PHYSICIANS_LIST Your Name Here Dr John Doe MEDICAL_LOCATIONS Clinic Surgery ICU Floor Emergency Room FAX_DESTINATIONS Office 1 Office 2 SHORT_SUBJECTIVE Abdominal Pain Asthma BOM Diabetes MS UTI SHORT_OBJECTIVE Appendicitis Boken Bone BOM-Bilateral Chemical Dependency Dehydration Fever Infection Meningitis N/V Rash Rhinitis Sinusitis UTI Yeast Infection SHORT_ASSESSMENT Abdominal Pain Appendectomy Blood Culture BP Breast Exam CBC Discharge ENT exam Entubation Hospital Visit - medium IV,Ringer's Lactate - 500cc IV, NS 0.7% - 250cc IV, NS 0.7% - 500cc Puncture, Lumbar Mamogram Nasel wash Neurological Exam Newborn Exam Pap Smear Temp Throat culture SHORT_PLANS Plans Asthma BOM Diabetes MS UTI SHORT_LAB Na Cl K CO2 bun creat glucose RBC WBC HGB HCT RX_DRUGS_LIST Insulin 100 units SA, subq Monistat 7, suppositories #7 Motrin 500mg, prn Naprosyn Penicillin, Injection,4cc Phenergan supp, prn Tylenol, 200mg Tylenol, 500mg - prn GROUP_1 Insured Medicare HMO Blue Cross UnInsured GROUP_2 Smith Clinic Diabetes Research Group Grant 32 Research USER_1 Copy this record to Dr Kincade Donna, check payment history. Setup new appointment USER_2 MRI Labs Inc. Blood Services of Denver Ortho Supplies Co.