSTPatch 2.0 - Until last year, european dalight saving time (dst) stopped on the last sunday in september. This year this was changed, it now stops on the last sunday in october. This little program patches the dst stop month accordingly. Launch EuroDSTPatch and press the 'Change' button. That's all! You can view the change in the Time Zone application. EuroDSTPatch only runs under NOS 2.0! Version 2.0 - The first version worked, but caused a problem in the Time Zone application, this has been fixed in version 2.0. With the new version, you can also remove the patch. EUROISP PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:2:EUROISP EUROISP 0 3K 2/04/97 Additional European ISP Templates - These pre-configured entries for the Internet Service Providers (ISP's) are provided as a convenience, only, and do not indicate an endorsement on the part of Apple Computer, Inc. for any particular ISP. In addition, while Apple has tested connectivity of the NIE to the ISP's listed, as ISP's may alter details regarding access to their systems without prior notification to Apple, it is possible that a connection to a particular ISP may not be possible from a particular location or at a later point in time. Accordingly, Apple strongly suggests that, when possible, you check your configuration through a known working connection to your ISP, and then contact your ISP with any... EWORLDSO PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:EWORLDSO EWORLDSO 0 181K 2/11/97 eWorld Sounds - this 261k package contains all of the sounds from eWorld. A trip down nostalgia row! All of these packages will register new sounds for your Newton. Various programs like our upcoming 'ChatBuddy', our programmers tool 'PackageBeeper', and the built in Newton Alarms let users select from the registered sounds for different notices. Adding one of these packages will extend the number of sounds you can choose. EXCHANGE PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:2:EXCHANGE EXCHANGE 0 14K 2/11/97 ExCHANGE 1.1 - This is the non AppleTalk version of ExCHANGE and it now has the ability to download QIF (Quicken Interchange Format) and TDF (Tab Delimited Format) files from the desktop to PocketMoney. You will need a terminal program to download data to PocketMoney because WildCat doesn't support downloading yet. If you are a Windows 3.1 or 95 user then you have Terminal included with Windows. If you are a Macintosh user then you will need to download one of the freely available terminal emulators if you do not already have one. EXPANSIO PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:EXPANSIO EXPANSIO 0 6K 12/23/95 Expansion 1.0 - The built in word expansion is a cool idea which is built into the Newton OS, but the process of adding new word expansions is long. Expansion speeds this process up. Expansion also allows you to bypass the built-in 30 character limit and create expansion phrases of unlimited length. Requires 2.0. EXPENSEP PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:EXPENSEP EXPENSEP 0 169K 7/12/97 ExpensePlus 2.0 for Newton Demo - is a powerful Newton software package that lets you capture business expense transactions on your PDA while traveling on behalf of your company or employer. To get reimbursed for your business expenses, you need to create an expense report - often in a custom form provided to you by your employer. ExpensePlus will link up to virtually any expense report form in any custom format created in Claris' FileMaker Pro, Informed Manager, or Microsoft Excel for Macintosh or Windows. This demo version only runs on a Newton 2.0 or 2.1 device (i.e. MessagePad 2000, 130, 120, or eMate). If you have an original MessagePad, Motorola Marco, Sharp ExpertPad, or MessagePad 100 or 110, then... EXPENSEP PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:EXPENSEP EXPENSEP 0 97K 10/02/94 ExpensePlus 1.04 Demo - ExpensePlus LTD is a limited version of ExpensePlus, one of the leading Newton software products. Try it, and you'll see why MACWORLD Magazine says Its useful and a real time saver...Entering expenses is a snap...If you use a Newton, ExpensePlus is a good investment. ExpensePlus LTD is fully functional, with the following exceptions - It will accept up to 10 expense slips per expense report. Sending expense data to a Macintosh or Windows PC is disabled. The shipping version includes Macintosh and Windows communication software and expense report templates for Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows, FileMaker Pro and Informed. Templates can be customized to duplicate most... EXPENSOR PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:EXPENSOR EXPENSOR 0 18K 6/10/94 Expensor - Expensor is the easiest to use Newton expense tracker. Has two reports by category or by client. Includes lookups for both categories and clients that you have entered on expense slips. Printing and faxing are support with beaming and mailing to come. This version is limited. You can only enter four expense items. I figure that is enough to get a feel for it and print some report samples and yet not be able to really use it for an extended period of time. Try it before you buy it! Shareware. EXPSCRI1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:EXPSCRI1 EXPSCRI1 1 0 12K 8/03/95 Exp+ Scripts - The ExpensePlus 1.0.4 AppleScripts were written for Excel 4.x and are incompatible with Excel 5. These scripts are compatible with Excel 4 or 5. After downloading and unstuffing, drop them into your AppleScripts folder inside your ExpensePlus folder. Contains 3 scripts. ExpensePlus is a Commercial application from PowerWare - 800-640-2068. EXTRAP2L PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:1:EXTRAP2L EXTRAP2L 2 0 295K 3/24/95 Extrap21.zip - ExtraPkg is an application for users of PCs running Windows, who have access to Newton Connection Kit, or a similar software. This application reads files produced by NCK, and allows you to extract from them Newton software packages, in order to store them in separate files for a future download back to your Newton. EXTRASMG PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:EXTRASMG EXTRASMG 0 32K 10/20/94 ExtrasMgr 1.22 - ExtrasMgr is a Newton utility that facilitates the organization of your Extras Drawer. Three main objectives guided this application - Allow access to all installed applications in the internal and external stores. Provide a shortcut way to get to your most frequently used applications via a button in the Notes application. Provide additional ways to view your applications lists by allowing you to organize your applications in folders and by using the sorting order of your preference. EZACCES1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:EZACCES1 EZACCES1 1 0 8K 4/06/97 E-Z Access 2.0 - is a pop-up button for launching applications and books. The button is displayed in the top right corner of the screen, and is available from any application on your Newton OS system. Tapping the button pops up a list of applications and books installed on your MessagePad. Tapping an application or book opens it. Tapping and holding the button until you hear a squeak pops up a list of commonly used functions (New Meeting, New To Do, New Note, New Checklist, New Outline, and Sleep). E-Z Access supports opening frozen apps. FARALLON PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:FARALLON FARALLON 0 6K 12/08/97 Farallon-Ethernet driver - For Newton Computers using Newton OS 2.1 and Newton Internet Enabler (NIE) 2.0 eMate/Newton. Works with Farallon PC card. Farallon can be contacted at 1-800-485-5741. FAXCARD1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:FAXCARD1 FAXCARD1 1 0 21K 6/04/95 Fax Card 1.0 Demo - Design your card contents in the main display window, where you can write and draw. Fax or print your postcard when done. You can also copy this postcard format to the NotePad. Write or draw, then fax away! FAXCOVER PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FAXCOVER FAXCOVER 0 54K 10/07/96 Fax Cover Creator 1.01 - Create custom fax cover sheets to replace the standard fax cover sheet of the Newton. Include logos, titles, contact information, or whatever you want. Shareware, $34.95. This demo will expire after 30 days. This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. FCR1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:FCR1 FCR1 1 0 61K 9/22/95 FCR 1.11 Demo - FirstClass Retriever+, the Newton client for the FirstClass conferencing and email system. FirstClass Retriever+ provides access to FirstClass e-mail and conference messages from a Newton MessagePad through a modem or LocalTalk network connection. All messages can be read and replied to on-line or saved to the Newton to read and replied off-line. The demo allows you to connect to a FirstClass server from your MessagePad and browse around. It will give you a good feel for its capabilities and the benefits having very portable email access. Although the demo is very functional, there are several features that have been disabled. The email list in your mailbox can be viewed, but individual messages cannot... FCX03E PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:FCX03E FCX03E 03 0 20K 2/16/96 FCX03E - FlashCard Transfer Utility - To import and export decks for flashCard, you need FCX, the flashCard transfer utility. With FCX you can author text-only decks on your desktop computer and download them to Newton. You can even upload text-only flashCard decks already on Newton to archive them or share them with friends. Any graphics in the question field of a card will be lost, but all text in the question can be transfered. FCX supports cross-platform communications to any computer that can make a simple serial connection. This includes Macintosh, MS DOS, Windows, OS/2, and many others. FEATENGI PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:FEATENGI FEATENGI 0 12K 12/16/97 FeatEngine 1.0 - In order to Calculate a certain Frequently-Used Formula in Adventure Entertainments. In an Adventure Entertainment using Castle Falkenstein rules, one Situation that occurs Frequently is the Feat Performance, in which a Dramatic Character with certain Abilities decides whether He or She may adequately perform a certain Task. The Host's card is Revealed Does Mr. Featheringstone catch the struts of the Airship? Or does he plummet to a Certain Death on the rocky shores of Dover? Your new Babbage Feat Engine can tell you! FEEDTHEM PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:FEEDTHEM FEEDTHEM 0 9K 11/25/94 Feed the Meter 1.0 - Feed the meter is an application for sounding the Newton's built-in alarm after a predetermined amount of time. Feed the Meter creates an entry in the Calendar soup with a starting time the number of minutes in the future that you have specified. It also sets a five minute alarm for the event. And for those who feed a lot of parking meters it also deletes Feed the Meter events if you wish. FEIERTAG PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:FEIERTAG FEIERTAG 0 18K 11/22/95 Feiertag 1.10d - Dies ist ein Programm fr Leute, die meinen, da in einen Kalender auch Feiertage gehren: Es trgt Feiertage (fr beliebige Jahre zwischen 1993 und 2015) als Kalendernotizen (linke, obere Ecke im Kalender) ein. Danach wird das Programm nicht mehr bentigt und kann wieder gelscht werden. Feiertage V1.10d is a small NEWTON app that automatically inserts german public holiday as crib notes in the calendar. You can pick a year from 1993 to 2015. The following days are supported (you can check/uncheck each one seperately) - Karfreitag, Ostersonntag, Ostermontag, Christi Himmelfahrt, Pfingstsonntag,Pfingstmontag, Fronleichnam, Volkstrauertag, Buss- und Bettag, Totensonntag, and... FILTERCA PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:FILTERCA FILTERCA 0 7K 9/16/96 Filters - Which filter should I use for my black and white pictures? I have a confusing collection of filters to use with black and white film. Some of the effects are subtle and some are quite dramatic but I can't ever remember which filter to use when. The New York Institute of Photography sent me a wonderful paper filter wheel but I wanted something more durable. Since I keep my Newton in the camera bag, I decided to write the Black and White Filter calculator to help. It's easy to use. Simply tap your problem. For example to darken a blue sky moderately just tap those three selections. The Newton will display the proper filters to choose from for the desired effect. The Newton will also display filter... FINDRECE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:FINDRECE FINDRECE 0 8K 12/22/94 Find Recent 1.0 - With FindRecent installed the last ten terms one was searching for are listed in the pop-up menu of the Find slip. This is useful for example if you just looked up the phone number of someone and as you try to call him or her the line is busy. Then you look for another number other whatsoever. After a few minutes you want to give the call another try, but you still can't remember the phone number. Now you just pick up the name from the list instead of rewriting it. It just takes about 4K of the precious Newton memory and it doesn't even show up in the Extras drawer. (But it can be deleted via the Remove Software pop-up, just like every other software package.). FITNESSL PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:1:FITNESSL FITNESSL 0 85K 5/09/95 Fitness Log 1.72 - The FitnessLog program uses your Newton to track all your races and workouts, for biking, running, swimming, and other activities. For races, it will monitor and report your personal best times for each race. The program comes prepared to track races of 1 mile, 5k, 10k, 12k, half and full marathons. If you run races of other distances, you can enter those either as one-time races or you can define a new standard race category for that particular distance. You can also define a series of standard training workouts. FIVEORAN PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:FIVEORAN FIVEORAN 0 28K 11/29/94 Five Orange Pips - The Five Orange Pips (5ORNGPIP.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... FIXEMAIL PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:FIXEMAIL FIXEMAIL 0 8K 12/13/95 Fix E-Mail Address 1.0 - In the e-mail address field of Names, you can now choose the kind of e-mail address. But if you imported old data into new system, the old e-mail fields are labeled with just E-Mail. Actually, this E-Mail label means that this address is an eWorld account. I don't like this. So this application looks into whole Names entries, then fix the field as it should be. If the field is foo@aol.com, then it will be changed to foo labeled with America Online. Unknown address is labeled with Internet or eWorld. Requires Newton OS 2.0. FLAGCHAS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:FLAGCHAS FLAGCHAS 0 16K 7/03/95 FlagChase 1.2 - Direct the train to capture each of the flags. Tap the start button to begin, and then tap the N, S, E and W buttons to direct the train, capture flags and avoid walls. See how long you can make your train! FLAGMAN1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:FLAGMAN1 FLAGMAN1 1 0 19K 4/05/96 Flagman 1.0 - This is a simple animation program for the Newton. All it does is semaphore flag signalling. You write your message down, and it signals it for you. Some people call it an educational program, and others call it useless. For those who wanted to learn how to do flag signalling (like myself), this program is for you. FLASH1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:FLASH1 FLASH1 1 0 58K 3/15/98 Flash 1.2 - is a Newton program that helps you improve your reading rate & comprehension. Flash provides a variety of exercises that users can use to improve their reading habits. Flash includes on-line help which explains speed reading concepts and how to use the program. Flash will flash words, letters, or pages of books (will automatically open and scroll user installed Newton books). You have a variety of control over the flashing of words or letters and can also specify the rate at which books scroll. While there are several desktop applications that will allow you to learn and practice these techniques, the Newton's go anywhere form factor and the ability to use your own Newton books makes this software... FLASHCAR PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:FLASHCAR FLASHCAR 0 28K 1/03/97 FlashCard 2.0b - is a software memorization tool aimed at people in a scholastic environment, particularly people who would like to learn another language or memorize equations, definitions, symbols, or dates. Using FlashCard is an excellent way to prepare for a test. You can quiz yourself using both recall and recognition memory models. FlashCard provides both multiple-choice and flip style quizzes. FlashCard gives you a fast, fun way to review repetitive material and is easy to use. Trying to learn another language? Studying for your medical exams? Keeping up to date on emergency procedures? FlashCard is the answer! It's free! It's only 55K! Requires OS 2.0 or later. FLASHCAR PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:FLASHCAR FLASHCAR 0 31K 10/27/96 Flash Cards for Newton - flashCard software (fC) is a memorization tool aimed at people in a scholastic environment, particularly people who would like to learn another language or memorize equations, definitions, or dates. Using fC is an excellent way to prepare for a test. You can drill yourself on simple questions, one-at-a-time, from the topic areas you have added. Each topic area has a minimum of five cards, but more can be added. Cards reflect simple questions with definite, specific answers. fC gives you a fast, fun way to review repetitive material. fC is easy to use, and encourages you to enter new information. FLASHCLO PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:FLASHCLO FLASHCLO 0 18K 5/21/97 FlashClock 2.0 - Clock Display for the Newton MessagePad. FlashClock is a small application that displays the time when you turn on your Newton device. An extension allows you to modify settings for the clock such as font, size, and style. The clock display can be placed anywhere on the screen and can be made to be persistent. FlashClock 2 is only available for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1 and has been tested on an MP130 and MP2000. No testing on MP120 or eMate300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. FLASHSTY PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:FLASHSTY FLASHSTY 0 5K 11/15/93 Flashs Typer 1.0 - A tiny keyboard for the Newton which can type the date, a tab, a carriage return, or the delete key. Unlike the large built-in keyboard, you can leave this one open all the time, since it doesnt disable double-tapping on a word to display the Newtons other guesses for that word. Pressing the ? key gives a little bit of help, pressing the xkey closes the keyboard. FLIGHT PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:FLIGHT FLIGHT 0 11K 8/19/96 Flight - A Newton 2.0 Dates Extension - Trying to schedule my first couple of business flights in corporate America, I found myself trying to record flight information as a meeting in Dates (since I haven't purchased any other travel packages yet, and maybe won't have to). So, I put together this Dates extension which solved my problem. Yeh, you could add more info and have it integrate more with other apps, but you'll have to do that yourself! This extension follows almost exactly the standard 2.0 meeting interface. The package will install in the Extensions folder on the default store. This type of extension SHOULD be placed on the internal store (NOT on a card). After installation, select the package in... FLIGHT2 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:FLIGHT2 FLIGHT2 2 0 11K 1/23/97 Flight Info - A Newton 2.0 Dates Extension. Trying to schedule my first couple of business flights in corporate America, I found myself trying to record flight information as a meeting in Dates. So, I put together this Dates extension which solved my problem. Yeh, you could add more info and have it integrate more with other apps, but you'll have to do that yourself! This extension follows almost exactly the standard 2.0 meeting interface (rotation, alarm defaults, etc.). FLIGHTRE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:FLIGHTRE FLIGHTRE 0 42K 12/03/96 FlightRecorder 1.5 Trial Version - extends the Newton's built-in Date Book to allow easy scheduling of plane flights. FR's flight slip allows you to store and access all of the info associated with a plane flight. FR will even notify you when you have changed time zones and allow you to update your Newton's clock and location. Version 1.5 supports flights that cross midnight. This version will work for all Newton users till Jan 13th 1997. Existing users can use this version to upgrade also. FLIP1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:FLIP1 FLIP1 1 0 11K 10/05/95 Flip 1.0 - Flip is tapping game for the Newton from Alpine Software. Change the entire puzzle surface to the same color by tapping on the different shapes that make up the puzzle. Each puzzle is made of several of the same polygons - squares, triangles, or hexagons. After you tap a shape, one or more of the shapes in the puzzle will change color. To learn how each shape changes, pick the Learn button. The puzzle will clear to white. Then pick one of the shapes. All the shapes that change when that one is picked will invert for about 2 seconds. To return to the puzzle, pick the Learn button again and choose Play from the list. FLOATING PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:FLOATING FLOATING 0 13K 9/08/94 Floating Time 1.7 - Floating Time is a small simple utility for the Newton MessagePad. The purpose of this small Newton application is to display the time and battery level on a permanent basis. It also will stop the MessagePad from shutting down when it is plugged in, this can be helpful when you need to view your notes while working at something else. You can also choose to resize the window and set preferences to let the Newton shutdown normally or start Floating Time as a small window. FMPRO3V3 PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:ALL:FMPRO3V3 FMPRO3V3 33 0 1411K 1/22/97 FileMaker Pro 3.0v3 Trial for Windows - FileMaker Pro is a relational database that is so simple to use anyone can create powerful solutions in a flash. Use this trial software to see for yourself! Here's what you need to use the trial software: Any Intel compatible PC running Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 or later, or Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 with Win32s version 1.30c or later installed. Win32s software is available from Microsoft. Hard disk drive 8 MB memory for Windows 95 (16 MB recommended for Windows NT 3.51) FileMaker Pro is the one database software program that has the power and sophistication to effortlessly handle all your everyday functions. From invoicing, mailing lists,... FOLDERIN PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FOLDERIN FOLDERIN 0 11K 6/04/96 FolderInfo 1.0b2 - FolderInfo is an informational Folder utility for the Newton. It was written primarily to inform users about how much storage space is consumed by Notes, Names, and packages stored inside Global folders in the Newton 2.0 operating system. It also allows these items to quickly be deleted on a folder-by-folder basis and can be used in landscape mode. FREEware Enjoy! FONTPACK PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FONTPACK FONTPACK 0 107K 3/03/97 Font Pack Volume 1 - for Newton MessagePads! Font Pack includes 12 new fonts for your Newton, as well as a totally revamped Styles Palette. The new fonts include Avant, Boston, Courier, Funky, Garamond, Helvetica, Jagged, Machine, Round About Schoolbook, Times, Type Writer. In addition, the new styles palette supports point sizes of: 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 72, as well as multiple styles, including Bold, Italic, Underline, Outline, Super- and Sub-script (or any combination thereof). This 30 Day demo of Font Pack requires Newton OS 2.0. FOOTPRIN PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FOOTPRIN FOOTPRIN 0 16K 8/14/97 Footprint 1.1 - only works with Newton OS 2.1 (Newton 2000, emate). Footprint is Free Ware. Footprint is a small backdrop application for your Newton OS device. In the spirit of powerBack by PowerPen (which is now defunct) Morgan Creek Medical is releasing this as freeware. We do not have the computing capability to provide user customization at build time, so we have released Footprint as a small, simple application that may be modestly customized via the prefs slip. Also, the relatively empty button bar should allow for added enhancements in the form of Auxiliary Buttons. Morgan Creek Medical has a few useful buttons for use in the backdrop application which are available at our web site at FORMITFI PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:FORMITFI FORMITFI 0 1010K 3/22/98 FormIt 2.1.1 - A system for designing, on a Macintosh desktop, your own personal stationery for the Newton Notes and /or NewtonWorks Newton applications. FormIt Notes and NewtonWorks Stationery items appear in the 'New' button of these applications, after you download a FormIt Stationery form definition from the Mac to the Newton. FormIt Stationery items have all the built-in capability of the Notes/NewtonWorks applications available to them as well. This 2.1 release of FormIt greatly improves desktop connectivity and utilizes the Newton built-in Dock or Connection applications to achieve desktop connectivity. FINAL release 30-day TrialWare demo licensed for use on one Mac and supporting ten... FORMULA0 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:FORMULA0 FORMULA0 0 0 87K 4/16/98 Formula - is a prototype entry system for common mathematical symbols such as integrals, summations, etc. It does NOT recognize handwritten symbols. It takes text and converts what it can to symbols, and the rest is left as text. Formula comes with three packages for your Newton. One is a stand-alone package (Formula), the other is an extension for Notes (Formula Stationery), and the last, an extension for Newton Works. They are all small (<25 kb) - so you can install them without any major space requirements. Formula will run on 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons - however the Copy Image feature only works on MP 2x00s. The stand-alone package offers two ways to create formulas - the standard input method of text, or with... FORMULAG PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:FORMULAG FORMULAG 0 11K 12/20/95 FormulaGen 0.1 Demo - FormulaGen is a remarkable new utility which lets you to enter your own formulas into the Newton's formula roll. Simply type any Newtonscript expression (such as a+b=c, (wieners + buns) /2 = hotdogs, or N*(N+1)/2=N! into FormulaGen's Formula window, then enter a carriage-return. If the Newton likes your formula it will disappear from the window, & the next time you tap Formulas in the Extras drawer you'll find that a panel for c, hotdogs, N!, or whatever has been installed. Note that everthing to the right of the equal-sign in your formula is simply used as the label for your formula & the target for evaluation, & is not itself evaluated algebraically. FORMULAT PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:FORMULAT FORMULAT 0 41K 8/30/95 Formulator - An Expression Compiler for Newton. Works like a single cell spread sheet, about to save expressions with variables in a soup, making them accessable anytime. This Unregistered Version Maintains this Soup but will not preserve the data during a reset! Formerly known as Com-piles. FOXAFFIL PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:FOXAFFIL FOXAFFIL 0 16K 9/11/96 Fox Affiliate - This is a SHAREWARE book containing the names, addresse, phone #'s of FOX TV stations and affiliates throughout the US. Check it out. By David S. Greenberg. FREEBACK PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FREEBACK FREEBACK 0 8K 7/27/97 FreeBack - OS2.x only. FreeBack is a very simple package to be used as backdrop for all peoples concerned about heap. It is nearly the most simple Newton-app posible to free as much heap as possible (heap usage significantly increases with program complexity). All FreeBack consists of, is a blank screen and an i-button that can be used to launch packages using i++. FreeBack is Freeware by Thorsten Lange FREESTYL PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:FREESTYL FREESTYL 0 122K 4/26/96 FreeStyle 1.0 Demo - First of all we want to thank you for trying out FreeStyle(tm) a personal recognition engine based on the revolutionary OrthoGraph(tm) recognition technology. We at ParaGraph have been supporting the Newton platform since day one (our CalliGrapher (tm) recognition technology and HodoGraph (tm) ink compression technology is in the Newton OS) and hope FreeStyle will add to the functionality of your Newton. We believe it a perfect complementary recognizer to the OS recognition for both Newton 1.X and 2.0. It will allow you to have a personal recognizer that doesn't require memorization of esoteric symbols. You will be able to take notes without looking at the screen using... FREEZEMA PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FREEZEMA FREEZEMA 0 103K 3/13/98 FreezeMan - for the Newton OS. Just like our freeze utilities program, this program is designed to save heap space on your Newton by freezing any applications that arent in use. Freeze Utilities stops there, while FreezeMan contains several functions to make freezing faster and more connivent. It allows you to freeze or thaw many icons at once, and it groups icons, so that if one is frozen or thawed, they all are. This is especially useful for large application with multiple parts that all need to be active to be used. FREEZEU1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:FREEZEU1 FREEZEU1 1 0 19K 8/26/97 Freeze Utilities 1.5 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Freeze Utilities allow you to take advantage of the built in freezing option on the Newton, as well as providing a few enhancments. Freeze Utilities adds an item to your preferences which allows you to configure your Newton's Freezing options. The first checkbox (Allow Package Freezing) turns on and off the ability to freeze icons directly in the Extras Drawer. If it is checked, then after selecting an item in the Extras Drawer, you can tap on the action button (the small envelope) and popup the action menu. To freeze a package, simply select Freeze from the menu. GCSTAT1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:GCSTAT1 GCSTAT1 1 0 5K 5/12/97 GCStat 1.1 - Small frames heap display for the Newton MessagePad. GCStat is a small application that does a garbage collection, then displays the amount of memory free in the frames heap. The display will appear in the center of the screen for 2-3 seconds, then disappear. If you would like the display to disappear sooner, just tap it. Addendum: To clarify the utility of GCStat: The reason for the garbage collection is to get a more accurate assessment of the frames heap. Doing manual garbage collection is generally not needed, since the system will automatically garbage collect when it senses the need to do so. GEOMETRY PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:GEOMETRY GEOMETRY 0 22K 3/12/98 Geometry Construction Set 1.0 - With GeoCnstr, draw lines, circles, triangles; get information about perimeter, area; bisect lines and angles, inscribe/circumscribe circles. Freeware. NOS 1.x/2.x compatible. (Application created with NewtDevEnv, help book with Newt's Cape). GESTALT0 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:GESTALT0 GESTALT0 0 0 5K 10/24/96 Gestalt .1 - This is a simple program to diplay system infomation for Newton OS 2.0. Version History - May. 11 96, 0.1 - first release. GESTGAME PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:GESTGAME GESTGAME 0 75K 5/24/95 GestGame - Welcome to GestGame, an exciting arcade game for the Newton in which you have to destroy words by typing them in on the Mosaic. This game utilizes a patented method of data entry known as Gesture Mosaic. The included GestDemo package provides an introduction/tutorial which you should go through before playing the game. Somebody is trying to put words into your head! The only way you can stop them is by typing in the word before it penetrates your defenses using the Gesture Mosaic. In this arcade-style game, words of varying length fall from above and attempt to bomb their way past your shield. As the game progresses, the words fall faster and more words appear as soon as one hits your shield. When... GESTURE1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:GESTURE1 GESTURE1 1 0 66K 7/02/96 Gesture Mosaic - for Newton Operating system 1.x. The easiest way to get going with Gesture Mosaic is to use the tutorial game, Rapid Fire. After uncompressing the software, load Rapid Fire onto your Newton and open it. Rapid Fire is a fun tutorial game which will teach you the Gesture Mosaic alphabet. To play, tap the 'Begin' button and destroy the falling words by typing them using the Mosaic. An arrow portraying the appropiate gesture for each letter will appear to assist you. To make the gesture, just trace the stem of the arrow that appears. Gesture Mosaic is a fast, accurate way to enter letters and numbers on a Personal Digital Assistant such as the Apple Newton. Characters are written by making a short gesture on... GESTUREL PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:GESTUREL GESTUREL 0 211K 9/11/97 GestureLaunch 3.0 DEMO - This is a time-limited demo of GestureLaunch 3.0 for the MessagePad 2000. It will expire 14 days after you first install it. GestureLaunch includes the functionality of our popular shareware buttonbar enhancement, BarKeep, but it is not the same product. GestureLaunch 3.0 is not shareware - it is sold exclusively as part of the NewtCase Utility Suite. The electronic manual for the entire Newtcase suite is included in this distribution, so you can see what the rest of the packages in the suite can do for you. NewtCase 3.1 is available now from PelicanWare (see contact info at the bottom of this file) for $49.95, or wherever Newton software is sold. Reduced-cost (or free, depending... GESTUREL PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:GESTUREL GESTUREL 0 40K 8/17/95 GestureLaunch 1.0 - GestureLaunch and GestureScript are ICSs answer to button bars and package launchers. Now you can assign up to four actions to each built-in button for a total of 24 different actions that are always available and dont take up as much heap or screen space as a button bar. Launch any package or NewtCase Archive with a simple gesture (select, caret, line, or scrub). GestureLaunch can even execute small NewtonScript programs entered with GestureScript (samples included). Shareware, $10. Free to NewtCase 2.x users. GESTUREM PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:GESTUREM GESTUREM 0 64K 7/02/96 Gesture Mosaic - for Newton Operating system 2.0. The easiest way to get going with Gesture Mosaic is to use the tutorial game, Rapid Fire. After uncompressing the software, load Rapid Fire onto your Newton and open it. Rapid Fire is a fun tutorial game which will teach you the Gesture Mosaic alphabet. To play, tap the 'Begin' button and destroy the falling words by typing them using the Mosaic. An arrow portraying the appropiate gesture for each letter will appear to assist you. To make the gesture, just trace the stem of the arrow that appears. Gesture Mosaic is a fast, accurate way to enter letters and numbers on a Personal Digital Assistant such as the Apple Newton. Characters are written by making a short gesture on... GHOSTHUN PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:GHOSTHUN GHOSTHUN 0 146K 4/11/98 Gfhost Hunter - arcade Style Action on your Newton. Ghost Hunter, a game for the Newton OS where you get to hunt down ghosts with a tank. System Requirements Ghost Hunter requires Newton OS 2.1, and a Message Pad 2000, Message Pad 2100, or eMate. GIFTREMI PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:GIFTREMI GIFTREMI 0 25K 10/09/97 GiftReminder 1.0 Demo - a free demo of giftReminder now and see what you're missing! This demo is fully functional, except you can only manage gifts for two people. When you see how handy giftReminder is, you'll want to purchase the registered version so you won't forget anyone you know! support@hexdump.com GOBOARD1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:GOBOARD1 GOBOARD1 1 0 8K 10/30/94 GoBoard 1.1 - GoBoard 1.1 is an improved version of the previously posted GoBoard. It simulates a 19 by 19 board for the Oriental strategy game of Go. Black and white stones may be placed and removed. It can be used to play and record a game between people, or study published games and problems. It does not provide a computer opponent, or remove captured stones automatically. It has backward and forward buttons to re-examine moves that have been played, and a Restart button to replay a game from the beginning (this is an improvement over the Undo button in the previous version). Captured stones are erased by tapping on them. Tapping on a stone just played changes its color. GOFETCH1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:GOFETCH1 GOFETCH1 1 0 220K 12/02/97 GoFetch 1.27 demo - Shell & NIE transport. Note that installing these versions of the transports give another 10 days of trial (shortened from 30 days) but it also replaces the transport preferences. This doesn't affect any setup done from the GoFetch Setup program, just the preferences found in the [i] button in the in and out box. All of the GoFetch preferences are now available using the Options button from the connection slip. As before, these options are only set for the current session. To change the preferences for all future sessions, use the preferences in the [i] menu. The option button now pops up a dialog window that contains all of the GoFetch preferences. Choosing the OK button applies the... GOFIGURE PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:GOFIGURE GOFIGURE 0 81K 5/08/95 GoFigure Demos - Contains GoFigureAd.pkg, GoFigure Light 1.3 and GoFigure Data Sheet. GoFigure Light 1.3 - This is a limited Light version of GoFigure which includes four of the GoFigure calculators. It will expire 30 days after you launch the package for the first time. The commercial version contains over fifteen different calculators integrated into one easy-to-use program for the Apple Newton MessagePad or other licensed Newton platform. The GoFigure calculator takes the hassle out of everyday tasks involving numbers. Want to know how much to tip a waiter? How much to pay the baby-sitter? What the square root of 34,983 is? and more. Light version contains - Adding Machine, Conversions (Tech) and Graphic... GOGONEWT PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:GOGONEWT GOGONEWT 0 28K 10/24/96 Go-Go! Newton - This is a simple animation program. Original software is one of most famous Desk Accessory software for Macintosh. She dances on every 15 seconds. This program run on OS 1.x and OS 2.0, does not support rotate for OS 2.0. (Nov. 6 95)0.69a1 - Alfa release.(first public release). It takes 2.5 seconds. During this time, you can not stop her lovely dancing. Tap md strings to close the dancer. GOMOKU1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:GOMOKU1 GOMOKU1 1 0 38K 7/30/96 Gomoku 1.0 - a board game for Newton 1.x and 2.0. Simple rules, addictive game English, German and French version in one package. Readme text in Mac and Windows formats. FREE. Gomoku was written by Oliver Vlckers, Berlin/Germany Uploaded by the author 100410.3137@compuserve.com GORECORD PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:GORECORD GORECORD 0 157K 8/15/97 Go Recorder 2.31 - is a Newton package to record Go games for study, annotation, printing etc; it may also be used to play Go with another human (it does not play itself!). This version should work on all Newtons (including MP2000 and eMate) although memory requirements are high ( models prior to MP120 may be rather slow at times or run out of memory on operations such as printing); a Memory card is required. Go Recorder allows recording of variations, and import/export to plain text records in the Notes application which will allow translation to other formats. The Demonstration version has some features, such as printing, disabled, but allows recording of complete games. Neville.Smythe@anu.edu.au GPSBUTTO PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:GPSBUTTO GPSBUTTO 0 38K 2/12/95 GPS Button 1.1 - GPS provides position information, 24 hours a day in any kind of weather, anyplace in the world; the GPS position signals are available at no charge for consumer and commercial use. The satellites which compromise the GPS system were developed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and launched by the U.S. Air Force. GPSButton is a floating button which allows your Newton to place a copy of your current position obtained from a Trimble Navigation GPS Scoutmaster product anywhere you can write or type. Let's you quickly and easily annotate any Newton application's data with their current position. Requires a Trimble ScoutMaster GPS receiver. GPSMAP11 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:GPSMAP11 GPSMAP11 11 0 338K 12/20/96 GPS Map 1.7.3 - is a professional GPS satellite based moving map navigation system with a lot of helpful functions such as route plannung, a database, history track, or mission recording. The system supports both scanned and vector type maps with any scale. This demo version is fully functional, but the GPS driver has been replaced by a demo flight simulator. GPSMAPL1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:GPSMAPL1 GPSMAPL1 1 0 2503K 3/26/98 GPS Map Lite - is freeware! GPS Map Lite, the powerful GPS and Moving Map based navigation solution for Newton, is now freeware. The software supports any GPS receiver with an NMEA183 compatible interface (including TripMate) and the Rockwell/Centennial SatNav GPS Card (both binary and NMEA version). Although GPS Map Lite 1.2.5 still supports NOS 1.3 you should use a NOS2.x Newton for maximum performance. Updates, sample maps and a demo of the full featured GPS Map are available through . GPSMONIT PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:GPSMONIT GPSMONIT 0 43K 11/04/97 GPS Monitor 2.0b9 - runs on all Newton PDAs with NOS 2.0 or higher and supports various interface settings as well as PC-card receivers. It has been developed for checking GPS satellite navigation receivers for compatibility with GPS Map and GPS Map Lite, the powerful moving map based navigation applications for Newton. You can also use the application for monitoring your GPS receivers output and for copying displayed data to the clipboard and to other applications. GPSMONIT PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:GPSMONIT GPSMONIT 0 27K 8/30/97 GPS Monitor 1.2 - runs on all Newton PDAs with NOS 1.3 or higher. It has been developed for checking GPS satellite navigation receivers for compatibility with GPS Map and GPS Map Lite, the powerful moving map based navigation applications for Newton. You can also use the application for monitoring your GPS receivers output and for copying displayed data to the clipboard and to other applications. GRAFFIT1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:GRAFFIT1 GRAFFIT1 1 0 27K 7/18/95 GraffitiPatch 1.6 - GraffitiPatch is a small (approximately 8k of storage and 1k of heap) patch for the Newton family of products that implements a number of enhancements related to Graffiti by Palm Computing. It allows quick access to Graffiti from the standard Newton keyboard and enhances Graffiti, allowing you to shrink the Graffiti window and/or drag it partially off-screen, giving you much more flexibility in placement. Shareware, $10. ICS has no connection whatsoever with the Palm Computing, publisher of Graffiti. This package was not commissioned by, nor is it endorsed by said publisher. It has been tested with the latest available version (1.01). GRAFFIT2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:GRAFFIT2 GRAFFIT2 2 0 6K 1/27/95 GraffitiPlacement - GraffitiPlacement is an autopart that sets up the Newton to work with Graffiti the way I want it to. If you like it use it; if not lose it. Specifically, GraffitiPlacement does the following - Tapping the word Names under the Names button opens or closes Graffiti. Sets the default position for Graffiti to the bottom left of the screen; Shrinks the Graffiti view itself a bit; Sets the default position for the Graffiti icon to the bottom center; Shrinks the Graffiti icon a lot; and Sets the default position for the Find and Assist boxes to the top of the screen instead of the bottom. GraffitiPlacement must be installed after Graffiti. If Graffiti is installed on the card, so must... GRAFFITI PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:GRAFFITI GRAFFITI 0 5K 11/29/94 Graffiti Button - All this app does is place a button in the status bar of the notepad to bring up or close the Graffiti (tm) commercial application (if it's installed.) I find this easier than iconifying it. NOTE - This package is in no way officially endorsed or approved of by Palm Computing. Palm Computing and Graffiti are both trademarks of Palm Computing. Please report all bugs, comments, or requests to the author. GRAFFITI PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:GRAFFITI GRAFFITI 0 47K 11/23/94 Graffiti Tutorial - Graffiti is the fastest, most accurate way to enter text into your Newton. This is the Graffiti Tutorial that comes with the complete version of the software. You can use it to learn how Graffiti works. Graffiti is fast, accurate, responsive and frustration free. It works by writing letters exactly as you are shown, starting with the heavy dot. Most characters are designed to be single strokes. As soon as you lift the pen, Graffiti returns the correct character. You may have to learn to write a few letters, but then you're Newton will always get it!! Includes a practice area. If you'd like to order the complete Graffiti package, which enables you to use Graffiti with all your favorite... GRAFMOD PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:GRAFMOD GRAFMOD 0 6K 1/15/95 GrafMod - GrafMod is an application for replacing the built-in alpha keyboard with Graffiti. Double-tapping in the notepad or a text field will bring up Graffiti. GrafMod also sends the floating Graffiti button off the screen so it doesn't obscure other objects (it doesn't matter where I put the button it is always in the way). GrafMod has no options, it prevents access to the normal alpha keyboard, and you can't access Graffiti when you double-tap in a date, time, number or phone field (the floating button is gone). I like it this way so this is how it works. If you like it this way too then I think you'll find it useful. GRAPHPAP PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:GRAPHPAP GRAPHPAP 0 27K 3/13/98 Graph Paper 2.1 - Graph Paper adds a new type of stationery adds a piece of stationery to the built in NotePad, allowing you to create notes on graph paper, with several possible line spacings. Shareware, $10. This demo will expire after 30 days. For Newton 2.x Only. GREATCHE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:GREATCHE GREATCHE 0 14K 2/03/94 Great Chess GamesDemo - First of all, this is a tool to help you study the moves of great chess games, you can not play chess on your own with this program. This prerelease lets you choose between three games - Fool's Mate (a two move checkmate!), Morphy-Boucher and Spielmann-Honlinger, 1929. The final version will have 20 games. Pick a game, and then watch it. Click move, and watch the chess moves, and notes. You can learn alot! GROUPER PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:GROUPER GROUPER 0 14K 6/12/95 Grouper - Here is the package you have been waiting for. Do you have a lot of names in your name file? Does it take forever to change from one folder to another? Are there never enough folders for all of your projects? Well here is the fix to the problems above and more. Grouper allows you to create groups of names and their phone numbers for quick and easy access. At a glance you can see all of the names and numbers that belong to a group. GSA PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:AH:GSA GSA 0 6K 12/13/96 GSA - General Services Administration Directory - The GSA is responsible for a large portion of the United States government's purchasing activities. This directory contains the address and phone numbers for the headquarters and regional offices of the GSA. GSTCALC1 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:GSTCALC1 GSTCALC1 1 0 9K 6/22/94 GSTcalc 1.4 - Welcome to GSTcalc, the most popular Canadian GST calculator for the Newton MessagePad. GSTcalc is a simple tool for calculating the Canadian Goods & Services tax, as well as the provincial sales tax for the different provinces. Here are the percentages used for each province - Alberta, North West Territories and Yukon 0%, British Columbia & Manitoba 7%, New Brunswick & Nova Scotia 11%, Newfoundland 12%, PEI 10%, Ontario 8% Quebec (P) 6.58% (for products and services), and Saskatchewan 9%. GSTcalc calculates on rounded numbers, which is the right way to calculate taxes (if you dont do this, you will end up with a 1 cent difference). GSTCALC2 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:GSTCALC2 GSTCALC2 2 0 6K 2/23/94 GST Calc NZ - Welcome to GSTcalc, the most popular Canadian GST calculator for the Newton MessagePad. Actually, this is a version for New Zealand. Heres an undocumented feature - you can drag GSTcalc by its title! GSTcalc calculates on rounded numbers, which is the right way to calculate taxes (if you dont do this, you will end up with a 1 cent difference.). Contact the author if you want him to produce a GST calculator for your area! GUESTER1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:GUESTER1 GUESTER1 1 0 9K 7/06/94 Guester 1.3 - Tired of wading through menus to put your Newton in guest mode every time someone else wants to try it? Bored with the double-tap on the A, scroll down, and click? Wondering which mode you left your Newton in the last time someone played with it? Then Guester may be for you. Guester is a small application for your Newton to give you an easy-to-get-at way to flip your Newton in and out of Guest mode. Inspired after an evening of explaining my Newton to my parents, it's a little floating button you can drag down next to the recognizer buttons in the notepad, and use or look at it when you need to. Provides an icon which shows you at a glance whether or not you're in guest mode. GULLIVER PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:GULLIVER GULLIVER 0 162K 4/07/97 GULLIVER 2.11 DEMO - is an extensive travel database and itinerary package with many automated features. Gulliver is the perfect way to keep track of your busy travel schedule. If your business week seems like a reprise of Planes, Trains and Automobiles, you need Gulliver. This demo will stop working 30 days after installation (you will receive a reminder on the 29th day), but is in all other respects identical to the shipping version of the product. GUTBUSTE PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:1:GUTBUSTE GUTBUSTE 0 23K 11/03/93 Gut Buster 1.0 - Gut Buster is a Newton program which was written to assist anyone on an exchange based weight loss program. Gut Buster is shareware. If you find it useful, and it helps you with your weight loss, the author would appreciate a contribution. HANDLINK PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:2:HANDLINK HANDLINK 0 258K 12/19/97 HandLink 1.1v5 - includes an updated Drug List database as well as fixes to the HandLink application itself. All users are encouraged to upgrade to the new version. HandLink is the ideal solution for point of care patient management for the Newton OS. HandLink is designed from the ground up to be quick and efficient and is tailored to the needs of resident physicians, medical students, and anyone who needs access to patient data quickly. HandLink gives you access to the data you want and need, when you need it without the clutter of an exhaustively comprehensive medical record. ProMedex can manage your patient list and make you more productive in your residency, clinic, or medical school clinical rotation. You... HANGMAN1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:HANGMAN1 HANGMAN1 1 0 17K 8/03/95 HangMan 1.0 - Hang Man is a word game for the Newton MessagePad. Try to guess the word before the hang man is complete (7 wrong guesses). The unregistered version of Hang Man only allows for three letter words. Words up to twelve letters are available in the registered version. HANGMAN2 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:HANGMAN2 HANGMAN2 2 0 58K 2/12/96 HangMan 2.1E - hangMan software (hM) is a free word guessing game. Using hM sharpens your word and spelling skills. hM comes with dictionaries or you can use your own. Version 2.1 adds the following new features - Guess phrases. Multiple dictionaries. Randomly select dictionary and word to guess. Accepts auxiliary buttons (Newton 2.0 only). hangMan 2.1 accepts new dictionaries in two forms. The first form is precompiled as Newton packages. This distribution includes 10 such precompiled dictionaries in the folder DICTNARY, and they may be installed using Newton Package Installer or comparable utility. HANOI1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:HANOI1 HANOI1 1 0 14K 3/12/98 Tower of Hanoi 1.1 - The classic Tower of Hanoi puzzle. Move disks from one stack to another, or just watch the Newton solve it for you. Freeware. NOS 1.x/2.x compatible. (Application created with NewtDevEnv, help book with Newt's Cape). Source available to registered NewtDevEnv users. HAPPY1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:HAPPY1 HAPPY1 1 0 17K 4/11/94 Happy 1.23 - Happy is a small Newton application that will remind you of upcoming birthdays every time you turn on your communication assistant. Happy is now compble with the MP110. Happy is simple. Tap on Happy and a reminder will appear. Happy will look through your Names for upcoming birthdays. Happy will only perform this search once per day, or after a reset. If someone has a birthday within 14 days of today's date, then Happy will show that person's name along with the number days until their birthday. Of course, Happy won't know someone's birthday unless you fill in the Names card field for birthdate. HEAPCHEC PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:HEAPCHEC HEAPCHEC 0 12K 3/13/98 Heap Check 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.x Newtons ONLY. Heap Check gives you a small floating window which displays the available heap. Tapping on this window will perform a garbage collection and then update the heap display. HEAPIT1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:HEAPIT1 HEAPIT1 1 0 11K 3/13/94 HeapIt 1.0 - HeapIt is a small utility for the Newton MessagePad that removes InstallScripts from the system heap. The Newton OS leaves the install scripts in the heap, even though they are only used once. We're not sure why it does this, but if you have 10-20 apps installed, that's a lot of heap space! HeapIt also provides a heap space display on the Card/Backup slip and allows you to run HeapIt from there.When you run HeapIt, it will list the available heap space (HeapIt uses some of the heap itself when it runs). If you wish to purge the heap of InstallScripts, click on the Kill All InstallScripts button. HeapIt will remove the InstallScripts one by one, updating the heap status as it... HEAPSAVE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:HEAPSAVE HEAPSAVE 0 30K 3/13/98 Heap Saver 1.07 - This software is for Newton 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons ONLY. Heap Saver frees up to 20K of heap on your Newton by removing unnecessary objects from your Newton. HELPURL2 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:ALL:HELPURL2 HELPURL2 2 0 38K 12/10/96 HelpURL - shows how to add URLs to an about box and create a dynamic help book from HTML. This works best with Newt's Cape installed on NOS 2.0 (though it will also work on 1.x). You can develop an About Box with URLs. Use the protoAboutText object. Modify text, viewFont, etc. as appropriate. Text slot can contain simple HREF expressions only (see example). (For 1.x compatibility, use short lines with no wrapping.) This is processed at compile-time. HIDEEWOR PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:HIDEEWOR HIDEEWOR 0 3K 4/15/96 HideEworld - This package hides eWorld NewtonMail options on Newtons with system 2.0. As eworld no longer exists this NewtonMail option is no longer needed. HISLASTB PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:HISLASTB HISLASTB 0 25K 11/29/94 His Last Bow Epilogue - His Last Bow - An Epilogue of Sherlock Holmes (LAST-BOW.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book... HMX2 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:HMX2 HMX2 2 0 24K 2/12/96 HMX 2.1E - hangMan Transfer software (HMX) is a free helper application that allows you to transfer hangMan text dictionaries back and forth between Newton and a desktop computer via a serial connection and a standard terminal emulator. To use HMX you will need the following - A MessagePad 100, MessagePad 110, MessagePad 120, Motorola Marco, or a MessagePad 120 with Newton 2.0. (I'm sorry, but because of changes in Apple's compiler the code will not work with the Original MessagePad or the Sharp ExpertPad.) A serial cable to connect your Newton to your desktop computer. A terminal emulation program that runs on your desktop computer. Send in your dictionaries! We will add them to the hangMan... HNEWTML1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:HNEWTML1 HNEWTML1 1 0 52K 12/17/95 HnewTML 1.01 - HnewTML is a helper application for Steve Weyer and Greg Simon's NewtsCape which lets you create Newton Books on the Newton from HTML-formatted text. HnewTML allows you to easily HTML format text on the Newton's Notepad. HnewTML can be used alone to format HTML text that can then be sent via email to your pc or Mac in order to create web pages. However, HnewTML is of most use when used in conjunction with NewtsCape, in that it makes creation of Newton Books ON the Newton easier and faster. HnewTML's interface consists of two buttons. One button brings up a hierarchical picker that allows you to format text. The other button allows you to quickly launch NewtsCape and sends the formatted text to... HNEWTML2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:HNEWTML2 HNEWTML2 2 0 95K 5/13/96 HnewTML 2.0 - HnewTML is a helper application for Steve Weyer and Greg Simon's NewtsCape which lets you create Newton Books on the Newton from HTML-formatted text. HnewTML allows you to easily HTML format text on the Newton's Notepad. HnewTML can be used alone to format HTML text that can then be sent via email to your pc or Mac in order to create web pages.This release updates HnewTML to be compatible with the current version of NewtsCape. Version 2.00 is now 2.x compatible. It replaces the oversized palette with a button on the Notepad's status bar, adds some new tags and cleans up a few bugs. Version 2.00 fixes some formatting problems, and allows for a JavaScript plug-in which will allow you to format... HOLIDAY1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:HOLIDAY1 HOLIDAY1 1 0 6K 1/27/97 Holidays 97 1.0 for Newton! - This NewtonOS 2.0-only application adds the twenty-seven U.S. Holidays to your Newton calendar for 1997. The program won't let you add holidays twice or remove holidays that you have already removed. Although these are U.S. Holidays, this program works with European Newtons as well. HOLIDAYE PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:HOLIDAYE HOLIDAYE 0 16K 12/28/94 Holidayer 1.95 - This is a German Holiday installer for your Newton. From the Docs - Der holidayer installiert Feiertage, Schulferien und die wichtigsten Messetermin auf Ihr em Newton. HOLIDAYS PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS 0 13K 11/19/97 Holidays 1998 - Toad Hollow Software Co. is pleased to announce the release of Holidays98, a NewtonOS 2.0 freeware utility that adds eighty U.S. civil, Christian, and Islamic holidays to the Newton datebook. These holidays are entered in the datebook just as if you added them in the usual way, so after adding them, this package can safely be removed from your Newton. HOLIDAYS PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS 0 30K 1/28/95 Holidays 95 - This utility will insert holiday dates into your calendar (DATES) application. Date categories include - Government Holidays, US Standard Holidays, US Misc Holidays, Christian Holidays, and Jewish Holidays. Provided by Coherent Visual, this application is freeware. Email them for a catalog of commercial programs. HOMEINVE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:HOMEINVE HOMEINVE 0 89K 8/18/97 Home Contents Inventory Demo 1.0 - Every year millions of people suffer loss or damge to their posessions. Home Contents Inventory is the tool that will take notice of all of your possesions. Home Contents Inventory will help capture all of the relevant information about objects that you own. Track cost and appraised values. Should a loss occur this information will prove invaluable to the police and to your insurer. Good records speed up settlement of a potential claim. Use Home Contents Inventory to compile a room-by-room inventory of your possesions, including manufacturer's names, dates of purchase, where purchased, and costs. Note appraised values where applicable. Reference receipts or proofs... HOMEPAGE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:HOMEPAGE HOMEPAGE 0 4K 11/05/97 HomePageInfo .02 - is an extension that extends the built-in Names application (NOS 2.x). With this extension you can add to person and to company cards an URL, a user and a password. email: dinoware@kagi.com http://www.stud.ee.ethz.ch/~mstrittm/dinoware HOURLYCH PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:HOURLYCH HOURLYCH 0 8K 12/12/94 Hourly Chime - Hourly chime adds a button to the Date and Time preference roll item. To access it, open up prefs, then go to the Date and Time item. You'll see a new button called Hourly Chime. Tapping on it will bring up a view in which you can set the interval and chime sound. This package will also advance your clock an average of 40 seconds after each restart, to compensate for the newton's tendancy to slow the clock by the same amount each time the newton is restarted. (Thanks to Jason Grazado for the idea, and to Flash Sheridan for discovering the exact amount of time shift.) HOWFAR0 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:HOWFAR0 HOWFAR0 0 0 20K 6/11/94 HowFar 0.b9 - How Far? is the first version of a set of PDA tools for pilots and frequent travelers. How Far? sets the user location as the origin and queries for a destination. Only a part of the city name or airport idendifier needs to be entered. Given two valid locations, the program calculates the distance (Great Circle distance) and initial heading between the two locations. The program displays an approximate course line on the map. Currently, the program includes 65 locations (generally major cities). Great Circle distances may not be accurate for very short trips. HOWTODOI PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:HOWTODOI.TXT HOWTODOI.TXT 0 8K 12/23/94 How To Do IR.txt - NS BASIC Tech Note , Nov 30, 1994 - How to control your TV, CD player, etc from NS BASIC on your Newton. Contains - Introduction, Listing, Notes on Listing, IR Remote Control, Pioneer CD player codes and Finding codes for your own player. It's pretty easy to write a program to control infrared remote controlled devices from NS BASIC. In this tech note, we'll show you how to do the basic commands to control the remote - it will be up to you to set up the proper codes for your own devices and make your own controlling program. HTMLBTN PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:HTMLBTN HTMLBTN 0 8K 10/28/95 HTMLbtn - HTMLbtn is a small auto-part (it doesn't show up in your Extras Drawer) that makes using HnewTML 1.00 easier and more efficient. HTMLbtn installs two new buttons on your Notepad's status bar. One button labelled H will launch HnewTML from your Extras drawer and pop open the HTML picker. The second button will launch HnewTML and automatically send the active note to NewtsCape for imaging. What does this mean? You can more efficiently use the real-estate of your Notepad for creating HTML code, as well as reducing the number of keystrokes you need to use HnewTML and NewtsCape. HUGENOTE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:HUGENOTE HUGENOTE 0 38K 4/21/98 HugeNotes 1.0.0 - scroll the Newton Notepad horizontally. If you beam Notepad from MP2000 to MP130, you cannot see the whole data because the MP130's screen is too small for that data. And if you rotate the Notepad, you can only see a part of the Notepad. But with HugeNotes, you can scroll Notepad and see the rest of the data. Also you can virtually expand the Notepad horizontally. If you beam Notepad from MP2000 to MP130, you cannot see the whole data because the MP130's screen is too small for that data. But with HugeNotes,you can scroll Notepad horizontally and see the rest of the data! Also you can virtually expand the Notepad horizontally. Both to-right and to-left. Works on Newton OS2.0 and 2.1. Prefs are... HWRWORKS PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:HWRWORKS HWRWORKS 0 13K 4/07/97 HWRWorks 1.1 - for the Newton MessagePad 2000 enables handwriting recognition in NewtWorks. Features include the ability to use the caret menu, scrub out or edit individual letters, and create new pages with a gesture. HWRWorks is free. HYPERFOC PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:HYPERFOC HYPERFOC 0 6K 9/16/96 Hyperfocal calc - is a critical element in any photograph. Have you ever noticed a picture where everything seems to be in focus from the foreground to the horizon? The trick is to use hyperfocus. The September 1996 issue of Popular Photography gives this explanation: Simply put, the hyperfocal distance is the focusing point at which the lens must be set to provide the maximum depth of field at any aperture. Hyperfocal scales once were printed on lens barrels but those helps are rare today. You could use a hyperfocal depth chart or remember the mathmatical equation. freeware. HYPERNEW PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:HYPERNEW HYPERNEW 0 287K 5/11/98 HyperNewt 2.61 - is a revolutionary new way to create and organize data on your Newton. Its intuitive interface, flexible data management controls, and powerful linking capabilities make HyperNewt your Newtons new window to information. If you are new to the Newton, you will find HyperNewt easy to learn and use. HyperNewt leverages on the built-in filing system of the Newton by adding a familiar file and folder metaphor. HyperLinks are similar to aliases or shortcuts on your desktop computer. If you are an experienced Newton user, HyperNewt will change your relationship with data on your Newton. HyperNewt leverages on the Newtons data architecture, allowing access to virtually all types of data through HyperLinks, and... ICEBOX1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ICEBOX1 ICEBOX1 1 0 11K 2/03/94 IceBox1.0 - IceBox contains two programs to make life easier with the Newton. The Newton will only let you see and access 30 programs from the Extras drawer. IceBox gets around that. It presents a scrolling list of your programs, allowing you to open those that you can't see in the drawer. Also included is minimize, which lets you have access at all times to the your list of programs. You must install these two before you've hit the limit of 30 (so you can see them and launch em). Caution, I've heard that loading up your Newton can cause a System Heap problem, and problems down the road. Just don't put 60 programs on!! If you start noticing problems (rebooting often...), just reduce your amount of... ICHINGSM PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:ICHINGSM ICHINGSM 0 26K 7/29/94 I Ching Small/Real Change - SmallChange and RealChange are implementations of the I Ching, or Book of Changes, for the Newton. When you tap it, it displays and identifies one of the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, along with moving lines. Tap for more info. SmallChange only shows the hexagram, its name in Chinese and English, and the names of the two trigrams. It's 11k. RealChange shows the above plus the Judgement and Image for each hexagram (33k). ICONEDIT PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:ICONEDIT ICONEDIT 0 17K 1/19/98 Icon Editor - This is a little tool, written to demonstrate the ability to change icons with SBM Utilities. On top of the screen is a list with icons you save till now. In the lower part of the screen will be shown the name of the selected icon and you can see the icon zoomed by 5 and in original size. To the right of the big icon you can select the drawing color (the column with the pen at the top) and the filling color by tapping the little squares. The selected color is marked by a dotted frame. Right under the big icon (where you will do all the drawing) you can choose the drawing tool. There are buttons in the status bar to create a new icon, to save modifications or to delete an existing icon. Icon Editor... ICONEDIT PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ICONEDIT ICONEDIT 0 12K 10/19/97 iconedit - This is a little tool, written to demonstrate the ability to change icons with SBM Utilities. On top of the screen is a list with icons you save till now. In the lower part of the screen will be shown the name of the selected icon and you can see the icon zoomed by 5 and in original size. To the right of the big icon you can select the drawing color (the column with the pen at the top) and the filling color by tapping the little squares. The selected color is marked by a dotted frame. Right under the big icon (where you will do all the drawing) you can choose the drawing tool. Copyright 1995 - 1997 Holger Mller. muellerho@t-online.de. See the web site for more info at:... ICONEDIT PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:ICONEDIT ICONEDIT 0 11K 5/23/94 Icon Editor 1.1 - First off I'd like as many programmers as possible to use it if they're doing icon editing of any sort, since this will reduce overhead on a newt if multiple programs want to do this. If your a developer, you can include this app in package form with your app at no charge (just send me a copy). Pretty much useless to non-developers at this point, except to play with. Icon Editor now complies with the 'accepted' methods for routing and such (I cheated with version 1.0.) The most important change is that icons are now saved as bitmaps (binary objects, thanks Mike.) ICONTOOL PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:ICONTOOL ICONTOOL 0 10K 7/04/95 IconTool 1.0 - IconTool is a Newt 3.0+ plug-in (autopart) that contains a function to extract icon information from Ben Gottlieb's Icon Editor to be used by Newt's package frame. To use - Install IconTool on your Newton. Create an icon using Icon Editor. Include the line - IconEditor:GetEditorIcon(); in the package frame of the source code you are creating where is the name of the icon you created in the Icon Editor. Alternatively you can tap on Newt's overview button and select IconTool from the list. Drag the window around so you can see where you want to insert the GetEditorIcon statement. Make sure you can see the insertion point and then tap the Paste button. Edit the... ICSFIXER PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ICSFIXER ICSFIXER 0 10K 5/22/95 Fixer 1.0 - Dan threw this one together to fix two package related problems. The first is -10401 errors which are caused by packages that are partially installed. The second is -48205 errors when restoring from a backup that contains a soup and package of the same name. You should only run the fixes if you are experiencing the errors. This package isn't a cure all -- it fixes specific problems. IFFOUND1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:IFFOUND1 IFFOUND1 1 0 9K 1/09/98 If Found 1.0 -This is a simple utility that may help retrieve your Newton if you ever lose it. When you turn on the Newton, it will display a screen which has your contact information. It also serves as a launching pad to get to various built-in Applications on the Newton. From the screen which comes up, you can access your Notes, Names, Dates, Extras, Prefs, and Clock. To get past this intro screen and back to what you were working on before, you simply tap anywhere on the screen, or hit a key on your keyboard. This is NOT prevent anyone from accessing your Newton data. If you are looking for a security/password program to prevent unauthorized access.... this isn't it. IGOR1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:IGOR1 IGOR1 1 0 5K 12/14/95 Igor 1.0 - IGOR speeds up Intelligent Assistant and removes the 15 word limitation on a phrase. Newton Intelligent Assistant is a good idea, but the performance under 1.x of the Newton OS was unbearable. Newton OS 2.0 fixes some problems, but there are still a few things that can be improved. IGOR was written to overcome these problems. Only applications that register with IGOR will see the performance improvement. Works with 1.x and 2.0. IMMELTIN PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:IMMELTIN IMMELTIN 0 7K 7/22/94 I'm Melting 0.0d0 - Has a button which adjusts printing a single card in Names so that it doesn't fall off the bottom of the envelope. Also, plays a sound when you remove your card. For the Newton. INBOXEXP PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:INBOXEXP INBOXEXP 0 5K 10/08/94 In Box Expander 1.0 - This is a hack I just came up with so that I can receive large numbers of mail messages on my newt without runnin out of RAM (I've got a 100, and, once the names are on, there's only 'bout 50-60k left.) It has NOT been rigorously tested, so be warned. Don't worry, though, it's pretty benign. It does two things - All incoming stuff (mail and beams) is stored in the default store, rather than the internal RAM. The default store can be set by checking the Store new items on card checkbox in the card slip. The In Box, Out Box, Connection slip and Card slip are now all draggable. INCOMING PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:INCOMING INCOMING 0 28K 12/26/93 Incoming! 