Name = ACCORDIA Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ACCORDIA Size:765K Date: 2/19/98 Description: Accordian 1.0 - gives you a real time connection between your Newton PDA and FileMaker Pro databases. You must use FileMaker Pro 3.0 and it must be launched (in the background) with the desired database running. We have included 2 sample databases to link your Newton Notes and Names. Accordian supports all of the built-in Newton applications plus other third party Newton applications like MoreInfo, Pocket Money, FormIt, etc. Accordian for the Macintosh connects to the RCU2.3.pkg for the Newton. Users of the Revelar Connection Utility (RCU) need not download the package again into their Newton. Name = ACCOUNT1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ACCOUNT1 Size: 9K Date: 2/03/98 Description: AccountInfo erweitert die Kartei des Newtons (NOS 2.x) um die Funktion, Konto Informationen einer Person oder einer Firma anzufgen (Bank, Konto, BLZ). NEU: Ueberprfen von Postcheck Konto Nummern. Name = ACCOUNTI Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ACCOUNTI Size: 7K Date:11/05/97 Description: Account Info 0.9 - is an extension which extends the built-in Names application (NOS 2.x). With this extension you can add to person and to company cards some account information, such as a bank name, an account number and a PIN. You can add multiple entries to each card. Homepage: Name = APPRAISA Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:APPRAISA Size: 17K Date:10/08/95 Description: Appraisal - A data gathering application. This application enables the user to quickly gather opinions or observed data and record it as a series of observations. The Data is stored as a soup and should be resistant to Resets and other small problems. This version has the titles and comments set in the application, the real version will have the ability to edit and save changes to most of the text that appears on the screen, ie the questions etc. This application can be used to monitor childrens progress, small opinion polls, job progress, etc. Data can be either modified and / or added to. The modification Time and Date is saved and displayed. The Exported Data file will be a TAB delimited text file. This is a... Name = AREACODE Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:AREACODE Size: 8K Date: 6/10/97 Description: Area Code Change 1.1 - Certain parts of the country are switching their area codes; rather than going through each entry individually, users can now use Area Code Change to automatically update their Name soup entries to the new area codes! System Requirements - Any Newton from the original MessagePad to the MessagePad 2000 and between 6K to 11K of free storage space. Name = ASSETMAN Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ASSETMAN Size:103K Date: 9/18/97 Description: Asset Manager 1.0 demo - is the easiest and most comprehensive tool for identifying and tracking assets, the contents of a residence or light commercial facility. This tool will generate contents damage and repair reports that can be integrated for use with Claims Cost Analyzer reports for submission to an insurer (see our website Asset Manager can be used out of the box or Asset Manager can be configured to work with Cost Analyzer (in such areas as Facilities Management) or it can be fitted to meet your business requirements. Use this tool to create an Census of Assets report to accompany scheduled insurance before a loss or damage, use it for tax purposes. sset... Name = BATTERYC Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:BATTERYC Size: 9K Date:10/23/96 Description: Battery Change 2.0 - When was the last time I changed the battery in the smoke detector? When was the last time I changed the batteries in ye olde couch potato remote? How about in my trusty Newt? If you can't remember (or would like to), then Battery Change is for you! What is it you ask? Just my latest Stationery creation for Newton's running version 2.x of the OS! Install the package with your favorite utility (Newton Backup Utility will work as will others...), restart your Newt (give the belly-button a poke), and you'll notice a new package in the Extras:Extensions Folder. This gem will add another choice to your list of Notepad choices -- specifically you'll see a Battery Change Choice. Give it a tap. Name = BBCNA057 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:BBCNA057 Size: 92K Date:10/27/97 Description: BBCNA 057 - (BasketBall Coaches Newton Assistant) is a Newton application (beta test stage) for the purpose of collecting and analyzing statistical data on a basketball game while it is in progress. Players, teams and games are all saved. Player stats include; shooting percentages, fouls, rebounds, assists, blocks, steals, turnovers and playing time. Comparison screens show team and game stats. Data can be gathered by quarter or half using an efficiently designed user interface. This is the first part of a complete system which will integrate a desktop Mac (PC to follow) to do more complete analysis/prediction as well as tournament seedings and statistics. Requires a MP2000 (should also work on an e-mate) with... Name = BOWSER Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:BOWSER Size: 85K Date: 9/11/95 Description: Bowser - Bowser(TM) is an entirely new genre of software for the Apple Newton MessagePad(TM). Bowser places at the fingertips of its enlightened users, a portable expert system. MessagePad users from a host of different occupations or fields can call up Bowser and receive step-by-step expert advice, scripted instructions, guideline recommendations, or trouble-shooting help. Bowser accomplishes this with an easy-to-use metaphor that is literally learned in seconds. Using a flipbook metaphor, Bowser is, in essence, a sophisticated decision-tree browser. Any non-cyclic, directed graph (computerese) or similar flow chart (for everybody else) can be easily converted within Bowser's... Name = BYDATE.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:BYDATE.TXT Size: 76K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Database file section of the Newton CD by date. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = BYNAME.TXT Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:BYNAME.TXT Size: 76K Date:10/03/95 Description: This is a text file listing of the Database file section of the Newton CD by name. Use a text reader for full examination of this listing. Name = CALLLOGG Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:CALLLOGG Size: 12K Date: 2/28/95 Description: CallLogger 0.6 - This app will create Notes on the Notepad any time you use the Newton's Intelligent Assistance Call function. Simply use the Call function as usual and CallLogger will automagically create a new Note for you on the Notepad. CallLogger does not appear in the Extras drawer or anywhere else. You'll only see the results of it's actions. All CallLogger Notes are filed in the same folder as the item currently visible on your NotePad. So if the current item there is filed in Shareware Fees to Bill then the next CallLogger Note will use that Folder, too. CallLogger will also look for a folder named Calls. If you create a folder with this name, CallLogger will place the notes in that folder instead. Expires 30... Name = CANVAS1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:CANVAS1 Size: 63K Date: 4/21/98 Description: Canvas 1.0.0 - expand the Notepad virtually. It is no longer a simple Notepad, it is the Canvas now. Want to see the whole information in the notepad without scrolling ? Do you have enough space to write down your information to. With Canvas, the Notepad is big enough! And you can see the Bird-view of the information in the notepad. Scrolling the notepad either vertically and horizontally, any width at a time, you can enlarge the note. For example, you can use the notepad as a SketchPad. Works on Newton OS2.0 and 2.1. Scroll in Three ways: You can use the note Virtually-Wide with these scrollers below. Scroll horizontally. Scroll vertically ... Just like standard scroller. But you can change the... Name = CARDCREA Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:CARDCREA Size: 76K Date: 4/21/97 Description: Card Creator 1.0 - lets you design and build your own business card types for the built-in Names File of the Newton. Card creator actually 'builds' new packages onto your Newton. These packages can be beamed, and Card Creator does not need to be installed for these cards to work. Requires NOS 2.x. Name = CDARCHI1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:CDARCHI1 Size: 64K Date: 7/10/95 Description: CDArchiv D1.1 - CDArchiv ist ein Newtonprogramm, mit dem Sie Ihre CDs verwalten knnen. Sie haben Die Mglichkeit am Newton handschriftlich CDs einzugeben und zu bearbeiten. Mit dem Newton Connection Kit 2.0 knnen Sie grer Datenmengen auch an Ihrem PC bearbeiten. Das Programm CDA-Hilfen ermglicht Ihnen die fr das NCK notwendigen Meta-Data im Newton zu installieren. Nach der Installation und dem Abgleich des Newtons mit dem NCK knnen Sie neben den Standardfunktionen des NCK auch die Schablonenfunktion nutzen. Mit ihr haben Sie die Mglichkeit, grer Datenbestnde aus anderen Anwendungen zu bernehmen. Lesen