MND12MPMillerJenny4/18/94 9:40 a.m.474917806/1/94 10:13 am1155298/19/65Female5/28/1994Dr SocratesBlue CrossDiabetes Research GroupAbnormal Uterine Bleeding1Clinic1FTTTFF474917801001FTTTGordonBen5/30/94 3:45 pm475526256/4/94 8:00 am22332/12/94Male5/30/1994Dr SocratesBlue CrossDiabetes Research GroupDizziness032Clinic1FFTTFF475526252001FTTTMND13MEET1474917804/18/94 9:40 a.m.4749178010011F4/18/94 9:40 a.m.00:450TTTTSTHISTORY FDLMP: 1/23/95, Menarch 13, Regular, duration 5d, frequency q 29d, 5 pads per day, - passing tissue, + passing clots, + postcoital bleeding, + intermenstrual bleeding, - vasomotor flushes, - changes in hair/skin/texutre/distribution, + abdominal pain, - fever ,- chills, + lightheadedness, + nausea, pregnancy is possible, + emotional stress, + weight changes, + tricyclic antidepressives, - thyroid symptoms, grav 0, para 0, + diet pills, - IUD, - family history, 10240OTPHYSICAL EXAM hemodynamically stable, minimal bleeding, - orthostatic hypotension GYN + cervical lesions x 1 cm anterior, - clitoromegally, + cervical motion tenderness, Uterus size normal, GENERAL - skin/hair changes, - thyroid, - galactorrhea, + obesity, - hirsuitism, 10240ATPRIMARY Diet pills, R/O Tricyclic antidepressives SECONDARY Obesity10240PTD/C diet pills, increase exercise, 10240LTCBC - Lytes - Serum hCG - PAP pending GC pending Chlamydia - Guiac - x 3 LFTUs - Thyroid panel - LH/FSH - PT/PTT -10240GIRTET2475526255/30/94 3:45 pm4755262520011F5/30/94 3:45 pm00:450TTTTSTSensation of spinning x 4 days, + Faintness/lightheadedness, -blurred vision, worse with change in position, worse with coughing, - hyperventilation, -nausea, +postural unsteadiness, - weakness, - headache, - vomiting, -tinnitis, - head trauma, - ototoxic drugs, - diplopia, - parasthesias, + Hypertension, - CVD. + antihypertensives x 3 weeks10240OTPHYSICAL EXAM: + valsalva, +Orthostatic hypotension HEENT -sensory changes, visual acuity 20/20 OU, -tympanic membrane inflammation, - dizziness on head turning - Rinne, - Webber HEART Rhythm Regular, - murmurs NEURO A&O x4, -sensory loss or changes, - ataxia, - weakness, CN II-XII intact, U/L Reflexes 2/4. - BabinskiUs, good coordination RECTAL - occult blood10240ATPRIMARY Orthostatic Hypotension SECONDARY Antyhypertensive therapy10240PT10240LTCBC - Lytes - MRI -10240GIRTTylenol, 200mg2 capsulesbefore mealsDailyfor 18 days30 capsules2 refillsNo SubstitutionMND14LC