0.99b - Incoming! was created as a design and programming test on the Newton. Basically what we wanted to do was see what kind of things could be done with arcade-like animation. This game is more of a programming demo for the us then anything else, but we thought other people might find it entertaining. Your mission in this game is to defend your cities from waves of ICBM's. This is accomplished with the defense missiles you have. Because of tracking stations already destroyed in the war, you can only track two of your missiles at once. This means you'll have to choose your shots wisely. Have fun and save your cities! INFONOTE PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:INFONOTE INFONOTE 0 37K 12/10/95 InfoNote 1.1 - MPadClub a le plaisir de vous prsenter InfoNote, un tout nouveau service gratuit et EN FRANCAIS pour vous tenir au courant des dernires Infos du Newton! Lutilisation d'InfoNote est simple: Vous connectez un Modem votre Newton et vous appuyez sur le bouton Connexion d'InfoNote!... La connexion se lance, votre Newton se connecte 30 secondes au serveur informatique de MPadClub situ a Lyon (France) et raccroche. En si peu de temps, lessentiel de lactualit Newton a t transfer dans votre Bloc-notes o vous pourrez lire ces Infos, les classer, les imprimer, les tlcopier... MPadClub is proud to introduce InfoNote, a brandnew free service IN FRENCH which allows you to know what's really new in... INFORETR PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:2:INFORETR INFORETR 0 1304K 1/08/98 Info-Retriever - helps bridge the gap between the questions you have at the bedside and the answers you need! InfoRetriever brings to the palm of your hand: over 270 abstracts of systematic reviews from the Cochrane Database (with approximately 100 more added annually) over 240 critical appraisals of key primary care articles from the JFP POEMs feature (with another 96 added annually) detailed data on hundreds of diagnostic tests and maneuvers from the H & P key clinical practice guidelines useful clinical prediction rules. All of the information in InfoRetriever is fully indexed for fast retrieval. Best of all, InfoRetriever only costs $99, and is regularly updated, with free updates for at least the first year!... INKER1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:INKER1 INKER1 1 0 7K 11/16/93 Inker 1.1 - Inker is a Newton App which lets you change the size of the drawing ink quickly. When Inker is running, a small floating window pops up and you can position it anywhere you like it. To change the ink size just click on size button and select 1-4. 1 is the smallest size and 4 the largest. It is very useful when drawing. Inker 1.1 differs from 0.9b in that the floating palette is smaller and more graphical. The main goal is to take up as little user space as possible. INKSPOT1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:INKSPOT1 INKSPOT1 1 0 118K 5/15/98 Ink Spot 1.14 - an offline news reader for the Newton. This version implements several new features, including the ability to perform ISO 8859 decoding. This makes Ink Spot the only newsreader for the Newton that can handle umlauts, tildes, and other 8-bit characters. Version 1.08 also works around an intermittent bug with some news servers, in which the server would tell Ink Spot to download articles that were previously downloaded. Find messages containing a word or phrase in the subject or body of an article. Download as many or as few messages as you want. There is no pre-set limit on the number of messages you can download, and a 24K limit on individual messages. Download full headers or discard headers... INLINE1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:INLINE1 INLINE1 1 0 12K 12/12/94 InLine 1.2 - inLine is an outline assistance autopart for the Notepad. When installed, it adds a button to the bottom of the Notepad. Click on the button to bring up a palette that has buttons for adding a new entry at the same level, starting a new level, backing out to the previous level, or inserting a bullet. inLine is simple and easy to use. Click on its button to bring up the palette. Move the palette by the border. Set an insertion point in a note by tapping once. Tap on the a button to move in one level, tap on another to add another entry at the same level, tap on another to back out to the previous level and tap on the last to insert a bullet. Tap on the close button to close the palette. INSULTS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:INSULTS INSULTS 0 9K 4/26/96 Insults - is a small program that lives on your newton and insults you. The system can generate several million different insults and you can select and drag them to the clipboard or documents. Insults is FreeWare, but not in the public domain. INSURANC PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:INSURANC INSURANC 0 4K 11/05/97 Insurance Info .2 - is an extension that extends the built-in Names application (NOS 2.x). With this extension you can add to person and to company cards an insurance number. email: dinoware@kagi.com Homepage: http://www.stud.ee.ethz.ch/~mstrittm/dinoware INTEMPO1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:INTEMPO1 INTEMPO1 1 0 34K 8/17/97 In Tempo 1.0 - Flexible metronome for the Newton OS. In Tempo is a flexible metronome with fully adjustable settings. Allow small adjustments to tempo. Allow audio indication of downbeat. Visual feedback of beats and optional backlight flashing. Adjustable downbeat frequency. Play 440Hz A. Quick access to preferences. Use In Tempo sounds in other applications. NewtonID aware but not required. Easy to use. In Tempo is available for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000 and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 or eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. INTERNAL PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:INTERNAL INTERNAL 0 11K 11/15/93 Internals pkg and source code - When first starting Newton development I fiddled around with some basic principles, like lists. ProtoTextLists seemed pretty interesting, but the sample was a little too simple. So I extended this code a little, cleaned it up and discovered/learned a lot during this work. I must say though that I wrote this a month ago, did some major Newton development after that, relooked at the code again yesterday, and cut at least one third of the code and slots! I hereby give this code away for free, not because it's a great wonderful tool (far from), but because it might give other novices some help. IOSELECT PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:IOSELECT IOSELECT 0 4K 5/19/98 IOSelect 1.1 - this little extension will add a 'All' button to the InOut Box. So you can select all displayed items with one tap. The most other builtin Newton applications have such a function, for the InOut Box it was probably forgotten. Works now on MP120 with system 2.0 too. Compatible with SysPatch from Richard Li. IPPD2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:IPPD2 IPPD2 2 0 85K 1/12/98 i++ 2.0 - With i++ you can customize the menu shown when tapping an i-Button. Menu items can be included to open applications or perform other special actions. Those info buttons are present in most Newton OS2.x applications, since it is a standard component of the 2.x user interface. So your special purpose menu will be reachable in most situations without getting in your way when you do not need it. In my opinion i++ is a natural extention of the Newton2.x user interface using only standard user interface elements. The following image shows how a customized i-menu might look like. Note that it is the menu belonging to the Connection dialog. Of course the additional items will also show up when tapping i... IPPDEVKI PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:IPPDEVKI IPPDEVKI 0 7K 8/07/96 Ipp Devkit - Developer Kit for Newton developers interested in adding special actions to i++ or to support the i++ menu from other buttons (i.e. faked i-buttons). IPPE21 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:IPPE21 IPPE21 21 0 83K 1/12/98 i++ 2.0 - With i++ you can customize the menu shown when tapping an i-Button. Menu items can be included to open applications or perform other special actions. Those info buttons are present in most Newton OS2.x applications, since it is a standard component of the 2.x user interface. So your special purpose menu will be reachable in most situations without getting in your way when you do not need it. In my opinion i++ is a natural extention of the Newton2.x user interface using only standard user interface elements. The following image shows how a customized i-menu might look like. Note that it is the menu belonging to the Connection dialog. Of course the additional items will also show up when tapping i... ISAAC1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:ISAAC1 ISAAC1 1 0 10K 7/07/94 Isaac 1.1 - Isaac is the type of game that takes a minute to learn how to play, but can keep you occupied for hours. Just hit the start button and repeat the sequence back to Isaac by tapping each piece as Isaac did. You can choose to work with from 2 to 10 pieces. You can also choose to finish at 8, 20, 30 or more levels (of course if you mess up, the games over!). Fun Newton game. JDBSNOTE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:JDBSNOTE JDBSNOTE 0 26K 7/18/95 JDB's Notepad Tools - This file contains a set of four auto-parts that I wrote for my own use with the Notepad. Bullet List Button is a fancy bullet list generator that lets you choose between several bullet styles and lets you indent. Otherkey is a simplified alphanumeric keyboard that replaces the built-in version but allows you get to the original keyboard or Graffiti when you need it. SelectAll is a set of two actions that are added to the Notepad action button. One menu item, Select All, lets you select all of the text in the note (even if it is longer than the screen) and Paste, lets you paste any object to the note even if it is bigger than the screen. Timestamper lets you change the timestamp of the note to... JDDICT PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:JDDICT JDDICT 0 384K 2/26/98 JDDict - is a Japanese-German dictionary module for CLex. I ported the freely available data to Newton. The dictionary is a Romaji indexed Japanese-German dictionary. You should follow the usual Hepburn transcription to look up Japanese words. The only exception is that the long vowel is retained with corresponding 'a','u', and 'o'. A Newton with NOS2.0 or later. At least a set of Japanese/Chinese font in unicode format. JEWISHHO PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:JEWISHHO JEWISHHO 0 7K 1/27/97 Jewish Holidays 2.0 - This Newton OS 2.0-only application adds the top nine Jewish Holidays to your Newton calendar for any year from now until 2001. Just check the years for which you want to add Jewish Holidays and tap the Add button. Removing the holidays for any year is just as easy as tapping the Remove button. The program won't let you add holidays twice or remove holidays that you already deleted. Version 2.0 adds support for European date formats allowing use of Jewish Holidays in the U.K. and Germany. The following holidays are included Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah, Hanukkah, Purim, Pesach (Passover), Last two days of Pesach (Passover), Shavuot. JFPN0496 PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:ALL:JFPN0496 JFPN0496 0496 0 55K 4/23/96 JFPn0496.pkg - The JFP Joournal club is designed to assist primary care physicians in deciding whether the results of research should change the way they practice. This is the April 1996 journal. JIGUNBOX PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:JIGUNBOX JIGUNBOX 0 250K 1/18/96 Jig! Unboxed - The thinking person's computer game. In Jig, you and your Newton (or another player) take turns placing tiles, which must fit as if in a jigsaw puzzle. When you match symbols, you capture the other player's tiles. The winner has the most captured tiles when the board is full. Jig Unboxed lets you unlock Jig and turn it in to the commercial game, after calling/emailing and paying DublClick for a serial number. JIVE0 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:JIVE0 JIVE0 0 0 4K 3/04/97 Jive 0.9 - WriteHere Write Format: JIVE, version 0.9. This auto-part installs a WriteHere Write Format that transforms English text into JIVE. JOKES PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:JOKES JOKES 0 22K 6/10/96 Jokes.pkg - This is a collection of jokes that I've received via e-mail from friends that I decided to make into a book form, courtesy of David Fedor's Paperback application. I may make another book of jokes to upload dependant on your responses. Hope you like it. P.S.-The jokes contained in the book may be offensive to some, so read it on your own discretion-I take no responsibility. JUMBLE1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:JUMBLE1 JUMBLE1 1 0 44K 10/07/96 Jumble 1.02 - Jumble is a word search player. You can generate as many unique puzzles you wish. Puzzle topics include: Animals, Cars, Countries, Sports, Computer Languages, and Random. These puzzles can then be played on the Newton, or printed out. A top 5 score list keeps track of the quickest time to words solved games. Shareware, $10. This demo will expire after 30 days. JUMPN1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:JUMPN1 JUMPN1 1 0 8K 8/26/97 JumpN 1.1 - A Notepad navigation tool that installs a small button () in the Notepad's status bar to quickly jump to a saved location, and then back to the location you jumped from. JumpN remembers two notes per folder (including Unfiled and All Notes): the saved note, and the last note you were at when you jumped to the saved note. The saved notes and last notes are remembered after the Notepad is closed, and even after a reset. Freeware. NOS 1.x, 2.0 and 2.1 compatible. JUPITERS PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:JUPITERS JUPITERS 0 12K 11/19/97 Jupiter's Moons 1.0 - is a Newton program that allows you to view the configuration of the four largest moons of Jupiter. Jupiters Moons provides you a view as if you were looking through binoculars or a telescope at the planet Jupiter. You are able to input a date and time and Jupiters Moons will show you how the moons would look at that time. Jupiters Moons is email-ware. If you download this program and find it useful or interesting, send me some email and tell me. Jupiters Moons is for Newton OS 2.0 or higher. KASPAROV PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:KASPAROV KASPAROV 0 14K 10/05/95 Kasparov-Anand Chess Games - After beginning with eight draws, the PCA world championship match became exciting with Anand winning Game 9 and Kasparov coming back brilliantly in Game 10. This file contains games 9 and 10 with some basic annotations. You can play over the games on your Newton with ChessPad LT. KEEPTIME PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:KEEPTIME KEEPTIME 0 10K 3/13/98 Keep Time 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Every time your Newton restarts you lose approximately 50 seconds off of the Newton clock. Keep Time fixes this problem. KEYMAN1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:KEYMAN1 KEYMAN1 1 0 57K 7/31/95 KeyMan 1.1 - KeyMan is an enhancement to the built in keyboards. It modifies the standard keyboard, the numeric keyboard, the phone keyboard, and the dates keyboard. Because of the way it's written, it must be kept in internal memory, because if it's on a card, you'll get the dreaded 'grip-o-death' syndrome (if you only use one card, like me, than it doesn't matter, but for those of you who use multiple cards, and you know who you are, you'd better stick to internal.). The normal, QWERTY-style keyboard gets a row of keys added to the top. There's cut, copy and paste, paste name, date, time... and lots more!! KEYMAN2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:KEYMAN2 KEYMAN2 2 0 32K 3/13/98 KeyMan 2.7 - Modifies the built in keyboards (adding quick drag and drop copying, and a multi-function calculator with memory to the default typewriter and numeric keypads, respectively) and adds a fifth keyboard for enhanced speed (specially designed for typing with just a pen or single finger). Shareware, $20. KeyMan makes several improvements to the standard Newton keyboards, and adds several additional keyboards such as a numeric calculator keypad, one handed keyboard, and internet keyboard. This demo will expire after 30 days. Requires Newton OS 2.0. KIDSMATH PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:KIDSMATH KIDSMATH 0 97K 3/29/95 Kidsmath 2.0 - This program provides some simple math practice for children over the age of three years old. There are two versions of the program, one with sound and one without. You will need 160k free for the sound version or 23k free for the version without. The sound version speaks only the numbers zero to ten, so it is mysteriously silent on larger numbers. Just write in the answer, and listen for that's correct, the number of correct answers is kept. For wrong answers, you'll hear no sound, and have to erase and try again! This software is e-mail ware, if you use it send the author an e-mail! KILLFIND PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:KILLFIND KILLFIND 0 7K 12/05/93 KillFind 0.4 - Well, I don't know about you, but I really hate it when the Newton goes wandering around in World looking for stuff. I basically only want the Newton to search the Names and the Notes. With the advent of books, it's a HUGE inconvenience waiting for it to finish with The Jungle Book when I'm just looking for Rob's phone number! What it does - It modifies the findApps slot. This is an array that the Newton looks through when doing finds. It was a pain to find this stuff, not to mention how irritated the Newton gets when you whack something it _really_ needs. Don't write to ROM, it just irritates the ROM. . Pay the shareware fee!! KK15CLIT PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:KK15CLIT KK15CLIT 15 0 58K 3/16/98 KK-15C Lite 1.0 - is the RPN scientific calculator that emulates the functions of Hewlett-Packard's handheld HP-15C Advanced Programmable Scientific Calculator. This Lite version of KK-15C features most of the HP-15C functions including complex numbers and matrix math but does not support programmable, root finder and numerical integration. KK-15C Lite requires Newton OS 2.x and will work only in landscape mode on MessagePad 120 and 130. Shareware. KNIGHT10 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:KNIGHT10 KNIGHT10 10 0 36K 3/05/96 Knight 1.0 - This is a game program for the Newton. It's another Minefield game with a few twists. The object is to reach a goal by crossing a minefield, hopping like a Knight in chess game. If you like this game, please try our Little Peking and RepTile. They also are freeware Newton games. This program was tested on the MP-120 with Newton OS 1.3. It should work on other models with the same OS. It should work on the OS 2.0 as well. KNIGHTRU PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:KNIGHTRU KNIGHTRU 0 14K 4/26/94 Knight Run 1.1 - Knight Run is a solo game played on a chess board with a single Knight. The object is to visit all of the squares on the board once and only once. It has online documentation and takes up about 30k of memory. Knight Run is freely distributable but a 1994 copyright is retained by REXMERE Development. Changes from V1.0 - Knight Run V1.1 fixes some aesthetic issues largely related to the smaller MessagePad 110 screen. Some changes were made to the distribution to make it easier to handle on DOS/Windows machines. KUBLAKHA PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:KUBLAKHA KUBLAKHA 0 12K 1/20/97 Kubla Khan - by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This newton book contains the entire text of Kubla Khan as well as additional authors and source notes on both Coleridge and the piece. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks (pdcbob@aol.com) of America Online's PDA Forum. KW3 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:ALL:KW3 KW3 3 0 8K 11/26/96 KW 3.2 - is a little hack to see the the number of the week in Dates. If you tap the week number, there will be a floater in which you can choose a week to be shown in the calendar. KW.PKG is an Auto-Part which means you can't see an icon of it in the extras drawer but you'll see it in Dates at the upper left position. If you have a Newton with OS 2.0 or greater, you will find KW in Extras/Extensions KWIKMENU PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:KWIKMENU KWIKMENU 0 77K 2/15/96 KwikMenu 1.0 Test Drive - KwikMenu 1.0 Test Drive - KwikMenu is an extremely fast dashboard to the Newton PDA that reduces many multi-step operations to just two taps. Includes KwikText-- to store commonly-used words, addresses, phrases etc. and recall via a name you assign.  KwikMenu lets you quickly: create a new meeting, note or todo, connect to your desktop computer, send/receive mail, restart, change font characteristics, create a glossary entry (KwikText) from selected text, copy/paste using multiple clipboards, connect to the Inspector (a developer's tool), type personal info (ie. name, address, phone etc.), dial a selected number, rotate the screen and more. 30 day... KWOTER1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:KWOTER1 KWOTER1 1 0 409K 3/21/95 Kwoter 1.0 - Kwoter is a simple applet that will put up a humorous or insightful quote when you turn on your newton or awaken it from sleep. It can be configured to wait for a specific length of time before showing, using the prefs. If a quote is too long to be displayed on screen, you can scroll it using the scroll arrows at the bottom of the screen. Tapping on the Another button will show a new quote. There are two versions...Kwoter_s (for small) has about 350 quotes and takes about 70k, and Kwoter_b (for big) has about 4200, and takes up about 800k of space. LABELS2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:LABELS2 LABELS2 2 0 65K 6/21/95 Labels 2.1 - Labels v2.1 is a US$20 ShareWare program. It allows you to take names from your Names application and add them to a list of Labels to print. You can setup the contents and layout of the labels. You can add and delete items from the label and even set style, size and font of each item in the label. You can setup the number of labels on a page and create your own Formats, with a max. of 4 coloms by 10 rows. You can set border size, gutter and offset in the Format. You can specify on which label position you start to print for the first page. The following pages will start at the top. LABOR PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:LABOR LABOR 0 15K 12/13/96 Labor Union Directory - A directory listing the address and phone numbers for many labor unions in the United States. LAPWATCH PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:LAPWATCH LAPWATCH 0 21K 4/21/98 LapWatch 1.0.0 - start counting from the Notepad. Small stop watch is available on Newton. If you beam Notepad from MP2000 to MP130, you cannot see the whole data because the MP130's screen is too small for that data. But with HugeNotes,you can scroll Notepad horizontally and see the rest of the data! Also you can virtually expand the Notepad horizontally. Both to-right and to-left. Work on Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1 Operation : Start / Stop / Lap / Clear. 2 ways of Lap function (Interval / Thru). Start counting with simple button. Tap a button at the bottom of the Notepad, then LapWatch appears and start counting. If you are using TapBar, you can use TapBar button to start this LapWatch. LATHE PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:LATHE LATHE 0 15K 9/29/97 Lathe 0.9b - is a simple 3D modeler for Newton OS devices. A template, specified in 2D, is lathed to create a 3D wireframe model. Lathe was developed on an MP2K and the performance on that device ranges from great to acceptable (depending on the model complexity). Unfortunately, I don't have direct access to an older Newton but a friend who tested it for me indicated that it was somewhat slow on an MP120. For MP120 and MP130 users, your best bet is to keep your models as simple as possible. The 3D-view is the main area of interest in Lathe. This is where the model is displayed. If you tap your stylus within this view and drag it around you can rotate the model in real-time. On Newton devices which... LAVA2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:LAVA2 LAVA2 2 0 13K 5/21/97 LAVA2 - Screen Designs and Backlight Control for the Newton. 21 day free demo This is release 2 of Lava, a compact and complete solution for making the backlight on the Newton function much more effectively. This is what it does: Turns the backlight on when the Newton is turned on. Backlight switches off after a period of inactivity. Backlight automatically switches back on when you tap anywhere on the screen. Animated screen designs can be drawn during system inactivity. All settings are completely under your control. By not making you fumble with the power switch every time you want the backlight on, Lava makes timeouts of 15 and 30 seconds completely usable, thereby extending the life of your batteries and... LAWOFCOS PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:LAWOFCOS LAWOFCOS 0 19K 8/21/96 Law of Cosines - for Newton 2.0, is a calculator demo which you can input two angles or any three known parameters of a triangle, and it will calculate the remaining information. LOC will then display a picture of the triangle which you can save to the notepad along with all the information about the triangle. The triangle displayed is in scale, unless you have the screen rotated into landscape mode on the Newton 2.0 Units picker : Default is degrees, or you can select radians, this defines both the values you input, and the values output. LAWOFCOS PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:LAWOFCOS LAWOFCOS 0 19K 8/21/96 Law of Cosines - for Newton 1.3, is a calculator demo which you can input two angles or any three known parameters of a triangle, and it will calculate the remaining information. LOC will then display a picture of the triangle which you can save to the notepad along with all the information about the triangle. The triangle displayed is in scale, unless you have the screen rotated into landscape mode on the Newton 2.0 Units picker : Default is degrees, or you can select radians, this defines both the values you input, and the values output. LBDEMO1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:LBDEMO1 LBDEMO1 1 0 85K 6/12/96 Life Balance 1.0.2 demo - for use with Newton 1.3 or 2.0 - Life Balance is software for the Newton that helps people with very complex to-do lists set priorities. Items on a to-do list can have a high priority for different reasons: because they are important, because the deadline is near-at-hand, because you are in the right place to take action, or because you have been neglecting the task. Life Balance uses fuzzy logic techniques to balance these conflicting goals and provide you with a simple, sorted list of tasks that you can do right here, right now. SRP $69.95 US dollars Our web site contains the complete manual, a walkthrough of the software, frequently asked questions and other useful information. LCDCHECK PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:LCDCHECK LCDCHECK 0 4K 10/31/96 LCD Check.pkg - Use this for Checking secondhand Newton's LCD. By Tomoyoshi Murai. LIBRARIA PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:LIBRARIA LIBRARIA 0 10K 2/04/97 Librarian 2.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. To use Librarian on a Newton 100, 110, 120/1.3, or Original MessagePad, please download version 1.0 of Librarian. Librarian 2.0 allows you to flip pages in Newton books with the power swich. Librarian 2.0 is free. LIBRARIA PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:LIBRARIA LIBRARIA 0 47K 7/31/95 Librarian 1.5 - Librarian fixes several problems with the built in bookmaker, and addresses the (possible) need for one-handed book reading. It saves all information about the current book when you close it, so that when you next open it, you will be at the same page and your bookmarks and ink notations will still be intact (even after a Restart). In addition, it places a small toggle switch next to the page number at the bottom which, when on, will make the power switch turn the page, enabling you to read a book with only one hand (and no stylus.) LIBRARY PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:LIBRARY LIBRARY 0 25K 12/13/96 Major Library Directory - A directory listing the address and phone numbers, plus a brief description of the collection for many major libraries in the United States and Canada. LIFE12 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:LIFE12 LIFE12 12 0 43K 1/11/96 Life 1.4 - Life is a mathematical simulation game described by John Conway in Scientific American in Oct. 1970. Several rules are used to create a next generation from a cell's 8 neighbors - Survival: A cell with 2 or 3 neighbors survives. Death: A cell with 1 or less, or 4 or more neighbors, dies. Birth: An empty cell with exactly 3 neighbors will be born. Keywords: Life, cellular automata, Newt, mathematical simulation, Conway. 1.x and 2.0 Savvy. LIFE151 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:LIFE151 LIFE151 151 0 47K 3/26/98 Life 15 - is a mathematical simulation game described by John Conway in Scientific American in Oct. 1970. If you would like to construct and modify Life directly on your Newton, obtain the latest version of Newt (newt-devenv-34) -- an environment for developing applications saving as packages directly on your Newton. Sloup (sloup-21) a text/data transfer utility (both shareware). LIFEKEEP PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:LIFEKEEP LIFEKEEP 0 17K 4/22/97 LifeKeeper 2.1 - A utility for keeping track of life points in a Magic duel. It probably also has other uses. Why use a Newton to do that? The Technomancer does not ask why. Mishra and Urza would understand. LifeKeeper will use a certain amount of heap in order to save information your name, the last opponent's name, and the scores. LIGHTBUL PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:LIGHTBUL LIGHTBUL 0 5K 9/09/97 LightBulb 2.0 - should be used on those MessagePads running OS 2.1 or greater. To use LightBulb, simply install it onto your Newton and drag it from the Extras Drawer into the button bar. This product is freeware. By Silverware. LIGHTSON PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:LIGHTSON LIGHTSON 0 3K 10/22/96 LightsOn 1.0 - is a simple 4k application that allows you to turn the light on and off from your extras drawer. Requires Newtons with OS2.0. By Nico teWinkel, Ranch Computing. LIGHTSWI PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:LIGHTSWI LIGHTSWI 0 5K 3/29/97 LightSwitch 1.2 - This package adds a small button to the backdrop application that lets you toggle the state of the backlighting on and off. It is very tiny and very fast and works well with the Power On Backlight control in PowerPrefs 2.0. Note that not all backdrop apps show auxillary buttons. If you install it on a Newton device without a backlight nothing happens. If you install it on a pre-Newton 2.0 device it will probably display an error. You can install this on a card without getting the Remount message when you eject but be aware that the extension uses more heap memory this way. Installed internally it uses less heap. LINKER1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:LINKER1 LINKER1 1 0 70K 12/26/94 Linker 1.0 Demo - Linker is a Newton program that lets you connect to AppleLink and see what messages you have, download those you want to read, reply to messages, send messages from any Newton application that supports mail, and save messages as NotePad items. Linker is easy to use because it supports the standard Newton In and Out Boxes, so it works the same way as faxing, beaming, and Newtonmailing. To use Linker you need a Newton-compatible modem and, of course, an AppleLink account. The demo version of Linker differs in only one significant way from the real program - you can only send and receive one message per connection. The full version of Linker is available from Creative Digital... LISP0 PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:LISP0 LISP0 0 0 11K 10/24/94 LISP 0.5 - LISP 0.5 for the Newton is an interpreter for a subset of the LISP language. LISP is a functional list-processing language that supports recursion. It is the language of choice for artificial intelligence applications, and later dialects such as Common LISP and Scheme are currently in active use. The version of LISP implemented by this package is approximately a subset of any modern LISP. We assume that the user is familiar with some dialect of LISP or has found a textbook to explain the rudiments. Includes 22 built-in functions, including integer arithmetic and the ability to load definitions from Notes folders. Freeware. LISTBYCH PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:LISTBYCH LISTBYCH 0 5K 5/28/95 List By Changer - This was requested by DigiWold in the Forums. See, we DO listen. All it does is go through and change the List By index on each name in the selected folder. It's free, from Stand Alone. LISTIT2 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:LISTIT2 LISTIT2 2 0 77K 7/20/94 List-It 2.7 - What does one do with List-It? Well, create lists, of course! These lists can consist of anything you wish. Some people use them as lists of things to purchase, others prefer to use them as a To Do replacement. So feel free to put in whatever you like! When you open List-It, the first thing you see is an empty list. This is where youll see the names of the lists youll create (ex - Grocery, To Do, whatever). To see a particular list, tap on that listss line. If youre starting from scratch, just tap on the NEW button. There are now three types of lists to choose from, a plain list, quantity and price list, or a list with comments. You can also erase all checked items. Now view lists on your mac using connectivity... LISTS2 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:LISTS2 LISTS2 2 0 43K 8/24/95 Lists 2.2 - Lists is a somewhat different approach to a list application for the Newton. Unlike Notion, NotePak, ListIt and others list-apps I've tried, Lists is based on a spreadsheet-style view of a list - you scroll horizontally to see the portion of an item not immediately visible. Partly as a result of the differences in design, Lists has some advantages over the other list-apps - You can define the number, titles and widths of columns. You can define a pop up of entry helpers for each column. If you use Graffiti or a keyboard, you can enter directly into the list without an intervening entry slip. An entry slip is available, however. Lists can be exported to the Notepad and can be imported from the Notepad. And... LISTTOOL PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:LISTTOOL LISTTOOL 0 21K 1/05/96 ListTools 1.1 - List Tools 1.1 (with Lists Slurping) adds add functionality to the Notepad Outlines and Checklists of Newton 0S 2.0. It also adds tools for sending and recieving lists to and from a desktop computer over Slurpee (a wonderful shareware program by Steve Weyer) List Tools 1.1 adds the following items to the action envelope button - Delete Checked (checklists only). Delete Family. Collapse all. Expand Outline. I.A.1.a. (Harvard outline numbering). 1,2,3 (Legal outline numbering). Undo. LITTLEPE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:LITTLEPE LITTLEPE 0 18K 3/24/96 Little Peking 1.3 - This is a puzzle program for Newton. It's played on a board with 12 columns and 9 rows. There are 27 types of picture tiles. Each type has four tiles. Thus the total of 108 tiles are provided. The object of the game is to delete all tiles from the board by matching tiles of the same kind. This program was tested on the MP-120 with Newton OS 1.3. It should work on other models with the same OS. We received reports that it works on the OS 2.0 as well. LITTON1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:LITTON1 LITTON1 1 0 17K 4/28/96 Litton 1.1 - This is a puzzle program for the Newton. The object of this game is to flip tiles so that all tiles face the same side. When you tap one of 16 tiles on the board, it flips over to show its other side (heads/tails). This in turn cause other tiles to flip as well. Easy, you say? We don't think so. Requirements: This program was tested on the MP-120 with Newton OS 1.3. It should on other models with the same OS. It should work on the OS 2.0 as well, although we have not tested yet. The program takes up about 29KB of memory and consumes about 4KB of heap. LLAMADOS PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:LLAMADOS LLAMADOS 0 30K 5/07/94 Llama Dos 1.12 - While the Newton is a tremendous design, it lacks a feature found on most computers - a command line interface for system management. Rather than invent a new interface for the Newton, LlamaDOS implements the worlds most widely used interface, with well over 40 million users - DOS. The developers at RegSoft have done their best to make sure that the quality and user friendliness of the DOS interface survived intact on the Newton in their new product, LlamaDOS 1.12. With LlamaDOS, a user can traverse directories, look at files and the status of their system using the same commands they have used for years on PCs. LOCALEFI PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:ALL:LOCALEFI LOCALEFI 0 14K 6/05/96 Locale Fix 1.1 - Locale Fix is a freeware autopart package for Newton which adds persistent 12H/24H time options, brings speaker dialing to your locale, and makes Australian Newtons measure distances in km not miles. Locale Fix 1.1 works on on Newton 1.x and 2.0. When Locale Fix is installed it makes the following changes. The current Locale Country is modified to enable tone telephone dialing via the built in speaker. In other words, if you currently have only the options manual and modem in the call slip pop up, Locale Fix will give you speaker as well. If the current Locale Country is Australia, it is modified to specify that distance is measured in km. For example, Locale Fix will give... LONGER1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:LONGER1 LONGER1 1 0 20K 4/17/95 Longer 1.1- Longer lets you view and edit long text notes without some of the Notepad's inconveniences. It was inspired in part by the Graffiti Scratchpad. Basically Longer gives you scrolling capacity and avoids the Notepad's limits on the length of text. You can import notes from the Notepad and export back. You can also save your work into Longer's own soup. Finally, Longer can copy the text contained in a Paperback package. Although Longer scrolls more slowly than a Paperback package does, and Longer text should probably be no more than 20k, Longer provides similar capabilities - including Find - and in Longer you can modify the text. LOOKUP2 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:LOOKUP2 LOOKUP2 2 0 61K 1/09/96 LookUP 2.0 - LookUp 2.0 is a Newton utility which runs in the background and checks automatically whether there are any jobs to do in Newton`s ToDo list, a date or a birthday. An alarm is given when you switch on the Newton if anything is found, and you are given the option of going straight to the ToDo list, the calendar or the cardfile whereby LookUp sets the calendar date to today's date automatically. BTW, the cardfile to the birthdaycard. You can turn on Dates/2 that is: LookUp lets you tap on the upper half of the Dates button to open the calendar and on the lower half to open Todo. If you tap on the lowest point of the Dates button, LookUp starts its query. Docs in English and German. LUNARMAT PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:LUNARMAT LUNARMAT 0 13K 8/16/95 Lunar Matrix Beta - Matrix will allow you to solve up to 6 unknowns in the form of linear equations. For example, Matrix lets you solve - 3x+4y=10, 4x+7y=14. To solve this set of equations, you would first switch to a 2x2 matrix (using the Matrix Size drop-down). Next, tap on the cell A1, and enter 3,Tap on cell A2 and enter 4 Tap on cell A and 10, Tap on cell B1 and enter 4, Tap on cell B2 and enter 7, Tap on cell B and enter 14, Pressing solve will produce your results. Results will be displayed in cells next to the 10 and 14. To view the results in better accuracy, simply tap on the cell. This application is freeware. The full commercial version will soon be available with MagiCalc. LUNARSPI PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:LUNARSPI LUNARSPI 0 24K 6/18/95 Lunar Spirit 1995 - Spirit is the direct descendant of Inspire 1995, my first venture into a quotes package for the Newton. In total, there are about 130 general type quotes, and 120 or so friendship type quotes included from Inspire 1995. When you run Spirit, a random quote is chosen each time. With the application running, you can display another random quote by tapping on the next to the x close box. You can also go backward and forward through the quotes using and . Spirit also has 2 new enhancements. You can now select quotes and copy them to your notepad. Also has an option to automatically open Spirit when you turn your Newton on. Requirements - 65 kbytes free RAM space & 100 bytes Heap Space... MACERROR PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:MACERROR MACERROR 0 19K 1/02/97 Mac Errors 1.0 - This is a Newton version of the System Errors Table 3.0. This book requires NOS 2.0. (E-mail me if you want a NOS 1.3 version). Mac Errors is freeware. Drop me a note if you have any suggestions or comments. MACSOUND PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:MACSOUND MACSOUND 0 15K 2/11/97 Mac Sounds - this 18k package contains the basic set of Macintosh System 7 sounds. It's also nice if you are chatting with Mac users and want to hear the sounds they are playing. All of these packages will register new sounds for your Newton. Various programs like our upcoming 'ChatBuddy', our programmers tool 'PackageBeeper', and the built in Newton Alarms let users select from the registered sounds for different notices. Adding one of these packages will extend the number of sounds you can choose. MACSTART PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MACSTART MACSTART 0 60K 10/08/94 MacStartupSoundPacks - These files are extensions for use with SleepSoundPro. If you don't have SleepSoundPro currently installed on your Newton, STOP NOW. It's useless to install these without SleepSoundPro (SSP). A ReadMe file for SleepSoundPro is included with this file if you'd like more info. On a Newton with SleepSoundPro already installed, simply install the desired sound. There are four sound files included in this package. They're the startup beeps from 4 major Macintosh models; the 128, II, Quadra and Power Macintosh. Once installed, select the desired sound from the SleepSoundPro Formula panel. You can use any sound for either sleep or wakeup. Shareware. MACTOWIN PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:MACTOWIN MACTOWIN 0 337K 8/03/96 Mac-to-Win Converter - The Mac to Windows Project converter is a Macintosh application that converts Newton applications developed of the Mac to Windows format. MACWORLD PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:MACWORLD MACWORLD 0 23K 1/09/98 Macworld 98-0.99 - of the Macworld 98 Expo in San Francisco available. We were unable to procure a high enough quality map for the guide, so we are releasing the first version of the Macworld guide as is. There will be another version released on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning that will be available at the show. Users can view a list of exhibitors in alphabetical order or by booth number. Download your copy of the Macworld Expo 98 in San Francisco MAGICAPP PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MAGICAPP MAGICAPP 0 13K 9/03/94 MagicApp 1.1 - MagicApp is an indispensible program that allows you to move and copy programs from a Newton to a storage card and copy programs from one storage card to another with the tap of a pen. Load onto INTERNAL storage NOT a storage card. Moving and copying programs requires sufficient free storage space in the INTERNAL storage and on the storage card. The practical limitations are packages up to 80-90k on MP100s and 2-300k on MP110s. If you have a very full MessagePad or storage card, this will reduce the size of the program you can move or copy. Runs on the Newton MessagePad 100 and 110, does not run on the MessagePad Classic. MagicApp is not guaranteed to run on future Newton MessagePad... MAGICSQU PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:MAGICSQU MAGICSQU 0 30K 8/03/95 Magic Squares - This is an application that allows you easy access to several sizes of Magic Square. A Magic Square is a matrix of numbers where all Rows and Columns add up to the same value. Several different sizes are presented, Some can be solved easily, like the 3x3, others, like the 6x6 will take a lot more time. Most have several different solutions. This version does not save but it is expected that this will / may be included in any upgrade. MAHJONG1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:MAHJONG1 MAHJONG1 1 0 70K 9/28/97 Mahjongg 1.61 - is an ancient chinese game usually played by four players with tiles similar to dominos. This is an Newton version for the solitaire game originally seen on the PC and later ported to SunView and then pretty much every other platform in the world. Version 1.61 of Mahjongg will run on any Newton device running running NOS 2.0 or later. MAHJONGG PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:MAHJONGG MAHJONGG 0 82K 8/11/97 Mahjongg Solitaire for the Newton, Version 2.1 - GreyScale! The goal of the game is to remove all of the tiles. You can only remove tiles that match each other - both number and design. In addition the plant/flower tiles and the season tiles all match each other. To remove a pair of tiles, tap on them. If they match, they will disappear, else the newton will ping at you. Here's the trick: you can only tap on tiles that you can slide out to the left or right, and that are not underneath another. Think about the real game, (played with physical tiles) you have to be able to remove the piece without disturbing any others. That's it. In some ways, it's more of a soothing (?) exercise in meditation than a game. Requires 2000 or... MAILEDI1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILEDI1 MAILEDI1 1 0 13K 12/14/94 Mail Edit 1.2 - Mail Edit offers a new way to read and reply to email on the Newton. It allows you to read messages in a variety of fonts and sizes, and allows easy access to the keyboard and, if it's installed, Graffiti (commerical prog by Palm Computing). It also makes use of more of the screen, allowing you to edit more of a message at once. To access the address information on outgoing mail, click on the Address button. To load a package attached to a mail message (the package name will be right below the message text) click on the action slip and then select Load Attachment. If you want a 'signature' on your messages click on the Address button and enter some text into the Signature field. MAILFIX0 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILFIX0 MAILFIX0 0 0 5K 6/03/94 MailFix 0.41d8 - Fixes two deliberate NewtonMail bugs - It makes NewtonMails views non-floating, so that the clipboard and things like Erica Saduns Figgles keyboard are no longer disabled, and sets (after a delay) the font and size to your default. Use with caution. Sometimes works only partially in Dates. There are two other design errors I couldnt fix - Undo isnt supported when you need it most, and the Close box sometimes means Save Changes and sometimes means Discard Changes. The conjunction of these last two NewtonMail misfeatures and MailFixs working only partially in Dates can be particularly annoying. Version 0.40d1 now works with NewtonMail 1.2b. This is a beta. Freeware by MAILINGL PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MAILINGL MAILINGL 0 39K 3/13/98 Mailing Labels 1.1 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Mailing Labels allows you to print out mailing labels from your Names File, either one at a time or for a selection of names. MAILJAM PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILJAM MAILJAM 0 6K 10/18/95 MailJam - This removes the mail items from the Newton's internal queue that the Newton still thinks it needs to download. If you break the receiving mail connection in the middle of a large file the Newton keeps track of this and wants to help you out by starting off where it left off the last time. This can become a problem especially if it is a very large file and you are using a MP0 or MP100 with very limited internal ram. So, this package will remove the items from the Newton queue so that you can download the next message. MAILNUMB PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILNUMB MAILNUMB 0 29K 1/06/94 Mail Numbers 1.0demo - With a NewtonMail account, a Newton, a modem, and a phone line you can stay in touch no matter where you go. Unfortunately, accessing NewtonMail while you are on the go isn't as easy as using the Newton itself. The biggest problem is that, as you move around the country, the phone number you have to dial to access NewtonMail changes from city to city. Of course, Apple provides a booklet listing all of the current NewtonMail phone numbers for each city, but that booklet takes up valuable travel space. Wouldn't it be great if there were a piece of Newton software that would let you change your NewtonMail phone number with just a few taps of the pen? Well there is! And, you just... MAILPHON PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILPHON MAILPHON 0 19K 3/30/95 MailPhones 0.9 - MailPhones maintains a soup of NewtonMail access telephone numbers and allows you to change your current access number easily. When the app starts up for the first time it looks for your current location and NewtonMail access telephone number (as set in Time Zones and Prefs) and creates a soup with those items as the only entry. Perhaps it is an unjustified assumption that the two go together, but you can edit either or both if you need to. After the first time that MailPhones starts up, it checks the list of cities and local access numbers that you've told it about and displays the city name (if it knows it) that goes with the telephone number that's currently specified for NewtonMail. MAILSAVE PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MAILSAVE MAILSAVE 0 18K 6/02/94 MailSaver 1.41 - MailSaver is a one-stop NewtonMail assistant. It gives you access to your inbox, outbox, sprintnet access number (including keeping a list of your frequently used access numbers). It can put away mail enclosures, save the text of a message to a new notepad entry, and strip internet routing headers from messages before saving them. MailSaver is shareware. Please give it a try, tell me what you think, pass it on, and register your copy (if you use it, which i'm sure you will). Copyright 1993-94 by Simeon Leifer. MANWITHT PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:MANWITHT MANWITHT 0 33K 11/29/94 Man With the Twisted Lip - The Man with the Twisted Lip (TWISTLIP.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... MARGINMA PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:MARGINMA MARGINMA 0 6K 11/21/94 Margin Master 2.0 - Margin Master is accessible through Formulas, on your Newton, and is good for calculating retail margins. It offers dynamic price adjustments via a percentage slider and the ability to round results. MARINECO PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:MARINECO MARINECO 0 52K 12/09/94 Marine Corps Calc 1.0 - Marine Corps Calculator for Newton is a utility to assist certain members of the United States Marine Corps in determining their eligibility for promotion. This program can be used to determine whether a marine may be promoted from lance corporal to corporal or from corporal to sergeant. The Marine Corps Calculator is a form template which is filled in by the user. Key fields - Name, age, rifle score, PFT Score, proficiency score, conduct mark, self-education bonus, BST Score, Date entered service, Date Last Promo, Recruiter/MSG Bonus, Command Recruiting Bonus, Composite Score and Cutting Score. MARKSMES PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:MARKSMES MARKSMES 0 20K 2/07/96 Mark's Messier List - This Excel file contains various information on the 110 objects (star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies) which the French 18th century astronomer, Charles Messier, included in his famous catalog as an aid for comet hunters. The data is useful for amateur astronomers to help locate, identify and catalog the deep-sky objects. The file can be imported into the Newton Name File and can be sorted by Messier Number or by Season Best Observed (and constellation). To import the file - Run Newton Connection and Open (or Synchronize) the current Newton information. Double-click on the Name File and select Import from the File Menu. Choose 'Excel 4.0 (Name File)' and enter 'Mark's Messier File'... MASTERKE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:MASTERKE MASTERKE 0 11K 10/21/96 Master Key - a small Newton Extension that adds functionality to the existing Newton password/PIN protection. It should only be added to the Internal store of a newton and not onto memeory cards as removing the card will remove the functionality. It adds a 'Master Key Preference to the general Newton Prefs after it is installed. This means as well as the normal PIN number working another Master PIN number will also get you through the start-up screen. This is only for use with existing Newton Message PADs 120s and 130s that are running version 2.0 of the operation system. This extension is mainly useful for vertical markets and System administrators who have to control a number of Newtons which need to... MATCH1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:MATCH1 MATCH1 1 0 38K 6/05/94 Match 1.0 - Match is a one person version of the classic game concentration. Choose your grid size - 8 x 7, 6 x 6, 6 x 4 or 4 x 4. Remember where you have seen those pictures in the fewest turns to get the best score. Takes up 54k once installed. MATCHBO1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:MATCHBO1 MATCHBO1 1 0 20K 12/05/95 Match Book 1.0 - Match Book is a full featured tennis match charting program. Just what exactly does Match Book do? It charts 25 different aspects of the game! Charts - Points Won, Points Lost, First Serve Percentage, Percentage of First Serve Points Won, Second Serve Percentage, Percentage of Second Serve Points Won, Percentage of Net Points Won, Aces, Double Faults, Total Winners, Total Unforced Errors, Forehand Winners, Forehand Unforced Errors, Two-handed Backhand Winners, Two-handed Backhand Unforced Errors, One-handed Backhand Winners, One-handed Backhand Unforced Errors, Slice Backhand Winners, Slice Backhand Unforced Errors, Forehand Volley Winners, Forehand Volley Unforced Errors, Backhand Volley... MATCHEM2 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:MATCHEM2 MATCHEM2 2 0 13K 4/04/94 Match' em 1.0 - Match'Em is a Concentration style pairs matching game. It supports five different board sizes from 3x4 (fairly easy) to 10x10 (more difficult). Match those letters, and when you're done, you'll find out if you got the all time low! Match'em has online documentation and takes up about 30k of memory. MATCHIT1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:MATCHIT1 MATCHIT1 1 0 14K 2/21/95 MatchIt 1.1 - MatchIt is a fun mastermind game, where you try to guess the hidden sequence (or patterns). To select a pattern, tap on a pattern from the list at the bottom of the screen, or on any circle below the active row. When you have made your guess, tap the OK button. You'll see if your guesses are close! Brought to you by Pirate Dog Software. Shareware. MATHSTAR PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:MATHSTAR MATHSTAR 0 160K 6/11/95 MathStar 1.1 Demo - Welcome to Lunar MathStar! We hope you find this package to be exceptional, bringing a combination of computational power and innovative features to your daily activities involving numerical calculations. Lunar MathStar is a fairly new piece of engineering software, and thus like any new product it does require a bit of patience and learning. If you have prior experience with spreadsheets, much of Lunar MathStar will come naturally. Quickly summarized, Lunar MathStar combines equation programming, conversions, factors, spreadsheet abilities, in an intelligent and effective mathematics package for the Newton. Formerly known as Lunar Sage. MathStar now comes with a 30+... MAZES1 PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:MAZES1 MAZES1 1 0 16K 11/06/96 Mazes1.pkg -This is a Newton Book of mazes. There are fifteen mazes in three sizes, with five mazes of each size. The mazes can be written on using the book's markup tool, and they can also be printed or faxed. This book uses only 30k of memory, and it should work on any Newton. And best of all, it's freeware! MCONWWW PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:MCONWWW MCONWWW 0 9K 1/26/96 MC on WWW - Motorcycling on the World Wide Web - This article, which originally appeared in the February 1996 issue of Back Roads, the local source for motorcycle enthusiasts on the New York City area, discusses the multitude of World Wide Web sites full of motorcycle-related content. 1996 Maria Langer. All rights reserved. Freely distributable IN THIS NEWTON BOOK FORMAT ONLY. Contact Maria Langer at gilesrd@intac.com. Created with Newton Press 1.0b9. MEDICALC PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:1:MEDICALC MEDICALC 0 41K 11/15/93 Medicalc 1.0 - Medicalc is a Newton program for Doctors. Medicalc calculates values pertinent to patient care using recognized algorithms. It can save you time in the hospital and help you to rationalize the purchase of the your Newton MessagePad. Features - Chem-7 analysis which calculates osmolality, anion gap, estimated creatinine clearance and, in hypernatremic patients, free water deficit. BSA - Calculates body surface area. ANC - Calculates Absolute Neutrophil Count. PedsRx and STAT Rx - Accesses two user configurable drug references. IV Calc and more. All calculations that it performs should be double checked using a recognized medical reference. Wouldn't it be cool if all the doctors used... MEDICATI PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:2:MEDICATI MEDICATI 0 23K 8/02/97 Medications plug-in - a new plug-in for version 2.0 of Palmedic. Medications plug-in has been programmed to replace the standard Medications plug-in that ships with Palmedic. This release is to allow for seamless integration with K2 consultant's new reference release LexiDrugs 97. The plug-in allows the user to tap on a medication within Palmedic and have the Lexi-Comp Drug reference open to that drug in its database. Thus, one can reference a medication's action, contraindications, and side effects directly from a patient's medical record within Palmedic. This plug-in release again demonstrates how quickly and easily Palmedic's functionality can be altered or added to with the use of plug-ins.... MEDNOTE1 PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:2:MEDNOTE1 MEDNOTE1 1 0 284K 4/08/96 MedNotesLink 1.8 DEMO - Version 1.8 corrects a bug in 1.7 that prevented use of the WordList import/export. The progam was looking in the wrong folder. 