Sticky Newts 2.0 Manual ------------------------------- Concept Kitchen makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Concept Kitchen shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Concept Kitchen. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. ) 1997 Concept Kitchen 326 Fell St. San Francisco, CA 94102 All rights reserved. Sticky Newts is a registered trademark of Concept Kitchen. All other product names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. Apple Computer, Inc., Newton and the Newton Signature are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the US and other countries, and used under license. Table of Contents --------------------- Introduction System Requirements Installation Instructions Main Button Anatomy of a Note Preferences How to Reach Us Introduction --------------- Sticky Newts is a fun new application for your Newton designed to make it easy to jot down reminders, to-do lists, directions, draw maps or just doodle. Styled after the familiar form of a paper sticky note, Sticky Newts allows you to place multiple notes on your Newton screen, view them all simultaneously, or hide them all with a single tap. In addition, Sticky Newts allows you to quickly jot down notes no matter what other applications you are running on your Newton. But Sticky Newts takes your notes one step further. With the alarm feature, you can tell Sticky Newts to wake up your Newton and bring any note to the foreground. You can fax, email, and print notes just as you can from the Newton's built-in Notepad. Sticky Newts also allows you to create bulleted lists, move or re-size notes on the fly, and drag and drop text, ink, or graphics from any Newton application to create new note. Most importantly, Sticky Newts floats above all your other applications, providing constant access to your information. All the while, remaining as unobtrusive as possible. System Requirements -------------------------- Newton MP120/130/2000 or eMate 300 Newton OS2.0/2.1 or later. Application requires 288k. Printing requires a Newton-compatible printer. Faxing requires a Newton-compatible fax modem. Emailing requires an email transport. Installation Instructions ---------------------------- 1. Connect your Newton to your Mac or PC. 2. Open the Newton Connection Utilities software on your Mac or PC. 3. On your Newton, tap Extras. 4. In the Extras drawer, tap Dock. 5. In the Connection dialog box that appears, select the type of connection (example: Serial if you are connecting via your serial port). Tap Connect. 6. When the your connection has been established, the Newton Connection Utilities screen will be "live" on your desktop and the gray boxes will appear active. Select Install Package. 7. In the dialog box that appears, select the following: If using Mac OS: Click the Desktop button and select the Sticky Newts disk. If Using Windows 95: Click the down arrow to the right of the Look In: field at the top of the Open dialog box. Select 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) under My Computer. Select stickynewts. 9. Click Open. Once Sticky Newts has been transferred to your Newton, simply click on the icon in the Extras drawer to launch the application. If you have any problems connecting or installing the package, please consult your Newton Connection Utilities User Guide. Main Button --------------- At the top of your Newton screen is the main Sticky Newts button. Tapping on this button brings up the main menu, providing access to your notes as well as to the preferences and other application settings: New Note - Tapping on this creates a new note. Hide all notes - This option hides all open notes. Show all notes - This option displays all notes. Overview - Tapping on Overview brings up a floating window containing a list of all your notes. - Tapping on the title of any note in the list will display that note. Tile - Arranges all visible notes in evenly sized tiles so that no two notes overlap. Cascade - Arranges notes into a diagonal cascade, with all title bars showing. Info - Displays version and registration information, and provides access to the on-line help screens and catalog. Prefs - Displays Sticky Newts preferences screen. Quit - Quits Sticky Newts. The main button is available whenever Sticky Newts is running. You may adjust the size and position or change the behavior of the main button in the Preferences screen. Anatomy of a Note ----------------------- In the title bar of each note are a number of icons that allow you to perform a variety of functions. From left to right: Recognition Settings - Tapping on this icon allows you to determine how your pen input is interpreted. The choices are Text, Ink Text, Shapes, or Sketches. This setting affects all notes. Note Title - Each note is automatically named with the current date and time when it is created. To rename the note, simply tap on the title and enter your text in the dialog box. The Drag Loop - Tap and drag the loop at the top of the title bar to move the note on the screen. The Arrows - Use these to scroll within a note. Tap and hold the arrow button for continuous scrolling. The New-Line Icon - By default, tapping this icon inserts a carriage return at the insertion point. You may tap and hold on this icon to customize the behavior as follows: New Line only - Inserts