readme.txt for PeggySu v1.0 05/28/96 ==================================== PeggySu version 1.0 Copyright (c)1996, Namba One Systems by Kimiko & Tetuso Namba All rights reserved. ==================================== 1. Introduction This is a puzzle program for the Newton. On the screen is a board with one black peg and many grey pegs. Object of the game is to move the black peg to the center hole by jumping over (and eliminating) other pegs. The less pegs you have at the end of a game, the better your score gets. If you like this game, please try our "Little Peking," "Reptile," "Knight in Minefield," "Litton," and "YinYang." They also are freeware for the Newton. This game is based on the suggestions made by Steve Holden (the editor/publisher of NewtNews). We also thank David Hina for his comments. 2. Distribution of This Program This program is freeware. You are free to give it away to your friends and family members. Be sure to pass this readme file along with the program. If you upload this program to a BBS or FTP site, please notify us by sending email afterwards. 3. Requirements This program was tested on the MP-120 with Newton OS 1.3. It should work on other models with the same OS. We have not tested on the OS 2.0. The program takes up about 28KB of memory and consumes about 10KB of heap. 4. How to Play A. Start A New Game When you start the game for the first time, a game board appears after a little pause. You will see one black peg, 45 grey pegs and a hole in the middle. The location of the black peg is chosen ramdomly. After you finish your game succesfully, start another game by tapping the [New Game] button located at the bottom of the screen. B. Object The object of this game is to move the black peg to the center hole. To do so, a peg must jump over another peg and enter an empty hole. The less pegs you have at the end of game, the better your score gets. Note: To finish a game, you must move the black peg to the center hole. C. Eliminating Pegs You can eliminate a peg by moving a peg over another peg and landing on an empty hole. You can move a peg in all directions: up, down, right, left and diagonally, provided you have the peg to jump over and the empty hole to get into. In actuality, you tap on a peg that you want to move and then you tap the location you want to move to. You can also drag one peg over another and lift your pen at the destination. D. Undoing Moves You can undo your moves up to 8 previous ones. Tap the white "U-turn" button next to the [New Game] button. Each time you tap the button, you undo one move. Note: Do not use the regular "Undo" button. It won't do you any good. E. Skill Levels Four levels are provided, level 1 being the easiest. Change the skill level by tapping the "Level" picker located in the upper right corner of the screen. F. Diagonal Moves This game gets more challenging when you disallow diagonal moves. Pegs must move up, down, right or left. To allow/disallow diagonal moves, tap the "Diagonal Moves" picker located in the upper left corner of the screen. G. Score Records Top ten scores are kept. To view the records tap the [Hi Score] in the [i] button. Scores are calculated based on the number of remaining pegs. 5. Please Donate Writing a program and maintaining it takes a lot of efforts. If you find this program interesting, please donate some money to us. We are going to port this program to OS 2.0 as soon as we obtain the new MP-120. Comments, bug reports and suggestions are welcome. Ms. Kimiko Namba 46-11-203 Minami-cho, Itabashi, Tokyo 173, Japan phone: +81-3-3530-8058 fax: +81-3-5966-9243 email: 6. Update History V1.0 05/06/96 Actually, a beta release. V1.0 05/19/96 Actually, a beta release 2. Three more skill levels introduced. Option added to disallow diagonal moves. V1.0 05/28/96 Final release. Like Steve Holden of NewtNews says, "Don't sue us and we won't sue you." -- Thank you. --