1.8 fixes the behavior to match the instructions. This version of MedNotesLink requires a modification to the folders if you already have an older version. This version is the single user version but can be delivered in either 1,3, 5, 8, or 10 user versions. The folder change puts your patient data and wordlists in a folder that belongs to you and is separate from the data of other users. MEDNOTES PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:2:MEDNOTES MEDNOTES 0 436K 4/15/96 Med-Notes 999z5d DEMO - is an advanced patient data collection system for the Newton from ProAccess Systems Inc. and Education Research Laboratories, Inc. (ERLI). This outstanding data management tool includes an enhanced patient encounter format which includes SOAP, lab and Rx fields, extensive quick pick word lists associated with up to 16 chief complaints, and excellent data entry performance with scrolling data windows. Med-Notes is a data gathering program for a medical professional who needs to collect, organize and communicate the Who, what , when and where information for the patients they see as they work outside their office. MEDNOTES PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:MEDNOTES MEDNOTES 0 338K 2/11/96 MedNotes 0.999z5 Demo - Med-Notes is an advanced patient data collection system for the Newton from ProAccess Systems Inc. and Education Research Laboratories, Inc. (ERLI). This outstanding data management tool includes an enhanced patient encounter format which includes SOAP, lab and Rx fields, extensive quick pick word lists associated with up to 16 chief complaints, and excellent data entry performance with scrolling data windows. Med-Notes is a data gathering program for a medical professional who needs to collect, organize and communicate the Who, what , when and where information for the patients they see as they work outside their office. MEDNOTES PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:MEDNOTES MEDNOTES 0 241K 1/12/96 MedNotesLink 1.6 Demo - MedNotesLink lets the Newton MedNotes app talk to the Mac! MedNotes talks to the Mac application over the LocalTalk (AppleTalk) net. The Newton user asks to backup the data on the Newton. The Mac application interacts with the Newton application and the process begins. The Mac application accepts the data and stores it in a file. To restore the data to the Newton, the user asks for a restore and a list of Mac restore files is shown on the Newton, the user picks one and it is downloaded to the Newton, replaceing the data that exists there. Once the wordlist data has been uploaded to the Mac, it can be edited and then returned to the Newton. MEDSUITE PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:MEDSUITE MEDSUITE 0 262K 12/07/95 Medsuite Demo - medSuite(TM) is a suite of Newton MessagePad applications and utilities designed for the conscientious, practicing physician and practice groups. Use of these applications on a regular basis will help physicians make better decisions, give informed medical advice, and at the same time, limit liability and risk. The core medSuite(TM) package consists of two full-featured applications, onCalls(TM) and ptsDA(TM). onCalls(TM) is an application which allows the on call physician to document telephone contacts whether from patients, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. while away from the office. The next day, these time-stamped call records can be reviewed, dictated from, or printed, to... MEETINGS PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MEETINGS MEETINGS 0 96K 3/16/98 Meetings In Hand 1.04 - the Club Executive Board meeting scheduled for tonight has been postponed until tomorrow night. And now they want it to start at 8:30 rather than 8:00. Oh, and by the way, James, Margaurite and Vinnie are coming. Add 15 minutes for James' report on fiscal issues. Bring up Meetings In Hand - pull up the meeting file - change the date and start time - check off James', Margaurite's, and Vinnie's name in the Name file - add an agenda item for James - Fax the new meeting notice to everyone - Five minutes work. Save time. Get your meetings under control. MEMFREE0 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MEMFREE0 MEMFREE0 0 0 11K 5/08/94 Memfree 0.91 - MemFree shows the amount of memory free as reported by stats() -- that is, the amount of the NewtonScript heap that's free. The number is kept up to date by a viewIdleScript (as long as the checkbox is checked) and the GC button can be used to force a garbage collection if you want to know the amount of memory that can be made free. It's (in my opinion) a mildly annoying aspect of stats() that it prints more information in the inspector window than it returns as a call. For that reason, if you have the inspector open while MemFree is running, you will get the output of the stats() call every 3 seconds. Source code is included. MEMOCART PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:MEMOCART MEMOCART 0 32K 5/18/95 MemoCarte 1.01 - Le logiciel mmoCarte (mC) est un outil de mmorisation pour toutes les personnes en environnement scolaire, plus particulirement celles qui souhatent apprendre une autre langue, ou des quations mmoriser, des dfinitions, des dates. C'est une excellente prparation pour les examens. Vous pouvez vous interroger vous-mme sur de simples questions, une seule la fois, sur diffrents sujets. Vous pouvez aussi ajouter des cartes de nouveaux sujets. Chaque carte propose une question prcise avec une seule rponse possible. mC vous permet de rviser vos cours de faon amusante et rapide. mC est facile utiliser et vous encourage entrer de nouvelles informations. mmoCarte est l'application elle-mme... MEMOFAX PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MEMOFAX MEMOFAX 0 21K 7/20/94 MemoFax - Memo Fax is an easy to use shareware memo faxing program, and includes complete documentation. It'll even look in your address book for fax numbers! This version is limited. You can only enter two memoes. I figure that is enough to get a feel for it and yet not be able to really use it for an extended period of time. MEMORY1A PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MEMORY1A MEMORY1A 1 0 8K 4/28/94 Memory 1 and 2 - The memory utility provides a way to modify and change the current frames heap memory. When you run memory it will monitor how much frames heap is available every .5 seconds and display this information. It will also keep track of the minimum amount of memory it sees. There are two versions of memory. Memory2 will allow you to change how much memory is available. This is intended to help developers test for low memory conditions. You can only load one version of memory at a time. You can test for low memory conditions in your applications by tapping the down arrow. This will take away an additional 2000 bytes of memory each time you tap it. You can return this memory by tapping the up arrow. MEMORYMA PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MEMORYMA MEMORYMA 0 7K 8/23/93 MemoryMassager - The prime purpose of this is to call a garbage collection in your Newton's memory. In theory, such a garbage collection should get rid of all the dross hanging around, and you may find that this staves off the need to restart from time to time (when using version 1.02 of the Newton OS). It incidentally includes information about free and total memory, battery power, and battery compartment temperature, all of which are available in other tools on the Newton. However, try tapping on the temperature bar... Everything else should be self-explanatory. MENORA98 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:MENORA98 MENORA98 98 0 76K 4/08/98 Menora 98 - a chanukah menorah for your newton...the full version only works between 3-8 pm during the nights of chanukah 1998....but i figured some of the non jews might like it too, and they might even learn something by reading the prayers...it should work on all newtonOS 2.x machines. (In landscape mode) MENUEDIT PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:MENUEDIT MENUEDIT 0 260K 12/23/97 Menu Editor 2.0 - (SAME) an enhancement for the Newton 2.0 OS or higher that lets you create custom menus. The new menus can be placed at any of the four corners of the screen, the text caret, a button on the status bar, or in a special icon in the Extras Drawer. MESSAGEB PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MESSAGEB MESSAGEB 0 15K 2/17/98 MessageBuddy 1.5 - Have you ever needed to take a phone message and couldn't find a pen and/or paper? No longer. MessageBuddy gives you an infinite supply of While You Where Out forms for your Newton. Is the caller not in your names file? With the tap of a button add the person for future calls. Another tap and you have a new To Do item. It slices, it dices, it even makes julienne fries! Printing, faxing, beaming! MESSIERO PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:MESSIERO MESSIERO 0 23K 1/16/96 Messier Objects Guide - A Newton Book with detailed information about the Messier objects -- these are 110 astronomical objects such as galaxies, globular clusters, and planetary nebulae which were often mistaken for comets until Messier created this list! METRO PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:METRO METRO 0 40K 11/25/94 Metro - This is the MetroRail System Map, for the Washington D.C. area. Touch on a square to see what what line it is, and what is there. Helpful it you're going to D.C.! MHZ2144 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MHZ2144 MHZ2144 2144 0 7K 12/05/95 Mhz2144 - This folder contains a modem setup for the Megahertz 2144 PC Card for use with Modem Enabler 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) and this document. Please install Apple Modem Enabler 1.0(or later?) for Newton. After you installed Modem Enabler, then you can install the setup package. Once the setup is installed, go to the Modem preference and select the Megahertz 2144 PC item from the Connect with pop-up. That's it, now faxing and Newton email will use your Megahertz 2144 PC Card. MICROTIM PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:MICROTIM MICROTIM 0 12K 11/25/94 Micro Timer 1.0 - MicroTimer is a small floating stopwatch for your Newton. I came up with the idea for doing a stopwatch when I was doing some benchmarks on different machines at work. I looked at some of the other available timers and decided they didn't quite meet my needs, so decided to write my own. MicroTimer was born! How does it work? First of all, MicroTimer only counts up from 00:00:00 to whenever you stop it. To start MicroTimer timing, press on the play button. It will then turn into a pause button, which you can use to pause the timer. This then turns into a play from pause button to resume timing. The stop button is available at any time. Pressing it once stops the timer, and pressing it twice... MIDIX PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MIDIX MIDIX 0 31K 9/17/96 MIDIX .04 - is an extension which extends Note application built in your Newton. Once MIDIX installed, Note will provide a new stationary which can store standard MIDI file along with some notes. MIDI file can be played through Macintosh standard MIDI interface connected to the serial port. MIDIX supports MIDI files in standard MIDI format 0 and 1. MIDIX requires Newton OS 2.0. Some of the new synthesizers or sound generators have a serial interface to connect directly to host computer. If you have one of them, try to connect the same way as you do for Macintosh. Program view to control volume and patch for 16 channels. Remember volume and patch information even in empty note, then send it out by a tap on Play... MINEFIEL PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:MINEFIEL MINEFIEL 0 44K 9/15/97 Minefield II 1.2 - Minefield II is a mine hunting game for the Newton 2.x systems. The object of MineField is to locate all the mines hidden within the playing field. This is usually done by locating and clearing all the cells that do not have mines, while at the same time, avoiding the cells that do have mines. Once you have cleared a square it will either be empty or contain a number. If it is empty then there are no mines in the adjoining squares. If it has a number that indicates how many mines are next to it. MINITOOL PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MINITOOL MINITOOL 0 10K 8/31/93 Mini tools - Tools for checking memory and entering Newton Script into the Newton. Welcome to the Newton mini-tools. This collection of freeware tools will grow in time. For this first release, there are two different Newton applications for you to enjoy - Memory Massager - The prime purpose of this is to call a garbage collection in your Newton's memory. In theory, this should get rid of all the dross hanging around. NewtonScriptRunner - This is a slightly modified version of one of the demos provided with the Newton Toolkit. NewtonScript, which is the language used to program Newton systems, can be compiled and run on the fly, and this little utility allows you to do just this. MISSING3 PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:MISSING3 MISSING3 3 0 30K 11/29/94 Missing 3 Quarter - The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter (MISSN3-4.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book... MLQ1 PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:ALL:MLQ1 MLQ1 1 0 14K 12/24/95 MLQ 1.1 - Mortgage Loan Qualifier. This version will work with Newton OS2.0. Enter requested information on first screen. Weekly income, Next section monthly payment obligations. Only enter obligations with more than 10 payments.(10 Payments or less do not count) Tap Next at the bottom of the screen. In the top section select Loan Qualifying Ratios for the loan you are applying for,or enter custom amounts. Tap on the Calc botton on the bottom right of the Newton screen.The caculated loan amounts will be given to you.To clear amounts tap Next and the Clear botton on the first screen. Please enjoy MLQ FREE. Drop me a note if I can be of any help and please let me know how you like MLQ and use it. For Realtors and people... MODEMBRI PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:MODEMBRI MODEMBRI 0 30K 9/18/97 ModemBridge 2.6 - this version is unlocked until midnight, October 31st, 1997. At that time, ModemBridge will still work, but only up to 9600 baud. After that time, you will have to register ModemBridge to regain full functionality. ModemBridge (MB) allows another computer to access your Newton's PCMCIA Modem via serial port. This is useful if you don't have the budget for both a PCMCIA modem and a desktop modem. Or you may have a laptop on the road which doesn't have a modem or PCMCIA slot. MB will iconify, allowing you to use your Newton for other tasks, while your desktop/laptop machine is using the modem. Requirements ModemBridge requires Newton OS 2 and a serial connection to a computer (minimum for... MODEMMO1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:MODEMMO1 MODEMMO1 1 0 27K 2/24/96 Modem Modifier - 2.01 by DMP Systems - Modem Modifier v2.01 is a shareware program. It lets you change the modem parameters for Newton NOS 2.0 . For 1.x Newtons, use Modem Modifier v1.12. Modem Modifier relies on the documented format of a modem setup as defined in the Newton Developer Technical Support Sample Code for making a modem setup. It's really a simple format. This documentation is based on the information supplied in the sample code and other sources. It may not be complete and is subject to change. I've also found where the internal modem setups are stored and allow you to copy them. The location of them may change in future Newton OS's. MODEMMOD PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:MODEMMOD MODEMMOD 0 22K 3/12/95 Modem Mod 1.12 - Modem Mod is a shareware program. It lets you change the modem parameters for installed modems. It has been tested on a MP100 and 110. Modem Mod relies on the as yet, totally undocumented format (to me) of a modem setup. I gleaned the information by looking in the soup that holds the modem setup and altering parameters and seeing what they do. Should work just fine as it's really a simple format. Install one of the Modem Packages that came with Modem Enabler. You are going to alter it. If you didn't install one, Modem Mod will alert you. Launch Modem Mod and wait a few seconds for it to set itself up, read the modem entry, display the splash screen. Change parameters to what you want. The changes... MOLBIOCA PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:MOLBIOCA MOLBIOCA 0 7K 3/16/93 MolBio Calc 1.0 - This is an example of a Molecular Biology dedicated Newton applet. It calculates DNA concentration based on 260nm and 280 nm optical density. Enter the O.D. and ...the concentration is there! This is the first part of a package of calculators being developed for molecular biologists at Cornell University Medical College. MOLECULA PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:MOLECULA MOLECULA 0 22K 9/20/95 Molecular Mass 2.0 - A molecular mass calculator for the Newton platform. MolMass is $10 USD shareware. There are 12 user defineable buttons, which can be used to store your own most used atoms. Tapping on a blank user button will enter the data entry screen. Note tapping on an atom in the formula view brings up the isotope choices. If you find any bugs... MOREFOLD PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:MOREFOLD MOREFOLD 0 58K 4/11/98 More Folders 4.0 - speeds up filing on the Newton by reducing the number of taps it takes to file an item. It also gives you an unlimited number of folders for each application. It also allows you to have hierarchical folders, that is, folders within other folders. This software is for Newton 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons ONLY. MOREFOLD PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MOREFOLD MOREFOLD 0 32K 4/19/95 More Folders 1.1 - More Folders is a utility to improve the accessibilty of the filing on the Newton, as well as to allow for more filing categories. Normally, when you file an item, you tap on the the folder icon, and a window pops up. You select the folder you want to file the item in, and tap the File button. This seemed like a lot of work to me (I'm pretty lazy ;-) So now, when you want to file an item, you tap on the folder icon, and a pop up list pops up. The current folder has a check mark next to it, and you can file an item simply by tapping on the new folder. To edit your folders, you tap on the Edit Folders item (the last one on the list.) Included in the package is Scroll Menus, so that if you want more than... MOREINFO PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:MOREINFO MOREINFO 0 400K 3/04/98 MoreInfo 5.03 Demo - is an application that greatly enhances the built-in applications in your Newton. MoreInfo seamlessly integrates the built-in applications in your Newton by allowing you to create and link together items from Names, Dates, Calls, Works docs, Sounds and Notes. After installing MoreInfo, you will truly feel you are using all of your Newton's capabilities to their fullest and with the greatest of ease. MoreInfo can be classified as an integrated contact manager, but actually, it is much, much more. MoreInfo is also a utility which greatly extends key features in your Newton making it a much more productive tool. MoreInfo is a also a scheduling tool that will help you manage your... MOREINFO PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:MOREINFO MOREINFO 0 215K 9/26/95 MoreInfo 2.54 Demo - MoreInfo is an application that allows you to add additional important information to your names directly from the Names application. MoreInfo allows you to save other addresses, company information, family information, account information and travel direction and link it directly to a particular name in your Names File. MoreInfo in addition allows you to make appointments, add To Do reminders and track contacts all within the Names application. Appointments made with MoreInfo can have an alarm attached to them. MoreInfo even allows you to save To Do reminders to a Notion list or to NotePak. Demo lets us the full version for one week. Demo does not include NCK support. MOREROUT PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:MOREROUT MOREROUT 0 17K 3/29/97 More Routing - This auto part adds items to all routing menus. It overrides a method in root that may cease to exist someday, thus possibly killing this hack. Don't blame me! Playing with undocumented features isn't for the light-hearted. Extra items can be added, or those I provide may be yanked. Read on to find out how to do it yourself. MORGAN1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MORGAN1 MORGAN1 1 0 70K 8/12/97 MORGAN 1.04 - catalogues books, CDs, tapes, records, laserdiscs, magazines, and can be extended by the user track any collection... baseball cards, trains, cars, Barbie dolls. MORGAN benefits anyone from the amateur enthusiast to the professional collector. MORGAN tracks your collection, the items you still want to buy, and items you have loaned out. MORGAN also benefits DJs by allowing creation of folders of music for different events: weddings, birthdays, Rotary Club. The Find feature will save the day when your significant other asks you to play a song about love Find love and a list of items with love in the title, notes, or lyrics will appear. If MORGAN doesn't meet your needs then try MORGAN Pro. MORGANPR PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MORGANPR MORGANPR 0 70K 8/12/97 Morgan Pro 1.04 - catalogues books, CDs, tapes, records, laserdiscs, magazines, and can be extended by the user track any collection... baseball cards, trains, cars, Barbie dolls. MORGAN benefits anyone from the amateur enthusiast to the professional collector. MORGAN tracks your collection, the items you still want to buy, and items you have loaned out. MORGAN also benefits DJs by allowing creation of folders of music for different events: weddings, birthdays, Rotary Club. The Find feature will save the day when your significant other asks you to play a song about love Find love and a list of items with love in the title, notes, or lyrics will appear. MORPION PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:MORPION MORPION 0 11K 11/03/93 Morpion - Morpion is a simple solitaire game I used to play on paper when I was a kid. Over the years I have been programming it on various platforms I have been in contact with. This is usually the first application I write to familiarize myself with a new system or language. The goal of Morpion is to draw as many line segments as possible. A segment can be drawn by using five existing dots or by adding a fifth dot to four existing dots. In the latest case, the position of the missing dot doesnt matter. It can be at the beginning, at the end, or in the middle of the segment. With some practice you should be able to go above 100. This freeware program is for the Newton. MORTCALC PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:MORTCALC MORTCALC 0 17K 12/09/93 MortCalc 1.0 - MortCalc is not an Amortization program, but rather a tool similar to those lenders use to qualify people for mortgages. Please remember that factors other than just income are use to qualify borrowers. Enter your monthly income before taxes and Newton will tell you how much you can afford for monthly housing, how large of a mortgage you can afford (both with or without downpayment). You can choose a 15 or 30 year mortgage, and set the interest rate and percent down payment. If you enter an incredibly high monthly income, you'll get a reminder to pay the $552 shareware fee, otherwise it's whatever where. MOTILE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:MOTILE MOTILE 0 175K 2/17/98 Motile - For each maze, Moe has a set time limit to reach the goal. The clock does not start until the first wall is placed or removed. Therefore, you have all the time you need to carefully study each maze and find the correct solution. Once you think you have found the correct solution, release Moe from his starting box by removing a wall. To increase Moes pace through the maze, touch the end goal with the stylus. However, once Moes speed is increased, there is no way to slow him back down and your ability to place and remove walls is hampered. MOUSEV16 PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:ALL:MOUSEV16 MOUSEV16 16 0 68K 5/03/96 MOUSEV16.ZIP - Turn your Newton into a Drawing Tablet for your computer ! This is Mouse, a serial mouse emulator for MicroSloth PC's and Amiga's, and if the drivers are available, UNIX/LINUX machines with serial mouse capability. Inspired by NewtTablet, which turns the Newton into a Mac Mouse (only works on some Macs). Changes to V1.1 - I now include a PC version of the package (Mouse.pkg) and a Mac binary version (Mouse.mac) which has all the resource stuff attached. More importantly, the serial port bug was fixed. Source code is available for NTK 1.5, DOS, Amiga or Mac disk format. MOVIEDEM PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:MOVIEDEM MOVIEDEM 0 120K 3/25/97 NS BASIC Movie Demo - you can easily create movies that you can display on your MessagePad or eMate! The files you need to download are NSBMovie.pkg - A movie player program written in NS BASIC. Run this one! LettSpin.pkg - A movie with rotating letters of the alphabet Plane.pkg - A movie of an airplane passing by. You do not need to have a copy of NS BASIC to run this demo. The source can be any Quicktime movie: something you've found on your drive, something you've shot with a QuickCam, or something you've made with an animation tool. Using the Convert Quicktime to Picts tool on a Mac, the Quicktime movie is turned into frames that are then pasted into Newton Press. The resulting package is a downloadable movie. It's... MP2KAUST PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:MP2KAUST MP2KAUST 2 0 7K 8/17/97 MP2KAustrianLocale - Newton Locale Fixes. Versions for MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. MP2KDVOR PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:MP2KDVOR MP2KDVOR 2 0 5K 8/17/97 MP2KDvorakKeyboard - Newton Keyboard Drivers. Versions for MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. MP2KGER1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:MP2KGER1 MP2KGER1 21 0 7K 8/17/97 MP2KGermanLocale - Newton Locale Fixes. Versions for MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. MP2KGERM PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:MP2KGERM MP2KGERM 2 0 5K 8/17/97 MP2KGermanKeyboard - Newton Keyboard Drivers. Versions for MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. MP2KSWI1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:MP2KSWI1 MP2KSWI1 21 0 5K 8/17/97 MP2KSwissGermanKeyboard - Newton Keyboard Drivers. Versions for MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. MP2KSWI2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:MP2KSWI2 MP2KSWI2 22 0 7K 8/17/97 MP2KSwissLocale - Newton Locale Fixes. Versions for MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. MP2KSWIS PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:MP2KSWIS MP2KSWIS 2 0 5K 8/17/97 MP2KSwissFrenchKeyboard - Newton Keyboard Drivers. Versions for MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. MPG1X PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:MPG1X MPG1X 1 0 156K 7/25/97 MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For NOS 1.x users. MPG2X PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MPG2X MPG2X 2 0 153K 7/25/97 MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 2.x users. MPGGERMA PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MPGGERMA MPGGERMA 0 154K 7/25/97 MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. German version for Newton 2.x users. MPGGERMA PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:MPGGERMA MPGGERMA 0 156K 7/25/97 MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. German version for Newton 1.x users. MPGKILOG PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MPGKILOG MPGKILOG 0 153K 7/25/97 MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 2.x users. MPGKILOG PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:MPGKILOG MPGKILOG 0 156K 7/25/97 MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 1.x users. MPGMETRI PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MPGMETRI MPGMETRI 0 153K 7/25/97 MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 2.x users withing to use the metric system. MPGMETRI PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:MPGMETRI MPGMETRI 0 156K 7/25/97 MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 1.x users withing to use the metric system. MPGUK1X PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:MPGUK1X MPGUK1X 1 0 156K 7/25/97 MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 1.x users. MPGUK2X PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MPGUK2X MPGUK2X 2 0 153K 7/25/97 MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 2.x users. MRUPICK PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:MRUPICK MRUPICK 0 10K 6/30/94 MRUPick - This is a demonstration of Pickers with items based on the most recent usage. It is like an interactive tutorial. The demo can be stopped at any time. So, check it out and learn more! MULTINAM PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MULTINAM MULTINAM 0 23K 6/20/95 MultiNames 1.1 - Loading too many names into addresses really slows you down! I discovered a hack that lets you make the Names application open other files. So now I can have more than one telephone file on the Newton--like my old Sharp organizer that had three separate telephone files. MultiNames lets you perform the same magic. There are two parts. MultiNames itself is a autopart that changes the effect of tapping on the Names button. If there are other contact files installed, a list of all contact files pops up, and selecting one opens it in the Names application. Names Utility lets you create or remove the other contact files and provides some options for filling them. MULTIPIC PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:MULTIPIC MULTIPIC 0 6K 8/09/94 Multipickproto 1.0 - This is a proto I put together to deal with the problem of picklists that are longer than 25 items. (For use with the Newton Toolkit, a commercial program from Apple). It's all fully documented within the proto, but in case you're interested, there is also info in the read me. This proto is freeware for free- and shareware apps, with one caveat - If you use it in a piece of software, send the author a copy. MYCALCUL PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:MYCALCUL MYCALCUL 0 27K 11/03/93 MyCalculator - MyCalculator is intended as a relatively simple postfix (i.e. reverse-polish notation or RPN) calculator for the Newton MessagePad. MyCalculator has not been thoroughly tested. Use it at your own risk. If you are calculating something important, double-check your results with some other variety of calculation. Numbers are restricted to six digits after the decimal point, mostly so that they'll fit on the screen. The use of the number and operator keys should be pretty obvious since all of the stack is visible on the screen. Includes full documentation. MYLOCALE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:MYLOCALE MYLOCALE 0 16K 5/02/95 MyLocale - This allows the people in Japan, Austria, Switzerland and other countries that will not have localized version of the Newton created for them to modify their Newton's country locale setting to display their country's currency and number formats. This is free for PocketMoney and MPG users. This also works with programs such as ExpensePlus. If you are using it with ExpensePlus I ask you to please pay the registration fee. Otherwise, it's shareware, $10. MYSTIC8B PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:MYSTIC8B MYSTIC8B 8 0 7K 3/05/96 Mystic 8 Ball 2.0 - Mystic 8 Ball is one of the best Executive Decision Makers ever created, but now on the Newton in an easy-to-use format. No more giant billiard balls cluttering up your desk! And you can take it with you! To use Mystic 8 Ball, think of a question you wish to ask it. Then tap the icon in the Extras Drawer. A window will open with Mystic 8 Ball's answer. The window closes automatically after a couple of seconds. When the answer window is open, you can tap the infodot to reach a splash screen. Mystic 8 Ball 2.0 is written for the Newton 2.0 operating system. It supports screen rotation and ink text. MYSTIC8B PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:MYSTIC8B MYSTIC8B 8 0 7K 7/28/95 Mystic 8 Ball 1.1 - Mystic 8 Ball is one of the best Executive Decision Makers ever created, but now on the Newton in an easy-to-use format. No more giant billiard balls cluttering up your desk! And you can take it with you! To use Mystic 8 Ball, think of a question you wish to ask it. Then tap the icon in the Extras Drawer. A window will open with Mystic 8 Ball's answer. The window closes automatically after a couple of seconds. Mystic 8 Ball is fully customizeable. NAMECALL PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:NAMECALL NAMECALL 0 12K 3/29/96 Namecaller 2.0 - is designed to provide very quick access to phone numbers and to the cards in the Names application and to the Calls application. This version (version 2) does not use a separate index and should, therefore, has less compatibility problems. Namecaller basically works as follows: first tap the radio button for either Names or Calls (Namecaller will remember this choice until you change it). Then write a person's last name in the name: area. Then tap Get It. If the last name appears in your names file, a popup menu of the first names and first phone numbers for all persons with that name appears. You can use the telephone numbers directly. Then you can dismiss the popupmenu and NameCaller by... NAMEDROP PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:ALL:NAMEDROP NAMEDROP 0 16K 12/14/95 NameDropper 5.01 - NameDropper does one of four things. Moves you to the Hilited name. Add a blank name card. Add a name card based on what you have selected and Add a name card based on Mailing a Text only version of the Name Card. Will also add any extra text to the notes area of the name card. This is a 45 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 45 days. NAMEINDE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NAMEINDE NAMEINDE 0 7K 2/15/95 NameIndexer 1.1 - NameIndexer adds an option to the Names Button that, when clicked in the bottom half of the button, pops up the alphabet to zap you to the first entry starting with that letter in the Names File. It also offers you the option of quickly creating a new card in just one step. It uses less than 10K of uncompressed RAM and just a few hundred bytes of system heap. We hope you find this program useful and problem free. However, we are not responsible for any problems or damage resulting from its use or misuse. The program is shareware and can be registered for a mere $4.99, or five bucks if you feel better thinking about money that way. Although inexpensive, we are serious about this shareware fee... NAMEPRIN PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NAMEPRIN NAMEPRIN 0 95K 1/05/97 NamePrinter 1.4 - is a Newton package that creates an address book listing or address labels from your Names soup. Output can be formatted in 1, 2, or 3 columns using a choice of several fonts and font sizes. Margins are adjustable. NamePrinter can print all names or just the names in a folder. Both US/UK and Continental Europe style postal code formats are supported. Version 1.4 is considerably more robust. Newton 2.0 OS only. NAMESELE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NAMESELE NAMESELE 0 8K 10/14/94 NameSelector 1.0 - This app replaces the funcionality of your names button. It divides the button into two parts. Tapping on the bottom part of the button brings up the name file, just like normal. Tapping on the upper part, however, brings up a small window. Write the letter of the name you'd like to go to, and the name file will open (if it's not already open) and move the index to the right name (so it's selected in the overview.) NAMESFIN PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:ALL:NAMESFIN NAMESFIN 0 6K 12/08/95 Names Find by Date 2.0 - Ever try to find something in the Newton Names app by date? If you have, you've gotten an alert that tells you that Names doesn't support find by date. Well, NFBD puts an end to that nonsense. NFBD is an auto-part that adds code to the Names app that allows it to support the 'Look for dates before' and 'Look for dates after', and on Newton 2.0 Look for dates on requests in the find dialog. If you remove NFBD, or the card it is on, it will remove the added code leaving the Names app as it was. NOTE: When NFBD is installed, it checks for the presence of cards with no modification date, and adds one if necessary. NFBD is freeware, and is compatible with both Newton 1.x and 2.0... NAMESFIX PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NAMESFIX NAMESFIX 0 11K 2/04/97 Names Fixer 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Names Fixer goes through and checks your Names file for any possible instances of corrupted data. It will fix these instances, and then remove itself from your Newton. Names Fixer is FREE. NAMESLAL PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:NAMESLAL NAMESLAL 0 12K 6/29/95 NameSlalom 1.1 - NameSlalom is a shareware utility program designed to augment the built-in Newton Cardfile. The idea behind it is to make the entries any your Cardfile no more than a few taps away. It uses the Cardfile's index as a means to give you rapid access any card. The index for a card is usually the last name, but it can be company too. You set it with the List By diamond menu in the All Info screen for a card. As you tap in the first few letters of the index it zooms in on the entry you're looking for. From there you'll either be able to read the number you want right from the scrolling list, or tap it to go to that entry in the Cardfile. You'll find NameSlalom handy in the car, or in those... NAMESTAR PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NAMESTAR NAMESTAR 0 10K 2/16/95 NameStart 1.0 - NameStart was formerly Names To All Overview. This mini-app will automatically set your name file to open to all names and in whatever mode you select when the Newton is restarted. This reduces the time to open the names app (since it doesn't have to search through all your folders.) The modes, with their associated packages, are - Card, Card and Notes, All Info, Overview (full screen) and Overview (half screen). NAMIGATO PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:NAMIGATO NAMIGATO 0 28K 3/29/97 Namigator 3.0 - Namigator is a Names enhancement that enter the first few letters of a name and moves you to that name card, allows you to mark name cards that you commonly refer to, allows you to navigate the names, email, or phone popup list from the routing slip, installs over the top half of the Names Button on MP120s and MP130s so you can access Namigator from anywhere. Namigator installs a button in the background application if used on MP2000s or by opening the application. Supports Stand Alone's Speed API, so Namigator works in DateMan. Includes all functionality that was built in to NameDropper 5.02. NANOCAD1 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:NANOCAD1 NANOCAD1 1 0 9K 9/17/97 NanoCAD 1.0 - A 3D wireframe object viewer-generator for the Newton MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. NanoCAD is a freeware application for viewing and creating simple wireframe 3D shapes. You may rotate the default 3D shape (a cube) or create your own using the Extrude tool or the Lathe tool. This version of NanoCAD requires a Newton MessagePad 2000 or eMate 300 (MessagePad 2000 recommended for best performance). NAPKINCA PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:NAPKINCA NAPKINCA 0 77K 8/09/94 NapkinCalc 1.1 - Essentially, this is a spreadsheet-like program. It lets you create sheets in which you can enter numbers and text, and perform calculations on the numbers you entered. One of the many strong points of Napkin Calc is that you can have more than one sheet on your screen at a time. It is also fairly easy to use. This program does not wish to present itself as a super powerful, all knowing, calculation machine. It's purpose is simply to let you run a few calculations on the fly, and also print or fax a nice looking report. Shareware. NAREACOD PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NAREACOD NAREACOD 0 19K 2/28/95 NAreaCodes 0.4 - This app is a Formula template. That is, it installs itself in the Newton's Forumulas app list. This is where you'll normally find the metric and currency converters and the loan calculators. Now, you'll have an area code lookup database in there as well. There is one field for you to enter an area code. Enter one and tap the Find button to the right of the entry field. nAreaCodes will lookup that area code and display what area is covered by that code. If you enter an invalid or unknown area code, it will display Not found. This app will expire 30 days after you install it. NBATTLES PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:NBATTLES NBATTLES 0 33K 3/10/98 nBattleship 2.5 - brings a sink or be sunk game to your Newton! The object is to sink your opponent's ships she sinks yours. With nBattleship for the Newton, you can take on computer opponents ranging from easy to downright vicious. Or, you may bump heads against human opponents, using either one or two Newtons. In nBattleship, you hide your ships -- carrier (length 5), Battleship (4), cruiser (3), submarine (3), and destroyer (2) -- on a 10x10 grid. After your opponent does the same, you alternate turns trying to destroy each others ships. The first person who sinks all of her opponent's ships wins. nBattleship is FREE for use by the entire Newton community! nBattleship requires Newton OS 2.x and 45K of storage... NBATTLES PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:NBATTLES NBATTLES 0 30K 3/09/98 nBattleship 1.4 - brings the classic game of sink or be sunk to your Newton! The object is to sink your opponent's ships she sinks yours. With nBattleship for the Newton, you can take on computer opponents ranging from easy to downright vicious. Or, you may bump heads against human opponents, using either one or two Newtons. NCHESS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:NCHESS NCHESS 0 56K 6/14/94 Nchess - NChess is designed to be a chess player's assistant. With NChess, you can keep track of multiple games and multiple players. You can play using one Newton (handing it back and forth), or you can play with two Newtons via infrared, email, printing, or faxing. With NChess, you can play against any Newton owners anywhere in the world so long as they have access to NewtonMail. A later version of NChess will allow you to send and receive text versions of a game. This makes it possible to play through the internet with anyone. Please read the Beta Docs included with NChess for information on how to use this version of NChess. NChess is simple to use, but it is a good idea to browse through the docs before you... NCONVERT PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:NCONVERT NCONVERT 0 17K 2/28/95 NConverter 0.4 - This is an extra panel for the Formulas app. Tired of not having more than just Metric conversions? How about Speed, Weights, Energy and more? Then you need nConverter! The Calculator button will take any selected text and type it into the Newton's calculator for you. nConverter provides two conversion fields. Each field has a pop-up menu of conversiom units. Select the desired conversion units and then enter a value in one of the fields. nConverter will take the value from your entered field and convert it to the equivalent number of units in the other field. You must select something first and it won't type in exponential numbers just yet. NDCRYPT1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NDCRYPT1 NDCRYPT1 1 0 13K 10/03/95 NDcrypt 1.6 - NDcrypt v1.6 is an application that allows you to encrypt / decrypt the Notes in your NotePad application. The current Note is the note at the top of the screen. If a Note is coded, you'd want to know how it's coded. stands for Unreadable. stands for Password. With password coded Notes, there will always be a comment. You can determine the content of the comment yourself. If you don't select comment, the comment will be No comment. If you do select comment, you'll get the 12 first characters of the Note as a default, but you can change this into any text you want. This is FreeWare. If you like the app, send the author an e-mail. NDCRYPT2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NDCRYPT2 NDCRYPT2 2 0 32K 6/02/96 NDcrypt 2.0 light - allows you to make Notes from the Notes app 1. UnReadable / Readable or 2. Encrypted / Decrypted. NDcrypt 2.0 light is a Newton OS 2.0 only app. NDcrypt 2.0 light will work on the Note that is at the top of the Newton Window. This is also true in the Overview mode. If a Note is coded, you'd want to know how it's coded. stands for Unreadable. stands for Password. NDcrypt2.0 light is a US$15 ShareWare program. NDIAL0 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NDIAL0 NDIAL0 0 0 22K 2/28/95 NDial 0.7 - This app adds a louder and adjustable length touch-tone (DTMF) dialer to your Newton. It will evolve a bit more, but these are the first renditions. When you open nDial, enter a number to dial, set the length desired for the tones and tap the Dial button. It will create tones up to 4 seconds in length, but this is dependent on how much free heap space your Newton has at dialing time. Slide to the left for quick .25 second tones or to the right for up to 4 second tones. Commas and dashes are supported and will create 500 and 50 millisecond pauses. All ASCII text characters are mapped as they appear on a normal phone. The letters Q and Z are mapped to dial a 1. It will expire 30 days after you install... NDUNGEON PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:NDUNGEON NDUNGEON 0 150K 5/23/95 Ndungeon 1.0 - NDungeon has been developed as part of a larger programming project of NANUG, the North Atlanta Newton User Group and grew in the process beyond all dimensions and borders. What the game is so far - It is a 40 Room labyrinth with about 10 Monsters. It also includes two shops and a lot of goods. You can attack, flee, cast and meditate (always meditate before you cast a spell). It all begins with you standing at the entrance of NDungeon. Your goal is to find the room where the princess is hidden. NETLOOK1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NETLOOK1 NETLOOK1 1 0 14K 3/28/94 Netlook 1.01 - Netlook lets you build a soup of NBP entities you can get the Newton Mini-Chooser to search for. The entity records can be mailed, beamed, printed or faxed although none of these have yet been tested and probably fail horribly. There are a couple of other programs that do similar things to Netlook, but I wanted the practice programming and I wanted to make it nice and easy to configure. There is also a certain amount of use in being able to mail or beam (I hope) the records to other people. NETPOLL1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NETPOLL1 NETPOLL1 1 0 13K 11/30/96 Net Poll 1.0 - also known as NetNames AppleTalk Poll is a simple to use network diagnostic utility that displays and polls named devices on AppleTalk. NetNames has been on many 'Best Newton Shareware' lists. It is useful for Network system administrators to troubleshoot AppleTalk networks. Newton users trying to print or use the Connection Kit, Newton Backup Utility or the Newton Package Downloader over an unknown network. Users setting up Wireless Network devices. In order for the Connection Kit, Newton Backup Utility or the Newton Package Downloader to display an AppleTalk name, they must be setup for AppleTalk and be waiting for the Newton. Otherwise they will not register their name on the network,... NETPOLL2 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:NETPOLL2 NETPOLL2 2 0 12K 11/30/96 Net Poll 2.0 - also known as NetNames AppleTalk Poll is a simple to use network diagnostic utility that displays and polls named devices on AppleTalk. NetNames has been on many 'Best Newton Shareware' lists. It is useful for Network system administrators to troubleshoot AppleTalk networks. Newton users trying to print or use the Connection Kit, Newton Backup Utility or the Newton Package Downloader over an unknown network. Users setting up Wireless Network devices. In order for the Connection Kit, Newton Backup Utility or the Newton Package Downloader to display an AppleTalk name, they must be setup for AppleTalk and be waiting for the Newton. Otherwise they will not register their name on the network,... NEWBULLE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:NEWBULLE NEWBULLE 0 5K 4/25/94 NewBullet - This is a my rewrite of an old (wow, 5 months) program called Bullet. This version should work on all Newtons, and should be compatible with other programs that put buttons on the status bar (like NotePak). Basically, the program puts a button on the Notes status bar. This button, when pressed, inserts a return and a bullet into the text. Make sure you have an insertion point! Just tap on the screen where you want the bullet, then press the button. Nice for making lists in the Note pad. NEWK10 PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:ALL:NEWK10 NEWK10 10 0 31K 7/22/96 NEWK - 1.0 - NEWK is a small DOS utility I wrote to help with packages that do not install properly from the PC to the Newton. One of the frequent causes, other than corrupt files, is the presence of additional bytes appearing both before and after the actual Newton package file. This utility checks for the presence of a Mac header, strips it if it can be found, and rewrites the package file, using the encoded file length in the Newton package header, thereby restoring the package file to its original size. As an added feature, since I had already used another utility available from John Mullan (jmullan@vaxxine.com), which stripped only the header, I included the capability to resize the file if the file... NEWPAGE2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:NEWPAGE2 NEWPAGE2 2 0 23K 2/01/95 NewPage 2.5 - My Newton was beginning to frustrate me in that handwriting recognition is far too slow to keep up with conversation. Ok, so I switched to digital ink. Problem there was that once your digital ink note gets to about 2 or 3 screen sizes, it takes a long time for the Newton to accept it so that you can scroll down to the next empty screen. Finally, the the gesture for creating a new page is often mis-interpreted as a word, causing even longer delays!!! newPage installs a button onto the Notes app's status bar which quickly creates a new page and scrolls you down one screen so that you're ready! Now it's an auto-install, uses default store, and uses correct height. NEWSPECI PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:NEWSPECI NEWSPECI 0 17K 6/25/97 New Species - by Alfred Russel Wallace. February, 1855. Wallace is world renown for his research and published works on evolution. His works include ON THE LAW WHICH HAS REGULATED THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW SPECIES and a short paper entitled: ON THE TENDENCY OF VARIETIES TO DEPART INDEFINITELY FROM THE ORIGINAL TYPE. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks (pdcbob@aol.com) of America Online's PDA Forum. NEWT21V1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:NEWT21V1 NEWT21V1 211 0 30K 5/22/95 Newt21 v1.0 - After releasing a serious package like NewtCase, we figured it was time for a little fun. Newt21 brings the blackjack table to your Newton. Go up against the dealer one-on-one or have up to two computer players join in. Installation Notes - Nothing special here. Just install it. Unlike our utilities, Newt21 doesnt patch anything. Im going to assume that you know the basics of Blackjack (try to get close to 21 without going over) but the docs cover some of the details specific to Newt21, and to game play. NEWTATUT PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:NEWTATUT NEWTATUT 0 45K 2/16/98 NewtATut 1.6 - (Newt Application Tutorial) is a Newton book version based on an article Building Native Newton Applications with Newt that appeared in PDA (formerly PIE) Developers, Vol. 2.4, July 1994; pp.14-18. This interactive tutorial will show how you can develop a simple application in NewtonScript and save a package directly on your Newton using Newt. 1.x compatible. NEWTCASE PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:NEWTCASE NEWTCASE 0 89K 8/27/95 NewtCase 2.2 Demo - NewtCase lets any MessagePad user archive his/her Newton applications to reduce heap memory requirements, alleviate conflicts between applications, and clean up his/her Extras drawer. Archived (or NewtCased) packages do not show up in the Extras drawer, but can be reinstalled at any time using NewtCase. With NewtCase, you can temporarily deinstall (and run) applications without having to remove them from your MessagePad. NewtCase can launch an archived package and, when you quit from that package, automatically re-archive it. Using NewtCase, you could keep a hundred applications on your 4 meg card without overflowing your heap space or Extras drawer. This commercial demo... NEWTCASE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NEWTCASE NEWTCASE 0 33K 3/01/95 NewtCase 1.2 - NewtCase lets any MessagePad user archive his/her Newton applications to reduce heap memory requirements, alleviate conflicts between applications, and clean up his/her Extras drawer. Archived (or NewtCased) packages do not show up in the Extras drawer, but can be reinstalled at any time using NewtCase. With NewtCase, you can temporarily deinstall applications without having to remove them from your MessagePad. NewtCase can launch an archived package and, when you quit from that package, automatically re-archive it. Using NewtCase, you could keep a hundred applications on your 4 meg card without overflowing your heap space or Extras drawer. Shareware. NEWTCRO PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:NEWTCRO NEWTCRO 0 18K 8/03/95 Newt CRO - This is a simple use of the Newton to provide the display functions of a C.R.O. It receives 8bit A/D conversions into the serial port and tries to display them as a graph. It was designed to receive 32 samples before it changes the display. Press the - Test button for a sample display. Send button for a string that can be looped back to the serial port to trigger the display. CR button sends a to trigger an A/D converter to send samples. NEWTDB12 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:NEWTDB12 NEWTDB12 12 0 179K 9/24/97 NewtDb 1.26 - The Relational Database for Newton. NewtDb is NOS 2.0 compatible. A number of new features have also been added. NewtDb is a relational database program for Newton for fast information retrieval. It has separate screens and databases. You can define the layout of screens for displaying information and define different databases to hold the data. NewtDb's relational capabilities allow retrieving data from multiple databases at once and also displaying relational data in a Detail or List view. NewtDb has NCK support for data import and export from Mac or PC databases, supports records numbers and record modification flags. Contains updated versions of: NewtDb, UtilityDb and XferDb updated (if... NEWTDEV1 PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:NEWTDEV1 NEWTDEV1 1 0 267K 1/26/98 Newt 3.4 (26 Jan 98) - an environment for developing applications using NewtonScript and saving as packages directly on your Newton. Keywords: object-oriented programming, application development environment, NewtonScript, NTK. Summary of changes in Newt 3.4: support for context-sensitive source code editing via MetaDot plugin, improved compatiblity with other utilities: MoreFolders, SuperNotepad, HyperNewt - new method of specifying child order. localization support for user apps many bug fixes, new preferences, font and menu improvements. Compatible with all (1.x, 2.x) Newtons. Newt is shareware - registered users can download (or receive floppies with) additional versions, 200+... NEWTERRO PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:NEWTERRO NEWTERRO 0 20K 1/02/97 Newt Errors 1.0 - This is a Newton version of Newton Errors. This book requires NOS 2.0. (E-mail me if you want a NOS 1.3 version). Newt Errors is freeware. Drop me a note if you have any suggestions or comments. NEWTESTA PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:NEWTESTA NEWTESTA 0 71K 2/28/95 NewTestament Demo - This is a demo of MAge's port of the New Testament in NewtonBook format. The complete version is available from the author for $5. Demo contains Matthew, chapters 1 to 28. NEWTFLIP PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:NEWTFLIP NEWTFLIP 0 9K 9/06/96 NewtFlip 1.0 - NewtFlip is a puzzle by Ralph Kaiser. The object is to give all pieces the same colour. Each time you tap changes its colour and the adjacent ones as well. NewtFlip is shareware and will be developed further on if there are some people who pay the shareware fee. However please do not forget to give me your email adress or something else for the registration code. NewtFlip V1.0 is 13.3k and uses 1.2k of heap. It works on all Newtons currently available. NEWTFTP2 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:NEWTFTP2 NEWTFTP2 2 0 118K 3/20/98 NewtFTP 2.0 - is a FTP client for NewtonOS based devices. It requires NewtonOS 2.0 or greater and Newton Internet Enabler(NIE). NewtFTP allows you to send files to and recieve files from FTP servers. Download packages, web pages, and text files. You can upload almost anything from you your Newton device as a text file or as a Newton Object. Uploading items as Newton Objects alows you to send Name Cards, notes, NewtWorks documents, and packages (to name a few) to other users of NewtFTP. Think of it as long distance beaming. NEWTHACK PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:NEWTHACK NEWTHACK 0 195K 1/08/97 NewtHack 1.1 - NewtHack is a fantasy role-playing game for Newtons running system version 2.0 or later. You assume the role of an adventurer who descends deep into a dungeon to rescue a sacred item that has been stolen from your village. You will have to defeat the many hostile creatures that dwell in the dungeon and gain experience to successfully complete your quest. NEWTINFO PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NEWTINFO NEWTINFO 0 49K 12/12/94 NewtInfo 0.9b8 - NewtInfo is a system profiler for the Newton MessagePad. It can display, print, fax, e-mail or serially transmit a detailed report of soups, packages, memory usage, add-on prefs and formulas, power-off handlers, idlers, find-enabled packages, and intelligent assistance packages. Users can find out what's taking up so much space on their systems, what some hot new program patches, or why software is suddenly running slower. Developers can have customers use it when calling in with technical support questions. Shareware, $15. NEWTINST PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:1:NEWTINST.EXE NEWTINST.EXE 0 180K 12/23/96 Newton Package Installer 1.1 - With the Newton Package Installer, you can download software packages to your Newton device. Newton Package Installer 1.1 for Windows (179K) - for use with Newton 1.x OS devices. NEWTJARE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:NEWTJARE NEWTJARE 0 240K 11/07/97 NewtJared - is a newton version of a macintosh program called Jared for NOS 2.x. If you like Jared for the macintosh you can now carry him with you on the Newton. NEWTKEY1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:ALL:NEWTKEY1 NEWTKEY1 1 0 24K 8/07/96 NewtKey 1.2! - Use Apple's Newton Keyboard, with any standard keyboard layout Small window which can be dragged off the edge of the screen. Optional on-screen Caps Lock indicator, Up to 10 user defined macros, save on typing, Automatic sleep can optionally be disabled when the keyboard is in use. NewtKey is the only Newton Keyboard driver will work on any Newton, from the first to the most recent. It only lets you connect to Apple's Newton Keyboard. You can't connect to Macintosh or PC keyboards. They use different interfaces, and require hardware interfaces. NewtKey is very simple to use. To connect your Newton Keyboard. Turn on your Newton Open the Extras Drawer, and tap NewtKey. Tap C in the NewtKey window... NEWTLIBS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:NEWTLIBS NEWTLIBS 0 12K 5/15/98 NewtLibs 1.1 - freeware app. You can add your own and trade them with your friends by e-mail! Will read it to you with the TTS extensions if ya have them installed. There are also tons of places on the web that will generate libs for you that can easily be pasted into a Notes note to be imported into the NewtLib Reader. NEWTNOT1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NEWTNOT1 NEWTNOT1 1 0 66K 5/15/98 NewtNotes 1.0 - is a bibliography program for the Newton. NewtNotes allows you to carry around references and to add new references while away from your desktop. The user can upload and download references between NewtNotes and the desktop. NewtNotes was designed based upon EndNote by Niles & Associates. Most of you will use EndNote and a word processor on the desktop to create your final papers. NewtNotes (NOS 2.x) costs $80. Poor and starving students can purchase NewtNotes at the discounted price of $40. NEWTNOTE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NEWTNOTE NEWTNOTE 0 5K 5/26/98 NewtNotes HyperLink Manager 1.0 - is a small extensions that allows HyperLinking of NewtNotes entries into HyperNewt. NewtNotes is a program from Catamount Software that allows you to store bibliography references on your Newton. NEWTNOTE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NEWTNOTE NEWTNOTE 0 431K 3/07/98 NewtNote - A Notepad utility for the Macintosh. It offers an easy ability to get text notes entries to and from the Macintosh -- and uses the DILs 2.0. This utility requires a Newton 2.0 device (sorry for those with 1.x!) and operates on each store (internal or memory card) individually -- it's not quite smart enough to deal with all Notepad entries as if they were all linked together, as the Newton does it. Downloads outlines and checklists from the Notepad. HOWEVER, this does not mean that checklists and outlines can be created on the Mac and downloaded to the Newton -- they cannot. The text allowed for a Notepad entry is about 16K. A Dup Entry button will duplicate the current Notepad entry (updating it... NEWTONAV PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:NEWTONAV NEWTONAV 0 1014K 2/17/98 Newton Aviator 1.2 Demo - Flight planning for pilots, including weight and balance, great circle routes, density altitude, zulu time, etc. This is a demo version of Newton Aviator 1.2. It has all the features of the Newton Aviator 1.2 product, but it will expire 30 days after installing on your Newton. Newton Aviator is a flight-planning package for general aviation pilots. It includes a database of all U.S. (and many non-U.S.) public-use airports, and calculates great circle routes, wind triangles, weight and balance, density altitude, zulu time, etc. The enclosed user's guide provides complete details. If you like the demo and wish to order the full product version, please see our web site NEWTONBA PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:NEWTONBA NEWTONBA 0 21K 11/15/93 NewtonBandit 1.0 - NewtonBandit is a Slot-Machine game for Newton PDA. When starting NewtonBandit you recieve $100 StartScore. Your Bet can be adjusted with the Slider. Then, depending on how many smilie faces you get, you may win some money! NEWTONI1 PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:NEWTONI1 NEWTONI1 1 0 76K 1/05/98 NewtonID 2.0 - NewtonID is a FREE application that simplifies and standardizes software registration and identification by creating a universal owner card. Developers and users are working hard on creating something that will make software registration easier on the Newton. For that reason, we are in the constant process of updating NewtonID. Once a consensus is reached on the final version of NewtonID, development will slow to crawl ... and that's a good thing! NEWTONI1 PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:NEWTONI1 NEWTONI1 1 0 357K 8/02/95 Newton Icon! Builder Appl - This is a time saving utility for the Newton programmer. Just paste the icon you want to show up in Extras and then paste the icon you want the user to see when they tap it. Newton Icon! Builder creates the icon mask. No more doing it by hand. The enclosed utility is a stand alone application, it is also available as a HyperCard stack. Both come with complete on-line assistance to step you through the process. Requires a Mac. NEWTONIC PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:NEWTONIC NEWTONIC 0 25K 8/02/95 Newton Icon! Builder Stack - This is a time saving utility for the Newton programmer. Just paste the icon you want to show up in Extras and then paste the icon you want the user to see when they tap it. Newton Icon! Builder creates the icon mask. No more doing it by hand. The enclosed utility is requires HyperCard, it is also available as a stand alone application. Both come with complete on-line assistance to step you through the process. Requires a Mac. NEWTONID PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:NEWTONID NEWTONID 0 92K 2/09/98 NewtonID Development Kit 2.0 - contains the complete source and release for NewtonID 2.0 and the official release of NewtonID 2.0. It also contains sample code for a prototypical NewtonID-Aware application. NEWTONMA PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NEWTONMA NEWTONMA 0 34K 11/03/94 NewtonMail Modules 1.01 - Over the last several months, many of you asked us for a number of enhancements to NewtonMail. In order to provide you with an immediate solution to your most frequent requests, we have developed a set of NewtonMail Modules which are enclosed. These modules give you an immediate upgrade path for NewtonMail which will be supported and integrated within future releases of NewtonMail. The included document gives an overview of the current functionality of these NewtonMail Modules. The modules are an addition to the existing mail software that is built into your Newton ROM. The Newton Connection Kit is required in order to install the modules in this folder. Copyright Apple Computer.... NEWTONSL PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NEWTONSL NEWTONSL 0 117K 9/25/95 Newton Slide Show Demo - NSS Demo - The Newton Slide Show package allows you to view images on your Newton MessagePad. Features of NSS include - Automatic playback mode with user selectable pauses between images. Manual viewing mode for moving forward or backwards through the images. User selectable transition effects. This demo version of the Newton Slide Show (NSS) is a freeware application for displaying still images on the current family of Newton MessagePads (OMP, MP100, MP110, and MP120). NEWTONUN PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:NEWTONUN NEWTONUN 0 10K 6/16/94 NewtonUnlock 2.1 - NewtonUnlock is a small (9k) utility which allows you to bypass the password protection on a Newton. There is also a 6k help file that may be loaded for online help. If NewtonUnlock is stored on a card, simply install the card when the Newton asks for the password. Wait for the Newton to read the card, and poof you're into the Newton. If NewtonUnlock is stored on the internal RAM, do a reset. The password screen will close soon after opening, and you're into the Newton. Once into your Newton, run NewtonUnlock from the Extras drawer and remove the password. This version places logs in the notification to allow someone to check if their Newton was broken into. Freeware. Works on 2.0... NEWTONW1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NEWTONW1 NEWTONW1 1 0 84K 4/11/95 Newton WWW 1.1 Demo - Before you start downloading the browser please make sure that you have a DIGITAL Alpha or a SUN Workstation with an internet connection somewhere and access to them via a serial or a telephone line. If not, you can install the Newton package on your PDA, but you only can use it in demo-mode. The browser provides textual data presentation as well as image display or searchable index handling. Moreover users are able to store the information in the build in notebook, to print it or redistribute it by mail or by fax. Works on a 100, and now the 110 and 120 screen sizes. NEWTORHY PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:NEWTORHY NEWTORHY 0 23K 4/08/98 Newt-O-Rhythm 1.2 - a Biorhythm program for Newton 2.x users. Now you can store your birthday in the prefs so it comes up auto when you start up again...I haven't tried it yet on an mp130 or emate. NEWTTACT PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:NEWTTACT NEWTTACT 0 22K 9/16/96 Newt Tac Toe 1.1 - is a 3D Tic Tac Toe game where you pit your wits against your Newton on 4x4x4 grid. Fun and simple to play, just like tic tac toe...but watch out...your newton can make a challenging oponent! Just get 4 in a row--in any direction-- horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. Use your favorite package installer and it's easy as can be -- download Newt Tac Toe to your newton and look for it in your extras drawer. Newt Tac Toe v1.1 will take up about 27K of space once installed. This version runs with System 2.0 only, MessagePad 120 or 130. NEWTTERM PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:NEWTTERM NEWTTERM 0 23K 9/15/97 NewtTerm is a terminal program I wrote for my Newton 100. It doesn't support VT100 or anything fancy like that. But it does let me log into my ISP and check my unix based email. Most of the code was stripped from Apples sample source. Its kinda amazing it works. Compiled the .pkg with the NTK v1.6.1. The source remains the same. sourcecode@geocities.com NEWTTODO PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NEWTTODO NEWTTODO 0 245K 1/05/98 newtToDo 1.01 - is a full-featured to-do list application designed to help you manage lists of tasks more efficiently. Powerful features such as alarmed reminders, repeating tasks, additional priorities, sorting, and a customizable interface help you easily take control of your tasks. NEWTTOOL PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:NEWTTOOL NEWTTOOL 0 131K 5/15/95 Newt Tools Demo 1.0 - Newt Tools(tm) - Essential Utilties For Newton(r). Features six utilities integrated into one seamless environment. Frustrated by restarts and a lack of management tools? Newt Tools gives you the tools you need to manage your Newton. Demo is fully functional for 15 days. Includes - Memory Tools, Newt Tools, Package Tools, Soup Editor, Soup Tools, Button Bar and Scroll. NEXCHANG PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:NEXCHANG NEXCHANG 0 19K 2/28/95 nExchanges MD 0.1 - nExchanges.MD is a Formula panel of Maryland telephone exchanges. If you need to look up an exhange, then this is for you. This allows you to find out where a telephone number is located. Simply enter the first 3 digits of the number and nExchanges will tell you where that number is located. This version is for Maryland only, no other areas are available at this time, but soon... Shareware. NFLIGHTE PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:NFLIGHTE NFLIGHTE 0 62K 1/27/98 NflightEP 1.1 - is a real-time, vector graphics, 3D flight simulator for use on the Newton MessagePad 2000 and 2100. It is loosely based on the original Radio Shack TRS-80 FS-1 flight simulator from SubLogic. This software is currently under development. Throttle control, 9 position control stick, altimeter, fuel gauge, airspeed indicator, compass heading, VOR Nav, and 3D cockpit display are all functioning in the present preview version. NGP11E PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:NGP11E NGP11E 11 0 112K 3/30/96 Newton Graphics Package 1.1 - (NGP) is a new effort aimed at building an object-based (or vector) drawing program for Newton. With NGP you can quickly sketch images using a plug-in architecture and export your pictures to the desktop for printing or further editing. NGP will be fully compatible with the older Newton operating system 1.3 and will be Newton 2.0 savvy. NGPMAC1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:NGPMAC1 NGPMAC1 1 0 54K 10/28/96 Newton Graphics Package for Macintosh 1.0 - Object Drawing Program for Macintosh. Want to move your Newton pictures to your Mac? With NGP, you can draw pictures on your Newton. With the NGP transfer utility you can move those pictures to your Mac, and with NGP Mac you can edit and print them! It's free! It's fully 1.x compatible and 2.0 savvy. Get your Newton Pictures on your Mac. NHTTPD PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:NHTTPD NHTTPD 0 55K 11/25/96 nHTTPd - I'm pleased to announce that the first version of nHTTPd, a Newton Web Server, is stable enough for folks to experiment with. nHTTPd, documentation, and source code are now available at http://www.lothlorien.com/~dove/pda/ for those interested. As with all of our efforts, these packages are available as-is and free of charge. It should probably be stated up front that these packages are of primary interest to developers, rather than end users... but if you're interested in writing plug-ins to serve Web documents from your Newton, or add sounds to your Newton's sound registry, come on by and check 'em out! NLENGTHS PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:NLENGTHS NLENGTHS 0 8K 4/22/94 NLengths 1.0 - A formula for the Newton Formula app. This app provides a quick converter for units of length. You can use it to convert from one unit of measure to another. It supports, miles, furloughs (hey, I'm in Maryland and we race horses here), yards, feet, inches, kilometers, meters, centimeters, millimeters and itty-bitty microns. Using it is very simple. Install it anywhere, it's card friendly and fully supports card ejects. Please note, you must close the Formula app before ejecting a card. It's the Formula app that Needs the Card, not nLengths. Once you've installed it, you can access it from the Formula app in the Extras drawer. It's listed as Lengths. NMP01 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NMP01 NMP01 01 0 108K 5/22/95 NMP 0.91 - NMP is the Newton Movie Player 0.91 for Newton! This version of the Newton Movie Player (NMP) is a freeware application for displaying animation frames. NMP will attempt to play a film back in real-time. Since NMP relinquishes control back to the operating system periodically (to help preserve battery life and allow for normal background operating system functions), real-time playback is not guaranteed. You can help NMP out by closing the Extras Drawer after launching NMP. In any event, playback speed is quite good. The film included in the demo was captured with the Connectix QuickCam in 1-bit mode. The resulting QuickTime video was broken apart and imported into the NMP application. Running... NMPMORP1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NMPMORP1 NMPMORP1 1 0 38K 5/22/95 NMP Morph 0.91 - NMP is the Newton Movie Player 0.91 for Newton! This version of the Newton Movie Player (NMP) is a freeware application for displaying animation frames. NMP will attempt to play a film back in real-time. Since NMP relinquishes control back to the operating system periodically (to help preserve battery life and allow for normal background operating system functions), real-time playback is not guaranteed. You can help NMP out by closing the Extras Drawer after launching NMP. In any event, playback speed is quite good. The film included in this demo was created by scanning 2 photographs. They are both pictures of me in 1968 and 1983. I used Gryphon Software's Morph... NNEWS06 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS06 NNEWS06 06 0 29K 5/07/97 NewtNews-06May97-Supplement - by Steve Holden . This is a supplement issue for the weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. The supplement is published as a reference guide during times when NewtNews is not being published. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS126 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS126 NNEWS126 126 0 82K 1/23/97 NewtNews-126-07Jan97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS127 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS127 NNEWS127 127 0 92K 1/23/97 NewtNews-127-14Jan97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS128 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS128 NNEWS128 128 0 95K 1/31/97 NewtNews-128-28Jan97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS129 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS129 NNEWS129 129 0 101K 2/05/97 NewtNews-129-04Feb97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS130 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS130 NNEWS130 130 0 94K 2/12/97 NewtNews-130-11Feb97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS131 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS131 NNEWS131 131 0 101K 3/02/97 NewtNews-131-25Feb97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS132 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS132 NNEWS132 132 0 94K 3/08/97 NewtNews-132-04Mar97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS133 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS133 NNEWS133 133 0 99K 3/12/97 NewtNews-133-11Mar97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS134 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS134 NNEWS134 134 0 97K 3/26/97 NewtNews-134-25Mar97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS135 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS135 NNEWS135 135 0 100K 4/02/97 NewtNews-135-01Apr97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS136 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS136 NNEWS136 136 0 107K 4/17/97 NewtNews-136-15Apr97 - y Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS137 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS137 NNEWS137 137 0 97K 4/23/97 NewtNews-137-22Apr97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS138 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS138 NNEWS138 138 0 99K 5/03/97 NewtNews-138-29Apr97 - y Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS139 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS139 NNEWS139 139 0 105K 5/19/97 NewtNews-139-13May97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS140 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS140 NNEWS140 140 0 93K 5/23/97 NewtNews-140-20May97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS141 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS141 NNEWS141 141 0 95K 5/31/97 NewtNews-141-27May97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS142 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS142 NNEWS142 142 0 100K 6/13/97 NewtNews-142-10Jun97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS143 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS143 NNEWS143 143 0 95K 6/19/97 NewtNews-143-17Jun97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS144 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS144 NNEWS144 144 0 91K 6/30/97 NewtNews-144-24Jun97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS145 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS145 NNEWS145 145 0 95K 7/09/97 NewtNews-145-08Jul97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS146 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS146 NNEWS146 146 0 95K 7/16/97 NewtNews-146-15Jul97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS147 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS147 NNEWS147 147 0 91K 7/28/97 NewtNews-147-22Jul97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS148 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS148 NNEWS148 148 0 63K 8/17/97 NewtNews-148-12Aug97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS149 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS149 NNEWS149 149 0 88K 8/26/97 NewtNews-149-19Aug97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS150 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS150 NNEWS150 150 0 89K 8/28/97 NewtNews-150-26Aug97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS151 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS151 NNEWS151 151 0 87K 9/11/97 NewtNews-151-09Sep97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS152 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS152 NNEWS152 152 0 90K 9/24/97 NewtNews-152-16Sep97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS153 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS153 NNEWS153 153 0 89K 9/26/97 NewtNews-153-23Sep97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS154 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS154 NNEWS154 154 0 96K 10/10/97 NewtNews-154-07Oct97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS155 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS155 NNEWS155 155 0 93K 10/31/97 NewtNews-155-14Oct97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS156 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS156 NNEWS156 156 0 89K 10/31/97 NewtNews-156-21Oct97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS157 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS157 NNEWS157 157 0 81K 11/06/97 NewtNews-157-04Nov97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS158 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS158 NNEWS158 158 0 84K 11/12/97 NewtNews-158-11Nov97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. NNEWS159 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS159 NNEWS159 159 0 76K 11/24/97 NewtNews-159-18Nov97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS160 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS160 NNEWS160 160 0 86K 12/04/97 NewtNews-160-02Dec97 - y Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS161 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS161 NNEWS161 161 0 79K 12/12/97 NewtNews-161-09Dec97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS162 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS162 NNEWS162 162 0 75K 12/20/97 NewtNews-162-16Dec97 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS164 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS164 NNEWS164 164 0 60K 1/17/98 NewtNews-164-13Jan98 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-98 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NewtNews Web site is hosted at: . NNEWS170 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS170 NNEWS170 170 0 83K 3/14/98 NewtNews-170-03Mar98 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-98 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS171 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS171 NNEWS171 171 0 79K 3/12/98 NewtNews-171-10Mar98 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-98 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS172 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS172 NNEWS172 172 0 83K 3/23/98 NewtNews-172-17Mar98 - by Steve Holden . This is a weekly freeware newsletter focusing on Newton Technologies and related topics. NewtNews Copyright 1994-98 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS18 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS18 NNEWS18 18 0 78K 2/25/97 NewtNews-18Feb97-Supplement - by Steve Holden . This is a supplement issue for the weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. The supplement is published as a reference guide during times when NewtNews is not being published. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS197 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS197 NNEWS197 197 0 62K 1/23/97 NewtNews-21Jan97-Supplement - by Steve Holden . This is a supplement issue for the weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. The supplement is published as a reference guide during times when NewtNews is not being published. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NNEWS397 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:NNEWS:NNEWS397 NNEWS397 397 0 74K 3/19/97 NewtNews-18Mar97-Supplement - by Steve Holden . This is a supplement issue for the weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. The supplement is published as a reference guide during times when NewtNews is not being published. NewtNews Copyright 1994-97 Steve Holden. All rights reserved. See the Administrivia at end for details and FAQ info. NOAH1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOAH1 NOAH1 1 0 52K 4/15/96 NOAH 1.0 - NOAH (Notes Overview Alpha Hack) displays an overview of the notes in your notepad, alphabetized by title or text. I wrote it to help me find notes (such as the one that contains my list of books to get) which are hard to find in the overview. You should be aware that NOAH is a hack and will likely break under future OS revisions if not sooner. NOAH works only under Newton OS 2.0. NOBDAYPA PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOBDAYPA NOBDAYPA 0 2K 5/10/97 NoBdayParty - is a Newton extension when installed will turn off the message received when opening the Name File informing you that there are new birthdays that need to be added. It however does not interfere with the process when birthdays are first added to a card causing the new birthday to be automatically added to the Date Book. Freeware from SilverWARE NODEPADC PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NODEPADC NODEPADC 0 12K 6/17/96 Notepad Cols - is designed to make a normal notepad checklist act like a multiple column list. You can define the width of each column, its title, and a popup menu of entry helpers. Cols is meant for light-duty lists. It doesn't have a fraction of the power of Notion, for example. But I use it daily in place of the various list managers I own. To set up a new column list, first create a new checklist. Then open Cols. Fill in names for columns: you can create as many as four. If you only fill in two or three, the resulting list will only have that many columns. Next, fill in the tab stops. In portrait mode, the last stop should not be more than 200. You should generally make each column at least 40 wide. Now tap the... NOFX PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NOFX NOFX 0 15K 3/26/97 noFX - is a preferences panel which allows you to turn on or off the individual effect types on the MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300. This includes the delete, poof, scroll, and view effects. Each has its own checkbox for turning that respective effect on or off. By turning off the delete effect, you will no longer get the crumpling of the paper with the toss into the trash. The delete will just happen. Turning off the scrub effect will turn off the poof that happens when you scrub a word, but you will still get the poof sound. The scroll effects pertains to the slide effect that happens when you scroll in Notes or other such applications that use the SlideEffect routine. Finally, view effects refers to... NOH1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOH1 NOH1 1 0 21K 6/22/95 NOH 1.12 - Names Overview Hack - NOH is an auto part that hacks the overview of Newt's built-in Names app to show the entries in a way I like better. Entries that are sorted by last name are listed as , and entries that are sorted by company are listed as ( ). If it does anything else, it's a bug. NOLINES2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOLINES2 NOLINES2 2 0 6K 1/25/95 No Lines 1.1 - No lines is a (very) simple little app that will remove the lines from the Note Pad application. When No Lines is first installed, (or at startup) the first note in the note pad will have it's lines remved. From then on, however, a note will have lines in it. To get rid of them, tap the NL button in the status bar. NOMOREKE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:NOMOREKE NOMOREKE 0 7K 3/01/95 No More Keys 1.1 - No More Keys is an application which replaces the QWERTY keyboard with Graffiti. This package will not appear in the extras drawer, and makes an effort to be as invisible as possible. To use this package, simply load it after Graffiti has already been loaded. If all of your packages are being kept on the same store, that will do it. On the other hand, if you are dividing all of your packages between internal and a card, Graffiti will need to be internal and this application on the card. NOPASSWO PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOPASSWO NOPASSWO 0 12K 7/31/95 NoPasswordInk 2.0 - NoPasswordInk turns off the pen's ink when you enter the password into the Newton's builtin password screen. This allows for more security because you don't have to worry about people looking over your shoulder while the Newton translates the ink into your password. You can install this program on your card or internal memory, but it works better if you install it internally. If you install it on the card then you will have to wait for NoPasswordInk.pkg to be loaded before it is useable. Installing internally the package will be loaded quicker so that you can start writing your password right away without needing to wait for the memory card to load. NOSLEEP1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOSLEEP1 NOSLEEP1 1 0 77K 9/11/94 NoSleep 1.70 - No Sleep is a program that will keep Newton from going to sleep when Newton's AC adapter is powering it. No matter what sleep time you have set, Newton will remain alive. No Sleep Main Features - No Sleep is the only Newton keep-on-if-plugged-in program that does not alter Newton Internal things to function. No Sleep lets you have your own Power On and Power Off sounds. No Sleep can automatically change the Sleep Time when not on A/C for longer battery life. No Sleep displays the Data Backup Battery status. (That I know of and I think I've look at all of them.). Shareware. NOTEEDI1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTEEDI1 NOTEEDI1 1 0 34K 9/30/95 Note Editor - Note Editor adds an additional item (Editor) to the menu that pops up when you tap the envelope icon that belongs to a note on the Notepad. If you tap the Editor item, the Note Editor opens displaying the note. Note Editor provides a series of tools for making working with notes easier. The tools fall into three basic categories - Note Viewing, Text Manipulation and Drawing. NOTEGUAR PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NOTEGUAR NOTEGUAR 0 27K 9/15/97 NoteGuard - NoteGuard works on 2.0 newtons. It's a utility which adds a lock option to the Notepad's action button. Once a note is locked you can't delete or edit it accidentally. It's $15 US, you get MessageBuddy and NoteGuard as a bundle You can order online, via fax, or direct. NOTEHOPP PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOTEHOPP NOTEHOPP 0 18K 7/22/96 NoteHopper version 2.0 - makes navigating the Notepad easier. NoteHopper adds rapid navigation features like going to the first note or to the last note. It also adds smart features like going back which will return you to the last note you were at-- this works great if you need to look up notes from a month ago, but write comments about those notes in a note created today. Only works with Newton OS 2.0. Features to Move to the top of current, first, last, previous, or next note. Features to Go Back to the last note you were at. Features to Popup a date picker and goto a specific date. Price $10.00. NOTEMAN2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:NOTEMAN2 NOTEMAN2 2 0 26K 3/13/98 NoteMan 2.01 - Requires Newton MessagePad running 2.0 OS. NoteMan places a small button in one of the corners of the Newton screen. Tapping on this button will bring the notpad to the front of all applications. If the NotePad is already at the front, it will close it. Quick an easy access to the NotePad from any Newton application. Now includes 4 placement settings and built-in preferences. Shareware, $10. This demo will expire after 30 days. NOTEMAN2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTEMAN2 NOTEMAN2 2 0 18K 6/21/95 Note Man 1.1 - Note Man will allow you to bring the note pad to the front, no matter what app you're using (so long as it's not a floating app like the Mail Editor.) It will also allow you to close the note pad, saving a few K of heap space. Note Man will place a small button in the upper left or upper right of your screen (depending on whether you've installed the (RT) or (LT) versions.) Tapping the button will bring the Note Pad to the front if there's another app in front of it, or close it if it's in front. Double tapping the button will switch it to the other side. NOTEMARK PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTEMARK NOTEMARK 0 8K 10/15/94 NoteMarker 1.1 - NoteMarker lets you create bookmarks in the Notepad. When you select one of the names from the popup menu, the marked Note is displayed. The specific items on the menu are - Set, which lets you name or rename the current note. The current note is the top note of which some portion is visible in the Notepad. Selecting Set presents you with the MarkNote slip that has lots of choices - name of the note, sample text from note, set button to record changes, remove button to make the note an unnamed note. The Remove Index button for use immediately prior to a deinstall. Last, moves you to the last note in the current view. The app will take a little while to open the first time it is run, but is... NOTEOUTL PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:NOTEOUTL NOTEOUTL 0 37K 11/11/95 Note Outliner 1.2 - Note Outliner adds an additional item (Outline) to the menu that pops up when you tap the envelope icon that belongs to a note on the Notepad. If you tap the Outline item, the Note Outliner opens displaying the note as an Outline. Note Outliner provides tools for building and manipulating outlines. It has the basic outline tools for creating new topics (aunt, sibling, child), expanding and collapsing families and the entire outline, promoting and demoting families and cutting and pasting families. In addition the outline can be scrolled. A selection of 4 label types (none, bullets, Harvard and Legal) are available. Note Outliner will also let you put checkboxes beside... NOTEPADC PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOTEPADC NOTEPADC 0 33K 10/02/97 NotePad Converter 1.3 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. NotePad Converter places an option in the routing button of the NotePad allowing you to convert notes from one type to another. NotePad Converter is shareware, with a built in 30-day demo period, and costs $10. NOTEPADX PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOTEPADX NOTEPADX 0 91K 10/13/96 NotepadXtensions 1.03 demo - a collection of NINE powerful forms which make entering important information into the Notepad intuitive and easy. This file contains a unlockable 10 day demo of NotepadXtensions. The collection includes: Voice Mail, Meeting Notes, News Clippings, TV Note, Flight Info, Car Rental Info, Hotel Info, Internet Site and New Ideas. Using NotepadXtensions will save you time and money! Give it a try! Brought to you by PenTekk Software Technologies, Inc. NOTEPAK1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:NOTEPAK1 NOTEPAK1 1 0 151K 5/27/95 NotePak 2 doc.pdf - This Adobe Acrobat pdf file contains the manual for NotePak. Intelligent To Do Management for the Newton MessagePad, NotePak was written as a replacement for the Newton's built-in to do application. NotePak's author felt constrained by the to do application's lack of categorization and only four priority levels. NotePak was designed to manage information in a more organized fashion and it allows you to store and retrieve information on Newton quickly and easily. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader (freeware). NOTEPAK2 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:NOTEPAK2 NOTEPAK2 2 0 120K 2/27/95 NotePak 2.02 - Intelligent To Do Management for the Newton MessagePad. NotePak was written as a replacement for the Newton's built-in to do application. NotePak's author felt constrained by the to do application's lack of categorization and only four priority levels. NotePak was designed to manage information in a more organized fashion and it allows you to store and retrieve information on Newton quickly and easily. With NotePak, you can categorize, prioritize, and organize your data to suit your specific needs. While NotePak makes a wonderful to do list manager, it can also serve to help you manage all sorts of small notes and lists; there is no limit on what kind of information you store in NotePak. NOTEPAKP PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOTEPAKP NOTEPAKP 0 171K 1/06/97 NotePak Pro 1.01 - Useful todo and list manager for OS 2.0. Very powerful search features and alarms. Shareware. Inlcudes manual in acrobat pdf format. Upgrade from NotePak for $15. NotePak Pro was written as an alternative to the Newtons built-in To Do application. Designed to manage information in a more organized fashion and allows you to store and retrieve information quickly and easily. While the built-in To Do manager lets you assign a priority of 1, 2, 3, or none to an item, NotePak lets you can categorize, prioritize (ten levels), and list data to suit your needs. NotePak gives you more control over data by letting you add multiple dates, estimated duration, categories, subcategories, alarms,... NOTEPOPP PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:NOTEPOPP NOTEPOPP 0 10K 10/07/96 Note Pop 2.0 - NotePop places a button in the status bar which allows you to easily transfer selected text between notes. Shareware, $10. This demo will expire after 30 days. Requires Newton OS 2.0. NOTEPOPP PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:NOTEPOPP NOTEPOPP 0 7K 8/16/94 NotePopper 1.01 - NotePopper places a button in your status bar (compatible with other similar programs like StatusBar Buttons.) If you've just written a bunch of stuff on a note and decide to move it to another note, it's usually a pain to drag it to the side, find the other note, paste it in, and then return to your original note. Enter NotePopper. After initially selecting your text hit the NotePopper button and a list of all notes in your current folder will pop up. Selecting one of those will copy the selected text to the end of that note. At the top of the list are two other choices - New Note and New Dated Note. Shareware. NOTES PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:NOTES NOTES 0 4K 12/18/96 Notes - (2k) is a button for use in your background application (as long as the background app supports Auxiliary Buttons). Tapping the button opens the Notes application. You don't need this if you are using the Note Pad as the background app. NOTESCRO PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NOTESCRO NOTESCRO 0 14K 12/14/95 NoteScroller 4.02 - NoteScroller allows you customize how you scroll the NotePad. You can control the number of Pixels scrolled and have NoteScroller scroll continuously until you tell it to stop. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. Requires 2.0, does not work on 1.x. Use a previous version for 1.x. NOTESCRO PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTESCRO NOTESCRO 0 25K 7/31/95 NoteScroller 2.0 - NoteScroller allows you to scroll the NotePad - line (L)- scrolls one line everytime you tap the arrow button. Half (H) - scrolls half page (150 pixels) everytime you tap the arrow button. SmoothSlow (S1)- continuously scrolls the notepad at a slow speed until you tap the button again. SmoothMed (S3)- continuously scrolls the notepad at a medium speed (3 pixels at a time) until you tap the button again. SmoothFast (S6)- continuously scrolls the notepad at a fast speed (6 pixels at a time) until you tap the button again. Only one of the above packages can be installed at any one time. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. NOTESOR1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NOTESOR1 NOTESOR1 1 0 39K 11/20/96 NotesOrg 3.0e - (english version ) is probably the most complete project and information mananger available for the Newton OS. It lets you plan and manage your projects by setting and controlling a time frame for each project. And - even better - it lets you add all the different objects of information that already exist on your MessagePad to your project as you need them. It does not matter if it is a card, a note, a meeting, a to-do, a call, a fax, an e-mail message. Everything can be linked to your projects or even be created right from the project to be automatically linked to it. All this makes NotesOrg 3.0 a perfect information manager for you to work with. Requires Newton OS 2.x. NOTESOR1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTESOR1 NOTESOR1 1 0 97K 3/22/96 NotesOrg 2.1 - The Notes and Project Organizer soll die Arbeit mit Notizen auf dem Newton verbessern. So erlaubt NotesOrg nicht nur, Notizen mit Hilfe der Newton Ordnertechnik zu organisieren, sondern jede Notiz einem Projekt, einer Person oder einem Thema zuzuordnen. Ferner knnen mit Hilfe von NotesOrg Notizen mit Terminen und Aufgaben oder mit jedem anderen beliebigen Objekt auf dem Newton verknpft werden. Zur vereinfachten Erstellung von Notizen kann Auto-Text benutzt werden. Notizen knnen nach Ordner, Datumsbereichen, Projekten, Personen und/oder Themen gefiltert werden. Weiterhin knnen Projekte mit Hilfe des NotesOrg eigenen Projekt-Managers verwaltet werden. Schlielich untersttzt NotesOrg... NOTESORG PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NOTESORG NOTESORG 0 38K 11/20/96 NotesOrg 3.0g - (german version ) is probably the most complete project and information mananger available for the Newton OS. It lets you plan and manage your projects by setting and controlling a time frame for each project. And - even better - it lets you add all the different objects of information that already exist on your MessagePad to your project as you need them. It does not matter if it is a card, a note, a meeting, a to-do, a call, a fax, an e-mail message. Everything can be linked to your projects or even be created right from the project to be automatically linked to it. All this makes NotesOrg 3.0 a perfect information manager for you to work with. Requires Newton OS 2.x. NOTESORG PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTESORG NOTESORG 0 96K 3/22/96 NotesOrg 2.1 - The Notes and Project Manager. The Notes and Project Organizer was designed to enhance Newton's Notepad. It allows you to organize your notes not only by Newton's folder technique but also by projects, names and topics. You can link a note to a name from your card file or create meetings and to-do's attached to your note or put links to your notes everywhere on your Newton. You can also create notes quickly using shortcuts. Filter your notes by date from and to, project, name and topic. Finally you can manage your projects with NotesOrg's built-in Project-Manager. It also supports iambic's ActionNames. NotesOrg 2.1 was made for Newton OS 1.x only. NOTETITL PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:NOTETITL NOTETITL 0 8K 12/13/95 NoteTitles - NoteTitles is a successor to Notemarks, designed for Newton 2.0. It lets you access Notes in the Notepad which have titles. When you open NoteTitles, a menu pops up of notes with titles. Select one of the titles from the popup menu; the Note is displayed. The app will take a little while to open the first time it is run, but is much faster thereafter. To give a note a title (and make a note show up in the NoteTitles menu), tap the little picture at the top of the note and fill in a title. (Notes with just the creation date--which otherwise appears as a title in the notepad--will not appear in the menu.). NoteTitles will not work on a Newton running a 1.x OS. NOTIFYAS PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:NOTIFYAS NOTIFYAS 0 4K 3/27/95 NotifyAssist - This will let you tap Assist when a Notification is visible. So if you set up a Reminder and you make the text a viable Assist command; Call Hardy, it will execute it! From Bill Kearney, wkearney@access.digex.n et. NOTION15 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:NOTION15 NOTION15 15 0 108K 9/11/97 Notion 1.53 Demo - This is a demo version of Notion-The Newton List Manager, a commercial program. The demo version is fully functional but it can only take up three entries per list. The first time you run it, it takes a few minutes to initialize itself. This demo contains 10 sample lists which show off Notion's diversity. The full application contains templates for over 100 different types of lists (and you can modify them). Lists in demo - plain list, babysitters, calls to make, CD collections, credit card charges flight itinerary, groceries, StarCore catalog, things to get, to do list. If you are the organized type (or want to be), check out this list manager demo!! Requires OS 2.0. NOTTODO0 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:NOTTODO0 NOTTODO0 0 0 8K 3/28/94 NotToDo 0.92 - NotToDo 0.92 is a simple freeware utility that removes ToDo items that are checked off in the To Do List application. The items are permanently removed from the ToDo soup, although the utility does support Undo, which adds the deleted entries back into the soup. When invoked, the Delete checked ToDo items button brings up a confirmation box that warns you that clicking on the Do it! button will delete all your checked-off ToDo items. Clicking on the Forget it button in the confirmation box leaves your ToDo list unchanged. If you go ahead and Do it!, NotToDo reports how many ToDo entries are deleted. NOWSYNC2 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:NOWSYNC2 NOWSYNC2 2 0 671K 9/06/96 NOW SYNCHRONIZE 2.0 Demo - This demo works exactly the same as the shipping version of Now Synchronize 2.0 except that it will expire 30 days after you begin using it. A manual in Newton Book and Acrobat Reader format is supplied with the demo. Allows Newton users to syncronize with Now Contact. Synchronizes the names and dates on your Newton device with the names and dates in Now Up-to-Date & Contact. Now Synchronize 2.0 works with both the 1.3 and 2.0 Newton operating systems. NPROJECT PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:NPROJECT NPROJECT 0 211K 1/23/98 N*Project 1.1 Demo - N*Project is a full-fledged project management application for Newton. Create, edit and review projects as PERT, Gantt, outline and budget charts. Release 1.08 of N*Project adds resource leveling to its schedule calculation and permits project budgets to be maintained in foreign currencies. This file includes the main N*Project package and the Help extension. It is fully functional for 15 days. The print extensions and complete user's guide is not included but can be downloaded from the Nomadic Technologies web page at NSBASHLM PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:NSBASHLM NSBASHLM 0 4K 10/18/97 NSBasicHLM - A HyperNewt hyperlink manager for use with NS Basic. It creates hyperlinks that load and run NS Basic source files. NS Basic is a product of NS Basic Corporation. For more information, see: http://www.nsbasic.com. From within NS Basic, select the HyperLink entry in the routing button. Select the folder into which you want to store the hyperlink, and apply the form. A hyperlink for the currently loaded NS Basic program will be created. When this hyperlink is selected from HyperNewt, NS Basic is started and the program will be loaded and run automatically. NSTYLES0 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:NSTYLES0 NSTYLES0 0 0 21K 2/28/95 NStyle 0.5 - Tired of the plain old Simple and Fancy fonts in just a few sizes? Want to write in size 72? Ever need to draw a line more than 4 pixels wide (try 8)? Want to change something to all upper case, lower case, capitalize, or capitalize words? Then nStyle is for you! This app replaces the built-in Styles app (and launches from that icon). You can use it just like the normal styles app. It just let's you do more. nStyle does not show up in your Extras drawer, but is launched from clicking on Styles. NTEBIG51 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:NTEBIG51 NTEBIG51 51 0 156K 12/09/97 NTE-Big5 1.0 - This is a Newton Text Encoding Translater module for Traditional Chinese, named NTEncoding Big5. It is very useful for Chinese Newton users who need translating Big5 to Unicode or vice versa. This module provides many uniform text encoding translation API for Newton programmers. This package only for Newton OS 2.0 or later. NU2DO1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NU2DO1 NU2DO1 21 0 17K 8/01/96 Nu2Do 1.0 - is a enhancement to Newton MessagePads that will allow you to create To Do entries more efficiently if the information already exists in a Notes entry. You simply open Nu2Do, select whatever text in the note that you want to create a To Do about, and copy the text into your new note. This is easier than the old way of copy, open Dates, New To Do, paste. The Nu2Do slip is draggable and will also allow you to assign a due date to the entry along with its priority. It uses very little heap. Nu2Do is a must have for anybody that uses their Newton to track their To Do list. It should work fine on any MP that is 2.0 compatible. NUMBERKE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:NUMBERKE NUMBERKE 0 7K 5/27/95 NumberKeys - NumberKeys is an alternative to the numeric keyboard. When you open it, a menu pops up. Selecting an item types it and opens the menu again. Tapping anywhere else closes it. I wrote Numberkeys because I love Grafitti but I hate using it to enter numbers. I needed a quick and convenient way to enter numbers correctly. Several of the menu entries need explanation. The blank at the top of the menu is really the delete key. The second is the space key. The blank which is the penultimate entry is the right arrow key. The square at the bottom is the left arrow. Numberkeys needs a direct access method to be useful. NUMCHART PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:NUMCHART NUMCHART 0 9K 2/21/94 NumChart 1.0 - This program will use the characters in the person's full name and birth Month, Day and Year to calculate various aspects of the person's numerological chart. You'll get a number assignment for - foundation of life, libido yearning, what's expressed, road to be taken, covering influence, wants and desires, life role played, and goal to be reached. A brief meaning is given for each number assigned. Based on interpretations from Numerology, Key to the Tarot. OBJECTVI PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:OBJECTVI OBJECTVI 0 26K 10/17/94 Object Viewer 0.92 - The Object Viewer is a Newton application intended mainly for programmers. It displays the contents of objects in Newton's memory, and provides several ways to jump from one object to another. It is a floating window which is half the height of the screen, and can therefore be used to examine the activities of other Newton programs while they are running. Basic instructions are included. OFN1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:OFN1 OFN1 1 0 36K 9/08/94 OFN 1.00 - Othello for Newton is an electronic implementation of the game of Othello for the Newton environment. It can play against you with varying degrees of skill by utilizing standard Artifical Intelligence game-playing techniques, or you can play against a human friend. Game is played on a 8 by 8 grid. A running score is kept, as well as the time each player takes to make a move. Very well done game! Shareware. ONENOTE1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ONENOTE1 ONENOTE1 1 0 61K 10/20/96 One Note 1.3 - is a descendant of List Tools, a set of extra action button actions for checklists and outlines in the Notepad. As I added tools, it became inconvenient to use the action button. My solution was to rewrite the Notepad as a page application, so that only one note shows at a time. This means that I can place buttons anywhere without any ambiguity as to which note it applies to. There is another benefit to this approach: the new topic buttons on an outline or checklist are always in the same place, at the bottom of the screen, instead of moving around. One Note is designed to be used as a replacement to the Notepad. If you install it on the internal store you can set it to be the backdrop application.... ONETAPMU PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:ONETAPMU ONETAPMU 0 11K 8/06/97 OneTap Mute 1.0 - OneTap system volume control. OneTap Mute for the Newton is a small button for the backdrop application that turns the sound on and off. OneTap muting of the system volume. Quick access to system volume adjustment. Audio feedback of unmuting. NewtonID aware but not required. Easy to use. OneTap Mute is available for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000 and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 or eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. ONETAPNE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:ONETAPNE ONETAPNE 0 14K 10/16/97 OneTap New 1.1 -OneTap New document button. OneTap New for the Newton is a small button for the backdrop application that allows quick New document creation. Features OneTap access to full New menu. Perfect for use with a stripped-down backdrop application. Core applications are Notes, Dates, Names, Calls, and Newton Works. Recognizes and lists added Stationery. Quick access to preferences. Adds button to backdrop application. NewtonID aware but not required. OneTap New is available for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000 and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 or eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. ONETAPRE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ONETAPRE ONETAPRE 0 12K 7/03/97 OneTap Record 1.03 - OneTap sound recording in the Newton Notes application. OneTap Record is an extension that installs a button on the status bar of the Notes application. Tapping on the button starts sound recording immediately. Holding down the button reveals a preferences popup for sound recording quality and sound input source. OneTap Record is only available for Newton devices with sound input. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000. No testing on an eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. OneTap Record is shareware. When unregistered, OneTap Record will work with no restrictions for 60 days or 500 uses. After that time, a reminder will appear each time it is... ONETAPSC PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:ONETAPSC ONETAPSC 0 7K 7/14/97 OneTap Scroller 1.1 - OneTap scrolling Notes enhancement. OneTap Scroller is a Notes application enhancement that allows OneTap scrolling to the top of the next or previous note, even if the current note is longer than the visible screen. OneTap Scroller is available for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000 and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 or eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. OneTap Scroller is freeware. ONETAPTW PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:ONETAPTW ONETAPTW 0 6K 10/16/97 OneTap TWT 1.1 - OneTap Select All button. OneTap TWT for the Newton is a small button for the Notes application and backdrop application that allows quick selection of all the text in a note. OneTap TWT was formerly named TheWholeText. Features - Select more than a screenful of text. Conveniently convert an entire note on Ink Text. Recognizes and lists added Stationery. Adds button to Notes and/or backdrop application. Easy to use. Requirements - OneTap TWT is available for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000, eMate 300, and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. ONSET1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ONSET1 ONSET1 1 0 43K 4/26/94 OnSet 1.0 - OnSet will allow you to change your power-on screen picture. You can change it to a number of preset ROM/system bitmaps or bitmaps that are stored in a special soup. A few such custom pictures have been included with the OnSet archive. Make sure that you install OnSet first and then later install the other packages or you will crash your Newton. After downloading the package, just open your prefs roll and select Power-On Screen from the overview list. Clicking on the icon will get you there too. Select your picture with the arrows and click on the set button. Whamo! Your newton will now power-on with the picture you selected. OPE2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:OPE2 OPE2 2 0 10K 6/10/94 Ope 2 - Ope creates a floating button which pops up a list of the application packages. Selecting one opens it. This is generally much faster than the Extras drawer. Ope creates its list when opened. If you add or remove an application, Ope will not know. You have to close Ope and reopen it to have it notice the change. Version 2 adds the ability to specify built-ins to be included in the popup menu and to specify applications to be excluded. OPEN PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:OPEN OPEN 0 9K 7/24/94 Open - Open is a combination of an application launcher for user-selected applications and a means of accessing all applications when your extras drawer has too many items to be displayed. (Its an update, in effect, of three programs - Ope+, Ope+Prefs, and AllExtras.). You can also pick apps to exclude from your pop down list. Open is a floating box, which can be moved around. OPENME PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:OPENME OPENME 0 13K 8/18/95 Open Me - Open Me and Open Me too. One man's answer to the 30 icon limit of the newton Extras drawer. (poo to Apple). Open Me too is a simple application that puts itself in the top left corner of the screen, it's draggable so that you can shift it if you wish. Tap on the dark grey area to get a list of installed applications. Tap on the grey area to get a list of ROM applications. Tap on the light grey area to get a list of installed books. To close this application, select itself from it own list. New - The first apps menu holds 22 apps and an additional menu holds any more that you may have. Sorry, these menus are not scrolling lists. OPENTIME PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:OPENTIME OPENTIME 0 8K 6/16/94 OpenTime 3 - This simply little utility, when installed, will cause the Dates application to automatically open to the current hour. To deinstall it, simply remove the package from your newton. Note - No icon will appear in the extras drawer after you install this utility! You will, however, still see the name OpenTime-ALLAN when you use Remove Software (or RemoveIt!). This way you can remove the package if you don't like it. This version no longer contains the Grip of Death and is card friendly! Dates now open to current time minus 2 hours (to see if you missed anything)! OPPRICE1 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:OPPRICE1 OPPRICE1 1 0 24K 7/11/95 OpPrice 1.2 - OpPrice is an option valuation program for the Newton MessagePad. OpPrice is powerful, yet easy to use. Just enter the five variables that determine an option's theoretical value (price, strike price, volatility, time remaining, and short term interest rate) and tap the Calc button. The option's values (price, delta, gamma, vega and theta) will be displayed for calls (and puts in the registered version). OPTIMA14 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:OPTIMA14 OPTIMA14 14 0 7K 12/05/95 Optima 144 - This folder contains a modem setup for the Hayes Optima 144 + FAX PCMCIA FAX/MODEM crad for use with Modem Enabler 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) and this document. Please install Apple Modem Enabler 1.0(or later?) for Newton. After you installed Modem Enabler,then you can install the setup package. Once the setup is installed, go to the Modem preference and select the Hays Optima 14'4 item from the Connect with pop-up. That's it, now faxing and Newton email will use your Hayes Optima 144 + FAX PCMCIA FAX/MODEM crad. OPTIONS3 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:OPTIONS3 OPTIONS3 3 0 10K 4/16/98 Options 3.1 - After installing this little application, you can change some undocumented options - like freeze - on Newton 2.x systems. After installing you can find Options in the extras folder Setup by tapping Preferences. Activate Freezing With this feature of the Newton 2.x system you can have applications loaded on your Newton device but not activated. Undo-Redo instead of Undo-Undo. This is what happens when you tap the Undo-Button. Close Extras always. Uncheck if you don't like that. Correction info of the last x words. Here you can define the amount of words the Newton OS will save correction info for. On devices with small heap this value can be set smaller, on devices with large heap... ORDERFO1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ORDERFO1 ORDERFO1 1 0 52K 10/07/96 Order Form 2.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Order Form is a tool to allow you to take retail orders directly on your Newton. It provides you with the ability to create item lists with such information as product titles, prices, and tax-exempt status. You can the print or fax these, as either invoices, packing slips, or price quotes. ORDERFOR PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ORDERFOR ORDERFOR 0 358K 11/12/97 Order Form Pro 1.0 - The Print Format Creator lets you design your own order forms to print or fax. Orderform is an aid to design order forms. Requires Newton MessagePad running 2.x OS. Shareware, with a built in 30 day demo period. ORDERIT PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:ORDERIT ORDERIT 0 28K 6/07/94 OrderIt - Order It is software for creating orders on the Newton. Order It has four different types of orders - Invoices, Quotes, Sales Orders and Purchase Orders. Lets you enter the Seller, Buyer, Item, description, units, cost and more. This version of Order It has a limit of two (2) orders and two (2) detail items on each order. Pay the shareware fee to get the full version. OUTLINE2 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:OUTLINE2 OUTLINE2 2 0 32K 8/30/94 Outline 2.02 - This is a light-weight Outliner for the Newton that treats each Note as a potential outline. It is much less Newton-ish than Dyno Notepad but also much faster, safer and import-friendly. Outline looks like a separate application, but it really isn't. Outline is really a way of viewing and editing a Note from the Notepad. It is important to understand that every Note can be viewed as an outline and every outline is itself a Note. You will need to use the Notepad to fax, beam, mail, delete or duplicate an Outline, or to add formatting or pictures or to import or export an outline. Comes with a manual to load onto your Newton. Read it before using! OUTLINEP PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:OUTLINEP OUTLINEP 0 51K 8/13/95 OutlinePlus Demo - OutlinePlus is a full featured outliner for Newton. This demo is a full working demo of the retail version. The only limitation is that data that is entered is not saved. Complete online instructions are included. OUTOFPOC PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:OUTOFPOC OUTOFPOC 0 125K 4/04/97 OUT OF POCKET 1.5 DEMO - This is the expense report application most used by Apple's Newton Systems Group. magine this. You're on a business trip, paying for meals, rental cars, tips, and taxi rides. In the old days (before Out of Pocket and Newton), you could look forward to Monday in the office with a wallet full of receipts, a calculator, a pencil, and a form with about a zillion little boxes. Now, after entering your expenses as they occur, you sit down Monday morning and .Connect the MessagePad to your printer. Open Out of Pocket. Tap Print. Sign the report. Figure out what to do for the rest of the day. This demo will cease working 30 days after installation (you will receive a reminder on the 29th day), but... OZTEL1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:OZTEL1 OZTEL1 1 0 10K 2/27/95 OzTel v1.1 - This (version 1.1) is the third_version of the first OzNUG group programming project - a program to convert current Australian telephone numbers to Austel's new 8 digit numbering scheme. Yes, all Australian Telephone numbers are changing to 8 (eight, count 'em!) over the next three or four years, with many areas in the major cities of Sydney & Melbourne changing by July 1995! At the same time, many area codes are changing to a much simplified two-digit code (e.g. all of NSW will be 02, all of Victoria 03 etc). Version 1.1 works for ALL numbers (i.e. it will convert any valid Australian number, as long as it is entered with the both area code and number). PACKAGE1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:PACKAGE1 PACKAGE1 1 0 40K 6/27/97 Package Organizer 1.4 - This software is for Newton 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons ONLY. Package Organizer makes it easy for you to keep track of, manipulate, and manage your software packages. Moving packages becomes as easy as dragging from your internal memory to your card, and it's easy (and fast) to work with large groups of packages at once. PACKAGEI PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PACKAGEI PACKAGEI 0 6K 10/31/96 Package Info .1 - This is a simple program to diplay package infomation for Newton OS 2.0. Oct. 13 96 0.1 - first release. NOS 2.0 Only. PACKAGEP PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:PACKAGEP PACKAGEP 0 39K 3/13/98 Package Popup 1.4 - Quickly popup a list of all installed packages, and launch any with a tap (automatically thawing and re-freezing them if they're frozen.) Also rotate the screen from the NotePad, and restart or put the Newton to sleep. Shareware, $15. This demo will expire after 30 days. Requires Newton OS 2.0. PACKFIX1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:PACKFIX1 PACKFIX1 1 0 7K 3/10/95 PackFix 1.0 - PackFix is a small autopart (no extras drawer icon) which will check each installed store (on a message pad these are the internal RAM and a single PCMCIA memory card, if installed) for bad package data. If such bad data exists, if could be causing -10401 errors when your newton starts up or the storage card is inserted. PackFix will remove this bad data and report to you it's findings. You probably only need to run it every once in a while, or when you start getting -10401 errors. You should always try restarting your newton after getting such an error (unless the error happened WHILE restarting,) as this can fix many of the possible causes of these. You do not need to keep this application on your... PADDLE1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:PADDLE1 PADDLE1 1 0 15K 5/12/94 Paddle 1.0 - Paddle is a breakout game for the Newton. Click where you want the paddle to go (no, you can't just click on the paddle to move it!). Part of the fun is racing to get the paddle to the right place in time! Play can be tricky, as the paddle is always moving! PAGENEWT PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:2:PAGENEWT PAGENEWT 0 489K 11/08/96 pagenewt - Here is the newton demo in ZIP format. Please also check out our new Windows version, available at our Web site and on Compuserve (more sites soon). You may want to examine both, because we have a nice bundle deal of Windows/Newton PageNOW! PAGENOWN PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:PAGENOWN PAGENOWN 0 209K 10/28/96 PageNOW! 1.0 -for Newton Demo. Following the August Macworld Debut of PageNOW! for Newton, Mark/Space is pleased to announce the availablity of a demo version. As with the retail product, the demo version. It sends messages via modem equipped Newton from Newton Out Box. Receives messages via Socket PageCard into Newton In Box. Work with unlimited pagers and services. Is fully integrated with (and requires) Newton OS 2.0. Some advanced features include - Works as a transport - send a page from any Newton app that can route text! Splits long messages on send. Re-combines long messages when received into a single note. Optional greeting/signature attachment to outgoing messages. Quick access... PAGEXPRE PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:PAGEXPRE PAGEXPRE 0 65K 6/15/95 PageXpress 3.1 - PageXpress is an application that lets you send pages to Apple Wireless Messaging subscribers from your Newton. PageXpress also lets you send the same message to multiple subscribers at the same time. The application is quite simple to use, once you've configured your recipient list. To do so select Manage Recipients after tapping on the action button. The Recipient Manager window will appear and you can Add or Delete entries. You can also edit an existing entry by double-tapping on the entry in the Recipient Manager list. To send a page, select the recipients you want the message to go to, write in a message or select one from the popup menu, make sure your modem is ready and select Send... PAGINGTR PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PAGINGTR PAGINGTR 0 62K 4/16/96 Paging Transport - This is an extension that installs a communications transport which can be used with most paging services (SkyTel, MobileComm, etc..) using Telecator Access Protocol (TAP). It can also read messages from the Socket Communications PageCard. Some of the other features include: 1) The ability to poll the pager for new messages. 2) A backdrop application button (in the status bar) for easy access to checking your messages on the pager. 