README.TicTacToe ---------------- Description ----------- A simple Tic-Tac-Toe program. I've discovered that young kids really like the Newton, but there isn't much for them to do on it. This app is just for fun, and uses some visual and sound effects to spice things up. Version ------- 0.3 Screen Layout ------------- The screen layout of this program from top to bottom and left to right has the following elements: ++ Title: -- The name of the application "TicTacToe". ++ Play board: -- Tap in a square to make a move. ++ "Erase Board" button: -- A button, which when tapped moves erases the play board with a visual effect. ++ "Smoke" radio button: -- A button, which when on causes the "Erase Board" button to make the play board go "poof". ++ "Trash" radio button: -- A button, which when on causes the "Erase Board" button to make the play board be thrown in the trash. ++ "Human vs. Human" checkbox -- A checkbox which when checked disables the newton from playing, allowing two people to play. ++ "Play Dumb" checkbox -- A checkbox which when checked makes the newton play stupidly, allowing the human to win a lot. ++ Info button: -- A button, which when tapped will cause some basic info about "TicTacToe" to be displayed. ++ Close box: -- Closes "TicTacToe". Caveats: -------- * Only tested on Newton MP 100. * Can't turn off/change sound effects. * Mostly harmless. Future enhancements? -------------------- * Add more sounds. For example, a cat meowing for a draw ("cat's game"), applause for win, or something when Newton loses. * Make app a floater, possibly resizeable, so TicTacToe can be played while other things are on screen. * Make a separate preferences view, and make preferences persistant. * Use Infra-red link to allow people to play on two newtons. * Others? Let me know what you think. Most votes for new features via email get priority. Legal stuff ----------- This program is Copyright ) 1994 by James Thiele. It may be distributed freely as long as the program is unmodified and is accompanied by this README file. Because there are too many lawyers in the world, I add the following statement: In using this software, you understand and agree that this software is provided Ras isS without warranty of any kind. The author does not make any warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software. In no event shall the author be liable for any consequential, incidental, or special damages whatsoever (including without limitation, damages for loss of critical data, loss of profits, interruption of business and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use this software. Credits ------- Apple PIE/Newton Developer Technical Support for examples and articles on Newton programming. Author ------ James Thiele You can let the author know what you think of this program by contacting him at: email: 73537,1460 on Compuserve (checked weekly) JamesThiele on eWorld (checked weekly) JET1 on AOL (checked weekly) Snail mail: 8217 5th Ave NE, #303 Seattle, WA 98115 (Addresses valid as of 19 December 1994)