NewtDb 1.26 - The Relational Database for Newton". NewtDb is NOS 2.0 compatible. A number of new features have also been added. NewtDb is a relational database program for Newton for fast information retrieval. It has separate screens and databases. You can define the layout of screens for displaying information and define different databases to hold the data. NewtDb's relational capabilities allow retrieving data from multiple databases at once and also displaying relational data in a Detail or List view. NewtDb has NCK support for data import and export from Mac or PC databases, supports records numbers and record modification flags. Contains updated versions of: NewtDb, UtilityDb and XferDb updated (if you are registered for 16/32) for 64 databases and 999 screens. It also contains a new program: NewtDb Soupervisor - which enables filing ( NOS 2.x only) for NewtDb soups Card <-> Internal.