3) CardFile (Names) lookup. When a message comes in with just a phone number, the number is matched against phone number combinations found in the Names soup. If a match is found, useful information from the Names entry is added to the message and displayed.... PAINT1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:PAINT1 PAINT1 1 0 52K 10/09/97 HexPaint 1.0 Demo -16-Color Paint Program. In today's hectic world of cellular phones, pagers and handheld computers, people spend far more time away from their main computer than they do near it. Thus, the need arises not only for powerful applications that run on their PDAs, but for those applications to function alongside their desktop systems. HexPaint is just such a program - an extensive bitmap editor designed for the Newton 130 and the MP2000, with full desktop conductivity to any Macintosh. With HexPaint, you will have an image editor at your fingertips, no matter how far from home or the office you are, and you can be sure your desktop will recognize your creations! Sketch freehand pictures, or take advantage... PALMEDIA PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:PALMEDIA PALMEDIA 0 539K 2/03/97 Palmedia Player 2.0 - The PALMEDIA Media Transfer HyperCard stack allows you to send images and sound to your Newton MessagePad. Images can then be viewed as a slideshow or a movie using PALMEDIA Player on the Newton. PALMEDIA Media Transfer has been tested on a Power Book 520c (OS 7.5.1) and a Power Mac 6100/66 (OS 7.5.1) using both HyperCard 2.3 and HyperCard Player 2.2. This version of PALMEDIA Media Transfer is a freeware application. PALMEDIA PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:PALMEDIA PALMEDIA 0 18K 5/15/96 PALMEDIA Image Transfer 1.3 - HyperCard stack allows you to send Slurpee formatted images to your Newton MessagePad. This stack can be used instead of a communications program for transferring Slurpee files from the Mac to the Newton. PALMEDIA Image Transfer has been tested on a Power Book 520c (OS 7.5.1) and a Power Mac 6100/66 (OS 7.5.1) using both HyperCard 2.3 and HyperCard Player 2.2. - Easy configuration of the serial port settings. - Replaces the usual communications program needed for Slurpee files. - Choose between the modem or printer ports (useful on a Power Book). - Displays status information of the serial port, connection activity. - Displays real-time counter of transmitted characters. - Works... PALMEDIC PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:2:PALMEDIC PALMEDIC 0 209K 2/28/98 Palmedic 2.2 -patient management software for the Newton. Palmedic is a feature-rich, easy to use resource for the production and maintainenance of a patient's medical record. Version 2.2 continues to show the superiority of its plug-in architecture by adding a new plug-in to the standard plug-in set. The new plug-in, called 'Contacts', allows for the entry of an unlimited number of contacts to each patient record. These new entries can be linked to name cards in the Names application for easy lookup and reference of phone numbers, addresses, etc. thereby enabling the user to link other physicians, family members, pharmacies and the like to their patients from within the medical record. Multiple bug fixes... PALMEDIC PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:ALL:PALMEDIC PALMEDIC 0 117K 2/09/97 Palmedic 1.1 - is a full-featured patient tracking package similar to others you may have seen on the market, but at a much more reasonable price. Palmedic has grown from a simple desire to be organized on rounds as a medical student to a package that rivals the expensive solutions on the market today. This is a demo version that allows a maximum of 5 patients and can be unlocked after paying the shareware fee. PAPERBOY PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PAPERBOY PAPERBOY 0 102K 1/17/98 PaperBoy 1.5 - is a threaded offline newsreader for the Newton that uses NIE (Newton Internet Enabler). Requires Newton MessagePad running 2.x OS. Paperboy is shareware, with a built in 30 day demo period. PAPERLIN PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PAPERLIN PAPERLIN 0 35K 12/23/97 Paper Lines 1.0 - automatically adjusts the lines in the NotePad so that they align with the text, no matter what font size you are using. You can also choose to have no lines in lists. Requires NOS 2.x. Shareware $10.00. PAPRBK20 PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:ALL:PAPRBK20 PAPRBK20 20 0 34K 1/29/97 Paperback 2.0 - lets you take pure text files and quickly put them on your Newton device with your PC - creating Newton Paperback books straight from your text, with no extra work or hassle, for free! PARTIALR PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PARTIALR PARTIALR 0 75K 9/22/97 Partial Recall - is another stationary for Note application. With Partial Recall, you can easily integrate information spread everywhere in Note application. You can quickly find information by a single gesture on a keyword, and import the result into the current note. This feature helps build your personal knowledge base, dictionary and thesaurus, preformatted template, and much more. Partial Recall works on Newton OS 2.0 and higher. PASSKEEP PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PASSKEEP PASSKEEP 0 36K 11/26/97 passKeep 1.51 - the indispensible utility for maintaining your various logon information. Addition of notes feature for maintaining location/server information. User editable connection types. The application can be closed without entering the password in protected mode. Allows for a 30-day evaluation period, and can be ordered at: PASSWORD PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:PASSWORD PASSWORD 0 6K 12/12/93 Password - Password is a small utility for quickly turning on an off password protection on the Newton. Its icon in the extras drawer indicates whether password protection is currently turned on or off. Click on its icon to toggle the state. The built-in way of turning on/off password protection is somewhat cumbersome, especially if you do it often. To turn off password protection you use Prefs, enter your old password, and leave the new password line blank. To turn password protection back on, you return to Prefs and reenter your password. The Password utility is so much easier!! Use of Password is free of charge. PATCHWOR PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PATCHWOR PATCHWOR 0 5K 9/26/96 Patchwork 1.1 - is a small package which solves two problems in Newton 2.0 during restarts occuring after a reset. Restoration of the previously selected remote city in TimeZones. Restoration of the previously selected view in Dates. Normally, Newton sets the remote city to Tokyo, Japan, and the view in Dates to Day regardless of your previous selection. These informations are stored in Patchwork upon alteration by the user and then applied to the Newton restart. Thanks to the brilliant Newton operating system, it's possible to change almost any behavior of any object on the Newton. I've managed to point out the methods which are called when the user changes the above mentioned data. By overriding these methods... PATIENTD PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:2:PATIENTD PATIENTD 0 7K 3/18/96 Patient Data 1.0 - Requires Newton OS 2.0 - Patient Data 1.0 is a piece of stationary for the note pad for keeping track of patient data in the hospital. It uses the intelligent name picker for picking the name of the patient from the Names application (You can also enter in names directly). It remembers the last 8 names you used. It automatically puts in the current date and time (this too is editable). It contains a picker (with common labs) for picking the lab. It allows only digital ink renditions of the laboratory data. This makes for quick data entry each morning as you run the labs. I'm an intern in internal medicine. I'm also trying to teach myself how to program the Newton. Patient Data 1.0 doesn't... PBJSMATH PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:PBJSMATH PBJSMATH 0 50K 8/03/95 PBJ's Math Fun - Maths packages for the Newton. The Counter - a very simple counting drill for the Newton. Maths 1 - Add or subtract the number of apples on the right, to or from the number of apples on the left. Maths 101 - Multiply, divide, add or subtract two numbers. Maths 9999 - Advanced version of Maths 101. Shopping Fun - An app/exercise for simple arithmatic - add up the cost per item, number of items, and the total amount. PCE1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:PCE1 PCE1 1 0 89K 1/02/96 PCE 1.0 - Periodic Chart of the Elements - The PCE will automatically be added to your formulas inside the Extras drawer. You can easily locate the formulas from their symbol which contains a little percentage sign. Tap onto that very icon to open the formulas and locate the entry Periodic Chart of the Elements which should occur at the very buttom of the overview. Tap onto that overview line and the formula slip will open. The PCE formula slip enables you to easily find an element from the chart and quickly access its data. PECBUSIN PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:PECBUSIN PECBUSIN 0 44K 3/13/95 PEC Business Japanese 1.06 - In essence, this is a compact interactive language survival assistant that you can carry. All phrases are the shortest possible to achieve the desired effect and are typical phrases that are used in business. We also think that PEC Business Japanese Lessons can help build basic Japanese vocabulary for beginning to intermediate Japanese students. The software itself is very simple, and it is based on a flash-card model. You can go through all the phrases in the database or limit them to the topics of interest - Transportation, Food, Lodging, General, Shopping, Business and Emergency. Shareware. PEGGYSU1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:PEGGYSU1 PEGGYSU1 1 0 17K 5/29/96 PeggySu 1.0 - This is a puzzle program for the Newton. On the screen is a board with one black peg and many grey pegs. Object of the game is to move the black peg to the center hole by jumping over (and eliminating) other pegs. The less pegs you have at the end of a game, the better your score gets. If you like this game, please try our Little Peking, Reptile,Knight in Minefield, Litton, and YinYang. They also are freeware for the Newton. This program was tested on the MP-120 with Newton OS 1.3. AMUG tested it on a 130 with 2.0. The program takes up about 28KB of memory and consumes about 10KB of heap. PENTADIC PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:PENTADIC PENTADIC 0 91K 3/13/98 PentaDice 1.0 - a game of strategy, skill, and luck for the Newton. Up to four players can play in a game, and up to three of those can be controlled by the Newton. You play by trying to get the highest scoring combinations of dice rolls to beat your opponents. PERIODIC PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:PERIODIC PERIODIC 0 48K 3/13/98 Periodic Table 2.01 - adds an option to the built in formulas app which will bring up a Periodic Table. You can select any element, and get info such as electron configuration, atomic weight, and more. Periodic Table is shareware, with a built-in 30 day demo period, and costs $10. PERIODIC PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:PERIODIC PERIODIC 0 32K 10/22/96 Periodic.pkg - This Newton Book contains information on the properties of the 112 known elements. The properties include boiling point, melting point, state, density, electron configuration, heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, oxidation states, electronegativity, and 1st ionization potential. The elements are indexed alphabetically by name, and the index is linked to each element for quick searches. Also included is a Periodic Table, and a list of particle masses and physical constants. This book uses only 76k of memory, and it should work on any Newton, and on either a Mac or PC. And best of all, it's freeware! PERIODIC PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:PERIODIC PERIODIC 0 19K 11/10/94 Periodic Table 1.0 - Periodic table puts a new entry into the formulas app. It has 4 basic parts. The first part, the graphic representation of the periodic table of elements, allows you to click on a particular element to find information on it. In addition, you can tap on it's name to bring up a list of all the elements, sorted by either atomic number or name. Next to the chart is the element's symbol, and, to it's upper and lower left, it's mass number and atomic number. Writing an element's symbol over the current symbol will bring that element's data up. Below the symbol is an icon of scales. Tapping this will bring up a window in which you can write a chemical compound's formula. Tapping the 'Calculate Mass' button... PERSONA1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:PERSONA1 PERSONA1 1 0 159K 10/02/95 Personal Media 1.5 Demo - Personal Media has been redesigned to be smaller, quicker and easier to use. The software now fully uses standard Newton electronic ink, which greatly reduces the storage and memory size of written notes, and adds handwriting and shape recognition to notepads. Also added are full text and title searches throughout workspaces in the Personal Media environment, and ability to edit and work with contacts within Personal Media. Personal Media is the only software that lets you use ink or text notepads on the Motorola Marco and Apple MessagePad for client or project information, visually organize, page, scale, move, or copy them on desktop-like workspaces, and integrates drag-and-drop... PERSONAL PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PERSONAL PERSONAL 0 8K 5/27/96 Personal Stationery 1.2 - is my first attempt at writing add-on stationery for the Newton. It doesn't have any special functions; it just gives you a little something different and personal for your notes. It's also small (8k) and won't hurt much. For public release, I've just inserted a small picture of a newt as the logo. I'll insert your corporate or other logo of interest for a $10 fee (just to cover the work involved). Otherwise, this stationery is freeware. I hope someone out there enjoys using it as much as I enjoyed creating it. PERSONAL PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:PERSONAL PERSONAL 0 179K 5/18/96 Personal Minutes Sup. 1.0 - Personal Minutes Supervisor is a Newton application that lets you easily track project time, and send the resulting information to your desktop computer at the end of the month. Features include: tap to start/tap to stop usage, edit your data on a per-project basis, get summaries on your Newton on a project or month basis, upload your data to your Macintosh or Windows desktop to produce a monthly timesheet (Mac & Windows clients included) using your favorite spreadsheet program, supported on both 2.0 and 1.3 Newtons. Personal Minutes Supervisor is available as a 30 day expiring demo for both Macintosh and Windows, and can be registered for $25. PERSONAL PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:PERSONAL PERSONAL 0 41K 3/24/95 Personal Media Intro - Personal Media transforms the Newton into a powerful tool for the capture, organization and communication of information. It provides paged notepads for capturing handwritten notes and workspaces for organizing projects, clients or other tasks. There are text documents for capturing text notes and e-mails. Notes can be e-mailed, faxed or printed by a simple drag and drop interface. All this and more adds up to more productivity for you and your Newton. This NewtonBook contains info on Personal Media - Why PM, What is PM, Using PM, Icons and Gestures, Screen Shots, Customer Comments, Press Releases and About Gaia. PERSONAL PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:PERSONAL PERSONAL 0 18K 10/24/94 Personal 1.1 - Personal is a great app for your Newton. It lets you have a private area, accessible only with a number, where you can store any information you want - bank accounts, pin numbers, visa numbers, alarm codes, etc. You can set 12 label names, and 12 entries. This is great for people who want to store private info, but don't like password protecting their whole Newton. The first time you tap it, tap the Access button. To set your own access number, tap the New Access button. Enter the number, which will appear above the keyboard, then tap set. Then whenever you launch the app, just tap in your numbers, and hit access. PERSONTO PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PERSONTO PERSONTO 0 13K 12/28/95 Person To Co - For those of you who've migrated their names file over from a 1.X Newton, you may have noticed the inability to change a Person's name card into a Company card, and vice versa. In addition, you may have created a name card and decided to change it into the other type. Person <-> Co. solves this problem. It provides a list of all the names in your names file, with an iconic representation of their type to the left of the name. You can tap on the icon to pop up a list of available types (currently only Person and Company) and choose a new type. Tapping on the name itself will open the card file to that name. Requires Newton Operating System 2.0. PERSONUR PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PERSONUR PERSONUR 0 12K 2/04/97 PersonURL 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. PersonURL lets you add dated URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) to individual name cards in your Names file. Each URL has a location (such as http://www.standalone.com/newton) and an optional date, to let you know how current the URL is. PersonURL is FREE. PERTH119 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:PERTH119 PERTH119 119 0 82K 8/03/95 Perth 1194 - Install Perth, and then in the upper left corner of your Newton, you'll see 1194 Time. This is all you'll see once it's running. It floats above all other applications. Press 1194 or Time for the time! PFB14 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:PFB14 PFB14 14 0 23K 3/26/98 PFB (Pico, Fermi, Bagels) - is a number guessing game. For each guess, you will be told: Fermi: a correct digit placed correctly. Pico: a correct digit placed incorrectly. Bagels: no digits are correct. Tap i:Help to view this document as an embedded help book. Allow Zero: is zero a possible digit? New Game: start a new game. Digits: select number of digits (2-5) gestures: write: guesses, double-tap: for numeric keypad, close/next label: see result. Give Up: see answer . PHONEMEM PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PHONEMEM PHONEMEM 0 26K 1/21/97 Phone Memo 2.1 - helps you manage your phone calls. It adds an additional item in the New menu in the NotePad that creates notes especially setup to handle phone calls. Lots of loving care went into Phone Memo to make it useful and fun. (Be sure to check out the alarm sounds!) Known limitation: Load Phone Memo into internal memory, not onto a card. If you put it on a card, and try to eject the card, it will give you the grip of death. I kept the app small (30k) so keeping it internal shouldn't be a problem. Alarms now have a Snooze button, You can create a Todo item of a PhoneMemo. There is a popup list of common notes to insert when placing a call. The overview now shows if an alarm is set. When creating a new... PHONESER PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PHONESER PHONESER 0 22K 2/11/97 Phone Services 1.2 - lets you modify the phone popup. (Phone, Home, Work, Tech Support, Secretary, Vacation, Parent's). PHOTOSHO PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:PHOTOSHO PHOTOSHO 0 29K 2/04/95 PhotoShow Demo - This is a demo of a scanning service now available from LandWare, Inc. that puts your photos on the Newton. LandWare will accept color photos, b/w photos, drawings, logos, etc. and create a downloadable Newton package. Any image can be set as your startup screen (not in the demo). Ink/text captions can be added to each image. The 5 pictures in the demo and player application take up less then 65K. PhotoShow with up to four (4) free scans is available for just $19.95 (plus $2.50 s/h). Or purchase the PhotoShow bundle with up to six (6) free scans, a WriteWare Stealth Stylus II pen and six great shareware programs for only $34.95 (plus $2.50 s/h). Each additional image is $2.50. From LandWare. PICK4 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:PICK4 PICK4 4 0 5K 11/21/94 Pick 4 - Lottery Number (Pick 4) version 1.0 is a very small package which installs into your formulas roll and performs one very simple function - suggesting a 4 digit number for use in your state's lottery. The number will change every time the formula roll is opened, or if you scroll it off the screen and back. Version 2 will add many more options for other games, when I get the time to implement them. The program is emailware unless you actually win some money...and then its only fair that you send me some. PICKEXTR PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:PICKEXTR PICKEXTR 0 14K 2/28/95 PickExtras 1.17 - This simple app will add a pop-up list to your Extras button. This list contains all the currently installed apps in your Newton. Tapping on one of the items will launch the selected app. It also supports digital books. PickExtras does not appear in the Extras drawer or anywhere else. You'll only see it if you tap the top half of the Extras button. It's Install/Remove polite and will not leave anything behind in your Newton. It does not create any soups. You can put it on your card, eject and reinsert it into a friend's Newton and PickExtras will work! It won't alter the Newton since the app follows the card. Long lists can be scrolled. It will expire after 30 days of use, and will totally expire... PICKY1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:PICKY1 PICKY1 1 0 12K 11/25/94 Picky 1.1 - Picky puts a small black diamond on the top line of the Newton. Tap the diamond for a user-defined list of topics. Tap a topic for a user-defined list of phrases. Tap a phrase to insert it into the current text. For me, this has vastly increased my input speed on the Newton. Picky comes configured with some topics of wide applicability. Select Settings to add or modify topics or phrases. New - If a menu is too long to fit on the screen and the part you want isn't showing, tap outside the menu. A new menu will pop up with the first twenty items of the previous menu removed. In the Settings View, you can now scroll the item list with the arrow under the list. An item list can now be sorted... PICOFERM PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:PICOFERM PICOFERM 0 18K 1/11/96 PicoFermiBagels 1.3 - PicoFermiBagels is an Newton game which is similar in concept and strategy to MasterMind and Jotto. For each guess, you will see one or more of - Fermi-a correct digit placed correctly; Pico-a correct digit placed incorrectly; or Bagels-no digits are correct. Winning is indicated by Fermi for all digits, and an audible sound. Unlike MasterMind, PicoFermiBagels does not allow duplicate digits. You can choose to work with 2 to 5 digits, and whether or not to include zero. Good number practice recognition for the Newton! 1.3 (1/1/96) - NOS 2.0 compatible, created with Newt Development Environment, includes Newt source. PILOTPAD PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:PILOTPAD PILOTPAD 0 8K 3/28/94 PilotPad 1.0 - PilotPad is an initial release of a pilot's assistant for the Newton Message Pad. It allows the pilot to calculate ground speed and true heading without the use of the E6-B flight computer. Mind you, this is only an initial release and I hope there is more to come. This release only touches on the potential of the Newton and its possible aid to pilots. I would be interested it talking to anyone who is directly involved with the aviation industry or who knows someone that is interested in developing a fully featured product for commercial distribution. Pass this message on to your aviation marketing buddy. PIMPLE2 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:PIMPLE2 PIMPLE2 2 0 30K 8/25/97 PIMple 2.7 - Display AND Schedule your Meetings, Events and Todos from a small desktop calendar. For NOS 2.0 only. PIMple will put a 'PIM button onto your backdrop application. Tap it and a Month view picker will appear in the upper left corner of the Newt that automatically pops up the current day's schedule. Pick any date to display that day's schedule. It will also show SPACES between meetings not scheduled directly after another and show meetings with CONFLICTING times using a -- ! ! next to them. Tapping items on the popup schedule: a) If you tap the Date header, then Calendar App will open and show the selected Day View. b) If you tap the Todo header, then Calendar App will open and show the Todo List... PINCE PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:PINCE PINCE 0 31K 11/29/94 The Golden Pince Nez - The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez (GOLDN-PN.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. PIT1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:PIT1 PIT1 1 0 12K 6/23/94 Pit 1.3 - I programmed PIT to time scripts and music in the storyboard phase for Interactive multimedia projects, and for video productions. In this version I have limited the number of intervals to 24 to reduce memory needs. I have also added accumulated totals for the interval times. This is necessary to help in the programming phase of multimedia where you need to time intervals from a reference point. Pit is designed to time intervals while the script or sound track is being played back or read. The intervals collected are used to design each animation or set of images for accurate storyboards. PIZZABEA PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:PIZZABEA PIZZABEA 0 13K 12/02/94 PizzaBeamer 0.2 - Allows you to fax, email, or beam a pizza order. Contains click boxes, just click on the ingredients, write in any extra info, and click fax! Shareware $5; expires after one month. You can pay for this and other shareware using Register. PKGBUDDY PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:2:PKGBUDDY PKGBUDDY 0 111K 1/15/97 PackageBuddy - Quite simply, PackageBuddy adds Package exporting ability to your Newton. For example, you're no longer using the Pocket Quicken which came with your Newton, but you're not sure if you want to delete it. Now you can export it to your Win95 computer and recover that space on your Newton. The windows server is almost done, it should ship soon. We're releasing it as a freeware application to the Newton Community as our attempt to up the ante; there is too much shareware that costs more than it's worth. It won't work with 1.x systems; upgrade to 2.0, it's worth it. PKGINFO1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PKGINFO1 PKGINFO1 1 0 4K 9/11/97 PkgInfo 1.0 - Select package(s) in Extras, select Pkg Info in action menu. Displays information about an application, book or autopart(extension) [not storage or built-in apps]: package name, version store name: size in bytes (and compressed size if applicable) creation date and time, developer copyright. Freeware. NOS 2.x-only. PKGPOPPE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:PKGPOPPE PKGPOPPE 0 30K 2/03/98 PkgPopper 1.32 - adds a popup menu to your Newton MP which enable you to launch different Applications, Scripts, Books, HelpBooks, etc. If you select an application that is already open, it will be brought to front without reopening it. This popup menu is activated by tapping on the PkgPopper button. Pressing on the button will have another effect, that is to toggle the backlight. You can change the button location, the button size, and the popup menu location according to your faviorate in the preference settings. It comes with a full featured editor which let you edit the entries in the popup menu. You can add entries, move entries, and delete entries with great ease. PkgPopper is the ultimate package... PLACESET PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:PLACESET PLACESET 0 8K 11/03/93 PlaceSettings - This Newton Place Settings utility was written because the author lives in Seattle and his city isnt in the Time Zones list. Yeah, he could choose Portland, but it just wasnt right. Also, he prefers using the 24-hour time, and didnt want to choose a French Canadian locale to get it. Place settings helps you tell the Newton where you really live (you'll have to know the lattitude and longitude or your local airport), and how you like your time (12 hour or 24 hour). Complete instructions are included. PLAINJAN PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:PLAINJAN PLAINJAN 0 17K 7/03/96 PlainJane 2.0 - Plain Jane makes one entry screen out of four thereby speeding data entry. The company, address, city, state, zip, country, email and notes screen are combined into Plain Jane. Features: Speeds data entry, Works with Person and Company name cards. Requires Newton OS 2.0 PLAN91 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PLAN91 PLAN91 91 0 5K 7/03/97 Plan 9 - Aliens motif activator for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. Plan 9 is a small extension that activates the aliens motif in the Dates application. Plan 9 only works on Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. PLUGINS4 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:PLUGINS4 PLUGINS4 4 0 42K 10/31/96 PlugIns4TapBar .7 - 12 plug-in modules for TapBar. BatteryButton - Battery capacity, ConnectButton - Connection Window, CalcButton - Calculator, ExtrasButton - Extras, List Button - Use this when you rotated, LanchButton - Applet Launcher - Current version is alpha version. Not bug free. LightButton - BackLight ON/OFF (Only MP130). NotesButton - Open Notes, PowerButton - To PowerOff by tapping, To Reboot by holding 3 secs. PrefButton - Preference Window, StylesButton - Styles Window, SoundButton - Set sound volume, ToolboxButton - Toolbox window open for NTK user. Modules are not bug free. Sorry. You need to get Yosuke Basuke Suzuki's TapBar Program from his homepage. TapBar is freeware. PLUSPLUS PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PLUSPLUS PLUSPLUS 0 48K 1/06/97 Plus plus Volume 1.11 - is a small extension to increase Newton's volume when you dial phone numbers. It does this by patching the O/S . It also uses it's own set of touch tone sounds as the ones in ROM don't sound so good when the volume in increased. This may be why Apple LOWERS the volume to 1/2 maximum (no matter what you have the sound level set) when dialing. ++Volume will set the volume to the loudest setting before dialing. After dialing the volume is reset to what it was. ++Volume is shareware and has a fee of $10. It will expire 45 days after installation if unregistered. Requires OS 2.x. PM288MT PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:PM288MT PM288MT 288 0 7K 12/05/95 PM288MT - This folder contains a modem setup for the Practical Peripherals 28'8 MT for use with Modem Enabler 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) and this document. Please install Apple Modem Enabler 1.0(or later?) for Newton. After you installed Modem Enabler,then you can install the setup package. Once the setup is installed, go to the Modem preference and select the PM288MT item from the Connect with pop-up. That's it, now faxing and Newton email will use your Practical Peripherals 28'8 MT. This modem setup is freeware. POCKETBA PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:POCKETBA POCKETBA 0 183K 11/13/96 PocketBackgammon 2.2 - brings the well known board-game on a professional level to your Newton. You may play human vs. human or against your Newton as computer opponent. The manual and the rules are included in the program under the [ i ] - button. If you are new to Backgammon you may read the rules section on your Newton and look at a newt vs. newt game first. PocketBackgammon is Shareware. It is provided as is. You may try PocketBackgammon for one Week after that the Sharewarefee is 40 US$ for the full version as you have tried. If this is too much for you, there is a lite version for only 25 US$. The lite version is limited to intermediate as maximum computer level and contains no statistic and... POCKETCA PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:POCKETCA POCKETCA 0 212K 3/31/97 PocketCall 2.1.2 Demo - PocketCall is the intelligent communications assistant for all personal digital assistants. As a full-featured communications application for Newton, PocketCall will allow you to use any Hayes compatible modem (including both external and PCMCIA-internal devices) to dial into any text-based online system. PocketCall allows you to set up multiple 'service' files, storing communications settings, logon sequences and scripts for each one.This demonstration version of PocketCall is the same as the full working version, with the following exceptions. It will only connect for a total of 30 minutes. This demonstration version includes as part of the package the VT100 Font... POCKETD1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:POCKETD1 POCKETD1 1 0 65K 2/10/95 Pocket Doc Demo - Welcome to the Pocket Doc self running demo, the basic features of the Pocket Doc stand-alone system will be displayed with comments. Pocket Doc may be the answer for Doctors wanting to use their Newtons! Join in the walkthrough of the screen, and how to use the program! Pocket Doc is the the most advanced computerized mobile medical record system available for the Newton. Medical records, clinical decision support, charting, and coding information are available with the tap of a pen on the MessagePad. Pocket Doc offers a computerized medical record system with a flexible and easy to use interface. It allows menu selectable history and more! From Physix. Takes up 152k once... POCKETDI PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:ALL:POCKETDI POCKETDI 0 93K 4/21/97 Pocket DiabetiCare 1.10 - Pocket DiabetiCare is a application for the Newton PDA. It was developed as a means to capture blood sugar readings and analyze this infomation as it occurs. It is only meant as a tool to aid in analyzing data, not a replacement for the advice of your doctor. POCKETDO PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:POCKETDO POCKETDO 0 462K 2/06/95 Pocket Doc Hyper Demo - Welcome to the Pocket Doc demo, the basic features of the Pocket Doc stand-alone system will be displayed with comments. Pocket Doc may be the answer for Doctors wanting to use their Newtons! Join in the walkthrough of the screen, and how to use the program! From Physix. This demo requires HyperCard to run. POCKETMO PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:POCKETMO POCKETMO 0 188K 4/23/98 PocketMoney 2.16 for NOS 1.x - is a replacement for PocketQuicken. A few features include: Fast, low memory requirements, split transactions, multiple currencies, warnings when your account goes below a balance you set or over your credit limit, quick entry button accessible from notepad, balances accessible from notepad. Upload to Quicken, MYM, MacMoney, MSMoney, spreadsheets or databases over serial or AppleTalk (nos 2.0 required for AppleTalk uploads) POCKETMO PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:2:POCKETMO POCKETMO 0 176K 4/23/98 PocketMoney 2.16 for NOS 2.x - is a replacement for PocketQuicken. A few features include: Fast, low memory requirements, split transactions, multiple currencies, warnings when your account goes below a balance you set or over your credit limit, quick entry button accessible from notepad, balances accessible from notepad. Upload to Quicken, MYM, MacMoney, MSMoney, spreadsheets or databases over serial or AppleTalk (nos 2.x required for AppleTalk uploads) POCKETMO PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:ALL:POCKETMO POCKETMO 0 133K 7/03/96 Pocket Money Manual 2.0- The PocketMoney 2.0 user manual in Adobe Acrobat format. POCKETTO PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:POCKETTO POCKETTO 0 126K 8/11/97 PocketTools - consist of three apps I wrote a while back. Replacer is a find and replace tool primarily for text in the Notepad. I wrote it as an aid for editing sources on the Newton under Steve Weyer's NewtDev programming environment, but it is also useful for finding elusive text in long Notepad entries. Replacer is a fairly large app that uses an interesting, if not kosher, programming technique to facilitate compilation in limited heaps. noButts is based on a similar app by Konrad Hinsen that creates a floating toolbar. For my use, Konrad's toolbar is the best of its kind I've seen. Ruler is a layout tool I've included as a programming example. POLITICA PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:POLITICA POLITICA 0 4K 2/02/97 Politically Correct - 36 Politically Correct Ways to Say Someone is Stupid. Keep available for quick reference. It may come in handy sometime. If you have any others to add to the list email them to me (TEZabel@aol.com) and I'll put them in a future edition. POPEXTRA PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:POPEXTRA POPEXTRA 0 14K 9/25/96 PopExtras 2.0 - consists of two parts, the first being a button which is attached to the status bar of the background application (eg Notepad). Tapping this button will present you with a pop-up menu containing a user definable list of apps installed on the Newton. Tapping an app name will open that app! The second part of PopExtras is the utility that is used to select which apps will be displayed in the popup button. This utility consists of a scrolling list which contains the apps installed on the Newton. Tapping on an item in the list will place a check to the left of the app name, tapping again will remove the check. Simple. There is also a Clear button which will uncheck all items. It should also be noted... POPEXTRA PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:POPEXTRA POPEXTRA 0 20K 1/09/95 PopExtras 1.2 - PopExtras consists of two parts, the first being a button which is attached to the bottom of the NotePad next to the keyboard icon etc. Tapping this button will present you with a pop-up menu containing a user definable list of apps installed on the Newton. Tapping an app name will open that app! The second part of PopExtras is the utility that is used to select which apps will be displayed in the popup button. This utility consists of a scrolling list which contains the apps installed on the Newton (with the exception of books and the card app). Tapping on an item in the list with place a check to the left of the app name, tapping again will remove the check. Simple. Very Useful! POPUPBUT PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:POPUPBUT POPUPBUT 0 13K 12/15/95 Popup Buttons 1.0 - This is a little applet to display MessagePad's built-in buttons to the right place when you are on landscape mode. You'll see a small knob at the center of bottom of screen. When you tap this knob, the buttons will popup. When you tap one of button or some interval, it closes automatically. Requires NOS 2.0. PORTFOLI PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:2:PORTFOLI PORTFOLI 0 132K 5/17/98 Newton Portfolio Manager 1.2 - The Newton Portfolio Manager helps you manage your investments in stocks, mutual funds, options and bonds. By entering quotes you can see how much you are gaining (or lossing), which securities perform well and which do not. You can see the influence and weight of the securities in your portfolio mix, benchmark against indices, and against other securities, which you don't have in your portfolio (yet). In short, Newton Portfolio Manager is the tool for these nervous investors, who can't handle the stress and the large amount of numbers and, who are in need of a gadget that can help them sort it out. Before updating to version 1.2 it is recommended to backup your Newton.... POSTOFFI PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:POSTOFFI POSTOFFI 0 49K 7/02/96 PostOffice 3.0 - is an Aloha add-on package which allows you to easily configure the phone access number for AmericaOnline access from Aloha. Aloha is the AmericaOnline email solution by Catamount Software. PostOffice 3.0 is the ideal configuration utility for those who travel extensively and need to frequently change access numbers. PostOffice 3.0 allows you to select the network, state, city, and local access number from listpickers. Once selected, PostOffice configures Aloha to use the chosen settings. You no longer have to maintain notes, or access numbers in your Names application. PostOffice is shareware $15.00 and includes online help. PostOffice 3.0 is usable on Newton OS2.0 only. POSTOFFI PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:POSTOFFI POSTOFFI 0 25K 5/23/95 Post Office 2.0 - Post Office allows you to maintain, and switch between sets of NewtonMail locations and access numbers. It came about because I do a lot of commuting and I got tired of manually changing the NewtonMail phone number every morning and switching it back when I got home. To Run Post Office - Install on your MessagePad in the normal way (NCK, NTK, Package Downloader, etc.) Open Extras drawer. Tap on the Post Office icon. Read the online help for detailed use information. Post Office is a Newton app developed using Steve Weyer's Newt development environment (ver 3.0). POUR PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:POUR POUR 0 19K 12/11/93 Pour - Pour is a little utility that will allow you to choose any soup from the available stores on your Newt (or an onion er union soup if you have a card) and will pour it down the serial port at 9600-8-N-1. Pour sends the soup as text, with frames enclosed between braces and their entries labeled and arrays enclosed between square brackets. Pour came about for two reasons. First, I wrote a little app to keep track of the hours I spend working for my various clients (anyone who would like a copy, please ask I haven't distributed it just because I haven't yet decided just what I want to do with it) and then realized that I probably didn't want to let the data accumulate in my Newt forever. Hence Pour! POWERFOR PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:POWERFOR POWERFOR 0 758K 6/15/95 PowerForms Test Drive Kit - Welcome to PowerForms, the custom form designer for the Newton Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). PowerForms allows you to create custom forms on your Macintosh or PC-compatible computers and your Newton. Your custom form can be filled out on the Newton and transferred back to your desktop computer. Includes Docs, a Test Drive text file, a sample form, a sample text file and five PowerForms demonstration applications. The software is fully functional except for the following limitations - You are limited to 3 forms of 6 entries each and no printing, faxing, mailing or beaming. PowerForms for Macintosh - You can have as many fields and entries as you want, but you will not be able... POWERFRE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:POWERFRE POWERFRE 0 31K 8/17/97 PowerFreeze 1.2 - lets you create your own package-freezing setups.So you can build for example a setup especialy for internet-access or whatever you want. What's the reason for using PowerFreeze? Every activated package needs some useful heap-space. The more package you have installed on your Newton, the less the free heap-space is! Know you have two possibilities to solve this kind of problem. First, you freeze the unused packages manually (that's really hard work, because you have to do it everytime) or you use PowerFreeze and define some setups. Every time you want to activate a special setup, start PowerFreeze, select your setup and activate it. That's all! POWERLIN PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:POWERLIN POWERLIN 0 21K 8/17/97 PowerLink 1.01 - This Newton Extension make it possible to link adress-cards. Further it enables you to install your most used adress-cards in a popup button which is visible in the cardfiles statusbar. If a installed card is choosen from the popUp button PL, this card is getting visible instantly. POWERNAM PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:POWERNAM POWERNAM 0 56K 4/04/97 PowerNames 2.14 Demo - makes navigation between names lightning fast by allowing you to jump instantly to your frequently used names. It is no longer necessary to go hunting for a name. With this clever utility, you can simply tap on a name from a popup list and have it instantly displayed. Names can also be made power names and remain permanently in the list. PowerNames also allows you to quickly find names that are not in the popup list. Add a button to the Notepad status bar (and/or the backdrop app if it supports auxiliary buttons). Extends the features of the silk-screened Names button (2.0 operating system). Includes an extended Names button that can be dragged into the button bar... POWERNAM PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:POWERNAM POWERNAM 0 49K 7/20/95 PowerNames 1.11 Demo - Welcome to an exciting utility for your Newton! PowerNames(tm) speeds up the time in which it takes to move from card to card within the Name File. PowerNames has been optimized for speed! It is no longer necessary to scroll through or search your Name File to find a name. You can now even jump directly to a name from the Date Book or the NotePad. It also allows you to customize the way in which the Name File displays its information. And because PowerNames integrates its features seamlessly into the Name File, it is simple to use. POWERNAV PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:POWERNAV POWERNAV 0 37K 8/17/97 PowerNavigator 2.4 - gives you instant access to your most used packages and instant Fax and Beam receive. This Newton Extension places a floating, dragable button on your Newton screen. By clicking the button, a popup menu becomes visible with ten predefined list items named Fax receive; Beam receive; Rotate screen; Password on; Password off; Align Pen; Memory info; Sleep; Drag Navigator; Configuration. Password on/off display's the PowerOnScreen with or without Pin-Code keyboard. AlignPen starts the function to calibrate the screen and Memory info shows you the memory situation. Sleep puts newton to sleep (power off), and Drag Navigator enables the drag mode. You can leave the drag mode by double clicking... POWERNOT PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:POWERNOT POWERNOT 0 96K 12/17/96 PowerNotes 2.0 - is the next generation of powerPen Software's stationery designer. Newton 2.0 already comes with three built in types of notes: lined paper, the checklist, and the outline. These are accessed by tapping the new button in the Notepad. With powerNotes, you can create your own personal note and modify it until it looks just the way you like. powerNotes is highly expandable in that it has support for plug-in tools built into it. Newton developers can create their own tools very easily by following the soon to be published powerNotes API. Any developer who is interested should contact powerPen at the email address below. This version of powerNotes adds many new features which were requested... POWERPDQ PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:POWERPDQ POWERPDQ 0 11K 1/28/96 PowerPDQ 1.0 - PowerPDQ is a utility to measure, tune and maximize battery usage on the Apple Newton MessagePad. PowerPDQ calculates a standardized benchmark rating for each battery usage cycle. The rating allows users to compare different batteries, and select the brand with the highest rating. The rating also facilitates measuring the effects of longer/shorter battery charging cycles. POWERPRE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:POWERPRE POWERPRE 0 8K 3/29/97 Power Prefs 2.1 - New in version 2.0, you can tell the backlight on a MP130 to turn on automatically on power up. This option only shows up if backlighting is available. This package adds a panel to the Prefs application under Newton 2.0 to allow access to some hidden options that aren't normally available. This package only works under Newton OS 2.0. Loading it on earlier versions of the Newton will not work and produce an error. Since the functions are undocumented they may stop working in the future. POWERREC PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:POWERREC POWERREC 0 20K 5/26/97 PowerRecorder 1.2 - turns the Newton's power switch into a record button. PowerRecorder will give you single finger control to record voice notes without even opening the cover of your Newton. This is great when you need to record thoughts when you are in your car driving or other situations that you can't be bothered with creating a new notepad recording slip. POWERSET PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:POWERSET POWERSET 0 104K 10/14/97 PowerSet Demo - The PowerSet is composed of four calculators, designed to meet several types of computing needs. MathStar- the new standard in desktop calculators: combine equations, solutions, tools, graphs, models, arrays, and more all in several on-screen worksheets that can scroll. Eclipse GX - a desk lookalike calculator, provides button acess to a multitude of scientific functions. Nebula - a calculator for working with matrices of upto 10 x 10 in size. Basis- work and convert numbers between decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal. Most of our calculators offer a large inline notation display area of 3 or more lines. You enter equations naturally as you seem them on paper. Its the easiest way to do... POWERTR2 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:POWERTR2 POWERTR2 2 0 446K 6/17/97 powertrans-man3 - this is the adobe acrobat manual for PowerTrans 3.0. You are on your way to quick and easy translating and learning of languages. This handbook is designed to assist you in becoming familiar with the different features of PowerTrans. PowerTrans is worldwide the first electronic language translator with integrated Learn view having the size of a pocket calculator. Since PowerTrans was developed for the Newton device, you now have convenient access to foreign words while travelling. You can make use of your time wherever you are, e.g. on a plane, in the bus or on the beach, to learn a foreign language or increase your knowledge of a language. POWERTRA PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:POWERTRA POWERTRA 0 407K 11/21/97 PowerTrans 3.2 (Trial Version) - PowerTrans 3.2 requires a Newton MP120/MP130/MP2000/MP2100 or eMate 300 with Newton 2.0/2.1 or later. The trial version can be evaluated without any limits for up to 20 days. PowerTrans 3.2 features a unique localization technique which enables you to use different national versions of PowerTrans at the same time by just switching when needed at run-time. The trial version is supplied with all PowerTrans Locale Extensions. Each PowerTrans Locale Extension contains all localized information needed for PowerTrans to show PowerTrans's user interface and on-screen help in a different language (English, German, Spanish, Italian and French). Switch the user language any time. The... PPATCH1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PPATCH1 PPATCH1 1 0 9K 2/08/98 PPatch-1.01 - changes the prefs for your scrolling window. Requires NOS 2.x . PQUICKEN PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:ALL:PQUICKEN PQUICKEN 0 10K 7/03/96 PQuicken-PocketMoney - MAR Software is furnishing a Pocket Quicken to Pocket Money translator as a result of a large number of requests for a Pocket Quickendata to Pocket Money data translator. The translator will not modify your existing Pocket Quicken data so you can safely translate the data to Pocket Money and try Pocket Money with your existing Pocket Quicken data. Requirements Pocket Quicken version 1.2 Pocket Money version 2.0f8 or newer. PREFSPAT PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:PREFSPAT PREFSPAT 0 10K 12/12/94 PrefsPatch 1.2 - PrefsPatch is a patch for the MessagePad which corrects an annoying user interface feature. Namely, that you have to tap twice to exit the Prefs or Formulas rolls. When you install PrefsPatch, it replaces the close box in these rolls with one that works PROPERLY, requiring only one click to close the roll. You can still click on the overview button to get back to the overview. PrefsPatch also places a dual-function button on the notepad status bar for one tap access to the Formulas and Prefs rolls. Fr eeware. PREVCARE PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:PREVCARE PREVCARE 0 40K 8/19/96 PrevCare - this Newton Book includes charts and selected preventive care recommendations excerpted from the Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2nd ed., by the US Preventive Services Task Force. It also includes tables showing selected, age specific preventive care services recommended by at least one of the ACP, CTF or USPSTF. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, but I make no warranty regarding errors and ommissions and assumes no responsibility or liability for loss or damage resulting from the information contained within. References are provided. For detailed information the reader should refer to the original text of the publication and references. Karl Hsu kyh@po.cwru.edu PRINTDEP PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:PRINTDEP PRINTDEP 0 6K 9/14/95 Print Depth 0 v1.0 - PD0 is a quick little hack that makes the toolkit always set the print depth to 0 when connecting the inspector. I got tired of having to reset the print depth whenever my newt crashed, so this solves it. It's only useful with NTK v1.5.1 or later, and is completely free. Comments or questions? Please email us at info@standalone.com. PRINTENV PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PRINTENV PRINTENV 0 75K 3/24/96 PrintEnv - I've always thought that it was strange that you can compose and print a standard business letter with your Newton, but when it comes time to create the envelope, you are left with no way to print in landscape (sideways) printer mode. Thus you have to hand write the envelope (ugh). PrintEnv addresses this problem. As you will see, it simply displays a small window in which you write the name and address of the person receiving the letter, and prints a standard business envelope when you tap Print. PrintEnv 1.0 allows you to print a standard business envelope with your return address on an HP-compatible printer. Written in NS Basic, PrinEnv requires: NOS 2.0, a serial connection to the printer, and the... PRIVATEA PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PRIVATEA PRIVATEA 0 86K 10/14/97 Private Access 2.1 -written for the MP2000, is a utility for storing credit card numbers, PIN numbers, and other information that you don't want to be easily available to prying eyes. Until the user enters the correct passcode, which can be any of 10 million different number combinations, data is hidden from view. PROCALC1 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:PROCALC1 PROCALC1 1 0 56K 4/18/95 ProCALC 1.1 - Even though the Newton shipped with a built in calculator there was early demand for a scientific calculator. proCALC addresses other calculators shortcomings and provides several unique features including - Reassignment of the Newton built in calculator icon (doesn't clutter the extras draw with its own icon). Aesthetic and functional emulation of a real calculator. (yes I know the off switch is a Newton user interface crime but the HP33 didn't have a close box). Observation of operator precedence (ie 1+2*3 = 7 not 9). Over 50 Scientific and financial functions (inc DEC and HEX conversions) and more! PROOFREA PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PROOFREA PROOFREA 0 10K 3/10/98 ProofRead 1.1 - is a search and replace utility for the Newton. ProofRead requires the Newton 2.0 OS. PROTEKTO PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:PROTEKTO PROTEKTO 0 43K 3/13/98 Protektor 1.11 - allows you to password-protekt individual applications and folders of your Newton, with a simple interface. Protektor is shareware, with a built-in 30 day demo period, and costs $29.95. PROTORES PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:PROTORES PROTORES 0 22K 2/23/98 protoResizeBox - is a NewtonScript proto that allows programmers an easy way to create views that can be intuitively resized by the user. I have included a sample package which uses several resize boxes in different ways. In this way, you can easily see how the protoResizeBox feels & reacts with different settings, and the different design issues to be considered. The demo program is a simple little thing that allows you to add polygons to a main view & then move them around. Requirements: Any 2.0 Newton system should be capable of running the demo package, and protoResizeBox may be capable of running on older systems with some modification. I want to move on to other projects. PROXTIME PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:ALL:PROXTIME PROXTIME 0 5K 4/26/96 ProxTime - ProxTime is a clock that tells the approximate time. When Newton has built-in speech synthesis, it will talk (hint, PIE/Apple). ProxTime is FreeWare, but not in the public domain. PT100101 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PT100101 PT100101 100101 0 137K 12/13/97 PT100 1.01 - is a VT100 emulator for the Newton capable of both Modem sessions and Direct Serial sessions. In addition, PT100 is the only VT100 emulator on the Newton capable of providing Telnet capability with Newton Internet Enabler (NIE). PT100 requires Newton OS 2.X and supports and takes advantage of many of the advanced features of the eMate 300 and the MP2000. For telnet access, an MP130, MP2000 or an eMate 300 is recommended. PURL10 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:PURL10 PURL10 10 0 433K 11/14/96 pURL Demo version 1.0.1 - November 1996. This is a demo version of pURL, an URL manager for the Newton platform. Why use a Newton device to organize and communicate and not have a cool place to keep your URLs? The more you integrate the net into your life, the more you need an organized way to quickly get to the resources. pURL lets you create this organization using drag and drop capabilities. pURL's features include Hierarchical, nested folder metaphor for storing URLs. Tap an URL to launch the associated NIE based application. Import bookmarks from Netscape Navigator, NetHopper and Newt's Cape. Import subscribed news groups from Newt'sPaper. Export URLs to Newt's Cape. URLCop compatible. The demo version is... PUZZLE2 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:PUZZLE2 PUZZLE2 2 0 7K 7/16/97 Puzzle - is an O.S. 2.0 compatible slide puzzle. After searching the net for a slide puzzle for my new MP2000, I found that there really wasn't one out there for 2.0+ O.S. Newtons so I went ahead and hacked one together one weekend. Puzzle Version 2.0 is a bare-bones version of this classic game. Version 2.1 (coming soon) will have a move counter and timer as well as logging of fastest time and shortest number of moves to solve the puzzle. Puzzle is Freeware. Please drop me an e-mail if you enjoy this program or have suggestions for improvements. Puzzle and other programs from Bulletproof Software can be found on my website at: http://pease1.sr.unh.edu/aew/newton PWDIAL2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:PWDIAL2 PWDIAL2 2 0 47K 2/03/95 PW Dial 2.0 - PW Dial is a shareware program. It lets you use a big, telephone type, keypad to enter a password (letters and numbers). Now you dont have to write a password or tap it out on a little keyboard. It also - Doubles as a touch tone phone dialing pad. Has a Theft / Alarm function. Makes the dialer touch tones louder. No more wimpy sounds when dialing - in any program. Does not work on a 120. PWT11DEU PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:PWT11DEU PWT11DEU 11 0 74K 4/09/96 PowerTrans 1.1 Deutsch - Package und Manual befinden sich in PowerTrans 1.1.sit Sprachdateien fuer PowerTrans (Woerterbuch und Vokabeltrainer): Deutsch-Englisch, Englisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Franzoesisch, Franzoesisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Spanisch, Spanisch-Deutsch. 1700 Woerter pro Sprache. Alle Woerter haben Grammatiktypen. PWT11EN PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:PWT11EN PWT11EN 11 0 70K 4/09/96 PWT11EN - For package and manual download PowerTrans 1.1.sit Language files for PowerTrans (dictionary and vocabulary-trainer): English-French, French-English, English-German, German-English, English-Spanish, Spanish-English. 1700 words per language with translations and grammar types. PWT11FR PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:PWT11FR PWT11FR 11 0 72K 4/09/96 PWT11FR - For package and manual download PowerTrans 1.1.sit Language files for PowerTrans (dictionary and vocabulary-trainer): French-English, English-French, French-German, German-French, French-Spanish, Spanish-French. 1700 words per language with translations and grammar types. PWT11SP PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:PWT11SP PWT11SP 11 0 71K 4/09/96 PWT11SP - Es necesario cargar pwt11.sit para paqueto y manual !!! Fichero de datos Lenguas por PowerTrans (diccionario y vocabulario-entrenador): Espanol-Ingles, Ingles-Espanol, Espanol-Aleman, Aleman-Espanol, Espanol-Frances, Frances-Espanol. 1700 palabras por una lengua con traduccionas y tipos de gramatica. PX PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:PX PX 0 12K 6/27/96 Px - This Dates extension was designed for those procedure-oriented docs (not the cognitive type docs) who would like to add a little more information to their surgical meetings. It follows almost exactly the standard 2.0 meeting interface (rotation, defaults, etc.). The package will install in the Extensions folder on the default store. This type of extension SHOULD be placed on the internal store (NOT on a card). After installation, select the package in the Extras drawer, press the routing button, and file the package in the internal store. This package is shareware $5. For Newton 2.0. PXTRACT PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:1:PXTRACT PXTRACT 0 245K 12/05/95 Pxtract.zip - PackXTract is a program that enables you to extract Newton packages out of a NCK backup file. This is especially useful if you got your Newton with preinstalled software, but you don't have the install disks for the software. If you develop software or create Newton books directly on the Newton, e.g. with Newt or Newt's Cape, then you'll be able to extract your programs and books from your NCK backup file. This will result in a stand-alone package which could be distributed to others or kept as a backup. QF2 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:QF2 QF2 2 0 24K 2/15/95 QuickFigure Lite 2.1 Manual - This is the manual for QuickFigure Lite, in NewtonBook forma. QuickFigure Lite is a fast, small, fully functional spreadsheet for the Newton. It supports all standard Newton math and financial functions (over 40 functions), allows the user to store multiple worksheets, has printing, faxing and mailing capability, and many other features. QuickFigure Lite is freeware. To purchase QuickFigure Pro (the complete version), the cost is $49, plus shipping and handling. You will receive a complete manual (both on paper and in Newton Digital Book format), an enhanced version of the software (no start-up screen, more formatting options, more math and financial functions, more rows... QFCONVER PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:QFCONVER QFCONVER 0 9K 7/26/94 QF Conversion Util 1.2 - The QF Conversion Utility allows you to convert worksheets created with Version 1.0x of QuickFigure to the format used by QuickFigure Version 1.1 and subsequent. When you open the conversion utility, it checks the status of your QuickFigure soup (qfig-donv). If it finds that there are entries in the old format, it displays the number of entries in the soup. To convert those entries, tap the Convert Button. When the Converter is done, it will ask you if you want to delete your old entries. Conversion utility now converts soups with a mix of old and new format entries. QFDEVELO PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:QFDEVELO QFDEVELO 0 118K 4/16/98 QuickFigure Developer's Kit - is documentation and sample code for developing tools and extensions for QuickFigure Pro and QuickFigure Works. The sample code, as provided, is not supported by PelicanWare and is intended to be used with the Macintosh version of Newton Toolkit. The sample code and resulting applications may be redistributed without restriction, and may be modified or incorporated in other applications without restriction. However, if it has been modified it may not be redistributed as PelicanWare sample code. PelicanWare also retains all other rights to the sample code and resulting applications. Unfortunately, PelicanWare is not able to provide support for the QuickFigure... QNPRO2 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:QNPRO2 QNPRO2 2 0 53K 7/10/95 QN Pro 2.0e Test Drive - After installing Quicknames Pro simply tap on the upper half of the built-in names button to launch it. Quicknames Pro provides a faster and more flexible environment for accessing your name file and we are confident it will significantly streamline the way you use your Newton. LandWare would like you to be able to use this demo to *fully* evaluate Quicknames Pro. Therefore this version is equal to the full version in every way except - The a,i, e and option keys have been disabled. You cannot directly manipulate the text in the search field. The Auto search feature has been disabled. You cannot search for a first name. QUICKALA PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:QUICKALA QUICKALA 0 14K 2/28/95 QuickAlarm 0.4 - QuickAlarm installs an Intelligent Assistance verb into your Newton. With this verb, you can quickly and easily add new alarms to your Newton Dates application. To use QuickAlarm, simply write alarm on your NotePad and tap Assist. QuickAlarm will open. The QuickAlarm screen has two fields for you to select and enter delay and reminder text. You can write any number of minutes in this field, even several days or weeks in the future. The Alarm text field allows you to enter the text to be displayed when the alarm is triggered. QuickAlarm can place it's alarms in the Schedule or the Day Note view of the Dates application. Expires 30 days after you install it, and will totally expire on 12/31/95. QUICKALL PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:QUICKALL QUICKALL 0 7K 2/22/95 QuickAll - QuickAll is a small autopart that you install on your Newton. You can install it on your card or in internal memory. It does not show up in the Extras Drawer. What does QuickAll do? QuickAll will quickly change your Names and Notes categories to 'All' whenever you reset your Newton. That's all it does. It take up NO heap memory, and about 2kb of card or internal memory. How does it work? QuickAll comes to life when you Reset you Newton. It sneaks in and changes the filing settings of the NotePad and Names to All. It has to open and close Names to change its settings, so don't be alarmed when this happens. It will happen when you first install QuickAll as well. QUICKCAL PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:QUICKCAL QUICKCAL 0 12K 10/08/94 QuickCall 2.1 - QuickCall is a small package that installs a small button on the status bar of your note pad. This button contains a graphic that looks like a tiny telephone. When this button is clicked, it opens a pop-up menu of the people that you have entered into your call list. Presumably, these are the people that you want to call the most, although they may not be. Tapping on someone's name brings up a call slip with the person's phone number. This is exactly what you would get if you wrote call (so-and-so), highlighted it, and tapped assist. The QuickCall pop-up menu also contains an option to edit the list of people, and to bring up a blank call slip for someone not on the list. Still no card removal -... QUICKFIG PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:QUICKFIG QUICKFIG 0 86K 12/02/97 QuickFigure Pro 3.1 - is a fast, full-featured spreadsheet for Newton 2.0- based devices. This demo is fully functional, but it will expire 30 days after installation. It does require Newton 2.0 or greater. This is the demo version. QUICKFIG PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:QUICKFIG QUICKFIG 0 48K 2/03/95 QuickFigure Lite 2.1 - QuickFigure Lite is a fast, small, fully functional spreadsheet for the Newton. It supports all standard Newton math and financial functions (over 40 functions), allows the user to store multiple worksheets, has printing, faxing and mailing capability, and many other features. QuickFigure Lite is freeware. To purchase QuickFigure Pro (the complete version), the cost is $49, plus shipping and handling. You will receive a complete manual (both on paper and in Newton Digital Book format), an enhanced version of the software (no start-up screen, more formatting options, more math and financial functions, more rows and columns, and many other things), notification of new and... QUICKFIN PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:QUICKFIN QUICKFIN 0 25K 10/24/96 QuickFind 3.0 - works on (and only on) Newton MessagePads with OS version 2.0. QuickFind 3.0 enhances the Find function of the Apple Newton MessagePad in three ways: 1. It maintains a lists of terms that were searched in the Look for pop-up menu so they can be easily found again. 