sie dazu auch die Beschreibung des NCK und des Programmes aus dem Sie die Daten... Name = CDARCHIV Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:CDARCHIV Size: 63K Date: 7/10/95 Description: CDArchiv E1.1 - CDArchiv is a Newton-program to handle your CDs. You can enter your CDs in handwriting and with the help of the NCK 2.0 you can handle bigger data-amounts on your PC. The program CDUtilities enables you to install the Meta-data required by NCK into the Newton. After the installation and synchronization of the Newton with the NCK you can use the template-functions beside the standard-functions of the NCK. By this you are able to transfer large amounts of data from other programs. Please read the manual of the NCK and that of the program from which you want to transfer the data. Name = CHECKALL Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:CHECKALL Size: 18K Date: 1/20/97 Description: SelectAll 1.0 - extension for Notes, Names & Calls overview. The extensions included (2) allow for selection of all entries of the active folder, in the overview mode of Notes, Names & Calls (SelectAll). you can also limit the number of selections to a specified number through a panel in the Preferences application (SelectAllPrefs). for NOS2 only. Name = CHECKLIS Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:CHECKLIS Size: 17K Date: 4/28/94 Description: CheckList 1.0 - This application allows you to manage a set of check lists. These might be grocery lists, lists of what to pack for a trip, project milestones, etc. CheckList supports such features as printing, faxing, mailing and beaming lists. It allows you to add, sort, check off items. You can create a list of this that you sometimes buy at the grocery store and then check off the items that you want to buy this week. You can then take the checked items and create a new list from them to produce this weeks shopping list. CheckList also supports folders and filing to aid in keeping a variety of lists. Name = CIGARBOX Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:CIGARBOX Size: 61K Date:11/20/97 Description: CigarBox 1.1.1 - satisfies the true cigar coniseurs. Track what cigars you currently have, all of the characteristics about them, when you smoked them, who you gave cigars to, or what cigars you wish to try. Name = CLEANNOT Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:CLEANNOT Size: 4K Date: 9/19/96 Description: Clean Notes 1.0 - Notepad stationary without lines. This stationary took 20 minutes of one afternoon, and it is my gift to the Newton 2.0 community, which seems to be clammering for a Notepad without lines. Clean Notes do not support printing. Clean Notes appears as another stationary type in the Notepad's New button, so you can still have lined paper if you want it. Clean Notes is freeware. Name = DATEMAN1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:DATEMAN1 Size:162K Date:10/28/96 Description: DateMan for 1.x - is a fully integrated Date Management system. It offers complete control over all aspects of your schedule, from calls to meetings to your To Do list. The main goal of DateMan is to present your schedule to you in a clean, uncluttered fashion, giving you the most amount of information in the least amount of time. It does this using the Main Agenda view, which lists every item on your schedule, over any length of time. This lets you plan your upcoming events with precision, always knowing what's around the corner. Another focus of DateMan is customizability. We want DateMan to work around you, rather than your having to adjust to it. To this end, we've made just about every aspect... Name = DATEMAN3 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:DATEMAN3 Size:507K Date: 4/11/98 Description: DateMan 3.18 - is the complete Contact manager for Newton, which lets you arrange your schedule around the way you work. It offers drag-and-drop creation of new items from almost anywhere on the Newton, full integration with all built in Newton applications, and a customizable agenda display. DateMan 3.1 also includes new agenda items such as web pages, faxes, emails, and goals. Requires Newton running 2.x OS. DateMan is shareware, with a built in 30 day demo period. Name = DATEVIEW Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:DATEVIEW Size: 11K Date: 8/28/97 Description: Date View 1.0 - is an application that quickly gives a summary of meetings, dates, aniversaries and todos for a selected period. DateView also has the option of installing an auxiliary button on your backdrop program for quick access. The view can also be beamed, emailed, faxed and printed. DateView is FREEWARE and can be distributed freely but must not be modified unless approval has been granted by the author. Name = DIRECTOR Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:DIRECTOR Size: 98K Date:10/14/97 Description: Director 2.1 - an MP2K utility for entering and displaying directions to specific destinations. For example, if you are traveling to a site across town, you enter the steps in the journey into Director using the popup menu, then click the Direct Me button. Each step appears in 36-point type on your Newton's screen, one at a time. When you're ready for the next step, you can click one of the extra-large buttons with your finger or stylus (but the buttons are large enough for finger-clicking), and the next step in the directions will be displayed. There is also a Previous button to see the previous step in the directions. Tap the Notes button to save your directions to a Notes entry. For people like me who travel... Name = DRAGNDRO Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:DRAGNDRO Size: 6K Date: 9/02/97 Description: DragNDrop Names 1.2 - is an enhancement to the Names application that makes adding new names easier. Just drag text onto the Names window to instantly add new names to your Names soup! If you prefix the first line with Co:, DragNDrop Names will create a company card instead of the usual person card. System Requirements - Any Newton running Newt OS 2.x and 3K of storage space. Name = DROPTODO Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:DROPTODO Size: 95K Date: 3/13/98 Description: Drop To Do 2.2 - Drop To Do places a button in the notepad to allow quick drag and drop of to-do items as well as easy access to an overview of all to-do items. Shareware, $20. This demo will expire after 30 days. Requires Newton OS 2.0. Name = DROPTODO Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:DROPTODO Size: 31K Date: 1/07/95 Description: DropToDo 1.0 - Drop To Do is an enhancement for the built in To Do list on the Newton. It originally started life as a simple button on the note pad that let you write out to do items and drop them onto it, adding them to the To Do list, but has evolved considerably since then. There are three major parts to Drop To Do - The Note Pad button - You can write your To Do in the note pad and drag it into the button and let go. The To Do Editor - This window allows you to create, edit, delete, and duplicate To Do items. Preferences - Here there are several settings to let you make Drop To Do work the way you want it to. Try it! Name = FLIGHTRE Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:FLIGHTRE Size: 42K Date:12/03/96 Description: FlightRecorder 1.5 Trial Version - extends the Newton's built-in Date Book to allow easy scheduling of plane flights. FR's flight slip allows you to store and access all of the info associated with a plane flight. FR will even notify you when you have changed time zones and allow you to update your Newton's clock and location. Version 1.5 supports flights that cross midnight. This version will work for all Newton users till Jan 13th 1997. Existing users can use this version to upgrade also. Name = GRAPHPAP Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:GRAPHPAP Size: 27K Date: 3/13/98 Description: Graph Paper 2.1 - Graph Paper adds a new type of stationery adds a piece of stationery to the built in NotePad, allowing you to create notes on graph paper, with several possible line spacings. Shareware, $10. This demo will expire after 30 days. For Newton 2.x Only. Name = HOMEINVE Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:HOMEINVE Size: 89K Date: 8/18/97 Description: Home Contents Inventory Demo 1.0 - Every year millions of people suffer loss or damge to their posessions. Home Contents Inventory is the tool that will take notice of all of your possesions. Home Contents Inventory will help capture all of the relevant information about objects that you own. Track cost and appraised values. Should a loss occur this information will prove invaluable to the police and to your insurer. Good records speed up settlement of a potential claim. Use Home Contents Inventory to compile a room-by-room inventory of your possesions, including manufacturer's names, dates of purchase, where purchased, and costs. Note appraised values where applicable. Reference receipts or proofs... Name = HOMEPAGE Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:HOMEPAGE Size: 4K Date:11/05/97 Description: HomePageInfo .02 - is an extension that extends the built-in Names application (NOS 2.x). With this extension you can add to person and to company cards an URL, a