readme.txt for Knight in Minefield v1.0 3/3/96 ==================================== Knight in Minefield version 1.0 Copyright (c)1996, Namba One Systems by Kimiko & Tetuso Namba All rights reserved. ==================================== 1. Introduction This is a game program for the Newton. It's another "Minefield" game with a few twists. The object is to reach a goal by crossing a minefield, hopping like a Knight in chess game. If you like this game, please try our "Little Peking" and "RepTile". They also are freeware Newton games. 2. Distribution of This Program This program is freeware. You are free to give it away to your friends and family members. Be sure to pass this readme file along with the program. If you upload this program to a BBS or FTP site, please notify us by sending email afterwards. 3. Requirements This program was tested on the MP-120 with Newton OS 1.3. It should work on other models with the same OS. It should work on the OS 2.0 as well, although we have not tested yet. The program takes up about 51KB of memory and consumes about 15KB of heap. 4. How to Play A. Start A New Game When you start the game for the first time, a game board appears after a little pause. On the board you will see: o Knight -- shown as a black square o Goal -- black circle inside black square o Obstacles -- grey square o Empty Space -- white square. Mines are hidden somewhere in the empty spaces. If you step on one of the mines, the game is over. Each time you press the [New Game] button on screen, you get a new board configuration. B. Moving the Knight Your mission, as a Knight, is to reach the goal by hopping merrily across the minefield. Being a Knight, you must move like a Knight -- two steps forward and one step sideways, two steps sideways and one step forward, and so on. You cannot land on obstacles (grey squares). They are there to bother and confuse you. C. Detecting Mines When you come close to mines, you see a back square with a number (1 thru 7) on. The digit indicates the number of mines hidden within one hop range. Note that this one "hop" is a one "Knight hop". Mines may NOT be hidden in the adjacent locations. If you see numbers higher than 2, you should choose ather paths. D. Mine Count You can choose the number of mines on the board from the [Mine Count] picker located in the upper left corner of screen. As you request more mines, you get more obstacles and higher potential score points. E. Take a Peek It's possible to display all mines momentarily by tapping the [Peek] button located next to the [New Game] button. Your score, however, gets reduced by half the current points. Don't do this too often. F. Score Records Top ten scores are kept. To view the records, tap [Hi Score] after pressing the [i] button. G. Undo Moves Sorry, no undo's. Such is life. 5. Please Donate Writing a program and maintaining it takes a lot of efforts. If you find this program interesting, please donate some money to us. We are going to port this program to OS2.0 as soon as we obtain the new MP-120. Comments, bug reports and suggestions are welcome. Ms. Kimiko Namba 46-11-203 Minami-cho, Itabashi, Tokyo 173, Japan phone: +81-3-3530-8058 fax: +81-3-5966-9243 email: 6. Update History V1.0 03/03/96 Newly created. -- Thank you. --