Newton ChessPDA v1.04 (ReadMe & Manual) 3/28/95 Copyright 1995 PICA Inc. To obtain a registered copy of ChessPDA with the SAVE game feature enabled and including several 100-game and problem libraries, send $25 (U.S.) or $20 (U.S) if you are a Newton User Group member (mention user group name) to: PICA Inc. Attn: Ken Presley Star Route 1, MailBox 110A McDaniels, KY 40152 (502)257-8065 (The default disk format is Macintosh, if you need DOS disk format, please send a note with your payment. Thank you!) DISCLAIMER =========== Use this program at your own risk. I, Ken Presley, and PICA Inc., take no responsibility for any damages (monetary or otherwise) caused by, or as a result of, the use of this program. INTRODUCTION Welcome to Newton ChessPDA! ChessPDA is a full-featured chess database for the Apple Newton MessagePad (all Newton variants). ChessPDA allows you to enter games or chess problems (arbitrary positions) and replay them automatically or one move at a time. You may also take back moves, temporarily mark positions for analysis, revert to previously marked positions, and much more! ChessPDA does legal move verification (legal verification can be turned off) and thus can be used by two players as an electronic chessboard. You may also replay library games or chess problems. Several games and problems are included in the online version and are automatically loaded into the ChessPDA soup (the Newton's loose equivalent of a data file) that is created when ChessPDA is run for the first time. INSTALLATION Installation of Newton ChessPDA is simple. Just use the Newton Package Installer on the MAC diskette (or Newton Connection Kit, for MAC or DOS) to copy the Newton ChessPDA application package (Newt ChessPDA.pkg) to your Newton. You may also optionally copy any or all of the chess library application packages to your Newton. The chess library packages are named Newt ChessLib1.pkg (famous short games), Newt ChessLib2.pkg (Bobby Fischer's games), and Newt ChessLib3.pkg (Chess Life chess problems). After installing the packages on your Newton, run the ChessPDA package first which will automatically create the ChessPDA database soup with several sample games and problems already stored. After you take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with ChessPDA's features, you may wish to run one of the chess library packages and transfer some or all of its games to the ChessPDA soup. After transferring some or all of the games from a chess library package to the ChessPDA soup, you may remove the chess library package from your Newton, if you wish. See the SPECIAL NOTES at the end of this document for information on heap space usage by ChessPDA and the chess library packages. FEATURES - THE BASICS, HOW TO USE (How to Move, Replay, Save and Load a game) Making Moves The basic operation of ChessPDA is very simple. Whenever you launch ChessPDA on the Newton, it is ready for you to enter a game. To make a move, tap on the piece you wish to move, then tap on the move-to square (the square the piece is moving to). To make a castling move, just move the king, the rook will be moved for you (if legal move verification is ON). En passant pawn moves are also supported, simply tap on the pawn to move, then tap on the normally blank en passant destination square, the enemy pawn being captured "in passing" will automatically be removed. Replaying and Saving Games After entering all of the moves for a game, you may replay the entire game. To replay the game, simply tap the RESET button to return the pieces to their original starting positions, then tap the PLAY button to replay one move at-a-time, or tap the AUTO button to automatically replay the entire game. When the AUTO button is hilited, simply tap it again to stop the automatic playback. You may also save the game with a name of your choosing to the ChessPDA database soup by using the SAVE option from the ACTION button picker list (SAVE is enabled only in registered copies of ChessPDA). You may also take back moves at any time using the BACK button. If you are entering an active game by tapping in moves, the BACK button takes back the last move and allows you to enter a different move (which is then recorded as the current move). If you are replaying an entire gamescore, the BACK button simply removes the last move from the board (i.e. the game goes in reverse to any previous move). The BACK button can be used repeatedly to take back an entire game's worth of moves. You may also start a new game at any time by tapping the NEW button. Loading Library or Saved Games To load a previously saved or supplied library game use the LOAD option from the ACTION button picker list. When you choose the LOAD option, after a few seconds you will be presented with a scrolling list of all games that are in the ChessPDA database soup. Simply scroll to the game of your choice (using the normal Newton arrows at the bottom of the Newton screen) and then tap on the name of the game to select it. You may also navigate to a game by tapping on a letter in the special index selector which is just below the list of games. After selecting a game, then tap the close box at the bottom right-hand corner of the games list screen to return to the main chessboard screen. Then simply replay the game as described above. If the game was an incomplete game, you may also use the FINAL POSITION option to fast-forward to the final position and then continue entering moves in the normal manner. After completing the moves for the game, simply SAVE it again. FEATURES - ADDITIONAL and ADVANCED (How to Mark Positions, Create and Save Problems) Marking and Reverting Positions ChessPDA can be used for more advanced analysis of a game or problem by using the MARK and REVERT position features. When creating or replaying a game, use the MARK position option from the ACTION button picker list to temporarily save the position. This will turn off move recording and allow you to make various move "trys" or to analyze a series of "what if