Expensor The easiest to use expense tracking program for the Newton Platform by Tony Pitman Main Expense Screen Description This is the description of what the expense is for. It is also what will show up in the overview box if you push the overview button at the bottom of the Newton screen. Date This is the date of the expense. It is a Newton date field and if you double tap it to get a keyboard for typing it will only bring up the date keyboard. Amount This is the amount of the expense. It is a Newton numeric field and if you double tap it to get a keyboard for typing it will only bring up the numeric keyboard. Category This is the category of the expense. When you push the category button you bring up the category lookup. This lookup consists of all those categories that you have entered on an expense previously. Every time you enter a new expense and exit the program or move to another expense entry, Newton checks to see if the category on the current expense is in the lookup yet. If it is not Newton adds it to the list. There is no limit to the number of categories you enter (only available storage space). Client This is the client of the expense. When you push the client button you bring up the client lookup. This lookup consists of all those clients that you have entered on an expense previously. Every time you enter a new expense and exit the program or move to another expense entry, Newton checks to see if the client on the current expense is in the lookup yet. If it is not Newton adds it to the list. There is no limit to the number of categories you enter (only available storage space). New Button The new button adds a new entry to the expense soup and clears the entry areas on the screen. Remove All Button The remove all button removes all of the soups and other information related to Expensor from Newton. After selecting this button you get to confirm that this is what you really want to do. If you choose OK a window comes up informing you that all of the soups are gone and to exit Expensor and remove it. You may actually restart Expensor after exiting and you will be starting as if you had just installed Expensor for the first time with no data. Action Button The action button gives you the normal choices of Print, Fax, Beam, Mail and Delete. Printing and Faxing prints a report of all currently entered expenses. Expensor is designed to be use for a period of gathering expenses (for example a trip), printing out the reports and then clearing those expenses for the next trip. It is a very basic application. This may change in the future if there is a demand for it. For this reason, printing and faxing only give you two types of reports. The first is ordered by category and the second is ordered by client. Both reports look the same except for the order that the records are in and the sub-total breaks. For the category report they are in order by category (I hope this is not being too obvious) and the sub-totals are after every group of categories. The same goes for the 'By Client' report. As I stated before, if there is a high enough demand for it, I may add the abilities to keep expenses by date also and then be able to print a date range, but because of the complexity of it (and I do claim this to be the easiest expense program for the Newton platform), I have chosen to keep it simple for now. Delete expense does just that. I have also chosen to use the standard Newton deletion animation of throwing a piece of paper away. I hope you like it. Close Box The close box closes Expensor. All entries are automatically saved like most things on the Newton, so you do not have to save them yourself. This concludes the instructions for Expensor.