AZ Demo - The fate of Earth Colony Alpha-312 lies in your hands! Depleted of mineral stores necessary for the function of planetary life support systems, you have been sent to Quantor, its mineral-rich satellite. Your mission is to harvest the moon's fertile crust, collecting minerals essential for the continuation of ECa312. Your task is complicated by the presence of exotic indigenous life forms - grotesquely flopping, crawling, infinitely varied, and convulsively undulating. While harvesting, you struggle to avoid the gnashing teeth and clenching pinchers of these innumerable hostile species, relying upon other naturally found elements to defend yourself. A-Zoo Evasion, an original game for the Newton MessagePad platform (OS 2.0 or higher), features animated biomorphic artificial life forms of nearly infinte variety, bred as the game progresses from a gene space of well over one million. The original Pen Pad provides a pen interface for continuous joysitck-like control in this action arcade game.