user and a password. email: Name = HUGENOTE Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:HUGENOTE Size: 38K Date: 4/21/98 Description: HugeNotes 1.0.0 - scroll the Newton Notepad horizontally. If you beam Notepad from MP2000 to MP130, you cannot see the whole data because the MP130's screen is too small for that data. And if you rotate the Notepad, you can only see a part of the Notepad. But with HugeNotes, you can scroll Notepad and see the rest of the data. Also you can virtually expand the Notepad horizontally. If you beam Notepad from MP2000 to MP130, you cannot see the whole data because the MP130's screen is too small for that data. But with HugeNotes,you can scroll Notepad horizontally and see the rest of the data! Also you can virtually expand the Notepad horizontally. Both to-right and to-left. Works on Newton OS2.0 and 2.1. Prefs are... Name = INLINE1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:INLINE1 Size: 12K Date:12/12/94 Description: InLine 1.2 - inLine is an outline assistance autopart for the Notepad. When installed, it adds a button to the bottom of the Notepad. Click on the button to bring up a palette that has buttons for adding a new entry at the same level, starting a new level, backing out to the previous level, or inserting a bullet. inLine is simple and easy to use. Click on its button to bring up the palette. Move the palette by the border. Set an insertion point in a note by tapping once. Tap on the a button to move in one level, tap on another to add another entry at the same level, tap on another to back out to the previous level and tap on the last to insert a bullet. Tap on the close button to close the palette. Name = INSURANC Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:INSURANC Size: 4K Date:11/05/97 Description: Insurance Info .2 - is an extension that extends the built-in Names application (NOS 2.x). With this extension you can add to person and to company cards an insurance number. email: Homepage: Name = JUMPN1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:JUMPN1 Size: 8K Date: 8/26/97 Description: JumpN 1.1 - A Notepad navigation tool that installs a small button () in the Notepad's status bar to quickly jump to a saved location, and then back to the location you jumped from. JumpN remembers two notes per folder (including Unfiled and All Notes): the saved note, and the last note you were at when you jumped to the saved note. The saved notes and last notes are remembered after the Notepad is closed, and even after a reset. Freeware. NOS 1.x, 2.0 and 2.1 compatible. Name = LISTIT2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:LISTIT2 Size: 77K Date: 7/20/94 Description: List-It 2.7 - What does one do with List-It? Well, create lists, of course! These lists can consist of anything you wish. Some people use them as lists of things to purchase, others prefer to use them as a To Do replacement. So feel free to put in whatever you like! When you open List-It, the first thing you see is an empty list. This is where youll see the names of the lists youll create (ex - Grocery, To Do, whatever). To see a particular list, tap on that listss line. If youre starting from scratch, just tap on the NEW button. There are now three types of lists to choose from, a plain list, quantity and price list, or a list with comments. You can also erase all checked items. Now view lists on your mac using connectivity... Name = LISTS2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:LISTS2 Size: 43K Date: 8/24/95 Description: Lists 2.2 - Lists is a somewhat different approach to a list application for the Newton. Unlike Notion, NotePak, ListIt and others list-apps I've tried, Lists is based on a spreadsheet-style view of a list - you scroll horizontally to see the portion of an item not immediately visible. Partly as a result of the differences in design, Lists has some advantages over the other list-apps - You can define the number, titles and widths of columns. You can define a pop up of entry helpers for each column. If you use Graffiti or a keyboard, you can enter directly into the list without an intervening entry slip. An entry slip is available, however. Lists can be exported to the Notepad and can be imported from the Notepad. And... Name = LISTTOOL Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:LISTTOOL Size: 21K Date: 1/05/96 Description: ListTools 1.1 - List Tools 1.1 (with Lists Slurping) adds add functionality to the Notepad Outlines and Checklists of Newton 0S 2.0. It also adds tools for sending and recieving lists to and from a desktop computer over Slurpee (a wonderful shareware program by Steve Weyer) List Tools 1.1 adds the following items to the action envelope button - Delete Checked (checklists only). Delete Family. Collapse all. Expand Outline. I.A.1.a. (Harvard outline numbering). 1,2,3 (Legal outline numbering). Undo. Name = LOOKUP2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:LOOKUP2 Size: 61K Date: 1/09/96 Description: LookUP 2.0 - LookUp 2.0 is a Newton utility which runs in the background and checks automatically whether there are any jobs to do in Newton`s ToDo list, a date or a birthday. An alarm is given when you switch on the Newton if anything is found, and you are given the option of going straight to the ToDo list, the calendar or the cardfile whereby LookUp sets the calendar date to today's date automatically. BTW, the cardfile to the birthdaycard. You can turn on Dates/2 that is: LookUp lets you tap on the upper half of the Dates button to open the calendar and on the lower half to open Todo. If you tap on the lowest point of the Dates button, LookUp starts its query. Docs in English and German. Name = MAILINGL Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MAILINGL Size: 39K Date: 3/13/98 Description: Mailing Labels 1.1 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Mailing Labels allows you to print out mailing labels from your Names File, either one at a time or for a selection of names. Name = MEETINGS Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MEETINGS Size: 96K Date: 3/16/98 Description: Meetings In Hand 1.04 - the Club Executive Board meeting scheduled for tonight has been postponed until tomorrow night. And now they want it to start at 8:30 rather than 8:00. Oh, and by the way, James, Margaurite and Vinnie are coming. Add 15 minutes for James' report on fiscal issues. Bring up Meetings In Hand - pull up the meeting file - change the date and start time - check off James', Margaurite's, and Vinnie's name in the Name file - add an agenda item for James - Fax the new meeting notice to everyone - Five minutes work. Save time. Get your meetings under control. Name = MESSAGEB Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MESSAGEB Size: 15K Date: 2/17/98 Description: MessageBuddy 1.5 - Have you ever needed to take a phone message and couldn't find a pen and/or paper? No longer. MessageBuddy gives you an infinite supply of While You Where Out forms for your Newton. Is the caller not in your names file? With the tap of a button add the person for future calls. Another tap and you have a new To Do item. It slices, it dices, it even makes julienne fries! Printing, faxing, beaming! Name = MIDIX Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MIDIX Size: 31K Date: 9/17/96 Description: MIDIX .04 - is an extension which extends Note application built in your Newton. Once MIDIX installed, Note will provide a new stationary which can store standard MIDI file along with some notes. MIDI file can be played through Macintosh standard MIDI interface connected to the serial port. MIDIX supports MIDI files in standard MIDI format 0 and 1. MIDIX requires Newton OS 2.0. Some of the new synthesizers or sound generators have a serial interface to connect directly to host computer. If you have one of them, try to connect the same way as you do for Macintosh. Program view to control volume and patch for 16 channels. Remember volume and patch information even in empty note, then send it out by a tap on Play... Name = MORGAN1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MORGAN1 Size: 70K Date: 8/12/97 Description: MORGAN 1.04 - catalogues books, CDs, tapes, records, laserdiscs, magazines, and can be extended by the user track any collection... baseball cards, trains, cars, Barbie dolls. MORGAN benefits anyone from the amateur enthusiast to the professional collector. MORGAN tracks your collection, the items you still want to buy, and items you have loaned out. MORGAN also benefits DJs by allowing creation of folders of music for different events: weddings, birthdays, Rotary Club. The Find feature will save the day when your significant other asks you to play a song about love Find love and a list of items with love in the title, notes, or lyrics will appear. If MORGAN doesn't meet your needs then try MORGAN Pro. Name = MORGANPR Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MORGANPR Size: 70K Date: 8/12/97 Description: Morgan Pro 1.04 - catalogues books, CDs, tapes, records, laserdiscs, magazines, and can be extended by the user track any collection... baseball cards, trains, cars, Barbie dolls. MORGAN benefits anyone from the amateur enthusiast to the professional collector. MORGAN tracks your