Bills to Pay Pro 3.5.6 Electronic Version Read Me File Thank you for trying Bills to Pay Pro. This electronic version is the same as the commercial version, except that it will expire after 30 days and you can create only two lists. A complete, electronic User Manual and QuickStart card are available for downloading from our web site at, or from CompuServe or AOL. A brief tutorial appears below. If you would like to purchase Bills to Pay Pro, you can visit our web site at ( to purchase it Online! You can also purchase it from any of the following vendors: - Micro Center 614-850-3001 - Newton Source 800-NEWTON-1 - Newton World (Australia) 61 2 9261 8685 - PDA Direct 219-882-5228 - The Apple Company Store - The Newton Shop (Japan) 81-3-3347-0801 - The Newton Store (Canada) 416-361-0446 - Newton Source Belgium (Belgium) +32-2-340 15 15 - WENK Products (Germany) 0049-40 / 480 040-17 It is also available for purchase online through Kagi, or CompuServe. % CompuServe - you can register online by going to the software registration area (GO SWREG) and search for Bills to Pay Pro. You can also upgrade from previous versions to the Pro version. CompuServe will charge your account for the purchase of the software. After CompuServe processes your order, a receipt will be emailed to MAR Software and we will email you the registration code. % Kagi Shareware - is a processing center that MAR Software uses for credit card purchases. It uses a program called Register which allows you to pay for software via email. The credit card numbers are encrypted by Register to discourage credit card theft on the Internet. Register is available for the Newton (written by Flash Sheridan) and a Macintosh version will be available soon. The Macintosh version allows your to fax your payment to Kagi Software. After Kagi Shareware processes your order, a receipt will be emailed to MAR Software and we will email you the registration code. You can download the Register application from most online Newton software forums. ============================================================= Contents: I. What's New in Version 3.5.6? II. Deleting Bills to Pay From the Extras Drawer III. Non-English Versions IV. Tutorial ============================================================= I. WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 3.5.6 Below are highlights of the new features in Bills to Pay Pro 3.5.6: % Full support of the Newton 2000, including keyboard shortcuts. % Support for the new Newton Preferences standard. % Transfer account information can now be sent to PocketMoney when posting bills from Bills to Pay Pro. % When posting payments or deposits to PocketMoney or Pocket Quicken, three date options are now available: date paid, date due, or date sent. % Fixes a bug in version 3.5.4 where if a bill is marked as paid, the paid date would not be accurately displayed when scrolling to a new list. % Fixes a bug in version 3.5.4 where recurring bills wwith a due date set for the previous year, would not properly update to the new year. % When Bills to Pay Pro sends a reminder to the To Do or the Calendar, the quote ''A bills to Pay Reminder!'' is now placed at the end of the reminder so that it will display more information in the overviews of Action Names, Date Man, and MoreInfo. % When selecting a bill from the picker which has a blank or 0 for the amount, Bills to Pay Pro will no longer fill the amount field with ''0.00'' and require you to scrub it out in order to input a new amount. % When selecting a bill from the picker which has a due date set before the current date, the current date is used instead of the old date. % Fixes a bug in version 3.5.3 that prevented recurring bills lists from being create if the current month is December. % Fixes a bug in version 3.5.2 that prevented the Preferences from opening if Pocket Quicken was not installed. % Improved Bills Stationery adds support for deposits. % Improved "Import From Notepad" function which allows the import of all bills, or bills in the currently active folder into a Bills list. % View all alarms from any Bills list. % You can now freeze Pocket Quicken and still send information to it from Bills to Pay. % Bills to Pay Pro will now open to the last-used folder instead of the Unfiled Bills folder when the Newton is reset. WhatUs New in Version 3.5 Below are highlights of the new features in Bills to Pay Pro 3.5: % Recurring transactions are now supported. Bills to Pay Pro will automatically generate recurring transaction lists once you have designated which bills are recurring transactions. % Send multiply items to Pocket Money or Pocket Quicken. % Expanded Bills List View shows more detail for bill items. % New item checkbox allows you to perform actions on several bills at once. % Payment dates are shown for each bill. % Deposit items are now supported. % New preference option lets you choose to post a bill on the date it is sent to your accounting program or on the due date. % Expanded Overview now shows list type information. % Enhanced Print layouts. ============================================================= II. DELETING BILLS TO PAY PRO FROM THE EXTRAS DRAWER Please read all alert slips carefully. If you scrub out the Bills to Pay Pro application icon in the Extras Drawer, you will be presented with two alert slips. The first is a confirmation slip asking: TAre you sure you want to delete Bills to Pay?U If you tap OK, you are presented with a second and very important alert slip asking: TDo you want to permanently erase all Bills to Pay storage data and preferences? Click Cancel if you want