Bulletproof Software In the true Hacker spirit I have released this program as freeware. Anything as cool as the newton shouldn't be blemished by the commercialism of shareware fees. If you like the program or have an idea on how to improve it please e-mail me at aew@unh.edu or stop by my newton WWW page at: http://pease1.sr.unh.edu/aew/newton to see my other newton programs. Puzzle - A 2.0 Compatible Slide Puzzle This small slide puzzle is fully 2.0 compatible with a true 2.0 style info button which supports extentions like i++ and other utilities. The object is to slide the tiles into numeric order: 1,2,3,...15 in a grid going left to right, top to bottom like: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fairly simple yet somewhat entertaining. These things are on almost every computer in in the world and I was surprised not to find one that ran on 2.0 Newtons so I wrote this one. Enjoy! Obligitory Disclaimer: These programs come with no warranty expressed or implied and I am not responsible for any data loss, damages, etc. that they may cause. I grant license for unlimited free use of these programs which may be distributed by any means provided no fees are charged for them beyond a reasonable media charge.