Area Code Change 1.1 -------------------- Copyright )1997 Foundation Systems and Adam Tow All rights reserved May 22, 1997 What is Area Code Change? ------------------------- Certain parts of the country are switching their area codes; rather than going through each entry individually, users can now use Area Code Change to automatically update their Name soup entries to the new area codes! What's New in Version 1.1? -------------------------- o Made on-line instructions clearer o Removed restriction on area codes from 3 digits to any number of digits. System Requirements ------------------- Any Newton -- from the original MessagePad to the MessagePad 2000 -- and between 6K to 11K of free storage space. Installation ------------ Installation is simple. Install Area Code Change using Newton Backup Utility(tm), Newton Connection Utilities, or any other package downloading application. Usage ----- Tapping on Area Code Change's icon in the Extras Drawer will open the application. Follow these simple steps to change area codes: 1. (Optional) Enter the name of the city to limit the search. 2. Enter the area code that you want to change. This is the search area code. 3. Enter the area code that will replace the search area code. This is the replace area code. If you enter a city, Area Code Change will operate much faster since it will not have to iterate through every entry in the Names soup. If you want to replace every entry with the search area code with the replace area code, leave the city field blank. Pricing and Availability ------------------------ Area Code Change is free. You can always find the latest version of Area Code Change at Foundation System's website: Contacting us ------------- At Foundation Systems, your opinion is very important. We can't always create perfect applications, but, with your help, perhaps we can get as close to perfection as possible. So, if you have any comments or suggestions on any of our products, feel free to contact us at: