Copyright ) 1995 Michael S. Engber. All rights reserved. Aminals Another ill conceived product from Inconceivable Software Aminals is intended to amuse small children by allowing them to reveal pictures of animals by erasing with the pen. In order to keep kids from accidentally quitting, Aminals has no close box. To quit you will have to tap 3 times - just follow the intructions shown in the text box at the bottom. Aminals also disables the system buttons to keep the kids from accidentally opening other apps. When you quit, they will be re-enabled. Aminals is freeware. Share it freely. Please include this documentation if you redistribute it. Send comments & bugs to: Michael S. Engber 3486 Golden State Drive Santa Clara, CA 95051 InterNet: Notes & Tips - You need to erase reasonably slowly or you'll skip around. My experience has been that kids (of all ages) will initially go way too fast. - Aminals should work on all existing Newton products - in case you were wondering what to do with your old 1.X unit. - No animals were harmed in the production of this software. Version History version 1 - test release version 2 - first public release - fix bugs on original MessagePad and MessagePad 110 - reduce size to fit (barely) on original MessagePad internal store - improve tracking speed with native code - make sure animal names are always scrambled