Copyright ) 1994 Michael S. Engber. All rights reserved. Daleks v1.0 Another fine product from Avarice Software This is a version of the game of Daleks for the Newton. It was inspired by the original Macintosh version of Daleks (by Johan Strandberg) and its numerous successors. Daleks is freeware. Share it freely. Please include this documentation if you redistribute it. Send comments & bugs to: Michael S. Engber 3486 Golden State Drive Santa Clara, CA 95051 %InterNet: %from CompuServe: > %AppleLink: engber 5Daleks Micro Daleks is identical to the standard Daleks except it does not contain the digitized sounds, which account for about half the size. Instead, 5Daleks uses sounds already in the Newton ROM. Terse Summary of the Rules: The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible. Each turn, the Daleks mindlessly converge on you. Colliding Daleks are destroyed forming a trash pile which destroys other Daleks that run into it. Your Options: - Move to any adjacent square or stand still. Do this by tapping on the screen in the direction you wish to move (tap on you, to stand still). Newton Intelligence prevents you from making a move that will result in your death. - Use a sonic screwdriver to kill all the Daleks adjacent to you. You receive one sonic screwdriver per round and you accumulate unused ones. - Teleport to a random spot on the board. You may teleport as often as you want, but it is risky. If you teleport next to a Dalek, you die. - Make a last stand. This means electing to stay in the same spot until the round is resolved one way or the other. Tips - Undo is implemented, but you can't undo a teleport. - If you press down in one direction long enough (> 1/2 sec) then you enter a mode in which the human will follow the pen while it's down. This is useful for covering large distances, especially during end game play. Version History 1.0b1 - first public release 1.0 - reduce delay between tapping and directional arrows appearing - dumb moves not allowed (& sounds to distinguish good from bad) - auto-click mode - status bar (& info button moved there) - score moved above the field to the left & round indicator added - 5Daleks version