Welcome to Match Book 1.0 for the Newton! 3 December 1995 Match Book 1.0 )1995 Matthew J. Washchuk, All Rights Reserved World Wide mwashchuk@gatecoms.gatecom.com Match Book is freeware. It may be freely distributed via online services and bulletin boards if it is unmodified and includes the files described in the Match Book 1.0 folder. It may not be commercially bundled or redistributed on CD-ROM, floppy disk, PCMCIA, networks or other media without my permission. Please continue reading for help, examples, warnings and other information. Table of Contents 1.1 What is Match Book? What can it do? 1.2 How do I use Match Book? 1.3 Known Bugs. 1.4 Registering and reaching the author. 1.5 Future Ideas 1.6 Final comments. 1.1 Match Book is a full featured tennis match charting program. Just what exactly does Match Book do? It charts 25 different aspects of the game! 1. Points Won 2. Points Lost 3. First Serve Percentage 4. Percentage of First Serve Points Won 5. Second Serve Percentage 6. Percentage of Second Serve Points Won 7. Percentage of Net Points Won 8. Aces 9. Double Faults 10. Total Winners 11. Total Unforced Errors 12. Forehand Winners 13. Forehand Unforced Errors 14. Two-handed Backhand Winners 15. Two-handed Backhand Unforced Errors 16. One-handed Backhand Winners 17. One-handed Backhand Unforced Errors 18. Slice Backhand Winners 19. Slice Backhand Unforced Errors 20. Forehand Volley Winners 21. Forehand Volley Unforced Errors 22. Backhand Volley Winners 23. Backhand Volley Unforced Errors 24. Overhead Volley Winners 25. Overhead Volley Unforced Errors 1.2 So you have Match Book installed, but you're not sure how to use it? No problem. If you don't have this book installed on your Newt when you need help, you can still get help by clicking the overview button while Match Book is open. ??I have Match Book open, but I'm not sure what all the buttons stand for?? There are six visible buttons in Match Book. At the top of the floating view (where it says Match Book 1.0), there is a "S" and a "R" button. These are the serving buttons. Click the "S" button when the player you are charting starts a service game. Click the "R" button when the player starts a receiving game. ??Ok, then what about the "S," "G," "V," and "Done" buttons at the bottom of the screen?? The "S" button stands for SERVING. The "G" button stands for GROUND STROKES. The "V" button stands for VOLLEYS. And the "Done" button is not pressed until the match is over (notice that you cannot press the done button when you are presented with option checkboxes). The "S" button contains the Ace, Fault, Pt. Won, and Pt. Lost checkboxes. The Ace box is self explanatory. Click this when the player you are charting hits an ace on his/her first serve. If the player's first serve is a fault, click the Fault box. You should click the box marked Pt. Won whenever the player you are charting wins a point, but does not hit a winner. Similarly, you should click the Pt. Lost button when he/she loses a point, but does not hit an unforced error. NOTICE THAT THESE ARE UNDER THE 1ST SERVE COLUMN. Here is where the charting can get tricky. When you click the Fault box on the first serve side, new options appear on the second serve side. These are Ace, Fault, Pt. Won, and Pt. Lost. If the player you are charting hits an ace on his/her second serve, click this button. If the player hits a fault on his/her second serve (meaning a double fault), click the fault button. The same principles of Pt. Won and Pt. Lost from the 1st Serve side are included on the 2nd Serve side as well, except that the player would win/lose the point on his/her second serve. !!Now for the hard stuff!! Here are some scenarios that could happen, and the buttons you should press: Serving: 1. Your player hits the first serve in, and hits a forehand winner. Buttons: "G," click Forehand Winner. 2. Your player misses the first serve, gets the second serve in, and hits a forehand winner. Buttons: "S," click Fault, "G," click Forehand Winner. 3. Your player hits the first serve in, and misses an easy overhead. Buttons: "V," click Overhead Unforced Error. 4. Your player misses the first serve, gets the second serve in, and misses an easy overhead. Buttons: "S," click Fault, "V," click Overhead Unforced Error. 5. Your player double faults. Buttons: "S," click Fault, then Fault again. 6. Your player barely gets the racquet on the ball on his/her second serve. Buttons: "S," click Fault, then Pt. Lost. ---------- Receiving: 1." 2." 3." 4." 5." 6." Everything is the same as serving, only you would not press any of the Ace or Fault buttons (you cannot, because they are not there!). The Pt. Won and Pt. Lost rules still apply if your player is receiving and they don't hit a winner or unforced error. Pt. Won is still your player wins the point, but no errors or winners of any kind. Pt. Lost is still your player loses the point, but there are no winners or errors of any kind on that point. 1.3 I currently know of only one bug. Discovered by Carlo Pascuzzi, this bug occurs when the user presses the Undo Button. In some cases, the screen does not redraw correctly. My goal is to have the Undo Button eliminated. So as a warning: DO NOT USE THE UNDO BUTTON AT ALL IN MATCH BOOK. I realize this is my fault, but it is a bug the user can work around, and I should have it corrected by the next version release. 1.4 To register Match Book, please send an email to mwashchuk@gatecoms.gatecom.com. In the subject, write Register: Match Book 1.0. In the body you can write any comments or questions you have. I will respond to the mail within 1-3 days (usually). I just want to know how many people are using my program, and when I go to college I can say this many. Match Book is free, so there is no guilt! If you don't have an email address, you can write me at: 1.5 Future versions will include: bug fixes, rotatable Floater (for Newton 2.0 users), and hopefully any suggestions by users. I am considering making a Match Book Pro program that will include a running game score, match score, plus pop-up charts to click on areas of the court where a winner or error takes place. The release date of this could vary drastically. I currently use Steve Weyer's awesome Newt program, but its constraint is heap space. I will probably have to purchase the NTK, so $299 will take some time. 1.6 Please realize that you use this program at your own risk, and in no way am I responsible for problems that occur. I try to make my programs as bug free as possible, but even Apple can't explain many problems. I hope you enjoy Match Book, so please mail me and let me know how you feel. Thanks for using Match Book 1.0! -Matthew J. Washchuk