Go Recorder 2.3.0 --- this version should work on an MP2000 and eMate (previous versions may not display the move info, and may have some cosmetic blemishes). I have not had a chance to test this fully, but have had it working on an eMate, where the speed is now VERY acceptable. --- Import and Export to Notes now fully implemented: Export to Note will write a text version of the game record to the Notes package; from there it may be sent to a desktop machine and archived (freeing up valuable space in the archived games heap, and so making finding and loading games faster) or translated to another format for other Go applications. Import to Note reverses the procedure, converting a text record into a Go Recorder game which is stored in the archived games (it is not automatically made the current game). To transfer Notes to and from the Newton, there are third party packages (such as NoteThing) --- Apple's NCU may one day appear! Some examples are included with this version: a game, a Joseki study, and a problem set. To translate Go Recorder text format to other formats, such as SmartGo: I intend to write a translator for the Mac, but anyone interested in doing so is most welcome --- please contact me. I have included the full documentation for the format, from which it should not be hard to convert from one format to another. The example files also demonstrate the format. --- more bug fixes, and many routines completely rewritten, in particular routing routines: When printing, faxing, mailing or exporting to Notes, it is far faster, and will use less memory, to use the current game; beaming however is faster on an archived game. Note that games saved by previous versions of Go Recorder, and games imported from text records, may not be routed until they have been loaded as the current game and saved once. This is because some extra information is now stored with the game and used when printing etc; this information is created for older games and imported records the first time they are loaded a sthe current game. --- the scroll arrows now work to scroll through the list of archived games Go Recorder version 2.1.1 --- bug fix: name changed to fix Extras display --- % before Variation (for text export/import) --- bug fix: delete move after end of var entered the previous var --- bug fix: last move a variation end - scroll down now exits var --- user branch: you may replace the word "Variation" by any text of your own; for example "Joseki" or "A Hard Problem" To do this, use a space character as the notation for the variation; the word "Variation" will then not be displayed so that only the comment field will appear; the first appearance of the character "%" in the comment will be replaced by "instead of ..." if the branch starts at a previous move --- "caret" gesture (upside down V) exits variation --- comments are printed with a preceding hard space (for import recognition) --- import/export started: Export in the action menu will write a text version of the selected game (working game or an archived game) to the Notes app. Export not yet implemented (currently all it does is present a picker list of all possible Notes which could be Go game records (those that start with "%%% Go Recorder") Go Recorder version 2.1.0 --- turn on "auto capture check" will prompt for complete game check for captures (will need this for import of sgf text which does not record captures) --- some interface improvements Go Recorder version 2.0.3 --- improved interface to game dialog --- fixed bug - corrupted game could cause error messages to cycle, stopping access to game dialog Go Recorder version 2.0.1 Fixes numerous bugs in version 2.0.0 --- adding a stone in middle of game --- many problems with multiple variations --- slow drawing of stones with numbers turned on --- move to card --- slider too close to status bar ----------------- Go Recorder version 2.0.0 Here is a completely rewritten version of Go recorder. Most of the operations which were frustratingly slow have been made much faster (in particular, entering moves in a long game, opening up the Game dialog, making a new game; loading a large game is still slower than I would wish but certainly far faster than before; editing a long game is a little faster). Some functionality has changed a little, hopefully improving the useability, and some new features have been added, the major one being Variations. A complete manual will follow soon (!) but to get you started: To create a variation, make a V gesture in the move information box (when in "edit" mode, ie three move lines showing --- when in "playback" mode - a single large information box showing only the current move - the game record cannot be changed); this will automatically create a "Variation" entry, and "enter" the variation; subsequent entered moves will be placed in the variation. To exit the variation scroll below the "Variation End" entry - automatically created - or above the start of the Variation; when exited, moves internal to the variation are removed. Tap the Variation entry once to re-open an existing variation. Tapping the Up/Down arrows, or using gestures (click, double click or line in the next move/prev move) will not "enter" variations, but follow the main line; however the "thermometer" control will enter all variations - you will see variation moves appear and disappear from the display if you use this control to move from the beginning of a game to the end. Variations can be nested; they can have a notation ("Variation A") and a comment attached, but the variation entry itself cannot capture moves (of course moves within the variation can make captures). A variation need not start from the stone immediately preceding its entry in the record ; you may wish to show the main line first, and then an alternative line from some move way back in the record. To do so, make the Variation entry the current one, select "Capture" mode, and then click on a stone; that stone and all entries up to the start of the variation will be removed from the display, and the variation line will start numbering as if those stones were not played. On exit from the variation, those stones re-appear. Variations can also be created in the Move Editor dialog. If a variation entry (or its "Variation end" entry) is deleted, the WHOLE variation line is deleted. --------------------------------- The slider can be turned off and on with the small square button below the move information lines; the other two small buttons move to the beginning or end of the game. It is recommended that the slider be turned OFF when entering stones or editing --- updating the slider can sometimes cause the Newton to update the board as a well, which will slow things down noticeably. --------------------------------- A reminder: avoid turning on numbering. This is useful ONLY for small games such as problems or joseki, and for printing diagrams (where the "start number" and "end number" control the output). All operations slow down to a crawl when numbering is turned on, and a large amount of memory is used. However DO use the "current move" mode - this shows a + on the current move - and is quite fast; to make this work, make sure at least one of the "start number" or "end Number" boxes is empty, and then hilight the "numbers" button. ------------------------------------------ A note for the DEMO version If you have the DEMO version, all features will work EXCEPT that: - occasionally the word "DEMO" appears in output - you can access only the first three games from the saved games archive - in version 2.3, most routing features have been crippled. I hope you will be convinced that GoRecorder is a useful tool, sufficiently so that you will purchase the release version. Send US$25 or near round-number equivalent in your local currency to the address below. ------------------------------------------ Because the code has been entirely re-written and far from fully tested, there will quite certainly be bugs. Your help in eliminating these bugs is appreciated. Please contact Neville Smythe 28 Fergusson Crescent Deakin ACT 2600 AUSTRALIA email: Neville.Smythe@anu.edu.au