PFB.txt 1/1/96 PFB 1.3 (aka Pico, Fermi, Bagels) a number guessing game Keywords: game, strategy, numbers, source Dedicated to Kristina and Ellie PFB is "postcardware"; if you like it, I ask that you send email to my kids Ellie ( and Kristina (, postcards, and/or other valuable tokens of appreciation. PFB may be distributed freely as long as all of the files are included and unmodified. You are free to make modifications for your own use. Copyright 1993-96, S. Weyer, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Contents: - PFB-13.pkg -- Newton application - PFB.txt -- introduction/abstract, general info, help - picoferm.nwt -- Newt source - picoferm.bit -- bitmap icon If you are interested in object-oriented programming, developing applications in NewtonScript and saving as packages directly on your Newton, try the "Newt" development environment. Registered users receive a 80+ pp. manual (Acrobat or paper) and 190+ examples. Also, NewtPFB, an interactive book tutorial (like NewtATut), that describes and implements PFB step-by-step. If you would like to build this application yourself with Newt, obtain the latest version (check my web page) of Newt and Slurpee: Look at the information that came with Newt and build the "Hello World" application (applic0.nwt or via NewtATut). Transfer picoferm.nwt (and picoferm.bit if you would like to have the Extras icon). Start Newt, select the folder where you stored PFB (see 2nd line of picoferm.nwt). Tap Expr, select :doObj('build, 'PFB), tap Eval. Author: Steve Weyer 17 Timber Knoll Drive Washington Crossing, PA 18977-1052 Internet: America Online/eWorld/NewtonMail: SteveWeyer Compuserve: 74603,2051 Revision History: ----- 1.3 (1/1/96) - NOS 2.0 compatible - created with Newt Development Environment - includes Newt source 1.2 (9/3/94) - fixed bug (when writing too few digits) - added bottom buttons to status bar - replaced About and Help with Info (help book) - misc. internal cleanup, recompilation with NTK 1.0.1 1.1 (3/2/94) - new, non-generic icon - autoconfigures for new (smaller) MessagePad screens - changed from "freeware" to "postcardware" - minor cosmetic changes to interface and messages; code cleanup - source code available to Newt users 1.0d2 (9/29/93) - initial public version (my first Newton program) Help ---- For each guess, you will see one or more of - Fermi: a correct digit placed correctly - Pico: a correct digit placed incorrectly - Bagels: no digits are correct e.g., if is checked, =3 and the computer's number is 029 445 <4 duplicate> 4567 376 Bagels 914 Pico 820 Fermi Pico . . . 092 Fermi Pico Pico 029 Fermi Fermi Fermi Notes: Unlike MasterMind, PFB does not allow duplicate digits. Although I had played versions of PFB where "Pico" and "Fermi" were reversed, the kids convinced me it was easier to remember "Fermi" by "firm". Additional Information ----- PFB is similar in concept and strategy to MasterMind and Jotto. After I first saw "Pico Fermi Bagels" (PFB) as a Basic program at the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley in the early '70s, I wrote several Logo versions. Uncheck "Allow Zero" to omit zero as a possible digit. Select "Digits" to change the number of digits (between 2-5). Selecting either of these after you have made your first guess starts a New Game. Your last settings of these should reappear the next time you start PFB (though these don't survive Newton resets). The guess fields expect numbers, but will ignore spaces and periods. Doubletap for a numeric keypad. PFB will complain about non-digits (or zero if "Allow Zero" is unchecked), the wrong number of digits, or duplicate digits. Order of guesses doesn't matter; guesses can be recycled (may be necessary since there are only 16 guess fields -- a protoRollBrowser limit unless I add scrolling). To balance readability and amount of information displayed, guess field changes font size [except when Landscape on NOS 2.0]: - userFont12 (Digits=2,3) - userFont10 (Digits=4) - userFont9 (Digits=5) [long line may still not quite be all visible] Winning is indicated by "Fermi" for all digits, and an audible sound. Possible Next Steps: ----- - allow more guesses (via scrolling) [for now, recycle guesses] - provide feedback via the label (instead of in value field)? - autoexpanding the next guess field (but expandLine doesn't refresh properly?) - add preferences to system soup entry (doesn't seem worth the bother)