PowerTrans 1.1 Readme ===================== PowerTrans 1.1 for the Newton (NOS 2.0 compatible) Copyright (c)1995-1996 Frank Wegener All Rights Reserved 100415.3214@compuserve.com CIS:SWREG #10382 Keywords: translator, dictionary, trainer, vocabulary, words, cards, languages, learning, education, Newton, travel, NOS2 Contents -------- 1. Brief Introduction to PowerTrans 2. Registering PowerTrans 3. Contacting the Author 4. Credits 5. Legal Stuff 6. About the Files and Downloading 7. Using the Electronic Manual 8. Installing and Getting Started 9. How to upgrade PowerTrans to Newton OS 2.0 10. History 11. Future Enhancements for PowerTrans 12. Terminal Programs Supporting Xmodem Protocol 13. Where to Get Cheap PCMCIA-Cards? 14. Distributing Your Own Vocabulary Files 15. Other Newton Applications 1. Brief Introduction to PowerTrans ----------------------------------- PowerTrans is the very first multilingual dictionary for the Newton with integrated vocabulary learning mode. PowerTrans is based on a comfortable dictionary, which allows entering new words, changing and deleting words. All functions are also accessible from an overview mode. All words can be assigned to grammatical categories. The powerful learning function allows the flexible and determined learning of user chosen words from the dictionary. Any word in dictionary can be marked for learning. PowerTrans takes the individual learning skill of the user into account. With a daily time of 30 minutes you can learn 1000 to 2000 words per month in an effortless way. The filter selection function allows you to access a specific subrange of a language. This version contains four languages: English, German, Spanish and French (1700 words per language). You are able to access translations between each of these languages. PowerTrans allows a arbitrary number of languages, which can be configured by the user. Languages can be located on a Storage Card or on Internal Storage, since PowerTrans supports all Storage Card functions. PowerTrans vocabulary files can be created or extended with a text editor on PC, Macintosh, OS/2 and UNIX platforms. They can be transferred in both directions between your Newton and a desktop computer by using a terminal program. PowerTrans supports the Xmodem protocol for a secure data transfer. 2. Registering PowerTrans ------------------------- PowerTrans 1.1 for the Newton: $79 (US) You can evaluate PowerTrans without any limits for up to 10 days. After that period you have to register. All registered users of PowerTrans 1.1 will receive a free PowerTrans Update to the next version when available. There are currently four ways to register PowerTrans: * Credit card (Mastercard/Eurocard) EMail or fax the registration 'register.txt' form to us. The following credit card details are required: Name on card, credit card number, expiration date * CompuServe Online Software Registration (GO SWREG) CompuServe members can register online: GO SWREG and look for ID 10382. The fee for registering PowerTrans via CompuServe is $85.00. * Money-Order Email the registration form [register.txt] and money-order-ID (if necessary) to us. * Mail We will accept foreign currency as long as it is a valid equivalent to the dollar based fee. Cheques, cash and Traveler Cheques are accepted. Please note that a handling fee of $20 will be charged if you pay by cheque (except cheques from German banks). If you want to order by mail, please use the registration form 'register.txt'. *email: If you provide us with your preferred email address, it's easier for us to clarify options with you, and keep you informed about upcoming releases etc. If you're registered and have not heard from us in awhile, or you change your email address, please send us an email (100415.3214@compuserve.com). If you have further questions about registering or about PowerTrans in general, you can contact us by sending an email. If you are still not ready to register, don't be afraid to send us an email to ask more about the functionality of PowerTrans or tell us what features it should have. Knowing users are out there, with some occasional words of encouragement and praise, is important. 3. Contacting the Author ------------------------ Frank Wegener Landwehr 6 63450 Hanau Germany Fax: +49 (0)6181 33309 If you have comments, questions or requests feel free to send them to: [Internet] 100415.3214@compuserve.com [CompuServe:CIS] 100415,3214 Announcements: [CompuServe:CIS] GO NEWTON (Section 4: PR/New Products) [Internet:Newsgroups] comp.sys.newton.announce [NewtNews by Steve Holden] NewtNews is a weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies. 4. Credits ---------- Many thanks to: Donata Wegener Donata created all the language files supplied with PowerTrans. Donata speaks German, Polish, Russian, Spanish, English and a little French. Bernd Flachsbart and Monika Fuhrmann Bernd and Monika did the layout, artwork, typesetting and creation of the great electronic PowerTrans manual. Bernd did the translation of the PowerTrans manual from German to English. **Bernd Flachsbart is author of PackXTract. Steve Weyer Steve Weyer gave us the best support on the Newt Development Environment, support I would have never gotten from Apple or other big companies. **Steve Weyer is author of Newt Development Environment. Steve Weyer's comment on PowerTrans: "... your app is quite large (as if you didn't already know that), perhaps the largest I've ever tried to build & save with Newt, ..." 5. Legal Stuff -------------- PowerTrans (the software that this documentation describes), the related software that is included with PowerTrans, and this documentation are all Copyright (c)1995-1996 Frank Wegener and Frank Wegener's Licensor(s). PowerTrans is a trademark of Frank Wegener. All rights reserved. PowerTrans is in this version is shareware. It may be freely distributed via online services and bulletin boards if it is unmodified and includes the files described in 'About the files'. It may not be commercially bundled or redistributed on CD-ROM, floppy disk, PCMCIA, networks or other media without my permission. Please continue reading for help, examples, warnings and other information. Apple and Newton are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. NewtonMail and MessagePad are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Apple Computer, Inc. requires a software license for Newton software written with the Newton Toolkit carry. Adobe, Acrobat and the Acrobat logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc, which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. This legal document is an agreement between you, the end user, and Frank Wegener. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE PACKAGE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BECOME BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, WHICH INCLUDES THE SOFTWARE LICENSE, SOFTWARE DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY, AND HARDWARE LIMITED WARRANTY (collectively the "Agreement"). THIS AGREEMENT CONSTITUTES THE COMPLETE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND FRANK WEGENER. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USE THIS CURRENT SOFTWARE PACKAGE. PowerTrans SOFTWARE LICENSE BY FRANK WEGENER: 1. LICENSE. The application, demonstration, system and other software accompanying this LICENSE, whether on disk, in read only memory, or by any other media (the "SOFTWARE"), the related documentation are licensed to you by Frank Wegener, a nonexclusive right to use and display this SOFTWARE. This LICENSE allows you to use the SOFTWARE on a single COMPUTER (i.e., with single CPU) at a single location. If the single COMPUTER on which you use the SOFTWARE is a multiuser system, the LICENSE covers all users on that single system. This LICENSE allows you to make one copy of the SOFTWARE and in machine-readable form for backup purposes only. You must reproduce on such copy Frank Wegener's copyright notice and any other proprietary legends that were on the original copy of the SOFTWARE including this agreement. You may also transfer all your LICENSE rights in the SOFTWARE, the backup copy of the SOFTWARE, the related documentation and a copy of this LICENSE to another party, provided the other party reads and agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this LICENSE. Frank Wegener reserves all rights not expressly granted to licensee. 2. OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE. As the Licensee, you own the magnetic or other physical media on which the SOFTWARE is originally or subsequently recorded or fixed, but Frank Wegener retains title and ownership of the SOFTWARE. This LICENSE is not a sale of the original SOFTWARE, source code, related documentation or any copy thereof. 3. RESTRICTIONS. The SOFTWARE contains copyrighted material, trade secrets and other proprietary material and in order to protect them you may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the SOFTWARE to a human-perceivable form. You may not modify, network, rent, lease, loan, distribute or create derivative works based upon the SOFTWARE in whole or in part. You may distribute for a nominal download or duplication charge the unregistered Shareware version of PowerTrans as long as it is accompanied by this documentation and not modified or merged with other software or documents. 4. TERMINATION. This LICENSE is effective until terminated. You may terminate this LICENSE at any time by destroying the SOFTWARE and related documentation. This LICENSE will terminate immediately without notice from Frank Wegener if you fail to comply with any provision of this LICENSE. Upon termination you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE, including modified copies, in any, the written materials and related documentation. 5. EXPORT LAW ASSURANCES. You agree and certify that neither the SOFTWARE nor any other technical data received from Frank Wegener, nor the direct product thereof, will be exported outside the United States except as authorized and as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United States. If the SOFTWARE has been rightfully obtained by you outside of the United States, you agree that you will not re-export the SOFTWARE nor any other technical data received from Frank Wegener, nor the direct product thereof, except as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United States and the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which you obtained the SOFTWARE. 6. GOUVERNMENT END USERS. If you are acquiring the SOFTWARE on behalf of any unit or agency of the United States Government, the following provisions apply. The Government agrees: (i) if the SOFTWARE are supplied to the Department of Defense (DoD), the SOFTWARE and fonts are classified as "Commercial Computer Software" and the Government is acquiring only "restricted rights" in the SOFTWARE, its documentation as that term is defined in Clause 252.227-7013(c)(1) of the DFARS; and (ii) if the SOFTWARE is supplied to any unit or agency of the United States Government other than the DoD, the Government's rights in the SOFTWARE, its documentation will be as defined in Clause 52.227-19(c)(2) of the FAR or, in the case of NASA, in Clause 18-52.227-86(d) of the NASA Supplement to the FAR. 7. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY ON SOFTWARE. You expressly acknowledge and agree that use of the SOFTWARE is at your sole risk. The SOFTWARE and related documentation are provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind and Frank Wegener and Frank Wegener's Licensor(s) (for the purposes of provisions 6 and 7, Frank Wegener and Frank Wegener's Licensor(s) shall be collectively referred to as "Frank Wegener") EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FRANK WEGENER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT DEFECTS IN THE SOFTWARE WILL BE CORRECTED. FURTHERMORE, FRANK WEGENER DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR RELATED DOCUMENTATION IN TERMS OF THEIR CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY FRANK WEGENER OR AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF FRANK WEGENER SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU (AND NOT FRANK WEGENER OR AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF FRANK WEGENER) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION IF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 8. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, SHALL FRANK WEGENER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR RELATED DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF FRANK WEGENER OR AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF FRANK WEGENER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. In no event shall Frank Wegener's total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you for the SOFTWARE. 9. CONTROLLING LAW AND SEVERABILITY. This LICENSE shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of California, as applied to agreements entered into and to be performed entirely within California between California residents. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this LICENSE, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision of the LICENSE shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this LICENSE shall continue in full force and effect. 10. COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This LICENSE constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the SOFTWARE or related documentation and supersedes all prior or conterporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter. No amendment to or modification of this LICENSE will be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of Frank Wegener. 6. About the Files and Downloading ---------------------------------- * Where you can usually find new PowerTrans Versions (and other packages): [CompuServe:CIS] GO NEWTON (Library 8: Newton Packages) [Internet] (see also mirror sites) * http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/FRWegener * ftp://ftp.amug.org/incoming * ftp://newton.uiowa.edu/submissions [America Online:AOL] PDA:Software Libraries:Newton (or PDA:New Files) * The files you should look for (.sit for mac, .zip for windows): PowerTrans 1.1 Program & Manual for all users: pwt11.(sit,zip) readme.txt --- this file register.txt --- Registration Form manual.pdf --- PowerTrans Online Manual, (printable in high quality, with screenshots) powertr.pkg --- PowerTrans Newton Package engl100/en-ge.txt --- English-German / German-English (**) engl100/en-sp.txt --- English-Spanish / Spanish-English (**) engl100/en-fr.txt --- English-French / French-English (**) ** each language contains only 100 words for trying out PowerTrans PowerTrans 1.1 Translations for English users: pwt11en.(sit,zip) readme.txt --- this file en-ge.txt --- English-German / German-English (**) en-sp.txt --- English-Spanish / Spanish-English (**) en-fr.txt --- English-French / French-English (**) PowerTrans 1.1 Translations for German users: pwt11ge.(sit,zip) readme.txt --- this file ge-en.txt --- German-English / English-German (**) ge-sp.txt --- German-Spanish / Spanish-German (**) ge-fr.txt --- German-French / French-German (**) PowerTrans 1.1 Translations for Spanish users: pwt11sp.(sit,zip) readme.txt --- this file sp-en.txt --- Spanish-English / English-Spanish (**) sp-fr.txt --- Spanish-French / French-Spanish (**) sp-ge.txt --- Spanish-German / German-Spanish (**) PowerTrans 1.1 Translations for French users: pwt11fr.(sit,zip) readme.txt --- this file fr-en.txt --- French-English / English-French (**) fr-sp.txt --- French-Spanish / Spanish-French (**) fr-ge.txt --- French-German / German-French (**) ** each language contains about 1700 words 7. Using the Electronic Manual ------------------------------ The PowerTrans manual 'manual.pdf' is initially available as an Adobe Acrobat file (screenshots, bookmarks, hypertext links, searchable, printable in high quality). Other specific formats like Microsoft Word and DocViewer are not likely since Acrobat, HTML and NewtonBooks should be more useful, common and portable. Why Acrobat? Acrobat Reader is a viewer application for Adobe's family of products based on PDF (Portable Document Format) files; the release includes readme, help and sample documents; other products are Exchange and Distiller. The PDF format and Acrobat API are published. PDF files are compact and cross-platform compatible. FREE versions of Reader are available for Macintosh, Windows, Unix and DOS. If you don't already have the Acrobat Reader, you need to download it from Adobe. I highly recommend to print out this manual. Acrobat Reader (2.1) is available from: [CompuServe:CIS] GO ACROBAT or GO ADOBE, "Download Acrobat Viewer" (Macintosh, Windows, DOS) [Internet] ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/Applications/Acrobat/Macintosh, Windows, DOS, UNIX [America Online:AOL] Computing: Application or Electronic Publishing (Macintosh) PC Forums:Windows:Text & Word Programs (Windows) Macintosh SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - Macintosh computer with 68020 (Macintosh II series) or higher processor - MacOS 7.0 or higher - 2 MB application RAM - 4 MB hard disk space Windows SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - 386- or 486-based personal computer (486 recommended) - Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher - 4 MB application RAM - 4 MB hard disk space 8. Installing and Getting Started --------------------------------- 1) Introduction We recommend to read the electronic manual 'manual.pdf' for a detailed description of installing and getting started. First install the package 'powertr.pkg' on your Newton by using the Apple Newton Connection Kit. Before you can use PowerTrans for the first time, you have to set up at least two languages. Next you can enter words yourself or import words from the accompanied vocabulary. 2) Setting up a language * Tap on one of the language buttons on the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen. If you didn't already set up a language the caption "" is shown on the buttons. * Select "New..." from the language picker. * Tap on "Language ID" and select the desired language from the list. To scroll through more entries of the list use the ">Next>" and "