Welcome to TBiorhythms 1.1U on Newton Release Notes since 1.0 - You can write somebody's name into the name field then click on the label, the list is updated with the new names found in the TNames FileU. Then you can select a name from this list to get his birthday. - paper wide print format. - package smaller. - Biorhythms is now correctly spelled! The biorhythm theory The biorhythm theory is based on the assumption that the human body has inner clock or metabolic rythms with constant cycles time. Currently, three cycles starting at birth in a positive direction are postulated. % the 23-day or physical cycle relates with physical vitality, endurance and energy. % the 28-day or sensitivity cycle relates with sensitivity, intuition and cheerfulness. % the 33-day or cognitive cycle relates with mental alertness and judgement. For each cycle, a day is considered either high, low or critical. x is the output value for a given cycle. The high (0 Biorhythms Biorhythms Simply write in a note any of these combinations, select and tap TassistU. You can not store any biorhythms, but you are able to print or fax them, if you have the necessary accessories. WARNING ! Be aware that if you try to print or fax AND that in the meantime, you remove the software from your MessagePad, the still awaiting print or fax in your Out Box will stay there until you install the software again. Last, but not least If you want to keep my address, simply tap on TaboutU and tap on the TPut me in NamesU and my complete information will go in your TNames FileU. This software is provided with NO warranties expressed or implied. You use it at your own risk. This software has been released as freeware, that means you may make use of the software and distribute it with this file to any other user. However, this software may not be used or distributed as part of a commercial program, and I reserve all rights to the TBiorhythmsU program. Fabien OCTAVE Macintosh & Newton Developer avenue de l'Aigle 12 Brussels B-1150 Belgium fax (322) 673 2533 ALink OCTAVE CompuServe 100020,1501 Any comments, development projects and/or bug reports are welcome. Thank you.