a carriage return at the insertion point. New Line and % - Inserts a carriage return and a bullet at the insertion point. New Line and tab, % - Inserts a carriage return, followed by a tab and a bullet at the insertion point. The Routing Icon - Tap on the Routing Icon to display a list of possible actions for the note: Styles - displays the styles palette Keyboard - brings up an on-screen keyboard Maximize - enlarges the note to the full size of the screen Restore - restores the note to the original size Minimize - reduces the note, displaying only the title bar Delete - displays a dialog box asking if you wish to delete the note To Notepad - saves a copy of the note to the Newton's built-in Notepad Set Alarm - brings up a dialog box allowing you to set an alarm Print - displays a dialog box allowing you to print the note Fax - displays a dialog box allowing you to fax the note Email - displays a dialog box allowing you to email the note The Close Box - Tap this to hide the current note. Resizing - To resize a note, tap and drag the bottom right-hand corner. Note that there is a minimum note size of approximately 50 x 50 pixels. Gestures - You can also use several of the built-in Newton gestures on the title bar of any note to perform a variety of functions: Use a horizontal stroke (------) - to minimize the note or to restore a minimized note. Draw a caret (^) - to maximize the note or to restore a maximized note. Use the scrub-out gesture (/\/\/\/) - to delete a note. Preferences -------------- Sticky Newts allows you to customize the behavior of the application in a number of different ways. All of these settings can be accessed through the Preferences screen. To access the Preferences, simply tap on the Sticky Newts main icon at the top of your screen and select Prefs. Changes to Preferences do not take effect until you close the Preferences dialog box. Flash icon when hidden - When selected, the Sticky Newts Main Menu button flashes to indicate that notes are hidden. Please note that selecting this option will keep the Newton processor running, and may reduce battery life somewhat. Setting this option may also slow down handwriting recognition. AutoStart - Selecting this option will cause Sticky Newts to be automatically launched whenever the Newton is reset. The default setting is on. Keep Notes Fully on Screen - When selected, notes are kept completely on the screen when the Newton is rotated. When deselected, notes may be cut in half, depending on their placement before rotation. Notes hidden on startup - When selected, all notes will be automatically hidden when Sticky Newts is launched. Notes have lines - Select this option to display lines on all notes. Alarm sound - This option determines the sound used by the Sticky Newts alarm. Any sounds you have installed on your Newton will appear in this drop-down box. Auto Arrange - By default, notes are left in the position and size when you last used them. The Auto Arrange option neatly arranges the notes each time they are opened on your screen. There are two choices available for Auto Arrange: tile notes, which arranges all visible notes in evenly sized tiles so that no two notes overlap; and cascade notes, which arranges all visible notes in a diagonally offset cascade. Note that there is a limit to the number of notes that may be tiled or cascaded on your screen at a time. If too many notes are visible, a dialog will appear alerting you to the fact that they cannot be arranged. Tapping on Main Button: - By default, tapping on the Sticky Newts main button brings up the main menu. However, you can change this behavior by choosing another option in preferences: shows main menu - Displays the Main Menu with a single tap. This is the default. shows/hides notes - Tapping once shows all notes. Tapping again hides all notes. shows/hides overview - Displays or hides the note overview. shows last modified note - Displays the last modified note. creates new note - Creates a new note. You can always bring up the main menu by tapping and holding on the main button. Button Location - The default location of the Sticky Newts main button is at the top center of the screen. Other options are top left, bottom left, top right, and bottom right. The place button affirms your placement of the button, which will be saved when you exit the preferences screen. You can also place the main button by dragging it anywhere on your screen by the outside edge. Button Size - This option selects the size of the Sticky Newts button. A sub-option always keeps the button at the top of the screen. How to reach us -------------------- Free technical support is available to registered users for the first 90 days from date of purchase. To register, simply complete the enclosed registration card and return it by mail. Alternately, you can register online by visiting our site at When sending email, please include the words "Sticky Newts" in the subject line of your message. For tech support questions, send email to For customer service questions, contact Have any great ideas on how to improve Sticky Newts? Send 'em off to And don't forget. You can always get the most up-to-date information including tips and tricks, program updates and new product announcements by visiting us at Concept Kitchen Cooking up innovative solutions for mobile computing