Lottery Number (Pick 4) version 1.0 )1994 Jason Grazado is a very small package which installs into your formulas roll and performs one very simple function: suggesting a 4 digit number for use in your state's lottery. The number will change every time the formula roll is opened, or if you scroll it off the screen and back. Version 2 will add many more options for other games, when I get the time to implement them. This program is for fun and I am not responsible for any problems or damage resulting from its use. The program is emailware unless you actually win some money...and then its only fair that you send me some. How about 20%? In your email please let me know where you found this file as I'd be curious to know. Please send any bug reports or suggestions to me, Jason Grazado ( and big winning checks to Jason Grazado, 2 Maple Street, Hatfield, MA 01038. Special thanks to Ben Gottlieb for his patient assistance on this and other projects. Good luck. Jason Grazado hey This documentation must travel along with the package. Any user is free to convert this file and archive for use on non-macintosh platforms as I don't intend on doing so.