collection, the items you still want to buy, and items you have loaned out. MORGAN also benefits DJs by allowing creation of folders of music for different events: weddings, birthdays, Rotary Club. The Find feature will save the day when your significant other asks you to play a song about love Find love and a list of items with love in the title, notes, or lyrics will appear. Name = MPG1X Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:MPG1X Size:156K Date: 7/25/97 Description: MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For NOS 1.x users. Name = MPG2X Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MPG2X Size:153K Date: 7/25/97 Description: MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 2.x users. Name = MPGGERMA Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MPGGERMA Size:154K Date: 7/25/97 Description: MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. German version for Newton 2.x users. Name = MPGGERMA Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:MPGGERMA Size:156K Date: 7/25/97 Description: MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. German version for Newton 1.x users. Name = MPGKILOG Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MPGKILOG Size:153K Date: 7/25/97 Description: MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 2.x users. Name = MPGKILOG Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:MPGKILOG Size:156K Date: 7/25/97 Description: MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 1.x users. Name = MPGMETRI Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MPGMETRI Size:153K Date: 7/25/97 Description: MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 2.x users withing to use the metric system. Name = MPGMETRI Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:MPGMETRI Size:156K Date: 7/25/97 Description: MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 1.x users withing to use the metric system. Name = MPGUK1X Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:MPGUK1X Size:156K Date: 7/25/97 Description: MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 1.x users. Name = MPGUK2X Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:MPGUK2X Size:153K Date: 7/25/97 Description: MPG 3.0 - is a log book for your car. It lets you keeps track of fuel, oil changes, tune-ups, inspections, tire rotations, windshield wipers, car washes trips, and other miscellaneous expenses for your car. It gives status such as average miles per gallons, total cost of gas, and average price of gas. Fuel economy is calculated for the fuel entries. Time, distance and time per distance are calculated for trips. Trip reports can be generate for tax or business reimbursment purposes. Alarms and reminders can be setup for recurring services such as oil changes or change the tire pressures. For Newton 2.x users. Name = NAMESFIX Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NAMESFIX Size: 11K Date: 2/04/97 Description: Names Fixer 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Names Fixer goes through and checks your Names file for any possible instances of corrupted data. It will fix these instances, and then remove itself from your Newton. Names Fixer is FREE. Name = NAPKINCA Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:NAPKINCA Size: 77K Date: 8/09/94 Description: NapkinCalc 1.1 - Essentially, this is a spreadsheet-like program. It lets you create sheets in which you can enter numbers and text, and perform calculations on the numbers you entered. One of the many strong points of Napkin Calc is that you can have more than one sheet on your screen at a time. It is also fairly easy to use. This program does not wish to present itself as a super powerful, all knowing, calculation machine. It's purpose is simply to let you run a few calculations on the fly, and also print or fax a nice looking report. Shareware. Name = NEWTDB12 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:NEWTDB12 Size:179K Date: 9/24/97 Description: NewtDb 1.26 - The Relational Database for Newton. NewtDb is NOS 2.0 compatible. A number of new features have also been added. NewtDb is a relational database program for Newton for fast information retrieval. It has separate screens and databases. You can define the layout of screens for displaying information and define different databases to hold the data. NewtDb's relational capabilities allow retrieving data from multiple databases at once and also displaying relational data in a Detail or List view. NewtDb has NCK support for data import and export from Mac or PC databases, supports records numbers and record modification flags. Contains updated versions of: NewtDb, UtilityDb and XferDb updated (if... Name = NEWTNOT1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NEWTNOT1 Size: 66K Date: 5/15/98 Description: NewtNotes 1.0 - is a bibliography program for the Newton. NewtNotes allows you to carry around references and to add new references while away from your desktop. The user can upload and download references between NewtNotes and the desktop. NewtNotes was designed based upon EndNote by Niles & Associates. Most of you will use EndNote and a word processor on the desktop to create your final papers. NewtNotes (NOS 2.x) costs $80. Poor and starving students can purchase NewtNotes at the discounted price of $40. Name = NEWTNOTE Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NEWTNOTE Size:431K Date: 3/07/98 Description: NewtNote - A Notepad utility for the Macintosh. It offers an easy ability to get text notes entries to and from the Macintosh -- and uses the DILs 2.0. This utility requires a Newton 2.0 device (sorry for those with 1.x!) and operates on each store (internal or memory card) individually -- it's not quite smart enough to deal with all Notepad entries as if they were all linked together, as the Newton does it. Downloads outlines and checklists from the Notepad. HOWEVER, this does not mean that checklists and outlines can be created on the Mac and downloaded to the Newton -- they cannot. The text allowed for a Notepad entry is about 16K. A Dup Entry button will duplicate the current Notepad entry (updating it... Name = NEWTTODO Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NEWTTODO Size:245K Date: 1/05/98 Description: newtToDo 1.01 - is a full-featured to-do list application designed to help you manage lists of tasks more efficiently. Powerful features such as alarmed reminders, repeating tasks, additional priorities, sorting, and a customizable interface help you easily take control of your tasks. Name = NOAH1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOAH1 Size: 52K Date: 4/15/96 Description: NOAH 1.0 - NOAH (Notes Overview Alpha Hack) displays an overview of the notes in your notepad, alphabetized by title or text. I wrote it to help me find notes (such as the one that contains my list of books to get) which are hard to find in the overview. You should be aware that NOAH is a hack and will likely break under future OS revisions if not sooner. NOAH works only under Newton OS 2.0. Name = NOBDAYPA Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOBDAYPA Size: 2K Date: 5/10/97 Description: NoBdayParty - is a Newton extension when installed will turn off the message received when opening the Name File informing you that there are new birthdays that need to be added. It however does not interfere with the process when birthdays are first added to a card causing the new birthday to be automatically added to the Date Book. Freeware from SilverWARE Name = NODEPADC Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NODEPADC Size: 12K Date: 6/17/96 Description: Notepad Cols - is designed to make a normal notepad checklist act like a multiple column list. You can define the width of each column, its title, and a popup menu of entry helpers. Cols is meant for light-duty lists. It doesn't have a fraction of the power of Notion, for example. But I use it daily in place of the various list managers I own. To set up a new column list, first create a new checklist. Then open Cols. Fill in names for columns: you can create as many as four. If you only fill in two or three, the resulting list will only have that many columns. Next, fill in the tab stops. In portrait mode, the last stop should not be more than 200. You should generally make each column at least 40 wide. Now tap the... Name = NOTEHOPP Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOTEHOPP Size: 18K Date: 7/22/96 Description: NoteHopper version 2.0 - makes navigating the Notepad easier. NoteHopper adds rapid navigation features like going to the first note or to the last note. It also adds smart features like going back which will return you to the last note you were at-- this works great if you need to look up notes from a month ago, but write comments about those notes in a note created today. Only works with Newton OS 2.0. Features to Move to the top of current, first, last, previous, or next note. Features to Go Back to the last note you were at. Features to Popup a date picker and goto a specific date. Price $10.00. Name = NOTEOUTL Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:NOTEOUTL Size: 37K Date:11/11/95 Description: Note Outliner 1.2 - Note Outliner adds an additional item (Outline) to