2. It gives you more options than just searching everywhere, in selected applications or in the current one. 3. It adds an AutoFind function that usually lets you use the find slip without hitting a single button. Enhanced 'Look for' pop-up menu. With QuickFind 3.0, the nine last terms that were searched are added to the 'Look for' pop-up menu for your convenience. It also offers the possibility to store up to nine... QUICKFIN PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:QUICKFIN QUICKFIN 0 29K 11/29/94 QuickFind 2.52 - QuickFind 2.5.2 enhances the Find function of the Apple Newton MessagePad in three ways. It maintains a lists of the last ten terms that were searched. It gives you more options than just searching the current area or in all areas. And it makes the Find button work as comfortable as the Assist button does. Finally QuickFind 2.5.2 includes the functionality of FindRecent 2.0, one of my Newton FreeWare titles. The ten last terms that were searched are listed in the 'Look for' pop-up menu for your convenience. It also offers the possibility to store up to ten more terms permanently in this pop-up menu. If you use the Find function, you've got to use this too! And if you don't use the Find on your... QUICKIES PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:QUICKIES QUICKIES 0 37K 7/28/95 Quickies 0.66 - Quickies is designed to be used from an on-screen button created by some other app such as Roll Your Own (now RYO III, freeware) or ScrollEx or Shortcuts. The current upload comes with a package named QuickiesOnAssist which causes Quickies to run when word assist under the Assist button is tapped. To eliminate this behavior, remove the package. Helps you control - sleep, restart, sleep after, free heap, new note, select all, delete all, delete selection, bullet, cut, copy, paste, and font! Version 0.66 fixes a bug that affected lists displaying long application names. QUICKNOT PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:QUICKNOT QUICKNOT 0 7K 8/03/95 QuickNote - QuickNote is a simple seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time application. The labels and menus allow you compose simple messages on your Newton in just a few taps. General travel phrases are covered and you can edit the resulting text. It's perceived uses are for casual traveller or speech impaired, it is seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-time-ware. Another version will enable simple fax messages or 'PostCards' to be composed and sent while you are on the road. If it's useful feel free to use it. QUICKPOR PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:QUICKPOR QUICKPOR 0 8K 11/30/96 QuickPort 1.1 - is a global transport that lets you easily get your Newton information to any computer that supports a simple terminal emulation program. QuickPort works with any Newton 2.0 application that supports e-mail routing, including all the built-in applications! This software is provided free of charge by powerPen Software, part of the software engineering program at Washington State University. QUICKPRE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:QUICKPRE QUICKPRE 0 21K 10/23/94 QuickPrefs 1.0 - QuickPrefs is an application that allows users take a snap-shot of the currently active preferences in the Newton. Then, by selecting the archive's name the user can switch all the preferences at once. In order to create a new preference archive the user must use the preference application built in the Newton. Set all the preferences you may want captured. Then launch QuickPrefs and tap on the button Capture. A dialog prompting for the name of the archive will appear. Enter a descriptive name, then you are ready to recall it at a later time. There are also Set and Remove buttons that appear as soon as you have selected an archive. QUICKYBL PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:QUICKYBL QUICKYBL 0 15K 7/20/95 Quicky BlackJack 1.0 - Quicky BlackJack is a BlackJack Game with the following Rules - Dealer hits to 17, Player can only split first hand, If player has 5 cards and doesn't go over, then player wins, Can reset money when you go broke, 21 pays one and a half. Options - Play: shuffles the deck & starts deal, Hit: player recieves another card, Stand: player is satisfied with hand and wishes dealer to show its cards, Split: when player is dealt a pair player can double the pot and play two hands with the pair being the first card in each hand. Double: hit with one card, put cards value into the pot, can not hit again and if player wins gets twice their bet back. Reset: when broke, can reset money player can play... QUOTES PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:QUOTES QUOTES 0 90K 8/14/95 Quotes - Skylines, Viking and Zippy are based on an engine created orginally for Spirit 1995 by Lunar Engineering. In total, there are over 1200 quotes!!! When you run Taglines, a random quote is chosen each time. With the application running, you can display another random quote by tapping on the next to the x close box. You can also go backward and forward through the quotes using and . Taglines also has 2 features. You can now select quotes and copy them to your notepad, by just tapping on them once (to highlight), and then tapping and dragging to any area on the notepad. The 2nd major feature is an option to automatically open Taglines when you turn your Newton on. RATEACOU PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:RATEACOU RATEACOU 0 9K 4/13/97 Rate-A-Course - Did you ever sign up for a class, start attending it, and then remember that a friend of yours had told you that it was a headbanger, or not to take it, or that the Prof. was a slavedriver? Well suffer no more fellow Newt owner! Assuming you're a true Newt freek and have it with you nearly 100% of the time, you're probably going to find this piece of stationery quite useful. Rate-A-Course lets you keep track of: The course #/name. The Prof's Name (and you can select names directly from the Names soup if you want). The status of the class ('Breeze', 'Cool','Headbanger','OK','Sucks','Totally Blows' are predefined). When it's offered (predefined: Fall/Spring/Summer Semester, RATEMAST PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:RATEMAST RATEMAST 0 21K 3/08/95 RateMaster Demo - RateMaster was created for the insurance salesperson who doesn't want to carry around pounds of 3 ring binders to lookup insurance rates. With RateMaster and a Newton you will have a lite, quick and accurate way to calculate insurance premiums. This version of RateMaster has fake insurance plan rates in it. $99.99 includes the RateMaster package with 1 customized insurance plan and a custom icon. Customization for additional plans are $20 per plan. Each additional copy of RateMaster purchased is $59.95 which includes the additional plans. RCU1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:RCU1 RCU1 1 0 555K 9/14/95 RCU 1.5 UserGuide - Contains a user guide for using RCU. RCU is an alternative to Apple's Newton Connection Kit (NCK), and permits you to have a real time connection to the basic features of your MessagePad. It works with any Apple MessagePad or other Newton device. This program lets you link your Macintosh to the MessagePad and type in your Notes, Names, Dates, Calendar Day Notes, and To Do items. You can also delete or modify any of them as well. Furthermore, you can import tab-delimited text files (i.e. spreadsheet) into Notes, Names, and Dates, or export existing Notes, Names, and Dates from your Newton as well. RCU12 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:RCU12 RCU12 12 0 319K 9/15/95 RCU 1.5 App-Only - RCU is an alternative to Apple's Newton Connection Kit (NCK), and permits you to have a real time connection to the basic features of your MessagePad. It works with any Apple MessagePad or other Newton device. This program lets you link your Macintosh to the MessagePad and type in your Notes, Names, Dates, Calendar Day Notes, and To Do items. You can also delete or modify any of them as well. Furthermore, you can import tab-delimited text files (i.e. spreadsheet) into Notes, Names, and Dates, or export existing Notes, Names, and Dates from your Newton as well. The RCU Help file takes you through step-by-step. Demo limits you to viewing first 2 Notes, Names, Dates, Day Notes and To Dos. RCU2 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:RCU2 RCU2 2 0 926K 10/21/97 RCU 2.5u - Requires Newton OS 2.0. This version can be demoed before being unlocked with a serial number. No special cables are required. Features - Add, delete, browse, modify, and print your Notes, Names, Calendar, To Do items, Calls (write protected). View custom overviews, view by folder, select ranges, and use the Find command to search for any text in the selected application. Download packages by connecting to the Connection application or to RCU. Get information about your Newton PDA, such as owner info, system info, memory usage and availability, soups (data files). Picture support. You can sketch a picture on your Newton PDA and RCU will bring it up to the desktop. From there you can copy and paste... RCU22 PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:2:RCU22 RCU22 22 0 2664K 12/12/96 RCU 2.2.1 - Designed for the MP120 or MP130 running Newton OS 2.0 on a PC. This final version must be purchased for $59.95 and unlocked with a serial number, but is free to registered users of RCU 1.5 who purchased prior to May 6, 1996. Features include: Add, delete, browse, modify, and print your Notes, Names, Calendar, To Do items, Calls (write protected). View custom overviews, view by folder, select ranges, and use the Find command to search for any text in the selected application. Download packages by connecting to the Connection application or to RCU. Get information about your Newton PDA, such as owner info, system info, memory usage and availability, soups (data files). Picture support. You can sketch... REBATE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:REBATE REBATE 0 4K 4/28/94 Rebate - Rebate returns some of the memory used on an original Newton MessagePad when applications are loaded. In that version of Newton, the install scripts and icon for an application took up place in the working memory or frames heap. Load lots of applications and the loss of the memory could be significant. Load this application as the first application in internal memory and you should have more memory. Owners of MessagePad 100s (and upgraded MessagePads) and 110s do not need this program. By Chris Christensen. Takes up 3k on the Newton. 2/21/94. REBOOTER PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:REBOOTER REBOOTER 0 5K 11/03/93 Rebooter - Here's a little Newton utility. It's only function is to allow you to reboot the Newton from the extras drawer. It puts up a simple dialog and beeps to warn that it will reboot the machine. If you close it, it won't, and if you hit the reboot button it will do the deed. REGISTER PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:ALL:REGISTER REGISTER 0 33K 1/11/96 Register 1.0.1 - Newton Register lets you pay for a shareware program with a credit card via electronic mail. Your payment will be sent to the Kagi Shareware clearing house (or another, if you prefer) and forwarded, minus a percentage, to the author. If you have PocketMoney (or any Newton application which supports the Financial Package Posting Standard), the transaction may be automatically entered into your records. Kagi Shareware can accept checks in US dollars, or cash in many major currencies. But please dont send cash or checks until you have received a registration number which must accompany your payment. To do this, select the program you wish to pay for, and send an email message with the payment method... REINDEXN PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:REINDEXN REINDEXN 0 8K 12/10/94 Reindex NotePak 1.01 - Reindex will remove and recreate the data indexes for your NotePak Version 2.0 data soups. Occasionally, the Newton corrupts an index and you may experience problems. Usually, the problem manifests itself by not letting you delete a particular item. If you are having problems deleting a particular item, try running the Reindex program and see if it helps. If you continue to have problems, please contact Atomic Software. RELATION PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:RELATION RELATION 0 172K 10/22/96 Relations 2.1 - is a genealogy program for Newton devices. Enter and display families with all the relationships shown, or enter unrelated individuals as information is gathered. You can use a Newton device to gather family history information to be loaded, in GEDCOM format, into a desktop genealogy program. Relations can be used by itself, but there is limited reporting capabilities at this point. This release runs on Newton OS2.0 only. If you have Newton OS1.x look for my earlier release of Relations v1.2. Shareware-$20 US; $25 Canadian October 1996. RELATION PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:RELATION RELATION 0 77K 2/15/96 Relations 1.2 - Relations is a genealogy program for Newton devices. It can be used to enter information for unrelated individuals, or it can be used to enter families with the links to mother, father, spouse, etc. The idea was for a program to gather family history information and then be able to export it to a desktop system. Initially, a family tree can be built and displayed on the Newton, and notes can be added. Then all this information, or notes only, can be exported in the GEDCOM format. This version of the program is limited to adding 30 records. REMAPPER PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:REMAPPER REMAPPER 0 19K 1/17/97 Remapper - is a utility that allows you to customize the behavior of the silkscreened buttons built into the MessagePad 120 and 130. You can make any or all of the silkscreened buttons open a custom application or do certain other things such as put the Newton to sleep, toggle the backlight, or rotate the screen. Remapper requires Newton 2.0 and will run on either a MessagePad 120 or 130. Remapper includes online help. Check the online help if you don't understand a certain feature of Remapper. Tap the I button and then tap Help to view the online help. Remapper is shareware. If you use Remapper, please register it by sending $10. Registered users will recieve, at no additional charge, Remapper Pro... REMGUARD PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:REMGUARD REMGUARD 0 21K 5/10/95 Remguard 2.01 - RemGuard is a Newton MessagePad utitlity that helps prevent missed appointment reminders posted by the MessagePad Dates application. Normally, it is quite easy to miss Newton reminders. RemGuard makes sure you don't miss reminders. Features - No need to turn RemGuard on and off. If it is installed, it is on. No icon required in Extras drawer. Acts as if it's part of the built-in software (no separate window). Keeps track of any number of reminders (limited only by memory). Individual reminders may be acknowledged. Individual reminders may be set to snooze for a specified time. Number and volume of reminder beeps may be set as preference. Main window may be hidden and reminders dealt with later. Actual meeting... REMOVEPO PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:ALL:REMOVEPO REMOVEPO 0 4K 9/19/94 RemovePocketMoneyPassword - This is a called a dispatch only auto part. This is one that when you install the package, it will run and then uninstall itself. Remove PocketMoney Password's only function is to remove the password in PocketMoney if you have forgotten it. To use it just use NCK to install the package and then run PocketMoney and you should be able to get in again. Freeware, from Hardy Macia, the maker of PocketMoney. REPTILE1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:REPTILE1 REPTILE1 1 0 17K 2/15/96 RepTile 1.0 - This is a puzzle program for the Newton. It's another jump-over-the- peg-till-you-are-left-with-only-one-peg type of game with a few little twists. This game provides 10 skill levels to play at. If you like this game, please try our Little Peking v1.2, another puzzle game for the Newton, and it's free. RESISTOR PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:RESISTOR RESISTOR 0 7K 6/22/94 Resistor Value Calc - This is just a quick applet I wrote to help me calculate resistor values, since I haven't memorized the stripe values. To use it, just enter the color of each band into the radio button clusters (labeled 1,2,3, and 4, moving from left to right with the metallic band on the right.) The colors are black (BLK), brown (BRN), red (RED), orange (ORN), yellow (YEL), green (GRN), blue (BLU), violet (VIO), grey (GRY), and white (WHI). The tolerances (the metallic band) are the fourth row, and are either gold (5 percent) or silver (10 percent). RESTART PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:RESTART RESTART 0 4K 9/04/96 Restart - is a really simple application. When you click on the Restart icon in the Extra's Drawer, the Newton restarts. This saves you the trouble of having to open the battery cover to press the hardware restart button. Restart is Freeware. You may redistribute Restart so long as this file is included and so long as you do not try to pass Restart off as your own creation. Restart was developed on a MP120 (2.0 OS) using NTK 1.6. It has not been tested for Newton devices running OS 1.3 or older. RESTO2 PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:RESTO2 RESTO2 2 0 36K 1/04/95 Resto 2.1 - Resto is a Newton program to help you split the restaurant bill. You start by entering the total, including tax and everything. Enter the tip rate - it will be calculated for you. Enter the number of people to divide the bill by, and a table will appear. The great thing is the Extras section. Say you go out to lunch and your friend orders two drinks. You want to split the bill, but not pay for the drinks. Enter the cost of the drinks, and how many. That money will be subtracted from the split total. Then you each pay the split amount, and your friend throws in the extra for the drinks. And now, you can link people (dates, spouses...) and get your total versus your single friend's. Freeware! ROADSHOW PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:ROADSHOW ROADSHOW 0 22K 10/09/94 RoadShow 1.01 - RoadShow is an application for Newton to help make it easier to configure your PDA's sound and sleep time. Currently, to change the volume, sound effects and sleep time, you need to go through a somewhat cumbersome interaction with the Prefs application. With RoadShow, it becomes easier to switch from being at home and being on the road. With RoadShow, you can configure your Newton's - sounds effects, volume, sleep time and system alarm sound for the two locations, and switch very simply between them. Requires 1.05 or later version of the Newton operating system. ROCKSINS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:ROCKSINS ROCKSINS 0 72K 10/07/96 Rocks In Space 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Rocks in Space is based off of a classic arcade game. Rocks in Space is intended to provide hours of enjoyment on your Newton. ROCLOCAL PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ROCLOCAL ROCLOCAL 0 9K 12/09/97 ROCLocale 1.0.2 - This is a Chinese localization package. It will change the date expression to Chinese way. You should install Chinese font into your Newton MessagePad first. ROLLOVER PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ROLLOVER ROLLOVER 0 7K 1/21/97 RollOver 2.0 - RollOver adds a button to CheckLists in the NotePad. When you tap this button, the checklist is split into two lists, one of completed items, and another of the unchecked items. That's it. It's very handy if you use the CheckList as a running todo list and each day you want to get rid of the things you've done the previous day. RollOver is free but all rights are reserved by Scott Jenson. RollOver only works on Newton 2.0 or later. ROMPICT2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ROMPICT2 ROMPICT2 2 0 9K 2/26/96 ROMPict2 - This application shows you some pictures from the Newton ROM. This application will only work on 2.0 units! Funny thing is that the icons for Names, Dates, Extras, Undo and Assist are included in ROM. May this will give us some idea what we could expect in future! ROMSND2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ROMSND2 ROMSND2 2 0 9K 2/26/96 ROMSND2 - This application plays you some sounds from the Newton ROM. This application will only work on 2.0 units! If you need more informations, please me. Richard Schaeren ROOSTA1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:ROOSTA1 ROOSTA1 1 0 50K 8/24/97 Roosta 1.0 - Fun and friendly alarm clock for the Newton OS. Have you ever mistakenly set an alarm for 7 pm instead of 7 am? Ever need to set an alarm for just the weekdays? Roosta can solve these problems and more. Roosta is a fun and friendly alarm clock with powerful features and options. Minimizes AM/PM alarm mistakes with visual cues. Set alarm for one time, weekdays, weekends, or everyday. Use icons to control alarm settings. Can turn on backlight with alarm. Comes with loud crowing rooster sound. Alarm sound gradually gets louder. Choose wake up sound. Quick access to preferences. Use Roosta sounds in other applications. NewtonID aware but not required. Easy to use. Roosta is available for Newton OS 2.0 and... ROTATEBU PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:ROTATEBU ROTATEBU 0 4K 10/24/96 Rotate Button 1.0 - Rotate Button.pkg switches its screen mode between portrait and landscape. See TapBar SDK 1.0 for the full development packages. Requires TapBar to work. TapBar is a multi-purpose, FreeWare button management utility. ROUTEBOO PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:ROUTEBOO ROUTEBOO 0 8K 3/23/98 Route Book 1.0 - a 2.1-only (i.e., MP2K, MP2100, eMate) extension that adds text routing capability to help and regular Newton books. The text routing menu may include: Beam, Mail, Speak Text (if Macintalk is installed). Route Book is freeware, and may be distributed freely as long as all of the files are included and unmodified. ROUTETOW PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ROUTETOW ROUTETOW 0 45K 2/02/98 Route To Works 1.0 - is a tool to let you dump text straight from any application which supports Email into either the NewtWorks word processor or the Notepad. If a Newton does not have NewtWorks installed, the only option will be to dump text into the Notepad. RPNCALC0 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:RPNCALC0 RPNCALC0 0 0 11K 12/02/93 RPN Calc 0.91 - RPN Calc is my interpretation of an HP41/42 style RPN calculator. It contains most of the basic functionality of an HP scientific calculator. This is my first effort at Newton programming, I hope you enjoy using it. Version 0.91 - Fixed a minor problem with entry of EEX or Decimal immediately after a two operand function (+, -, etc.). RULER1 PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:RULER1 RULER1 1 0 36K 8/09/94 Ruler 1.35 - This utility is intended primarily for developers using NTK or BookMaker. If you're not a developer, you probably won't find it of much use. If you've used the Newton ToolKit for any amount of time, you'll quickly find that the layout display in the current version has a number of bugs. Ruler is a little utility that displays two crosshairs on the Newton screen. Their position, and the distance between them, is displayed on a floating palette. You can position the crosshairs by dragging them with the pen. That's pretty much all it does, but it does it well. RUNNERSL PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:1:RUNNERSL RUNNERSL 0 20K 4/26/94 Runner's Log - Runner's Log is a little freeware applet by S.O.A.P Notes, Inc. It helps you keep track of how many miles you've run each day, and for the year. Just select the right day, and enter the number of miles, and minutes run (or walked, biked...). Then tap save, and you're totals for the year will be shown. The source code is included, and if you make changes or improvements, the authors would like to see it! RUSSIAN PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:RUSSIAN RUSSIAN 0 23K 4/26/96 Russian Roulette - is a simple game of stupidity. Up to six people write their names on bullets and pass the gun around. You can sellect the number of bullets in the gun and will be told who won. Russian Roulette is ShareWare $2. RXONTAP PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:1:RXONTAP RXONTAP 0 66K 9/29/94 RxOnTap - Prescriptions on Tap - Rapid Prescription Writer for the Newton MessagePad. Rx on Tap is a timesaving program for the Newton MessagePad and Sharp ExpertPad. Using Rx on Tap, any given prescription, no matter how complicated, is only a few pen taps away. No longer will you have to scribble out those complicated instructions for tapering a medication over the course of weeks. No more phone calls from the pharmacist who is trying to decipher your hieroglyphics. Rx on tap also incorporates a weight based dosage calculator and notes. This version of Rx on Tap will work for 21 days unless registered. RYOIII PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:RYOIII RYOIII 0 54K 11/07/94 RYO III - Roll Your Own lets you create buttons that open an item in the Extras Drawer. You can also attach an invisible button to the bottom part of the button of one of the printed buttons (Names, Dates...). In addition, Roll Your Own II will optionally increase the tap area for the down arrow. The buttons you create can be permanent or temporary. Make either a Floating (small floating window with even smaller button) or Button (Notepad button). To remove buttons, simply tap remove floating or remove button. Roll Your Own should coexist nicely with other floating window packages (such as Scrappy) and with other buttonbar makers, like Buttons. However, a Roll Your Own floating window placed over... RYOIV01 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:RYOIV01 RYOIV01 01 0 12K 12/17/95 RYO IV 01 - RYO IV for Newton 2.0 provides the prinicple features of RYO III in for users of the Newton running OS 2.0. RYO IV lets you create status bar buttons at the bottom of the notepad to open apps. It also lets you create invisible buttons on the bottom halves of the printed silkscreened buttons. Thus if you set Connection to the Names button, tapping the word names on the button will open the connection. To use RYO IV, open it and select an application. The text line will show - the first letter of the application's name, if it is has no button; the text of the application's button if is has a status bar button; or the name of the silk button it is attached to. Requires NOS 2.0. SAFEGUAR PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SAFEGUAR SAFEGUAR 0 11K 2/24/94 Safe Guard 1 - Safe Guard is a utility that allows you to password protect your PCMCIA cards. In order to use the card, the person inserting the card must enter the password. In order to use, tap the Safe Guard icon in the Extras Drawer. Tap the Password button and enter your password to use. Now whenever the card is put into a Newton, a password screen will open asking for the password. Upon entering the proper password, Safe Guard will open itself if someone placed the card into a Newton. Safe Guard will not open if there is not a log of bad attempts. You may tap any of the bad attempts in the log to get more info about the attempt. To turn off password protection, set the password to nothing just as in the Prefs. SALAD2 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:SALAD2 SALAD2 2 0 12K 10/30/94 Salad 2.1 - Salad is a program for Newton that will display the Julian Date or Week Number in the Calendar / Dates program. A Julian date is in the form of YYYYDDD. Example - 1994155 is June 4th, 1994. Kind of like a Star Date. A Week number is just that. Week 1 starts on the first Sunday after the New Year. Salad is multi-date aware, if you select a range of dates, Salad shows the start and end date. Just tap or press and hold, on the Date field and Salad will switch between the three date formats. New - Changed the way of determining the first Sunday of the New Year. Now is compatible with all languages and countrys. SAMEGAME PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:SAMEGAME SAMEGAME 0 13K 4/29/98 SameGame 1.0 - for Newton OS 2.x. This is (we think) the final release of SameGame, not because of the discontinuation of the Newton, but because we've finally finished it. SameGame 1.0 is offered as $10 shareware. SAMSSLEE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SAMSSLEE SAMSSLEE 0 8K 11/03/93 Sam's Sleeper 1.00 - Sam's Sensable Sleeper, when turned on, detects whether you are operating by plug or by battery. You may then set the sleep time on your Newton based on whether you are using the plug or the battery. Thus, if most of the time you use the plug (at your office where your plug is, perhaps), you can set sleep to never. When you then carry it around off the plug, you can have the sleep be, say, 1 minute. This way, you don't have to always dive through a zillion menus just to reset the sleep. You do it once with this package and the package will do it for you from then on (if you turn it on). SAYONARA PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SAYONARA SAYONARA 0 3K 3/19/96 Sayonara eWorld!.pkg - eWorld will be shut down on March 31, 1996. So is there some reason there's eWorld mail client in your Newton? This small auto part will kill it. You'll never see eWorld selective on your mail slip. If, for some reason, you need eWorld client AFTER you install Sayonara eWorld!, just remove this package and then restart your Newton. Requires Newton OS 2.0 with eWorld client installed. SBMSERVI PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SBMSERVI SBMSERVI 0 88K 5/18/98 SBM Services-3.0 - modify email services, credit card types, pager types and phone types. Define one of the items as the default one. Manage several telephone providers (Shareware $15). Manage several telephone providers. Automatically select the cheapest provider for a given connection. Fully integrated in the Newton user interface. Requires NOS 2.x. SBMUTILS PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:SBMUTILS SBMUTILS 0 317K 4/14/98 SBM Utilities 1.21 - for Newton is a collection of tools comparable with the several Utilities for PC or Mac. The palette goes from tools for displaying informations over tools for backing up your data to tools for modifying the internal data of the Newton. With the SBM Utilities you can modify system internal data. Doing this can cause you Newton device to hang or crash. At the worst, you must do a cold boot with the result of a total data loss. If you are not completely sure you're doing the right thing, DON'T do it! The author of this program will not be responsible for any data loss or other bad things. SCHD2GO PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:1:SCHD2GO SCHD2GO 2 0 415K 2/08/96 SCHD2GO.ZIP - Version 1.0 - Schedule-2-Go is a Windows utility designed to transfer Appointments and To Do's from Microsoft Schedule+ 1.0 and Schedule+ 7.0 to the Apple Newton. It may also work with other PIM's if you export the data in a format similar to the format used by Schedule+ (the format is described in the readme file). SCICALC1 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:SCICALC1 SCICALC1 1 0 14K 11/03/93 SciCalc 1.0b4 - SciCalc is a simple implementation of a standard (i.e. NOT Reverse Polish or 'RPN') scientific calculator for the Apple Newton MessagePad and similar PDAs. If you do find problems, please let the author know so that he can rectify them in the next release. SCOREPAD PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:SCOREPAD SCOREPAD 0 236K 4/24/98 ScorePad 3.5 demo - the essential golfers companion! With ScorePad, you can keep your entire golfing history on your Newton. You can record every round and course you play, track your statistical performance, estimate your handicap, check the status of your nassau or skins game at any time during your round, and more! Despite Apple's decision to discontinue further development on the Newton platform, Sun Sabre Software is committed to providing software for golfers around the world who wish to use Newton technology to enhance their overall golfing experience as well as improve their play. This fully functional demo version will work for 30 days from the day you first launch it. You can upgrade to a full working... SCRAMBLE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:SCRAMBLE SCRAMBLE 0 58K 10/01/97 Scramble 1.0 - is a word hunt game. You have a minimal set of letters to choose from and need to find as many as possible. Longer words give you more points than smaller ones, much more. You can play timed games, to increase the pressure! Or turn off the timer to test your performance without a deadline. Replay the same boards, and start a competition among friends. SCRAPBOO PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SCRAPBOO SCRAPBOO 0 31K 10/07/96 Scrapbook 1.01 - Requires Newton MessagePad running 2.0 OS. Scrapbook is a way to view and sort frequently used images, text, and ink on the Newton. Any text saved using Clipper or KeyMan is viewable with the scrapbook. You can drag any of the pictures from the Scrapbook into a note. In adition, you can take screen shots and paste them into notes, suitable for printing or faxing. SCRATCHB PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:SCRATCHB SCRATCHB 0 11K 9/08/97 Scratch Back - is a Backdrop application. You can save anything drawn or written on the Scratch Pad to the Notes application with OneTap ease. And it saves heap! Features - Scratch pad backdrop. Save scratch pad to Notes application. Uses almost 10k less frames heap than Notes. Small footprint on the Newton (10k). Accepts backdrop buttons. Accepts I++ enhancement. Newton Assist will accept text from Scratch Back. Easy to use. Requires Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. This has been tested on a MessagePad 2000, eMate 300, and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. SCRATCHP PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SCRATCHP SCRATCHP 0 60K 9/22/94 ScratchPad 2.0 - This little funware app makes scratching sounds as you stroke the stylus over the ScratchPad. Simulates the sound made by scratching a needle on a record, popularized in some forms of modern music, especially contemporary urban. When records can no longer be found, we'll have to rely on our Newtons! This version adds many user-selectable scratch sounds and effects like handclaps and cowbells. This thing is a riot! SCRIPTLI PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:SCRIPTLI SCRIPTLI 0 121K 12/06/94 ScriptLink Demo 1.0 - ScriptLink offers Newton developers a flexible mechanism for controlling a server Macintosh using AppleScript, Apple Computer's powerful scripting language for the Macintosh. Combining the flexibility of AppleScript with the mobile computing power of the Newton, ScriptLink enables developers to quickly build customised solutions using off the shelf software packages. ScriptLink 1.0 is compatible with industry standard wired and wireless AppleTalk networks. ScriptLink is based on a powerful client server architecture, with the Macintosh based ScriptLink Server providing a secure, multi-user environment in which AppleScript commands are executed. SCROLLBA PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:SCROLLBA SCROLLBA 0 12K 7/20/94 ScrollBarList 1.0 - Purpose - This is a proto template for a scroll bar text list with the following features - up/down via single key click, continuous up/down via key press. Full view height scroll when scroll area tapped (below or above marker). Propotional sliding marker, with dragable placement. Scalable width by mouse; height set by viewLines slot. Automatic fade of scroll bar if length(listItems)(viewLines). This proto is based on textList and pictButton. Check with Physix Inc for single/multi user licenses. SCROLLE1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SCROLLE1 SCROLLE1 1 0 37K 2/04/95 ScrollEx 3.2 US - I was very disappointed when I loaded my 21st app into the Newton, and found out that the Extras drawer does not scroll! This app changes all that!! Features - Allows you to scroll the Extras Drawer. Allows scrollable Extras Drawer overview. Allows a direct access to the remove package function. Allows you to move packages to or from the card, and beam packages. Allows you to attach applications to the standard screen buttons (Names, Dates, Extras...). Fixes the icons alignment problem in the Extras Drawer. NOW lets you Archive packages, and they still are available from the Extras drawer!! This program must be installed in the internal RAM and not a card. Works with the new... SCROLLER PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SCROLLER SCROLLER 0 5K 12/17/95 Scroller - Scroller does two things. It will scroll the notepad OR the calls app on a continuous basis (a little at a time for as long as you continue to hold the pen on the Scroller arrow, instead of one note at a time. In addition, tapping the center dot will make the topic buttons in a Notepad checklist or outline disappear (or reappear if they are hidden), is the current insertion point is in that checklist or outline. Tapping the close box closes it. Scroller might work in some other applications if they are modelled after Notes or Calls (which are actually at heart very similar apps) but as far as I know, the only applications that this will work in that I've seen are these two. Requires NOS 2.0. SCROLLEX PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SCROLLEX SCROLLEX 0 35K 3/01/95 ScrollEx 3.2 DE - This is the German version of ScrollEx. Features - Allows you to scroll the Extras Drawer. Allows scrollable Extras Drawer overview. Allows a direct access to the remove package function. Allows you to move packages to or from the card, and beam packages. Allows you to attach applications to the standard screen buttons (Names, Dates, Extras...). Fixes the icons alignment problem in the Extras Drawer. NOW lets you Archive packages, and they still are available from the Extras drawer!! This program must be installed in the internal RAM and not a card. Everything is German in this version. SCROLLIN PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SCROLLIN SCROLLIN 0 14K 7/31/95 ScrollingDoPopup 3.0 - ScrollingDoPopup allows any popup list to scroll. This means that a program like PocketMoney now has an unlimited number of categories, accounts,.... AssistCalc now has an unlimited number of user defined formulas. MPG can have an unlimited number of vehicle service alarms and reminders. If you have a lot of packages installed on your card you can use the built-in card's Remove Software button to reach all of the packages that used to extend off the screen. There are a lot of other packages that can benefit from this also... SDP will not start to work until the popup lists extend off the screen. Once the lists are too long for the Newton screen SDP installs an arrow icon at the end of the... SCROLLM1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SCROLLM1 SCROLLM1 1 0 18K 3/13/98 Scroll Menus 3.3 - This software is for Newton 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons ONLY. Scroll Menus makes all popup menus scroll by a full page at a time, rather than line-by-line. SCROLLME PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SCROLLME SCROLLME 0 13K 3/28/95 Scroll Menus 1.2 -Scroll menus is an auto part package (which means there's no icon in your extras drawer) which, when installed, will allow any menu with too many items to fit on screen to scroll. If there are more items after the items shown, tapping on Next will show the next screenful, and tapping Prev will show the previous screen. The most common use for this is the card app in the extras drawer. Now, if there are more than 23 packages installed on your newton, you can get to all of them to delete those you no longer want. NOTE - There is a conflict with Hardy Macia's ScrollingDoPopup package. It will only occur if it is installed after Scroll Menus. SEAHUNT1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:SEAHUNT1 SEAHUNT1 1 0 18K 11/28/94 Sea Hunt 1.1 - Sea Hunt is a fun battle ship game from BugByte Inc. Simply place your ships by drawing lines on the grid. When you're done, tap away, to find where the Newton has hidden his ships! Your Newt opponent can be dumb, ok, smart or crafty. SEAHUNT2 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:SEAHUNT2 SEAHUNT2 2 0 60K 9/15/97 Sea Hunt 2.0 - Converted to a Newton OS 2.x application. Added win loss statistics and minimal keyboard support. Also added lots of sounds. Sea Hunt is a Battleship game for the Newton 2.x systems. Pit your high seas combat skills against your MessagePad or eMate! SEEFRAME PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:SEEFRAME SEEFRAME 0 21K 3/01/94 SeeFrames 1.1 - SeeFrames is a utility for Newton developers. It allows you to watch most of the objects and navigate into the memory of your Newton. When you start SeeFrames from the extrasDrawer, it closes it and then shows you the slots list of the 'viewfrontmost frame called Front view in the top left labelPicker (it may be useful when debugging an application, especially if you have an ExtraButton of ScrollEx attached to SeeFrames). To see the content of a frame or an array (ex _proto, CodeBlock or viewChildren), tap on it and the slots list of it will be shown. You may repeat this until there no more frame or array on the list. More details are given in the documentation. SENDMYBI PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:SENDMYBI SENDMYBI 0 14K 5/28/94 SendMyBizCard 1.5 - Send My Biz Card is a small app that lets you create an entry in your Names cardfile using the information in your 'Personal' preferences or just select an existing one. It remembers this card and whenever you want to send your electronic business card, just open 'Send My Biz Card' and hit the 'Beam' button. No more need to search for your card with the find function or a lot of taps on the screen. SEPARATE PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:SEPARATE SEPARATE 0 14K 3/06/95 Separate Chex 1.0 - This utility has a small calculator window that lets you add the value into 1 of 4 buttons...the buttons display the totals that have been tallied which makes it an indispensable tool for dividing a phone bill into 2-4 accounts. Another indispensable feature is that it divides a tip, discount, equally with respect the value of that each person owes...that is, if a=$10, b=$20, and a tax/tip is $6.00, then the $6.00 will be divided to $4.00 (for a) and $2.00 (for b)... also, a strict discount is impleted... Other nifty features have been added; take a look and see if it is helpful or useful. If it is, then use it or archive it to be used when needed (I usually use it about once a month-bill time... SERIALIN PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:ALL:SERIALIN SERIALIN 0 16K 10/31/96 Serial Input 0.2a2 - This is a serial connection program. Your Newton's host computer keyboard now become your newton's keyboard. This version is not bug free. Tested OMP100 [1.05], MP100 [1.3(415333)], MP120 [2.0(515299)-1] , MP130 [2.0(526060)-1]. Connect Newton to your computer serial port. Configure your terminal 9600bps NoParity 8bit Stopbit1. Tap Serial Input icon. Tap D Status to change port status. OMP version was build with NTK 1.5.1 and MessagePad Platform file(1.1). NOS1.3 version was build with NTK 1.6 and MessagePad Platform file(1.4) If you want to support OMP's serial port, You must use NTK1.5.1 and MessagePad Platform file(1.1). Other later versions combination not work with OMP. SERIALKE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:SERIALKE SERIALKE 0 13K 11/06/95 SerialKey 1.02 - This application allows the use of PC/Macintosh keyboards with the newton. I hope you enjoy using it. To use SerialKey you need a serial cable to connect the newton to your computer and a standard communication program. You need to configure the communication program with the following setings - 9600 bauds, 8 bits data, 1 stop bit. To use the keyboard: tap on the SerialKey icon in the extras drawer, tap on any entry area and star typing, also you can drag the program window to any location, the program remember the location for the next time that you use it. To close the connection, tap the close box. To show info about the program, tap the ? button. SESSIONS PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:SESSIONS SESSIONS 0 93K 6/17/97 Session Scheduler 2.1 - was designed to enhance the Dates application in the Newton MP2000; while it will run on the MP120 or 130, the speed of the 2000 is what makes the utility shine. Basically, Scheduler was designed specifically for studio musicians to use to enter recording sessions into their calendars. For this reason, the fields are customized for this purpose; you can, however, use Scheduler anyway that you want, and I welcome comments from users. SET241 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:ALL:SET241 SET241 241 0 8K 9/01/96 Set24 1.4 - Patching a little hole in the Newton OS: Why doesn't 24-hour mode stay on after a reset? I mean, if you had to re-enter your name and address onto your MessagePad every time you ran out of memory, we'd all be using Magic Links. Obviously, some information is reset-proof. Myself, I tell time in 24-hour style. I want my personal digital assistant to remember that without tapping six times after a reset. Set24 does just that. Eventuall, a future OS upgrade will, too, but in the meantime you can use this little ditty. SETAGEND PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:SETAGEND SETAGEND 0 6K 1/30/98 SetAgendaView 1.0 - makes sure that your Newton starts up in a certain way. Specifically, when its installed, the Dates application will show the Agenda view after a reset instead of reverting to the Day view. Freeware. Source code is included with the archive. Current version: 1.0. Works under NOS 2.x only. SETCLOCK PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SETCLOCK SETCLOCK 0 13K 12/20/95 SetClock 2.1 - SetClock is a small program for Newton OS 2.0 that calls one of three time servers, and sets your Newton PDA's clock to a standard time. I suggest filing SetClock in your Setup folder and referencing it as necessary. SetClock uses Newton intelligence to figure out where you are and adjust GMT time to your local time zone. SetClock is simple to use, but provides on-line help if necessary. SETCLOCK PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:SETCLOCK SETCLOCK 0 13K 6/03/94 SetClock - This small utility will set Newton's time by calling the National Institute of Standards in Boulder, Colorado. It installs in the Preferences roll and does not have an icon in the Extras drawer (although you still use Remove Software to get rid of it.) The 'Options' button brings up the Dialing slip which allows you to set your local area code, as well as any dialing prefix, access code, or credit card information. Tapping the 'Call' button initiates the call. Newton will hang up immediately after receiving the time code. Now you can be sure that your Newton's clock is always correct! SHODO2 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:SHODO2 SHODO2 2 0 45K 11/25/97 Shodo Gallery Demo - This is a display only demo and can be freely distributed. Shodo Gallery 2.01E for Newton 2.X (130, 2000, 2100, eMate 300, etc.). A Shodo is a graphics package for the Newton. Shodo is $20 and can be purchased online at Kagi. SHOPLIS1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:SHOPLIS1 SHOPLIS1 1 0 18K 12/10/95 ShopList 2.30E - English version - shopList software (sL) is a shopping list manager. sL helps you keep track of items you need to purchase at various stores. Especially helpful with groceries. Support for portrait and landscape rotations (Newton 2.0 only). Icons in popup lists (Newton 2.0 only). Works with 1.x and 2.0. SHOPLIST PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:SHOPLIST SHOPLIST 0 17K 12/10/95 ShopList 2.30S - Spanish version - Lista de la compra por Newton. software del tiendaLista (tL) es un gerente de la lista de la compra. te ayuda recuerda artculos que necesitas comprar a tiendas varias. Especialmente til con comestibleses. shopList software (sL) is a shopping list manager. sL helps you keep track of items you need to purchase at various stores. Especially helpful with groceries. Support for portrait and landscape rotations (Newton 2.0 only). Icons in popup lists (Newton 2.0 only). Works with 1.x and 2.0. SHOPPING PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:SHOPPING SHOPPING 0 21K 11/15/93 Shopping List 1.3 - Shopping List was developed to demonstrate a potential Newton application in a manufacturing firm. (Grocery shopping is very much like order picking in a warehouse with many SKU's.). Shopping List has been steadily improved as it's been used as a test ground for new approaches to Newton software. We envision a version 1.4 that will link Shopping List to the Find and Intelligent Assistance features of Newton. New to this version - The pull-down store section menu has been replaced with a palette of icon buttons. Audio feedback is included. Scrolling the overview lists is now in page steps instead of line steps. SHORTCUT PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:SHORTCUT SHORTCUT 0 24K 3/03/95 Shortcuts 1.01 - Shortcuts is a shareware utility that lets you add buttons to the status bar of the Notepad that act as shortcuts to the built-in as well as other applications. Shortcuts is a little on the large size (roughly 60K after installation) and therefore can be loaded into either internal memory or onto a storage card. If at all possible try to load it into the internal memory. Start Shortcuts by opening it in the Extras Drawer. Then all you need to do is tap and drag buttons to the status bar. There is a How Do I? button that will give you online help about using Shortcuts. In the near future I'm going to make the popup for the packages picker use a smaller font so those of you with a large number of... SHORTLIS PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:SHORTLIS SHORTLIS 0 13K 9/28/95 Short List 1.1 - Short List is a Notepad based list editor. You can view and modify your lists in the Notepad or by launching Short List. Lists created by Short List can be treated like any other Notepad note. It is a small attempt to make the Notepad more useful and functional. After installation, a new item will appear on the pop-up for the Action Button (envelope) attached to each note. This is titled Short List. Selecting Short List opens the application which converts the text in the current note into a list. Important - any unrecognized ink or drawings in the note will be lost, only the text will be converted. This is not undoable. If you hit the Cancel button, however, your note will remain unchanged,... SHOWMATE PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SHOWMATE SHOWMATE 0 55K 1/13/98 ShowMate 2.1 - is a fully scriptable and schedulable remote control featuring several unique features, such as combined equipment management, alarm scheduling, creation of scripts (software programs), and design of custom remote controls. ShowMate supports several brands including Sony, Philips, Panasonic, JVC and Yamaha. In total, there are over 1300 different infrared commands available within ShowMate. Requirements - Newton OS 2.x or higher. About 115 kilobytes free RAM. SHOWMATE PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:ALL:SHOWMATE SHOWMATE 0 44K 1/17/97 ShowMate Remote Control - is a fully scriptable and schedulable remote control featuring several unique features, such as combined equipment management, alarm scheduling, creation of scripts, and design of custom remote controls. MyRemote Control: Allows you to create custom remote controls Panasonic Support: Over 100 supported Panasonic codes for audio and video Enhanced Operation: Combine BOTH Panasonic and Sony codes together. New Commands: Repeat Last Command & Delay functions ShowMate supports the following equipment: Sony (North America) AUDIO: Amplifiers, Tuners, CD players, DAT players, TAPE players, PHONO players, VIDEO: Televisions, VTRs, Laserdisc (LD), Video Cameras Panasonic (North... SHOWTIME PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:SHOWTIME SHOWTIME 0 32K 11/16/95 ShowTime - Sine of the Times, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of ShowTime, the Newton's first fully scriptable and schedulable remote control. ShowTime offers easy management of multiple electronic components, alarm scheduling, and creation of scripts (software programs). Currently only modern Sony equipment is supported. In total, there are over 400 different infrared commands available within ShowTime. ShowTime provides full functionality for - Sony Amplifiers, Sony Tuners, Sony Compact Disc (CD) Players, Sony Digital Audio Tape (DAT) Players, Sony Cassette Tape (TAPE) Players, Sony Phono Players, Sony Televisions, Sony Video Tape Recorders (VTR), Sony LaserDisc (LD) Players, and Sony... SHUFFLER PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SHUFFLER SHUFFLER 0 30K 11/14/96 Shuffler 1.0b4 - is a bookmarks organizer for the Newton OS2.0. Shuffler lets you add, remove, edit and route bookmarks that reside in Avanti's bookmark soup. Besides handling the bookmarks as already described you are now able to launch bookmarks directly from Shuffler. Shuffler will open an internet application on your Newton that is the most suitable for the given URL, a http URL will activate an Internet browser and a news URL will activate a News reader etc. You are also able to launch and add URL's directly from the notepad or where you you might find one. SIDEREAL PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:SIDEREAL SIDEREAL 0 8K 2/11/97 Sidereal 1.0 - is a small time utility for the Newton that automatically computes and displays the local mean sidereal (astronomical) time based upon the home location that is set in the Time Zones application, and the time from the Newton's internal clock. Sidereal should work with all versions of the Newton OS and requires approximately 6K of storage. Tap on the Sidereal icon in your Extras drawer to bring up the sidereal clock display. This display shows the current local mean sidereal time (LMST) in hours and minutes, and updates automatically. By setting your I am here location in the Time Zones application and your local time in the Clock application, Sidereal will compute and display the appropriate... SIEVE1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SIEVE1 SIEVE1 1 0 11K 5/23/95 Sieve 1.0 - Sieve is a simple app that lets you run the standard sieve benchmark which calculates a fixed number of prime numbers. My original OMP ran the benchmark in about 143 seconds. My MP 100 runs it in about 65 seconds! Sieve was developed ON my Newton (not on a Macintosh or Windows pc) using Steve Weyer's amazingly wonderful Newt 3.0 developement platform. Newt 3.0 allows you to develop complete NewtonScript applications that produce true Newton packages on your MessagePad. The actual package was then extracted by synchronizing my Newton using the Apple NCK and then pulling the package from it via the shareware ExtractPackages 1.1. Sieve is a Standalone package. SIGN PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:1:SIGN SIGN 0 36K 11/03/93 Sign - Sign is a Newton application that contains pictures for the american sign language finger alphabet. In its current incarnation, it is most useful for reference. The author may add the ability to for the user to write in words and have Newton sign them. SIGNATUR PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SIGNATUR SIGNATUR 0 8K 4/28/94 Signature - Contains two freeware programs - Signature and Signed. Signature adds a new preference to the preference roll where the user can put in their signature. It makes an entry in the userConfiguartion entry called signature. I hope to include this in future ROMs and want to get this out so that other applications (like the next one) can take advantage of it. Signed takes advantage of Signature and adds a new print format to the paper roll which provides for a letter format that automatically signs the letter with the signature in the preferences. SILICONB PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:SILICONB SILICONB 0 43K 11/07/94 Silicon Banking Group - PDA On-Line Customer Banking - This overview suggests a possible use of PDA devices as an integral component of future Client Banking solutions. This is a mock up of what can be! The Proof of Concept application attempts to maintain a familiar interface to currently existing electronic banking interfaces (ATM Machines) and devices, alternatives to interface designs may be delivered in various configuration and actions, however an accepted interface is the easiest for a user to familiarise with. Client Banking refers to banking transactions performed within Cheque, Savings, or Investment accounts but are equally applicable to Stock, Bonds or superannuation transactions.... SILK2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:SILK2 SILK2 2 0 24K 12/12/97 Silk 2.01 - The new features include even more support for NOS 2.1 (MessagePad 2000 and eMates) customizable positioning and sizing of the Silk Button, automatically turns the light on when you turn on your Newton at user specified times of the day, works with the keyboard on NOS 2.1 and greater Newtons. cmd-L to toggle the backlight, ctrl-cmd-delete to reset the Newton. Silk was written because I tried to use my MP130 one night and could not see the builtin silk screen buttons. As a pleasant side effect, Silk works in rotated mode so that your silk screen buttons will float in the proper orientation. Silk also lets you toggle on and off the backlighting. SIMPLEMA PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SIMPLEMA SIMPLEMA 0 76K 2/24/98 SimpleMail 2.21 - is a Newton e-mail transport that lets you send and receive messages over the internet using POP/SMTP. It uses the Newton Internet Enabler (NIE), so it will only work with Newton 2.0 or better. It works with MP120, MP130, MP2000 and eMate. It's compact, taking up only 80K store space. Best of all, it's free! SITEX10 PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:ALL:SITEX10 SITEX10 10 0 606K 11/22/95 SITEX10 - This is the Stuffit Expander version for the PC. Allows you to decompress sit, zip and other formats on your PC. SKIP1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SKIP1 SKIP1 1 0 11K 11/22/93 Skip 1.0 - Introducing Skip 1.0, the complete version of the first truly useful utility for the Newton MessagePad and ExpertPad. Skip is a Styles shortcut. With Skip installed, the Styles palette is always one tap away, yet Skip never gets in your way. Skip utilizes the unused space on the touchscreen which does not cover the active display. Tapping in the upper left or right corners of your screen will activate Skip and bring forth the Styles palette. To use Skip, install the appropriate Skip package with your connection kit. If you want Skip to reside in the top left corner, install SkipLeft.pkg. For the top right, install SkipRight.pkg. SLEEPAID PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SLEEPAID SLEEPAID 0 24K 7/22/96 SleepAid 2.1 - covers all aspects of power management on your OS 2.0 Newton. It replaces the default Sleep preferences allowing you to set two sleep times - one for battery and one for AC. Users with backlit Newtons can set two separate backlight timeouts. SleepAid also adds a SleepAidNow corner for one tap sleep and a HeapStatus corner for an instant reading of free heap space. SleepAid is not a radical change fromthe existing interface. It adds functionality without complexity and implements sleep the way it should have been in the first place. When SleepAid starts up, it replaces the Newton's default Sleep preferences. You access the new preferences the same way you accessed the old preferences - they appear... SLEEPAID PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SLEEPAID SLEEPAID 0 29K 3/06/95 SleepAid 1.3 - SleepAid covers all aspects of power management on your Newton. It replaces the default Sleep preferences allowing you to set two sleep times - one for battery and one for AC. It lets you reboot or sleep your Newton even if some errant application wants it to stay awake. And finally, it adds a SleepAidNow corner for one tap sleep and a HeapStatus corner for an instant reading of free heap space. SleepAid is not a radical change from the existing interface. It adds functionality without complexity and implements sleep the way it should have been in the first place. SLEEPER1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:SLEEPER1 SLEEPER1 1 0 17K 3/28/96 Sleeper 1.0 - is a 21k package that make your Newton yawn when it goes to sleep. Install Sleeper as you would normally install any other package. Most people will use the connection kit for either Mac or Windows. If you have never installed a package before, please read the documentation that came with your Newton. SLEEPSOU PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SLEEPSOU SLEEPSOU 0 15K 2/28/95 SleepSoundPro 0.10 - SleepSoundPro (SSP) is a Newton application that lets a user change the Sleep and Wake Up sounds their Newton will make. Normally, the Newton does not make a sound when you turn it off and on. This is a bit boring, so we wrote SleepSound. Features got added, improvements were made and far too much time was spent on a Shareware app. We've added the ability in SleepSoundPro to support Sound Packages. We're distributing the format of Sound Packages freely so that others may create packages usable with SleepSoundPro. If you're interested in creating Sound Packages, contact us via e-mail. Please note that this is a demo version of this package and it will expire 30 days after you install it. SLOUP2 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:ALL:SLOUP2 SLOUP2 2 0 192K 1/08/98 Sloup 2.1 - transfers paragraphs or tab-delimited text between a text file and Newton soup entries via a terminal emulator and serial connection; print values and errors to terminal. Feature Summary: transfer desktop text to/from Notes (and Outlines and Checklists on NOS 2.x) and NewtWorks (2.x), import/export Names (examples provided), import/export tab-delimited data via your desktop terminal emulator, use your desktop keyboard to enter text on your Newton, transfer graphics for applications in Newt Development Environment and books in Newt's Cape, upload 2.x packages to Unix, versions for 1.x and 2.x Newtons; German version avail. Sloup is shareware ($10). Registered users receive access to versions... SMALLQUI PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:SMALLQUI SMALLQUI 0 16K 11/25/94 SmallQuiz 1.1a2 - Use this simple 10-question quiz to discover your political identity! The quiz plots your position on a variant of the Nolan Chart, which is a two dimensional political spectrum invented by political scientist David Nolan in 1972 as an alternative to the left-right spectrum. Depending on your answers, you could end up as left/liberal, right/conservative, centrist, libertarian, authoritarian, or some combination of the above. A good conversation-starter at parties! Answer all ten questions by clicking on either yes, no, or select maybe if you are unsure or have reservations of some sort. When you've answered all the questions, hit the Score me! button at the bottom for your... SMALLTAL PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:SMALLTAL SMALLTAL 0 972K 1/28/98 Small Talk - the world's first two-way, real-time translator! More than just a phrase book or dictionary, Small Talk turns your PDA into a foreign language interpreter, allowing you to communicate quickly and easily in another language. With Small Talk, the whole world of language and travel is at your fingertips. Communication barriers are a thing of the past. This tool opens the door to a rich new cultural panorama. Imagine chatting with the Pope in Italian about kosher foods. Asking a sexy Italian about the best night clubs in Florence. Trading Deutsch Marks on the open exchange in Berlin. Navigating the Costa Rican rain forests like a native. With Small Talk, anything is possible. Newton OS Version -... SMALLTIM PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:SMALLTIM SMALLTIM 0 7K 11/15/93 SmallTime 1.0 - SmallTime is a small app which lets you time events - basically a tiny stop watch. It is as small as I thought I could make an app and still have it be useful. I wanted something small to keep basic time plus I wanted an exercise to learn the Newton programming environment. Known limitations - It doesnt track hours but if someone asks I will add it. If people are interested Ill add features such as actual start time in time of day format and maybe even lap features. SMARTBUT PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:SMARTBUT SMARTBUT 0 64K 10/19/96 SmartButtons 2.14.pkg - K2 announces that its latest revision of its Advanced Reference Technology engine, SmartButtons. Please note that this update fixes some minor issues with previous versions as well as providing a small speed increase on indexed searches. This update is recommended for ALL Newton devicies (100->130) however Newton users with OS 2.0 will notice the biggest differences. It is used with all K2 ART Compatible products including the KJV Bible, all Medical Texts (by K2, ERLI, First DataBank, and Mosby-Year Book), Archimedes, and MedScribe. SMARTCAP PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:SMARTCAP SMARTCAP 0 45K 3/15/96 Smart Caps 1.0 - Smart Caps puts a button in the Notepad status bar on your Newton. Tapping this button will properly capitalize any hilited text, or the current note (if it's one of the 3 basic types; Note, Outline, or Checklist). Tap and hold this button to get to the preferences, where you can choose how Smart Caps capitalizes words. NotePad Converter needs Newton Operating system 2.0 or later. It also needs about 9k of free storage space. SMSMAILE PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SMSMAILE SMSMAILE 0 36K 7/23/96 SMS Mailer 1.0 - for Newton is a new package for Newton 2.0 devices, designed to work in conjunction with the Nokia 2110 family of GSM phones through the Nokia Cellular Datacard DTP-2. The program allows the user to compose and send SMS messages to the screen of the receiver's GSM phone. The application works like the while you were out popular notes, allowing easy composing of messages. Also, the destination list stores the last used numbers, and work integrated with the names info to select the receiver or receivers. Can manage group messages and multi-destination messages. Shareware: 48 USD. Unregistered version works in full (only inserts a banner at the beginning of each message). Can be... SMSNOKIA PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:SMSNOKIA SMSNOKIA 0 13K 9/08/96 SMSNOKIA 0.2 - only for Newton OS 2.0 or higher. SMSNOKIA is designed for the NOKIA Cellular Data Card (DTP-2) and the NOKIA Cellular Phone 2110. SMSNOKIA sends Short Messages form a Cellular Phone to another Cellular Phone. SMSNOKIA is now also able to read all new messages out of the phones memory into the Notepad. The maximum length of a message is 160 chars, longer messages will be truncated to that size. Future releases of SMSNOKIA may also allow other gateways like Cellular -> Pager or Cellular -> Fax. SNAKE2 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:SNAKE2 SNAKE2 2 0 34K 4/27/94 Snake 2.6 - Snake is a Newton game where a snake will run and run and grow and eat and grow...and crash. You're job is to keep the snake alive as long as you can, and to keep the snake from crashing into rocks, walls and into itself. Steer the snake by tapping next to it's head. SNEWTRIS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:SNEWTRIS SNEWTRIS 0 48K 10/01/97 Super Newtris 2.0 - Tactile revamped the package, making it compatible with NOS 2.0. They also reworked the controls to increase playability. Features Familiar game play, Custom patterns used, New sounds added to your system, Compatibility with all 2.x systems. Keyboard support. High score. Super Newtris 2.0 costs only $15 US. SNOOZEY2 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:SNOOZEY2 SNOOZEY2 2 0 19K 3/11/97 Snoozey 2.0 - is a Dates enhancement that allows alarms to have snooze values of 5 minutes, 9 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 5 days and 1 week. When an an alarm/reminder goes off hit the Snooze button and pick a choice. SOAPTAP PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:1:SOAPTAP SOAPTAP 0 46K 10/13/94 SOAPTap - S.O.A.P. Notes is a Newton interface for our computer package of the same name. It is used to rapidly form patient notes in an office setting. In the standard S.O.A.P. Notes package, the notes are formed by scanning phrases from a wall chart of barcodes using a wireless barcode reader the size of a credit card. In this Newton interface the wall chart and bar code reader are replaced by a tap board on the Newton. The notes are stored in the Newton's Notepad in a folder, Soap. This folder must exists to be able to efficiently edit and download the notes. SOLITAIR PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:SOLITAIR SOLITAIR 0 60K 3/13/98 Solitaire 1.02 - This software is for Newton 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons ONLY. Solitaire is 5 classic solitaire games for the Newton. SOLITODE PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:SOLITODE SOLITODE 0 116K 2/17/98 Solito Deluxe 2.5 - is a Newton version of four popular Solitaire games. With Solito Deluxe, you can play Klondike, Canfield, Pyramid and Aces, each with different playing options. See the end of this file for instructions on how to play. Solito Deluxe is Shareware and costs $15. It will run for two weeks before expiring. Features: Four different games (with multiple options), Many card designs, Auto Start in your favorite game, Iconizable. Fun animation and ending. Scoring based on how lucky you are. Statistics (games played/won) and more! SOLODELU PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:SOLODELU SOLODELU 0 89K 2/15/95 Solo Deluxe 1.62 - Solo Deluxe is a Newton version of three popular Solitaire games. With Solo Deluxe, you can play Klondike, Canfield and Pyramid, each with different playing options. Solo Deluxe takes up quite a bit of RAM (about 128K), especially if you have the Help book and the extra Deck designs installed (SoloHelp (19K), SoloDecks (45K) and SoloDecksTwo (31k). If this is too much for you, use Solo 1.41 (Klondike only). Features of Solo Deluxe - Three different games (with multiple options), Many card designs, Auto Start in your favorite game, Iconizable, Fun