Periodic Chart of the Elements P Read Me Periodic Chart of theElements Formula Slip Version 1.0 for Newton written by Marc Gumpinger, This Read Me contains information about installing and using the Periodic Chart of the Elements (PCE). Installation Use you standard Newton Conection Kit or Newton Package Installer to download the package to your Newton. In case any error occurs during the download, please consult the respective manual. You can remove this package just like any other package on your Newton. The internal name for this package is: PCE:GUMPINGER. Location of the downloaded package The PCE will automatically be added to your formulas inside the Extras drawer. You can easily locate the formulas from their symbol which contains a little percentage sign. Tap onto that very icon to open the formulas and locate the entry RPeriodic Chart of the ElementsS which should occur at the very buttom of the overview. Tap onto that overview line and the formula slip will open. Using the PCE The PCE formula slip enables you to easily find an element from the chart and quickly access its data. This is the initial view of the PCE formula slip: J Language Settings Detail Frame Table You have three choices of how to find an element. First of all you can tap onto an element button in the chart. The button gets hilited and the corresponding information is displayed in the detail frame. Secondly you may directly write the name of the desired element into the Element line or thirdly write the elementUs symbol into the Atomic Symbol line. If you choose to write, the element will automatically be hilited in the chart. So no matter what method you choose you will always find the PCE to look something like this: J As you can see from the two radio buttons in the upper right part, this PCE is bilingual. Simply tap the RDS Button (which stands for RDeutschS) to find the entire PCE in German. You donUt even have to search the element againQeverything stays as it was: J In case you want to see information about a neighbour of a selected Atom just tap into the lower left or right corner within the detail frame. Legend: s -> sublimated p -> under pressure If an atomic symbol is displayed in outline font all its isotopes are radioactive. In fact this tiny utility should be pretty much bullet proof. In case, however, you encounter any strange behaviour please contact me. My Internet address is: Please do not use the PCE unless you agree to the terms mentioned under RDisclaimerS below. Registration The PCE for the Newton is Shareware. This means that you may spread the original archive as far as you want as long as you donUt change it. If you like a shareware product you should really register it. As for my product I didnUt want to cripple itQso even without being registered you have full access to all features. I belive in your honesty and think you *will* register it anyway! Registering the PCE for the Newton is first of all very cheapQitUs only $10Qand its very simple to accomplish: There are two ways of registering: First you can use the RRegisterS-Software that comes with this package. Register enables you to easily and quickly fill out a registration form and have it saved so that you can eMail it or printed so that you can fax it to Kagi Shareware. If youUre on CompuServe you also have the option to switch to the Shareware Registration Service (GO SWREG). There youUll have to search for this package jot down its ID and register itQthatUs all. Registration is all that simple! Acknowledgements The idea for creating the PCE on the Newton was sparked by Dr. Boris Steipe, Biostructure Lab of the Genzentrum, University of Munich Additional information was provided by the Institut fr Pharmakologie, Toxikologie und Pharmazie, University of Munich Prof. Dr. Rdiger Schulz and Peter Schulz Disclaimer MARC GUMPINGER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MARC GUMPINGER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES INCLUDING LOST SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF THE USE, INABILITY TO USE, OR ABUSE OF THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. ID: Periodic Chart of the Elements V1.0 Newton 12/28/95 Newton, Newton Connection Kit and Newton Package Installer are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Periodic Chart of the Elements for the Newton: Copyright by Marc Gumpinger. Register: Copyright by Stairways Software, Peter N. Lewis.