the menu that pops up when you tap the envelope icon that belongs to a note on the Notepad. If you tap the Outline item, the Note Outliner opens displaying the note as an Outline. Note Outliner provides tools for building and manipulating outlines. It has the basic outline tools for creating new topics (aunt, sibling, child), expanding and collapsing families and the entire outline, promoting and demoting families and cutting and pasting families. In addition the outline can be scrolled. A selection of 4 label types (none, bullets, Harvard and Legal) are available. Note Outliner will also let you put checkboxes beside... Name = NOTEPADC Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOTEPADC Size: 33K Date:10/02/97 Description: NotePad Converter 1.3 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. NotePad Converter places an option in the routing button of the NotePad allowing you to convert notes from one type to another. NotePad Converter is shareware, with a built in 30-day demo period, and costs $10. Name = NOTEPADX Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOTEPADX Size: 91K Date:10/13/96 Description: NotepadXtensions 1.03 demo - a collection of NINE powerful forms which make entering important information into the Notepad intuitive and easy. This file contains a unlockable 10 day demo of NotepadXtensions. The collection includes: Voice Mail, Meeting Notes, News Clippings, TV Note, Flight Info, Car Rental Info, Hotel Info, Internet Site and New Ideas. Using NotepadXtensions will save you time and money! Give it a try! Brought to you by PenTekk Software Technologies, Inc. Name = NOTEPAK1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:NOTEPAK1 Size:151K Date: 5/27/95 Description: NotePak 2 doc.pdf - This Adobe Acrobat pdf file contains the manual for NotePak. Intelligent To Do Management for the Newton MessagePad, NotePak was written as a replacement for the Newton's built-in to do application. NotePak's author felt constrained by the to do application's lack of categorization and only four priority levels. NotePak was designed to manage information in a more organized fashion and it allows you to store and retrieve information on Newton quickly and easily. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader (freeware). Name = NOTEPAK2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:NOTEPAK2 Size:120K Date: 2/27/95 Description: NotePak 2.02 - Intelligent To Do Management for the Newton MessagePad. NotePak was written as a replacement for the Newton's built-in to do application. NotePak's author felt constrained by the to do application's lack of categorization and only four priority levels. NotePak was designed to manage information in a more organized fashion and it allows you to store and retrieve information on Newton quickly and easily. With NotePak, you can categorize, prioritize, and organize your data to suit your specific needs. While NotePak makes a wonderful to do list manager, it can also serve to help you manage all sorts of small notes and lists; there is no limit on what kind of information you store in NotePak. Name = NOTEPAKP Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NOTEPAKP Size:171K Date: 1/06/97 Description: NotePak Pro 1.01 - Useful todo and list manager for OS 2.0. Very powerful search features and alarms. Shareware. Inlcudes manual in acrobat pdf format. Upgrade from NotePak for $15. NotePak Pro was written as an alternative to the Newtons built-in To Do application. Designed to manage information in a more organized fashion and allows you to store and retrieve information quickly and easily. While the built-in To Do manager lets you assign a priority of 1, 2, 3, or none to an item, NotePak lets you can categorize, prioritize (ten levels), and list data to suit your needs. NotePak gives you more control over data by letting you add multiple dates, estimated duration, categories, subcategories, alarms,... Name = NOTTODO0 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:NOTTODO0 Size: 8K Date: 3/28/94 Description: NotToDo 0.92 - NotToDo 0.92 is a simple freeware utility that removes ToDo items that are checked off in the To Do List application. The items are permanently removed from the ToDo soup, although the utility does support Undo, which adds the deleted entries back into the soup. When invoked, the Delete checked ToDo items button brings up a confirmation box that warns you that clicking on the Do it! button will delete all your checked-off ToDo items. Clicking on the Forget it button in the confirmation box leaves your ToDo list unchanged. If you go ahead and Do it!, NotToDo reports how many ToDo entries are deleted. Name = NU2DO1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:NU2DO1 Size: 17K Date: 8/01/96 Description: Nu2Do 1.0 - is a enhancement to Newton MessagePads that will allow you to create To Do entries more efficiently if the information already exists in a Notes entry. You simply open Nu2Do, select whatever text in the note that you want to create a To Do about, and copy the text into your new note. This is easier than the old way of copy, open Dates, New To Do, paste. The Nu2Do slip is draggable and will also allow you to assign a due date to the entry along with its priority. It uses very little heap. Nu2Do is a must have for anybody that uses their Newton to track their To Do list. It should work fine on any MP that is 2.0 compatible. Name = ONENOTE1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ONENOTE1 Size: 61K Date:10/20/96 Description: One Note 1.3 - is a descendant of List Tools, a set of extra action button actions for checklists and outlines in the Notepad. As I added tools, it became inconvenient to use the action button. My solution was to rewrite the Notepad as a page application, so that only one note shows at a time. This means that I can place buttons anywhere without any ambiguity as to which note it applies to. There is another benefit to this approach: the new topic buttons on an outline or checklist are always in the same place, at the bottom of the screen, instead of moving around. One Note is designed to be used as a replacement to the Notepad. If you install it on the internal store you can set it to be the backdrop application.... Name = ONETAPRE Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ONETAPRE Size: 12K Date: 7/03/97 Description: OneTap Record 1.03 - OneTap sound recording in the Newton Notes application. OneTap Record is an extension that installs a button on the status bar of the Notes application. Tapping on the button starts sound recording immediately. Holding down the button reveals a preferences popup for sound recording quality and sound input source. OneTap Record is only available for Newton devices with sound input. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000. No testing on an eMate 300 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. OneTap Record is shareware. When unregistered, OneTap Record will work with no restrictions for 60 days or 500 uses. After that time, a reminder will appear each time it is... Name = ORDERFO1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ORDERFO1 Size: 52K Date:10/07/96 Description: Order Form 2.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Order Form is a tool to allow you to take retail orders directly on your Newton. It provides you with the ability to create item lists with such information as product titles, prices, and tax-exempt status. You can the print or fax these, as either invoices, packing slips, or price quotes. Name = ORDERFOR Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ORDERFOR Size:358K Date:11/12/97 Description: Order Form Pro 1.0 - The Print Format Creator lets you design your own order forms to print or fax. Orderform is an aid to design order forms. Requires Newton MessagePad running 2.x OS. Shareware, with a built in 30 day demo period. Name = ORDERIT Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:ORDERIT Size: 28K Date: 6/07/94 Description: OrderIt - Order It is software for creating orders on the Newton. Order It has four different types of orders - Invoices, Quotes, Sales Orders and Purchase Orders. Lets you enter the Seller, Buyer, Item, description, units, cost and more. This version of Order It has a limit of two (2) orders and two (2) detail items on each order. Pay the shareware fee to get the full version. Name = OUTLINE2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:OUTLINE2 Size: 32K Date: 8/30/94 Description: Outline 2.02 - This is a light-weight Outliner for the Newton that treats each Note as a potential outline. It is much less Newton-ish than Dyno Notepad but also much faster, safer and import-friendly. Outline looks like a separate application, but it really isn't. Outline is really a way of viewing and editing a Note from the Notepad. It is important to understand that every Note can be viewed as an outline and every outline is itself a Note. You will need to use the Notepad to fax, beam, mail, delete or duplicate an Outline, or to add formatting or pictures or to import or export an outline. Comes with a manual to load onto your Newton. Read it before using! Name = PARTIALR Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PARTIALR Size: 75K