Enclosure: billydraw.PKG This simple app allows you to draw whatever you wish on a picture of President Clinton. If you voted for him, you can draw halo's, etc. If you didn't you can draw horns etc. This has been especially good at relieving my frustration as I pump yet another $.05 per gallon of Deficite Reduction (NOT!) into my car's gas tank. If someone has figured out the printing/faxing thing for the NTK let me know. We can write a version that has the White House fax number pre-programmed. All you would have to do is write "Fax Slick Willy" and tap the assist button... In the intrest of political fairness, equal access, and political correctness, if anyone will send me a picture of Bob Dole, I will do a "Bobby Draw" for those Newton users more on the "left". Don Leatham AppleLink: LEATHAM1 Author: LEATHAM1