to delete the program only.U If you tap OK in this second alert slip, please be aware that all lists you created, as well as the Bills to Pay Pro application and all attendant data will be removed. YOU CANNOT UNDO THIS ACTION. ANY BILLS LISTS AND OTHER DATA REMOVED CANNOT BE RECOVERED. Be sure to backup your data before taking this irrevocable step. If you tap Cancel when the second alert slip is presented, only the Bills to Pay application will be removed. You need only re-install the application to recover any lists you may have in internal memory or on your storage card. ============================================================= III. NON-ENGLISH VERSIONS In addition to the English-language version, Bills to Pay Pro, the Help Book and Read Me files are available in German, French, Spanish, and Japanese. German, French and Japanese versions are included on disk. The Spanish version is available at our web site: ============================================================= IV. TUTORIAL Below is a brief tutorial to help you get started entering bills right away. For more detailed information, look for the specific topic in the Index or Table of Contents of your Bills to Pay Pro manual. Creating and naming a new list 1 Tap the New button at the bottom of the Overview. 2 Choose Home Bills for this tutorial. 3 Scrub out the default list name and write a new name on the title line. If you are setting up your monthly list, the name of the month is a good choice. Entering an item 1 Write TRentU on the first blank line. 2 Write T2387U in the adjacent Amount line. 3 Tap the date button, tap a day two weeks from today, and tap Enter. Making an item recurring When items are made recurring, Bills to Pay Pro can generate your monthly bills lists automatically. In order to see how this is accomplished, we will enter a total of three recurring transactions as part of this tutorial. 1 Tap the Rent itemUs Action button '$'. Tap Make Bill Recurring. If you make items recurring transactions, you can generate your monthly bills lists automatically. 2 Tap the TRecurring ItemU checkbox. New options appear. Fill out all of the items in the slip. 3 Tap the 'X' to close the slip and save your changes. The List Editor slip displays. The list editor contains all of the items available in the Item choice list. At this point you can add new items and make them recurring by tapping the Add Item button, or you can tap the TItemU diamond and choose a list item to edit or make recurring. Do not close the List Editor slip yet. Adding and Editing Items 1 Tap the Item diamond in the List Editor and choose Phone. 2 Tap Edit Item. 3 Make the item recurring and fill out the information as you did for Rent. Close the slip. 4 In the List Editor, tap the Add Item button. 5 We will make the new item a deposit. Write TPayckeckU as the item name. Be sure to designate it as a deposit item and fill out all information in the slip. Close the slip. 6 Close the List Editor. You will be back at the list. Adding items 1 Tap the Add Items button. 2 Choose New Bill Item. 3 Tap the diamond for the new item and choose Phone. The amount and due date will be filled in for you. 4 Tap the Add Items button and choose New Deposit Item. 5 Tap the diamond for the new item and choose Paycheck. The amount and due date will be filled in for you. Adding alarms to an item To help you avoid late fees, Bills to Pay Pro can alert you of bill due date in advance, through the use of alarms. 1 Tap the date button for the Rent item. 2 Choose 1 weekUs notice and tap Set Alarm. 3 Close the Alarm slip. You will notice that the date button for the Rent item now has a bold outline. This indicates that an alarm has been set for that item. Entering available funds There are two ways of entering the available funds in a list. 1 Write an amount on the line next to Available Funds; or, 2 If you have Pocket Money or Pocket Quicken installed, tap the Available Funds diamond to see a list of PocketMoney or Pocket Quicken accounts. Choose an account and Bills to Pay Pro will display the available funds in that account. Marking an item paid 1 Tap the Rent itemUs Action button '$'. 2 Tap Paid. The button now displays a TPU to indicate the item has been paid. Viewing different list totals Bills to Pay Pro offers several total options for your list. Tap the Total diamond at the bottom of the list and choose each one to see the different totals. Viewing different list balances Bills to Pay Pro offers several balance options for your list. Tap the Balance diamond at the bottom of the list and choose each one to see the different balances. Creating recurring bills lists Bills to Pay Pro can create your monthly bills lists, if you have made your bills and deposits recurring transactions. In this tutorial we have made the Rent, Phone and Paycheck items recurring transactions. Now we will generate a list for next month. 1 Tap the Newton's Action button and tap Create Recurring Bills List. 2 In the slip that apprears, choose the starting month, the list type (Home Bills for this example), the number of months to make, and the alarm settings you require. 3 Tap Create Recurring Bills Lists. Bills to Pay Pro will create the designated number of lists for you. The lists will be available in the Overview. ============================================================= MAR Software would like to thank you for trying Bills to Pay Pro. We invite your comments and suggestions. Please e-mail us at: For software updates and product announcements, please visit our website at =============================================================