GestGame ------------- INTRODUCTION ------------- Welcome to GestGame, an exciting arcade game for the Newton in which you have to destroy words by typing them in on the Mosaic. This game utilizes a patented method of data entry known as Gesture Mosaic and in order to play the game, it is first necessary to know the basics involved in the use of the Gesture Mosaic. The included GestDemo package (if the demo program was not included with this archive, it should be available at the same site where this file was downloaded) provides an introduction/tutorial which you should go through before playing the game. It is recommended that you practice going through the alphabet sequentially in the demo program until you are familiar with all of the letters before moving on to the game. ---------------------- GestGame INSTRUCTIONS ---------------------- Somebody is trying to put words into your head! The only way you can stop them is by typing in the word before it penetrates your defenses using the Gesture Mosaic. In this arcade-style game, words of varying length fall from above and attempt to bomb their way past your shield. As the game progresses, the words fall faster and more words appear as soon as one hits your shield. When three words have penetrated your shield, the game is over. The text field can be edited by using the backspace gesture or by pressing the clear button. When you correctly enter a word, the text field is automatically cleared so that you may continue entering the next word without interruption. If a word that your are working on scores a hit, you will need to manually reset the text field by tapping the 'clear' button before entering the next word. Scoring is based on the length of the word, how quickly the word is entered, and the current level. There is also a bonus given at the end of the game for any remaining shield. GestGame requires about 67k of available space. --------- GestDemo --------- Gesture Mosaic is a revolutionary new way to enter data into your Newton With Gesture Mosaic you can type accurately (up to 100%) and fast, entering sentences into your Newton at speeds of over forty words per minute. Gesture Mosaic is a hybrid keypad/handwriting recognition system which has been designed specifically for pen-based systems. It works by assigning a gesture to each letter, which when drawn on the Mosaic template results in the generation of that character. A gesture consists of a line (curved or straight) connecting two segments of the Mosaic, or a straight line drawn within a particular segment. The assigned gesture for each letter is actually an abbreviation of the printed capital letter. Examples and further assistance are available within the demo program by pressing the help button and the info button located within the help menu. Due to the on-line help, this demo takes up slightly under 119kb of available space on your Newton, so be sure there is enough memory before installing. Use your Newton Connection Kit to install the package gestDemo onto your Newton. On line help is available within the program by pressing the help button. Pressing on any of the characters within the help menu brings up a graphical display of how to draw the letter. Selecting 'info' from within the help menu brings up the on-line documentation. -------------- Reference Card -------------- A handy reference card graphic is included, which may prove useful when learning Gesture Mosaic. For Mac users, the reference card is in a PICT format and can be opened using SimpleText or another graphics viewer. The card may be viewed on your computer screen, or may be printed (preferably in color or greyscale). For PC users, this archive is available in a ZIP format, which includes a reference card in TIFF format. ---------------------------- Gesture Mosaic & Ordering Info ---------------------------- If, after playing with the game for a while, you find yourself able to quickly enter words, you may want to consider purchasing Gesture Mosaic for your Newton. Gesture Mosaic can be used to enter data into the built in Newton applications and is compatible with almost all other existing applications. It also boasts these additional features: Fast: Gesture Mosaic is fast due to the diminutive nature of the strokes. Less writing is required to make the Gesture than the actual letter! Intuitive: The Gestures are derived from the shape of the letter. This allows for quick learning and easy memorization. Accurate: Produces near instantaneous output with up to 100% Accuracy. The Gesture Mosaic was designed so the strokes could be made in a compact space with letters being distinct enough for accurate input. The Gesture Mosaic has algorithms for stroke recognition that allows gestures to be drawn in a hasty manner while still retaining accuracy. Complete Entry: Gesture Mosaic allows for the entry of all Alphas, all Numerics and common symbols that appear on a keyboard. Symbols: Symbols are entered easily, with a specially designed soft keyboard for the less common ones and a quick Gesture entry for frequently occurring symbols. Efficient: Gesture Mosaic is small (takes up less than 1.41 square inches of screen space) and compact (uses less then 47k of available storage space). --- Gesture Mosaic lists for $69.95 and can be ordered directly from Mosaic Input Technologies by calling 1800-69-MOSAIc (1800-696-6724) and can also be purchased from most other Newton software retailers. Please feel free to contact Mosaic Input Technologies with questions and comments at: Developer inquiries welcome. ------------------------- Distribution and Disclaimer ------------------------- This software is considered freeware and must there be distributed freely, in a complete and unmodified form. This free software is distributed "as is" and Mosaic Input Technologies is not liable for any damages resulting from it's use.