moves". After MARKing the position, make the move trys in the normal fashion. The moves will be made on board, but will not be recorded. When you are done with the series of "side moves", use the REVERT position option from the ACTION button picker list to revert the game to its previously MARKed position. Move recording will be turned ON again, and you can continue to record or replay moves. If you have another "sideline" to explore, simply MARK the position again. Creating and Saving Chess Problems or Positions ChessPDA can be used to create, store and replay chess problems that start from a certain position. To replay a saved problem, simply use the LOAD game feature described above. The chess problem will start at the pre-determind position and you can simply replay it as a normal game. The supplied sample problems show you which side is to move in the title of the problem, i.e. [W] (White) or [B] (Black) to move. If no additional description is supplied, it means White (or Black) to move and win. To create a chess problem or position with ChessPDA, first use the EDIT/LEGAL option from the ACTION button picker list to set up the position. When EDIT/LEGAL is selected, it toggles (ON/OFF) legal move verification. With legal move verification OFF, you may move the pieces to any square just by tapping on a piece, then tapping on the move-to square (just as you do in a "normal" legal move). However, you may also remove a piece or "blank" a square by tapping on an empty square and then tapping on an occupied square (thus moving a "blank" square to an occupied square). You should excercise care when removing a piece. Once you remove it, it is gone and can not be used again to help set up the current position. Of course, if you remove too many of a certain type of piece such that you cannot setup the position, you can start over by choosing NEW game and EDIT/LEGAL again. Once you have the position edited to your satisfaction, then choose EDIT/LEGAL to turn legal move verification back ON. The next step is to make ChessPDA "remember" the position using the RETAIN option from the ACTION button picker list. After you RETAIN the position, then make the moves for the chess problem or position in the normal manner. If Black is to move first, use the "To move..." option from the ACTION button picker list to skip White's move in the gamescore. After recording the problem's moves, then use the SAVE option from the ACTION button picker list as you would for a normal game (once again, this works only with registered copies of ChessPDA). After SAVEing the chess problem, you may use the LOAD option from the ACTION button picker list to load and replay the chess problem at any time. The Special Gamescore Options You may wish to indicate in the gamescore how a game concluded. Use the ACTION button picker list options DRAWN game, RESIGN game, and MATE game to place one of these keywords as the last move in a gamescore. ChessPDA Soup Information If you wish to examine or transfer soup entries using REMOVEIT or SLURPEE or other similar (and excellent!) shareware programs, here is a bit of ChessPDA soup info. A soup entry for ChessPDA consists of a frame with the following slots: {Version:1, Title:string, Moves:string, Position:string} An example ChessPDA soup frame is as follows: {Version:1, Title:"Kasparov-Karpov 1992", Moves: "f2-f4 (tab char) e7-e6 g2-g4 (tab char) d8-h4mate", Position: "rnbqkbnr pppppppp EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE PPPPPPPP RNBQKBNR"} Note that the above position string is the starting position and not the ending position. It is actually superfluous in the above example, because the example is a game (fool's mate, the shortest chess game possible) and not actually a chess problem, where the starting position would be necessary information. Also note that the position string can be standard Forsythe-Edwards notation. The FEN position string for the above position would be "rnbqkbnr/8p/8E/8E/8E/8E/8P/RNBQKBNR". FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS That's about it for now. In the future, we are planning a computer opponent option, when the Newton becomes fast enough to support it. NewtonScript on current Newtons is about 100 times slower than an old Mac Plus!! But we are also the creators of HyperNetwork CHESS for the Macintosh, and have written quite a bit of various chess software, so we are trying to work around it. We are also planning on creating more game and problem libraries. Please have fun! We thank you for your support! SPECIAL NOTES An advisory is in order here. ChessPDA uses quite a lot of Newton heap space under various playing conditions (also see revision history below). Under normal circum- stances the heap space requirements should prevent no problems. But if you save a large number of games to the ChessPDA soup (more than about 100), you might ex- perience slowness or other problems. Much of this is due to the Newton OS and the way the standard scrolling proto-textlists were implemented in the Newton OS, and thus is beyond my control. We therefore recommend that you keep the number of games saved at any one time down to a dull roar . This also applies to the game libraries supplied with registered versions of ChessPDA. Since the currently supplied libraries total about 300 games, it would be wise when transferring them to the ChessPDA soup to transfer them 50 or 100 games at a time. We are currently trying to work around the Newton OS and proto-textlist limititations. Subsequent versions of ChessPDA will hopefully improve this situation. Thank you for your patience! (You can gain some additional heap space by closing the Extras drawer after launching ChessPDA. Re-setting your Newton will also often reclaim "lost" heap space). REVISION HISTORY v1.01 - first release version - 3/11/95 v1.02 - minor changes to help manage heap space - 3/17/95 v1.03 - minor changes to various text messages - 3/25/95 v1.04 - minor PLAY bug fixes, also added FINAL POSITION feature - 3/28/95