Date: 9/22/97 Description: Partial Recall - is another stationary for Note application. With Partial Recall, you can easily integrate information spread everywhere in Note application. You can quickly find information by a single gesture on a keyword, and import the result into the current note. This feature helps build your personal knowledge base, dictionary and thesaurus, preformatted template, and much more. Partial Recall works on Newton OS 2.0 and higher. Name = PASSKEEP Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PASSKEEP Size: 36K Date:11/26/97 Description: passKeep 1.51 - the indispensible utility for maintaining your various logon information. Addition of notes feature for maintaining location/server information. User editable connection types. The application can be closed without entering the password in protected mode. Allows for a 30-day evaluation period, and can be ordered at: Name = PERSONAL Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PERSONAL Size: 8K Date: 5/27/96 Description: Personal Stationery 1.2 - is my first attempt at writing add-on stationery for the Newton. It doesn't have any special functions; it just gives you a little something different and personal for your notes. It's also small (8k) and won't hurt much. For public release, I've just inserted a small picture of a newt as the logo. I'll insert your corporate or other logo of interest for a $10 fee (just to cover the work involved). Otherwise, this stationery is freeware. I hope someone out there enjoys using it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Name = PERSONAL Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:PERSONAL Size:179K Date: 5/18/96 Description: Personal Minutes Sup. 1.0 - Personal Minutes Supervisor is a Newton application that lets you easily track project time, and send the resulting information to your desktop computer at the end of the month. Features include: tap to start/tap to stop usage, edit your data on a per-project basis, get summaries on your Newton on a project or month basis, upload your data to your Macintosh or Windows desktop to produce a monthly timesheet (Mac & Windows clients included) using your favorite spreadsheet program, supported on both 2.0 and 1.3 Newtons. Personal Minutes Supervisor is available as a 30 day expiring demo for both Macintosh and Windows, and can be registered for $25. Name = PERSONAL Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:PERSONAL Size: 18K Date:10/24/94 Description: Personal 1.1 - Personal is a great app for your Newton. It lets you have a private area, accessible only with a number, where you can store any information you want - bank accounts, pin numbers, visa numbers, alarm codes, etc. You can set 12 label names, and 12 entries. This is great for people who want to store private info, but don't like password protecting their whole Newton. The first time you tap it, tap the Access button. To set your own access number, tap the New Access button. Enter the number, which will appear above the keyboard, then tap set. Then whenever you launch the app, just tap in your numbers, and hit access. Name = PERSONUR Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PERSONUR Size: 12K Date: 2/04/97 Description: PersonURL 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. PersonURL lets you add dated URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) to individual name cards in your Names file. Each URL has a location (such as and an optional date, to let you know how current the URL is. PersonURL is FREE. Name = PHONEMEM Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PHONEMEM Size: 26K Date: 1/21/97 Description: Phone Memo 2.1 - helps you manage your phone calls. It adds an additional item in the New menu in the NotePad that creates notes especially setup to handle phone calls. Lots of loving care went into Phone Memo to make it useful and fun. (Be sure to check out the alarm sounds!) Known limitation: Load Phone Memo into internal memory, not onto a card. If you put it on a card, and try to eject the card, it will give you the grip of death. I kept the app small (30k) so keeping it internal shouldn't be a problem. Alarms now have a Snooze button, You can create a Todo item of a PhoneMemo. There is a popup list of common notes to insert when placing a call. The overview now shows if an alarm is set. When creating a new... Name = PLAN91 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PLAN91 Size: 5K Date: 7/03/97 Description: Plan 9 - Aliens motif activator for Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. Plan 9 is a small extension that activates the aliens motif in the Dates application. Plan 9 only works on Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. Name = POWERLIN Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:POWERLIN Size: 21K Date: 8/17/97 Description: PowerLink 1.01 - This Newton Extension make it possible to link adress-cards. Further it enables you to install your most used adress-cards in a popup button which is visible in the cardfiles statusbar. If a installed card is choosen from the popUp button PL, this card is getting visible instantly. Name = POWERNOT Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:POWERNOT Size: 96K Date:12/17/96 Description: PowerNotes 2.0 - is the next generation of powerPen Software's stationery designer. Newton 2.0 already comes with three built in types of notes: lined paper, the checklist, and the outline. These are accessed by tapping the new button in the Notepad. With powerNotes, you can create your own personal note and modify it until it looks just the way you like. powerNotes is highly expandable in that it has support for plug-in tools built into it. Newton developers can create their own tools very easily by following the soon to be published powerNotes API. Any developer who is interested should contact powerPen at the email address below. This version of powerNotes adds many new features which were requested... Name = PRIVATEA Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:PRIVATEA Size: 86K Date:10/14/97 Description: Private Access 2.1 -written for the MP2000, is a utility for storing credit card numbers, PIN numbers, and other information that you don't want to be easily available to prying eyes. Until the user enters the correct passcode, which can be any of 10 million different number combinations, data is hidden from view. Name = QF2 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:QF2 Size: 24K Date: 2/15/95 Description: QuickFigure Lite 2.1 Manual - This is the manual for QuickFigure Lite, in NewtonBook forma. QuickFigure Lite is a fast, small, fully functional spreadsheet for the Newton. It supports all standard Newton math and financial functions (over 40 functions), allows the user to store multiple worksheets, has printing, faxing and mailing capability, and many other features. QuickFigure Lite is freeware. To purchase QuickFigure Pro (the complete version), the cost is $49, plus shipping and handling. You will receive a complete manual (both on paper and in Newton Digital Book format), an enhanced version of the software (no start-up screen, more formatting options, more math and financial functions, more rows... Name = QFCONVER Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:QFCONVER Size: 9K Date: 7/26/94 Description: QF Conversion Util 1.2 - The QF Conversion Utility allows you to convert worksheets created with Version 1.0x of QuickFigure to the format used by QuickFigure Version 1.1 and subsequent. When you open the conversion utility, it checks the status of your QuickFigure soup (qfig-donv). If it finds that there are entries in the old format, it displays the number of entries in the soup. To convert those entries, tap the Convert Button. When the Converter is done, it will ask you if you want to delete your old entries. Conversion utility now converts soups with a mix of old and new format entries. Name = QUICKFIG Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:QUICKFIG Size: 48K Date: 2/03/95 Description: QuickFigure Lite 2.1 - QuickFigure Lite is a fast, small, fully functional spreadsheet for the Newton. It supports all standard Newton math and financial functions (over 40 functions), allows the user to store multiple worksheets, has printing, faxing and mailing capability, and many other features. QuickFigure Lite is freeware. To purchase QuickFigure Pro (the complete version), the cost is $49, plus shipping and handling. You will receive a complete manual (both on paper and in Newton Digital Book format), an enhanced version of the software (no start-up screen, more formatting options, more math and financial functions, more rows and columns, and many other things), notification of new and... Name = RATEACOU Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:RATEACOU Size: 9K Date: 4/13/97 Description: Rate-A-Course - Did you ever sign up for a class, start attending it, and then remember that a friend of yours had told you that it was a headbanger, or not to take it, or that the Prof. was a slavedriver? Well suffer no more fellow Newt owner! Assuming you're a true Newt freek and have it with you nearly 100% of the time, you're probably going to find this piece of stationery quite