TimeLog An application to record Events, the start time of processes, Log On times, Work Starting times, etc. TimeLog is an application that I have written to track my time at work, and the time that I spend doing various activities. It records data at the start of each event, ie job #1 started at 8:00, job #2 started at 9:00, as this is a personal log job #1 must have had 1 hour devoted to it. The resulting database may be manually processed by jumping to the first record, then move through the database writing down the time on each job. You can export the database to the NotePad and from there you may Fax, Print or email it. eMailed figures can be imported into a spreadsheet and used in calculations. J Recording an event is just a matter of opening the application, selecting the event or task, enter any notes, click the 'add' button, close the application (optional). The 'Time since previous' value is misleading as it is the time from the start of the last event until the start of this event, and if there has been a restart it may show a wildly incorrect value. Pressing the '<<' or '>>' buttons will correct this and they will move you from record to record in the database. New records are always added to the end of the database. J Data is held in a soup and should stand up to Resets and other minor disruptions. The data is stored on the default device, usually a card (?) and may be deleted by using the option that is at the base of the 'Export' screen. The database is only deleted when you close the application, you can go back before this time and change your mind, but not after it. TimeLog is shareware, Register Now, $10 for email updates, $20 for Paper and Disk updates. Previous registered users of any of my other applications need only send a letter and blank disk or an email message to register. Paul B Jones P.O. box 208 Moora 6510 Western Australia Pbjones@eworld.com Registered users will receive an application that changes the title of each task that appears in the application, you can put in your own account names or task names etc. Warning This application has been compiled on Version 1 of the Newton Toolkit and may not be compatible with the Latest Newton, version 2, operating system, stay tuned. TimeLog ) 1995 Paul B Jones, all rights reserved.