AccountExt Thank you for downloading "AccountExt". This is my first programm for the Newton Platform. If you use it please send me a mail. Please tell me your ideas on other extensions for the Names application. Description This is a simple enhancement for the Names application for Newton OS 2.0. You can add a bank account for a person or for a company including a bank name and an account number. How to use Install the package "AccountExt(US).pkg" and open the Names application. Now you can add a bank account. Tested This package was tested on a MP 120 [D-2.0(536205)-1] This program is free. It may be distributed freely as long as the program is unmodified and is accompanied by this README file. Contact me Dinoware Marcel Strittmatter Stationsstrasse 62 CH-8003 Zrich (Switzerland) email: homepage: (soon)