useful. Rate-A-Course lets you keep track of: The course #/name. The Prof's Name (and you can select names directly from the Names soup if you want). The status of the class ('Breeze', 'Cool','Headbanger','OK','Sucks','Totally Blows' are predefined). When it's offered (predefined: Fall/Spring/Summer Semester, Name = REINDEXN Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:REINDEXN Size: 8K Date:12/10/94 Description: Reindex NotePak 1.01 - Reindex will remove and recreate the data indexes for your NotePak Version 2.0 data soups. Occasionally, the Newton corrupts an index and you may experience problems. Usually, the problem manifests itself by not letting you delete a particular item. If you are having problems deleting a particular item, try running the Reindex program and see if it helps. If you continue to have problems, please contact Atomic Software. Name = RELATION Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:RELATION Size:172K Date:10/22/96 Description: Relations 2.1 - is a genealogy program for Newton devices. Enter and display families with all the relationships shown, or enter unrelated individuals as information is gathered. You can use a Newton device to gather family history information to be loaded, in GEDCOM format, into a desktop genealogy program. Relations can be used by itself, but there is limited reporting capabilities at this point. This release runs on Newton OS2.0 only. If you have Newton OS1.x look for my earlier release of Relations v1.2. Shareware-$20 US; $25 Canadian October 1996. Name = RELATION Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:RELATION Size: 77K Date: 2/15/96 Description: Relations 1.2 - Relations is a genealogy program for Newton devices. It can be used to enter information for unrelated individuals, or it can be used to enter families with the links to mother, father, spouse, etc. The idea was for a program to gather family history information and then be able to export it to a desktop system. Initially, a family tree can be built and displayed on the Newton, and notes can be added. Then all this information, or notes only, can be exported in the GEDCOM format. This version of the program is limited to adding 30 records. Name = ROLLOVER Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:ROLLOVER Size: 7K Date: 1/21/97 Description: RollOver 2.0 - RollOver adds a button to CheckLists in the NotePad. When you tap this button, the checklist is split into two lists, one of completed items, and another of the unchecked items. That's it. It's very handy if you use the CheckList as a running todo list and each day you want to get rid of the things you've done the previous day. RollOver is free but all rights are reserved by Scott Jenson. RollOver only works on Newton 2.0 or later. Name = SCRATCHB Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:SCRATCHB Size: 11K Date: 9/08/97 Description: Scratch Back - is a Backdrop application. You can save anything drawn or written on the Scratch Pad to the Notes application with OneTap ease. And it saves heap! Features - Scratch pad backdrop. Save scratch pad to Notes application. Uses almost 10k less frames heap than Notes. Small footprint on the Newton (10k). Accepts backdrop buttons. Accepts I++ enhancement. Newton Assist will accept text from Scratch Back. Easy to use. Requires Newton OS 2.0 and 2.1. This has been tested on a MessagePad 2000, eMate 300, and MessagePad 130. No testing on a MessagePad 120 has been done, but no foreseeable problems exist at this time. Name = SESSIONS Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:SESSIONS Size: 93K Date: 6/17/97 Description: Session Scheduler 2.1 - was designed to enhance the Dates application in the Newton MP2000; while it will run on the MP120 or 130, the speed of the 2000 is what makes the utility shine. Basically, Scheduler was designed specifically for studio musicians to use to enter recording sessions into their calendars. For this reason, the fields are customized for this purpose; you can, however, use Scheduler anyway that you want, and I welcome comments from users. Name = SHOPLIS1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:SHOPLIS1 Size: 18K Date:12/10/95 Description: ShopList 2.30E - English version - shopList software (sL) is a shopping list manager. sL helps you keep track of items you need to purchase at various stores. Especially helpful with groceries. Support for portrait and landscape rotations (Newton 2.0 only). Icons in popup lists (Newton 2.0 only). Works with 1.x and 2.0. Name = SHOPLIST Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:SHOPLIST Size: 17K Date:12/10/95 Description: ShopList 2.30S - Spanish version - Lista de la compra por Newton. software del tiendaLista (tL) es un gerente de la lista de la compra. te ayuda recuerda artculos que necesitas comprar a tiendas varias. Especialmente til con comestibleses. shopList software (sL) is a shopping list manager. sL helps you keep track of items you need to purchase at various stores. Especially helpful with groceries. Support for portrait and landscape rotations (Newton 2.0 only). Icons in popup lists (Newton 2.0 only). Works with 1.x and 2.0. Name = SHOPPING Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:SHOPPING Size: 21K Date:11/15/93 Description: Shopping List 1.3 - Shopping List was developed to demonstrate a potential Newton application in a manufacturing firm. (Grocery shopping is very much like order picking in a warehouse with many SKU's.). Shopping List has been steadily improved as it's been used as a test ground for new approaches to Newton software. We envision a version 1.4 that will link Shopping List to the Find and Intelligent Assistance features of Newton. New to this version - The pull-down store section menu has been replaced with a palette of icon buttons. Audio feedback is included. Scrolling the overview lists is now in page steps instead of line steps. Name = SHORTLIS Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:SHORTLIS Size: 13K Date: 9/28/95 Description: Short List 1.1 - Short List is a Notepad based list editor. You can view and modify your lists in the Notepad or by launching Short List. Lists created by Short List can be treated like any other Notepad note. It is a small attempt to make the Notepad more useful and functional. After installation, a new item will appear on the pop-up for the Action Button (envelope) attached to each note. This is titled Short List. Selecting Short List opens the application which converts the text in the current note into a list. Important - any unrecognized ink or drawings in the note will be lost, only the text will be converted. This is not undoable. If you hit the Cancel button, however, your note will remain unchanged,... Name = STATION1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:STATION1 Size: 95K Date:10/07/96 Description: Stationery Pack 1.0 - This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. Stationery Pack is a collection of seven pieces of NotePad stationery. The Newton comes with three stationery items for the NotePad, Note, Checklist, and Outline. Stationery Pack adds Blank Note, Graph Paper, Location Note, Phone Message, Prioritized Note, Shopping List, and Time Card. Once installed, these will appear in the New menu in the NotePad. Also included in Stationery Pack is NotePad Converter, which places a button at the base of the NotePad which allows you to convert a particular type of Stationery into another type. Name = STATIONE Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:STATIONE Size:173K Date: 3/05/97 Description: Stationery Construction Kit 1.1 - Stationery Construction Kit (SCK) lets you build stationery right on your Newton. You will have access to two separate palettes: one for drawing, the other for items (labels, checkboxes, buttons, label input lines, name input lines, date input lines, time input lines, radio buttons, plane fields, and lists), all of which you can edit to fit your needs exactly. Custom Stationery supports beaming, mailing, faxing, and printing. Name = STICKYNE Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:STICKYNE Size:385K Date: 2/11/98 Description: Sticky Newts 2.07 - is a fun new application for your Newton designed to make it easy to jot down reminders, to-do lists, directions, draw maps or just doodle. Styled after the familiar form of a paper sticky note, Sticky Newts allows you to place multiple notes on your Newton screen, view them all simultaneously, or hide them all with a single tap. In addition, Sticky Newts allows you to quickly jot down notes no matter what other applications you are running on your Newton. Sticky Newts floats above all your other applications, providing constant access to your information. All the while, remaining as unobtrusive as possible. System Requirements - Newton MP120/130/2000 or eMate 300, Newton OS2.0/2.1 or later.... Name = SUPERNA1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:SUPERNA1 Size: 91K Date: 3/13/98 Description: Super Names 1.2 - This software is for Newton 2.0 and 2.1 Newtons ONLY. Super Names is a set of enhancements for the built-in Names file, including more comprehensive searching, the ability to tag names and create custom filters, a small view of your names for