animation and ending, Scoring based on how lucky you are, Statistics (games played/won), and more! And it's Free! Thanks Renaud! SOLODX2 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:SOLODX2 SOLODX2 2 0 98K 11/01/96 Solo Deluxe 2.0 - is a Newton version of four popular Solitaire games. With Solo Deluxe, you can play Klondike, Canfield, Pyramid and Aces, each with different playing options. Solo Deluxe is Shareware and costs $15. Features: Four different games (with multiple options). Many card designs. Auto Start in your favorite game. Fun animation and ending. Scoring based on how lucky you are. Statistics (games played/won) and more! Solo Deluxe takes up quite a bit of RAM (about 140K), especially if you have the Help book and the extra Deck designs installed (SoloHelpII (19K), SoloDecks (45K) and SoloDecksTwo (31K)). If this is too much for you, find a copy of Solo 1.41 (regular version with Klondike only). SONYREMO PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:SONYREMO SONYREMO 0 19K 8/24/94 SonyRemote 1.01 - SonyRemote is a Newton Compatible application that allows you to use the InfraRed transmitter on a Newton to control some Sony consumer electronics devices. The VCR codes control a Sony Beta VCR from the reports I have received. Most codes from the CD player, Tape Deck, Television, Amplifier and Tuner work, I think the shift is non-functional on the tuner. I have left it in just in case it works on someone's tuner. The volume control also appears to behave very slowly (at least for me) on the tuner. It should remember the position on the screen and the last used remote between uses. I got SonyRemote to work 22 feet away! SOUNDICO PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SOUNDICO SOUNDICO 0 31K 9/24/97 Sound Icon Maker 1.01 - Make your own Sound Icons. Sound Icon Maker is a program that converts sound files into Sound Icons for the Newton OS. Sound Icons are a sound file format for the Newton OS. Create Sound Icons for the Newton OS. Use System 7 sound files. Use AIFF sound files. Drag and drop ease. The current version of Sound Icon Maker requires MacOS 7.0 or greater. SOUNDOFF PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SOUNDOFF SOUNDOFF 0 29K 4/14/98 Sound Off! 1.3 - Link sounds to actions and events. Sound Off! for the Newton is an application that allows you to link sounds to various actions and events. Link sounds to various actions and events. Choose from almost 20 actions and events. Adjust individual sound volumes. Includes Help Book. NewtonID aware but not required. Easy to use. Sound Off! is available for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000 and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 or eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. SOUNDSLE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:SOUNDSLE SOUNDSLE 0 45K 6/11/97 Sound Sleep 1.0 - has several features. First, you can configure your Newton so it will wake up your with a simple pen tap on the screen. Second, Sound Sleep allows you to open up and edit sound notes quickly and easily. The sound notes are obtainable either via a floating button, an extras drawer button, or a sequence of turning on and off your Newton. These sound notes are added to the built in notepad, but can always be accessed via Sound Sleep by tapping on the overview button. Requires NOS 2.x. SOUNDTOS PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SOUNDTOS SOUNDTOS 0 23K 9/09/97 Sound To Soup - will enable you transform a NotePad recording into a soup and have that sound available for the O/S to use in any place that you can select sounds. Use it to make your own Alert sounds. Make a Sound Recording in the NotePad. Name this new recording by tapping the box in the upper left of the recording. The default name is the date. Press the 'Add' button in Sound To Soup. This will copy the sound into it's own soup and add it to the Registered Sound List. You'll see the soup in the Storage drawer named: Soundxxxxxxxx:DMP where xxxxxx is the name you gave it. If you did not name it, then a number will be used. That's it. Sound To Soup functions for 45 days unless registered for $10 USD. SOUNDTOS PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:SOUNDTOS SOUNDTOS 0 5K 4/24/97 Sound-to-slurp - Apple didn't release its speech synthesis in the mp2000, but did release voice recording. My program and recommended hardware will get you some of the features of the new mp2000 in case you are waiting for the 2010 with more speech recognition like I am. I made a little program to make all the newton message pads be able to talk just a little (I may work out a crude phonetics newtonscript plugin later). Paul M. Sheldon psheldon@utdallas.edu SOUPAWAY PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPAWAY SOUPAWAY 0 11K 3/12/94 SoupAway 0.01 - The purpose of this application is to allow the user to purge his/her MessagePad of left over soups from no-longer resident applications. Back up first. If you use this application, you could lose data. If you lose data, and you don't have a backup, you no-longer have that data. When used correctly, it will help free up precious memory on your Newton! SOUPCLEA PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPCLEA SOUPCLEA 0 10K 9/08/95 SoupCleaner 1.0 - I've noticed that over time some of the Date Soup's entries get corrupted. By that I mean that some entries will loose required slots or that these slots will contain some invalid entries. Each entry consists of required slots like the mtgStartDate slot which specifies the start date of the event. If that slot is missing, the event-in most cases if not all-will not be displayed. SoupCleaner will attempt to examine each entry and determine whether or not any slots are missing or corrupted. Corrupted entries can also be repaired depending on the user setting. SOUPER1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPER1 SOUPER1 1 0 31K 11/15/93 Souper 1.1 - As I began to work with, and develop software for the Newton, I was frustrated by the fact that I couldn't clear out a file (Soup) easily. I had to delete each record (Entry) individually, so I started to write an application that would clear out a Soup. Once I got started, I began to add other things to my 'wish list' and the package you now have grew out of that list. Within the Souper application you have the ability to select the Store on which you want to work and the Soup you wish to operate on. You may rename a given Soup, Delete an entire Soup, Clear all entries out of a Soup, or get information about a Soup. The functions Rename, Remove, and Clear operate as you would expect. SOUPKITC PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPKITC SOUPKITC 0 37K 8/28/95 SoupKitchen 1.0 - SoupKitchen is a full-featured soup browser/editor for the Newton. Shareware, $10. Free to NewtCase 2.x users. Upon launching SoupKitchen, you will be asked to select a soup to edit. Once selected, SoupKitchen will provide information on that soup (number of entires, storage used, index slot, etc.). Tap on the Browse button to enter the soup browser. While editing, its important to understand the structure of soups and how SoupKitchen displays their contents. Information is given in the Read Me file! SOUPMIXE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPMIXE SOUPMIXE 0 19K 7/07/95 Soup Mixer 2.11 - Soup Mixer is a soup manager for the Newton MessagePad. It was created because of the poor quality or functionality of soup managers that we looked at. Features include - Movement and duplication of soups of varying stores. Deletion of soups. Emptying of soups (removal of their entries). Hierarchical viewing of soup contents to the n-th level. (Just tap the items you wish to expand.) Deletion and duplication of soup entries. Global Garbage collection thrown in for free. Features don't include - Modification of soup entries in any way. SOUPSWEE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SOUPSWEE SOUPSWEE 0 6K 10/13/94 SoupSweep - Soup Sweep removes unused memory from the Newton's soups. It typically saves about 10 percent of the memory used by a soup. (Your Milage may vary.) It has been tested with all built-in applications and several third party application on an MP100 and MP110. Freeware, brought to you by the Newton Al group in Washington State University. SPEED1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:SPEED1 SPEED1 1 0 83K 9/12/95 Speed 1.1 - Speed is a collection of enhancements to the built in Names file. These include - Fast (usable) filing of names and notes and viewing of folders. Display of email addresses in the Card and Card & Notes views. A variety of methods for quickly accessing the Names file. These are the Scribble window, a pop up menu, and a mini-keyboard. The ability to tap on a number and have the Newton dial it without having to go through the standard call slip. A way to set certain default attributes for both the Names file and newly created Name cards. An increase in the country list that pops up in the Names file. An adjustable dialing delay for calling card numbers. SPEED2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:SPEED2 SPEED2 2 0 30K 10/07/96 Speed 2.2 - Requires Newton MessagePad running 2.0 OS. Speed provides 4 methods of quickly accessing your names file. Shareware, $15. This demo will expire after 30 days. SPELLBOX PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SPELLBOX SPELLBOX 0 11K 5/06/98 SpellBox 1.2 - In the Newton OS 2.1 there is a spelling checker. It's most famous for its appearance in the NewtWorks word processor, although there are several third-party product which bring spell-checking to other places in the Newton. Until now, there was no way to quickly look up a word in the dictionary, though. Either you typed it in the word processor or spell-checked it, or scribbled it in the Notepad and used a third-party solution. Both ways are inconvenient. SpellBox ends that madness. You can quickly look up words in the built-in dictionary and look at alternative spellings. Requirements - A Newton device with Newton OS 2.1 or greater. (That means a MessagePad 2000, 2100, or eMate. It's been tested on... SPELLCHE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SPELLCHE SPELLCHE 0 8K 4/26/95 SpellCheck 1.01 - This is a very cool Spell Checker for the Newton! It can spell check any note in the notepad. Just tap in the note, and hit Start. Spell Check will then match each word against the Newton's dictionary (hmm, maybe time to add some words to it!). Freeware. SPELLER PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:SPELLER SPELLER 0 21K 6/14/96 Speller - is a spelling checker for the Newton MessagePad. With Speller you can check the spelling of memos, mail messages and other textual notes using the built-in dictionaries of the Newton. SPELLMAN PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SPELLMAN SPELLMAN 0 36K 3/13/98 SpellMan 1.04 - This software is for MessagePad 2000s ONLY. SpellMan is a spell checker for use on the MessagePad 2000. SPELLWOR PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SPELLWOR SPELLWOR 0 69K 2/17/98 SpellWorks 1.0 - is an enhancement to the NewtWorks word processing application for the Newton. SpellWorks has an interactive spell checker that notifies you of misspelled words as you type. In addition, SpellWorks has an auto-expansion feature that lets you enter text in only a few keystrokes. SpellWorks is made free by Foundation Systems for the entire Newton community. SPRINTNE PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:SPRINTNE SPRINTNE 0 19K 7/02/96 SprintNet - a listing of all of the SprintNet access numbers in the world in NewtonBook format. This is the easiest way to get Aloha up and running anywhere in the world. SPROING1 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:SPROING1 SPROING1 1 0 12K 3/12/98 Sproing 1.0 - allows you to experiment with a bouncing spring by varying frequency, amplitude, damping, mass, spring constant. Freeware. NOS 1.x/2.x compatible. (Application created with NewtDevEnv, help book with Newt's Cape). SQUASHEM PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:SQUASHEM SQUASHEM 0 10K 10/22/96 SquashEm 1.0 - is a ShareWare ($5) game in which the object is to squash all the bugs that pop up on the screen. But don't squash the woodland creatures! That would be cruel! Download it and have fun. Ps. I won't be responsible for broken screens, so crush dem bugs gently! Requires Newtons with OS2.0. By Nico teWinkel, Ranch Computing. STACKS1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:STACKS1 STACKS1 1 0 28K 1/10/97 Stacks 1.0 - is a strategy game. You need to jump tiles on a board in order to remove them. However, if you jump one tile on top of another, they combine into a more difficult tile to remove. This is very similar to the game Tesserae. I did this game just to prove to people that you could have a quick and responsive game entirely in scripting. If you use it, please feed the programmer: send him email at scott@jenson.org Don't worry, bugs and comments accepted equally. STANFORD PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:STANFORD STANFORD 0 42K 4/01/96 Stanford Map 1.5 - Copyright 1996 Foundation Systems. Release Date: March 31, 1996. Stanford Map 1.5 is an interactive map of Stanford University. STARTBAR PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:STARTBAR STARTBAR 0 97K 11/12/97 StartBar 1.08 - This software is for Newton 2.1 Newtons ONLY. Start Bar installs a small task bar at the bottom of your Newton's screen, below the button bar. This bar lets you quickly switch between open tasks on your Newton, plus give you access to frequently used apps and system functions. Just install StartBar on your Newton and it will start to work. Whenever you open a new package, it will be added to the list on the bar. The rightmost button on the start bar lists the time or date. Tap on it to toggle between the two. You can tap and hold on it to have it display the heap. In this mode tapping will do a garbage collection (heap cleaning.) STARTUPS PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:STARTUPS STARTUPS 0 20K 10/31/96 Startup Screen 0.1a3 - This is startupscreen changer program. You can change your Newton StartupScreen as you want. NOS 2.0 Only. Don't set passward! This program is not bug free! Install StartupScreen.pkg to your newton. You need to get pict2pkg0.23. Build yourpictname.pkg as '|yourpictname:p2p023|. Install your startupscreen pict.pkg. If you want to view, Tap Happy Newton Icon. Sleep and boot, you will see new StartupScreen. Don't set passward! If you set passward, you need reset your newton, and remove your passward or this program. STATES1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:STATES1 STATES1 1 0 15K 12/28/94 States 1.0 - This program shows a map of the United States and shows the name of the state and its capital when the map is tapped on a state. This app is in landscape mode. Caveats - State Capitals may not work well on a screen set to lower contrast. It's hard to tap on a small state. The icon in the extras drawer is a little too tall. Some irregularly shaped states can't be tapped everywhere, such as the Texas panhandle. Alaska and Hawaii do not have a map outlines, just buttons. My apologies to the 49th and 50th states. STATION1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:STATION1 STATION1 1 0 95K 10/07/96 Stationery Pack 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Stationery Pack is a collection of seven pieces of NotePad stationery. The Newton comes with three stationery items for the NotePad, Note, Checklist, and Outline. Stationery Pack adds Blank Note, Graph Paper, Location Note, Phone Message, Prioritized Note, Shopping List, and Time Card. Once installed, these will appear in the New menu in the NotePad. Also included in Stationery Pack is NotePad Converter, which places a button at the base of the NotePad which allows you to convert a particular type of Stationery into another type. STATIONE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:STATIONE STATIONE 0 173K 3/05/97 Stationery Construction Kit 1.1 - Stationery Construction Kit (SCK) lets you build stationery right on your Newton. You will have access to two separate palettes: one for drawing, the other for items (labels, checkboxes, buttons, label input lines, name input lines, date input lines, time input lines, radio buttons, plane fields, and lists), all of which you can edit to fit your needs exactly. Custom Stationery supports beaming, mailing, faxing, and printing. STATUSBA PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:STATUSBA STATUSBA 0 14K 1/27/94 StatusBar Buttons 2.0 - StatusBar Buttons is a single Newton applet which places (up to) seven buttons in the status bar at the bottom of the Newton's note pad application. Each of these buttons serve a distinct and useful function, and generally make the Newton a better place to live. You may select which buttons to display as appropriate for your unique needs. StatusBar Buttons is a persistent applet. When installed, the buttons appear immediately. When the Newton is reset, the buttons reinstall themselves. They're always there, ready to serve. Buttons installed - Bullet, quickstyle, exclaim! (punctuation), keys, ink sizer, words/letters and prefs shortcut. Read the docs to find out more. STEWPOT1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:STEWPOT1 STEWPOT1 1 0 26K 6/07/95 StewPot 1.1 - StewPot is a utility for dealing for soups. If you don't know what they are, you need to find out! Included is a document that explains it all! Copy entries in a soup - or copy the entire soup to a new soup. Move entries from one store to another (Newt to card, card to Newt) - or move the entire soup from one store to another. See what apps add to your Newt (and remove the stuff if they dont clean up after themselves!). Create new slots, entries, and soups of your own. Modify the contents of first and second level entry slots. Remove a single entry from a soup, or all of them. Remove a soup entirely from a store. Print, Fax, or Mail a printout of an entry. From Mark Underwood, NANUG president. STICKYNE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:STICKYNE STICKYNE 0 385K 2/11/98 Sticky Newts 2.07 - is a fun new application for your Newton designed to make it easy to jot down reminders, to-do lists, directions, draw maps or just doodle. Styled after the familiar form of a paper sticky note, Sticky Newts allows you to place multiple notes on your Newton screen, view them all simultaneously, or hide them all with a single tap. In addition, Sticky Newts allows you to quickly jot down notes no matter what other applications you are running on your Newton. Sticky Newts floats above all your other applications, providing constant access to your information. All the while, remaining as unobtrusive as possible. System Requirements - Newton MP120/130/2000 or eMate 300, Newton OS2.0/2.1 or later.... STKSLPCS PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:2:STKSLPCS STKSLPCS 0 13K 10/07/97 StockSlip CS - R-Type Software (www.r-type.com) is proud to announce the immediate availability of Stock Slip and Stock Slip (Charles Schwab edition) for Newton OS. Stock Slip is a stationary for Newton's built-in Notepad application. It helps you keep track of stocks that are in your portfolio. Stock Slip also provides important stats about the stock you own. Stock Slip works on all Newton OS 2.x devices (currently include Newton 130, eMate, and the Newton 2000.) Stock Slip costs $15 US. STOCHAST PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:STOCHAST STOCHAST 0 78K 3/25/96 Stochastic 1.0.1 - The Random & Psuedo-Random Number Sequence Generator for the Newton. Stochastic is a program that generates random & psuedo-random number sequences on your Newton. These sequences are frequently used by people for things like raffles or lotteries, statistical sampling, and behavioral research. Particularly in the behavioral research field, where study participants are exposed to a sequence of treatment conditions, these sequences are frequently generated in a psuedo-random manner, with each treatment condition appearing equally often. The software is being distributed as shareware and as such may be used for a period of 7 days before it will expire and require a valid serial number. The software... STOCKCAL PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:STOCKCAL STOCKCAL 0 21K 1/10/98 Stock Calculator 1.0 - is the perfect assistant for anyone doing online stock trading! Besides total cash outlay and profit/loss calculations, Stock Calculator is ideal for performing 'what if' analyses, such as determining what share price a stock needs to attain in order to return a specified profit. When buying stock, Stock Calculator can determine the total cash outlay, per share buying price, or number of shares. The user selects which field to calculate and enters values for the remaining fields. When selling stock, Stock Calculator can determine the profit amount or the per share selling price. The user selects which field to calculate and enters a value for the remaining field along with the... STOCKSLI PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:2:STOCKSLI STOCKSLI 0 11K 10/07/97 StockSlip - R-Type Software (www.r-type.com) is proud to announce the immediate availability of Stock Slip and Stock Slip (Charles Schwab edition) for Newton OS. Stock Slip is a stationary for Newton's built-in Notepad application. It helps you keep track of stocks that are in your portfolio. Stock Slip also provides important stats about the stock you own. Stock Slip works on all Newton OS 2.x devices (currently include Newton 130, eMate, and the Newton 2000.) Stock Slip costs $15 US. STOREINF PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:STOREINF STOREINF 0 8K 6/04/96 StoreInfo 1.0b6 - A Storage Space Monitor for the Newton. StoreInfo is a simple little application (11K, 0.1K heap) that lives inside a floating window and monitors the amount of available storage space on the internal and external stores connected to your Newton. The program is compatible with Newton 1.x and 2.0 systems, and offers users of 1.x users a window is similar to the Memory Info window that is available in the Extras Drawer under Newton 2.0. The advantage of using StoreInfo, however, is that its window can be displayed at all times on the screen without using much screen space and it can be easily invoked with a product like GestureLaunch from ICS. In addition to reporting the amount of... STOREKEE PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:STOREKEE STOREKEE 0 5K 10/26/94 Store Keeper 1.0 - Store Keeper is a simple little package to change your default store to the internal RAM whenever the calendar or names apps are open, so that data entered there ends up on the internal memory rather than the card. When the app is closed it then resets the default store to whatever it was before it was opened. If, however, you open the names file, for example, and then open the extras drawer and download a package without reseting the default store via the card app, the package will end up on the internal RAM. STOREYTE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:STOREYTE STOREYTE 0 52K 2/28/98 StoreyTeller 1.0 - for NOS 2.1 only. StoreyTeller will display the Extras Drawer's currently selected store in a button on the status bar. This will allow users who like the Icon view to see what store is being viewed without switching to the Overview. Tapping on StoreyTeller also allows you to pick the store to display. The button size will shrink or grow according to the store's text. STORK1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:STORK1 STORK1 1 0 5K 1/23/94 StorK 1.1 - StorK is a useful Newton application if you own a RAM card. It adds a button to the status bar of Newton to let you quickly toggle between saving new things to the Newton (internal memory) or the Card. Saves you the hassle of manually choosing where to store new things. StorK was rewritten to conform to a newly emerging standard for adding buttons to the status bar of the Notepad application. StorK will now happily co-exist with other Notepad add-ins (or ons?), such as Jesse Devine's utilities. STRAINER PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:STRAINER STRAINER 0 15K 11/15/93 Strainer 0.8 - Strainer 0.8 is the latest release of the Strainer utility, adding several new features. Strainer is designed to let you easily mark and remove entries from your Newton's storage. This can help you to get around a bug in the Datebook which makes it difficult to delete certain entries, or to remove outdated entries in order to keep as much memory free as possible. New features in version 0.8 - You can now mark entries in multiple soups and strain them all at once; now handles straining of items on storage cards, if present; Strainer now has dialogs to ask you what you want to do if you close the app before straining out the entries you have marked, and more. STREAK1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:STREAK1 STREAK1 1 0 8K 3/26/97 Streak 1.0 - Search and Replace utility for Newton. Enter the word you wish to find in the find field. Enter the word you wish to replace it with in the replace field. Alternatively you can grab the word from the text your checking by using the = buttons next to the entry fields. The = will grab words in which the cursor is present, or hilited. STREETFI PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:STREETFI STREETFI 0 7K 10/10/97 StreetFinder 1.01 - is a 6K package which implements the Manhattan Address Locator algorithm found in the NYNEX Yellow Pages. Given an avenue name and a building number in Manhattan, StreetFinder will tell you the nearest cross-street. It also does a similar thing for addresses on side-streets: it can tell you (roughly) the nearest avenue. Freeware. by Alan Simon (ads5@columbia.edu). STYLES PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:STYLES STYLES 0 3K 12/18/96 Styles - (2k) is a button for use in the Note Pad application. Tapping the button toggles on and off the Styles application. STYLES2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:STYLES2 STYLES2 2 0 13K 3/09/98 Styles+ 2.4 - is an enhancement to your Newton's built-in style palette. With Styles+, you have access to Bold, Italic, Underline, Outline, Superscript and Subscript! Apply one or all of them to selected text! You can change the size of any text from 9 to 72 points! Styles+ gives you access to the Newton's system font, Espy! Styles+ also gives you select all and select paragraph commands. Styles+, what the Newton's built-in style palette should have been! Styles+ is free to use by the entire Newton Community! STYLESME PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:STYLESME STYLESME 0 5K 8/04/94 Styles Menu - Styles Menu is a floating button that pops up a menu containing the text items from the Styles palette (plus a few other items). Selecting an item opens the Styles palette, selects the appropriate button and closes the Styles palette. (Note - to use Select All select text or tap in some text.) By S. Millman, StephenM35@aol.com. SUBPATRO PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:SUBPATRO SUBPATRO 0 33K 4/19/97 Sub Patrol DEMO 1.01 - Limited version of commerical game for Newton from iambic Software. Sub Patrol is an action adventure game of Naval warfare. Players command one of three surface ships including Spruance and Fletcher class destroyers or the more agile but less hardy patrol boat. Mines can be dropped from the ships to destroy enemy submarines before they have an opportunity to launch torpedoes at the ship. Sea planes with guided missiles and helicopters that drop magnetic decoys give the player strategic options when extra force is needed. Players progress through higher levels where the enemy becomes faster and more aggressive. The game ends when the ship exceeds the number of torpedo hits that can... SUNRISE2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:SUNRISE2 SUNRISE2 2 0 8K 8/21/96 Sunrise 2.0 - lets you automatically play sounds or activates the backlight on your Newton MessagePad every time the device is turned on or off. If you usually use your Newton in dimly lit areas, or want to customize your Newton's sound playing, you may want this package. On the other hand, if you don't have a backlight Newton, or are worried about battery life, you can probably live without this package. If you're looking for an easier way to activate your backlight only occasionally, be sure to check out Silk, from Catamount Software, or In The Dark, by Don Louv. They both also add floating representations of the silkscreen, so you don't have to stand on your head when using your Newton in portrait mode. SUNUPDOW PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:SUNUPDOW SUNUPDOW 0 19K 9/27/96 SunUpDown 1.3 - Requires NOS 2.0. SunUpDown calculates for a choosen city: the sun rise for a specific day, sun set for a specific day, longest day in a year shortest day in a year. Cities are picked from the Cities soup. On idle time it determines the longest and shortest day in the year. Use the chart checkbox to draw a chart. The required data for this chart is also calculated on idle. So you can see it getting better and better. SUPERCAP PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:SUPERCAP SUPERCAP 0 31K 9/22/97 Super Caps 1.32 - Super Caps puts a button in the status bar on your Newton Messagepad. Tapping this button will capitalize any hilited text, or standard note. Tap and hold this button to get to the preferences, where you can choose how Super Caps capitalizes words, and which status bar(s) the button appears in. Requires Newton OS 2.0. Shareware, $10. This demo will expire after 30 days. SUPERNA1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:SUPERNA1 SUPERNA1 1 0 91K 3/13/98 Super Names 1.2 - This software is for Newton 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons ONLY. Super Names is a set of enhancements for the built-in Names file, including more comprehensive searching, the ability to tag names and create custom filters, a small view of your names for quicker access, and the ability the customize your overview and change the fonts. SUPERNO1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:SUPERNO1 SUPERNO1 1 0 84K 4/07/97 Super NotePad 1.62 - is a set of enhancements for the built-in notepad of your Newton. Features include a navigation bar and the ability to create custom filters to search for notes. Super NotePad is demoware, with a built-in 30 day demo period, and costs $29.95. SUPERSOR PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:SUPERSOR SUPERSOR 0 54K 10/07/96 Super Sorter 1.2 - This demo will expire in 30 days. a fast, usable list manager for Newton! Keep an unlimited amount of lists, each with an unlimited number of items and (you guessed it) an unlimited amount of information associated with each item. Shareware, $20. SW4565 PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:2:SW45_65.EXE SW45_65.EXE 4565 0 58K 12/24/97 StyleWriter 4100/4500/6500 3.0 - December 22, 1997. Requires: Any German or English-based eMate 300 or MessagePad 2000/2100 and any Windows-based package installer. Includes printer drivers for StyleWriter 4100, 4500, and 6500 printers. This version of the 6500 printer driver will now support both networked localtalk and serial connections. SYSBEEP PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:SYSBEEP SYSBEEP 0 21K 5/30/94 SysBeep - SysBeep is a small program to give you a different beep sound. Two packages are included. One says Uh OH, the other, What the Hell?. You may install only one package at a time. Just run it once after installing (or reseting) to activate the new sound. It overrides the normal System Beep routine. Now, when you get an alert, you will hear Uh Oh or What the Hell ?, instead of the alarm sound that you selected in the Preferences Section. To cancel this new beep sound, you need to remove the package or reset your machine. If you install it in internal memory (it's about 12k), it won't holler at you when you remove a card. The sounds are from AMUG's Ashley Barnard, and her mother, Joey Baker. TAPBAR1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:TAPBAR1 TAPBAR1 1 0 47K 11/14/96 TapBar 1.1 - is a multi-purpose button manager. You can think about TapBar as a Newton version of Macintosh's Control Strip. With it, you can set up button bars made up of your favorite selection in your own order and layout. The bar can be shrunk and make it compact when you don't need it. TapBar also allows you to add buttons into status bar of Notes (or your selected backdrop applet). You can make multiple bars, and each bar has its own setting of button set. For instance, you may have a bar named Preferences Bar which has only preferences related buttons such as backlight control or system volume. You can do your task quickly and easily if buttons with same theme are in one group. The appearence of... TAPBARCU PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:TAPBARCU TAPBARCU 0 5K 10/24/96 TapBar Customizer 1.0 - This applet install additional option panel into Bar Settings. For instance, you can change detail settings of the bar's shape. See TapBar SDK 1.0 for the full development packages. Requires TapBar to work. TapBar is a multi-purpose, FreeWare button management utility. TAPBARSD PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:2:TAPBARSD TAPBARSD 0 104K 10/24/96 TapBar SDK 1.0 release - TapBar is a multi-purpose, FreeWare button management utility. With it, you can set up button bars made up of your favorite selection in your own order and layout. It also allows you to add buttons into NotePad's (backdrop application's) status bar. Also, for programmers, TapBar has an open API that allows you to write your own buttons and even create your own commercial button suite! TapBar requires Newton OS 2.0. It must be installed into internal store to avoid grip of death probrem. TapBar itself requires 46K of store space and about 4K of heap space. This is the full set of files you need to develop TapBar buttons, including TapBar applet (English Version), Sample Buttons and... TAPBOARD PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:TAPBOARD TAPBOARD 0 14K 11/29/93 TapBoard - This program includes three games for the Newton - Tic tac toe, Gomoku (try to get five in a row) and Reversi. Just load it, and play away. If you don't know how to play these games, instructions for each are inclu ded. TAPNEW1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:TAPNEW1 TAPNEW1 1 0 91K 5/23/96 TapNew 1.4 - is the first Newton-Application in a row of tools for your OS < 2.0 which gives you 2.0 like features. TapNew installs a 2.0 like button for easy creation of a new note, adress, meeting. TapNew provides also some other features of the new Newton OS 2.0! So watch out! If you have installed AddressAccess from Thorsten Lange with Version > 1.54 on your Newton, TapNew has a new Item in its Popup to open the AA-Cardeditor. TapNew is $10 ShareWare. TAPSTYLE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:TAPSTYLE TAPSTYLE 0 4K 2/08/94 TapStyles 1.0 - TapStyles is a simple little applet that, when activated, places a small dot in the upper right area of the Newton screen that allows quick access to the styles palette. I wrote it primarily for my own use as I found all other similar type applets not quite right for my own needs. It is small, unobtrusive, and, as far as I can tell, bug free. Once installed, tap on the little fountain pen nib icon and it will place a small dot in the upper right area of the Newton screen. When you tap on this dot, which is always available from any app, it instantly brings up the styles palette. Tapping on it again puts the styles palette away. TARGETHE PDA12:PKGS:HEALTH:1:TARGETHE TARGETHE 0 13K 7/01/94 Target Heart Rate - This is the first module in a series of modules for the runner and walker. These newton apps are part of the Training Log for Runner's and Walker's. It will contain functionality for capturing your daily and weekly mileage. Calculators for pace and training heart rates. Pace and steps per minute charts. Logs for entering weight and resting heart rates. This one contains Training Heart Rates only. Enter your age and resting heart rate, to calculate your target heart ranges. (Pick from a variety of calculations). TASKS2 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:TASKS2 TASKS2 2 0 7K 10/19/97 Tasks 2.1 - is a little extension (approx. 6 KB). After installing you can popup a list of running applications by tapping the marked area near by the Names button. freeware. Copyright 1995 - 1997 Holger Mller. muellerho@t-online.de. See the web site for more info at: http://members.aol.com/muellerho TAXPRO97 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:TAXPRO97 TAXPRO97 97 0 199K 10/21/97 TaxPro 97 - is designed for anyone who must file a 1040 tax form. Designed by a CPA, TaxPro'97 makes the process of federal tax planning fast and easy for mobile professionals: Business owners, bankers, executives, lawyers, investment advisors - anyone who wants to know in advance what to expect before their tax returns are prepared. TaxPro'97 is a financial management tool for improving cash flow, analyzing tax strategies, planning tax payments and reducing withholding. Because calculations are instantaneous, TaxPro'97 lets you know the tax impact of decisions-such as savings related to buying a house, or itemizing deductions-while there is still time for action! Requires serial number to work. However you can read... TBITS400 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS400 TBITS400 400 0 19K 10/07/97 TidBITS#400/06-Oct-97 - Another domino topples on the path to TidBITS world domination: in our 400th issue, Adam shows how TidBITS, which predated the Web by about four years, now uses sophisticated software to deliver a constantly changing Web site. Also, we note the release of ShareWay IP, look at Font Reserve, a program that may once and for all solve users' font difficulties, and continue Rick Holzgrafe's Successful Shareware series. TBITS401 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS401 TBITS401 401 0 19K 10/22/97 TidBITS#401/20-Oct-97 - Feeling geeky? Matt Neuburg reviews Text Machine, the grep utility for more of us. We also finish off Rick Holzgrafe's Successful Shareware series, staving off accusations of it being the article equivalent of Zeno's Paradox. Other topics include details about Apple's fourth quarter loss, a pointer to extensive information on dealing with spam in the last two issues of NetBITS, Apple price reductions, and the long-awaited release of Spring Cleaning 2.0. TBITS402 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS402 TBITS402 402 0 20K 10/28/97 TidBITS#402/27-Oct-97 - Is Apple betting the farm by shaking up the familiar six-colored tree? Although the long-range implications of Steve Jobs's decisions are anyone's guess, Adam looks at why replanting Apple's orchard might save the farm. Also in this issue, we look at a new crop of HTML utilities, note the Newton MessagePad 2100 and new versions of Quicken, Speed Doubler, and FileMaker, and see how the RSA Data Security Challenge was cracked. TBITS403 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS403 TBITS403 403 0 19K 11/13/97 TidBITS#403/03-Nov-97 - Tired of your eyes being tired? Read on for Jeff Carlson's overview of screen typography - why it works, why it doesn't, and what you can do about it. Fabrizio Oddone weighs in with a solution to the problem of Internet mirror sites, and Geoff Duncan discusses IDE hard disk problems impacting a range Performas and Power Macs. We also pass on announcements of StuffIt Deluxe 4.5, Riven (the sequel to Myst), and GraphicConverter 3.0.1. TBITS404 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS404 TBITS404 404 0 19K 11/13/97 TidBITS#404/10-Nov-97 - Is Apple thinking different? In this issue we look at the new Apple Store and Apple's new G3 Macs, complete with an in-depth examination of the technology behind the G3 chip and backside cache. We also have news of Qualcomm purchasing Now Software, QuarkXPress 4.0; Eudora Internet Mail Server 2.0; Greebles, a game from Stairways Software; plus new minor updates to Speed Doubler, BBEdit, and QuicKeys. TBITS405 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS405 TBITS405 405 0 19K 12/05/97 TidBITS#405/17-Nov-97 - As Adam celebrates his 30th birthday on Tuesday, you can read the Eudora tips and tricks he provides in honor of the release of his latest book, the Eudora Visual QuickStart Guide. Also in this issue, Jeff passes on additional comments about onscreen typography; we welcome Cyberian Outpost as our latest sponsor; report on the response to the Apple Store; and announce the release of PowerBook Zip drives, a lower price for Eudora Pro, and LetterRip 2.1.1. TBITS406 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS406 TBITS406 406 0 20K 12/05/97 TidBITS#406/24-Nov-97 - CD-ROMs rule this issue of TidBITS, where artist Bonnie Lebesch tells the story of how she self-published her CD-ROM, Stella and the Star-Tones. We also welcome our latest sponsor, CD-ROM publisher Soft Material and its flagship product, Pickle's Book. Geoff reveals keyboard shortcut secrets that deserve to be in every Mac user's portfolio, we look at the release of a new LaserWriter driver, and Tonya calls for Mac-related computer gift suggestions. TBITS407 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS407 TBITS407 407 0 20K 12/05/97 TidBITS#407/01-Dec-97 - Considering a digital camera, but not sure what you're getting into? This issue, guest writer Arthur Bleich introduces us to the facts and facets of digital photography. Also, Tom Geweke looks at MkLinux, the Apple-sponsored version of Unix for PowerPC machines, and we note new releases of SiteCam and CopyPaste, plus a preview of Apple's flagship media technology: QuickTime 3.0. TBITS408 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS408 TBITS408 408 0 20K 12/09/97 TidBITS#408/08-Dec-97 - This week, Arthur Bleich concludes his two-part digital camera article with tips on what to look for plus specific camera recommendations. Douglas Tallman examines ClarisWorks 5, the latest version of the venerable integrated software package. We also note new Ethernet drivers for the G3 Power Macs, an update to (and discount on) Timbuktu Pro 4.0, a Microsoft Word 97/98 converter, and a FileMaker-based solution for archiving messages from Emailer. TBITS409 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS409 TBITS409 409 0 21K 12/19/97 TidBITS#409/10-Dec-97 - In this issue we share gift suggestions from TidBITS readers far and wide and add a few of our own. Suggestions range from the mundane to the unexpected. We also point you to a few resources for matching up your old computer equipment with people who can use it. TBITS410 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS410 TBITS410 410 0 19K 12/19/97 TidBITS#410/15-Dec-97 - Need help organizing ideas? Check out Matt Neuburg's review of Inspiration 5.0, a diagramming and outlining tool. Also in this final issue of 1997, Adam examines the numbers behind the Apple Store to see how it contributes to Apple's bottom line, plus we bring news of a potential 56K modem standard, an update to last week's digital camera article, and pointers to locating the MacPicasso video card noted in our holiday gifts issue. TBITS412 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS412 TBITS412 412 0 20K 1/16/98 TidBITS#412/12-Jan-98 - After spending four days at Macworld Expo in San Francisco, it's time to examine what we've seen: Steve Jobs announced a $45 million profit for Apple, but not much else; Contributing Editor Matt Neuburg searched for removable storage systems; Adam looked for trends in this year's show; Managing Editor Jeff Carlson's attention was grabbed by graphics tools; and this year's Superlatives article includes the question, What's with the latex body suits? TBITS413 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS413 TBITS413 413 0 19K 2/03/98 TidBITS#413/19-Jan-98 - Mac OS 8.1 is out! Wondering where to download a free update? We offer preliminary details and a URL, with more information slated for TidBITS Updates this week. Other news items include the brief appearance of StuffIt Expander 4.5, the release of Eudora Pro 4.0, and the sale of StarNine Technologies. This issue also features Part 2 of Jeff Carlson's look at the PalmPilot and a detailed review of Intuit's Quicken 98. TBITS414 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS414 TBITS414 414 0 18K 2/03/98 TidBITS#414/26-Jan-98 - Thinking about upgrading to Mac OS 8.1? Geoff Duncan offers two helpful articles this week for making the leap. The first discusses most of the feature enhancements in Mac OS 8.1, and the second focuses squarely on Macintosh Extended Format, the improved disk format previously known as HFS Plus. In other news, Netscape has made Navigator available for free and, in a blow to overseas users, Eudora Pro 4.0 for the Mac won't be available internationally. TBITS415 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS415 TBITS415 415 0 19K 2/03/98 TidBITS#415/02-Feb-98 - Looking for Macintosh news? This week we have plenty: Claris is restructuring as FileMaker, Inc.; Frontier 5 and KeyQuencer 2.5 are shipping; Eudora Pro 4.0 will appear overseas; Conflict Catcher 4.1.1 is out; and APS has filed for Chapter 11 (but expects to stay afloat). We also have more about Open Transport 1.3 and a look at inconveniences caused by Quark's anti-piracy measures. Finally, Adam discusses how to host a successful trade show party. TBITS416 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS416 TBITS416 416 0 19K 2/19/98 TidBITS#416/09-Feb-98 - Apple has made big moves recently, restructuring Claris into FileMaker, Inc. and pulling out of major retail outlets to concentrate on CompUSA. Are these moves an indication that Apple is continuing to retreat from 1997's losses or that the company has finally learned to focus on a few things and do them well? Check out Adam's analysis this week, plus the final part of Jeff Carlson's PalmPilot series and news of Speed Doubler 8.1. TBITS417 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS417 TBITS417 417 0 20K 2/19/98 TidBITS#417/16-Feb-98 - Creating graphics for the Web is often less fun than pulling teeth and twice as painful. In this issue, guest writer Cynthia Baron takes a detailed look at BoxTop Software's ImageVice and explores how to make images both look great and download quickly. Also this week, we report on rumors of the Newton's demise, Emailer 2.0v3, the final 56K modem standard, and reader responses to Apple's most recent upheavals. TBITS418 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS418 TBITS418 418 0 19K 3/09/98 TidBITS#418/23-Feb-98 - Many of us simply can't be separated from our Macintoshes - but some people routinely take Newtons places Macs only dream about! In this issue, physician Ron Risley details how he's made his Newton MessagePad an indispensable part of his personal and professional life. We also have news about BBEdit Lite 4.1, Iomega driver updates, a French TidBITS mailing list, and a new book about some of Apple's more whimsical products: t-shirts. TBITS419 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS419 TBITS419 419 0 19K 3/19/98 TidBITS#419/09-Mar-98 - Do you need the speed offered by today's G3-powered Macs, but aren't sure what your options are? Managing editor Jeff Carlson examines G3 systems, third-party upgrades, and forthcoming models just as Apple cuts prices. Also, Matt Neuburg looks at the new Everything Scripting CD-ROM, and we have details on Apple ceasing Newton development; La Cie's planned purchase of APS; plus new releases of FreePPP, LetterRip, DeBabelizer, and Apple Data Detectors. TBITS420 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS420 TBITS420 420 0 19K 3/19/98 TidBITS#420/16-Mar-98 - Ever wondered how we run one of the largest Macintosh-oriented mailing lists and do it exclusively on Macs? Technical Editor Geoff Duncan explains our system in detail. Also, Ron Risley offers advice for people in need of mobile computing solutions now that Apple's terminated Newton development, and announcements this week include the long-awaited Speed Doubler 8.1 and the next generation PalmPilot device, the Palm III. TBITS421 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS421 TBITS421 421 0 19K 4/03/98 TidBITS#421/23-Mar-98 - So what's the best long-standing Macintosh feature slated to appear in Windows 98? Multiple monitor support, which may be the most significant way you can increase your productivity on the Mac. This week, Adam explains why you need two monitors and offers tips for using a pair of screens effectively. Also in this issue, John Shinnick reviews the Hitachi MPEG Cam, and in the news, Apple ships a 300 MHz G3-based Power Mac and Connectix releases Virtual PC 2.0. TBITS422 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS422 TBITS422 422 0 19K 4/03/98 TidBITS#422/30-Mar-98 - Move to Seattle and sue a spammer! A new law sets fines of up to $1,000 for deceptive email sent to Washington state residents. Also in this issue, Adam passes on more multiple monitor tips from readers and Michael Jardeen reviews Claris Home Page 3.0. In other news, Apple says Steve Jobs can remain interim CEO indefinitely, and we note the releases of QuickTime 3.0, WebSTAR 3.0, QuarkXPress 4.02r1, the Remove Office 98 utility 1.1, and Myrmidon 2.1. TBITS423 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS423 TBITS423 423 0 22K 4/03/98 TidBITS#423/01-Apr-98 - Apple rocks on this week, with announcements of network computers, new low-priced desktop Macs, and changes to QuickTime's pricing structure. Also this week, TidBITS issues a security challenge, Peter N Lewis of Stairways Software ships a hot new utility, and BoxTop Software finally makes it possible to export HTML from Adobe Photoshop. We round out the issue with a look at VST's EB-451 for PowerBooks with expansion bays. TBITS424 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS424 TBITS424 424 0 20K 4/23/98 TidBITS#424/06-Apr-98 - wondering about upgrading to Eudora Pro 4.0? Matt Neuburg explains what's good and bad about the new version of the popular email program. Also in this issue, Adam reports on a recent trip to Australia, a problem with daylight savings time and Macintosh Extended Format volumes surfaces, Netscape releases source code to Netscape Communicator, Global Village sells its modem business to Boca Research, and we note new releases of Palimpsest 2.1 and GPSy 3.0. TBITS425 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS425 TBITS425 425 0 19K 4/23/98 TidBITS#425/13-Apr-98 - so how does Word 98 rate? In the most detailed review you'll find anywhere, Matt Neuburg pushes the hype aside to examine how good a job Microsoft did with its flagship word processor. Also this week, we celebrate our eighth anniversary by releasing TidBITS Web badges, cover recent changes in Apple's developer and QuickTime licensing programs, and offer a tip for returning Eudora Pro 4.0 to its old two-dimensional look. TBITS426 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS426 TBITS426 426 0 20K 4/23/98 TidBITS#426/20-Apr-98 - the online porn industry is often portrayed as the Internet's back room. However, as guest writer David Strom notes, the technicians in that back room are largely responsible for advancing many Web technologies. Also in this issue, we report on Apple's profitable quarter, the loss of Quicken for the Mac, the release of a new backup program, and more responses about multiple monitors. Finally, we announce the creation of the TidBITS Talk mailing list. TBITS427 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS427 TBITS427 427 0 19K 5/20/98 TidBITS#427/27-Apr-98 - when numbers get serious, most Mac users turn to Microsoft Excel. But is the latest version of Microsoft's spreadsheet worth the the upgrade? Matt Neuburg looks at Excel 98 to answer that question. Also this week, Adam explores issues surrounding the Quicken debacle and uncovers a Macintosh personal finance package that's still alive. Finally, announcements of new software releases include Eudora Pro 4.0.1, HyperCard 2.4, Dreamweaver 1.2, AutoShare 2.2, and Assimilator 2.0. TBITS428 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS428 TBITS428 428 0 19K 5/20/98 TidBITS#428/04-May-98 - Worm Alert! Don't miss this week's coverage of Autostart-9805, a data-destroying worm to watch out for. Also, Adam looks at the sorry state of software documentation and offers suggestions for improvements. Plus, we note an update to Eudora Internet Mail Server, the new Apple/HP agreement on Mac printers, Dantz's Retrospect Driver 1.4, MindVision's free Installer VISE license for freeware and shareware developers, and ludicrous ZipPlus problems. TBITS429 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS429 TBITS429 429 0 20K 5/20/98 TidBITS#429/11-May-98 - Jobs has spoken, and we bring you Apple's new hardware and software strategies. For hardware, think new PowerBook G3s and the extremely slick iMac, and for software, contemplate Mac OS X. Also, Adam reviews InformINIT and passes on final words about multiple monitors. News includes the reincarnation of Claris Organizer, new Apple Stores, the retirement of Disinfectant, and the reappearance of Quicken for the Macintosh. TBITS430 PDA12:PKGS:INFO:TIDBITS:TBITS430 TBITS430 430 0 19K 5/20/98 TidBITS#430/18-May-98 - so where is the future of the Mac OS? Geoff Duncan looks at Rhapsody, the Mac OS, and the path to Mac OS X. Also this week, we report on new QuickTime licensing policies, and Jeff Carlson takes special notice of Apple's snazzy new industrial designs. In the news, we note antitrust suits filed against Microsoft; releases of Internet Explorer 4.01, GoLive CyberStudio 3, AutoShare 2.3, and Adobe Photoshop 5; and bid a fond farewell to MacWEEK as we know it. TEKIO1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:TEKIO1 TEKIO1 1 0 14K 5/20/95 TekIO 1.1 Demo - TekIO is a faceless application that facilitates text import/export via the serial port for the Notepad application - Exporting text - connect the serial cable, startup the receiving software, select Text out in the Notepad's Action menu. That's it! The serial port parameters are not configurable; they are 9600-N-8-1 with software flow control. TekIO may conflict with other Newton applications that hack the Notepad's Action Menu. TekIO will play the crumple sound after it finishes importing/exporting text and is closing the connection. Don't send large ( > 4kbyte ) text files, they seem to break the Notepad application. TENDENCY PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:TENDENCY TENDENCY 0 21K 6/25/97 Tendency of Varieties - by Alfred Russel Wallace. February, 1858. Wallace is world renown for his research and published works on evolution. His works include ON THE LAW WHICH HAS REGULATED THE INTRODUCTION OF NEW SPECIES and a short paper entitled: ON THE TENDENCY OF VARIETIES TO DEPART INDEFINITELY FROM THE ORIGINAL TYPE. Uploaded with permission of Bob Hicks (pdcbob@aol.com) of America Online's PDA Forum. TERM2 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:TERM2 TERM2 2 0 27K 12/09/95 Term 2.2 - Term2.2 is a simple terminal application for the Newton. Use this as you would a simple terminal emulation, in TTY or TEXT mode. 1200, 2400, 9600, no Handshakes, 8+1 no parity. This app uses the Monaco 9pt font, but it will use the system 9pt font if Monaco 9 cannot be found. Straight TEXT, no ANSI, no VT100 Or NewtonOS 2. TFOR33E PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:TFOR33E TFOR33E 33 0 125K 2/01/96 TFOR33E - transForm for Newton. transForm is an integrated form design and fill program for Newton. With transForm you can create and modify form layouts, and you can capture data in form entries. transForm supports eight field types as well as Print, Fax, Beam, Find, and Undo. transForm communicates with desktop computers via transForm Transfer Utility. THECARDB PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THECARDB THECARDB 0 31K 11/29/94 The Cardboard Box - The Adventure of the Cardboard Box (CDBRDBOX.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... THECROOK PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THECROOK THECROOK 0 27K 11/29/94 The Crooked Man - The Crooked Man (CRKEDMAN.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... THEDANCI PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEDANCI THEDANCI 0 33K 11/29/94 The Dancing Men - The Adventure of the Dancing Men (DANCNMEN.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... THEDEVIL PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEDEVIL THEDEVIL 0 35K 11/29/94 The Devils Foot - The Adventure of the Devil's Foot (DVLSFOOT.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... THEDYING PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEDYING THEDYING 0 24K 11/29/94 The Dying Detective - The Adventure of the Dying Detective (DYINGDET.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... THEEMPTY PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEEMPTY THEEMPTY 0 32K 11/29/94 The Empty House - The Adventure of the Empty House (EMPTYHSE.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. This document is published in this form for reasons of enjoyment and convenience only. There has been little effort to ensure the completeness or accuracy of the text contained within, or the quality or applicability of the software presenting it. Those requiring an accurate text are encouraged to acquire a properly verified edition at their own expense, and are responsible for determining when that need is present. Text for this electronic book is from the Online Book... THEENGIN PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEENGIN THEENGIN 0 30K 11/29/94 The Engineers Thumb - The Adventure of the Engineers Thumb (ENGNRTHM.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. THEEYEO1 PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:THEEYEO1 THEEYEO1 1 0 40K 10/21/96 The Eye of Argon.pkg - this is a transcription of the Classic Eye of Argon in PDA format by Allen Gainsford. The original of course is by Jim Theis. THEFIGGL PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:THEFIGGL THEFIGGL 0 105K 2/07/94 The FIGGLES Utilities - The FIGGLES Utilities contains four Newton Applets. Keyboard PRO - Define your own keyboards and macros, Paste notes from your folders into any application, Call any Applet from your Extras Drawer at any time, Edit your text using cursor movement keys, select all, instant access to the keyboard and much more! Typomatica lets you type into any Newt field from any computer with a serial port. KeyQUICK gives you instant access to Keyboard Pro from any application. KeyMAKER lets you build custom Macros for Keyboard Pro, install prebuilt keyboards and remove unwanted ones. Monitor lets you keep track of time, temperature, memory usage and battery levels. And theres TikTok and 24. GREAT... THENOBLE PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THENOBLE THENOBLE 0 29K 11/29/94 The Noble Bachelor - The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor (NOBLBACH.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. THENORWO PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THENORWO THENORWO 0 32K 11/29/94 The Norwood Builder - The Adventure of the Norwood Builder (NRWDBILD.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. THEPRIOR PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEPRIOR THEPRIOR 0 38K 11/29/94 The Priory School - The Adventure of the Priory School (PRIORY-S.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. THEREDCI PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEREDCI THEREDCI 0 28K 11/29/94 The Red Circle - The Adventure of the Red Circle (REDCIRCL.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. THEREDHE PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THEREDHE THEREDHE 0 32K 11/29/94 The Red Headed League - The Red-Headed League (RHLEAGUE.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. THESEVE1 PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:THESEVE1 THESEVE1 1 0 35K 1/28/96 The Seven Valleys - may well be regarded as a masterpeice of mystical composition. Written to a student of Sufi philosophy, it describes the stages one must pass through on the road to spiritual enlightenment. This is by no means an easy read, but it is deeply beautiful, insightful and poetic. Give it a try! Placed in Newton book format by Gerald Fox. THESOLIT PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THESOLIT THESOLIT 0 29K 11/29/94 The Solitary Cyclist - The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist (SCYCLIST.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. THESPECK PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:THESPECK THESPECK 0 34K 11/29/94 The Speckled Band - The Adventure of the Speckled Band (SP-BAND.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. THEWHOLE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:THEWHOLE THEWHOLE 0 7K 7/03/97 TheWholeText 1.03 - Select TheWholeText in the Newton Notes application. TheWholeText (TWT) is an extension that installs a button on the status bar of the Notes application. Tapping on the button selects all text for the active note. You can now select all the text of a note at once and paste it into NewtonWorks. You can now select all the Ink Text of a note at once and convert it all to text. TWT works differently than the system implementation of the keyboard Select All, which only selects the current paragraph containing the caret. TWT selects all text within a note even if the text is not in the same text block. This may occur in a note where you have written in different areas of the screen. If there is text... TICTACTO PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:TICTACTO TICTACTO 0 10K 12/21/94 TicTacToe 0.3 - A simple Tic-Tac-Toe program. I've discovered that young kids really like the Newton, but there isn't much for them to do on it. This app is just for fun, and uses some visual and sound effects to spice things up. Play Human vs. Newt, Human vs. Dumb Newt or Human vs. Human, also choose how to erase the board - with smoke, or trash. TIMEACCO PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:TIMEACCO TIMEACCO 0 99K 4/10/95 Time Accountant 2.11 - What is it? Time Accountant lets you register the time spent on a project. A project is characterized by 3 keywords that can be entered very easily. Each project can have several different associated time intervals. These time intervals are called TASKS. Tasks have a start and stop date and time. You can define these start and stop moments by using the build in timer or you can create a new task and edit these dates and times manually using a very straightforward time editor. An overview of all projects gives you a summary of your timed tasks. Many new features in this version. Complete documentation too! TIMEAND1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:TIMEAND1 TIMEAND1 1 0 55K 9/08/94 Time & Temp - Time&Temp is a freeware program that will Speak the time and temp. How to use -Tap the button once for the time. Tap twice for the time & temperature. Note - If the temp is over 99 F. your PDA is hot ! The program doesn't know how to say numbers greater than 99. This program is by Dave Pompea - DMP Systems. TIMECARD PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:ALL:TIMECARD TIMECARD 0 106K 4/02/98 TimeCards 1.1f - is a little application for taking down working times and grouping them by projects and comments, if necessary. The idea is to do the recordings fast.A single tap to add a record, another one or two to give it a project name and comments, if you like to. The period of time between the entries is calculated by TC. Special amounts of time can be taken off to give you the possibility to disregard your times of inactivity. This way you don't have to create a new record if you take some private time (even though this would not be impeding). In the group view you get the aggregated times from each project for the periods day, week, month or year. TC is not a full featured application. There is no printing,... TIMEIT2 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:TIMEIT2 TIMEIT2 2 0 32K 10/16/97 Time It 2.0 - Easy to use timer alarm and stopwatch. Features Quick input of time, Time up to over 100 hours (>4 days). Timer alarm wakes up Newton. Can set repeating alarms. Maintain list of times. Digital wristwatch alarm sound included. Compatible with Sound Icons. Use as a stopwatch. Quick access to preferences. Includes Help book. NewtonID aware but not required. Requirements. Time It is available for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000 and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 or eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. TIMELOC1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:TIMELOC1 TIMELOC1 1 0 23K 7/31/95 TimeLock 3.0 English - TimeLock allows you to set a delay on requiring the entry of your password. There are 2 versions. TimeLock-PS.pkg will install in the password slip and TimeLock-SB.pkg installs into the NotePad's statusbar button. There are English, Germany and French versions of TimeLock available. If you would like to convert TimeLock to your language please e-mail TimeLock@catamount.com. The text to convert will be sent to you, after you convert the text send it back to Catamount Software, and your language's version of TimeLock will be sent back to you. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. TIMELOCK PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:TIMELOCK TIMELOCK 0 24K 11/19/97 TimeLock 4.01 - allows you to set a delay on requiring the entry of your password. Version 4.01 of TimeLock requires Newton OS 2.x. Version 3.0 of TimeLock is available for Newton OS 1.x. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. I took on this project because I wasn't using the builtin password feature because it was to cumbersome. I would turn off my Newton just to remember one more thing and need to turn it back on again and enter my password. With TimeLock I can set a delay so if I need to turn my newton right back on again I can without having to re-enter my password. TIMELOCK PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:TIMELOCK TIMELOCK 0 23K 8/14/95 TimeLock 3.0 German - TimeLock allows you to set a delay on requiring the entry of your password. There are 2 versions. TimeLock-PS.pkg will install in the password slip and TimeLock-SB.pkg installs into the NotePad's statusbar button. There are English, Germany and French versions of TimeLock available. If you would like to convert TimeLock to your language please e-mail TimeLock@catamount.com. The text to convert will be sent to you, after you convert the text send it back to Catamount Software, and your language's version of TimeLock will be sent back to you. This is a 30 day demo. A registration code is required to continue use after 30 days. This is the German version. TIMELOG PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:TIMELOG TIMELOG 0 21K 11/08/95 TimeLog - An application to record Events, the start time of processes, Log On times, Work Starting times, etc. TimeLog is an application that I have written to track my time at work, and the time that I spend doing various activities. It records data at the start of each event, ie job #1 started at 8:00, job #2 started at 9:00, as this is a personal log job #1 must have had 1 hour devoted to it. The resulting database may be manually processed by jumping to the first record, then move through the database writing down the time on each job. You can export the database to the NotePad and from there you may Fax, Print or email it. eMailed figures can be imported into a spreadsheet and used in calculations. TIMEMAN1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TIMEMAN1 TIMEMAN1 1 0 310K 12/23/97 TimeMan 1.1 - A Time Recorder and Expense Tracker for the Newton OS. Helps you keep track of your time. It acts as a time, to track your time while you are working, or you can enter your time in after you are finished. It displays your time in different formats, and automatically computes your billing. Requires NOS 2.x. TIMEOFM1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:TIMEOFM1 TIMEOFM1 1 0 148K 10/16/96 Time of the Month 1.4 - This version is for Newtons with OS 2.0, and is a Mac archive. Time of the Month allows the Newton user to produce a paper calendar, containing days that the user has added drawings or writing to. TotM is great for use by teachers, Scout leaders or anyone who needs to distribute a real month-at-a-time event type calendar to others. Time of the Month is supported both on MessagePads running Newton 2.0, and those running Newton 1.3. Optional import on start/export on exit. Start week on any day. Tag printed month with date/time printed or date/time last updated. Reworked memory usage, to reduce heap consumption. TIMEOFM1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:TIMEOFM1 TIMEOFM1 1 0 152K 10/16/96 Time of the Month 1.4 - This version is for Newtons with OS 1.3 and is a Mac archive. Time of the Month allows the Newton user to produce a paper calendar, containing days that the user has added drawings or writing to. TotM is great for use by teachers, Scout leaders or anyone who needs to distribute a real month-at-a-time event type calendar to others. Time of the Month is supported both on MessagePads running Newton 2.0, and those running Newton 1.3. Optional import on start/export on exit. Start week on any day. Tag printed month with date/time printed or date/time last updated. Reworked memory usage, to reduce heap consumption. TIMEPAK1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:ALL:TIMEPAK1 TIMEPAK1 1 0 291K 4/07/98 TimePak - clock-enhancement software for the Newton MessagePad. It's aimed at visually-impaired users, but people with normal vision will most likely find it useful as well. TimePak consists of several components, which can give your Newton a large digital or analog clock on startup, or read the time in a variety of languages. It can also alert you to upcoming meetings and unfinished business. A wide variety of options are configurable through preferences. TimePak works with all Newton OS versions, but is especially robust on a 2.0 or later unit. It has been tested on the OMP, MP100, MP110, MP120, MP2000, and MP2100. The software is shareware, costing $5 for all components. TIMEPAKB PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:ALL:TIMEPAKB TIMEPAKB 0 11K 4/07/98 TimePak Buttons - TimePak is handy, but sometimes its a drag having to open the Extras drawer just to get the time of day. These are buttons which install either in a TapBar palette or on the Status bar of applications such as the Notepad. Theyre freeware, but the packages they control are shareware: $5 for the whole magilla. Includes TimePak 2.x Button.pkg, TimePak 1.x Button.pkg, and TimePak TapBar Button.pkg. TIMER2 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:TIMER2 TIMER2 2 0 11K 3/27/95 Timer 2.0 - Timer is a very simply little application that puts a digital timer on you Newton. Simply install it and open it from the extras drawer. START/STOP - Starts or stops the timer. Reset - Reset the timer to 00:00:00. The close box does not stop the timer, it just closes the window. Thetimer will not use any battery power when closes, nor will it cause the Newton not to fall asleep. TIMERWAT PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:TIMERWAT TIMERWAT 0 115K 9/08/97 Timer Watch 1.0 - is a timer and stop-watch application for the Newton. So why would you want to use your Newton as a stop-watch? Because Timer Watch is much more than a regular stop-watch. With Timer Watch you can run the clock forwards or backwards, select a start time other than zero, permanently add start times other than zero, record split times, record time differences between splits, save split times and time differences to the Notes application, print and fax split times and time differences, choose how split differences are calculated, choose between 3 different time displays: hours and minutes, hours minutes and seconds and hours minutes seconds and hundreths of seconds. Timer Watch. Requires Newton... TIMESQUA PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:TIMESQUA TIMESQUA 0 12K 8/03/95 TimeSquare - This is a somewhat eccentric time, date and number entry device. I've been very pleased with its ease of use, but your reaction probably depends on your own individual taste. TimeSquare presents a large rectangle in which 12:01AM is at the top left and 11:59PM is at the bottom right. The hours grow down and the minutes grow to the right in 5 minute intervals. Placing the pen down on the square will cause the text box at the top to show what time the pen is on. Move the pen, without lifting it, to the time you want to enter, Lift the pen and the last time you were on will be entered into the text where you were working. You must have a current insertion point. Also included in this upload is a... TIMESTAM PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:TIMESTAM TIMESTAM 0 4K 12/05/95 Timestamp 2.0 - This is a Newton 2.0 only application. If you load it on a previous version you will get an error. This package adds a new action to the action (routing) button on the Notepad called Timestamp. When you select Timestamp that note is updated to the current date and time. This has the effect of moving it forward in the notepad to the last item in the Notepad paper roll. Tapping undo will put the old timestamp back on the note and the note will return to its previous position in the roll. You can also select several items to be stamped by using the notepad overview. When you choose Timestamp all the items are updated to the current time. The exact position of the selected items in the list cannot be... TIMETALL PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:ALL:TIMETALL TIMETALL 0 49K 2/14/96 TimeTally! 1.1 - TimeTally! - A Newton application that sums up times from your Newton Dates calendar. Why use TimeTally! 1) If you got into consulting so that you wouldn't be punching a clock, rest assured that this thing uses NO TIMERS! 2) If you find the dates application acceptable for entering your consulting time info (I used to track times on a note pad before I got the Newton, and using the dates app is pretty close to the same method). TimeTally will only tally up the info which matches the pattern you describe. 3) If you hate adding up time (let's see...8:00 to 10:00...that's two hours...plus...). 4) If you like having memory for other stuff (this uses just 25k). TIMETIPS PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:TIMETIPS TIMETIPS 0 16K 9/13/96 50 Information Age Time Management Tips - a few quotes to ponder....from Paradigm Publishing. Many include the use of a PDA and lots more little things to make your work-life more efficient. You Can contact Paradigm Publishing at 2690 Greentree Drive, Marrietta, GA 30067. 71754.2212@compuserve.com TIMETOGO PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:TIMETOGO TIMETOGO 0 8K 7/24/95 TimeToGoReading - This newton package (made with Steve Weyer's newt) tells you the time to go to finish a task based on your previous performance. In particular, you can use it to project time to finish reading something. If you don't know how long something you have to do is going to take, you might push away friends and family until you get it done. I would like to read popular books on science and psychology, but tend to put them off not knowing how long it will take to finish them. Knowing how long it would take to finish, gets me to sit down and finish them. Or if it is a bad day for me, the projection will be so dismal, I might instead spend some quality time with friends. TIMETRA1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TIMETRA1 TIMETRA1 1 0 274K 3/27/98 TimeTrax - a replacement for the internal dates application. TimeTrax offers very good day, week, month overviews of your activities. It allows to categorize todos into 3 different folders which can be activated by just 1 tap. We now offer a German version as well. TIMETRAX PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TIMETRAX TIMETRAX 0 274K 3/27/98 TimeTrax - a replacement for the internal dates application. TimeTrax offers very good day, week, month overviews of your activities. It allows to categorize todos into 3 different folders which can be activated by just 1 tap. This is the German version. TIMEWARP PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:TIMEWARP TIMEWARP 0 25K 9/26/94 TimeWarp 1.0 - TimeWarp is a simple time tracking and reporting/billing program. You can use it to keep track of how much time you spend on different projects. This application started out as a quick-and-dirty tool that we used in-house for time tracking and billing, and we've added features to it over time to make it more general. Current stable features include the ability to track up to 16 projects by activity and time spent. You can also print or fax an invoice-style report, including signature ink and hourly and total pricing. Shareware. Takes up 57k installed. TINYTIME PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:TINYTIME TINYTIME 0 6K 11/03/93 Tiny Timer 1.0 - The thing that really surprised me about the built-in applications in the Newton MessagePad was that there was no timer to time phone calls, meetings or the usual items that we like to keep track of. As a result, I threw together this simple timer for all of us Newton Pioneers to use. It is indeed tiny, taking up just a small amount of the precious real estate in the built-in RAM. This is kinda cool. Even if your Newton MessagePad goes to sleep to save on batteries, the timer will keep running. When you turn the Newt back on, you'll be pleasantly surprised to see the time still ticking away. The interface is as simple as possible. TIPPER1 PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:TIPPER1 TIPPER1 1 0 9K 5/30/94 Tipper 1.0 - Tipper was created because a group of us (always a different number of people) from work go out for lunches periodically. At the end of the lunch, we like to split things up, but want a complete total including the tip. After entering the amount of the check, enter the percentage for tip and the number of people, Tipper will calculate the total (including tip) and a total for each person in the group (dividing this total by the number in your party). TIPSTERP PDA12:PKGS:FINANCE:1:TIPSTERP TIPSTERP 0 12K 5/20/94 TipsterPlus! 1.0 - This is a handy Newton application to take with you when you're eating out! Just enter your bill, tax and tip rates, and everything is calculated for you. You can also enter the amount of people dining, and extras (such as if one person had a drink). Very useful! TMAP1 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:TMAP1 TMAP1 1 0 21K 9/30/97 TMap 1.4 - Freeware Newton application that contains a movable map of the Boston Subway system (known as the T). It is a fairly small app, taking up only about 99Kbytes. Fully Newton OS 2.x compatible with both portrait and landscape modes supported on MP120, MP130, MP2000, and the eMate. Questions? Would you like a custom Newton application with your maps or data? Contact toadhollow@pobox.com for questions, comments, or requests. TODO PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:TODO TODO 0 2K 12/13/96 ToDo! - (2k) is a button for use in your background application (as long as the background app supports Auxiliary Buttons). Tapping the button opens a To Do slip. TODOLIST PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TODOLIST TODOLIST 0 391K 3/10/97 ToDo List 2.1 FAT - ToDo List provides a to-do list manager that supports multiple documents and allows you to type or record your reminders. ToDo List also lets you export and import items via Drag and Drop and have your text read to you via speech Manager. Features - PPC Native, Audio recording-playback, Speech Manager, Apple Events, Drag and Drop, Calendar Display, Balloon Help, Intuitive design, Multiple Windows, Highly Customized, Option to remember open docs, Mark as Priority Item, Carry forward option, Auto-Save Option and Apple Guide. ToDo List requires System 7.0 or higher and only a 300K memory allocation. System 7.5 required for Drag and Drop functionality and Speech Manager must... TODOSHOR PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:TODOSHOR TODOSHOR 0 4K 12/04/94 ToDo Shortcut 1.0 - I was browsing comp.sys.newton.misc on UseNet and I came across a post by a user who wanted to be able to split his Dates button into two parts, one to take him to dates, the other to take him to the To Do list. Well, in the interests of future Newton compatability, and ease of programming, I changed the idea a bit. The new method of operation is - Click on the Dates button to go to the Schedule, Click on Dates and drag off of the button before releasing to go directly to the To Do list. Takes up only 2k installed. TOGGLER1 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:TOGGLER1 TOGGLER1 1 0 5K 8/07/96 Toggler 1.0 - is a small (5k) extension which adds a button to the status bar of any backdrop application which supports auxiliary buttons. The added button provides a convenient means to toggle various options on and off, including backlighting, sound, card storage, password protection, and daily alarms. Toggler requires Newton 2.0. Toggler is freeware. TPVCLPOL PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:ALL:TPVCLPOL TPVCLPOL 0 365K 4/07/98 tpv-cl-pol - these files are voices for SayTime, a component of TimePak. Warm, mature female voice in Polish. Includes Voice (CL-Pol-5).pkg 177K and Voice (CL-Pol-11).pkg 341K. Install using Newton Connection Utilities or another package installer. When the file(s) appear in your Extras drawer, tap on the icon to show voice information and check the box labelled Use this voice in order to add it to the list of preferred voice files. TPVLTTIE PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:ALL:TPVLTTIE TPVLTTIE 0 190K 4/07/98 tpv-lt-tie - these files are voices for SayTime, a component of TimePak. High-quality female voice in Vietnamese. Includes Voice (LT-Tie-5).pkg 72K and Voice (LT-Tie-11).pkg 154K. Install using Newton Connection Utilities or another package installer. When the file(s) appear in your Extras drawer, tap on the icon to show voice information and check the box labelled Use this voice in order to add it to the list of preferred voice files. TPVPLENG PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:ALL:TPVPLENG TPVPLENG 0 253K 4/07/98 tpv-pl-eng - these files are voices for SayTime, a component of TimePak. High-quality female voice. Includes Voice (PL-Eng-5).pkg 113K and Voice (PL-Eng-11).pkg 215K. Install using Newton Connection Utilities or another package installer. When the file(s) appear in your Extras drawer, tap on the icon to show voice information and check the box labelled Use this voice in order to add it to the list of preferred voice files. TPVSTJEN PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:ALL:TPVSTJEN TPVSTJEN 0 260K 4/07/98 tpv-stj-eng - these files are voices for SayTime, a component of TimePak. Gravelly, low-quality male voice. Includes Voice (StJ-Eng-5).pkg 134K and Voice (StJ-Eng-11).pkg 257K. Install using Newton Connection Utilities or another package installer. When the file(s) appear in your Extras drawer, tap on the icon to show voice information and check the box labelled Use this voice in order to add it to the list of preferred voice files. TRACKIT2 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:TRACKIT2 TRACKIT2 2 0 239K 11/10/97 TrackIt 2.0 - This release runs on Newton OS2.x only. Use TrackIt to record and graph any set of numbers. The data set can be time based or just a sequential set of numbers. If the data set is time based the X axis will graph the points spaced to reflect the time between points. Two types of time based sets are possible, either points that the scale reflects a time scale by days or points that have a time scale of minutes and seconds. These graphs can be displayed as a line, bar, or scatter graph and are scalable in the x direction. TrackIt supports the multi-user classroom mode so students data is kept private. TRADERPD PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:TRADERPD TRADERPD 0 19K 2/01/96 TraderPDQ 1.0 - NewtwarePDQ has announced TraderPDQ -- a securities pricing calculator. Version 1.0 will be distributed as Freeware, version 2.0 will be Shareware. TraderPDQ calculates the price, yield, and discount for Bonds, Notes, and Bills (and bank CD's). It is similar in function to the HP-12C, and the Monroe Trader. For more info send email to: or WWW: . TRANSGRA PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:TRANSGRA TRANSGRA 0 15K 7/28/95 TransGraph 1 - transForm Graphs for Newton - transGraph software (tG) is a tool for plotting data collected with transForm. Using tG is an excellent way to spot trends while collecting data in the field. You can construct simple two-dimensional plots between any two fields for any transForm layout. TRASHCAN PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:TRASHCAN TRASHCAN 0 11K 2/05/94 TrashCan 1.0 - TrashCan is a useful utility for deleting packages from a Newton. It lists packages on all available stores in one list. The list even includes the Extras drawer name. Read the easy to follow instructions before using. TRASHFO1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:TRASHFO1 TRASHFO1 1 0 8K 5/27/95 Trash Folder 1.0 - Trash Folder is a simple Newton application that lets you delete all the notes from any folder you choose. You select a folder, and Trash Folder will then delete every note it finds in that folder. Trash Folder is useful if you want to delete old folders, or use one or more folders for temporary items. For instance, I kept all of the source code for Trash Folder in a temporary folder. When I was certain I was done with the project I saved all the source to my Mac and then deleted all the source from the temporary folder by using Trash Folder. TRASHPAK PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:ALL:TRASHPAK TRASHPAK 0 22K 7/21/95 TrashPak 3.11 - (Formerly known as RemoveIt) TrashPak lets you quickly remove Packages and Soups from the internal or PCMCIA card. Also, TrashPak lets you remove entries from the System and Directory soups (can be fatal if you remove the wrong entry, so be careful). The system soup is where preferences for various packages are stored. The Directory soup is where MetaData is stored. MetaData is the data that the NCK uses to display soups for editting. WARNING - While the remove button gives you an chance to change your mind (there is a confim dialog _ONLY_ if you check the Confirm? checkbox in the preferences), undo is NOT supported. If you remove it, it is gone! TRAVELDA PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TRAVELDA TRAVELDA 0 12K 1/21/97 TravelDate 1.0 - helps you keep track of your flights. In the Dates application you just create a new TravelDate from the New menu and fill out where and when you are going. TravelDate will automatically change the Newton's internal location at flight time so your time and area code are automatically changed. It can also give you a warning before the flight to make sure you get there on time. TravelDate is free but all rights are reserved by Scott Jenson. TREACHER PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:TREACHER TREACHER 0 7K 1/28/96 Treachery Tracker - The Dune Treachery Tracker is designed to help the Atredies player in Avalon Hill's Dune board game keep track of the treachery cards that his opponents hold. Each character in the game is represented by 4 (8 for Harkonen) pop-up buttons that can be set to any of the card types, ???? (for unknown) or blank. In addition the tracker also provides sliders for the Atredies token loss and the turn number (for Bene Geserit predictions). TRIBBLE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TRIBBLE TRIBBLE 0 6K 12/17/95 Tribble - Tribble is an unobtrusive substitute for the topic buttons on the Newton 2.0 Notepad checklists and outlines. When you launch Tribble, it puts three symbols (+, =, -) up in the center of the top of the Notepad. If you put the cursor anywhere in a checklist or outline and then tap one of the symbols, the normal topic buttons for that checklist or outline will disappear (if it was visible) and a new topic will be created. + creates a new topic that is superior to the current topic, = creates one that is at the same level, and - creates one that is inferior by one level. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SYMBOLS APPEAR IN A DIFFERENT ORDER THAN THE NORMAL NEWTON TOPIC BUTTONS. Requires NOS 2.0. TRUENAME PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:TRUENAME TRUENAME 0 21K 12/27/94 TrueNames 1.0 - TrueNames is a simple Newton application that lets you assign a name to your MessagePad's internal and/or card storage. Just choose a predefined name from the popup labels, or write in your own, and tap the Set... button. There's no grip o' death, so you can eject the card and insert another one if you have multiple cards you want to name. Try it for 10 days and then pay for it or erase it. Why name the stores? Because you can. Also, it's a welcome change from the Card 1, Card 2, and the other boringly generic names that NCK creates when you synchronize. Names make it easier to determine which archive is which, and makes it imposible for NCK to switch the names on you (as it can with the Card #... TTIME1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:TTIME1 TTIME1 1 0 7K 10/09/94 TTime 1.3 - Ttime (tiny time) is a small program to give you a small digital clock. It locates itself in the top left corner of the screen and can be dragged to where ever. It updates the time every 60 seconds. No need to restart it if you reset your Newton. It will automatically start. Ttime floats above most all windows to stay visible. If it's not visible over another floating window after 60 seconds, close and re-open it (tap its Extra Drawer Icon twice). The top left placement was determined to be where most Applications kept blank. However, there are a few that use that spot, so you can drag it to where you want. There is no close box as it would destroy the simplicity of Ttime. This program has been tested on... TTU0 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:ALL:TTU0 TTU0 0 0 31K 12/14/95 TTU 3.2E - transForm Transfer Utility (TTU) is a free helper application that allows you to transfer transForm entries from Newton to a desktop computer via a serial connection and a standard terminal emulator. To test/use the software you will need the following - A MessagePad 100, MessagePad 110, MessagePad 120, Motorola Marco, or a MessagePad 120 with Newton 2.0. A serial cable to connect your Newton to your desktop computer. A terminal emulation program that runs on your desktop computer. 1.x and 2.0 savvy. TVPAD0 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:TVPAD0 TVPAD0 0 0 18K 8/09/94 TVPAD 0.9 - TVPad is a scriptable remote control for the Emerson VCR and Magnavox TV. There is also an area for Mitsubishi TV and Sony TV, but I'm not sure they work yet. Pick a remote, and control the on/off, volume, and channels for your TV. There are also programmable buttons for your favorite channels such as MTV, PBS... The scripting is a little like modem strings. So, V+ C23 might mean, Up the volume and switch to channel 23. Uses the infrared on the Newton. TYPEPALE PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:TYPEPALE TYPEPALE 0 6K 11/10/94 TypePalette - TypePalette is an unobtrusive palette containing some characters that are hard to enter by hand. The window can be dragged by dragging the grey square near the right end. The close box is drawn oddly, but works fine. All of the options require that there be a current insertion point. Tap once in the text where you want changes to apply if you aren't sure where the insertion point is. Copyright S. Milllman 1994 (StephenM35@aol.com). Also called QType. UKLOTTER PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:UKLOTTER UKLOTTER 0 24K 4/09/95 UK Lottery 1 - UK Lottery for the Newton is an application that allows you to store and check your lottery numbers. The application has two main screens one for entering the numbers and one for checking for a win. You CHOOSE your numbers before the draw and then CHECK them. When you choose your numbers you can enter them for a maximum of 8 weeks. Each time you check your numbers they will be valid for one week less. The overview belly button is a toggle that lets you view your valid draw numbers. The ? button is for basic help. The CLEAR Button clears any expired draw numbers, i.e, entries which are no longer valid. UMMETER PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:UMMETER UMMETER 0 23K 11/15/96 Um-Meter - Newton OS 2.0 only. The Um-Meter measures the um, er and ar, rates of boring people as they speak and will calculate per-minute rates for each. It even has an alarm mode incase the um, er, ar per minute exceeds critical limits. UNICALCP PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:2:UNICALCP UNICALCP 0 102K 10/07/97 UniCalc Pro 3.01 demo - is a multi-purpose calculator for the Newton. Speed, simplicity, and the day to day needs of the average user were the fundamental design considerations in creating UniCalc Pro. As a result, the calculator is very simple to use, yet has all the functions you need without being bogged down in unused features. A digital calculator is useless if it takes too long to open. It also keeps the price down closer to a real pocket calculator rather than a spreadsheet. UNICODE1 PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:UNICODE1 UNICODE1 1 0 15K 2/28/95 UniCode 1.01 - This is a simple app that show a list of characters and their uniCode equivalent integers. The list is numbered along its left side. This number is the uniCode decimal equivalent of the first character shown on its line. The app defaults to displaying 20 characters across. You can change this by selecting from the Per line pop-up near the bottom of the apps window. There are choices for 10, 15 and 20 characters per line. Just above the Per line pop-up is a font pop-up. Select Espy, Geneva or New York and the list of characters will be displayed in that font. To use uniCode info, refer to your NTK manuals and look up the Chr() and Ord() functions. Demo expires after 30 days. This version will... UNIMAIL1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:ALL:UNIMAIL1 UNIMAIL1 1 0 109K 11/25/97 UniMail 1.01e - is a program for your Newton MessagePad that can connect to a UNIX host via modem or serial line and send or receive Internet mail. It also provides a nice interface for reading, sending and organising your mail. FEATURES Simple login scripting for connecting to your internet service provider. Clear and easy to use interface. Smart text wrapping to overcome the Newton's small screen width. Full threading of email items with the same subjects. Runs at up to 57,600 bps with MNP error correction. Works with mobile phones with the appropriate hardware connectors In short it's the most functional email system for handheld computers today. UNISTROK PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:UNISTROK UNISTROK 0 14K 8/21/95 Unistrokes 1.1 - This program was written to test the feasibility of Unistroke recognition on the current generation of Newton PDAs and to collect data on the perfomance of the Newton in stroke collection and recognition. It has no other intended utility. Read the Caveats section. Unistrokes is a writing system developed at Xerox PARC specifically for stylus based computers. For Postscript versions of the paper and lists of strokes ftp to ftp.parc.xerox.com, look in /pub/unistrokes. The program contains a large rectangle, in which to test writing. It will show you how it interprets your stroke. UNITRANS PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:UNITRANS UNITRANS 0 23K 12/09/97 UniTrans 1.0 - This is a Universal Encoding Translater, named UniTrans. It will change the encoding scheme on the Note of Notes. You can export or import the document to or from Mac via Newton Connection Utilities 1.0. This is very useful for Chinese and Japanese Newton users. This package only for Newton OS 2.0 or later. Before you using UniTrans, you should install concerned NTEncoding module first. There are Traditional Chinese and Japanese NTEncoding modules on the net. You can get more information about Traditional Chinese NTEncoding module from my web page, or surf GNUE's web page (in Japanese) for more information about Japansese NTEncoding moduls,... UNTCAMPU PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:UNTCAMPU UNTCAMPU 0 12K 10/13/94 UNT Campus Map - UNT Map is an interactive map of the University of North Texas Campus. It was created as an experiment to see if this sort of thing is feasible, and also because I got tired of using a stupid Xerox copy of the existing campus map whenever I got a support call. Even if you don't go to UNT, check out the map! You can see a list of the buildings, select one and be shown where it is. Or, you can tap on a building and be shown the name. Good implementation of mapping! Contact the author for the code, or help in making your own maps! Tap the overview buttonto see a list of building names. UPPERBUT PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:UPPERBUT UPPERBUT 0 15K 7/20/94 UpperButtons 1.0 - This is an app similar in concept to Jesse Devine's StatusBar Buttons (a must have in itself) with a few twists added. First off, due to the fact the status bar is getting pretty crowded, there's not a whole lot of room for new buttons, so I placed them in the folder bar at the top of the note pad. This also means they're smaller, and more can be placed up there (subject to the constraints of the current folder label.). The other major difference is that the buttons are configurable, using the separate app UBConfig. You can add or remove buttons, and change the content and icons of those you've created. US24HCLO PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:US24HCLO US24HCLO 24 0 5K 5/21/95 US 24H Clock - This is a simple package at adds two items to the Locale menu in the Newton's Prefs application. They are U.S.24 and U.S.Mil and change nothing but the display method for time strings to a 24 hour clock style. The Military variant does the adds a 0 to the morning times and a H where time suffixes are shown. U.S.24 will be set automatically on install and anytime you re-insert a card -if that is where it is installed. I suggest you install this package internally to avoid confusion. USAREACO PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:USAREACO USAREACO 0 6K 3/05/96 US-AreaCodes - With all the recent changes in area codes, the community may find this simple reference useful. It is simply a numerical list of area codes as of February 1996. I did not proof this list. This book was created by Steve Holden . It is distributed as freeware. It was created using Apples Newton Press in about 10 seconds. USERDICT PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:USERDICT USERDICT 0 11K 2/28/95 UserDict 0.1 - This app adds new functionality (oooo! a marketdroid word!) to Intelligent Assistant. If you're not using it now, I wholeheartedly suggest you also install my Assistance! app. This app really benefits from Assistance! begin installed, but it's not absolutely necessary (just harder to use!) Quite simply, UserDict will take any currently selected words and add them to the Newton's user dictionary. Just select a word (or several) and tap Assistance!, then UserDict. It will automagically take your words and attempt to add them to the dictionary. It will pop a message when it finishes. The message will tell you either the word(s) were added or that some or all of them already exist in the... USERPIC1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:USERPIC1 USERPIC1 1 0 11K 10/25/94 User Picker 1.1 - Did you ever want to share your Newton with a friend or coworker, but couldn't 'cause the recognition would get all screwed up? Well, the solution is here! With user picker, you can create as many different user profiles on your Newton as you like. Each profile has all recognition data (so that the Newt only learns the handwriting of the current person, and keeps what it's learned separate). It also contains all personal information (name, address, mail account and password, etc...) and your folders, so that two different people can organize themselves in different ways. You can add new users, change betweeen current users, and delete old ones using the picker in the... USRSPORT PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:USRSPORT USRSPORT 0 6K 3/07/95 USRSport - This folder contains a modem setup for the external USR Sportster modem for use with Version 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) modem enabler. It should work with both the PC version and the Mac & Fax version of the modem. I believe that it will work with the USR Courier modems. Install the modem enabler (found at the usual ftp sites) using the provided instructions. After the modem enabler is installed you can install various modem setups. This file contains a setup for the USR Sportster modem and will add a line to the Connect with and Remove Modem Setup items in the modem preferences. Now faxing and newton email will use your external USR Sportster modem. VEA PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:2:VEA VEA 0 357K 11/26/97 Vea - is a diagramming package, which permits the addition of attributes to icons as well as the creation of new icons or objects. The icons may be rotated, and tagged with text descriptions with the addition of a description item within the icon. These are all activated through the preferences screen. The reason this file is beta is that we have not resolved certain zoom errors and the user manual has yet to be re-written. Upgrades to the package can be found at http://www.aplanet.com. VETNOTES PDA12:PKGS:COMMDEMO:1:VETNOTES VETNOTES 0 399K 10/20/95 VetNotes 0.81 Demo - VetNotes is an advanced animal data collection system for the Newton from ProAccess Systems Inc. This version is a conversion from an existing human medical application (MedNotes), so this program has already gone through over a year of debug and beta development in the human field. VetNotes is a conversion from that program with various changes to handle ownership information for the animals. Provides extensive quick-pick word lists to build a medical report. Avoids the problems with handwriting recognition. Each species or breed can be assigned a set of 8 word lists. Then the medical lists will apply only to that species or particular problem. Demonstration version is limited to... VIDEOPHO PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:VIDEOPHO VIDEOPHO 0 19K 12/16/96 Videophone.pkg - Newton as telephone for deaf people. We just have completed the project, that was originally intended to help deaf poeple to commucnicate with each other. It makes possible for them to use telephone. All they need - Newton and modem - after connecting they get a virtual piece of paper where they can write to each other. We have also made a support for Infrared port on Newton. This makes possible to exchange pictured information on-line via infrared. Well, this has a lot of applications - You can secretly talk to Your partner sitting right opposite to You during important meeting, during the same meeting You can play X-0's and other funny games that You normally play on a piece... VIDEOUT1 PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:1:VIDEOUT1 VIDEOUT1 1 0 7K 7/20/94 VideOut 1.0 - Purpose - To feed screen dumps to NTK/MAC for pseudo-simulated video output. Use - 1) Connect inspector, open and size clipboard on MAC screen, set timer to appropriate interval on VideOut. 2) To hide VidOut screen, press hide. To terminate screen dumps, re-select VideOut from extras drawer. Comment - Using an interval less than 5 sec is pointless, as the MAC and Newton will not respond to external input. Needs turbo-charging, contact above for source if interested. Requires use of Newton ToolKit, a commercial product from Apple. VIEWFRAM PDA12:PKGS:PROGRAM:ALL:VIEWFRAM VIEWFRAM 0 82K 4/21/96 ViewFrame 1.2 Demo consists of special versions of five of the most commonly used components of the full ViewFrame package. They are ViewFrameDemo.pkg, the object examination tool itself. This is the only component that has to be installed. ProgKbdDemo.pkg, the Programmer's Keyboard. This is an onscreen keyboard optimized for NewtonScript entry. VFD+General.pkg. This is a ViewFrame Addition package, adding object viewers, object manipulation commands, and other features to ViewFrame. VFD+Function.pkg. This Addition package adds the ability to examine compiled NewtonScript functions, showing you a reconstruction of the original source code that generated them. VFD+Dante.pkg. This... VIRTUALS PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:VIRTUALS VIRTUALS 0 9K 9/14/95 Virtual Scrollbar - Virtual Scrollbar is a Newton application that allows you to quickly scroll to any part of a Notepad note with one tap of the pen. VITAMINA PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:VITAMINA VITAMINA 0 113K 1/07/97 Vitamin A - is an application that lets you create and edit popup menus. You can create up to 11 different menus. One in each corner of the Newton's screen (4). One under the text of each silk screened button (6). The Caret popup menu. Each of these can consist of many different items and actions, giving you a great deal of control over the way your Newton operates. VOICEMON PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:VOICEMON VOICEMON 0 22K 4/21/98 VoiceMonitor 1.0.0 - adjust your microphone level with VoiceMonitor. MP2000/2100 has recording ability and Notepad has new stationary called Recording. So you can use your Newton as a Voice Recorder. This is very useful to record conversations while meetings. But after that, you may find Microphone level is too low and you can not hear at all. Here is the solution. You can see the Voice Level and Adjust it ! Works on Newton OS2.1, you can see the Voice Wave in the window. Adjust Microphone Gain and fit the Wave in the window. VTKFORNE PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:VTKFORNE VTKFORNE 0 147K 3/22/95 VTK for Newton Shareware 1.0 - Welcome to Abbate Video's VTK for Newton! With this package, you can control popular consumer and professional VCRs, with feedback, right from your Newton. Just load the software, connect the control module, and control and log your footage the easy way! If you do not have the control module yet, you can use VTK for Newton as a real-time logging utility. VTK for Newton is more than a simple IR remote replacement. VTK for Newton provides two way communication with the camcorder or VCR. This two way connection lets you create a time log of counter or timecode numbers with just a tap on the Newton. Furthermore, VTK for Newton seamlessly integrates into the Newton... WAKEUPCA PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:WAKEUPCA WAKEUPCA 0 491K 4/09/98 Wake Up Call 1.1 - is a great little alarm clock for Newton. It is fully configurable, allows you to record your own wake up calls to use for the alarm (in addition to any built-in system sounds), and has a number of very convenient options. Please see the the web site at http://www.fivespeed.com/wakeupcall/ for more information, including a Quick Tour of the programs unique features. Wake Up Call takes advantage of the advanced audio features in Newton OS 2.1. Therefore, you must have a Newton device running OS 2.1 or later in order to use Wake Up Call. At the time of this writing, such devices include the Apple MessagePad 2000, Apple MessagePad 2100, and the Apple eMate 300. WEBEXTEN PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:WEBEXTEN WEBEXTEN 0 9K 8/21/96 Web Extensions - for Newton 2.0 use the NetHopper API available from http://www.allpen.com/nethopper-api to extend the functionality of your Newton in two useful ways. Primarily, I wrote the package to give me quick access to AltaVista(http://www.altavista.com; with this package installed, in addition to finding materials on your Newton PDA with the Newton Find slip, you can also select a Web option, which performs an AltaVista search on the topic you've entered. It'll also provide some quick-launch tools from the default caret menu, so you can easily select and browse a URL you've noted down. Web Extensions requires a Newton 2.0 running NetHopper 2.0 or later. It has been tested on an MP120 and an MP130. WEBJUMP1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:2:WEBJUMP1 WEBJUMP1 1 0 6K 5/04/97 WebJump 1.2 - allows you to launch URLs from within the Names application of your MessagePad(tm). WebJump(tm) requires NOS2.x and will not run on pre-NOS2.x systems. Also, because it launches URLs, it assumes you have NIE installed, as well as a web browser. WebJump works with the following browsers: NewtsCape and NetHopper. If you have both installed, it will use NewtsCape. WebJump also lets you send a URL from Names to a URL repository program such as pURL or Shuffler. WEIGHT PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:1:WEIGHT WEIGHT 0 12K 11/03/94 Weight - Weight is a very simple Newton app for pilots. I wrote it last year while learning Newton Programming. It does one thing - It calculates the total weight of passengers, baggage, and fuel for a four seat airplane. You can compare the useful load of a few airplane models. Source code included. If you want any changes, you'll have to make them yourself - I don't have Newton Toolkit anymore. WHATERRO PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:WHATERRO WHATERRO 0 11K 8/15/94 What Error 1.1 - Thanks for trying What Error? A while back I put out a newton book that listed all the errors in the newton, as documented by the beta version of the Newton Toolkit. Since the new version has come out (with a whole bunch of new errors,) I haven't had a chance to update the book. I decided rather than updating it, I would redo it's interface. Now, whenever an error occurs, the notification box that comes up will tell you the type of error at the top of the box, and a somewhat more in depth description below. These descriptions are straight out of the Newton Programmer's Guide (with some typos by me...) so don't blame me for some what un-descriptive phrases (it's better than what you're used... WHATSUP1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:2:WHATSUP1 WHATSUP1 1 0 24K 4/15/96 What'sUp 1.02 - What'sUp is a small app that provides a week's overview of the contents of Newt's calendar and to-do list. Using What'sUp is extrmely simple since there's not much you can do. When it opens, What'sUp displays an overview of the upcoming week. Within each day, notes are shown at the top, then appointments, then to-do items. If there's more than will fit on the screen, you can scroll using Newt's scroll arrows to see the remainder. In the top-most day, which is always today, a little triangular arrow appears of there are any appointments scheduled. It points to where the time that What'sUp was opened falls in the list of appointments. This update is for 2.0 users. WHATSUP1 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:WHATSUP1 WHATSUP1 1 0 25K 9/14/95 What'sUp 1.01 - What'sUp is a small app that provides a week's overview of the contents of Newt's calendar and to-do list. Using What'sUp is extrmely simple since there's not much you can do. When it opens, What'sUp displays an overview of the upcoming week. Within each day, notes are shown at the top, then appointments, then to-do items. If there's more than will fit on the screen, you can scroll using Newt's scroll arrows to see the remainder. In the top-most day, which is always today, a little triangular arrow appears of there are any appointments scheduled. It points to where the time that What'sUp was opened falls in the list of appointments. WHATTODO PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:WHATTODO WHATTODO 0 33K 11/04/96 What to Do 1.0 - ToDo enhancement for Newton 2.0. What to Do is an enhancement for the built-in ToDo manager which provides several powerful new features. The ability to add notes to a ToDo item. The ability to add several ToDo items in succession, without having to wade through the new menu every time. The ability to quickly add ToDo items, without having to launch the Dates app first, either by interpreting selected text, or by entering data into a quick data entry slip. WHITEWAS PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:WHITEWAS WHITEWAS 0 10K 4/10/95 Whitewash - This package is a replacement for the built-in keyboard on the Newton. You write in the center box a single character at a time using normal letters styles. As the letter is recognized it is inserted as text into the view with the flashing insertion caret. You can choose an alternate letter from the list of characters to the right of the inking box. When you tap an alternate character the previously inserted character is deleted and the new one replaces it. Any empty box can be used to type a space. The del key can be used to delete characters and the arrow keys are used to move around the line. There's also a carriage return button, caps lock button, number and punctuation button. WINECELL PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:WINECELL WINECELL 0 91K 4/27/98 WineCellar 1.0 - time to order the wine for dinner, but you can't remember what wine you like? Turn to WineCellar. WineCellar will keep track of the wines you have tried or the wines you have in stock so you know exactly what wine you prefer and what wine should be left on the bottom shelf. Shareware $30.00. WINELIST PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:WINELIST WINELIST 0 48K 10/11/94 WineList 1.0 - WineList is a Shareware Newton application for the Wine connoisseur. It enables you to keep track of a multitude of wines on the basis of winery, vintage, type, price, rank and tasting notes. The database WineList uses is import/export compatible with Newton Connection Kit 2.0 which means you can up/down load wine data to/from your favorite desktop database application as long as it supports tab delimited text data interchange. I have included an extensive wine database provided to me by a friend who happens to be a fellow Wine lover and connoisseur. In fact, his FileMaker Pro Wine database was the inspiration behind WineList. You can load this data set using the supplied WineListDB program,... WINNEWT PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:1:WINNEWT WINNEWT 0 331K 2/15/96 WinNewt 1.11 - Welcome to WinNewt 1.11, the graphical design environment for the Apple Newton MessagePad and Microsoft Windows. With WinNewt you can select which Views (buttons, input lines, etc.) you want in your application from the Palette, and draw them with your mouse on a Newton-sized window called the Layout. You can then write the code for these Views in the Browser window. Your code can be printed, exported to a text file for further editing, or directly downloaded to your Newton (if you have Steve Weyer's Slurpee 1.6). You then load the code into Steve Weyer's Newt development environment and create your application as you normally would. This program requires VBRUN100.DLL. VBRUN100.DLL is... WINNPI2 PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:2:WINNPI2 WINNPI2 2 0 284K 2/05/97 Newton Package Installer 2.0 - Newton Package Installer 2.0 for Windows (283K) - for use with Newton 2.0 OS devices. WISTERIA PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:HOLMES:WISTERIA WISTERIA 0 38K 11/29/94 Wisteria Lodge - The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge (W-LODGE.PKG) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Text excepted from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930). Newton version created by Tony Lindsey and Jeff Gitchel. WITTYKEY PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:2:WITTYKEY WITTYKEY 0 66K 1/05/98 WittyKeys 1.0 - gives you a significantly enhanced control over your Newton from your keyboard. With WittyKeys you can define your own key commands. You like to open Dates with with Command+D? Just define it in WittyKeys. Or switch between running applications with Command+Tab? No problem. There are lots of possible actions you can assign to any shortcut you like (unless the sequence is already defined): rotate the screen, turn the Newton off, open a pop-up with all packages in a folder of Extras. WittyKeys is compatible with SPI add-ons. This is an interface to allow developers (including me ;-) to extend i++, WittyKeys or Backyard. WORDADAY PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:WORDADAY WORDADAY 0 42K 1/11/96 WordADay 1.02 - WordADay is a Newton package that lets you build your vocabulary and internal dictionary one word a day. It does so by obtaining words from an Internet server via NewtonMail (eWorld) or AmericaOnline (using HardyMacia's Aloha package). Once words are retrieved, they can be stored internally in the WordADay database (soup), or added to the recognition dictionary of the Newton. Each word comes complete with a definition and occassionally a quote/comment from the A.Word.A.Day internet server. Words can be printed, faxed, mailed, or even beamed to another Newton running WordADay. WordADay supports scrolling using the up/down arrows of the Newton, as well as supporting the Find function,... WORDGRID PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:WORDGRID WORDGRID 0 118K 10/16/97 WordGrid 3.0 - is a Newton word game where you have to find words that are hidden in a grid of letters. Words must be at least four letters long, and you find them by linking adjoining squares. Linking squares is done by drawing a line over them with the pen. You score points for each word found and you have to find a certain number of words before going onto the next puzzle grid. WordGrid should know all the legal puzzles contained in each puzzle (legal words, being correctly spelt words of 4 letters or more). WORDGRID PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:WORDGRID WORDGRID 0 67K 11/28/95 WordGrid 2.0f1 - WordGrid is a game to find words contained in a puzzle grid. To find a word, draw a single line on the grid connecting the letters that make up the word. The line does not have to be straight (it can zig-zag and cross) but must be made in a single stroke; you cannot lift the pen until you have connected all the letters. There are two sets of puzzles. Directed search puzzles, prompt you to find a word and Free search, where you have to find all of the words contained in a grid on your own. The free search game is a much more interesting version of the game but can be difficult for WordGrid beginners. Directed search (the default game) gives you words to find in a grid and you find them... WORKSBET PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:WORKSBET WORKSBET 0 150K 4/11/98 Works Better 1.28 - an enhancement for Newton Works. It adds many new features to the Newtons basic word processor, including headers/footers, columns, and complete style options. It also includes a handwriting recognition feature, so you can write or type text into Newton Works. Requires Newton Running 2.1 OS. WORKSMER PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:WORKSMER WORKSMER 0 50K 1/05/98 Works: Merge 1.0 - is a Mail Merge tool for the Works application. To use Works: Merge, you first compose a letter as normal. In place of a person's name or address you need to insert a place holder. To insert a place holder, tap on the Tools button in Works and select Merge Toolbar. A small window will open with a list of buttons. Position the caret where you'd like to insert the item, and tap the desired button. It will have curly braces around it, this is how Works: Merge performs it's replace operations. You can manipulate any other text, but to not change either the brackets or the text, unless it's to delete them. If you do change them, Works: Merge will not replace them with the desired data when... WORLDCON PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:WORLDCON WORLDCON 0 105K 9/15/97 World Conquest 1.0 - The game of World Conquest is played on a map of the world consisting of 42 territories which we shall call countries. Up to six players can play together. Countries are assigned either randomly or by rotation. The object of the game is to conquer the world. Initial armies are placed on the board in rotation. Each player will receive a decreasing sequence of armies to place. When the initial deployment phase is finished the game begins. Play goes in rotation. A turn has three parts: placing new armies, attacking, and fortifying.A turn begins with the collection and placement of income earned by countries, continents and card sets. For every three countries owned an additional army of income... WORLDPHI PDA12:PKGS:BOOKS:JZ:WORLDPHI WORLDPHI 0 23K 12/13/96 World Philosophers - A listing of 68 major world philosophers with a brief biographical sketch of each. WRITEHE1 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:WRITEHE1 WRITEHE1 1 0 11K 6/17/97 WriteHere Tools 1.3 - adds powerful text editing and text transformation features to WriteHere and your Newton! With extensible WriteHere tools, you can perform word count, case change, sort, and delete spaces from any application that supports text input, from the Notepad to the NewtWorks word processor! WriteHere Writing Formats automatically transform your written text into UPPERCASE or lowercase! WRITEHER PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:WRITEHER WRITEHER 0 258K 5/08/98 WriteHere 2.01 - is a complete Handwriting Recognition (HWR) and Text Editing solution for your Newton! WriteHere provides superior HWR and powerful text editing tools to get your work done faster and more efficiently in any application that supports text input, from the NewtonWorks word processor to the Notepad! WRITERSC PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:WRITERSC WRITERSC 0 18K 12/14/95 Writer's Calc 1.01 - I demonstrated a Newton PDA to my friend his first question was, Can it do math? Of course, Writer's Calc allows you to enter an expression anywhere that accepts text input and compute the answer by tapping the Assist button. Try it! The valid Assist verbs are '=' and 'calc'. Try writing one of the document examples in the Notepad and tap Assist. Please note, that for the Newton Intelligent Assistant to interpret the expression you MUST have a SPACE between the verb and the expression. Some users have found that they can execute other Newton internal functions. If you do this you do so at your own risk. Some of these functions can really screw up your Newton. Please only use... WRITERSK PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:WRITERSK WRITERSK 0 10K 1/09/98 Writers Keyboard 1.0 - is a Newton 2.0 Package which replaces the standard Typewriter Keyboard with one which is meant to be called upon while you are composing lengthy notes/emails. WUNSCHZ1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:WUNSCHZ1 WUNSCHZ1 1 0 54K 9/06/96 Wunschzettel 1.24e - is the German word for list of wishes. Consequently it is a check-list manager. I know, there are more list managers out there. But this one has a special feature: Each item you once made can be remembered by Wunschzettel. So after entering its name once you can reuse the item over and over again just on two taps. A typical example is a shopping list. Instead of writing again and again items like bread, tooth-paste, you can select these items from dynamically growing popup lists. After a short time you have all those things in your popup that you might want to buy. This is also quite usefull to check out if you have forgotten anything to put on your list. WUNSCHZE PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:WUNSCHZE WUNSCHZE 0 71K 9/06/96 Wunschzettel 1.24d - is the German word for list of wishes. Consequently it is a check-list manager. I know, there are more list managers out there. But this one has a special feature: Each item you once made can be remembered by Wunschzettel. So after entering its name once you can reuse the item over and over again just on two taps. A typical example is a shopping list. Instead of writing again and again items like bread, tooth-paste, you can select these items from dynamically growing popup lists. After a short time you have all those things in your popup that you might want to buy. This is also quite usefull to check out if you have forgotten anything to put on your list. WUW2 PDA12:PKGS:CALRCLK:1:WUW2 WUW2 2 0 113K 9/14/95 WUW 2.73 - Wake Up Week will put up a window with a brief overview of the next seven days (similar to the overview in the calendar application). Using the scroll arrows at the bottom of WUW, (left and right) you can move forward and backward one or more weeks. Clicking on the i button will bring up a menu, from which you can access the prefs and about box. The prefs allow you to determine the amount of time needed to trigger the app (ie if you turn your newt on and off every 5 minutes, you don't want it to pop up each time, so you could set it to 1 Hour, etc.). It will also allow you to set WUW so that it only pops up at start up. Includes Birthday Add and Register. WW1 PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:WW1 WW1 1 0 7K 4/08/97 WW 1.0 - This package contains stationery that extends the Newton 2.0 Notepad to allow you to plan meals and track your intake based on the Weight Watchers(tm) diet. This package is based on the 1997 Freedom Plan. The package is capable of tracking the plan up to a weight of 250 lbs. If anyone over 250 lbs wants to use the package, please contact me and I'll revise for additional selections. This package is freely distributable as long as this readme file is included in the distribution archive. Please send an email if you use this package so I have an idea of the interest in further developing this product. XCHANGE1 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:XCHANGE1 XCHANGE1 1 0 29K 8/07/96 Xchange 1.5e - is a small currency-conversion table, similar to the built-in one but with additional features. Exchange rates are saved (just enter the rate once and use it during your vacation). Store as as many different rates as you like (as long there is any free memory left). Rates and currencies can be named. XCHANGE2 PDA12:PKGS:CALCSCI:ALL:XCHANGE2 XCHANGE2 2 0 29K 8/07/96 Xchange 1.15d - ist ein Miniprogramm zur Whrungsumrechnung. Die Bedienung ist hnlich der eingebauten Umrechnungstabelle. Im Gegensatz zu dieser, wird aber der Wechselkurs gespeichert und steht daher bei einem erneuten Programmstart zur Verfgung. Auerdem knnen, hnlich der Namenskartei, (nahezu) beliebig viele Kurse verwaltet werden. Damit man die bersicht behlt, bekommt jeder Wechselkurs einen Namen. Ebenso knnen die beiden Whrungen benannt werden: Entweder whlen Sie eine gngige Whrung aus der Auswahlliste oder schreiben ein beliebiges Krzel in das Textfeld. Drei Radio-Buttons dienen zur Festlegung, welche Zeile aus den anderen beiden berechnet werden soll. XMASTER2 PDA12:PKGS:SHORTCUT:1:XMASTER2 XMASTER2 2 0 17K 10/26/94 X-Master 2.0 - X-Master is a Newton utility which allows you to quickly and easily launch applets, books, and built-in functions without ever opening the Extras drawer. It is unobtrusive and simple to use. X-Master's basic design is similar to launching utilities such as Now Utilities NowMenus for the Macintosh which provides a popdown list of applications and documents to open. X-Master is relatively small (roughly 14K after installation) and therefore can be loaded into either internal memory or onto a storage card. After installation, you will see a small dot in the upper right (or left) hand corner of your screen. Tap it for a list of user installed apps, then tap again to launch an app. XPKG10 PDA12:PKGS:PC_TOOLS:1:XPKG10 XPKG10 10 0 23K 1/24/96 XPkg 1.0 - Apple Newton Package Extractor. This DOS based program extracts Newton *.pkg files from PC/Windows Connection Kit archives. XWORDBUD PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:XWORDBUD XWORDBUD 0 262K 3/09/98 xWord Buddy 2.1 - crossword Player for Newton 2.x systems only; 120 and better. It reads .puz files saved in the Across Puzzle format. XWORDSEA PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:XWORDSEA XWORDSEA 0 19K 2/17/98 xWordSearch 1.1 - is a utility we designed to work with xWordBuddy. It's an application which will search your Newton's dictionary for words. YAK11 PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:1:YAK11 YAK11 11 0 161K 11/17/95 Yak 1.1.1 - Yak is my first Newton app which I created in order to aquaint myself with Newton development, the NTK environment and Newtonscript. It is a simple little text-to-speech engine which exists as a sort of extension - it does nothing by itself but its functions are called by outside applications. This means that you can write your own programs to take advantage of Yak's (somewhat peculiar) vocal stylings...even from NS BASIC! The Yak software included here consists of three main parts: (1) Yak 1.0 package (2) Yak Control Panel (3) A little Yak-applet, NoteYak, which works with the Newton's internal Notes application to read stuff outloud to any hapless individual in earshot. YAPI1 PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:YAPI1 YAPI1 1 0 41K 10/03/95 YAPI 1.02 - YAPI is a Newton application that transfers packages to the Newton using the Xmodem protocol. Since it does not require MNP or AppleTalk, as other package downloaders do, packages can be sent from communications software available on most PCs and workstations. Connect a cable between the host and the Newton (more about cables below). Start the comms software on the host (PROCOMM, Zterm, sb, ..., whatever can do Xmodem). Setup the comms software to do Xmodem transfers with 128 byte blocks and checksum error detection. Initiate the Xmodem transfer on the host, then click on the Download button in the YAPI window on the Newton. There is a progress bar in the YAPI window that gives a rough estimate... YATZY3 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:YATZY3 YATZY3 3 0 43K 5/05/97 Yatzy 3.52 - is a dice game, the object being to score maximum points by filling in all scoring categories with dicerolls. Features One to four players with two types of games. Standard, Forced, Statistics, Average score, Number of Yatzys etc. Has separate ranklists for each type of game. Version 3.5 requires Newton OS 2.x. YATZY3 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:YATZY3 YATZY3 3 0 45K 12/17/96 Yatzy 3.03 - is a dice game, the object being to score maximum points by filling in all scoring categories with dicerolls. Features One to four players with two types of games. Standard, Forced, Statistics, Average score, Number of Yatzys etc. Has separate ranklists for each type of game. Version 3.03 requires Newton OS 1.x. YAZI1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:YAZI1 YAZI1 1 0 200K 4/18/97 YAZI 1.01 - now updated for Newton 2.1, and taking full advantage of the hardware keyboard and other 2.1 enhancements. YAZI is a text adventure engine which takes datafiles as input and allows you to play them on the Newton. Strictly speaking, YAZI doesn't do anything on it's own; it requires a games datafile to run. The datafile contains all of the information about specific games. YINYANG1 PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:ALL:YINYANG1 YINYANG1 1 0 11K 5/13/96 YingYang 1.0 - This is an applet for the Newton. All it does basically is to show strange images on the screen, ever so slowly. It may give you some peace of mind, or it may just waste your Newton's CPU cycles. If you like this software, please try our Little Peking, Reptile, Knight in Minefield, and Litton. They also are freeware. ZACHARYS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:2:ZACHARYS ZACHARYS 0 183K 8/26/97 Zachary's Wheel 2.8 - this is a fun game of words. Version 2.8 of Zachary's Wheel adds literally hundreds of new phrases to the game. If you have downloaded the demo version, it only includes a single phrase for you to try out the game with. If you are a registered user, then please enjoy all of the new phrases as well as the new features added to streamline game play. ZACHARYS PDA12:PKGS:GAME_EDU:1:ZACHARYS ZACHARYS 0 169K 7/18/95 Zachery's Wheel 1.1 - Zachery's Wheel is a very cool letter and word guessing game!! Zachary's Wheel is a game I started writing quite a while ago. It is dedicated to my son Zachary, whom I love more than anything in the universe, (my wife's a close second). Anyway, the game has been sitting in various levels of development since Zachary was born almost two years ago! I've decided to justify my continued development of newton software, and to do so involves making money, so I am releasing this as shareware. I would like to add many improvments to this game, and write many others that I have in mind. Unforuntately, to do so means that people will need to send in the shareware fee to prove that it's worth... ZNAMES PDA12:PKGS:UTILS:2:ZNAMES ZNAMES 0 12K 6/12/96 zNames+ 1.69 - Requires System 2.0 and up. zNames+ is a utility to make additions to the names file quick and easy. No select Names, new, add this and add that. Now, one tap and you can add a First, Last and company name. Home phone, fax and e-mail address. With one more tap you can add the entire address. zNames+ will not replace the existing Names program, but it will make adding new entries quick and easy. And, to add to the ease of use you need only to tap just above and a little to the left of the names icon to launch the application in either portrait or landscape mode. It is also launchable from the extras drawer. ZYXEL PDA12:PKGS:COMMUNIC:1:ZYXEL ZYXEL 0 6K 3/07/95 ZyXEL - This folder contains a modem setup for the external ZyXEL modem for use with Version 1.0 (and later?) of the Newton(tm) modem enabler. I believe that it will work with the Newton Mail but I have no confirmation of that as of yet. I'm pretty sure that it will not allow you to fax because of an incompatibility. The Newton requires Class 1 Fax commands and the ZyXEL doesn't seem to support these. If you get faxing to work I would appreciate some email so that I can update the documentation. After the modem enabler is installed you can install various modem setups. This file contains a setup for the ZyXEL modem and will add a line to the Connect with and Remove Modem Setup items in the modem...