quicker access, and the ability the customize your overview and change the fonts. Name = SUPERNO1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:SUPERNO1 Size: 84K Date: 4/07/97 Description: Super NotePad 1.62 - is a set of enhancements for the built-in notepad of your Newton. Features include a navigation bar and the ability to create custom filters to search for notes. Super NotePad is demoware, with a built-in 30 day demo period, and costs $29.95. Name = SUPERSOR Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:SUPERSOR Size: 54K Date:10/07/96 Description: Super Sorter 1.2 - This demo will expire in 30 days. a fast, usable list manager for Newton! Keep an unlimited amount of lists, each with an unlimited number of items and (you guessed it) an unlimited amount of information associated with each item. Shareware, $20. Name = TFOR33E Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:TFOR33E Size:125K Date: 2/01/96 Description: TFOR33E - transForm for Newton. transForm is an integrated form design and fill program for Newton. With transForm you can create and modify form layouts, and you can capture data in form entries. transForm supports eight field types as well as Print, Fax, Beam, Find, and Undo. transForm communicates with desktop computers via transForm Transfer Utility. Name = TIMEMAN1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TIMEMAN1 Size:310K Date:12/23/97 Description: TimeMan 1.1 - A Time Recorder and Expense Tracker for the Newton OS. Helps you keep track of your time. It acts as a time, to track your time while you are working, or you can enter your time in after you are finished. It displays your time in different formats, and automatically computes your billing. Requires NOS 2.x. Name = TIMETRA1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TIMETRA1 Size:274K Date: 3/27/98 Description: TimeTrax - a replacement for the internal dates application. TimeTrax offers very good day, week, month overviews of your activities. It allows to categorize todos into 3 different folders which can be activated by just 1 tap. We now offer a German version as well. Name = TIMETRAX Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TIMETRAX Size:274K Date: 3/27/98 Description: TimeTrax - a replacement for the internal dates application. TimeTrax offers very good day, week, month overviews of your activities. It allows to categorize todos into 3 different folders which can be activated by just 1 tap. This is the German version. Name = TODOLIST Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TODOLIST Size:391K Date: 3/10/97 Description: ToDo List 2.1 FAT - ToDo List provides a to-do list manager that supports multiple documents and allows you to type or record your reminders. ToDo List also lets you export and import items via Drag and Drop and have your text read to you via speech Manager. Features - PPC Native, Audio recording-playback, Speech Manager, Apple Events, Drag and Drop, Calendar Display, Balloon Help, Intuitive design, Multiple Windows, Highly Customized, Option to remember open docs, Mark as Priority Item, Carry forward option, Auto-Save Option and Apple Guide. ToDo List requires System 7.0 or higher and only a 300K memory allocation. System 7.5 required for Drag and Drop functionality and Speech Manager must... Name = TRANSGRA Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:TRANSGRA Size: 15K Date: 7/28/95 Description: TransGraph 1 - transForm Graphs for Newton - transGraph software (tG) is a tool for plotting data collected with transForm. Using tG is an excellent way to spot trends while collecting data in the field. You can construct simple two-dimensional plots between any two fields for any transForm layout. Name = TRAVELDA Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TRAVELDA Size: 12K Date: 1/21/97 Description: TravelDate 1.0 - helps you keep track of your flights. In the Dates application you just create a new TravelDate from the New menu and fill out where and when you are going. TravelDate will automatically change the Newton's internal location at flight time so your time and area code are automatically changed. It can also give you a warning before the flight to make sure you get there on time. TravelDate is free but all rights are reserved by Scott Jenson. Name = TRIBBLE Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:TRIBBLE Size: 6K Date:12/17/95 Description: Tribble - Tribble is an unobtrusive substitute for the topic buttons on the Newton 2.0 Notepad checklists and outlines. When you launch Tribble, it puts three symbols (+, =, -) up in the center of the top of the Notepad. If you put the cursor anywhere in a checklist or outline and then tap one of the symbols, the normal topic buttons for that checklist or outline will disappear (if it was visible) and a new topic will be created. + creates a new topic that is superior to the current topic, = creates one that is at the same level, and - creates one that is inferior by one level. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SYMBOLS APPEAR IN A DIFFERENT ORDER THAN THE NORMAL NEWTON TOPIC BUTTONS. Requires NOS 2.0. Name = WHATTODO Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:WHATTODO Size: 33K Date:11/04/96 Description: What to Do 1.0 - ToDo enhancement for Newton 2.0. What to Do is an enhancement for the built-in ToDo manager which provides several powerful new features. The ability to add notes to a ToDo item. The ability to add several ToDo items in succession, without having to wade through the new menu every time. The ability to quickly add ToDo items, without having to launch the Dates app first, either by interpreting selected text, or by entering data into a quick data entry slip. Name = WINECELL Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:WINECELL Size: 91K Date: 4/27/98 Description: WineCellar 1.0 - time to order the wine for dinner, but you can't remember what wine you like? Turn to WineCellar. WineCellar will keep track of the wines you have tried or the wines you have in stock so you know exactly what wine you prefer and what wine should be left on the bottom shelf. Shareware $30.00. Name = WINELIST Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:1:WINELIST Size: 48K Date:10/11/94 Description: WineList 1.0 - WineList is a Shareware Newton application for the Wine connoisseur. It enables you to keep track of a multitude of wines on the basis of winery, vintage, type, price, rank and tasting notes. The database WineList uses is import/export compatible with Newton Connection Kit 2.0 which means you can up/down load wine data to/from your favorite desktop database application as long as it supports tab delimited text data interchange. I have included an extensive wine database provided to me by a friend who happens to be a fellow Wine lover and connoisseur. In fact, his FileMaker Pro Wine database was the inspiration behind WineList. You can load this data set using the supplied WineListDB program,... Name = WUNSCHZ1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:WUNSCHZ1 Size: 54K Date: 9/06/96 Description: Wunschzettel 1.24e - is the German word for list of wishes. Consequently it is a check-list manager. I know, there are more list managers out there. But this one has a special feature: Each item you once made can be remembered by Wunschzettel. So after entering its name once you can reuse the item over and over again just on two taps. A typical example is a shopping list. Instead of writing again and again items like bread, tooth-paste, you can select these items from dynamically growing popup lists. After a short time you have all those things in your popup that you might want to buy. This is also quite usefull to check out if you have forgotten anything to put on your list. Name = WUNSCHZE Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:ALL:WUNSCHZE Size: 71K Date: 9/06/96 Description: Wunschzettel 1.24d - is the German word for list of wishes. Consequently it is a check-list manager. I know, there are more list managers out there. But this one has a special feature: Each item you once made can be remembered by Wunschzettel. So after entering its name once you can reuse the item over and over again just on two taps. A typical example is a shopping list. Instead of writing again and again items like bread, tooth-paste, you can select these items from dynamically growing popup lists. After a short time you have all those things in your popup that you might want to buy. This is also quite usefull to check out if you have forgotten anything to put on your list. Name = WW1 Path = PDA12:PKGS:DATABASE:2:WW1 Size: 7K Date: 4/08/97 Description: WW 1.0 - This package contains stationery that extends the Newton 2.0 Notepad to allow you to plan meals and track your intake based on the Weight Watchers(tm) diet. This package is based on the 1997 Freedom Plan. The package is capable of tracking the plan up to a weight of 250 lbs. If anyone over 250 lbs wants to use the package, please contact me and I'll revise for additional selections. This package is freely distributable as long as this readme file is included in the distribution archive. Please send an email if you use this package so I have an idea of the interest in further developing this product.